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Senior Chief Mukuni calls on donors to halt funding to ECZ

Senior Chief Mukuni of the Leya people in Southern Province has demanded that the donor community withholds funding to the Electoral Commission of Zambia until it adheres to benchmarks that will deliver a credible election next year.
Chief Mukuni is concerned that unless stringent conditions are laid out to ensure that the ECZ adheres to specific benchmarks that guarantee delivery of credible elections, the efforts of the donor community will be a wasted effort.
He has since demanded that the ECZ should not discard the current voter register, collaborate with the Ministry of Home Affairs in the issuance of National Registration Cards and bring to an end hate speech and political violence.
Last month, the United Nations Development Programme and its cooperating partners among them European Union, USAID and Germany in collaboration with ECZ launched the ‘Strengthening Democracy in Zambia’ project providing financial support to building capacity and strengthen inclusive participation ahead of next year’s poll.
Below is the full statement 
Press statement for immediate release from Senior Chief Mukuni.
6th November 2020
In October 2020, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and its cooperating partners among many, the European Union, Germany, UK, Ireland, USAID and France, in collaboration with the Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ), launched the ‘Strengthening Democracy in Zambia’, project which inter-alia undertakes to provide financial support that would assist the Commission in building capacity and strengthen inclusive participation, and civic engagement of all stakeholders in readiness for the 2021 elections.
The funds totalling US$13.2 out of which 80% has already been raised, will undoubtedly go a long way in providing necessary resources to boost the operations of the ECZ. It also underscores the donor community’s commitment and desire that Zambia achieves free, fair and transparent 2021 election that will reflect the aspirations of the Zambian people, and meet International standards of a credible electoral process.
The donor community must be lauded for this generous gesture. I however wish to express concern that unless stringent conditions are laid out to ensure that the ECZ adheres to specific benchmarks that guarantees delivery of a free and fair election, the magnanimity of the donor community through this generous act, will not yield citizens high expectations and will be a wasted effort.
In that regard, I call upon all stakeholders among many, the Church Mother Bodies, the Civil Society, Labour and Student Movement, Law Association of Zambia and the Opposition Alliances, to rise to the occasion and exert pressure on the donor community to undertake to release the funds, on if ECZ complies to stakeholders and citizens’ demands on the following thorny issues;
1) The voter registration exercise. The unilateral decision by ECZ to deregister the old voters’ roll in preference for a new register that will undeniably defranchise millions is unrealistic, unreasonable and uncalled for. It should be vehemently opposed, rejected forthwith and immediately addressed by the ECZ.
2) The issuance of National Registration Cards. This is basically a conveyance for citizens to register to vote, is directly linked to the electoral process. The insistence by the ECZ to insulate themselves out of this responsibility is unconvincing, and as a matter of fact reckless. EZC must collaborate with the Ministry of Home Affairs in ensuring as many citizens as possible obtain NRCs to enable them to vote.
3) Public Order Act. The ECZ must invoke necessary powers that it possesses under the Act, by ensuring the Police provides equal and fair opportunities to political parties to meet citizens and canvass for support without arbitrary arrests or threats of arrest of opposition party leaders and supporters. Currently the opposition faces arrests, intimidation and all manner of harassment from both the Police and ruling party cadres.
4) Political violence. The ECZ must vigorously engage the Zambia Police and political parties in ensuring that violence is nipped in the bud, regardless of whether these cadres are from the opposition or ruling party. Evidence is abound where the Police have turned a blind eye on violence perpetrated by the governing party cadres while ironically arresting the victims of the violence. This is unacceptable and in the long term compromises national security.
5) Hate speech. The ECZ have a statutory duty to ensure canvassing for support by political parties must be within acceptable norms that must not compromise decency. ECZ must collaborate with Police to curtail hate speech based on ethnicity regardless of who says it. Currently hate speech directed at certain sections of the communities carried out by institutional office holders is rife. This has potential to cause huge damage to Zambia’s unitary status and must not be allowed to continue.
It is in view of the foregoing that I call upon all stakeholders to strongly lobby the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), and its cooperating partners to ensure no funds are released until the ECZ adheres to the above critical benchmarks. It is very much within the power of ECZ to stop this.
Senior Chief Mukuni of the Leya people of Kazungula, Livingstone and Zimba Districts and all the Bene Mukuni.

