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Remain united, counsel politicians, President Lungu tells the Church


Republican President Edgar Lungu has called on the church to remain united and continue giving counsel to politicians in the country.

The Republican President says it is important that the church continue to guide politicians saying without God’s guidance it would be difficult for the country to maintain peace.

Speaking when he congregated at The United Church of Zambia St Luke’s Congregation in Pambashe Constituency in Kawambwa District yesterday morning, the President said he will not forget the church because that is where he has grown from.

“Pray for politicians and everyone else so that we maintain the peace that Zambia has enjoyed for a long time as there are people who want to bring confusion but for as long as there is God, he will always prevail,” the President said.

And The United Church of Zambia Luapula Presbytery Bishop Reverend Darius Chitalu thanked government for distributing farming inputs on time this farming season.

Reverend Chitalu said the church is hopeful that the price of maize in next year’s maize marketing season will please the farmer.

“Your Excellency we thank you for government delivery of farming inputs on time, it is however, our hope that the maize price per bag next year will be one that pleases the farmer,” Bishop Chitalu said.

The Bishop has since pledged the church’s continued commitment towards the provision of social services to the people in communities.

“Your Excellency as a church we remain committed to providing services like schools in our communities, we encourage you as leaders to work hard and ensure we maintain peace and maintain our economy well.

And in his homily Reverend Joseph Silavwe emphasised the need not to segregate based on tribe saying Zambia is one and a Christian Nation whose values does not know tribe.

The Reverend called on the people to choose political leaders based on their manifesto and not tribe.

“Political office is like a marriage proposal where we only tell our spouses to be what we will do best once married, their is no tribe involved in marriage proposal and that is how it should be even in politics because that is what God wants, and we are all one in the eyes of God,” he said.

President Edgar Chagwa Lungu  attends Church Service at United Church of Zambia (UCZ) St Luke congregation in Mushota, Kawambwa district of Luapula Province.
President Edgar Chagwa Lungu attends Church Service at United Church of Zambia (UCZ) St Luke congregation in Mushota, Kawambwa district of Luapula Province.

K10 million released for constructing crossing point on Kafue River in Kitwe


The government has released K10 million for the construction of a crossing point on the Kafue River in Kafue National Park and for the completion of the construction of Chisokone Market in Kitwe on the Copperbelt Province.

Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit (DMMU) National Coordinator Chanda Kabwe disclosed the development when he accompanied Nkana Member of Parliament Honorable Alexander Chiteme in the Mufuchani resettlement area where the displaced families of the Luyando community have been settled.

The National Coordinator further disclosed that his office has engaged more than 100 youths to mold blocks that will be used in the construction of various crossing points to be installed in the resettlement area.

Mr Kabwe said the government is happy that a number of families are now beginning to settle in the land government gave them after being displaced.

He also said that government will this rain season not spend much in relief food distribution because people have moved from floods prone areas into safe zones.

He stated that his team will ensure that they monitor the works in the resettlement area so that people can have passable roads to move their goods.

And responding to the concerns of the residents about the tents that are leaking following the downpour, the National Coordinator said he will engage his team to ensure the problem is rectified in the quickest possible time.

Mr Kabwe however thanked the settlers for their cooperation and patience they showed to the government from the time they were internally displaced to the time they were allocated plots.

Meanwhile, Mr Alexander Chiteme who is also Minister of National Development Planning said he decided to visit the settlers because most of the people who have now settled in Mufuchani came from his constituency in Luyando Community within Kitwe District.

Hon Chiteme said he will do everything possible in collaboration with the Kwacha Member of Parliament Joseph Malanji to make the living conditions of the settlers habitable.

He said his office will also ensure the necessary amenities are installed in the resettlement area so that people will not have to move long distances to access them.

The Minister indicated that his office is in talks with the Ministry of Health to ensure that health posts also set up in the area to service the settlers.

Hon Chiteme said the move to construct health facilities in the resettlement area will also help decongest the existing health facilities in Kitwe District.

