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Zambia U17 Win Annulled After 4 Teams Expelled From COSAFA U17 Cup


Zambia U17’s opening game at the 2020 COSAFA U17 Cup Group B against Comoros on Friday in South Africa has been annulled after four teams were expelled for entering overage players.

The defending COSAFA U17 champions beat Comoros 2-0 in their opening Group B match in Port Elizabeth.

However, the MRI results arrived in the midst of the match that saw Comoros, Zimbabwe, Botswana and eSwatini ejected after a player each from the quartet failed their respective MRI tests.

And so the win over Comoros is now classified as a friendly as were the games played by the other expelled teams earlier on Friday and on match-day-one on Thursday.

Zambia will now officially kickoff the revised competition on November 22 against Angola in what is now a four-nation, round-robin event that includes Malawi and hosts South Africa.

The top two finishers will meet in the final on November 29 and both qualify for the 2021 AFCON U17 in Morocco.

This year’s COSAFA U17 Cup is a 2021 Morocco AFCON U17 zonal qualifying tournament.

UNZA suspends 8 students for inciting the Riot


The University of Zambia Management has with immediate effect suspended eight students that allegedly incited others to riot over the decision not to allow students with outstanding fees to write semester examinations.

The eight have been named as Frank Chiyama, Samuel Daka, Justine Ngosa, Boyd Simukoko, and Chandra Chongo.

Other students are Langford Mbewe, Mwate Simpemba and Abraham Chilubaila.

UNZA Acting Head of Communication and Marketing Marjorie Nkamba confirmed in a statement to ZNBC News today.

Ms. Nkamba said the students have been suspended pending investigations and disciplinary hearing.

And Ms. Nkamba said UNZA Management has taken administrative action against members of Staff who abrogated the directive NOT to allow students who had not fully paid to sit for examinations.

She said UNZA Management is saddened by such riotous behavior as this goes against what the institution stands for and will NOT condone it.

Ms. Nkamba said quick action by UNZA security supported by State Police curbed the riot and averted serious damage to the infrastructure.

She has assured all stakeholders and the public that calm has returned to Great East Road Campus and all activities including Examinations have continued.

UNZA is owed about 57 Million kwacha in arrears by Students.

The Electoral Commission of Zambia to recruit additional 1,100 staff


The Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) is in the process of recruiting an extra 1,100 staff to beef up the staff already in the field as a way of enhancing the efficiency in the voter registration exercise.

ECZ Chief Electoral Officer, Patrick Nshindano has disclosed this today during the Non-governmental Gender Organisations Coordinating Council -NGOCC- 21st General Assembly in Lusaka.

Mr. Nshindano also said the new registration process is meant to enhance the credibility of the voter register ahead of the 2021 General election.

He said the Commission had to do away with the old register as it was not compatible with some of the new security features required of the new voter register.

Mr. Nshindano has encouraged Zambians to register in the ongoing voter registration process.

And speaking during the same function, ECZ Vice-Chairperson, Emily Sikazwe encouraged women to register as voters in order to participate in the governance of the country.

Meanwhile, NGOCC Board Chairperson Mary Mulenga said the women’s movement is currently implementing a coordinated elections campaign strategy to increase women’s participation in politics and decision-making.

UPND Is Headed For Another Loss in 2021



“Time and again, the UPND has gone on a campaign drive to preach and promote, hate, violence, and tribalism. They have encouraged their supporters in their strongholds to blatantly demean and insults the head of state and this show of disrespect was exampled by their leader HH who arrogantly tried to block the presidential motorcade, an act that is treasonous in many if not all countries”

By Dr. Joze Manda

For many years a myriad of opposition political parties in Zambia have seemingly faced some special hurdles in their quest to win elections and take hold of the reins of power.
Indeed, the number of electoral alternations – whereby a ruling party loses an election and the opposition becomes the new ruling elite – has been increasing in Africa, but this can not be said for Zambia, as the main opposition, the UPND is more concerned at character assassination and propaganda than offering alternative views and solutions to many challenges that Zambia is facing.

The biggest problem with UPND is that it thrives on propaganda and promotes negativity on the economic performance of the country instead of building the same country they wish to govern. UPND has the tendency of painting Zambia black to the outside world with the misconception hope of receiving sympathy, which might work to their advantage.
Time and again, the UPND has gone on campaign drive to preach and promote, hate, violence and tribalism. They have encouraged their supporters in their strongholds to blatantly demean and insults the head of state and this show of disrespect was exampled by their leader HH who arrogantly tried to block the presidential motor cade, an act that is treasonous in many if not all countries.