Government will not extend the mobile issuance of the National Registration Cards


The government will not extend the mobile issuance of the National Registration Cards(NRC)s.

Vice President Inonge Wina has advised all citizens that failed to obtain National Registration Cards -NRCs- during the mobile issuance exercise to visit the department of national registration cards in their respective districts.

She says the issuance of NRCs continues at district offices even after the mobile exercise has come to an end.

Mrs. Wina said this during the Vice President’s Question time in Parliament today.

This was in response to a question by Mitete Member of Parliament Misheck Mutelo who wanted to know whether officers will return to Mitete district for the issuance of mobile NRCs.

The Vice President said parliamentarians should advise people in their constituencies to visit the district offices where issuance of NRCs is conducted so that they can obtain the identity document.

And responding to Zambezi East Member of Parliament Brian Kambita who wanted to know how the Government plans to manage the mobile voter registration following complaints that the mobile issuance of NRCs was unfairly handled, Mrs. Wina said no one was denie
access to acquire an NRC in any of the centres during the exercise.

The Vice President further said the teams that conducted the mobile issuance have done a good job.

Mrs Wina further said the minister of Home affairs will update Parliament on how many people obtained NRCs during the mobile issuance exercise.

Government releases social cash transfer funds


The Government has released over 930,000 Kwacha to the department of Social Welfare in Mbala district, Northern Province, to pay beneficiaries under the social cash transfer programme.

About 4,738 people from 52 Community Welfare Assistance Committees are expected to benefit from the funds.

Mbala District Commissioner, Maybin Chibalange, confirmed the development to ZANIS in Mbala today, when he flagged off the disbursement of the funds to beneficiaries, saying the money is for recipients under the scheme for March and April 2020.

Mr Chibalange explained that of the beneficiaries, 432 are people living with disabilities, while 4,306 are from the other category including the aged, child and female headed households.

And Sydney Sinyangwe who spoke on behalf of other beneficiaries thanked the government for the social cash transfer programme.

“It is encouraging to see that the programme has started again, this is very nice and we thank the government,” Mr Sinyangwe stated.

Meanwhile, Chinsali District in Muchinga Province has received about K1.7m for social cash transfer beneficiaries.

Chinsali Social Welfare Officer, Iness Mulenga confirmed the development to ZANIS in Chinsali today saying the funds are for January and February this year.

Ms Mulenga disclosed that her office is expecting more funds to be allocated to the district.

She explained that the list of beneficiaries who will receive the bi-monthly allowances, has not changed as it includes the physically challenged.

“We have not recruited new beneficiaries but still dealing with those that were identified last year during the mapping and baseline survey,” she said.

Ms Mulenga disclosed that Chinsali has 5,475 beneficiaries on the current programme and has thanked government for the support rendred to the vulnerable in society.

Currently 700,000 households in the country are on Social Cash Transfer and government intends to increase the number to 994 in 2021.

Finance Minister, Bwalya Ng’andu disclosed this when he unveiled the proposed 2021 national budget.

Dr Ng’andu also announced that monthly allowances for the beneficiaries will also be increased to K110 from the current K90.

The minister said a total of K2.3 billion has since been allocated for the Social Cash Transfer programme in next year’s budget.

Zambia vows to lobby for the sales of Ivory Stockpile


TOURISM and Arts Minister Ronald Chitotela has said Government will keep lobbying through cooperating partners to convince the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species  (CITES) for Zambia to offload the ivory stockpile at Chilanga. 

The Minister said keeping the more than 40 tonnes of ivory for unknown future has become expensive as some of the ivory dates back to more than 40 years ago.