He called on DMMU National Coordinator to ensure the concerns of people are addressed as soon as possible.

He however thanked the office of the Vice President for its continued commitment towards serving humanity.

And Vice President Inonge Wina was in Kitwe to hand over offer letters and building materials to 500 flood victims and Luyando community squatters whose houses were demolished by Mopani Copper Mines-MCM.

“It is the first time in the history of the country that such a huge number of families has been empowered with land and building materials,” said Mrs Wina.

Mrs. Wina further urged citizens to move away from areas that are prone to disasters and natural calamities before the onset of the rains.

This is according to a statement issued yesterday to the media by DMMU Senior Communications Officer Matthews Musukwa.

Paramount Chief Chitimukulu worried about Voter apathy


Paramount Chief Chitimukulu of the Bemba people of Northern Province has bemoaned the voter apathy that characterized the past three presidential elections in Zambia.

Paramount Chitimukula said the country recorded a voter apathy of 48.33 per cent in 2011, 68.64 per cent in 2015 and 43.55 in 2016 a trend he said was not good for democracy.

In a speech read for him by Lufwanyama District Education Board Secretary Mambe Hamududu during the launch of the Movement for Voter Sensitization (MVS) at Moba Hotel in Kitwe yesterday, Paramount Chief Chitimukulu said the movement has been formed to address the challenge of voter apathy by sensitising people countrywide to register as voters and turn to vote in big numbers in the 2021 general elections.

” If the challenge of voter apathy is not addressed, this will destroy the essence of Democracy which demands the rule of the majority,” paramount chief Chitimukulu observed.

The Mwine LuBemba who is also the patron of the newly formed voter sensitization non-governmental Organization said the movement will also sensitize people against making tribal remarks and political violence.

He said the NGO will further encouraged women and youths to participate in politics and to hold their civic leaders accountable.

He explained that the NGO will work in collaboration with the Electoral Commission of Zambia which is already conducting voter sensitization.

And senior Chief Madzimawe who represented Paramount Chief Mpezeni of the Ngoni people urged the New NGO to follow people even on social media so that they can be captured and participate in voting.

Chief Madzimawe noted that there are a lot of people who are active in political issues on social media but do not participate in actual voting.

And senior chief Kanongesha of the Lunda people of North-Western province said tribalism will not be entertained in his chiefdom urging all chiefs to embrace all political party leaders to campaign in their chiefdoms.

” There is no superior tribe in Zambia as we all fought for independence, if you deem one tribe superior, it means you are killing your nephews and nieces because you have intermarried, ” Senior Chief Kanongesha said.

Earlier, Chief Lumpuma of the Lamba people said women in his chiefdom think thank that they can only use their National Registration cards to get fertilizer under the Farmer Input Support Programme (FISP) and note for voting hence the need to sensitize them so that they can participate in voting.

Chief Lumpuma also called on the new NGO to discourage the ferrying of political cadres from urban areas to rural areas by political parties during campaigns to avoid political violence.

And Chief Chikanta of the Tonga people of Southern Province urged all chiefs in the country to support the NGO to ensure that all eligible voters obtain NRCs and voters cards so that they participate in next year’s elections.

And Copperbelt Province Permanent Secretary Bright Nundwe who was the guest of honour at the launch of the NGO, said it would be costly for the country to hold a re-run if non of the presidential candidates manage to get the 50+ 1 votes threshold hence the need to sensitize people to register as voters now and turn in large numbers to vote.

” A re-run would mean that money that was supposed to go towards developmental programmes and social amenities goes towards funding the election,” Mr. Nundwe explained.

He also stressed that it was important to ensure that peace and Democracy are upheld as the country goes to the polls in 2021 because without peace the country cannot develop.

The Copperbelt Permanent Secretary also challenged the new NGO to reach all parts of his province as it was the second largest in terms of population after Lusaka.

The New NGO aimed at sensitizing people on registering as voters and participating in voting is comprised on traditional chiefs from across the country, civil servants, businessmen and members of the clergy among others.