In the recent past, we have heard how HH and his supporters have gone full throttle on social media claiming they are popular and they will win the elections in 2021 at all costs and they lose, then it means elections have been rigged, what kind of thinking is this? HH and his supports must be reminded that Zambia is democratic country and elections results must be accepted as presented, there is only one winner and many losers.

In all fairness, I think it’s time that we now heard from the silent majority on the other side – those who will not be voting HH. Those who understand that we must avoid Mr. Hichilema from landing in Plot 1 under any circumstances.

Firstly, let’s forget about the ridiculous things being said and focus on what’s true. Accusations like “HH is a satanist” or a “free mason” are absurd, and it distracts us from focusing on the urgent and legitimate concerns about Hichilema’s background.
What we really need to be worried about is the established history of HH and his known character flaws, his party’s ability to legislate in parliament, his history of selling (and then benefitting from) Zambia’s national assets, his foreign financing, tolerance for corruption, and yes, this one you know well, his issues surrounding tribalism and unity.

Zambians Don’t Like HH

There is a very simple reason behind HH’s failure as a politician – people don’t like him; they don’t connect with him.

A Zambian president must have the common touch. He or she may hold the highest office, but they remain a public servant, one that should have empathy for the people, to know how to listen, to deeply care for their welfare, and to put the needs of the nation above themselves and their family, tribe, and province.

Hakainde Hichilema regrettably does not possess these qualities. I have spoken to numerous people who spend the day in his team, with full access to him, and very few if any have managed to forge any close personal bond. Hakainde Hichilema is cold, very cold. He does not easily experience joy or affection. He has no sense of humor to speak of – his smiles are always forced for the camera, and his laugh is stiff and manufactured.

HH’s reputation for bullying behavior

There is nothing wrong with being shy or unfriendly if this happens to be your personality. In fact, some people may like the idea of his “always business” demeanor. But a lack of interpersonal skills for a president can be very dangerous – it leads to poor decisions.
For example, a few years back HH pulled Andrew Banda onto a stage to attack his own father. What kind of man exactly would try to use somebody’s own son against him, as HH did? This is just politics – you should be able to win because you are the better candidate – not because you have to rip apart somebody’s family. Ask yourselves: what kind of man does that?

No Constitution under HH

We must not allow Hakainde Hichilema to become president because his party lacks the parliamentary seats to pass laws, and appears to have no interest (or ability) to build coalitions with other parties. What this means is that the UPND will be extremely unlikely to pass a new constitution, especially one that would place certain limits on presidential powers like the defunct bill 10

With no new constitution, and a vengeful party seeking to “sort out” all kinds of imagined historical grievances and bent on seizing more and more power, HH would be overwhelmingly focused on keeping UPND in power beyond 2026 – perhaps for the next 100 years to come.

Violence, Repression, and Division of Zambia

As a young and untested leader who is deeply unpopular among voters in several key provinces, Hakainde Hichilema will be likely to unleash the Public Order Act, and send the police to beat his opponents into submission.

He has said that he would not use the Public Order Act, but he has not said that he would abolish it. The reason why is that he plans to use it, and to use it very aggressively to consolidate his authority.

There is also HH’s known record of intolerance for criticism freedom of speech – we have seen every now and then how UPND cadres have savagely attacked many citizens on social media who have different views to theirs

*What kind of unity do we imagine will result of this? Instead under an HH presidency we would have a deepening civil conflict, a country deeply divided along regional and tribal lines, and an increased possibility of the use of violence by the state against citizens. That’s why it is so hard to believe HH when he talks about unity – he simply has shown no level of brotherhood with other Zambians, instead placing the Tonga’s first and everyone else second, if you doubt me, list the top 10 leadership of UPND and you have the answer.*

Zambia is not for sale

Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, we must be very concerned about Hichilema’s history of selling out Zambia’s national assets and then benefiting from their sale. I am not saying that I have evidence that the sales of Lima Bank, Intercontinental Livingstone, or Roan Antelope Mining Corporation of Zambia (Ramcoz) were illegal – but I am saying that there are lots of unanswered questions.