Speaking during a meeting with the new German Ambassador Dr. Anne Wagner Mitchell, the Minister said the communities that are supposed to benefits from the resource are not instead, the stockpile has created a ‘cost centre’ as Government has to employ highest level of security which has become an expensive venture.

The policy maker there is need to offload the ivory and invest back in conservation to the benefit of the various communities around the country.

Hon. Chitotela said the trade restrictions in disposing the ivory have taken a negative toll on the country and Zambia is like being told to ‘guard the stock in perpetuity’ with no benefits.

And Ambassador Mitchell said she needs to learn more about the various intricacies regarding tourism sector in Zambia considering that she new to the country.

The envoy however stressed the need for communities to be brought close to all conservation initiative by making them beneficiaries.

Open doors to the public, National Health Insurance Management Authority told


NATIONAL Health Insurance Management Authority (NHIMA) director general, James Kapesa has urged facilities where it offers services to open up doors to its members to fully enjoy benefits of the scheme.

Speaking at a spot check at its operations at Request Muntanga level One hospital in Kalomo yesterday, Mr. Kapesa observed that despite a large number of its members being on the national health scheme many are not aware of the benefits of the initiative.

The NHIMA chief executive was also elated to learn that an average of 10 people per day in Kalomo access services through the claims advance payment made available to the Request Muntanga hospital.

Mr. Kapesa says the scheme aims to offer universal health coverage for people both in the formal and informal sectors

Meanwhile, Request Muntanga hospital in-charge, Dr. Grant Nkhoswe say the institution has 349 NHIMA clients with the first client to access such services being in April this year.

“I did not know much about it, I only saw deductions on my payslip for health insurance, but the scheme is helpful because they way I have been treated here is comforting,” said Brian Kashweka , a government employee who was found in a high cost ward at Request Muntanga when visited by the NHIMA team yesterday.

And NHIMA public relations officer, Mutolo Mwamba says a comprehensive publicity package of scheme would soon be offloaded to the public to showcase the benefits of the scheme with the branding of health facilities that host its services.

Davies Mwila gets a Bachelor of Science in Project Management with a Credit


THE RULING Patriotic Front (PF) has congratulated its Party Secretary General Hon Davies Mwila for obtaining his Bachelor of Science in Project Management with a Credit.

PF Deputy Secretary General Mrs Mumbi Phiri has described Hon Mwila’s academic achievement as one that will inspire other members of the ruling party to consider furthering their studies.

“We are proud as PF Secretariat to have been party of your academic journey and success. I recall the days you would be overwhelmed with home work from School and how it would equally drown our mood here at work. And also how you would celebrate for submitting your assignments in time. We have cherished those moments with you and are now proud to congratulate you on attaining this Degree,” said Mrs Phiri.

The Deputy Secretary General further said if the ruling party CEO can dedicate time and resources towards education off his extremely busy schedule, then no youth should fail to advance their education on the pretext of not having adequate time to study.

Prophet Shepherd Bushiri barred from any preaching while out on R200 000 bail


Pretoria – Prophet Shepherd Bushiri and his wife Mary have been barred from any preaching that may be threatening to the prosecution, investigating team or State witnesses.

In clarifying the bail conditions, the National Prosecution Authority explained that the Pretoria-based Malawian couple may not make threats to the prosecution, investigating team or State witnesses for the duration of their case.

Should Bushiri defy the order, even virtually on social media, he and his wife will be risking having their bail revoked. The pair were granted bail in the Pretoria Magistrate’s Court yesterday after spending almost two weeks behind bars.

Magistrate Thandi Theledi made the court order and detailed further conditions the pair and their co-accused should adhere to.

Two of their co-accused – Zethu Mudolo and Landiwe Ntlokwana Sindani – were also granted bail, also with strict conditions attached.

Theledi granted the head of the Enlightened Christian Gathering (ECG) and his wife R200?000 each, while Ntlokwana Sindani was released on R100?000 bail. The wife of first accused Willah Mudolo – Zethu Mudolo – was granted R20?000 bail.

