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Lusambo calls for Extension of Voter Registration Date as ECZ Announces 4.2 million Registered Voters


Lusaka Province Minister Bowman Lusambo has urged the Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) to consider extending working hours in all voter registration centres to cater for thousands of the working class in the capital city.

Mr. Lusambo said that most workers have raised concerns that they find it hard to queue up to register as voters after spending long hours at work.

Mr. Lusambo said that the ECZ should also take note of people’s calls for an extension of the voter registration exercise which ends on December 12, 2020.

Mr. Lusambo hailed the (ECZ) for capturing 4.3 million voters since the exercise commenced last month. Mr. Lusambo said that the ECZ staff deserve commendation for the improved pace of voter registration.

Mr. Lusambo who is also Kabushi Member of Parliament has since called on all eligible citizens to register as voters to enable them exercise their civic right in the 2021 General election.

ECZ Chief Electoral Officer, Patrick Nshindano
ECZ Chief Electoral Officer, Patrick Nshindano

Meanwhile, ECZ has registered over 4.3 million voters since the voter registration exercise started on November 9. ECZ Chief Electoral Officer, Patrick Nshindano said that the Commission has continued making progress in registering voters countrywide.

Mr. Nshindano said this during a press briefing in Lusaka today.

Mr. Nshindano warned people against obtaining multiple voters’ cards stating that such illegality will be dealt with accordingly and revealed that two people have since been arrested for obtaining multiple voters’ cards.

The ECZ Chief also stated that the commission has beefed up security at various voter registration centres to prevent theft of kits.

Mr. Nshindano also announced that the Commission will on December 9 to 12, 2020 be registering eligible voters in correctional facilities countrywide.

Mr. Nshindano further disclosed that the commission has not yet decided on the issue of extending the voter registration exercise.

Authorities urge people to register as voters


Traditional and government authorities in Katete have urged the people in the area to go and register as voters in order to participate in the governance of the nation.

Katete District Commissioner Joseph Makukula says a voter’s card was a voice by which one could use to choose leaders who should govern the country.

“Governance starts by getting your voters’ cards. Governance is about the foundation, if you lay a solid foundation and things start flowing and happening, it is because of what was done earlier and it is the voter’s card,” he said.

He said it would be imprudent if one is found regretting and wishing they registered because the time is now that a chance has been given.

Headman Chimukule said traditional leaders have the role to sensitize communities on the importance of registering as voters.

“As we sensitize them, we are encouraging them to get their voters’ cards, because that’s is their right and explaining the importance of that card, because a voters’ card is the weapon by which we can set a better future for ourselves,” he said

The voter registration began on November 9, 2020 and is expected to conclude by December 12, 2020.

PF appeal for extension of voter registration

Patriotic Front (PF) in Ndola has appealed to the Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) to extend the mobile voter registration exercise which commenced on November 9, 2020 and is scheduled to end on December 12 this year.

PF Ndola District Chairperson Benjamin Chitondo told ZANIS in an interview in Ndola yesterday that the exercise has not yielded the desired numbers of eligible voters.

Mr. Chitondo expressed dissatisfaction with the low number who have registered in the district, a situation he said would lead to a lot of people being disfranchised in next year’s elections.

“A lot of people are still queuing up to register as voters and only 20 percent of eligible voters have so far managed to register because in a day most centers only managed to capture between 100 and 150 eligible voters,” he said.

He observed the need for the ECZ to increase the number of kits in order for more people to be captured.

Technology Inventors hold a fair


National Technology Business Centre (NTBC) Director Chitundu Kasase has urged women and youths to participate in the National innovational fair.

The fair is aimed at identifying the innovations that will promote technologies transfer and bring technology seekers and users together to improve quality production of goods and services.

Mr Kasase said the initiative fair will address the challenges faced by innovators across the country that of using the local grown solutions to manage their inventions .

Mr Kasase disclosed that the fair has drawn participates from 6 provinces and are competing in different technologies that will enable them get recognition through appreciation of their innovative initiatives.

Among the 6 Provinces identified include Southern, Copperbelt, Luapula, Northern, Western and Lusaka.

he was speaking to ZANIS in an interview at the two 2 days inventors initiative fair organized by the UNITED Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Ministry of Higher Education , National Technology Business and Zambia Information Technology Communication Authority (ZICTA ) held at Mulungushi international Conference Centre in Lusaka .

