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Government to Grow the Manufacturing Sector


Minister of Commerce, Trade and Industry, (1a) Christopher Yaluma says government plans to grow the manufacturing sector so as to enable it contribute to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP).

Mr Yaluma predicted that the increase in the manufacturing sector will contribute about 36 percent of GDP while manufactures exports as a share of merchandise will surge to 71 percent.

He said this during the official opening of the Zambia Association of Manufacturers (ZAM) secretariat offices and signing of an Agreement between Zambia Association of Manufacturers (ZAM) and the Zambia Bureau of Standards (ZABS).

And speaking in a separate interview, Zambia Bureau of Standards Executive Director, (1b) Manuel Mutale urged manufacturers to have their products certified with a quality mark that will enable the product to be exported.

Mr. Mutale noted that the commemoration of the Manufacturers week presents an opportunity for the institution to interact with manufacturers.

Meanwhile Zambia Metrology Agency (ZMA) Executive Director, (1c) Himba Cheelo said the institution is doing its best in sensitizing manufacturers on the importance of quality packaging and labelling for their promotion of their good

Convict personnel pilfering drugs-Malama


Ministry of Health Permanent secretary, Dr Kennedy Malama has strongly cautioned health personnel against pilfering essential drugs.

Dr Malama said any health member of staff found pilfering essential drugs should be brought to book and disciplined accordingly.

Dr Malama said this last night when he addresses senior health personnel at Solwezi general hospital before touring the hospital.

He also advised the medical staff to ensure that they provide quality health services to the people who seek the services at the hospital.

“You know the health sector, focus is now to ensure that we provide health services to the people of Solwezi, but as we do that we should ensure that quality of services”, Dr Malama said.

He also advised the hospital management to always ensure cleanness at the hospital not to wait until senior people visits the institution.

“All we want to see is that resources and monies received from government are translating into better patient care. We do not expect to see shortage of drugs, dirty environment and shortage of food for the patients,” Dr Malama said

He further appealed to the hospital management team to ensure the grants received and other resources translate into better health care service provision to the people.

Traditional Leaders need to get involved in the fight against Gender based Violence


Minister of Chiefs and Traditional Affairs Lawrence Sichalwe has called for effective involvement of traditional leaders in the fight against Gender-Based Violence (GBV) and spread of HIV/AIDS if the two vices are to be curtailed.

Mr Sichalwe said yesterday that GBV and HIV can be prevented in communities through effective involvement of chiefs in the fight against practices that are driving the two vices.

The Minister was speaking when he opened the Start Awareness Support Action (SASA) and Gender Based Violence Multidisciplinary Training for Traditional Leaders held at Nyamfinzi Hotel in Chipata.

He commended Zambia Centre for Communication (ZCCP) for initiating the SASA training for traditional rulers as it would help them to get involved in the fight against GBV and other abuses.

Mr Sichalwe said government, particularly President Edgar Lungu, appreciates the investments ZCCP is making in building capacity of traditional leaders in the response to GBV using evidence based methodologies such as SASA.

The Minister noted that in trying to strengthen response the SASA approach that ZCCP is implementing is encouraging traditional leaders to establish a village Anti-GBV Chiefdom Secretariat that will shorten the distance for survivors to access support for people out GBV services.

“These methodologies aim at consolidating a critical mass of support for this movement to end these social vices but also improve coordination of GBV case management so that all perpetrators are held accountable while seeking justice for the survivors,” he said.

Mr Sichalwe said President Lungu appreciates efforts that partners like the ZCCP are undertaking to involve traditional leaders in the fight against GBV.

He said this is because the head of state believes GBV and HIV can be prevented in communities through traditional rulers that are taking a leading role in the fight.

“He further commended the traditional leaders in Eastern Province for their contribution in the fight against GBV.

Mr Sichalwe also called for enhanced child protection at community level.

“It is also important that communities have some safe guards for prevention of child abuse through establishment of committees such as child protection committees,” he said.

Mr Sichalwe expects to see chiefs attending the training to increase knowledge regarding GBV identification, response and coordinated referral for GBV survivors to access quality and timely post GBV services.

“Share more accurate and in depth understanding of formal procedures that are there to be followed when responding to GBV and increased awareness on HIV/GBV in all the communities through community sensitisations,” he said.

