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EIU foresees China Demanding Zambia’s Mineral Assets in Exchange for the Huge Debt


In its latest edition published on November 20, 2020, the EIU, a UK based specialist publisher serving companies, has said that it foresees China demanding Zambia’s mineral assets in exchange for the huge debt the southern African country owes.

“Zambia lacks an IMF programme, which has helped other countries (like Angola) to restructure billions of dollars of commercial debts to Chinese firms. Zambia’s President, Edgar Lungu, has probably also sabotaged any chance of the country gaining one while he remains in power, as a result of his government’s erratic approach to economic policy,” the EIU reports. “We continue to forecast that China will demand access to Zambian mineral assets in exchange for any deal. Although Mr Lungu has proven unwilling to do any such thing before the upcoming elections, which would damage his political support, given Zambia’s popular resource nationalism, his administration has been laying the groundwork for potential expropriations afterwards, and Zambia’s business environment has declined sharply so far in 2020.”

The EIU however foresees strong resistance to such a transaction from people, both internally and externally.

It also predicts a slow debt structuring from the Zambian government.

“Giving any expropriated mining assets to Chinese companies would be hugely contentious inside and out of Zambia; but should Mr Lungu succeed in his re-election bid, we believe that his control of the security services would allow him to repress any demonstrations against this course of action,” it states further. “Meanwhile, the relations of Western countries and international bodies with his government have been poor for many years, and Zambia would probably ignore criticism from them in favour of appeasing China. Debt-restructuring will be slow and haphazard in Zambia.”

The EIU also anticipates that “China and Zambia will announce a bilateral debt-restructuring programme sometime in advance of the 2021 elections (probably in early 2021) – a development that would help to boost the PF’s chances of remaining in power.

“Until then, the process of negotiating a restructuring of Zambia’s Eurobond debt will remain slow and patchy, and bondholders will work to ensure that they receive equal treatment with China, while Zambia’s government plays for time with bondholders until a bilateral deal with its most important creditor can be reached,” the EIU reports. “Once this has been achieved, we would expect progress to be made with Eurobond holders, and a hard default on this debt will ultimately be avoided, in exchange for higher interest repayments to investors.”

The EIU states that infrastructure development has been hugely responsible for Zambia’s high debt.

“Looming elections and debt owed to China pose potential risks. Debt negotiations will be complicated by the political fortunes of the ruling Patriotic Front (PF) party, whose debt-led infrastructure development programme has been responsible for pushing Zambia into debt distress (which has been exacerbated by the coronavirus-induced global economic crisis since the start of 2020), which faces legislative and presidential elections in August 2021,” the Unit states. “A change of government in Zambia (although this is not our central forecast) might undo or set back any progress made between investors and the present regime, whose heavy borrowing has been controversial at home, particularly its bilateral borrowing from China, its biggest creditor.”

The EIU states that although the Zambian government had said it would treat all creditors equally, “the key issue to the country escaping debt distress remains its unresolved bilateral debt with China”.

“Without a debt-restructuring agreement between the two parties, an IMF-supervised reform programme, which would create a framework to accumulate the funds needed for debt repayments, and which remains a key demand of the bondholders’ committee, will not materialize,” the EIU states. “Zambia’s large volume of bilateral debt to China is ultimately what has pushed the country into debt distress rather than its Eurobond payments, and although Zambia was awarded US$139.2m in debt service suspension by the G20, this did not cover its bilateral debts with Chinese state-affiliated commercial lenders.”

And the EIU states that, “since coming to power in 2011, the PF and (in particular) Zambia’s president, Edgar Lungu, have created significant uncertainty for investors with their erratic governing policies”.