“We want to turn the innovators who have these innovations initiatives to compete and identify the innovation that have been innovated and turn them into a business services,” Mr Kasase said .

He said the innovation initiatives has 6 categories with the major ones being women and youths categories.

“We want to encourage the youths and women who feel are left out and riding on the His Excellency the President Edgar Lungu, has indicated about leaving no one behind and we want to make sure that we leave no one behind,” he noted

And Zambia Information Technology Communication Authority (ZICTA) ICT Innovation officer Vanessa Menshi said more than 300 innovators had applied from 6 Provinces only 50 were selected. Applied.

Ms Menshi stated that only the top fifty were picked to compete and that 20 participates will be awarded in various categories.

PF’s Popularity Claim in Ndola by Clear point Consulting Ltd is a misconception


By Sam Nyirenda NDC Provincial Secretary

PF’s purported claim of Popularity in Ndola by Clear point Consulting Ltd is a misconception.

Just like the unpopular inertia that was unnecessarily created by the Patriotic Front on Bill 10 against the wish of the people is now an artificial belief that the Patriotic Front is still popular on the Copperbelt.
The Opinion poll conducted by a self accredited Opinion poll Company Clear Point Consulting Ltd Company is basically an image building venture with the hope of mending the damaged Political fortunes of the once vibrant PF party under the late President Sata.

The PF seems to draw comfort from this mitigation by the Opinion poll since it’s disconnected from the realities of the suffering Zambians. They seem to have lost touch with the ordinary citizens on the ground.
Whilst the idea of sampling Opinion polls could be good Clear Point has not indicated how, where or which target groups it collected it’s data clusters from that they used in there final data analysis rational.

Ndola is a city which has been Politically exposed and it has always been so.No amount of misinformation,mis-representation or indeed manipulation deliberately calculated to mislead the Electorate will succeed in this current depressing Economic trend.The people of Ndola will not be misguided nor misled with the same rhetoric when it’s the same people who have been subjected to high commodity prices that keep fluctuating day by day rocked by the high inflation.

The Electorate in Ndola or any other place on the Copperbelt will not be made to falsely believe that the Economy of Zambia has improved when in actual fact it has not.The fundamental indicators project that there will even be a negative Growth Domestic Product of 2.4% retardation by the end of 2020.Other than Politicking Edgar Lungu’s administration was suppose to seriously reflect on how they are going to handle the pending recession. The Economics of Ndola has not been spared from the overall Country’s weak Gross domestic Product that has culminated into a poor net Purchasing Power Parity.The ordinary Zambians purchasing Power has been eroded.We are in a Country that only favours a few Elite in this Economic decline caused by outright corruption and mass mismanagement of the Economy.

Apart from being Copperbelt’s administrative town Ndola was until the beginning of the 90s the hub of Zambia’s Light and heavy Industrial line plant production.It also boasted of weaving plants that included a thriving yawning and spinning clothing Industry.This Production covered the Country and beyond in exports.It was the Northern regional inter trade Centre where the impact of the devalued Kwacha has had devastating effects.
What development has the PF brought to this once vibrant Industrial Area ever since they came to Power.The answer is ” Nothing Significant”.

Ndola boasted of over 200 Viable Production Companies in the Ndola Industrial Area.Dynamos and Electrical motors ran day and night.We had shift workers trooping into the Industrial area day and night.
Ndola’s life line has been predominantly of a Manufacturing nature coupled with service provision to the Mines of the Copperbelt.

What has the PF done to Ndola with regard to there Industrialisation Policy ? For those who would want to care this is a place that has now been turned into a dumping ground of imported goods through the provision of Warehousing in the same Industrial area.As if that was not enough it is littered with Chinese finished products from the Central Business District to the Townships areas.

A few days a ago the Copperbelt Minister Honorable Mwakalombe once again proudly officially opened another Large Warehousing in the CBD of Ndola District.

Can the PF tell the Nation how many manufacturing plants they have commissioned so far to provide the much needed employment to out Unemployed Ndola residents the Youth in particular with formal employment.
The Patriotic Front Industrialisation policy through the IDC has had no impact in our development circle Seven years down the line.

They have failed to improve even on the already existing Industrial infrastructure like INDENI.A serious re-investment in this Energy plant would have ultimately lowered the cost of doing business directly and enhanced Job creation as fuel is an engine of Economic growth.

INDENI is one quasi Government Industry that is now obsolete despite it having been faithful to the Zambian Economy for last 46 years.Courtesy to his Excellency Kenneth Kaunda.