Bank of Zambia re-affirms its position on not banning foreign currency account in Zambia


The Bank of Zambia has said that social media reports suggesting that the Bank and the Ministry of Finance are working on a Statutory Instrument (SI) to ban the holding of foreign currency accounts in commercial banks in Zambia are not true.
In a statement released to the media, BoZ urged members of the public to treat such reports as false and unfounded, adding that the utmost priority of the Bank is to help restore macroeconomic stability and revive economic growth in the midst of a challenging economic environment that has been significantly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

“As we have indicated in the past, the exchange rate policy in Zambia will continue to be founded on a market-determined exchange rate as this is the most appropriate way in which economic imbalances are resolved,” the statement read.

BoZ statement further said that false and unsubstantiated reports mislead the public and, if left unchallenged, have the potential to
cause panic and destabilise the financial sector and the economy as a whole.

“Reports of this nature also have the potential to tarnish the image of the country, both locally and abroad. Members of the public are therefore urged to use social media responsibly and desist from circulating false news” the statement concluded.

Kazungula Bridge will next year undergo a quality audit using specialized Equipment-Auditor-General


Auditor-General, Dick Sichembe has said that the Kazungula Bridge across the Zambezi River between Zambia and Botswana will next year be audited using specialised equipment.

Dr. Sichembe said that the Office of the Auditor-General has been equipped with specialised equipment to audit the quality of works done on infrastructure projects.

Dr. Sichembe said that a team of experts which was trained in Norway to carry out the specialized infrastructure audits will be deployed to the Kazungula Bridge next year for the scheduled audit.

Speaking when he toured the Kazungula Bridge, Dr. Sichembe said the project will also be subjected to a performance audit.

The Auditor-General stated that the performance audit will ascertain the efficiency and effectiveness of the bridge as well as monitor the investments in the structure.

Dr. Sichembe said the Office of the Auditor-General wants to ensure all investments in infrastructure development projects across the country directly benefit the Zambian people.

And Kazungula Bridge Project Manager, Godfrey Songeya said Zambia and Botswana are finalising the One-Stop Border Post bilateral agreement before the bridge is commissioned.

President Lungu’s Eligibility has been debated enough and should be allowed to rest-Vice President


Vice President Inonge Wina says the debate on President Edgar Lungu’s eligibility to contest the 2021 Presidential Election has been extensively debated and that the matter should be allowed to rest.

Mrs. Wina says the Constitutional Court has given a final verdict which must be respected by all.

She said this in parliament today during the Vice President’s Question time.

This was in response to a question by Chifubu Member of Parliament Frank Ng’ambi who wanted to know if the debate on the eligibility of President Lungu to contest in 2021 is not undermining the decision of the constitutional court.

And Mrs. Wina said the Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) will on a weekly basis provide an update on how many voters have been registered as the voter registration exercise is ongoing.

Mrs. Wina said this in response to a question from Chisamba member of Parliament Chushi Kasanda who wanted to know if the ECZ can give an update on the voters registered weekly so that the public has authentic information.

She said the ongoing voter registration exercise has been designed in phases and the Government is waiting to see how the process has unfolded in the second week.

Mrs. Wina expressed optimism that the ECZ will meet its 9 million target of registered voters.

Meanwhile, Mrs. Wina said Home Affairs Minister Stephen Kampyongo will be asked to share with the nation on what has been achieved in the past few months on the issuance of National registration Cards, NRCs.

She said this in response to a question by Mitete Member of Parliament Misheck Mutelo who wanted to find out whether Government will send a mobile team to issue NRCs in Mitete district because some people were left out.

Meanwhile, Northwestern Provincial Minister, Hon Nathaniel Mubukwanu has dismissed the eligibility debate saying the highest court in the land already delivered a clear verdict on the matter.

He said the matter was thoroughly determined in the Dan Pule and Others Vs Attorney General and Others Case number 2017/CCZ/004.

He said both the Law Association of Zambia(LAZ) and constitutional lawyers such as John Sangwa brought the same arguments to court which were thrown out but have rekindled the same arguments in the media.

Speaking in an interview, Hon. Mubukwanu called on those engaged in the debate as mere detractors with ill intentions for the country.

He called on Zambians to ignore the debate and concentrate on developmental issues.

