Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Decriminalize early disclosure of national budgets-Chibamba


Economist Chibamba Kanyama has suggested that Zambia decriminalizes the early disclosure of national documents such as the national budget.

Mr Kanyama said it may be advisable that any clauses that criminalize unauthorized disclosure of the national budget be revised so that officers found wanting can be reprimanded administratively.

He was commenting on the arrest of Ministry of Finance officials for allegedly leaking the 2021 national budget.

“With regard to National Budgets, a lot has changed in terms of content and the communication profile. Under the centralized ‘Kaunda’ system, budgets were a solemn and tightly controlled event. This was primarily because governments played a central role in controlling the economy, particularly with regard to price setting,” Mr Kanyama said.

“Come budget day, we were all glued to TV and Radio to listen to Rabson Chongo, Luke Mwananshiku, Gibson Chigaga announce, ‘From midnight tonight, the price of cooking oil, petrol, salt …will be K10, 50 ngwee.’ Imagine someone leaking the budget prior to the announcement in parliament! Long queues would form with individuals with this information hoarding up commodities hoping to make a kill after midnight.”

Mr Kanyama observed that a lot has changed since adding that government now directs the economy largely through policy pronouncements and setting economic targets.

“Since two years ago, budgets are aligned to the actual budget year. The Minister of Finance will present estimates in October only for the budget to take effect 1st January. Something else has happened: Government is much more transparent about budgets than before.”

“First, you can easily predict the budget via the medium term expenditure framework (a national budget with a long term view). That’s why when journalists ask me to predict the budget, I just go to this document, which often gets revised and then consider the prevailing economic circumstances to make predictions.”

“Second, government makes a lot of consultantions with various stakeholders for budget input. In short, today’s budgets are very predictable (I did not listen to the 2021 National Budget presentation because the MTEF was enough for me to know the broader context).“

He added, “Under these circumstances, I can as well predict that in the near future, budget presentations to parliament will serve ceremonial purposes because the public will have known what is contained weeks earlier. In any case, there is a three month window between the day of announcing it and when it becomes law; meaning anything can, therefore, change in between.“

“Given this context and the evolving context of National Budgets, it may be advisable that any clauses that criminalize unauthorized disclosure of this document be revised so that officers found wanting can be reprimanded administratively.”

Chitotela Launches Lala, Bemba Books to Promote Local Tourism


Tourism and Arts Minister Ronald Chitotela has launched two books authored in vernacular aimed at promoting local tourism to local tourists with President Edgar Lungu being the first to get a copy.

Mr. Chitotela says the book authored in Lala by Lala Kalindula Musician and Diplomat at the Zambian Mission in India, Bangwe Naviley Chisenga, has impressed President Lungu as it will market the Lala sanctity to locals beyond Chitambo, Serenje, Mkushi and Luano Districts of Central Province.

He says Mr. Bangwe’s book, Kwilala Ukwelele Icitala, is unique as it highlights the history of the Lala people that originated from Katanga Region and how their way of life has been affected by urbanization and technology.

Mr. Chitotela is also happy with Andrew Chibwe Mpundu, a former Diplomat at the Zambian Mission in India currently working as an Accountant at the Ministry of Transport and Communications, who has authored a book in Bemba titled Ico Utemenwe Ecikosha Imbafu.

At a media launch in Lusaka today, Mr. Chitotela says Mr. Mpundu’s book contributes greatly to the preservation of local knowledge for the benefit of generations to come.
Speaking earlier, Lala Kalindula Musician and Diplomat at the Zambian Mission in India, Bangwe Naviley Chisenga, says resources from the book will help in the completion of three schools in Serenje’s Mailo, Chisomo and Chibale Chiefdoms.

Mr. Bangwe says the three schools will be opened ceremoniously in the first week of November with funding from his Kolwe Akota Album and Umutekatima Book which profiled President Edgar Lungu.

And former Diplomat at the Zambian Mission in India currently working as an Accountant at the Ministry of Transport and Communications, Andrew Chibwe Mpundu, urged young people to use their local knowledge to promote tourism and raise funds for personal and national development.