He said in line with the year’s theme on the commemoration of 16 Days of Activism against GBV, “Orange The World: Fund, Respond, Prevent and Collect” his Ministry aims to prioritise the advancement of prevention and response to GBV at community level through increased coordination.

“A community that tolerates GBV will affect the development of the whole nation as survivors of GBV may not realise the full potential and contribute to the development of the country,” he said.

Mr Sichalwe observed that initiatives such as the one supported by ZCCP and many others are very important and need full government blessings.

“I am looking forward to increased multi-disciplinary prevention and response to GBV and HIV at community levels just as the case at district level. I am hopeful that this training will contribute towards a critical mass of support of the human capital the country desperately needs in responding to HIV and GBV.

And ZCCP Deputy Chief of parte Doreen Manda commended Government for making concerted effort in the fight against GBV through its key line Ministries like the Ministry of Health, Zambia Police, Ministry of Community Development and Social Services and the Judiciary.

Ms Manda said throughout the period of 16 Days of Activism, Ministry of Health has been supported by the project to conduct the mobile outreach activities in various communities.

“From this training, the people trained will be expected to join the teams in the communities where the mobile OSC activities are being conducted. I wish to thank the American People through USAID and PEPFAR for funding the USAID Stop GBV project being implemented by ZCCP Kwatu,”she said.

Speaker of the National Assembly calls on MPs to plant trees


Speaker of the National Assembly Patrick Matabini has called on all members of parliament to sensitize people on the importance of planting trees in their various constituencies.

Dr Matabini challenged all MPs to inculcate the culture of planting trees to the citizenry as such will help conserve and prevent environmental degradation thus reducing effects of climate change.

He was speaking during the National Assembly and Commonwealth parliamentarians Association of Zambia branch executive members planting a tree at Parliamentary conference forest grounds in Lusaka yesterday.

“I urge all the parliamentarians as they go out in the provinces to plant trees and also work with the forestry department officers in the constituencies and be advised on the types of tree to plant in the various constituencies ,” Dr Matabini stated .

He said the commonwealth Parliamentarian Association of Zambia has partnered with the forestry Department to plant a thousand trees in the constituencies to reduce effects and challenges of climate change that the country is facing.

And Director Forestry Department Ignatius Makumba said the department is ready to partner with a lot of stakeholders on planting various species of trees throughout the Provinces.

Mr Makumba said the department is ready to planting a thousand trees and called upon all stakeholders and the public to work together with the department and get advice on the types of trees that can be planted in different areas of the country at affordable prices .

He also thanked the speaker of national assembly and the parliamentarians for being part of the planting of the two hundred trees at Parliament grounds at a cost of two hundred Kwacha.

Miners at risk of contracting TB


Government is concerned with the high-risk environment for tuberculosis (TB) transmission due to poor ventilation and exposure of workers to silica and coal dust in some mines.

Minister of Labour Joyce Simukoko said various factors such as poor livelihood and Socio-economic challenges faced by miners after leaving employment create conditions that facilitate TB infections and transmissions in mining communities and operations.

Ms Simukoko explained that prolonged exposure to the aforementioned substances damages the lungs and cause silicosis and black lung diseases which put workers at a high risk of contracting TB.

In in a statement to the media in Lusaka yesterday, Mr Simukoko pointed out that poor health-seeking behaviour among ex-miners mainly due to stigma, fear of losing employment and the high opportunity cost of accessing care has negatively impacted early diagnosis and treatment of TB.

“In order to enhance the livelihood of ex-miners and mitigate some of the factors that make them vulnerable to TB, Government with support from the Southern Africa Tuberculosis and Health Systems Support Project secured funds through the World Bank. And through this project and in collaboration with other stakeholders such as the National Ex-miners and Allied Workers Association of Zambia among others we have developed programs aimed at improving the livelihood of Ex-Miners,” she stated.

She stated that presently, Ex-miner cooperatives have been formed in Mkushi, Kitwe, Mufulira, Mumbwa, Nampundwe, Chililabombwe and Chingola districts.

The Minister expressed hope that the cooperatives will not only improve the livelihoods of their members but will also contribute towards job creation.