He said those debating the matter don’t deserve attention at all

Copper Production up in 2020-Mines Minister


COPPER production by the large scale mines during the period 1st January 2020 to 30th September 2020 stood at 646,111.25 tonnes compared to 590,321.13 tonnes recorded during the same period in 2019 representing an increase of 55,790.12 tonnes, Minister of Mines and Minerals Development Hon. Richard Musukwa has said.

And Hon. Musukwa said Gold has been identified as a strategic mineral that can drive the diversification agenda in the Mining Industry.

Addressing the press in Lusaka yesterday, Hon. Musukwa said the increase in Copper production was due to increased output by NFCA, Kansanshi, Lumwana and Kalumbila.

Hon. Musukwa said Copper production by the small scale processing plants was 9,633.856 tonnes during the period under review recording an increase of 2,871.969 tonnes over last year’s production which was at 6,761.887 tonnes.

“The increase in the processing capacity of small scale processing plants in the third quarter of 2020 as compared to that of 2019 is as a result of stabilized power supply to the plants and importation of Copper Ore from Congo,” said Hon Musukwa.

Meanwhile, Hon Musukwa said government has developed a Gold mining strategy to guide the exploitation of the precious mineral in the Country having identified Gold as a strategic mineral that can drive the diversification agenda.

He said Gold production by Kansanshi Mining Plc stood at 2,717.1 kgs compared to last year’s production of 2,920.29 kgs. ZCCM-IH produced a total of 54.8886 kgs of Gold at Kasenseli Mine, most of which was produced in August and September 2020.

And Hon. Musukwa also disclosed that Cobalt production was 215.22 tonnes compared to last year’s production which stood at 296.26 tonnes, adding that the decline in production can be attributed to operational challenges at KCM.

“Nickel production was 4,522.33 tonnes compared to last year’s production of 1,641.06 tonnes and the increase in production can be attributed to the ramping up of production at Mabiza resources.”

Hon. Musukwa further said the country recorded Manganese production of 27,790 tonnes compared to last year’s production of 13,652 tonnes and that the increase in production was due to compliance in terms of reporting by 21 small scale Manganese producers.

“It is also important to note that increased compliance contributed to the reduction in illegal mining activities. And Emerald/Beryl production during the period under review was 5,857.18 kgs while that for the same period in 2019 was 16,679.61 kgs,” he said.

“The reduction in Emerald/Beryl production was due to suspension of operations at Kagem Mine from April 2020 due to covid 19, and scaling down of operations by Grizzly from March to October by 50%.”

The Mines Minister however said the prospect for the mining sector looks positive despite the COVID-19 pandemic due to interventions the government has put in place.

He said the commodity prices on the international market have started making positive gains stating that the rise in the Copper price will incentivize the mining companies to further increase production output at a global scale.

“There has been an increase in the production of electric vehicles which rely on Copper and the more advanced the technology becomes, the more copper the industry will require. Additionally, global demand for electricity is expected to continue, which will require large quantities of Copper in terms of Copper Wire production. Demand for Manganese and Nickel will also continue to be high owing to their usage in Electric Car Batteries.”

Way Forward on Debt and Default


By Hakainde Hichilema UPND President

The PF have delivered to the Zambian people a disaster that has tarnished the reputation of our country. We are the first African country to default in the COVID-19 era, following our failure to pay a $42.5 million coupon on the expiry of grace period on November 13, 2020. This reputation will unfortunately remain with us for decades to come.

As we had earlier advised on the need to avoid a default at all cost, the country now faces a real risk of holdout creditors taking legal action to seize our sovereign assets. There are reports already that some creditors have embarked on a process to determine a possible payout to holders of default insurance, which may trigger a chain of collection of payouts that could lead to the recall of the loans in full. Some banks are considering withdrawing confirmations of letters of credit issued to our business community, while other have suspended the global custody service and advised their clients to change future investment strategies for our country.

This basically means that our business entities shall now have to pay upfront for all our imports. Our access to cheap sovereign financing is severely diminished, and potential investors will now adopt a cautious approach to investing in our country. Simply put, the confidence in our economy, that was earned through the painful sacrifice of the majority of struggling Zambians, has been wiped out in a flash. We are staring at hard and long years of austerity, unless we as Zambians collectively decide to take away the responsibility to manage our economic affairs from the hands of this PF administration – the architects of this mess!!

