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No Incidences of Malpractice so far since Examinations Started for grades Seven and Nine


General Education Permanent Secretary for Technical Services, Jobbicks Kalumba says the country has not recorded any incidences of malpractice since examinations started for grades Seven and Nine.

Dr. Kalumba is confident that the trend will continue even for grade Twelve examinations starting next week so that there is no compromise in education standards in the country.

He told ZNBC News in an interview that the government and its key stakeholders have put in place measures to ensure all pupils write examinations in a conducive environment.

AND Dr. Kalumba noted that the year 2020 has been difficult for examination classes and teachers because of the interruptions of classes due to Covid-19.

He however stated that even if there have been cases of Covid-19 among pupils in schools, there is no record of death.

Meanwhile, National Action for Quality Education in Zambia Executive Director Aaron Chansa said his organisation is impressed that there has not been any case of malpractice.

Mr. Chansa said the sector needs to continue building on the clean record scored in the last two years.

German Government pledge to continue supporting the Zambian Government in its quest to develop


The German Government has pledged to continue supporting the Zambian Government in its quest to develop the country.

German Ambassador to Zambia Annie Wagner-Mitchell says her country is happy with the cordial relations it is enjoying with Zambia and will continue supporting various infrastructure developments in the country.

Dr. Wagner-Mitchell who is on a four-day working visit to Southern Province was speaking in Choma today when she paid a curtesy call on Southern Province Permanent Secretary Mwangala Liomba.

The Ambassador also disclosed that phase 3 of the German Zambia cooperation has been concluded and approved, hence guaranteeing continued support to southern Province for more infrastructure projects.

And Mr. Liomba paid glowing tribute to the German Government for the unwavering support towards Zambia’s development efforts in various sectors of the economy.

He has assured the German Government of prudent utilisation of resources availed to the Zambian people.

During her visit to southern Province, the German Ambassador is also expected to handover two modern bus stations in Choma and Kalomo districts constructed with support from the German Government.

PF government must be given another chance to execute all the programmes before exiting office

Nakonde residents have urged Zambians to give the Patriotic Front (PF) Government and President Edgar Lungu another five year term to enable him finish the programmes the government has embarked on country wide.

They say a lot of projects have taken shape throughout the country and that it is just important that the PF government is given another chance to execute all the programmes before exiting office.

And Nakonde Constituency Aspiring candidate Musingwa Siame has urged Nakonde residents to turn up in numbers and register as voters in the 2021 general elections.

Mr Siame says all Nakonde eligible citizens must register so that they can exercise their constitutional right to vote in next year’s elections.

Mr Siame said this in a telephone interview with ZANIS in Lusaka yesterday, adding that the PF government under the leadership of President Edgar Lungu has initiated several developmental projects in various sectors of the economy in Nakonde.

In the education sector, Mr Siame said the Government has built several schools and Robert Kapasa Makasa University in Chinsali where Nakonde school leavers are benefiting.

“Government has also upgraded some primary schools into secondary schools and a lot of teacher’s houses have been built,” Mr Siame stated.
In the health sector, Mr Siame said the Government has constructed several health centres and has upgraded some Clinics into mini-hospitals at a great cost.

Mr Siame pointed out that the Government is further investing heavily in infrastructure development in the district to improve the lives of the people in Nakonde and that the government has enhanced the water reticulation system in Nakonde.

Mr Siame has however, called for a change of leadership in Nakonde for the district to record more meaningful development.

He said Nakonde has remained behind in some areas, because some leaders do not push for more development in Nakonde.

Mr Siame who previously served as Nakonde Councilor for two terms as well as Council Chairperson, stressed that Nakonde as a border town, has huge potential to be a shining town once virtuous leaders are put in decision-making positions at constituency and district levels.

Former Ministers given 30 days to refund about K65 000 each for overstaying in office

THE Constitutional Court has given former Cabinet ministers, their deputies and provincial ministers 30 days in which to pay back over K4.2 million which they got from the government in 2016.

In this case, Ngosa Simbyakula and 63 others are supposed to pay back a total of K4, 266,664.10 as salaries and allowances for May to July 2016.