The Deterioration of Human Rights and Rule Of Law Under the Watch Of The Zambia Police


By Kelvin Mambwe, PhD General Secretary, UNZALARU

The University of Zambia Lecturers and Researchers’ Union (UNZALARU) is appalled at the deteriorating situation of human rights of citizens at the hands of the Zambia Police Service. We note that the Zambia Police Service is an institution whose legal mandate is to ensure security to all citizens and uphold their human rights as enshrined in Zambia’s Constitution. We are equally concerned with the Patriotic Front Government’s reticence whenever the Police are involved in harassing and brutalising innocent citizens. We are left to wonder whether the actions of the Police represent the actions of Government or that the Government does not simply care about the rights of its citizens.

All citizens deserve to be treated with dignity regardless of their ethnicity and political affiliation. Yet the Zambia Police Service appear to have divided Zambians into two sets of citizens; those who belong to the PF and those who do not and more especially those who belong to the opposition political parties. The Police have given a blind eye and rendered a deaf ear to blatant violence and inciting of violence on clear video footage by the PF. However, the same Zambia Police Service is swift to attack or hunt after ordinary citizens, human rights activists, and opposition political party leaders and cadres on the flimsiest of suspicions and sometimes on what appears concocted suspicions.

UNZALARU finds the violent and selective application of the law by Government and the attendant actions of the Zambia Police Service disturbing and a matter of concern for every well-meaning Zambian. We wish to refer the nation to the recent specific actions in which Police violently manhandled and embarrassed the persons of Mrs. Carol Kambwili and her daughter Ms Chanda Kambwili in full view of the public. This incident did not only alarm us but raised serious questions on the ability of the Police to protect citizens, treat them humanely and with dignity even if found on the wrong side of the law.
These recent actions reminded us of the police brutality against unarmed students in their hostels at the University of Zambia in 2018 which led to the unforgettable death of Vespers Shimuzhila, whom the university community continues to mourn to this day. The same Police is responsible for the death of a young pupil by the name of Frank Mugala, nephew of the Deputy Speaker of Parliament, whose life was suddenly cut short by people entrusted with his security. The Human Rights Commission’s investigations have found the Zambia Police Service responsible for these two totally avoidable losses of lives of innocent learners at the hands of law enforcement officers. Unfortunately, the list of such incidents keeps rising unabated. This is what is worrisome.

We therefore wish to express our utmost condemnation on the continued and increasing disregard of human rights by the Zambia Police Service and by the Ministry of Home Affairs that is supposed to oversee actions of the police. UNZALARU strongly feels that the Zambia Police are being abused by those in Government as a tool to settle political scores against perceived opponents and as a way of intimidating citizens as we approach the general elections in 2021.

While UNZALARU appreciates the hostile environment under which the Zambia Police Service are operating which favours errant and overzealous officers over professional and ethical ones who are in constant fear of transfers and retirement in ‘national interest’. We call upon them to remain professional as they serve the nation. We further urge them to always restrain themselves from acting outside the law whenever they are dealing with citizens, especially those seen to have dissenting voices. They must strictly adhere to the highest professional standards and not succumb to undue pressure from government officials or political cadres. The Zambia Police Service command and Government should be worried about the widespread loss of public confidence in the Service which may very easily and swiftly turn into public hostility and mob injustice as well as we witnessed during the spate of gassing incidents across the country recently.

The Zambia Police Service has now, more than ever, the mammoth task of ensuring human rights and law and order. They must therefore not be in the forefront of the rights violations and anarchy we have witnessed so far. We would like to urge all well-meaning citizens, members of our civil society, and international human rights bodies to add their voices against the scourge of police brutality and partiality and not wait until themselves or someone close and dear to them becomes a victim. Injustice against one is injustice against all.

President Lungu honoured with a Grand leadership and Good Governance award


President Edgar Lungu has been honoured with a Grand leadership and Good Governance award by the Universal Peace Federation in recognition to his efforts to change the face of Zambia through infrastructure development.

The President becomes the fifth African leader to receive the award.

Handing over the award, Universal Peace Federation National President, Reverend David Phiri said the international award is also meant to recognise President Lungu’s commitment to family values.

Reverend Phiri who handed over the award on behalf of the global organization encouraged President Lungu to remain humble as he serves the people of Zambia.

President Lungu was given the award at the Bible Gospel Church in Africa – BIGOCA in Lusaka today.

And Addressing congregants, President Lungu urged Zambians to take heed to the word of God.

And Speaking earlier, BIGOCA Archbishop Peter Ndhlovu said God will see the nation through during this difficult time.