While it is acknowledged by all, including local and international observers, that this crisis has its roots in the PF’s poor economic mismanagement, it is the ordinary Zambian who will have to pay the price. We all must therefore lend a hand in burying the hole the PF has dug us into. We therefore suggest the following steps that the PF administration must pursue to rebuild our credibility and creditworthiness, and to earn the trust of the global village, and above all restore our pride as a people.

First and foremost, we implore the PF leaders to ensure they always read from the same script. We can no longer afford situation where the Vice President assures creditors that there will be no default, and the country defaults within a few hours of issuing that statement. It reflects a lack of sincerity in handling this serious matter. Honesty is a virtue that should not be placed into doubt in any situation.
Second, we should pay the $42.5 million we defaulted on to unlock the support we need from the bondholders, as we embark on the more critical negotiations to restructure our debt.

Third, we must immediately engage the IMF and request for a staff programme, as a basis to embark on the journey to earn our credibility, creditworthiness, and a path to fully-fledged support. This will give the needed assurance to our creditors and potential investors of our commitment to a coherent recovery programme as we focus on rebuilding our creditworthiness.

Fourth, we have to come clean and be transparent about our country’s total debt exposure. The government must provide a full picture of our public external debt, domestic debt and private debt by quasi-government institutions that are not publicly guaranteed (including those contracted by companies now owned by ZCCM IH and IDC), arrears to suppliers of goods and services to the government and VAT refund exposure. The full disclosure must cover the terms on which the debt was contracted, for example, interest rates and maturity profiles. According to our constitution, this information should already have been in the public domain for the consumption of the citizens, who ultimately are the debtors. But that is not the PF way. We the people need to know the terms and application of the loans that we will have to pay through the taxes that we diligently contribute to the treasury.

Fifth, we have to scale up the engagement with all our creditors, especially the bondholders, who feel that the level of engagement has so far fallen short. This process must be handled with seriousness, transparency and honest yon the part of the PF government to demonstrate the expected seriousness and commitment to finding acceptable solutions.

Finally, we need to revise our 2021 budget as it is the tool through which the country manages its public finances. Our budget has significant gaps (refer to the statement by the UPND on the budget), and our creditors have expressed similar misgivings. The theme should be to cut all wasteful expenditures, such as slush funds, bogus expenditures on harmful and sub-standard goods and services, huge emoluments spent on politicians’ lifestyle, including the presidential jet. There will also be a need to reprioritize expenditures, by allocating freed-up resources towards growth enhancing expenditure lines.

We encourage the PF to learn from the experience of Argentina and Ecuador, which only a couple of months ago successfully restructured their debt, with the active engagement of the bondholders. We do note, however, that sound leadership is an important requirement under these circumstances and call on the PF to own up and do what is right to address the crisis facing our beloved Zambia. There is no time to waste.

HH officially Sues Tayali for defamation, claims K100 million in damages


UPND President Hakainde Hichilema has filed a writ of summon in the Lusaka High Court against Chilufya Tayali of the Economic and Equity Party demanding for damages for libel as well as an order directing the defendant to retract the alleged defamatory words published against him.

In a writ of summon filed before the Lusaka High Court filed by M and Associates, Mr Hichilema further seeks an interim and permanent injunction restraining Mr.Tayali whether by himself, his servants or agents or otherwise from further publishing or causing to be published or broadcast the defamatory words or any words similarly.

Mr Hichilema further seeks the defendant to reimburse the sums expended in mitigating the effect of the defendant’s conduct towards him and arising from the publication of the defamatory words of and by Mr Tayali amounting to one 100 million kwacha and any other reliefs the court may deem fit.

Mr Tayali is, according to the writs, said to have on Sunday 15th November, 2020 hosted a Press Briefing at his offices at Villa Office Complex on Musonda Ngosa Road in Villa Elizabetha in Lusaka, where he uttered and caused to be broadcast by live internet (Facebook) streaming, and by digital broadcasting, the defamatory words alleging that the plaintiff corruptly benefited from proceeds of state privatisation and should be in jail and not seeking the Republican Presidency.

“Contrary to the Defendant’s assertions and innuendo contained in the defamatory words, the Plaintiff has never taken pecuniary advantage of the affairs at ZIMCO including but not limited to his purchase of House No. 609/A/77, Poplar Road, Chelstone as the property was legally sold to him some close to 20 years ago”.