“…including towards the mining industry, which has seen serial changes to the industry’s tax codes in recent years, but also towards its bondholders. According to the ZCM, a significant number of the country’s Eurobond holders are also heavily invested in Zambia’s mining and prospecting firms, and allowing companies to once again deduct royalty payments from their corporate income tax would mitigate some of the losses that Zambia’s creditors will be asked to bear as the country tries to escape debt distress,” states the EIU. “Reforming the tax code would also help to boost construction activity and (eventually) production over the 2021-25 forecast period, with additional benefits for the country’s job prospects. Nonetheless, we believe that it is unlikely that the government will concede to the industry’s demands ahead of legislative and presidential elections in August 2021. It seems unlikely Mr Lungu would be willing to offer the unpopular mining industry tax concessions before the upcoming elections, as this would damage his political support among the country’s electorate, given widespread resource nationalism, ahead of a tight race.”

Anglican Church Diocese condemns hate speech, political violence and tribal remarks championed by leaders


The Anglican Church Diocese of Luapula has strongly condemned the hate speech, political violence and tribal remarks championed by certain leaders and individuals in the country.

Anglican diocese of Luapula Bishop ROBERT MUMBI says such vulgar language currently being entertained in the country can cause trouble, which the poor will be greatly affected.

The Bishop also called for the promotion of One Zambia, One Nation Motto to ensure unity, love and peace in the country.

He was speaking on the sidelines of the celebrations of fifty years of the Christ the King Anglican Church in Mansa Luapula province.

He added that there is need to intensify sensitization on National Values, Christian and traditional values for the nation to preserve it’s prestigious character that the nation has been known for.

And Bishop Mumbi has urged government to bring people closer in order to know it’s strengthens and weaknesses.

And gracing the Jubilee celebrations, Minister of National Guidance and Religious Affairs GODFRIDAH SUMAILI thanked the Church for complimenting government’s efforts in proving the welfare of the people in the country.

Rev. Sumaili said government is happy to note that the Anglican Church has continued to offer education and health services in the province and beyond.

She said government is concerned with the increased intolerance among people adding that this should not be accepted.

She pointed out that there is need for families and churches to teach children and the youth on the virtues of love, tolerance and hard work.

Rev. Sumaili said there is for people to change their mind on the value placed on peace in order to peace to continue reigning.

May God Grant long life to KK, RB and ECL to Witness My Presidency-Kambwili


The National Democractic Congress (NDC) president yesterday bid farewell to his long-standing political comrade, Mr. Amos Chewe, who until his death was NDC Luanshya District treasurer since the formation of NDC. Mr Chewe was also congregation treasurer for the United Church of Zambia (UCZ) Mpatamatu congregation as well as a member of the Men’s Christian Fellowship (MCF).

The NDC president lamented the passing of Mr. Chewe. He described him as a man that believed in good political administration, prudent political engagements based on service delivery and keeping of campaign promises like Mr Kambwili practiced.

Mr Kambwili lamented the bad politics currently practiced especially by aspiring candidates for the Roan constituency seat.

“It is hypocritical for politicians to start fighting to finance funerals whenever elections are near. Let us be sincere show leadership by fulfilling campaign promises and service delivery to the people. You can not be fighting to buy coffins at every funeral just because elections are around the corner” said Mr Kambwili.

It is from this cause that he assured the mourners and nation that at an appointed time, he will lead this country.

“It is sad that each time Zambians wake up, they find essential commodity prices increased. Cooking oil, bread, tomatoes, etc are always increasing in price. This is all because of luck of prudent leadership we have in this country. But I pray that God gives Mr Kaunda, Mr Rupiah Banda and president Lungu more life to come and witness what my presidency will be like. Presidency that will ease and improve life for the citizenry” said Mr. Kambwili.

He thanked his followers country wide for remaining firm and increasing in numbers regardless of challenges faced.

“God has His own way of doing things. I have just returned from Germany (jail), Mandela, KK and many other leaders endured it. I will not give up but keep thanking God. Look how NDC has continued growing even after my incarceration, the future is very bright”

He further called on the bereaved family to look to God during this trying time and unite as a family.