And the launch of the Copperbelt chapter yesteday was attended by 10 chiefs among them Paramount Chief Chitimukulu, Paramount chief Mpezeni who was represented by senior chief Madzimawe, Senior Chief Kanongesha, chief Chikanta, Chief Lumpuma, Chieftainess Malembeka and chief Ndubeni.

Others are chief Kalunkumya, Chief Nkana and Shimukunami of the Lamba people.

President Lungu pledges K15, 000 to Mtendere Parish


President Edgar Lungu has pledged K15, 000 to Mtendere Catholic church. He said the pledge will help the parish complete the project of purchasing air conditioners for the church as the number of congregates keeps on increasing.

In a speech read on his behalf by Minister of Guidance and Religious Affairs Godfridah Sumaili during the fundraising family picnic braii for Mtendere Catholic church in Lusaka, President Lungu said the increasing numbers of parishioners shows that people are still interested in matters of Christianity.

Dr. Lungu stated that the increase in numbers of parishioners may lead to ventilation or unfavorable temperatures which should not stop people from worshiping.

He further stated that his office is aware of parishioner’s passion to support the noble cause of purchasing air conditioners which is inevitable.

President Lungu urged other churches to emulate the commendable efforts of Mtendere Parish which is involved in a number of community support activities like looking after the aged, orphans and the local hospice.

He added that his government still upholds the declaration of Zambia as a Christian nation and continues to work hand in hand with the church in enhancing the social and economic development of the country.

“You have always been our partners in development and we should continue moving in this direction for the betterment of our nation,” said Dr Lungu.

President Lungu asked the church to pray for peace, unity and love as the country goes to the polls next year.

He called on the church to honour God by adhering to the national values and principles and the Christian values on which the nation in founded.

“Let us not forget that we are duty-bound to commit to all spiritual matters and this demonstrates unity which should be encouraged not only here but in our nation at large,” added the President.

Dr. Lungu commended Mtendere Parish for their commitment in ensuring that they put up a decent place of worship.

Meanwhile, Mtendere Parish Priest Father Bryson Phiri thanked the president for the donation saying that it will go a long way in ensuring that the church has a proper ventilation system.

Father Phiri highlighted that the fundraising braii was meant to fundraise money to purchase air conditioners for the parish as well as to allow parishioners to celebrate together as a family in Christ.

He indicated that the event which was scheduled to take place in April was postponed to 28th of November 2020 due to COVID-19 pandemic.

The fundraising event was held at Plush Gardens in Lusaka and was attended by parishioners and other well-wishers from all walks of life.

Lusambo, Dr. Chanda Most Popular MPs In Ndola-Poll


A recent opinion poll has shown that Kabushi Member of Parliament Bowman Lusambo and his Bwana Mkubwa counterpart Dr Jonas Chanda are the two most popular MPs in Ndola and the duo are likely to retain their seats in the 2021 elections.

The poll conducted by ClearPoint Consulting Limited, an independent data analytics organization also found that President Edgar Lungu remains very popular among eligible voters in Ndola as more than 70% of those surveyed said they will likely vote for him in next year’s elections.

Of those who took part in the survey in Kabushi Constituency, Mr. Lusambo remains popular among them as 96 percent know his name while 74 percent of them said they are likely to vote for him in the 2021 elections.

Most respondents reported that Mr. Lusambo is ever-present in the Constituency and his generosity has touched many lives in Kabushi and beyond.

In the same Constituency, President Lungu remains popular among the electorate with 63 percent of respondents likely to vote him.

In Bwana Mkubwa, the incumbent Dr Chanda has an 85 percent chance of being voted back into office while 73 percent of the respondents in the Constituency reported that they would likely vote for President Lungu in 2021 compared to the 27 percent who are likely not to vote for him.

The respondents felt that Dr Chanda has scored highly on key projects he promised during campaigns and visits the constituency regularly.