Her husband’s legal representative, following the outcome of the bail applications, indicated to the courts that he would be applying for bail at a session scheduled for tomorrow.

Theledi, in granting bail, said it should not be presumed that the accused were not guilty, and added that bail was a means of ensuring the accused did not abscond from attending their trial.

She indicated that with regards to Zethu Mudolo it should be noted that she had no previous cases or matters pending against her, had two minor children to take care of – one of which was a 9-month-old daughter who was still breast-feeding and had a medical condition.

Additional bail conditions are for all the accused to report to their nearest police station on Mondays and Fridays between 6am and 6pm.

They were not allowed to apply for any travel documents, while Bushiri and his wife were only allowed to travel within the borders of Gauteng and North West.

Theledi also stressed that they were not to intimidate or interfere with State witnesses directly or indirectly.

As a final precautionary measure, the couple were instructed to hand the original title deed to their Centurion property, worth R5.5?million, to the National Prosecuting Authority’s Forfeiture Unit for safekeeping and to ensure they would attend trial proceedings.

Theledi indicated that absconding from trial proceedings would result in Bushiri and his wife forfeiting the property to the State.

They were to hand over the title deed by 6pm today, failing which their bail would also be revoked.

Cheers of excitement, dancing, and chanting of the prophet’s name could be heard outside as church members celebrated their release out on bail. Many refused to speak to the media and were told to tune into the Prophetic Channel and other social media pages by church leaders as they indicated that Bushiri would address them there.

The five accused are facing charges of fraud, theft and money laundering, which allegedly took place between 2017 and last year.

It is alleged the accused coerced members of the church into an investment opportunity within Shepherd Bushiri Investments and Rising Estates, which would yield 50% in returns within just three months. All the accused are to return to court tomorrow for the bail application of Mudolo.

Pretoria News

Bill 10 presented an opportunity to fix the Lacunas in the Constitution


By Amon Jere.

The Constitutional amendment Bill number 10, popularly known as bill 10, was meant to fix lacunas in our current constitution amendment Act number 9 of 2016. Therefore, Bill 10 presented an opportunity to fix the lacunas in our current Zambian Constitution.

Indeed, the Bill had a lot of progressive clauses and its collapse has robbed the people of Zambia of progressive Constitutional development.

The biggest losers are the Zambian people, more particularly the women, youth and the differently abled. The Zambian youth, women and the differently abled, have been robbed of the opportunity for effective representation in Parliament. We have also lost the opportunity of delimiting our vast constituencies especially rural ones. Smaller constituencies would have made it easier for government to deliver services effectively and bring development closer to the people. It is sad that the opposition turned a very progressive constitutional development agenda into a partisan political issue.

In the 2016 General Elections, the same opposition fought and defeated the Referendum on the Bill of Rights, which was also a very progressive Constitutional development.
The Bill of Rights was going to enhance the rights of all Zambians and would have addressed the Public Order ACT at the same time.

From the foregoing, it is clear that the opposition are not on the side of the Zambian people.
The opposition have fought at every turn, efforts by the PF Government to enhance the rights and improve the living standards of every Zambian, without leaving anyone behind irrespective of their race, tribe, gender or other physical and social disposition.

I therefore call upon all Zambians to wake up and also turn their backs on the opposition. It is strange that some sections of the opposition in Zambia are desperately trying to link the collapse of bill 10 to the eligibility of President Lungu to stand in 2021.
It is a fact that Bill 10 had nothing to do with the eligibility of President Edger Chagwa Lungu.

President Lungu qualifies to run for Presidency in the 2021 Presidential elections, with or without Bill 10. Constitutionally, there is nothing that can bar president Lungu from running for office of Republican President in August 2021.

The Constitutional Court judgement is very clear and leaves no iota of doubt on the eligibility of President Lungu to run for Presidency in the 2021 General Elections, when it stated that the period between 2015 and 2016 when President Lungu served as Republican President following a byelection, after the demise of President Sata, does not constitute a “term of office”.