He said contrary to what others are hoping for, God will ensure that there is peace continue to prevail in the country.

Opposion Leader James Lukuku dies at 40

Opposition Republican Progressive Party (RPP) Leader James Lukuku has died. RPP Vice President Leslie Chikuse has confirmed the death of Mr. Lukuku to ZNBC News in Lusaka.

Mr. Chikuse said that the late Mr. Lukuku had complained of stomach pains and was admitted to the University Teaching Hospitals last evening around 21:00 hours.

He said the death of Mr. Lukuku has robbed the country of a youthful leader who was fearless when it comes to matters of Governance. Mr. Chikuse said the death of the PRR Leader will affect the party’s preparations for the 2021 General election.

He said the funeral gathering for the late Mr. Lukuku is at his home in Garden Compound near Petroda filling station and that burial arrangements will be announced later.

And UPND has released the following statement

We have learned with sorrow the death of RPP President James Lukuku.

President Lukuku died at UTH after a short illness.

We shall remember President Lukuku as a fearless politician who gave all for the liberation of this country.

Mr.Lukuku’s dream was to see a people-driven constitution in Zambia.

Apart from his fight for the rule of law and safeguarding fundamental rights and freedoms of citizens, President Lukuku looked forward to the collapse of the evil Bill 10.
We shall remember President Lukuku for his commitment to the unity of purpose towards achieving a dream for a better Zambia.

He was a friend to the UPND family and hoped that one day, President Hakainde Hichilema and the UPND family would redeem the millions of Zambians from abject poverty.
As UPND, we have lost a comrade. We have lost a freedom fighter. We have lost a progressive thinker and we have lost a fearless politician.
We shall miss his fearless political life.

On behalf of the UPND, and on my own behalf, I wish to convey our heartfelt condolences to the bereaved family members.
We pray that God consoles bereaved family members during this trying moment.

Issued by :
Stephen Katuka
UPND Secretary-General

ZESCO grants Electricity Relief to selected low income households and small businesses


ZESCO limited has given its domestic and commercial customers a COVID-19 Relief Package to cushion the negative impact of the coronavirus pandemic on selected low income households and small businesses.

The three-fold relief package cancels all accumulated fixed tariff charges for over 71,000 customers; temporarily suspends recovery of accumulated outstanding debt for prepaid customers, and issues Covid-19 relief of 100 units for purchase of electricity for economically disadvantaged customers

(numbering about 460,000) whose monthly consumption of electricity does not exceed 200 units as recorded during the period of the pandemic.

ZESCO has cancelled all accrued fixed tariff charges worth 46.3 Million Kwacha for customers on Residential and Commercial Tariffs with effect from 1st August 2020.

These arrears were accumulated before 31 December 2019 when fixed charges were abolished during the tariff review exercise that took effect in January 2020.

It was found that failure to pay off these accumulated arrears had resulted in some customers self-disconnecting as they could not afford to pay off the fixed charges before they could access the electricity units for a new month.

The corporation has also temporarily suspended the 40% recovery rate of outstanding debt, accrued at transition from post-paid billing to prepaid (2006 to 2014 period), on every amount tendered by customers for electricity purchases, effective from 1 November 2020.

Additionally, ZESCO will grant Covid-19 relief for purchase of “Life Line” units of electricity for a maximum of 19,000 commercial customers and 460,000 low consuming Residential customers, effective 1 December 2020.

ZESCO Managing Director, Mr. Victor M. Mundende says that the Corporation has noted the adverse economic and social impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on Customers that also resulted in decline in revenues for ZESCO.

The corporation has decided to provide some relief to mitigate the negative impact of the Coronavirus on small businesses that ultimately reduced the quality of daily livelihoods for its customers, especially the low-income customers.

These measures will run upto April 2021 subject to review.

He stressed the need for ZESCO to support the multi-sectoral approach led by Government to ensure the sustainability of social and economic welfare of the people under the current environment resulting from the Covid-19 Pandemic.

He added that although ZESCO Limited had themselves been negatively impacted by both the Covid-19 pandemic as well as the depreciation of the Kwacha against the US Dollar, which had both reduced revenues as well as increased costs related to servicing of foreign currency denominated financial obligations, ZESCO had found it prudent to temporarily mitigate the plight of low income customers who had been severely impacted by the reduced economic activities resulting from the pandemic.