This followed the court’s judgment of August 8, 2016 which ordered the ministers to pay back to the State all the allowances and salaries they received when Parliament was dissolved.

The Law Association of Zambia (LAZ) and UPND general secretary Stephen Katuka had challenged the continued stay of the ministers after parliament was dissolved ahead of the 2016 general elections and the case was decided innyheir favour.

And delivering the ruling of the court, Constitutional Court registrar Dorcus Malama said it was common cause that Simbyakula and others were all paid their respective salaries and allowances in full for the period, May to July, 2016.

She said there was no evidence of any other further payment of salaries and allowances made beyond the month of July 2016.

“Considering that this computation of salaries and allowances paid in May, June and July is undisputed and that it was based on the official payment records for the second to the 64th respondents for the said period. I accept this evidence and find that the second to 64th respondents were each paid salaries and allowances in full by the State in the months of May, June and July, 2016,” she said.

Malama however, said the monies which would be paid back was less the K8,000 repatriation allowances which the State owed the respondents.

“I have first assessed the second to 64th respondents respective earnings for the first eleven days of May, 2016. I have further deducted the 11 days earnings for each of these respondents from the respective totals of the salaries and allowances to be deducted from ministers, as re-computed by the first respondent after the deduction of the repatriation allowances from the initial computation. The resulting totals are, in my view, the amounts that should be refunded to the State by the second to the 64th respondents,” she said.

Malama said on the issue of interest that since the judgment of August 8, 20216 which directed the assessment, did not award interest against the respondents, the argument by LAZ that the monies be paid back with interest could not be sustained.

According to the computed figures, Kapembwa Simbao will pay K61,434.88, Dora Siliya who is now information minister is expected to pay back K59,980,27, Davies Mwila K60,434.87, Lands minister Jean Kapata K58,679.80 and Vincent Mwale K60,434.87.

“The assessed amounts shall be paid with 30 days from date of this ruling, Each party shall bear their own costs,” said Malama.

Below is the list of Ministers and the amount to be refunded

British High Commission welcome Green Finance announcement by UK Company


The British High Commission in Lusaka have welcomed the announcement by London-based firm Namene Solar that they plan to deploy over US$3m of private sector investment in solar lighting in Zambia over the coming years, funded by an innovative new climate financing mechanism certified by Gold Standard.
Namene Solar’s main product is the SM100 pico-solar lamp – one of the world’s highest quality and most reliable solar devices, which was the product of design work carried out by experts in the UK.

This latest mass roll-out of the lamps in Zambia will target many of the poorest households and provide improved access to lighting for over 1.5 million people.
By using the sale of so-called “carbon credits” on international markets it allows Namene Solar to provide the solar lamps at a heavily discounted price in Zambia – replacing the use of damaging and costly kerosene lamps, candles, batteries and firewood. According to calculations by the company, in total it could save Zambian households up to US$30m over five years and reduce carbon emissions in Zambia by up to 60,000 tonnes a year.

This new investment also opens the door for Namene Solar to use Zambia as a base for accessing the wider region. This would be in line with the UK’s ambition for companies to use Zambia as a stepping-stone into the Southern Africa market. Namene Solar have already set up a local office in Lusaka to support the current product deployment.
Last year, Namene Solar were awarded a British Award for African Development for “Innovative Business Model of the Year”.

Next year, the UK will host heads of state, climate experts and campaigners at COP26 in Glasgow, to agree coordinated action to tackle climate change. Zambia has heavily been impacted by climate change in recent years and the use of climate finance to improve livelihoods, support preservation of the natural environment and incentivise investment in innovative new climate products, will all be key themes of next year’s event.

Nicholas Woolley, British High Commissioner, said:
“The future of our mutual prosperity is based on countries working together to create trading opportunities and collaborate on fixing many of todays development and climate challenges. I am delighted that a UK firm, Namene Solar, are using UK design expertise and technology, combined with an innovative climate finance model, to help deliver higher quality solar products for millions of people in Zambia. I also look forward to seeing them grow across the wider region and serve many millions more”

And Steve Beel, Development Director at the British High Commission added:
“The UK has been one of the strongest supporters of the off-grid solar industry in Zambia for several years. We have supported many of the upcoming companies that are delivering new products that benefit many of the most vulnerable households, as well as creating new employment opportunities in communities across the country. Together with our support for the Offgrid Task Force led by the Ministry of Energy, and our partnership with Government on the Energy Africa Compact, we are aiming to support Zambia in facilitating increased access to affordable energy services for the entire population. This latest announcement by UK Company Namene Solar, is a significant step in delivering that ambition.”