This Energy refinery plant also in the City of Ndola has never seen an upgrade from the time it was commissioned in 1974.

The National Democratic Congress has a well defined Industrialisation Policy that encompasses the Energy sector.

From the 2011 Study INDENI Just required 5 million Dollars at the time for an additional high tech processing upgrade Unit.

The plant just does fractional distillation of separation of Commingled Oil in its unit output of Petrol Diesel ,kerosene etc.

Once upgraded this plant would have the capability to spike the actual Crude oil.

Zambia would save more than 250 million dollars that is wasted year in year out through middle Men.
Just by a mere 5 million dollars this plant would be modernised. Compare and contrast this amount of only 5 million dollars with the wasted resources through an irresponsible, careless , insensitive and lack of Vision dubious Procurement tendencies that characterised the PF Government .They have turned our procurement system into conduits of syphoning state resources with impunity. The dubious procuring ranged from overpriced Ambulances, Fire tenders , Digital migration ,Road construction name them that have plunged the Nation into debt distress.Our fiscal space has finally been suffocated with reckless Loan contraction while the production sector has dwindled.

The National Democratic Congress will enhance fiscal discipline in the governance system.It targets to diversify the Economy of the Copperbelt into Agricultural clusters.Ndola has a latitude for expansion.It needs to be repackaged with a new 21st century Industrial block that will attract new investment.

The comparative advantage of the inter-link trade corridor of the Democratic republic of Congo has not been fully utilized. This would enhance more Economic activities for our people on the Copper belt. The PF must prepare for there exist

There is need to evaluate what has been done for the disabled people-ZANEC


The Zambia National Education Coalition (ZANEC) has joined the rest on the world in commemorating International Day of Persons with Disabilities yesterday ,December,3rd 2020.

This year’s International Day of Persons with Disabilities is being celebrated under the theme, “Building Back Better: toward a disability-inclusive, accessible and sustainable post COVID-19 World”.

ZANEC Executive director George Hamusunga says the theme reminds him on the need to reflect on the interventions and achievements in advancing the plight of persons with disabilities in Zambia.

“This day is very important to everyone around the world because it is aimed at promoting understanding of disability issues and mobilizing support for the dignity, human rights and well-being of persons with disabilities”, he said.

In a statement made available to media yesterday, Mr Hamusunga indicated that evaluation of what has been done is needed in order to empower economically socially, politically, and culturally children with disabilities.

He also amplified that, ZANEC recognizes that Persons with Disabilities can contribute tremendously to the development of the Country if adequately empowered with the necessary knowledge and skills through education.

Mr Hamusunga further noted that the premature closure of schools on March 20, 2020 resulted in over 4 million children being out of school due to COVID -19.

‘’In order to mitigate the loss of learning during the closure, the government started implementing alternative modes of education which included the airing of radio programmes through the Education Broadcasting Services platform and providing television education programmes on ZNBC TV4’’, said Hamunsunga.

He said, although these initiatives managed to reach some of the children, the majority of children with disabilities especially the blind and the deaf did not benefit enough.

‘’The challenges that have come as a result of the impact of COVID-19 on education have Amplified the need for our government to invest in remote learning modes that reach children with various disabilities, he said

He further explained that the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities emphases on the right to education for children with disabilities.

‘’It is important to mention that through the National Disability Policy, the Disability Act, 7th National Development Plan, the government has priorities for the provision of quality inclusive education for children with disabilities’’, he noted.

He added that though, the problem has been in the actual financing and implementation of the policy priorities and the need to ensure infrastructure is accessible to children with physical disabilities.

Ndola City Council allocates K350,000 to patch potholes on roads


Ndola City Council (NCC) has allocated K350,000 to patch potholes on roads that are in Northrise and Kasenshi townships and part of the Ndola Central business.

NCC Public Relations Manager Rebecca Mushota said the patching of roads in Ndola city is being done in phases stating that the first phase will done at Jacaranda – Ndeke turn off road.

Ms Mushota said during the first phase, the council will work with the Road Development Agency (RDA) who have already provided materials to be used for the patching of potholes.

“For Jacaranda and Ndeke turn off road we already received some materials from RDA and we are now waiting for more materials so that we can start up the process,” she said.

Ms Mushota added that the second phase which will be done in Northrise and Kansenshi is set to commence during the first week of December.

She has urged the motorists to be patient as the council is finding ways to ensure that the roads in the city are passable.