“We, therefore, urge all the affected Customers to take advantage of this gesture and purchase electricity units under this new dispensation, and where applicable, to make a fresh start”, Mr. Mundende said.

He further said that “ZESCO remains focused on realizing its mission of ”Making it easy for people to live better lives” by enhancing service delivery and called upon its customers to use electricity prudently.”

A Budget Speech of Any Country is Never a Classified Document


By Peter Sinkamba President Green Party of Zambia (The Greens)

As the Green Party we are shocked of the news of the arrest and detention of Messrs Chileshe Kandeta and Lazarous Mwelwa allegedly for communicating the 2021 budget speech to the media before its presentation to Parliament by the Minister of Finance.

For starters, the news of the arrest is extremely ridiculous. A budget speech of any country is never a classified document for two simple reasons: first, there is no public and national safety and security risk, whatsoever, for leaking such a document to the public before its presentation to the Parliament. Second, the budget process is a public process. Budget proposals are submitted by the public. This, what logic is there in classifying and criminalising lease of information that was obtained from the public?

I recall in 1996, the Chairman of the Constitutional Review Commission late Mupanga Mwanakatwe released to the press the final Report before presentation to late President Fredrick Chiluba. Of course the late President was upset with that action, but that did not constitute an offence at all, and therefore, the late Mwanakatwe was not arrested. The simple reason was that the report was a product of the people’s views, and therefore, the people deserved to know the outcome of their inputs at any time, whether before or after the report was presented to the President.

During UNIP days, we had a gentleman by the name of Kadansa, who always announced key reshuffles hours before Dr. Kaunda announced the same at press conferences. Late Kadansa also announced key budget items hours before the Ministers of Finance announced the same. No arrests were made to establish the source of information because such announcements were in no way a threat to public safety and security.

Concerning the budget process, the IMF Fiscal Transparency Code promotes releases of citizen budgets before the speech by the minister. Zambia is a member of the IMF and subscribed to the code. As a country, we must be transparent on the budget process and outputs.

As the Green Party, we therefore demand immediate unconditional release from police custody of the two civil servants.

We implore government to exercise maximum restraint on unleashing police force on citizens for petty procedural breaches. It is such acts by government that will diminish or even extinguish chances of securing the much sought IMF bailout package.

Zesco United Denied Win, Power Dynamos Down Young Eagles


Zesco United were denied three points at the death when hosts Napsa Stars stole a point at Woodlands Stadium in Lusaka.

The two sides finished 1-1 on Zesco coach Mumamba Numba’s debut following his off-season appointment on September 25 after George Lwandamina left the Post.

Clement Mwape put Zesco ahead in the 11th minute.

Nine minutes later, Napsa suffered a setback when key striker Bornwell Mwape was substituted due to injury.

It was a blow for Napsa who have just parted ways with influential striker Collins Sikombe who has rejoined Lusaka Dynamos.

But salvation came in the 90th minute through Laudit Mavugo who came on in the 51st minute for John Sikaumbwe.

Meanwhile, at Arthur Davies Stadium in Kitwe, Power Dynamos beat promoted Young Green Eagles 1-0.

Luka Chamanga’s 51st minute goal handed Power a bright start to the season.

God has departed from many spheres of Zambian life since declaring Zambia a “Christian nation”


Let us reclaim Yahweh in Zambia

Since Zambia was declared a Christian nation in 1991 it has become more and more evident that God has departed from many spheres of Zambian life.

It is therefore no surprise that one cleric has recently said those shouting the loudest about Zambia being a Christian nation are pagans. Heinous crimes are being committed,family values have collapsed,the economy is in free fall, national leaders have turned the pulpit into political campaign altars,corruption and bribery are called empowerment,tribalism and hate speech are the order of the day,traditional leaders are coerced into parroting partisan statements on promise of boreholes or palaces and the judiciary and law enforcement is on the brink of completely losing the peoples’ confidence.Disaster management and social economic safety net are now tools of appeasement and patronage.

How did we get here? The “salt” or “light” of the world,the clergy,has largely been compromised and no longer speak for the weak and downtrodden.The intellectuals or enlightened have remained aloof while those in power have replaced Yahweh with self idolization and consolidation of absolute power.