 Zambia Launches Four New One-Stop Centers Providing Essential Services for Gender-Based Violence Survivors


Zambia’s Minister of Health and U.S. Embassy Chargé d’Affaires, a.i David Young launched four new Gender-Based Violence (GBV) One-Stop Centers in four districts – Kitwe, Mufulira, Sesheke and Solwezi — yesterday in a virtual event hosted at the Ministry of Health.

These One-Stop Centers provide survivors of GBV with care such as psychosocial support, referrals to shelters, legal services, HIV testing, HIV post-exposure prophylaxis, and linkage to HIV treatment.

Speaking during yesterday’s event, Chargé d’Affaires Young said, “Together with the Zambian government, we have established 28 fully operational One-Stop Centers for comprehensive GBV response and care. We have trained magistrates, police officers, and doctors to improve access to justice for child survivors. We have challenged GBV norms through the widespread implementation of evidence-based programs, and together, we have trained close to 100 chiefs and 340 headmen, induna, and traditional leaders to identify and respond to GBV in their own communities.”

During the event, the Ministry of Health launched new standard operating procedures and Health Management Information System indicators that will help better track and manage GBV cases.

Honorable Minister of Health Dr. Chitalu Chilufya, speaking during the event said, “The documents launched today are a great milestone in this country as GBV services will be tracked at each health facility with data that will inform the nation in terms of policy direction and quality post- gender-based violence service provision due to this standardization process and product we have today.”

Dr. Chilufya said he welcomed the support offered by the American people through the USAID Stop GBV project, which is funded by the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) through USAID.

“Your support in developing these standard operating procedures are targeted at complementing Government’s work in creating an enabling environment for gender-based violence prevention, better service delivery through quality post-gender-based violence care for survivors, and better accessibility to justice by the citizens particularly survivors of gender-based violence,” he said.

The USAID Stop GBV program is a five-year, $17 million program implemented by the Zambia Center for Communication Programmes. The program uses community mobilization programs to promote changes in gender norms, strengthen the capacity of local systems to respond to GBV, and support one-stop GBV response care. The goal of the project is to strengthen and expand opportunities for all Zambians, regardless of age or gender, to live lives free of GBV and enjoy healthy, gender-equitable relationships.

HH Signs a Youth Empowerment Social Contract to deal with Youth Unemployment


UNITED PARTY FOR NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT President Hakainde Hichilema has said that the plight of youths in the country needs urgent redress or risk having a generation of delinquents without the potential to manage the country’s economic fortunes.

Mr Hichilema further said that the UPND government will strive to ensure that the cost of doing business in the country is lowered to allow more youths access to opportunities that will spur economic growth using local resources.

Speaking during the signing of a youth empowerment social contract with youths at the party secretariat this morning, the UPND leader assured the youths of a conducive business environment thay will be anchored on local investment unlike the current environment which is managed by foreign elements.

He told the cheering crowd that the UPND government will ensure that youths take an active role in economic sectors such as mining, tourism,agriculture and manufacturing through mining licences as well as rights,adding that no country has grown without the involvement of its youths in development.

The signed social contract outlines the youth’s demands for mining rights and licences as a way of empowerment in order for them to meet their survival prospects and contribute to national development.

The social contract which is the brain child of the UPND youths on the Copperbelt seeks to provide for the establishment of a professionally managed limited company with shareholders drawn from all the ten districts of the province with economic dividends expected to trickle down to constituencies for the benefit of citizens.