She further hailed the line ministry of Commerce, Trade and Industry (MCTI), Citizens Economic Empowerment Commission (CEEC), Zambia Development Agency (ZDA) and Zambia Public Procurement Authority (ZPPA) for the expertise that they have provided and continued to provide in order to nurture the cooperatives that have been established into viable business entities.

President Lungu impressed with climate change mitigations


President Edgar Lungu has appreciated the innovative thinking that the Ministry of National Development Planning through the Zambia Integrated Forest Landscape Project (ZIFLP) has introduced to improve food security and livelihoods of rural communities while achieving climate change mitigation objectives.

President Lungu made the commendation when he recently visited the farm of Mr Charles Tembo, a ZIFLP Lead Farmer from Manyane Agriculture Camp in Chief Mwanjabanthu in Petauke District in Eastern Province, who is growing cashew and practicing Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) techniques taught by ZIFLP, a Project in the Ministry of National Development Planning.

He said the innovation will improve food security and livelihoods as well as enable the country attain its climate change mitigation objectives in line with international climate change commitments.
President Lungu was pleased to witness that cashew can also grow in Eastern Province. The President said he looked forward to see more farmers adopting CSA, which includes high value tree crops such as cashew.
President Lungu has just concluded his successful working visit to Eastern Province.

ZIFL Project is an initiative of the Government of Zambia through a loan facility from the World Bank at a total cost of $32.8 million meant to support rural communities in Eastern Province to allow them better manage the resources of their landscapes to reduce deforestation, improve landscape management and increase environmental and economic benefits for targeted rural communities.

Explaining to the President about his cashew nut farming and support from Government through the Ministry of National Development Planning, Mr. Tembo expressed gratitude to ZIFLP for the technical support and knowledge about climate smart agriculture imparted in him and other farmers.

Mr. Tembo requested the Ministry of National Development Planning through ZIFLP to support him and fellow farmers with borehole for watering the trees, saying that he had totally embraced climate smart agriculture.

The farmer expressed gratitude to His Excellency the President for visiting his farm, adding that the visit had given him and other farmers in the catchment area encouragement to do more and contribute to Zambia’s development.

And ZIFP National Project Coordinator Dr. Tasila Banda commended President Lungu and his Government for the commitment to combat climate change through mitigation and adaption interventions such as ZIFLP.
“As an integrated Project, the only way to keep these intervention sustainable is to engage the private sector who are helping communities to generate bankable project proposals for enterprises around agriculture value chain, non-timber forest value and eco-tourism,” said Dr. Banda. “All three technical service providers have been selected, these being private sector who have a good track record and evidence of products on the market.”

Zambia Integrated Forest Landscape Project’s three components are meant to create enabling conditions for livelihood investments to be successfully implemented and provide support for Local Level Planning and Emissions Reductions Framework, focus on activities that improve rural livelihoods, conserve ecosystems and reduce Gas Emissions, finance activities related to national and provincial level project coordination and management, and provision of assistance in the event of a disaster or emergency relief.
This is according to a media statement issued by Ministry of National Development Planning Spokesperson Mr. Chibaula D. Silwamba in Lusaka yesterday.

Zambia Integrated Forest Landscape Project (ZIFLP) National Coordinator Dr. Tasila Banda (in blue ZIFLP MNDP shirt and cap) welcoming and explaining to His Excellency Dr. Edgar Chagwa Lungu, President of the Republic of Zambia, about ZIFLP's undertakings and support to farmers in Eastern Province. His Excellency the President was also shown the cashew trees and had an opportunity to listen and hear beneficiary farmers' experiences. This was in Petauke District where the Head of State launched the 2020/2021 National Crop Planting season on Thursday 19 November 2020. President Lungu was on a working visit to Eastern Province until Sunday 22 November 2020. Photos courtesy of MNDP
Zambia Integrated Forest Landscape Project (ZIFLP) National Coordinator Dr. Tasila Banda (in blue ZIFLP MNDP shirt and cap) welcoming and explaining to His Excellency Dr. Edgar Chagwa Lungu, President of the Republic of Zambia, about ZIFLP’s undertakings and support to farmers in Eastern Province. His Excellency the President was also shown the cashew trees and had an opportunity to listen and hear beneficiary farmers’ experiences. This was in Petauke District where the Head of State launched the 2020/2021 National Crop Planting season on Thursday 19 November 2020. President Lungu was on a working visit to Eastern Province until Sunday 22 November 2020. Photos courtesy of MNDP

Zambia to cement relations with Egypt


A delegation of prominent businessmen from Egypt is in the country to explore areas of investment in agriculture, livestock and energy sectors.