The late Sata said intellectuals were the worst cowards.Luckily not all is lost.We have some upright clergy and intellectuals who despite vicious attacks on them have stood fast with the oppressed masses.Only when we repent from the hypocrisy and bring Yahweh back into Zambia”s affairs will Zambia prosper.It is a mockery to build houses of prayer or decree days of repentance,fasting and reconciliation to idolize a political leader and demonize other people and tribes.God cannot be mocked.

By Concerned Zambian

CiSCA urges John Sangwa and KBF to stop President Lungu from Contesting 2021 Elections

The Civil Society Constitution Agenda (CiSCA) has urged State Counsel John Sangwa and Kelvin Bwalya Fube and other legal minds in Zambia to challenge what the organisation called the unlawful nomination of President Lungu by the Patriotic Front (PF) as a Presidential candidate for 2021

In a media statement celebrating the fall of Bill 10, CiSCA said that the lawyers, in this race of constitutionalism, must take the relay baton from the MPs and stop the 3rd term by challenging the unlawful nomination of those whom our Constitution disqualifies from standing.

Below is the full statement

CiSCA Statement on the Fall of Bill 10

The Civil Society Constitution Agenda (CiSCA) joins the rest of Zambia in celebrating the fall of the infamous Bill 10. The fall was the only logical conclusion because the National Dialogue Act and its accompanying National Dialogue Forum gave birth to a stillborn Bill 10. We further resoundingly applaud the patriotic judicious Members of Parliament that refused to betray the people of Zambia. By defeating Bill 10 in Parliament after so many ploys by the PF Government and their cronies to hoodwink Zambians into believing that if Bill 10 flops we will suffer, the MPs have shown their allegiance to the Constitution whose authority is derived from the people of Zambia. The joy of witnessing the unplugging of the life support system from the comatose Bill 10 was indescribable.

CiSCA would like to remind the PF that scheming is not governing, scheming is just pure treachery unworthy of a democratically elected government. This is a lesson to them that constitution-making processes cannot circumvent the doctrine of consensus building. Therefore, an approach of turning constitution-making into a battle ground is foolhardy as the end result is the well-deserved defeat that Bill 10 has suffered. We want to remind the PF that when you are in power there is no need to show where power lies on every issue. Not following laid down procedures is what has plunged our country into debt. The late highly vexatious Bill 10 project will now be a case study of ‘how not to facilitate a constitution-making process’ in constitutional law.

CiSCA thanks the supporters of Bill 10 for enhancing democratic discourse and the affirmation that freedom of expression is mutually inclusive. If you exercise your freedom of expression, then do not be outraged if anyone says something back in disagreement.

We ask our fellow citizens who live by the value of ‘silence is golden’ to reflect on Martin Luther King Junior’s maxim, ‘the ultimate tragedy is not the oppression and cruelty by the bad people but the silence over that by the good people’. Yes, the Constitution is not an easy read but if you cannot bring yourself to read it all just learn these three articles; Article 1, this Constitution is the supreme law of the land; Article 2, every person has the right and duty to defend this constitution and resist or prevent a person from overthrowing, suspending or illegally abrogating this constitution and Article 5, Sovereign authority vests in the people of Zambia, which may be exercised directly or through elected or appointed representatives or institutions.

Finally, we urge State Counsel John Sangwa and Kelvin Bwalya Fube and indeed other legal minds, to in this race of constitutionalism, take the relay baton from the MPs and stop the 3rd term by challenging the unlawful nomination of those whom our Constitution disqualifies from standing.

Judith Mulenga
CiSCA Acting Chairperson

UPND MPs betrayed Zambia, PF will mobilise 120 seats in Parliament in 2021 Elections-Musukwa


The ruling Patriotic Front National Mobilisation Chairman Richard Musukwa has said that the ruling party will work at marshalling over 120 Parliamentary majorities in 2021 to avoid the collapse of future constitutional reforms in Parliament.

Mr Musukwa, who is also Mines Minister, said that the collapse of Bill 10 is an act of betrayal by UPND parliamentarians who acted against national interest.

Mr Musukwa told ZNBC News that the UPND MPs conduct not to support Bill 10 was an act of partisan patronage at the expense of National interest. Mr Musukwa said the PF will call for nationwide solidarity to ensure President Edgar Lungu fulfils the Constitutional reforms agenda after the 2021 polls.