Therefore, President Lungu is fully entitled to serving two full Five-year terms of office, the first being August 2016 to August 2021 and the second being August 2021 to August 2026. Let it be known that the decision of the Constitutional court is final and cannot be appealed or challenged.

This means that the talk of challenging President Lungu’s eligibility in the Constitutional Court, can best be described as pedestrian talk, lumpenism or a tavern discussion by serial litigants over a gallon of Chibuku.

I make a passionate and rallying call to the Patriotic Front family as follows: I appeal to all PF members in Zambia and in Eastern province in particular, to be united and focused on mobilizing the party on the ground, so that together we can deliver a resounding victory for the President and our Party in August 2021.

I am calling for party unity in Eastern Province. Let us all work as one with a single unity of purpose and that purpose is to get our President re-elected in 2021.

I am calling for an end to intra party fighting and arbitrary suspensions, especially in Eastern Province.

Maximise your potential First Lady advises women


First Lady Esther Lungu has encouraged women to maximize their potential for the attainment of household and national development.

The First Lady was speaking in Mambwe when she held an entrepreneurship symposium with women church groups where she empowered them with a total of K50, 000.

Mrs Lungu said Mambwe district is the second after Katete to have benefitted from the Church based women empowerment program which is being piloted in the province under the Esther Lungu Foundation Trust.

She has challenged the women to work hard and multiply the empowerment funds for the growth of the church and the country at large.

“I have piloted this program to enable me work with you our mothers in churches. Let us commit and remain focused so that we empower ourselves and have a positive impact on the development of our nation,” she said.

Mrs Lungu added that women are agents of change and can ascend to greater heights once they commit themselves.

The First Lady also took time to encourage the women with the word of God.

“God answers prayers so I encourage you to commit your hard work to Christ so that he blesses and multiplies the works of your hands”, she said.

The gathering that was characterized by prayer and worship, saw the ten different church groups go away with K5, 000 each.

A representative of the women from the Reformed Church in Zambia (RCZ), Joy Mwale thanked the First Lady for the empowerment.

Ms. Mwale said the funds will go a long way in the implementation of projects the different women groups have and intend to embark on.

“As RCZ, we have a project to construct a house to respond to the accommodation challenge the district is faced with but we only had K1, 000 in our coffers. So these funds you have given us will make a difference as we can now say we have K6,000 towards the project,” she explained.

The gathering was also attended by the Area Member of Parliament (MP) Makebi Zulu who is also the Provincial Minister.

He encouraged the women to always do the best and commit their work to God.

“God has been answering our prayers as a nation. He has come through whenever our country has been hit by dire situations we have always managed to conquer. This is because we are a nation that loves God,” he said.

Mr. Zulu thanked the First Lady for the numerous empowerment programs being implemented in the province and Malambo constituency in particular.

Don’t depend on salaries -Kapata


The government has called on professionals in various sectors of the economy to form cooperatives for job and wealth creation.

Minister of Lands and Natural Resources, Jean Kapata says professionals must take advantage of the great opportunity of creating their own wealth instead of depending on monthly salaries.

ZANIS reports that Mrs Kapata said this when she officially launched the Zambia Nurses and Midwives Multipurpose Cooperative Society Limited (ZNMMS), at the Government Complex.

Mrs. Kapata wishes to see other professions such as Teachers, Secretaries, Journalists and others come up with such programmes if they are to see improvement not only in their sectors but, even at individual level.

“When such organisations are set up, it is easier to identify the problems and propose solutions to the powers that be if help has to be effectively and systematically given’, She explained.

The Minister mentioned that the Government is very much interested in seeing professionals come up with productive initiatives which are backed by the continued emphasis on professionals forming cooperatives by the President since 2015 whenever he is addressing the nation in the National Assembly.

Speaking at the same event, the Chairperson for ZNMMCZ, Abel Tonga, noted that the aim of the cooperative is to mobilize members from among nurses and midwives in Zambia and diaspora, so as to advance an agenda in agriculture, aquaculture, education and real estate.