Minister of Foreign Affairs represents President Edgar Lungu at the virtual Heads of State Summit


Minister of Foreign Affairs Hon. Joseph Malanji, represented President Edgar Lungu at the virtual 8th Ordinary Summit of Heads of State and Government of the International Conference on the Great Lakes Region (ICGLR).

Hon. Malanji was accompanied by Ministry of Foreign Affairs Permanent Secretary for International Relations and Cooperation Ambassador Chalwe Lombe and other senior Government officials.

The Summit, which was hosted by His Excellency Mr. Denis Sassou N’guesso, President of the Republic of Congo and outgoing Chair of the ICGLR on Friday, was convened under the theme, “Fostering the Implementation of the Pact on Security, Stability and Development in the Great Lakes Region by intensifying Regional Economic Cooperation and Development”.

The Summit considered and adopted the reports of the 8th Session of the Regional Inter-Ministerial Committee (RIMC) and the extraordinary RIMC; the Meeting of Ministers of Defence on the security situation in the region; the Ministers of Health; and approved the 2020/2021 Budget for the ICGLR.

The one-day Summit saw His Excellency Mr. João Lourenço, President of the Republic of Angola take over the Chairmanship of the ICGLR. The Summit also approved the appointment of the new Executive Secretary of the ICGLR, Mr. João Samuel Caholo of Angola.

The Summit welcomed the resolution of the border conflict between the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and Zambia.

The Summit affirmed that the security and humanitarian situation in the country is relatively calm but condemned the activities of armed groups and the negative forces that continue to operate in eastern DRC.

The Summit called on the international community to support peace efforts by the ICGLR in the Republic of South Sudan and extend humanitarian assistance to refugees.
On the Republic of Sudan, the Summit welcomed the signing of the Sudan Peace Agreement in Juba on 3rd October, 2020 between the Government of Sudan and the Sudan Revolutionary Front and called upon the international community to provide the necessary support for its speedy implementation.

The Summit supported the ongoing electoral processes and the upcoming elections within the constitutional timeframe in the Central African Republic and urged the Member States to support the Government’s efforts to restore peace and stability through direct support for the development of defence and security forces.

On Burundi, the Summit noted the calm security and political situation which enabled the successful holding of the general elections from May to August 2020. The Summit commended the improvement of the humanitarian situation in Burundi as evidenced by the high number of Burundian refugees who have returned to their country.

The meeting deplored the devastating effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on the people and the economies of the region and commended efforts of Member States to contain the spread.
The Summit welcomed the decision to create a network of health experts similar to the Judicial Cooperation Network in the Great Lakes Region.

The meeting expressed concern about the growing threat of terrorism and extremism in Africa and urged the Secretariat to convene a face-to-face ministerial meeting to assess the threats in the Great Lakes Region and work on a strategy to prevent and combat terrorism and extremism, depending on how the Covid-19 pandemic evolves.

The Summit congratulated His Excellency Evariste Ndayishimiye on his election as President of the Republic of Burundi and His Excellency Dr. John Pombe Magufuli on his re-election as the President of the Republic of Tanzania.

The Summit also thanked outgoing Chair, His Excellency Mr. N’guesso, and President of the Republic of Congo for his exemplary leadership from 2017 to 2020.
The Summit reaffirmed its strong commitment to the ICGLR Pact on Security, Stability and Development in the Great Lakes Region and its related Protocols.
The Summit is the supreme organ of the International Conference on the Great Lakes Region (ICGLR) responsible for directing the implementation of the Pact, approving the budgetary resources on the recommendation of the Regional Inter-Ministerial Committee, allocating additional resources and assessing progress made in the implementation of the Pact.

The ICGLR is an inter-governmental organization of the countries in the African Great Lakes Region whose founding history began in 2000. Its establishment was based on the recognition that political instability and conflicts in these countries have a considerable regional dimension and thus require a concerted effort to promote sustainable peace and development. It is headquartered in Bujumbura, Burundi.