Earlier some motorists complained of bad state of roads in Northrise and Kansenshi even along the Ndola Kabwe roads.

Mike Musonda a driver in Ndola had earlier appealed to the NCC to work on a big pothole along the Ndola Kabwe road near the golf club to avoid future accidents.

“People’s vehicles, are getting damaged due to the bad roads in the city, the local authority should quickly maintain the roads to help motorists from damaging their vehicles,” he said.

ZESCO Electricity Meters are Accurate, Concludes Investigation Led by ERB


Investigations into the complaints of alleged unusual depletion of electricity units on ZESCO Limited’s prepaid meters have been completed, the Energy Regulation Board (ERB) has announced.

ERB and the Zambia Metrology Agency (ZMA) joined forces to determine the accuracy of ZESCO’s prepaid meters after complaints from various parts of the country about the unusual high consumption of electricity units experienced and the results show that the meters meet the specifications.

A total of 15 complaints were received and investigations had covered different parts of the country which includes Lusaka, Southern and Copperbelt provinces.

In a statement issued to media in Lusaka yesterday, ERB Public Relations Manager Kwali Mfune said to ensure independent verification of the meters, ERB sought ZMA’s intervention to test the accuracy of the affected prepaid meters.

“The meters were tested independently by a private laboratory while ZESCO observed the physical inspection of meters at individual households,” Ms Kwali stated.

She explained that a review of both ZESCO’s vending system for possible tampering of meters remotely and verification of compliance to ERB approved tariffs for transactions were undertaken.

”In terms of accuracy of the meters, fourteen meters were tested out of the 15 complaints received by ERB and all were found to be within the maximum permissible limits of error as stipulated in the Zambian Standard-

She said Based on the complaints received, the possibility of remote tampering of domestic prepaid meters was investigated.

“In that regard, our investigations established that it was impractical to remotely tamper with the domestic prepaid meters as there is no remote communication link between the electricity meters and ZESCO metering system or its electricity vending points (credit dispensing units),” explained Mfuli.

Ms Mfuli further indicated that the nature of the high number of complaints received, the possibility of remote tampering of domestic prepaid meters was instigated.

“In that regard, our investigations established that electricity transactions on ZECSO prepaid meters accounts conformed to the ERB approved tariffs, which came into effect on January 1st 2020’’, She said.

“Taking cognizance of the high number of complaints recorded on this matter, the ERB would continue to monitor the prepaid meeting system in collaboration with all stakeholders.

She added that to ensure compliance to all applicable, consumers must observe anything unusual and contact ERB on the Toll Free Line 8484 or through available means.

FAZ DIV 1 WRAP: Storm Halts Kashikishi-Chambishi Game


Heavy rains in Nchelenge have forced match officials to stop the FAZ National Division 1 match involving Chambishi and Kashikishi Warriors in the 55th minute.

Promotion chasing Chambishi were leading 1-0 when match officials paused the round seven match at Mwaimwena Stadium on Thursday afternoon.

Jacob Kaunda put Chambishi in the driving seat seven minutes after the break.

The match will continue on Friday morning at 09h00.

‘There was a heavy downpour some minutes after we scored. The match will continue tomorrow at 09h00,’ Chambishi spokesperson Chali Katongo told LT Sport.

Meanwhile, Chambishi have a chance to go top of the table following City of Lusaka’s 1-0 loss at Gomes in Ndola on Thursday afternoon.

Armed with a better goal difference, Chambishi, who have 13 points, are three points behind leaders City.

Elsewhere in the National Division 1, Kafue Celtic reclaimed second position for at least 48 hours following a 1-0 win over MUZA in midweek action.

Celtic have 15 points, one behind leaders City, after playing seven matches.

Kansanshi have moved back into the top four after thumping Kabwe Youth 4-0 at home in Solwezi on Wednesday.

Kansanshi have 13 points from seven matches played while Kabwe Youth are third from the foot of the table on five points.

FAZ National Division 1 – Week 7
Mpulungu Harbour 1-1 Nchanga Rangers

Livingston Pirates 1-1 Trident FC

Zesco Shockers 1-1 Mufulira Wanderers

Kansanshi Dynamos 4-0 KYSA

Police College 0-2 Konkola Blades

Gomes FC 1-0 City of Lusaka

Kafue Celtics 1-0 MUZA

National Assembly 0-0 Zesco Malaiti Rangers

Kashikishi Warriors 0-1 Chambishi (To be continued on Friday)

Two people die in an ambulance road accident


Two people have died on the spot in a road traffic accident in Lundazi District of Eastern Province.