Hon. Frank Ng’ambi and Hon. Emmanuel Mulenga of Chifubu and Ndola Central respectively emerged as the two most unpopular MPs in Ndola with the duo likely not to be voted back into office next year

In Chifubu, 70 percent of the respondents who took part in the poll said they may not vote for Mr Ng’ambi with 77 percent of respondents further saying they may not vote for President Lungu in 2021.

As for Ndola Central Constituency, the current MP Hon. Mulenga only has a 40 percent chance of retaining his seat while 50% of respondents in Ndola Central reported that they would vote for President Lungu.

The respondents said they would still vote for President Lungu and the Patriotic Front if they addressed some key issues high youth unemployment, corruption, unaffordable school fees especially at College and University level, high food prices, increase in water and electricity bills, and the weak kwacha.

About 64.1 percent of the respondents who took part in the Poll were female and 35.9
percent of the respondents were male.

The Poll had a sample size of 4,000 eligible voters who are residents in Ndola and carried a 2.5% margin of error.

Junior Chipolopolo Lose COSAFA U17 Crown


Junior Chipolopolo on Sunday failed to defend their COSAFA U17 Cup crown after losing on post-match penalties to hosts South Africa in Port Elizabeth.

The match was decided on post-match penalties after the two sides finished 1-1.

Joseph Sabobo Banda put the outgoing champions from the spot in the 2nd minute to subsequently walk away with the tournaments Golden Boot on 5 goals.

South Africa replied with a penalty of their own in the 14th minute converted by Thabang Mahlangu.

However, it then took a shoot-out to separate the two teams with South Africa winning 4-2.

But the consolation is that both teams have qualified for the 2021 AFCON U17 in Morocco where Zambia will be making only their second-ever appearance in their history.

Young Guns Save Zesco United Against Unbeaten GBFC


Green Buffaloes made hosts Zesco United work hard to earn a point today when they finished 1-1 at Levy Mwanawasa Stadium in Ndola.

Eight-time champions Zesco came into the match five days after a stinging 3-1 away loss at Zanaco to sustain their second league defeat after five rounds played into the new campaign.

It was end-to-end stuff with Buffaloes goalkeeper Fred Silwamba denying Zesco striker Winston Kalengo in the 20th minute.

Buffaloes captain Jack Chirwa then sent his 45th minute penalty high and over to see under-pressure Zesco survive.

Buffaloes returned with their tails up and Otieno pulled out the stops to keep out Leonard Mulenga’s 54th minute volley.

But he could do nothing when Chirwa redeemed himself in the 62nd minute.

Zesco pushed as the air at Levy Mwanawasa Stadium was heavy with the prospect of a second successive league defeat.

It then took young Enock Sakala Junior’s stoppage time header off a cross from fellow prospect Kasoma Luwawa to save Zesco’s soul.

The result saw coach Mumamba Numba breathe a sigh of relief as Zesco continue endure growing pains under the new coach who has been given the explicit mandate rejuvenate the team from the youth structure that showed early promise on Sunday with Sakala and Luwawa’s delivery of the precious point.

Unbeaten Buffaloes are third on 8 points after the draw, two points behind leaders Green Eagles who are on CAF Confederation Cup duty.
Zesco are 10th also on 8 points.


Indeni 1-Power Dynamos 0
Buildcon 1-Lumwana Radiants 2
Zesco United 1-Green Buffaloes 1

Nkana Win in Lesotho, Mayuka Scores in Napsa’s Big Bang in Comoros


Nkana and Napsa Stars on Sunday delivered vital away wins in their respective continental preliminary round, first leg matches following Saturday’s modest results posted by their compatriots.

The victories came 24 hours after Forest Rangers’ CAF Champions League debut began with a 0-0 home draw against AS Bouenguidi of Gabon while Green Eagles were denied an away win when hosts Musongati rallied to draw 2-2 in Burundi in their CAF Confederation Cup fixture.