The Member States include the Republic of Angola, Republic of Burundi, Central African Republic, Republic of Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Republic of Kenya, Republic of Rwanda, Republic of Sudan, Republic of South Sudan, United Republic of Tanzania, Republic of Uganda and Republic of Zambia.

PF to report HH to Zambia Police for insulting President Lungu


Patriotic Front (PF) member of the Central Committee Kebby Mbewe has aid that he will today, Monday report opposition UPND leader Hakainde Hichilema to Police in Choma for using unpalatable language when referring to the Head of State.

Mr. Mbewe said that the PF will not sit idle and allow Mr. Hichilema to continue insulting Zambians, adding that the law must take its course to stop Mr. Hichilema from using unpalatable language.

And Patriotic Front PF National Mobilization Committer Member Bizwell Mutale has condemned Mr. Hichilema for using unpalatable language against women during a rally in Pemba District.

Mr. Mutale said that women deserve to be respected at any cost because they have the right to support a party of their choice and should not be intimidated by politicians.

Speaking when he addressed the media in Lusaka, Mr. Mutale said Mr. Hichilema needs prayers and God’s guidance because his statement does not in any way represent the Christian values of the country.

He wondered why the women’s movement in the country is always quiet whenever the UPND leader issues unpalatable statements against the women.

Electoral Commission of Zambia urged to make voter registration more accessible in especially in rural areas


ZAMBIA needs a longer period for voter registration, more electoral manpower and better facilities, Margaret Pikiti, Socialist Party parliamentary candidate for the Malole constituency, says.

Speaking on Diamond TV recently, Pikiti called upon the Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) to make voter registration more accessible, especially in rural areas.
“Looking at the situation, I think the time [for registration] is inadequate. I don’t know how many people are registered to date considering the long queues and the time it is taking,” she said.

“I think they need more manpower to speed up the registration. They should also think of extending the period for registration.”

She stressed though that more manpower was the priority because extending hours would only work in certain areas.

“I have travelled far and wide in Malole, Northern Province. It is very rural. People can’t start walking home in the dark. People in Lusaka can drive to go home with extended hours, but it will be very difficult for people in rural areas to do the same. Definitely, much more manpower is needed.

“I have been in Lusaka for the last few days and passed through a few centres and seen the queues. Just on Sunday, I went with my family to try to register. People coming out said they had been there for seven hours and were only leaving at about 16:00 hours. We entered the place and the queue was still very long.

“It’s quite disheartening. There was only one ECZ lady official attending to the people, registering with one laptop despite a very long queue. The laptops don’t cost much, the price of one car can fund the whole country.

“We could have at least three or more people taking the details but actually, there is just one person, and people have to wait for hours,” she said.
But she urged Zambians not to lose heart despite the challenges.

“While this might discourage people, I urge them not to be discouraged because our country is not going on the right path. We need to be able to have a say over what happens to our families, children, ourselves, and the generations to come. We need to build justice, equity and peace and improve people’s lives.”
Pikiti also shared her experience of the difficulties people face in Malole constituency.

“The situation there is a bit different,” she said. “In Lusaka, people might be able to catch a bus to line up to register. I don’t know how people in Malole manage to walk long distances and then sit in queues for many hours. It is a challenge to even get food and water, and then they have to walk long distances home again.

Many people don’t have bicycles. In Malole, people walk to the clinic for treatment. They walk miles, literally miles.”

She said there was a need for people to empathise with the plight of rural communities and take their needs into consideration.

“If they have to walk long distances to go and register, [the process] needs to be faster. What I have seen so far in Lusaka is disheartening because I am now concerned about my constituency.”
She said power was also a problem in Malole. “There is no electricity so the ECZ officers are probably having to use batteries with their laptops.”

Pikiti said the rural difficulties and poverty of Malole were a part of the reason why she had decided to stand for parliament for the Socialist Party.

“I realised that the Socialist Party’s manifesto and plans were going to benefit the people of Malole. I see the struggles of the people. I see the struggles in every area; food, health, education, and just managing day-to-day lives.