Eastern Province Commissioner of Police Luckson Sakala confirmed the accident involving an ambulance that happened around 02:00 hours today at Mphamba Bridge along the gravel road.

He said the driver of the ambulance careered off the road after excessive speed and hit into a tree then fail into a ditch.

The Commissioner identified the driver as Stephen Melenga, an officer from Zambia National Service (ZNS) of Lumezi camp who sustained fatal head injuries and died on the spot.

He further identified the other victim as Peter Mwanza also of Lundazi District hospital whom he said sustained head injuries and died on the spot.

The Commissioner said another passenger Crodina Moyo also of Lundazi District Health Office escaped unhurt while another unknown male adult survived the accident but complained of general body pains.

“A GRZ Toyota land cruiser ambulance REG number ZNS 30C which was being driven by Stephen Melenga now deceased who was ZNS officer of Lumezi ZNS camp also died on the spot while four other complained of chest pains,” he said.

He said the four survivors have been admitted in Lundazi district hospital while the bodies of the deceased are lying in the mortuary.

766 farmers under the Farmer Input Support Programme to be refunded


The government says it is aware that 766 farmers under the Farmer Input Support Programme(FISP) in Chikankata District are unable to access fertilisers due to the non-availability of funds in their respective accounts after they only swiped for seed.

Agriculture Minister Michael Katambo says urgent measures are being taken to resolve the problem by refunding 766 farmers.
Mr. Katambo says 13 238 farmers were targeted to benefit from FISP in Chikankata District but that officers registered over 14 000 resulting in an excess of 766 that could not benefit.

He says Government is investigating the matter and disciplinary action will be taken against the officers.

The Agriculture Minister says the District Agricultural Coordinator- DACO and his officers will be punished for activating farmers that were not supposed to benefit.

The Agriculture Minister says the action against the officers will be a lesson to other ones in the Ministry because they acted willfully.

Mr. Katambo says only one million farmers captured on the Zambia Integrated Agriculture. Management Information System ( ZIAMIS) under Smart Zambia are supposed to benefit from FISP.

This came to light during Questions For Oral Answer Session in the Fifth Session of the Twelfth Assembly in Parliament today when
UPND Chikankata MP Kabwe Mwiinga asked the Minister of Agriculture whether the Government is aware that over 700 farmers under the Farmer Input Support Programme in Chikankata District are unable to access fertilisers due to the non availability of funds in their respective accounts after they only swiped for seed and if so, what urgent measures are being taken to resolve the problem.

UPND will Eliminate Bottlenecks and Vulnerabilities that inhibit Disabled People from Realising their Potential


By Hakainde Hichilema

The International Day of Persons with Disabilities (IDPD) is observed every 3rd December of each year, to promote the full and equal participation of persons with disabilities and to take special measures in the incorporation of persons with disabilities in all aspects of community development of any nation. The year’s theme is ‘Building Back Better: towards a disability-inclusive, accessible and sustainable post COVID-19 World’.

The COVID-19 pandemic has undoubtedly disrupted routines, and diminished services that have negatively impacted the lives and mental well-being of people with disabilities.

In Zambia, people with disabilities face many unmitigated challenges, the most critical one being access to different special services, and the non-regulation of necessary legal frameworks that alleviate the suffering of persons with disabilities.

We are therefore aware that these challenges are exacerbated by among other things, the inadequate mainstreaming of
disabilities in the overall legislative framework; inadequate integration in government and other stakeholders policies, and the lack of, or in some cases insufficient awareness among the different intervenors, and the roles they can play in supporting persons with disabilities claim their rightful place among their ordinary counterparts.

As UPND, we will work on eliminating bottlenecks and vulnerabilities that inhibit people with disabilities in realising their full potential to contribute to their wellbeing, as well as fully participate in activities of their communities without any form of discrimination.

We wish all our citizens, especially persons with disabilities, a successful ‘International Day of Persons with Disabilities’ commemoration day. Disability is not inability, as UPND we will leave no one behind. God bless you.

Davies Mwila has arrived in Luapula Province to Mobilisation for Voter Registration


Patriotic Front (PF) Secretary General Davies Mwila has arrived in Luapula Province where he is scheduled to undertake a two-day voter registration sensitization exercise.