He mentioned other sectors such as mining, small and medium scale business entrepreneurship among others to create a platform and robust vehicle necessary for achieving better livelihoods, income generation and maintaining the dignity of nurses and midwives.

” The cooperative has received tremendous response and support from nurses and midwives at various levels, across all provinces and a number of districts in Zambia with 67 paid up members,” Mr Tonga said.

He stressed that with the resources available, the Cooperative intends to prepare a Seven (7) hectares of land in Luanshya to grow maize and soya beans during the 2020/2021 farming season.

Mr. Tonga mentioned that ZNMMCS limited provides a unique opportunity for nurses to come together and engage in more profitable entrepreneurial activities for better profit and dividends.

Sate-Sate: Nkana Will Bounce Back


Striker Ronald “Sate Sate” Kampamba says there is light at the end of the tunnel for the struggling FAZ Super Division defending champions Nkana after Wednesday’s home draw against Lumwana Radiants.

Nkana on Wednesday rebounded from Saturday’s Week One 2-0 away defeat to 2019/2020 season runners-up Forest Rangers in Ndola to finish 0-0 at home in Kitwe with Lumwana.

The defending champions were also very unlucky not to have collected the 3 points after Kampamba’s 68th minute goal scored from an on-side position was ruled out to the contrary.

“This game, unlike the previous game that we didn’t play well, we tried our level best to win it but unfortunately we didn’t but looking forward to winning the next game,” Kampamba said.

“It was a good game and I had my chances but that was a goal that was disallowed it was wrong decision.

“But that’s the referee’s opinion but anyway we played well despite the draw.”

Second from bottom Nkana visit mid-table side Kabwe Warriors this Saturday hoping for another positive result before heading into the ten-day FIFA InternZesco United coach Mumamba Numba has conceded they are too big to make a stuttering start to the 2020/2021 FAZ Super Division season.

The eight-time league champions on Wednesday remained winless from two rounds played after leaders Forest Rangers beat them 1-0 at home in their big Ndola derby at Levy Mwanawasa Stadium in Ndola.

That result has left Zesco slumped in the top half of the bottom four relegation zone with 1 point from two games played.

“Of course it is a big concern because Zesco is a big team,” Numba said.

“I think dropping five points in two games is not good enough for us, we need to do a retrospective of the team so that we can improve in the coming games.”

Zesco started the season with a 1-1 away draw at Napsa Stars on November 1 in Lusaka.

Numba now heads to Lumwana to face unbeaten Lumwana Radiants on November 7 seeking his debut win since his appointment in September following the departure of George Lwandamina.

Zesco will be facing a Lumwana side that has collected two draws and they started the season with a 1-1 home result against Nkwazi and finished 0-0 away to defending champions Nkana.

DIV 1 WRAP:Brave Nchanga Rangers Maintain Unbeaten Start


Nchanga Rangers, Chambishi and Kafue Celtic have all maintained their perfect start to the 2020/21 FAZ National Division 1 season after posting wins on Thursday afternoon.

Celtic maintained their free-scoring form when hammering Kashikishi Warriors 5-0 at Khosa Stadium in Kafue.

Celtic, who started the season with a 3-0 win over Police College, top the table with six points after two matches played.

Nchanga thumped Trident 2-0 in Kalumbila thanks to Friday Kaonga’s goal and an own goal by Isaac Mwanza.

Chambishi inflicted a second defeat on Konkola Blades with a 1-0 win in a match played in Chililabombwe.

Konkola lost their opening match to Nchanga away in Chingola.

Meanwhile, City of Lusaka and Mighty Mufulira Wanderers drew 1-1 in the battle of legends.

City have four points and Mighty have two points from two matches.