” I have asked the youths from the Copperbelt to not limit this document to mining rights alone. Include youths that are in different sectors such as agriculture, forestry, fish farming, timber trading,milling and other economic driving sectors.Our government will strive at ensuring that the cost of raw materials such as fertiliser is reduced from the current K 600 to K 250 to allow more youths participate in the agriculture sector and in the process reduce on the cost of living.Let me also assure Zambians through you that our government will ensure that all expatriates intend doing to invest in the country do so in partnership with locally based Zambians.This document should also include people living with disabilities as partners in national development through engagementand consensus”,he said.

And UPND Copperbelt Provincial youth Chairman Ronald Manenga said the social contract was born out of the realisation that the UPND manifesto provides for youth empowerment through mining rights and licences to the youths.

Mr Manenga outlined some of the anticipated empowerment programs under the social contract as the 80,000 poultry project in Chimwemwe Constituency as well as a highly mechanised farm in Lufwanyama district whose produce will target ready markets such as the DRC and Angola for export.

The signing ceremony was witnessed by Lusaka Provincial Chairman Obvious Mwaliteta and his Copperbelt Counterpart Elisha Matambo as well as several district youth chairpersons drawn from both provinces.

Others are deputy Secretary Generals Patrick Mucheleka and Gertrude Imenda.

Government condemns brutal killing of grade 12 pupil


The government has deeply condemned the killing of a grade 12 pupil of Lusaka’s Kabulonga Boys Secondary School by suspected pupils from a named school.

National Guidance and Religious Affairs Minister, Godfridah Sumaili laments that what transpired in the incident involving Kabulonga Boys Secondary pupil is unacceptable and should not be tolerated.

ZANIS reports that Reverend Sumaili was speaking when she paid a courtesy call on Northern Province Minister, Bwalya Chungu, in Kasama today.

“We are deeply saddened that the life of a young boy was lost in such a manner, we are appealing to the parents to ensure their children are brought up in a peaceful environment for them to be responsible citizens,” she stated.

She said upholding of Christian values should start from homes where parents are expected to instill good morals in their children.

“Training of children should start from home. Parents have a bigger role to play in the upbringing of children,” She added.

“This should not be condoned in a Christian nation and we shall not accept such conducts,” Rev Sumaili said.

A 17-year old grade 12 pupil was allegedly murdered by a group of pupils from Twin Palm Secondary School in Lusaka.

And Northern Province Minister Chungu Bwalya echoed the need for concerted effort in fighting violence.

WEEKEND SCORECARD: Continental Home Advantage For Nkana, Napsa & Eagle


Nkana, Green Eagles and Napsa Stars will all enjoy first leg home dates in the second round of their respective continental games over the festive season.

Nkana ,who advanced 1-0 on aggregate after a 0-0 home draw against Bantu FC of Lesotho on December 5, will play Petro Athletico of Angola in Kitwe on December 22 and away on January 5 in Luanda.

Winner over both legs will qualify to the group stage while the loser will be relegated to the CAF Confederation Cup third stage.

Nkana ,who sidelined coach Manfred Chabinga 24 hours after their poor display in the home draw against Bantu, are Zambia’s sole representative in the CAF Champions League.

This is after debutants Forest Rangers lost 2-0 away in Libreville, Gabon to AS Bouenguidi on Saturday to bow out by the same aggregate score line.

But Napsa and Eagles marched on in the CAF Confederation Cup following 4-1 and 2-1 home wins in Lusaka over Ngazi FC of The Comoros on Saturday and Burundi club Musongati on Sunday respectively.

Napsa will host UD Songo of Mozambique on December 22 while Eagles away Cotonsport of Cameroon on December 23.

Napsa, who qualified 9-2 on aggregate, will host UD Songo of Mozambique on December 22 while Eagles await Cotonsport of Cameroon on December 23.

Eagles qualified after a 4-3 aggregate win over Musongati.

Winner will advance to the third round where they will be drawn against CAF Champions League pre-group stage losers for a place in that second tier competitions league round.