The Secretary-General touched down at Mansa Airport, aboard a Mahogany Commercial Flight, at 09:28hrs local time and was received by the PF leadership from the Province, District, Bahati and Mansa Central Constituencies led by Provincial Vice Chairperson Mr Lwando.

Others were Provincial Coordinator for Mobilisation Mr. Hector Chisenga and his Executive, Bahati member of Parliament Hon Charles Chalwe, Council Chairpersons for Samfya and Chifunabuli, Mr. Musunga and Mr. Kapwepwe respectively, PF Director for Administration Mr Alick Tembo and Deputy Media Director Mr Antonio Mwanza.

Hon Mwila’s working visit to Luapula will see him register as a voter at Mulunda Polling Station in Chipili District later today, before proceeding to address Two public meetings; at Mukoshi Primary School and at Mung’anga.

Meanwhile, on Friday, he will make a donation of Desks at Two learning institutions in his home Village; at Mukunto Community School and another donation at Mwenda Secondary School before addressing a party meeting.

The PF Boss will salute the ruling party leadership in Luapula Province on their unmatched effort in getting all those that qualify to register as voters and will request for additional effort for the remaining 10 days of mobile registration.

And he will reecho the Central Committee’s resolve and that of all the Provincial leadership across the nation to endorse His Excellency, President Edgar Chagwa Lungu as the ruling party’s sole Presidential candidate ahead of the August 12, 2021 general elections.

Hon Mwila will also remind the PF leadership of SEESA FORMULA ahead of the 2021 general elections and he will insist that they teach every voter across the region on how to deliver their vote for President Lungu and his Patriotic Front.

Patriotic Front (PF) Secretary General Hon Davies Mwila has arrived in Luapula Province
Patriotic Front (PF) Secretary General Hon Davies Mwila has arrived in Luapula Province
Patriotic Front (PF) Secretary General Hon Davies Mwila has arrived in Luapula Province
Patriotic Front (PF) Secretary General Hon Davies Mwila has arrived in Luapula Province
Antonio Mwanza with Patriotic Front (PF) Secretary General Hon Davies Mwila has arrived in Luapula Province
Antonio Mwanza with Patriotic Front (PF) Secretary General Hon Davies Mwila has arrived in Luapula Province

The Fuel situation is stable-ERB


The Energy Regulation Board (ERB) has assured the nation that the fuel situation in the country has stabilized following the crisis experienced in October, this year.

ERB Director-General, Langiwe Lungu, says there is no service station which has no fuel unless it has in-house logistical problems and not a national challenge.

And Ms Lungu told ZANIS in an interview in Lusaka today, that the Board has also dealt with consequences of the strike that fuel transporters conducted recently.

“I can confidently say we are out of the woods as a country, and that we are building our stocks steadily, each day our stocks are increasing. So we would like to put the nation at ease in terms of fuel situation at this time,” Ms. Lungu stated.

She explained that the Board has been carrying out surveillance activities throughout the country to get the stock position from service stations on a daily basis, to determine the stock levels at each point in time.

Ms Lungu disclosed that ERB discovered several Oil Marketing Companies (OMCs) that were found withholding fuel and others were selling in plastic containers, thus enforcement action will be taken against those found wanting.

Roger Kola Toasts Zanaco’s Big Win Over Young Eagles


Striker Roger Kola says Zanaco are happy to return to winning ways that saw them leap to the summit of the 2020/2021 FAZ Super Division table.

Zanaco crushed promoted Young Green Eagles 6-1 at home at Sunset Stadium in Lusaka on Wednesday.

The result saw the seven-time champions redeem themselves after losing 3-0 away to fifth place Lusaka Dynamos in their previous match on November 28 at the same venue.

“We are happy; at least we managed to win the game. It wasn’t easy, you know in this league they are no easy teams. We started with full-force and our plan was to score very early and then we managed to score against them and made things very easy,” Kola said.

Kola was also Zanaco’s hero against Young Eagles, scoring a hat-trick that came in the first half to help his team go 4-0 into the break.

His goals also saw him take command of the 2020/2021 top scorers chart on five goals, one more than club mate Moses Phiri who also netted one Wednesday’s emphatic victory.

“It is always nice when a striker scores three goals. I am happy but the important thing is to get the three points,” Kola said.

Zanaco leapt from ninth spot to number one on 11 points after seven rounds played, tied on points with Zesco United who are second only on goal difference.