FAZ National Division 1 Week Two

National Assembly 0-0 Police Collage

Kafue Celtics 5-0 Kashikishi Warriors

Kansanshi Dynamos 1-1 Livingston Pirates

Trident 0-2 Nchanga Rangers

City of Lusaka 1-1 Mufulira Wanderers

MUZA 5-2 Mpulungu Habour

Malaiti Rangers 0- 0 Zesco Shockers

Konkola Blades 0-1 Chambishi

Kabwe Youth 0-0 Gomes

Struggling Zesco United Worries Numba


Zesco United coach Mumamba Numba has conceded they are too big to make a stuttering start to the 2020/2021 FAZ Super Division season.

The eight-time league champions on Wednesday remained winless from two rounds played after leaders Forest Rangers beat them 1-0 at home in their big Ndola derby at Levy Mwanawasa Stadium in Ndola.

That result has left Zesco slumped in the top half of the bottom four relegation zone with 1 point from two games played.

“Of course it is a big concern because Zesco is a big team,” Numba said.

“I think dropping five points in two games is not good enough for us, we need to do a retrospective of the team so that we can improve in the coming games.”

Zesco started the season with a 1-1 away draw at Napsa Stars on November 1 in Lusaka.

Numba now heads to Lumwana to face unbeaten Lumwana Radiants on November 7 seeking his debut win since his appointment in September following the departure of George Lwandamina.

Zesco will be facing a Lumwana side that has collected two draws and they started the season with a 1-1 home result against Nkwazi and finished 0-0 away to defending champions Nkana.

Don’t kill smugglers , Copperbelt PS tells officers patrolling crossing points at Borders


Copperbelt Permanent Secretary Bright Nundwe has urged security personnel in the province manning border points not to resort to instantly shooting smugglers.

Speaking when he addressed the Media in Ndola today, Mr. Nundwe said officers patrolling crossing points should resolve issues amicably and avoid taking people’s lives inaccurately.

He says the government is always disheartened whenever a life is lost in any circumstance, adding that every persons’ life is essential and that there must always be a lawful way of handling lawbreakers.

Recently, a man of Chililabombwe, on the Copperbelt, was allegedly shot on his private parts by the Zambia National Service (ZNS) officers for trying to smuggle mealie- meal into the neighboring Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

Kapembwa Kashimoto, 39, is currently battling for his life at Kitwe Teaching Hospital.

In another development, Mr. Nundwe has disclosed that the construction of the new Copperbelt International Airport will be completed by April next year.

He said the construction works have reached 81 percent with minor work such as the construction of a filling station, access roads and few things.

Fake teacher sent prison for failing to pay K60, 000.00 fine


The Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) in Nakonde District in Muchinga Province has committed to Prison a fake teacher for failing to pay K60 000 ordered by the Nakonde Magistrate Court in February 2020.

Anti-Corruption Commission Public Relations Manager Timothy Moono named the convict as Catherine Nakamba aged 30 of Muzabwela Village in Nakonde District.

In a statement with ZANIS in Lusaka today, Mr. Moono stated that the Commission in 2018 arrested Nakamba and charged her with one count of uttering a false document contrary to section 352 and 347 and one count of obtaining pecuniary advantage by false pretenses contrary to section 309 (a) respectively of the penal code chapter 87 of the laws of Zambia.

He said the particulars of the offense is that in count one Nakamba on dates unknown but between January,1,2012 and January,31,2012 being a public officer employed in the Ministry of Education did knowingly and fraudulently utter a false document a teacher’s Certificate no.14288 to the District Education Board Secretary purporting that the said document was genuine when not.

He further said in count two the convict dishonestly and with false pretenses purport to have a Primary Teacher’s Certificate in order to be employed by the District Education Board Secretary under the Ministry of Education and by virtue was employed adding that she obtained a pecuniary advantage in form of salaries amounting to a total sum of K184,084.70.

Mr. Moono has further stated that Nakamba who was convicted to 12 months suspended sentence and ordered to pay K60, 000 fine within six months’ failure to which she was going to serve six months imprisonment has been committed to the Nakonde Correctional Facility.

This is contained in a statement sent to ZANIS by Anti-Corruption Commission Public Relations Manager Timothy Moono.