“When I read the Socialist Party’s manifesto I had the conviction that it can really benefit the people of Malole because the focus of the party is to work with the poor and improve their lives,” she said.

The PF have betrayed the hopes of the poor and middle-class


By: Anthony Bwalya

Let us be very clear, as the monumental 2021 general election draws nigh, the ruling Patriotic Front (PF) are all too aware, that they no longer command the uncoerced loyalty of the majority Zambian poor and thin middle class; the same support base that gave the PF and Michael their maiden political victory on the grand stage.

The PF have betrayed the hopes of the poor/middle-class, whom they promised MORE MONEY IN THEIR POCKETS, LOWER TAXES and ZERO CORRUPTION. Instead, the PF turned itself into an unprecedented looting machine for politicians and their private sector friends with focus having moved away from uplifting the welfare of the poor, and much towards the sharing of spoils in the form of public contracts, under the guise of “infrastructure development”, as well as positions awarded to cadres and friends of the party.

Under the PF regime, the poor/middle class are more poorer, hungrier, over taxed, with corruption the new public sector currency.

Infrastructure under the PF regime has been nothing but a vehicle for theft, plunder and looting. The infrastructure narrative has provided the perfect cover for the unhindered looting of over $12bn of debt money out of the total $20bn.

And while all this is going on, one Hakainde Hichilema has continued to endear himself to the popular Zambian cause as the inevitable Republican President in waiting.

This notion is reinforced by his CONSISTENT, RELENTLESS and always ACCURATE defence of the poor in the face of a political mafia cartel of the PF.

While the PF and their useless and hired surrogates in Edith, Sean, Andrew, Tayali and the rest of the insignificant bunch are all out maligning him, Hakainde Hichilema has taken a firm and clear position on the following issues:

  1. Restoring leadership credibility in Zambia so that Zambia becomes a credible voice in global and regional leadership circles
  2. Resolve the corruption fuelled $20bn debt crisis and put the country back to work
  3. Resolve and dismantle the $3.5bn annual worth corruption cartel which continues to steal from Zambians
  4. Reform and lower PAYE for maximum gains to workers
  5. Reform PUBLIC PENSIONS and allow contributors partial access to pensions in real time to mitigate against the growing poverty trap
  6. Improve the working conditions of health workers and restore the SERVICE YEARS lost when thousands of health workers were fired by the PF regime for merely speaking up
  7. Lowering the price of the fuel pump price by cleaning up the fuel procurement/supply/distribution cycle and lower taxes on fuel
  8. Lower the price of mealie meal by cutting the $500m annual fertilizer contracts and instead reinvest in NCZ so that we can produce fertilizer here in Zambia and create jobs for our youths
  9. Restore meal allowances for university students and engage in conversation around expanding access to the same for other eligible students
  10. Expand public education funding and put all the 50,000 trained and yet unemployed teachers to work.
  11. Prioritizing healthcare funding and ensure availability of critical medicines and equipment for ordinary people

These are the kind of people centric commitments that are causing the PF regime and their surrogates panic and sleepless nights.

The UPND will not be drawn into playing cho-chise with PF surrogates, individuals with zero grassroots support base; whose only job is to make noise on behalf of the PF.

Sean will never be Republican President. Neither will Tayali, Edith or the rest of the insignificant bunch. And they know it. If these individuals had any belief in their ability to mobilize the grassroots and stage an actual claim to the Presidency, they would have been busy making their case to the Zambian people rather than going into the history books searching for ghosts that do not exist.

Zambians are marching forward and we will not be deterred.

This is bigger than the UPND and anyone who gets in the way of the people’s movement for change is fighting a battle they will never win.

Eventually, the people always win.

Nkana Fight Back to Draw With Zanaco


Nkana rallied to recovered slightly on Sunday with a 1-1 home draw against Zanaco at Nkana Stadium in Kitwe.