And President Edgar Lungu says government remains committed to cementing bilateral ties with Egypt in order to spur social and economic growth.

President Lungu said government will provide a favorable business environment for the delegation in an effort to enhance collaboration between the two countries.

ZANIS reports that President Lungu said this when the delegation comprising at least eight industrialists paid a courtesy call on him at State House yesterday.

The Head of State sated that the ease of doing business between Egypt and Zambia was among the major issues that he discussed with his counterpart President Abdel Fattah el Sisi when he visited that country in 2017.

“When I visited Egypt in 2017, we discussed various issues surrounding social and economic growth for the two countries and your coming will further cement the areas of corporation. As a government, we are in a hurry to develop this country and we have the Seventh National Development Plan (7NDP) that gives a guide where to invest and the line ministries will give you the required support,” President Lungu emphasized.

President Lungu who showed enthusiasm during his interaction with the delegation, expressed optimism that the country will benefit from business pledges by the delegation owing to various companies from Egypt that have already invested in Zambia.

“I am confident that there will be further discussions to explore areas of investment, and government is committed to spurring economic growth and will work with you in the agriculture, livestock and fisheries as well as other sectors of mutual benefits,” President Lungu stressed.

President Edgar Lungu talks to Egyptian Head of Investment Authority at GIS,Ibrahim Abudulsalam( of Egypt when the delegation paid a courtesy call on him in Lusaka.
President Edgar Lungu talks to Egyptian Head of Investment
Authority at GIS,Ibrahim Abudulsalam( of Egypt when the delegation
paid a courtesy call on him in Lusaka.

Meanwhile, Egyptian Head of Business Delegation to Zambia, Ayman Badea said the delegation wants to explore opportunities in the agriculture, fisheries and livestock as well the renewable energy sectors.

Lt. General Badea stated that the business team will support the economy through wealth and employment creation in the aforementioned areas of mutual understanding.

He indicated that their coming into the country is fully supported by President Abdel Fattah el Sisi.

“As you might be aware that our friendship dates back to days of independence, we deemed it fit that we now collaborate in the growth of our economies especially in the agriculture, fisheries and livestock as well as solar energy sectors. President Sisi is in support of our coming and this is an extension of the discussions, we had with Foreign Affairs Minister, Joseph Malanji in November last year.

On the other hand, Ibrahim Abdulsalam a member of the business delegation emphasized that the team is looking forward to various opportunities that exists in the agriculture and other sectors.

The delegation comprises Lieutenant General Badea who is heading the team, Lt. Gen. Ibrahim Abdulsalam Head of Investment Authority, Maj. Gen. Motaz Mostafa Kamel Deputy Head of Africa Department and Mohamed Darwish an engineer among others.

Egypt the first Arabic country to establish relations with Zambia in 1964, has agriculture as a key sector to the economy, providing livelihoods for at least 57 percent of the population and directly employing about 26 percent of the labour force.

President Edgar Lungu pose for a photograph with Egyptian delegation when they paid a courtesy call on him in Lusaka.
President Edgar Lungu pose for a photograph with Egyptian
delegation when they paid a courtesy call on him in Lusaka.

WEEKEND SCORECARD: Numba Expecting More from Kelvin Mubanga


Zesco United coach Mumamba Numba believes midfielder Kelvin Mubanga gave them just a glimpse of what to expect this season following his display in Saturday’s home victory over Kabwe Warriors.

Mubanga scored his debut goals for his new club on November 21 with a brace in a 2-0 win over Warriors at Levy Mwanawasa Stadium in Ndola.

The 24-year-old made a shock move to Zesco in September after dumping the defending league champions Nkana for the club they succeded to clinch last seasons title.

“Kelvin Kampamba, expectional in this game. We just have to continue encouraging him because he is a tramp card in this team,” Numba said.

Mubanga struck a superb 65th minute long-range free-kick and outdid himself with a stunning volley from the edge of the area.