In Lesotho, Nkana beat Bantu FC 1-0 via a 14th minute Idris Mbombo goal.
The win was a huge lift for Nkana’s confidence who have struggled in their opening five league games and headed to Maseru on the back of a 1-1 home draw against Zanaco and 5-0 away loss at Green Buffaloes to collect two draws, two defeats and one win in their domestic campaign.

But the biggest shakers where CAF Confederation Cup envoys Napsa who crushed Ngazi FC 5-1 away in Comoros.

Timothy Otieno put Napsa ahead in the 6th minute while substitute Danny Silavwe scored a brace in the 57th and 83rd minutes.

2012 AFCON hero Emmanuel Mayuka also came off the bench to add one in the 73rd minute, nine year after he scored there at the same venue for Zambia in a 2-1 win over Comoros in the qualifiers that culminated with a triumphant final in Gabon.

Jacob Ngulube completed the rout in stoppage time.

Marianot Rahainjatovo scored Ngazi’s consolation in the 88th minute.

The return legs are immediately this weekend of December 5-6.

Use CDF to Construct Local Courts in your Respective Constituencies-Given Lubinda


Minister of Justice Given Lubinda has appealed to Members of Parliament to allocate part of their Constituency Development Fund towards the construction of local courts in their respective constituencies.

Mr Lubinda who is on a judicial court infrastructure and fact finding tour in Western province made the appeal when visited Kaoma and Nkeyema.

He said the court infrastructure in Zambia leaves a lot to be desired, and that’s why the Ministry of Justice is working extra hard to work on the infrastructure around the country.

Mr Lubinda stated that the PF government’s vision for the country is that every constituency should have at least one local court and every district to have a subordinate Court.

He said Government is still struggling to provide court rooms for superior courts such as the Court of appeal, the constitutional Court and that members of the superior courts are having to share chambers and the executive is thinking more towards that.

The Minister further noted that for the government to achieve all this there’s need to collaborate with various agents of change and Members of Parliament are a very important agent of change.

He said the members of Parliament should emulate constituency development fund Committee for Nkeyema who have allocated Two hundred and fifty thousand kwacha (K250, 000) to the construction of a local court.

During the tour in Nkeyema and Kaoma, the Minister said he was impressed with other developmental projects which were coming up especially in Nkeyema district.

He said the story of Nkeyema is a success story of decisions of government, and 8years later everyone is beginning to see the fruits of declaration of Nkeyema as a district.

In Kaoma district the Minister said he was impressed with District and all the heads of departments for the initiative of a community led project which has resulted in the construction of holding cell at Kaoma police station.

The Minister said when all institutions of government work together as a team there’s lot that can be achieved within a short period of time.

Nkeyema acting District Commissioner Patrick Mweemba has appealed to the government through the minister if the Mongu Lusaka road could be worked on as soon as possible, while district commissioner for Kaoma Kennedy L. Mubanga has lamented about the deplorable state of the district administration block.

Church urged to assist rehabilitate inmates


Solwezi District Commissioner, Rosemary Kamalonga has called on the church to get involved in the rehabilitation of inmates in the country.

Speaking at a thanks giving prayer service for inmates held at St. Daniel Catholic Church in Solwezi today, Ms Kamalonga said the church should not relent in rehabilitating inmates during their stay in correctional facilities and after being discharged.

Ms Kamalonga said to some inmates, being in prison could just be preparation for greater opportunities.

“Men and women of God should be involved in the correcting and rehabilitating of our brothers and sisters who found themselves in conflict with the law because God created everyone for a purpose”, Ms Kamalonga said.

She said the inmates need counseling and prayers on admission, during their stay and after being discharged from correctional facilities.

Ms. Kamalonga also urged the Church to pray for the families of inmates and the community as a whole to accept the offenders as they go back into society.

She said the Christian community should continue offering inmates with financial and material support and also visiting them regularly.

Ms. Kamalonga paid tribute to President Edgar Lungu for the unwavering support to the correctional service.

“Even in our province Northwestern.. we have the construction of two new modern correctional facilities with the capacity of 250 inmates to be constructed in Mufumbwe and Chavuma districts respectively.