The draw came five days after the defending league champions suffered a humiliating 5-0 away loss to Green Buffaloes in Lusaka in a match marred by a supporter assaulting Nkana coach Manfred Chabinga during the game.

Chabinga missed the Zanaco game due to suspension over his conduct during that incident while striker Idris Mbombo was absent due to injury.

Meanwhile, Zanaco were the better side in the first half and sent Nkana reeling with a 2nd minute goal scored by Moses Phiri.

Nkana’s only notable chance of a goal came in the 37th minute when Fred Tshimenga’s header was parried by Zanaco goalkeeper Racha Kola.

But Tshimenga redeemed himself in the 58th minute with the equaliser in the second half Nkana showed shades of character.

The champions were then harshly denied the winner in the 67th minute when Diamond Chikwekwe’s goal was disallowed for a questionable offside.

Meanwhile, the highlight of the game saw midfielder Misheck Chaila make his Nkana debut following his free transfer from Zesco United.

Chaila showed promising signs of depth and experience Nkana badly needs after a raft of off-season departures that have left them struggling in the early league campaign with two draws, as many defeats and one win.

Mighty Coach Chembo Demands Consistency


Mighty Mufulira Wanderers coach Tenant Chembo is demanding consistency from his players as the legendary club fights for promotion back to the FAZ Super Division.

Fourth placed Wanderers have recorded two straight wins after starting the 2020/21 FAZ National Division 1 campaign with two consecutive draws.

Speaking after a 2-0 home win over Nchanga Rangers on Saturday, Chembo said there was stiff competition in the National Division 1 championship.

“It was a hard fought victory, Rangers is one of the strongest teams in the country and have a good bench with a seasoned coach Bruce Mwape,” said Chembo at Shinde Stadium.

The ex-Zesco United and Buildcon coach said he is inculcating a sense of winning in the team.

“It is all about building a winning mentality. It is still early days but we need to be consistent. With hard work it will pay but we have to be humble and focused.”

“The competition is tough, it is very competitive. Teams are bringing in good players from the Super Division,” said Chembo.

Mighty were demoted from the Super Division last season.

Zambia Make Flying Start in COSAFA U17 Title Defence


Defending champions Zambia have edged Angola 2-1 in their opening match of the 2020 COSAFA U17 played on Sunday afternoon in South Africa.

Rickson Ng’ambi and Charles Majapa were the scorers for Zambia with Antonio Lopez scoring Angola’s goal.

The Young Chipolopolo’s next match is against Malawi on Tuesday.

The revised regional junior championship is now a four-nation, round-robin event that includes hosts South Africa after four teams were expelled for entering overage players on Friday.

The top two finishers will meet in the final on November 29 and both qualify for the 2021 AFCON U17 in Morocco.

This year’s COSAFA U17 Cup is being used as a 2021 Morocco AFCON U17 zonal qualifying tournament.

DIV 1 WRAP: City of Lusaka Take Command Promotion Race


City of Lusaka moved to the top of the FAZ National Division 1 following a 1-0 win over Chambishi at Woodlands Stadium in Lusaka on Saturday.

Midfielder Stephen Phiri came off the bench to score the goal in the 75th minute as City ended Chambishi’s three match winning streak.

Phiri made an impact in this Week 4 match after replacing injured striker Harry Milanzi Jr after the break.

Ya Moto have now opened a one point lead at the top with 10 points from four matches played.

Chambishi drops to third place as they remain on nine points from four matches.

Kafue Celtic relinquished the top spot after a 1-0 loss at Kansanshi Dynamos in Solwezi on Saturday.

Kansanshi scored through Daniel Chama seconds before the final whistle.

Celtic drops to second position with nine points while Kansanshi moves into fifth place on eight points.

At Shinde Stadium in Kantanshi, Mighty Mufulira Wanderers thumped Nchanga Rangers 2-0 at home to move into fourth place.

Lima Ndeke and Phuezzy Chibandika were the scorers for unbeaten Mighty.

Wanderers have eight points from and Nchanga remains on six points after four matches played.