“Of course this is what we expect from him, he is one player who can score from any angle he has a very powerful technique,” Numba said.

“And I think with his technique and his intelligence, I believe  he can give us  enough goals this  season.”

Meanwhile,Zesco are sixth on 7 points, three behind leaders Green Eagles from five and four games played respectively.



Buildcon 2(Conlyde Luchanga 68′,Mwansa Nsofwa 89′)-Napsa Stars 0

Young Green Eagles 0-Forest Rangers 0

Prison Leopards 1(Francis Zulu 4′)-Green Eagles 0

Green Buffaloes 5(Friday Samu 26’54’,Martin Phiri 58′, Fredrick Mwimanzi 88′,Youremember Banda 90′)-Nkana 0


Lusaka Dynamos 1 (Ocean Mushure 77′)-Lumwana Radiants 1(Felix Nyaende 86′)

Red Arrows 0-Power Dynamos 1(Lameck Kafwaya 51′)

Green Eagles 1(Anos Tembo 74)-Kitwe United 0

Nkwazi 0-Green Buffaloes 0

Indeni 1(Graven Chitalu 27′)-Prison Leopards 0

Zesco United 2(Kelvin Mubanga 65’89’)-Kabwe Warriors 0


Nkana 1(Fred Tshimenga 58′)- Zanaco 1(Moses Phiri 2′)

FAZ National Division 1

Week 4


National Assembly 0-0 Kashikishi Warriors

City of Lusaka 1-0 Chambishi

Zesco Malaiti Rangers 1-1 Livingston Pirates

Kansanshi Dynamos 1-0 Kafue Celtics

KYSA 2-0 Police College

Konkola Blades 3-1 Zesco Shockers

Mufulira Wanderers 2-0 Nchanga Rangers


MUZA FC 1-0 Gomes FC

Trident FC 1-1 Mpulungu Harbour

2020/2021 TOP SCORERS

Adams Zikiru (Forest Rangers):3
Anos Tembo (Green Eagles):3

Moses Phiri (Zanaco):2
Graven Chitalu(Indeni):2
Evans Musonda (Red Arrows):2
Kelvin Mubanga (Zesco United):2
Friday Samu (Green Buffaloes:2
Francis Zulu (Prisons Leopards):2

Felix Nyaende (Lumwana):1
Ocean Mushure (Lusaka Dynamos):1
Lameck Kafwaya (Power Dynamos):1
Fred Tshimenga (Nkana):1
Fredrick Mwimanzi (Green Buffaloes):1
Martin Phiri (Green Buffaloes):1
Yourmember Banda (Green Buffaloes):1
Jack Chirwa (Green Buffaloes):1
Conlyde Luchanga (Buildcon):1
Nosfwa Mwansa(Buildcon):1
Hosea Silwimba(Green Eagles):1
Adrian Chama (Zesco United):1
Praise Tonha (Buildcon):1
Tranquilin Mwepu (Indeni):1
Emmanuel Habashimba (Lusaka Dynamos):1
James Chamanga (Red Arrows):1
Felix Bulaya (Red Arrows):1
Emmanuel Okutu (Buildcon):1
Adamson Mulao (Young Green Eagles):1
Jacob Ngulube (Napsa Stars):1
Steven Mutama (Nkwazi):1
Langson Mbewe (Nkwazi):1
Eric Kabulo (Kabwe Warriors):1
Dominic Chanda(Kabwe Warriors):1
Pride Mwansa(Nkwazi):1
Julius Situmbeko (Lumwana):1
Junior Zulu(Prisons Leopards):1
Simon Nkandu (Prisons Leopards):1
Webster Muzaza(Forest Rangers):1
Rogers Kola(Zanaco):1
Abraham Siankombo(ZanacO):1
Clement Mwape (Zesco):1
Laudit Mavugo (Napsa):1
Luka Chamanga (Power Dynamos):1
Dickson Chapa (Napsa Stars):1*
*Denotes an own-goal

Take education seriously-girl children advised


A clergyman in Mpulungu has urged parents to encourage children especially girls to take education seriously.

Stella Maris Assistant Parish Priest, Isaac Kabumbu said it is disheartening to find that most girl children fall pregnant at a very tender age.

Fr Kabumbu noted that early marriages are retrogressive to the development of a human life and to the nation as a whole.