Nkwazi 1(Stephen Mutama)-Indeni 0

Young Green Eagles 1-Green Buffaloes 0

Zesco United 1(Donashano Malama 29′)-Prison Leopards 0
Buildcon 1(Wilmore Haatembo 55′)-Zanaco

Lusaka Dynamos 1(Collins Sikombe 90′)-Kitwe United 1(Teddy Osok 2′)


*Nkana 0- Bantu FC 0

*Nkana advance 1-0 on aggregate


*AS Bouenguidi 2(Floriss Ndjave 47′,Junhior Aubiang 56′)- Forest Rangers 0
*AS Bouenguidi advance 2-0 on agg

National Heroes Stadium, Lusaka
*Napsa Stars 4(Emmanuel Mayuka 28′, Jacob Ngulube 45′,Daniel Adoko 70′,Chanda Mushili 72′)- Ngazi FC 1(Fadhula Botomanga 35′ pen)

*Napsa advance 9-2 on agg

Nkoloma Stadium,Lusaka
*Green Eagles 2(Liniker Mwikisa 41′,Joseph Kanema 52′)-Musongati 1(Eric Ndizeye 11′)

*Eagles advance 4-3 on agg

Champions Zambia Beat Comoros At 2020 COSAFA U20 Cup


Zambia Under-20 continued their winning start at the 2020 COSAFA U20 Cup in Port Elizabeth, South Africa on Monday following a 2-0 win over Comoros.

The win lifts the defending champions to the summit of Group B on maximum 6 points.

Zambia are three points ahead of Malawi and Namibia who have 3 points each after the latter beat the Young Flames 3-1 in the late kickoff.

Zesco United defender John Chishimba put Zambia ahead in the 3rd minute and Lusaka Dynamos forward Derrick Bulaya added the second in the 45th minute.

Perry Mutapa’s side play Malawi in their final Group B match on December 8 and a win in that match will send them through to the semifinals on December 11 where they will face the best runners-up from the preliminary group stage.

Winner and runner-up will qualify to the 2021 AFCON U20 in Mauritania.

Jay Rox unveils “Jombolololo” music video

Jay Rox released the video for his latest single “Jombolololo”.

Music video directed by Og Beejay. Song Mixed by Jay Rox , Produced by Kenz & Beingz

Watch the video on Jay Rox official YouTube page.

The African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) to commence from 1 January 2021


The 13th Extra-Ordinary Session of the Assembly of Heads of States has adopted and declared the start of trading under the Agreement
establishing the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) to commence from 1 January 2021.

This followed the adoption by the 13th Extraordinary Summit of the Johannesburg Declaration on the Start of Trading Under the AfCFTA.
And President Edgar Lungu has welcome the adoption of the Johannesburg Declaration.

He expressed delight to note that substantial progress had been made on the conclusion of deliberations on Rules of Origin which are critical to facilitate free movement of goods.

He also stated that as leaders proceeded with opening of the borders, member states needed to be mindful of the need to ensure that necessary accompanying facilities and procedures were in place to facilitate smooth trade amongst them.

He said key to this process was the investment in trade related infrastructure such as road, rail, and air transport networks, as well as development of modern border infrastructure and port facilities.

He said as such, member states needed to accelerate the implementation of the continental infrastructure programme, which was a necessary precondition upon which the successful implementation of the AfCFTA Area depended.

In this regard, President Lungu welcomed the adoption of Rules of Origin that would not only promote trade within the Continent but also protect member states’ industries particularly the Dairy, Sugar, Wheat, Textiles and Edible Oils industries, which were sensitive and have potential for substantial revenue earnings for most of the member states on the continent.

He said he was aware that of the fact that the implementation of the AfCFTA may present both opportunities and challenges to member states.
He said among the key challenges would be the foregone revenue as a result of preferential trade.

He also informed the Assembly that substantial progress has been made by Zambia to ratify the Treaty of the AfCFTA and said Parliament was expected to finalize its adoption.

President Lungu was represented by Minister of Commerce and Industry, Hon. Christopher Yaluma who made the remarks on his behalf.

The African Union is holding the 13th and 14th Extraordinary Sessions of the Assembly of Heads of States virtually to resolve issues surrounding the AfCFTA and the Silencing of the Guns in Africa.

ECZ told to ensure that all Prisoners Register as Voters


The Prisons Care and Counselling Association (PRISCA) has appealed to the Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) to ensure it conducts an effective voter registration exercise in correctional facilities.

Prisons Care and Counselling Association Executive Director Godfrey Malembeka says ECZ must ensure it registers all inmates eligible to vote in the allocated period of 3 days.