FAZ National Division 1 – Week 4

Konkola Blades 3-1 Zesco Shockers

Mufulira Wanderers 2-0 Nchanga Rangers

KYSA 2-0 Police College

Kansanshi Dynamos 1-0 Kafue Celtics

Zesco Malaiti Rangers 1-1 Livingston Pirates

City of Lusaka 1-0 Chambishi FC

National Assembly 0-0 Kashikishi Warriors

Paramount Chief Mpezeni clocks 38 Years on the throne


President Edgar Lungu has said that government recognizes the critical role that Paramount Chief Mpezeni and other traditional leaders play in the promotion of peace and stability in the country.

President Lungu said that Chief Mpezeni has worked well with all the governments from 1982 when he ascended to the throne.

The President said this in a speech read on his behalf by Minister of Infrastructure and Housing Vincent Mwale during celebrations to mark Paramount Chief Mpezeni’s 38th Anniversary on the throne, at Ephendukeni palace in Chipata yesterday.

And Paramount Chief Mpezeni, who spoke through Chief Madzimawe thanked government for building him a palace and for rendering support to the traditional leadership.

He urged Zambians to register as voters so that they take part in next year’s elections.

Meanwhile, Chipata Diocese Bishop George Lungu said the celebration was premised on thanking God for the 38 years that the Paramount Chief has been on the throne and to bless the palace as well as pray for peaceful elections.

Bishop Lungu, who is also the president of the Zambia Conference for Catholic Bishop, appealed to traditional leaders not to take political sides because doing so may confuse their subjects.

Earlier, Nc’wala Ceremony Organising Committee Chairman General Joshua Jere said the Paramount Chief has unified the Ngoni people during his rule.

All the Ngoni chiefs attended the event and other notable people that are present include Eastern Province deputy Permanent Secretary Josphat Lombe, Luangeni MP Charles Zulu, Former Home Affairs minister Lameck Mangani among others.

ECZ Increases Voter Registration Centres in Lusaka


The Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) has opened up Eight Centers to be operating on a 24-hour basis in Lusaka, apart from Lusaka Civic Centre, for Voter registration Exercise.

ECZ Acting Public Relations Manager Sylvia Bwalya has confirmed the development to ZNBC news in Lusaka today. Ms Bwalya stated that the move has been done to cater for more people who want to register as voters in Lusaka.

She has named the centers as Munali Boys Secondary school, Matero Community hall, Roma Parish in Mandevu constituency and Kabwata community hall. Ms Bwalya said others are Evelyn Hone collage, ECZ Education Centre in the show grounds, Twashuka primary in Kanyama and Chawama primary school.

She has explained that the Commission is monitoring other centers outside Lusaka which can be opened on a 24-hours basis for voter registration apart from the Civic Centers.

Ms. Bwalya alsdo said that there is an improvement in terms of staffing levels from last week after beefing up staff from those that have been recruited to do help with voter registration.

And Home Affairs Minister Stephen Kampyongo has advised political party cadres to refrain from unruly conduct as the law will not spare anyone.

And, Mr. Kampyongo says more police officers will however only be deployed in urban areas where there are reports of some unruly political cadres attempting to disrupt the voter registration exercise.

Mr. Kampyongo who is also Shiwang’andu Member of Parliament was speaking when he checked on the voter registration exercise at Kasangala and Kanakashi primary schools in Shiwang’andu District.

He commended residents for turning up in numbers to register as voters despite the long queues.

Mr. Kampyongo assured residents that the Electoral Commission of Zambia -ECZ- is addressing the challenges of inadequate manpower and equipment, urging those registering not to be discouraged.

The Shiwang’andu Law maker also directed Muchinga Ward councillor Fridah Mulenga to ensure the construction of the one by three classroom blocks at two primary schools are completed by December month end.

Mr. Kampyongo said there is no need for the construction to delay because materials have already been provided.