On Thursday, The Constitution Amendment Bill number 10 of 2019 flopped on account that the bill has failed to pass the Second Reading Stage in Parliament as it did not garner the two-thirds majority threshold.

And PF Lusaka Provincial Secretary Kennedy Kamba has expressed shock and disappointment that the UPND celebrated the fall of the Constitution Amendment Bill number 10 of 2019.

Mr Kamba said that the Bill was not for the PF but a document for Zambians to enhance democracy and good governance, adding that it is unfortunate that the people with ill motives destroyed the process through lying to the public that bill 10 was not in the interest of Zambians yet it would have cemented the country’s constitution.

Mr Kamba said that by rejecting Bill 10 the opposition does also not care about issues affecting traditional leaders because clauses in the Bill would have addressed their plight, charging that UPND Leader Hakainde Hachilema does not value Christianity as Bill 10 would have reaffirmed Zambia’s declaration as a Christian nation.

Mr Kamba also appealed to Zambians to vote for President Edgar Lungu who has demonstrated love undoubted commitment and sacrifice for Zambia in the 2021 general election.

Meanwhile, some opposition political party leaders have urged the UPND not to interpret the collapse of bill 10 as their victory in the forthcoming 2021 general election.

National Congress Party Leader Peter Chanda said that it is clear that the UPND has been made to believe that the collapse of the bill will usher their leader into State House.

And Zambia Republican Party leader Write Msona said the move by the UPND to reject the bill is an indication that the party is an enemy of progress, while Zambian DNA Spokesperson Spuki Mulemwa said the collapse of bill 10 is the end of the UPND.

The Movement for Promoting National Values and Principles said that celebrating the failure of the bill 10 demonstrates the ill motives that some opposition leaders have for this country.

Organisation Chief Executive Officer Joseck Kunda said that is saddened that some opposition political party leaders are celebrating the collapse of the bill which would have addressed several lacunas in the constitution.

Mr. KUNDA says Zambians have lost a precious opportunity of having a credible document that could have helped in clearing some anomalies and misunderstandings.

Young Generations must Rejoice and Jubilate over the failure of Bill No. 10

By Guess Nyirenda Executive Director

Operation Young Vote (OYV) would like to express its joy and gratitude at the Fall of Constitutional Amendment Bill No. 10.

Realizing that the fight against Bill No. 10 was a fight against “Super Powers” with all resources on earth and machinery and schemes of all kinds, OYV would like to pay tribute to the Hon. Members of Parliament who allowed the Almighty and True God to dwell in them through and through and stood with the people of Zambia and on the right side of history.

Zambians especially the young generations must rejoice and jubilate because the failure of Bill No. 10 to pass the second reading in Parliament means that they are assured of still finding a country called Zambia at least in some good years to come.

OYV is of the conviction that the Fall of Bill No. 10 is victory against dictatorship. It is victory against impunity. It is victory against hooliganism and thuggery. It is victory against manipulation, hate, acrimony, violence, and bloodshed as those that commit crime with impunity will have to think twice or even more before they commit any criminal act. It is victory against corruption, unprofessionalism, brutality and abuse of authority including the Public Order Act. It is victory against division, tribalism and regionalism. The collapse of Bill No. 10 is triumph against reckless borrowing and accumulation of mountains of unsustainable debt.

The Death of Bill No. 10 is victory for transparency and accountability. It is for professionalism and hard-work by citizens. The burial of the late Bill No. 10 is cause for Zambians including those that propagated it to celebrate as this triumph is not only for today but for many more generations to come. It is victory for constitutionalism and the rule of law to stand and be respected.

Freedom of expression denied to the young people by those that think they own others has won with the burial of Bill No. 10. Human Rights have also succeeded at the Fall of Bill No. 10.

Zambians must together, form now going into the future embrace the attitude of strength and courage and not that of fright and dismay for the Lord has indeed shown his love for the country by giving power to the weak and strength to the powerless.

The ultimate collapse of Bill may also mean that the race for the political party candidacy for presidency is open putting to rest the sole candidacy syndrome by those that wield power.

We are of the considered view that the ultimate burial of Bill No. 10 will open up doors for genuine and true dialogue and reconciliation that Zambians have dearly yearned for in many years as those in power have been given a wake up shot.