“Contrary to the Defendant’s innuendo contained in the defamatory words, the Plaintiff has never acted as receiver, manager or liquidator of Lima Bank as alleged by the Defendant or at all nor did he acquire the said Farm No. 1924, Kalomo through the said Lima Bank (in liquidation) but bought the same from the estate of the late Samson Siatembo through his heirs and assigns as will be demonstrated at trial but suffice to say that the said property is subjudice in Cause No. 2020/HP/ 128 at the suit of the administrator of the estate of the late Samson Siatembo one Pheluna Hatembo and another”, the statement of claims reads.

The writ further adds that despite the Plaintiff demanding formally that the Defendant retracts the said words and renders an unreserved apology to the Plaintiff, the Defendant proceeded to host another Press Briefing at his office aforesaid on Tuesday 17th November, 2020 where he categorically declined to retract and apologise for the disparaging words opting instead to repeat them as he justified his action by saying that he had reported the matter to the law enforcement offices.

Mr Hichilema pleads that his reputation has been lowered in the estimation of right thinking members of the Zambian and global community given his international repute as an astute businessman, and that he is the leader of the largest opposition political party in Zambia and aspiring candidate of the Presidency of the Republic of Zambia.

As a consequence of the Defendant’s actions, the plaintiff has been compelled to engage the services of legal consultants and other consultants and the consequent pecuniary damage, costs and expenses which are projected to accumulate to circa K100 million as the process of litigation and damage control continues in the period leading up to the Presidential elections scheduled for the 12th August, 2021.

Mr Tayali has 14 days during which he has to respond to the writ of summons while any default will leave the plaintiff with no choice but to proceed therein, and judgment may be given in his absence.

Mr Hichilema is represented by M and Associates, Lukona chambers,Muleza Mwiimbu and Associates, Milner and Paul Katolo and Company,Malambo and Company,Keith Mweemba and Associates, CL Mundia and Company and Lusenga Mulongoti and Associates while Mr Tayali is represented by Rabson Malipenga and Associates.

Bowman Lusambo gives a Lusaka Company 7 days to improve workers Condition


Lusaka Province Minister Bowman Lusambo has given Sabs industry, a wig making company, a seven-day ultimatum to improve conditions of services for its workers or risk having its operating license revoked.

Mr. Lusambo who today stormed the Sabs plant in Lusaka light industrial area, is concerned that some of the employees who get as low as K30 per week operate without protective clothing and with poor sanitary facilities.

He advised the directors at the company which has a workforce of 146 to employ a human resource officer, who understands the country’s labour laws, and can ensure that the working conditions of the workers are in line with the law.

“The human resource officer will be able to guide you to ensure that you do not flout the country’s labour laws,” he said.

He advised the directors who he said have been abusing their employees to change.

And Mr Lusambo warned labour officers that those found in dubious dealings with investors will be dealt with.

“This is a warning to my labour officers who just stamp contract papers to disadvantage my people that they will be in hot soup,” he said.

The employees complained to the Minister that they are meant to meet targets of assembling a bundle of fiber at K2.50.

“The amount of money we get on a day is dependent on the available fiber, sometimes we get as low as K15.” Said one of the workers who chose to remain anonymous.

He explained that money is deducted for absenteeism even when a worker is not well.

“This happens even when one has a medical report from the hospital. The conditions of services have not changed for some of us who were initially employed on a temporal basis then later engaged on a permanent basis. We can be fired at any time for making any mistake,” he explained to the minister.

Another employee stated that the female workers have to pay K5 on a monthly basis for the use of the toilets.

She said it is unfair for the company to force them to pay another K5 from the little money they get as an income.

“We want the government to help address our concerns as the working conditions here are pathetic,” she said.

And Lusaka Province assistant labour officer, Ellen Moyo who accompanied the Minister, advised the workers to seek redress from the labour office whenever they meet labour issues.

“If you don’t tell us, we cannot help you.” She said.

Ms Moyo advised them to send representatives to the labour offices.

“You need to come with your contracts and your job descriptions so that we are able to tell if you’re getting incomes in line with your work.” She said.

Government to support initiatives aimed at contributing to the development of the rural areas


President Edgar Lungu has said that his government will continue to support initiatives aimed at contributing to the development of the rural areas.