Speaking to ZNBC news in a telephone interview today, Mr. Malembeka said inmates should not be denied an opportunity to exercise their right to vote in the 2021 General election by failing to register them as voters.

He said the Voter registration exercise for inmates was initially supposed to be conducted in a period of 1 week but that it was reduced to 3 days.

Mr. Malembeka also urged the ECZ to run awareness messages on radio and television sensitising inmates about the scheduled voter registration to be conducted in their correctional facilities.

He further said the Department of National Registration and Passports should have had a special programme to issue National Registration Cards to inmates who have lost or are not in possession of NRCs.

Mr. Malembeka said his Association had conducted inspections on 30 correctional facilities in the country and that a lot of inmates were found NOT to be in possession of NRCs.

Nchanga Rangers End Winless Spell


Nchanga Rangers have thumped Zesco Shockers 7-0 at home in Chingola to end a five-match winless run in the FAZ National Division 1.

Defender Moses Mwaba and striker Ivin Mulenga registered a brace apiece with Mangani Phiri, Simon Ng’ombe and Friday Konga contributing a goal each.

Brave took a 2-0 lead into the first half before netting five more in the last half of this round eight match played at Nchanga Stadium.

Nchanga’s third win of the season moved them three places up to six position on 12 points after playing eight matches.

Elsewhere on Sunday, leaders Chambishi missed a chance to open a two point lead when forcing a 1-1 home draw against Mpulungu Harbour in Chambishi.

Chambishi stayed top with 17 points on better goal difference ahead of City of Lusaka who remained second after settling for a 1-1 home draw against Livingstone Pirates.

Kafue Celtic remains third on the table with 15 points despite losing 1-0 at Konkola Blades in Chililabombwe.

FAZ National Division 1 Week 8

MUZA FC 1-1 National Assembly

ZESCO Malaiti 0-0 Kansanshi Dynamos

Chambishi 1-1 Mpulungu Harbour

Nchanga Rangers 7-0 ZESCO Shockers

Mufulira Wanderers 1-0 Gomes

City of Lusaka 1-1 Livingstone Pirates

Konkola Blades 1-0 Kafue Celtic

Trident 2-0 Police College

KYSA vs Kashikishi Warriors (Postponed)

EIZ considering standards rates for services its members will be charging across the country


The Engineering Institution of Zambia (EIZ) says it is considering coming up with standards rates for services its members will be charging across the country.

EIZ Northern Region Chairperson, John Siame said this decision will help its members provide standards rates for services offered to its clients.

Prof. Siame observed that the lack of standards rates is disadvantaging both engineers and their clients as people determine the rates through negotiations.

“What we observed is that our members have various rates and these are determined by clients and of course after negotiations but by coming up with the standards rates it would be easy for professional engineers to charge the fixed rates everywhere and we will avoid either overpayment and underpayment of services” he said.

Prof. Siame who is also a lecturer in the school of Engineering at the Copperbelt University said this during the EIZ public discussion forum in Kasama.

Meanwhile, Prof. Siame has assured its members in Northern Province that the institution is determined to mitigate the challenges they are facing.

He said the institution is aware of the many challenges its members are facing adding that is why it called for the public forum to interact with them to discuss some of the issues.

He has further disclosed that EIZ has embarked on the decentralization of its services stating that this has seen the institution open service centers at some trade schools including Lukashya Trades Training Institute in Kasama.

Meanwhile, EIZ Deputy Registrar and Director of Operations Happy Msumali explained that it is illegal for any person at all levels to practice engineering in Zambia without registering with the institution.

Eng. Msumali has since encouraged all engineers to register with the institution to avoid breaking the laws of the country.

“Under the law it is forbidden for anyone to offer engineering services to clients if they are not registered with us, the penalty for that is too much so we urge everyone to avoid going against the law by registering with the institution” he said.

And a Kasama based contractor, Kennedy Mubita has hailed EIZ for organizing the public discussion forum.

During the meeting, Chambeshi Water Supply and sanitation Managing Director Luckson Simumba gave a presentation of the engineering works his company is undertaking.