Congolese Businessman Fined K 12,000 for Unlawful Stay


The Department of Immigration in Ndola has secured the conviction of a 28-year-old Congolese businessman for the offence of unlawful stay in Zambia contrary to section 11(3) and section 52 (1) as read with section 56(1) of the Immigration and Deportation Act No. 18 of 2010 of the Laws of Zambia. Mr. Kyalika Prosper Zorobabel of Chipulukusu township was arrested by Immigration Officers on 23rd October, 2020 at the Ndola Regional Immigration Office, where he had presented himself purporting to be a citizen, when in fact not.

According to the media statement released by Mr Namati H. Nshinka, the Immigration Department’s Public Relations Officer, particulars of the offence are that Mr. Kyalika Prosper Zorobabel of Chipulukusu, a Congolese national, on unknown dates but between 2008 and 23rd October, 2020 at Ndola stayed unlawfully in Zambia without any valid documents. He was on 28th October, 2020 sentenced to pay a fine of K 12,000 or in default seven (07) months imprisonment with hard labour.

Meanwhile, the Department of Immigration between 23rd and 29th October, 2020 secured forty-one (41) convictions countrywide. The convicts were handed down sentences of fines ranging from K 300 to K 10,000 or in default 3 to 9 months simple imprisonment. These were eight (08) Chinese, six (06) Tanzanians, three (03) Congolese, two (02) Burundians, and two (02) Indians, all for unlawful stay. Others convicted for a similar offence were one (01) Cambodian, one (01) Malawian, one (01) Rwandese, and one (01) Ugandan. Five (05) Tanzanians, three (03) Burundians, two (02) Congolese, and one (01) Malawian were convicted for the offence of unlawful entry.

Others who were convicted were one (01) Chinese for failure to comply with conditions of his employment permit, one (01) Tanzanian for giving false information to an Immigration Officer, one (01) Congolese for unlawful entry and presence, and one (01) Congolese refugee for being outside a refugee settlement without authority. One (01) Ugandan was also convicted for having a passport bearing a forged endorsement.

During this period, the Department also apprehended eighty-five (85) persons for various offences countrywide. These were fourteen (14) Zimbabweans, seven (07) Malawians, six (06) Mozambicans, and five (05) Burundians apprehended for unlawful entry. Others apprehended for unlawful entry were four (04) Congolese, two (02) Tanzanians, one (01) Motswana, and one (01) Ugandan. Those apprehended for the offence of unlawful stay were four (04) Burundians, three (03) Cambodians, three (03) Congolese, three (03) Tanzanians, three (03) Kenyans, and two (02) Chinese. Others apprehended for unlawful stay were one (01) Angolan, one (01) Egyptian, one (01) Indian, one (01) Malawian, one (01) South African, one (01) Ugandan, and one (01) Zimbabwean.

Others were two (02) Cambodians and one (01) Tanzanian, apprehended for engaging in employment without permits and two (02) Tanzanians for unlawful entry and having passports bearing forged endorsements. Meanwhile, twelve (12) Burundians, one (01) Ethiopian, one (01) Zambian, and one (01) Zimbabwean were apprehended in suspected human smuggling cases. Lastly, one (01) Chinese and one (01) Cambodian were also arrested for failing to comply with the conditions of their employment permits.

Further, the Department of Immigration between 23rd and 29th October, 2020 also removed sixty-nine (69) illegal immigrants from the country and refused entry to eight (08) foreign nationals for failing to meet entry requirements. Those removed were sixteen (16) Zimbabweans, thirteen (13) Malawians, twelve (12) Tanzanians, twelve (12) Burundians, and seven (07) Congolese. Others were two (02) Kenyans, two (02) Mozambicans, two (02) Ugandans, two (02) Chinese, and one (01) South African. Those refused entry were four (04) Congolese, one (01) Burundian, one (01) Cameroonian, one (01) Rwandese, and one (01) Tanzanian.

Social cash transfer resumes in Kasenengwa


The government says it remains committed to ensuring that the living standards of the vulnerable people in society are uplifted.

Flagging off the payments of the Social Cash Transfer (SCT) to beneficiaries in Kasenengwa district, eastern province, District Commissioner, Sara Kalaluka, said uplifting the living standards of the incapacitated and vulnerable people in society is the prime objective of the government.

Ms Kalaluka said the government will continue to provide social protection support to its people, further disclosing that a total of 5 770 beneficiaries are currently on the programme in the district out of which 472 are disabled.