The President was speaking when he officially opened ABSA bank Petauke branch in Eastern Province.

He also says in the last 3 years , ABSA plc has been a regular partner in the farmer input support programme (FISP) ,impacting over 200,000 small holder farmers and 50 agro dealers with total transactions channeled through the bank amounting to K130 million .

President Lungu notes that the launch of a ‘New brick and mortar’ branch in Petauke, is indeed an affirmation that the bank is here to stay and the bank’s commitment to its continued operations in Zambia.

“This development is a demonstration of what my government stands for – not leaving anyone behind. There is, therefore, urgent need for us to ensure that our motto – not leaving anyone behind – is actualized. Development needs to be equally spread throughout the country,’’ He said.

Mr Lungu further said the bank has made great strides in living up to being a worthy and reliable partner in our country’s development agenda through the provision of financial support in key sectors of the economy such as mining, energy, agriculture and the public sector.

“I’m informed that the bank has arranged financing in the country of over $7 billion in the last 10 years and this has facilitated expansion of operations leading to among other things, increased export earnings and employment for our people,” President Lungu Stated .

The Head of State further said in the energy sector, the bank has facilitated investment to increase power supply to reduce the power deficit.

President Lungu explained that the vision for financial inclusion in Zambia is to have universal access to the usage of a broad range of quality and affordable financial products and services.

“In achieving this vision, it is expected that all Zambians will reap the full benefits of financial inclusion: that is, individuals will be able to use appropriate savings, credit, payment, insurance, and investment services to manage risks, plan for the future, and achieve their goals,” Mr Lungu said.

He stressed that firms will be able to access affordable financing to facilitate innovation and growth to create employment.

President Lugu said significant disparities in financial inclusion still remain in rural and urban areas, men and women, youth and adults, and small and medium enterprises (SMES).

President Lungu stated that Zambia has faced serious economic headwinds in recent times exacerbated by the coronavirus pandemic and climate change.

“This has caused serious financial challenges on the majority of the population,” resident Lungu lamented.

The President however, said Zambians should draw inspiration from ABSA’s newly coined phrase of ‘Africanacity’, the distinct African way to always find a way to get things done despite all odds.

ABSA Zambia plc, previously known as Barclays bank has stayed the course in Zambia for over 102 years.

President Lungu launches crop national planting


President Edgar Lungu has called on agriculture extension staff to take their job seriously so as to help farmers improve on agriculture productivity.

President Lungu speaking during the national crop planting launch in Petauke district ,eastern province today, said he was displeased with concerns that extension workers spent time on trivialities at the expense of teaching farmers on how to grow crops.

“I personally want to state that extension workers who spend time womanizing should change their behaviour and focus on work for our farmers,” said President Lungu.

The President who was accompanied by Ministers of agriculture, Michael Katambo, State House freedom Sikazwe, Housing and Infrastructure, Vincent Mwale, PF National Chairman, Samuel Mukupa and Deputy Chairman, for national mobilization Geoffrey Mwamba said government pays particular attention to agriculture because it is an engine for national food security.

President Lungu addressing agro dealers and farmers who assembled at Yengwe farms, said the national planting launch has become an important event because it signifies the commencement of planting by farmers.

He said it was pleasing that the country has continued to record a bumper harvest owing to the government’s sound policies.

The President implored farmers to continue adopting smart agriculture as it was the best way to go.

The Head of State discouraged farmers who have benefited from the Farmer Input Support Programme(FISP) not to sell their inputs. “It is not right for the farmers to sell inputs when others completely failed to get anything,” President Lungu complained.

The President during the same occasion also donated a tractor to Paul Yengwe the owner of the farm the launch was held at so that he improves on his farming activities.

President Lungu also donated another tractor to the Petauke district cooperative union for their farming activities.

And British High Commissioner to Zambia Nicholas Woolley, commended the government for its efforts it was making to improve food production and embrace smart agriculture.

“The United Kingdom was supporting conservation farming initiatives to an amount of 25 million British pounds targeting 250,000 farmers countrywide, he disclosed.

Mr Woolley reiterated his governments’ commitment to improving livelihoods thus eradicating poverty in Zambia.

Earlier, Petauke District Farmer’s union Chairperson, Fackson Phiri praised president Lungu’s administration for exhibiting leadership in the agriculture sector.