Meanwhile, the District commissioner assured the inmates of government support.

” My dear inmates being in prison is not the end of life, you can make it and become meaningful citizens in future,” she said.

And speaking at the same function Solwezi central correctional facility Officer in Charge, Levy Mwanza thanked President Edgar Lungu for the support he has rendered to the facilities in Northwestern province.

Mr Mwanza said the correctional facilities received three buses, five trucks, an Ambulance, a twin cab, two tractors and three big generators.

He said all these have added morale as inmates are no longer using hoes to cultivate.

“This year the correctional service in Northwestern Region is cultivating 130 hectares of white maize, 35 hectors of soya bean, cassava, sweet potatoes and water melons” he revealed.

Mr Mwanza said it is the duty of society to embrace the former inmates back into society and help them avoid going back by according them love.

This year’s thanks giving prayer service is held under the theme: “Remember those in prison with passion.

Kawambwa chiefs endorse President Lungu 2021 candidature


Traditional leaders in Kawambwa district have endorsed President Edgar Lungu’s candidature in next’s year’s 2021 general elections. The traditional leaders announced their support for President Lungu when he meet them in Pambashe constituency yesterday.

The three chiefs who throw their weight behind President Lungu’s leadership and government included Senior Chief Mushota, Chief Chama and Sub-Chief Kabanda.

Senior Chief Mushota commended the government for the many developmental projects taking place in Kawambwa district. The traditional leader expressed gratitude on behalf of his subjects for transforming the economic outlook of the district.

He disclosed that under the PF government Kawambwa has enjoyed unprecedented development.

He cited the Green 2000, revived Kawambwa tea and Sunbird project as some the developmental projects that have impacted positively the livelihood of the people.

However, Senior Chief Mushota requested President Lungu to intervene and ensure that Sunbird and Green 2000 farms are connected to electricity.

He complained that the lack of electricity is hampering the named farms from operating at full capacity.

The traditional leader emphasised that once connected to power farming activities will be enhanced in the luena farming block.

“We are thankful for the development you are bringing here in Kawambwa district. As PF you have brought a lot of development in the district.

“The Green 2000 and Sunbird farms have made huge investment but they need electricity to operate at full capacity. They need power to run their mechanised machines.

As chiefs in Kawambwa we are promising to support you and your government in 2021, so that you continue with your leadership,” Senior Chief Mushota said.

He also appealed to the Head of State to consider working on the remaining roads so as to improve the road network in the district.

And Chief Chama reiterated his support for President Lungu’s leadership.

He assured the Head of State support of getting hundred percent support from the people.

“Mr President come 2021 we are voting for you “Lungu” so that you continue with his leadership which is development oriented,” he assured.

He also thanked government for the ongoing works on the Kawambwa/Mporokoso road.

The traditional leader informed President Lungu that the royal establishment is working closely with the area member of parliament for Pambashe Ronald Chitotela.

Meanwhile President Lungu says he is impressed that the traditional leadership is working closely with the members of parliament in fostering development.

President Lungu says it good that the royal highness are working with elected members of parliament adding this will enhance development.

“I have seen that you are working together which is good, this well enhance development in the district,” he said.

He also implored traditional leaders to encourage their subjects to register in the on going voter registration exercise.

President Lungu said it is the right of the people to choose leaders of their choice.

And commenting on power, President Lungu promised the traditional leaders to engage the Ministers of Finance, Energy and Luapula province Minister to discuss the way forward on connecting the named facilities in Kawambwa district.

He stressed that government is ready to work with any in spearheading national development.

“ This coming week am going to meet the Ministers of Finance, Energy and Luapula province Minister to discuss the issue of power and see how we can bring power here. Let’s continue to work together and those that want to work with us.”

Man Arrested for Overtaking the Vice President’s Motorcade


The 37-year-old man of Livingstone, who compromised Vice President, Inonge Wina’s security detail, by overtaking her motorcade, has been charged with 3 offences, under the Road Traffic Act.