‘’The Government remains committed to the continued implementation of the SCT programme. We have 5770 beneficiaries in the district out of which 5 298 are able-bodied while 472 are physically challenged ’’ she said.

Ms Kalaluka urged the beneficiaries to put the funds to good use as the government wants to see improvement in their living conditions.

She thanked the beneficiaries for their patience during a break in the implementation of the programme and assured them that the government will continue to prioritise their wellbeing.

And one of the beneficiaries, Tilange Daka thanked the government for resuming the implementation of the SCT programme as most vulnerable people in society have little or no source of income.

Tashupika: We are Suffering in America


By Mwizenge S. Tembo, Ph. D. Professor of Sociology

I had been watching news all week about the early voting for the crucial American Presidential elections on November 3rd. I saw TV images of long lines of voters standing six feet apart going sometimes miles or kilometers around street blocks in many cities and towns. Some people were reporting standing in line for eight hours to cast their vote.

About thirty million Americans of the possible total of about 134 million voters had already voted in the early voting by last week. Some had voted by mailing or posting their ballots. But the President and Republicans are so desperate to win re-election that the Post Office was messed up in June this year. Some Post Office boxes were removed, large mail automatic processing machines were removed from Post offices, and the Post Office mail or letter carriers were ordered to slow down mail delivery. Since many people especially Democrats were going to vote by mail because of the Corona Virus pandemic, these measures were going to severely delay or disrupt the delivery of the filled election ballots causing Trump and the Republicans to win re-election. The President has been making wild false statements that voting by mail was going to cause wide spread fraud in the elections. There is no proof of voter fraud as many States like California have safely conducted mail voting for decades. The bad news made me panic. I did not want my vote not to count on Election Day if I was unable to vote that day due to overcrowding. So I decided to go and vote last Saturday on a non-work day.

The previous evening, I went to the park and exercised since all the gyms are Covert-19 super spreaders and have been closed. In the morning, I packed lunch, took two spare masks, charged my cell phone lining up my favorite music. I drove 23 Kms to the closest town of Harrisonburg population of 54,000. I arrived ready to face voting obstacles at the Rockingham Country early voting precinct. There was no line. I went inside and voted in less than ten minutes.

But much as I feel good that I voted, I and millions of other Americans have this very deep fear. The country is very divided and we fear there might be violence on election day next Tuesday November 3rd. I have witnessed many elections for the last 40 years in this country. I have never seen this much tension over elections with actual threats of violence breaking out on election day and the days that follow. There have been fears that after being defeated in the elections, the President might refuse to leave office or the White House as he has already broken most of the rules of his office over the last 4 years.

The tensions, divisions, and now more than 225 thousand Americans dead from Corona virus started on July 16 2015. This is the day when Donald Trump declared his candidacy for President of the United States as a member of the Republican Party. He started by saying Mexican immigrants were criminals, rapists and drug dealers. He bullied over 17 other Republican candidates and won the nomination. For months, he falsely claimed President Obama was born in Kenya and was not an American. There were so many terrible things he said as a candidate that I, and most Americans believed he would never win the General Election. Once he won in November 2016, the nation was stunned. We knew we were in for the next 4 years of hell as a nation. I remember the following week in November 2016 being at a meeting of over 200 people in room as a member of the newly created Indivisible Movement that was going to resist Trump for the next four years. These past 4 years have been dark days in America.

George Washington is the founding father and the first President. Since 1797, there have been 45 Presidents. Trump is among the worst. He won his election very narrowly in 2016 engaging in political chicanery as Hillary Clinton won the popular vote by 3 million. Press reports today say he has told more than twenty thousand lies.

The entire Congress and Senate are so corrupted that when the President was impeached last year, the Senate refused to remove him from office. The entire federal bureaucracy is headed by his inept political sycophants as most experts have been side lined or forced out of government. The President demands that all his government appointees have personal loyalty to him and not the Constitution of the United States. The President has fomented disunity among the 28 European countries who are members of NATO. These are not just my words or views, as there are now over a dozen books and too many former patriotic government employees disclosing how corruption, criminality, and immorality are so rampart. This great American nation has been lucky many times during it’s over 200 years since the first President George Washington in 1797. Tashupika; we are suffering here in America. We are all just praying we will be lucky during next Tuesday Presidential elections.