He said girl children especially in rural areas fail to attain proper education because of going into early marriage and early pregnancies.

“You should as children find pride in education, be happy to go to school so that you can take care of yourselves and support your families,” he said.

Fr Kabumbu explained that it is difficult for a child to concentrate in school when she is going through changes of womanhood.

“Be patient as children and learn from your parents so that you can help reduce the levels of poverty in your communities,” said Fr Kabumbu.

He said this during a homily, when he commissioned 20 members of Nazareth who he urged as parents to ensure that they perform their role of bringing up children in a Godly way.

“It is your responsibility as parents to ensure that you help guide this new generation to ensure they bring development not only to you as parents, but to the church and the nation as a whole,” he urged parents.

Lusaka man sets wife ablaze


A Lusaka man aged 25 has set ablaze his wife aged 21 using kerosene and later attempted to commit suicide by taking unknown poisonous substances.

Zambia Police Spokesperson, Esther Katongo identified the man as Shepherd Chisala of Mtendere East, who set ablaze Agnes Kafupi Chisala, between 02: 30 hours and 03: 00 hours yesterday on November 22, 2020 after a marital dispute.

Ms Katonga said both victims were rushed to Levy Mwanawasa Hospital where Shepherd Chisala died the same day while his wife was admitted in the ICU until she died in the early hours of today around 05: 30hrs.

She said the bodies are in the same hospital mortuary.

This is according to a statement issued to media today by Ms Katongo.

President Lungu Donates K100 000 to Chingola marketeers to enable them to boost their businesses.


President Edgar Lungu has empowered marketeers in Chingola constituency with a revolving fund of K100 thousand to enable them to boost their businesses.

Delivering the funds on behalf of President Lungu to the marketeers, Chingola Central Member of Parliament, Matthew Nkhuwa said President Lungu does not want to see people’s businesses collapsing due to lack of capital.

Mr Nkhuwa said the Head of State has instructed him to ensure that every marketeer should benefit from the funds that are being provided to cushion the economic shocks of COVID-19.

“The President has sent me to deliver these funds to you our marketeers here at Kasompe market so that you sustain your businesses. He has instructed me not to leave none of you behind as long you are a marketeer,” he said.

The lawmaker who is also Minister of Energy, implored the market leadership to properly coordinate the disbursement of the funds to the beneficiaries and cautioned that he will not entertain any misappropriations.

He noted that empowerment funds have proved to be a game-changer of people’s livelihoods if prudently utilised.

“When you have such an opportunity from the President, make sure you utilize it to amend the challenges your businesses are going through. These funds have come to you out of goodwill from the Head of State,” Mr Nkhuwa said.

Meanwhile, Mr Nkhuwa also urged marketers in the constituency to obtain voters cards for them to participate in the 2021 general elections.

“Voting is every citizen’s right, therefore you should go in numbers and be captured as voters so that you can choose leaders of your choices during next year’s elections.

And one of the markeers, Theresa Nanyangwe, a vegetable trader at Kasompe market said the funds will help revive her business which had completely collapsed after she consumed all her K500 capital.

Dora Siliya condemns unpalatable language in public


The government says it is dismayed at the continued use of unpalatable language by political leaders in public.

Chief Government Spokesperson and Minister of Information and Broadcasting Services, Dora Siliya, said government is disappointed and saddened by the repeated use of disgusting and insulting words especially by the United Party for National Development (UPND) leader, Hakainde Hichilema, despite being widely condemned by members of the public.

Ms Siliya has urged Mr Hichilema to tone down and use acceptable language, even in the midst of excitement or bitterness.

“Mr Hichilema should be mindful of the diverse age groups that hear what he says and should exercise restraint in his expression of excitement and bitterness,” she said.

She has further advised the Zambian people to desist from sharing videos and audios depicting unpalatable language.

“Such are not only destructive to the minds of young people but they also cause extreme embarrassment to descent adults especially parents,” Ms Siliya said.

Earlier today Ms Siliya launched the Media Development and Government Communication policies anchored on media freedom, pluralism, independence, and safety of journalists.

Information and Broadcasting Services Minister DORA SILIYA says it is Government’s resolve to deepen and widen public access to information by promoting growth of a diverse media landscape in the country.