This was on November 24, 2020, during Ms Wina’s recent visit to Livingstone.

The accused, Innocent Shula has since appeared before Livingstone Senior Magistrate, Trevor Kasanda.

In count one, Shula is charged with the offence of dangerous driving, contrary to section 1-hundred and 55 of the Road Traffic Act Number 11 of 2002.

Shula is, in the second count, charged for failing to obey a police officer’s signal, by driving recklessly and dangerously overtaking the Vice President’s motorcade.

And in the third count, Shula is charged with the use of unregistered motor vehicle on a public road without certification.

Particulars of the offence are that on the material day, Shula, who was driving an unregistered Toyota Mark X, recklessly used a public road, without regard to the circumstances of the case, condition and the use of the road.

Solwezi man locked up for defaming of the President Lungu


Police in Solwezi has arrested a 21-year-old man for defamation of President Edgar Lungu.

North Western Province Commissioner of Police Elias Chushi has confirmed the arrest of Alex Munganga of Messengers compound to ZANIS in Solwezi today.

Mr Chushi said Rodgers Tanganyika aged 40 of Cheshire area in Solwezi, reported the matter to Police around 16 hours yesterday.

“Police in Solwezi received a report of defamation of the President, which occurred on 27th November, 2020 around 1600 hrs at Solwezi Messengers Compound, which was reported by M/RODGERS TANGANYIKA aged 40 of Cheshire Home Area in Solwezi,” Mr Chushi said.

Mr Chushi said Munganga published a statement on his facebook account with intent to bring the name of the President into ridicule or contempt.

“Alex Munganga aged 21 of Messengers Compound Solwezi, also of Inama Village, Chief Sikufele, in Manyinga District, Northwestern Province who with intent to bring the name of the President into ridicule or contempt, published a statement on his Facebook Account, he said.

Mr. Chushi said the suspect is in police custody and will appear in court soon.

Register as voters – President Lungu


President Edgar Lungu has urged the people of Pambashe constituency in Kawambwa district to take advantage of the ongoing voter registration exercise and register as voters.

President Lungu implored the people to take the registration exercise seriously.

He explained that the only way that the people of Kawambwa are going to participate in next year’s 2021 general elections is when they register as voters. The Head of State encouraged those who have not yet registered to do so.

“Am happy with the works you doing here in Pambashe. Am asking you that we work together and finish the work President Sata left us.

Am urging you to go and register so that you participate in next year’s general election, take the registration exercise serious,” President Lungu said.

Meanwhile President Lungu has asked the people of Pambashe constituency to chase any person bringing confusion in the party.

President Lungu said He was aware of some people who are coming to disturb the party in the name of aspirant Member of Parliament (MP).

The Head of State instead urged aspirant MPs to allow the current sitting law makers to finish there respective term of office.

“ I don’t want to hear that no we have an MP let him finish his term of office. Those who are coming to

cause confusion chase them away, am aware of some people who are coming to disturb the party, let him finish his term thereafter we shall sit done,” President Lungu warned.

In a related development President Lungu has asked the people of Kawambwa to rally behind the government.

President Lungu urged the people to work with government and complete the projects started by the late President Sata.

He admonished the residents to work closely with the area Member of Parliament and the District Commissioner in fostering national development.

“Work with your member of parliament and the District Commissioner and with everyone because with the people in government. You are the one who choose the Mp.”

President Lungu said this when He addressed hundreds of Pambashe residents who turned up to welcome him at the Green 2020 farm.

The excited residents took turns to chant slogans in support of President Lungu’s leadership.

Earlier in the day, President Lungu visited the Green 2020 farm. During his visit to the farm the Head of State was taken on a conducted tour of the facility.

The tour of the multi million dollars facility enabled the President appreciate the amount of investment put up so far.

And Green 2020 farm Project Manger Garry Beukes informed the President that the company will work closely the with the community by offering them training in various farming activities.

Mr Beukes says the company wants to be buying some of the farm produce from the local farmers hence offering them training in agriculture business.