And Ms. Mulenga said she is working with other councillors in the constituency to ensure residents are sensitised on the importance to register as voters.

Government will dissolve boards of water utility companies involved in financial irregularities


Water Development, Sanitation and Environmental Protection Minister Dr Jonas Chanda has warned that government will not hesitate to dissolve boards of water utility companies involved in financial irregularities and other financial mismanagement issues.

Dr Chanda notes that lack of financial discipline could lead to failure to archieve developmental goals and erodes confidence among sector players.

Speaking during the tour of the Southern Water and Sanitation Company water treatment plant in Livingstone,the Minister said audits done on 11 water utility companies by NWASCO as well as the Parliamentary committee on energy and water revealed worrying reports of financial indiscipline by some boards.

He therefore assured that government will take appropriate action to secure investments in the water and sanitation sector.

“Personally, I have assured government and cooperating partners that all resources will be used accordingly and accounted for.We don’t want water utility companies that are mismanaging resources” Dr Chanda warned.

Dr Chanda said government wants total transparency with every financial support it is getting from cooperating partners and the private sector in order to serve people efficiently and effectively.

And SWASCO board chairperson Mr Richwell Siamunene assured the minister that all the monies will be put to good use in order to ensure that water and sanitation challenges are addressed in line with the company’s strategic plan.

Meanwhile, SWASCO managing director Mr Gift Monde said the water utility company is prioritizing expansion and construction of water development areas in order to increase coverage in Southern Province and thanked government for securing funding for various projects in the province.

Political Violence is a Symptom Leadership Deficit


By Father Alex Muyebe, S.J. – Executive Director

The Jesuit Centre for Theological Reflection (JCTR) is calling on both the ruling and opposition political party leaders to immediately put an end to political violence in this Zambia. Mother Zambia has a hard earned reputation as a peaceful and friendly country. This reputation now hangs in the balance as we increasingly continue to experience unwarranted cases of political violence which are doing irreparable damage to our long standing motto of “One Zambia, One Nation.”

It is disheartening to see people from the same community engaging in physical violence and fights emanating from the political differences. Clashes between party cadres must never be allowed to take place in this country because we are one people who must always respect and accommodate each other’s political opinions. Political leaders must promote politics of mutual tolerance and mutual respect and must lead by example.

Political leaders must work together to stamp out this cancer of political violence that is slowly but surely spreading in the political fabric of this nation. The current politically charged environment in Zambia is being fueled by polarized media, institutionalization of cadreism, proliferation of hate speeches, cheap culture of handouts, promotion of geo-centric and ethnocentric-politics, and erosion of confidence in the electoral process.

Politics must be a tool of service for social, cultural, and economic progress of all the people. The objective of all forms of governance and power relations must be to foster the common good of the citizens. Political violence, on the contrary, is characterised by both physical and psychological acts aimed at injuring or intimidating the other, and in some instances occasioning deaths. In a country where we pride ourselves of being a Christian nation, we should be ashamed that incidents of political violence are now becoming a common occurrence.

It is worrisome that political party leaders in this country are not ashamed of exploiting or taking advantage of poor, unemployed and vulnerable youths to their advantage. Unemployed youths are being used as tools of violence that can easily be sacrificed like pawn pieces in a game of chess. It is also sad to note that some youths are allowing themselves to be brainwashed and to sacrifice their human dignity at the altar of political hooliganism. It is high time young people woke up and be in charge of their destiny.


JCTR is therefore calling on all political leaders in Zambia to work together and take concrete steps to stem out the culture of political violence by addressing the root causes listed above. Politicians must take a lead in practicing and promoting politics of mutual tolerance and mutual respect. Mere public denunciation or condemnation of political violence alone will not stop violence. Leaders must teach by example. This country needs leaders that are capable of engaging in a constructive dialogue and honest reconciliation. Zambia needs leaders that are capable of putting the interest of the nation ahead of their personal interest or their cronies’ interest.

Attribute statement to Father Alex Muyebe, S.J. – Executive Director