Mr Phiri said the early distribution of inputs was unmatched in the country’s history.

He further said the on spot payment of farmers who supplied maize was commendable.

“I’m however, appealing to the government to work on roads which pose a challenge during the rainy season” he stated .

He also appealed to the president to direct the Food Reserve Agency (FRA) to increase the price of bag of maize considering the cost of production.

UNZA unrest caused by PF’s failure to prioritize on National Matters-HH


United Party for National Development (UPND) President Hakainde Hichilema has said that the current students’ unrest at the University of Zambia(UNZA) have been caused by the ruling Patriotic Front(PF) ‘s failure to reschedule its priorities on national matters such as education that plays a critical role in shaping up a nation’s development agenda.

In a statement, the UPND leader said that UNZA’s perennial problems have been left unattended, for far too long and they won’t go away unless and until the PF systemizes allocation of public resources to core areas such as education of our youth.

Mr HIchilema demanded that all UNZA students be allowed to write their exams and that the PF redirects the resources that they are lavishly using for slush funds, political campaigns and bribing people, to resolving the financial problems at the University of Zambia.

Below is the full statement


We deeply regret reports of disturbances currently taking place at the University of Zambia Great East Road Campus, between students and the University Management. We believe the student unrest has been caused by the PF’s abysmal failure to reschedule its priorities on national matters such as education that plays a critical role in shaping up a nation’s development agenda.

UNZA’s perennial problems have been left unattended to, for far too long and they won’t go away unless and until the PF systemizes allocation of public resources to core areas such as education of our youth. But we all know they lack the political will because of misplaced priorities and incompetence.

In view of the above, we demand that all UNZA students be allowed to write their exams and that the PF redirects the resources that they are lavishly using for slush funds, political campaigns and bribing people, to resolving the financial problems at the University of Zambia.

We further wish to reiterate our long held position as UPND that when elected into government, all deserving students especially those from poor families will be granted Bursaries and no one will be turned away from writing exams on account of not paying their University fees.

The UPND will ensure that education is once more a core priority of government, and in that regard will reintroduce meal allowances and expand and enhance Bursary opportunities to all tertiary institutions, to ensure growth in human capital for the betterment of our communities.

At a time when Zambian households are struggling due to the PF’s mismanagement, incompetence, recklessness and corruption, the PF must take responsibility for the misery they have caused to the people of Zambia by ensuring our citizens especially the youth are correctly empowered through proper education and the provision of jobs. That’s what the PF promised, let them live up to it.

HH aka Bally.

Chipata woman wins K2.5 million playing Zambia Millions on Zamtel network


Martha Zulu, a 38-year-old Marketeer from Chipata, Eastern Province has won the jackpot after she bagged K2.5 million in the Zambia Millions Mobile Lottery.

Ms. Zulu drew the lucky combination of numbers after participating in the Lottery on the Zamtel network recently.

She received her mega prize this morning from Zamtel Chief Executive Officer Mr. Sydney Mupeta and representatives of Quatro Mobile Marketing Zambia Limited, the firm behind Zambia Millions at Zamtel House in Lusaka.

Ms. Zulu who said has been participating in the Lottery for over six months said she never imagined that she would one day snatch the jackpot.

She said her first reaction after she was called by officials informing her that she had won the jackpot was that of disbelief and dismissiveness as she thought it could be a case of people attempting to scam her.

When asked what she was planning to do with her winnings, Ms. Zulu said she plans to buy a plot in Lusaka and give a small portion to her family members.

Mr. Mupeta congratulated Ms. Zulu adding that Zamtel is proud to work with partners to provide a platform with its partners that enriches Zambians.

“Seeing a Zamtel customer winning the jackpot is a cause for celebration,” said Mr. Mupeta.

“We are always looking for innovative partnerships that help to improve the digital experience for our customers and Zambia Millions which is a digital Lottery is another way that Zamtel customers are embracing a digital lifestyle,” he said.

“It’s always exciting when our players win large cash prizes, especially this time of the year as we approach the festive period, this is an early Christmas for Ms. Zulu and we are proud to present it,” said Mr. Angelos Zouras, Chief Commercial Officer, Quatro Mobile Marketing Zambia Limited.

Subscribers can participate in Zambia Millions by texting “WIN” to 4400.