Speaking during the launch, Ms. Siliya said Government also intends to promote professional standards in the media industry by encouraging media self-regulation through the policy.

She said her ministry has placed high premium on the physical, psychological and safety of journalists in accordance with international standards laid down in the United Nations Plan of Action on the safety of journalists.

Ms. SILIYA said the policy sets a stage for the media to grow and contribute to a well-informed citizenry and job and wealth creation.

She said the policy is for all players in the media industry and its success will hinge on the support and cooperation of all stakeholders.

She noted that the media is a strategic sector and cannot prosper without clear guidelines and guidance in form of policy.

DIV 1 SUNDAY WRAP: MUZA Return To Number 4


MUZA FC have climbed back into the top four of the FAZ National Division 1 following a 1-0 win over Gomes at home in Mazabuka on Sunday.

The win has pushed MUZA two places up into fourth position with nine points from four matches played.

MUZA are one point behind leaders City of Lusaka.

Meanwhile, MUZA have displaced Mufulira Wanderers from fourth position as Mighty drops into fifth place.

In the other game played on Sunday, Mpulungu Harbour escaped from Kalumbila District with a point after holding home side Trident to a 1-1 draw in the North Western Province

FAZ National Division 1 – Week 4

MUZA FC 1-0 Gomes FC

Trident FC 1-1 Mpulungu Harbour

National Assembly 0-0 Kashikishi Warriors

City of Lusaka 1-0 Chambishi

Zesco Malaiti Rangers 1-1 Livingston Pirates

Kansanshi Dynamos 1-0 Kafue Celtics

KYSA 2-0 Police College

Konkola Blades 3-1 Zesco Shockers

Mufulira Wanderers 2-0 Nchanga Rangers

Chilfuya Delighted With COSAFA U17 Champions Winning Start


Coach George Chilufya is pleased that Zambia has taken control of the 2020 COSAFA Men’s Under-17 Championship in South Africa.

The revised regional junior championship is now a four-nation, round-robin event after four teams were expelled for entering overage players on Friday.

Zambia opened a two point lead with three points after beating Angola 2-1 in the opener on Sunday at the Gelvandale Stadium in Nelson Mandela Bay.

“The first game is always important. It is good to start on a positive note because you never know how the other teams will fare in the remaining matches,” said Chilufya in a post-match interview.

“This win will give us confidence, it will raise our morale. I am sure the boys are aware of the task ahead of us because the journey has just started.”

The Young Chipolopolo’s next match is against Malawi on Tuesday.

“I have emphasized to the boys to remain focused and to keep their heads cool,” said Chilufya.

Malawi and South Africa are second and third on the table after two sides settled for a 2-2 draw in the late kick off match on Sunday.

The top two finishers will meet in the final on November 29 and both qualify for the 2021 AFCON U17 in Morocco.8


PR Girl Media has announced that it will expand into the Namibian industry in 2021. The trendy PR Agency hit the Zambian market with a bang in 2016 when it introduced the popular Lusaka July as its flagship event. The company led by the sister-duo Chishimba and Monde Nyambe has since established five annual events; Champagne Picnic, Family Picnic, Lusaka July and the Penthouse Party.

Following a fairly successful year for PR Girl Media, the PR agency specialised in premium and lifestyle branding hosted the Lusaka July 2020 and the Beerville Oktoberfest 2020 in Lusaka during the Covid-19 pandemic proving that the Zambian market has a solid appreciation for the unique experiences it has to offer. “We are in awe of the brand loyalty that our consumers exercised this year especially during the most difficult time for the entertainment industry. We witnessed brand trust from the public and even more confidence from the authorities to host events safely during a public health crisis”, stated Chishimba Nyambe Managing Partner of PR Girl Media.

With most regional events in 2020 going digital, PR Girl Media utilised the time during lockdown to understand the dynamic audience of Southern Africa. “The on-going Covid-19 pandemic has left the World more connected than ever, there has never been a better time for us to branch into other markets than now” said Monde Nyambe Managing Partner of PR Girl Media.

The Penthouse Party 2021 will be held in Windhoek on the 26th of March and in Lusaka on the 18th of December in 2021. Interested corporates and individuals can find further details via the PR Girl Media social platforms which will now target both markets.