President Lungu is in Luapula on the three days working visit to the province. He is expected back tomorrow after concluding his official visit.

President Edgar Chagwa Lungu tours the Green 2,000 Agriculture Project in the Luena Farm Block in Kawambwa district of Luapula Province
President Edgar Chagwa Lungu tours the Green 2,000 Agriculture Project in the Luena Farm Block in Kawambwa district of Luapula Province
President Edgar Chagwa Lungu tours the Green 2,000 Agriculture Project in the Luena Farm Block in Kawambwa district of Luapula Province
President Edgar Chagwa Lungu tours the Green 2,000 Agriculture Project in the Luena Farm Block in Kawambwa district of Luapula Province
President Edgar Chagwa Lungu tours the Green 2,000 Agriculture Project in the Luena Farm Block in Kawambwa district of Luapula Province
President Edgar Chagwa Lungu tours the Green 2,000 Agriculture Project in the Luena Farm Block in Kawambwa district of Luapula Province
President Edgar Chagwa Lungu tours the Green 2,000 Agriculture Project in the Luena Farm Block in Kawambwa district of Luapula Province
President Edgar Chagwa Lungu tours the Green 2,000 Agriculture Project in the Luena Farm Block in Kawambwa district of Luapula Province

Chishala Kateka abandons corporate world to relaunches New Heritage Party, vies for presidency in 2021 polls


Respected Corporate leader Chishala Kateka has become the latest the enter the race for the 2021 elections under the banner of the New Heritage Party.

Ms. Kateka who was until recently Board Chairperson for Absa Bank Zambia has gone ahead to reregister the Heritage Party whose founder Brigadier General Godfrey Miyanda had recently deregistered it.

Ms. Kateka, 64, was founder member of the Heritage Party and holds a Bachelor of Economics from the University of Zambia.

She has an extensive corporate career having been appointed as Barclays Bank Zambia board chairperson in 2017, becoming the first female to serve in that capacity in the bank’s history in Zambia.

She qualified in 1990 as a member of the Chartered Association of Certified Accountants (subsequently Association of Chartered Certified Accountants – ACCA), with Deloitte Haskins and Sells (subsequently Deloitte & Touché) and practiced in both Zambia and Botswana.

In 1994 she took over the running of the medium-sized firm of Bena Kateka and Company, which, in 1996, became part of Binder Dijker Otte (BDO) International, which operated in Zambia as BDO Kateka Evans Musonda (BDO-KEM) of which she became Managing Partner.

She was until May 2001 interim manager at Kafue Textiles of Zambia.

She was the principal consultant for the World Bank on the Copperbelt Economic Diversification Workshop Project after which she subsequently became the co-ordinator of the National Economic Diversification Programme in Zambia – a project co-funded by the World Bank and the Zambian Government.

Ms Kateka was also Principal Consultant for the World Bank on the 2002 Consultative Group meeting in Livingstone, Zambia.

Until her retirement in February 2014, Ms Kateka was Managing Director of ZAMNET Communication Systems Ltd.

Writing on her Facebook page that when Brigadier General Godfrey Miyanda de-registered the Heritage Party, some founder members decided to re-register it under the name “The New Heritage Party”.

“I am leading the party. I wish to announce that we will be contesting the 2021 General elections with myself as a Presidential candidate” she said.

“Dear friends, fellow citizens, ladies and gentlemen, it gives me great delight to present myself to you in servitude as candidate for President of the Republic of Zambia in the 2021 Elections. I come with full support from a multitude of Zambians across the country through the New Heritage Party to lead Zambia to be a Premier Zambian Led Economic and Productivity Hub in Southern Africa,” she said.

“I invite you to follow me and the greater family of citizens of this great country through the New Heritage Party as we join our hands, minds and hearts in restoring and preserving our heritage. Together we can and we shall make Zambia our Heritage. In the next few days, we will be making some momentous announcements about our party, vision, manifesto and structures. Stay close, follow us and invite someone in this defining time and season for our country.”