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Government is not abusing NAPSA, let anyone with evidence come forward-Simukoko


Minister of Labour and Social Security Joyce Simukoko has dismissed claims alleging that government is abusing the National Pensions Scheme Authority (NAPSA) by getting from it colossal sums of money.

Ms. Simukoko said she was not aware of government abusing NAPSA funds and appealed to anyone with evidence to bring it forward for further consideration.

The Minister was speaking in Parliament this morning when responding to Katombola Member of Parliament, Derrick Livune who alleged that government was abusing NAPSA funds and called on her to intervene.

“The issue of government abusing lump sum funds from NAPSA, I’m not aware of government abusing NAPSA funds but if the person speaking has evidence I would rather have it so that we see the way forward. I mean I’m in government as well. We will look at it but otherwise I’m not aware of it,” she said.

And Ms. Simukoko added that Napsa is well protected by clauses and of which one of them is clause 4 that it makes it almost impossible for anyone to abuse its funds.

“So unless the person who is saying it has proof they can come to my office and we can look at it,” The Minister echoed.

Meanwhile, Ms Simukoko has urged all Zambian workers to be proactive and report all injustices from their work places.

Ms. Simukoko stated that the Ministry conducts surprise visits to institutions to check on compliance levels by the employers but emphasised that workers themselves must also be reporting any injustices.

The Minister made these remarks in response to Kafue Member of Parliament Mirriam Chonya who appealed to her to look into the wellbeing of workers by addressing the many challenges they are faced with.

“The issue of visiting institutions, we do make surprise visits just to see compliance and know what is going on but I would like to appeal to the workers in this that they have an obligation to report any injustice where there are no unions but where they are trade unions that’s their responsibility because that is why unions where formed, to protect workers interests,” Ms. Simukoko noted.

“We even have a tool line now where people can call in and tell us what institution or whatever injustices are there. We normally go there and bring employers together and counsel them. So the obligation to report, lies in the workers as well,”

The Minister further stated that despite not having adequate officers, government has made efforts to ensure that there is an inspector in almost each district.

“I’m number one inspector. Definitely we don’t have enough officers in that category but government has done a lot in that area. I think in almost every district we now have an inspector,” she said.

“And as a Ministry we have also gone ahead to bring on board NAPSA and Workers Compensation. We have made a group of people not only from the Ministry of Labour to go round and make abrupt inspections,”

Ms. Simukoko further indicated that the Ministry of Labour does not make laws for workers alone but that it is a collective responsibility with trade unions and employers.

“All the laws that are made for workers are not done by the Ministry of Labour alone, but it is a tripartite arrangement, a composition of trade unions, employers and government come together to make laws for the workers so it is highly participatory,” the Minister said.

Bank of Zambia embarks on the disbursement of COVID – 19 funds to business entities


The Bank of Zambia has embarked on the disbursement of COVID – 19 funds to business entities impacted negatively by the pandemic through commercial banks and other financial institutions.

Bank of Zambia Governor Christopher Mvunga disclosed this morning in Ndola when he paid a courtesy call on Copperbelt Permanent Secretary Bright Nundwe.

Mr Mvunga explained that the Central Bank has since disbursed a total of one point two billion kwacha and engaged commercial and other financial institutions across the country to ensure quick disbursement of the remaining funds.

The Governor and his team is in the province to familiarize himself with the operations of the Central Bank in the Northern Zone.

“The Central Bank is in receipt of ten billion Kwacha Covid-19 funds meant for disbursement to businesses that have been negatively affected by the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic also known as Covid19,’’ said Mr. Mvunga.

Meanwhile, Copperbelt Permanent Secretary Bright Nundwe has expressed confidence in the new Central Bank Governor saying he will be able to deliver to the expectations of the people of Zambia.

Mr. Nundwe added that the province has managed to successfully diversify the economy bringing on board agriculture and tourism.

Former Zambian President Rupiah Banda opens up on cancer battle

After making the difficult decision to go public on his battle against colon cancer, former Zambian President Rupiah Banda says more should be done to help people fight the disease.

PF appoint President Lungu’s Daughter as Chairperson for Chawama Constituency

The ruling Patriotic Front (PF) in Lusaka Province has appointed Nkholoma ward 1 councillor Mrs Tasila Lungu Mwansa as it’s Chairperson for Chawama Constituency taking over from Mr Joseph Shanzi, commonly known as ‘Joe Katete’ who died last week after an illness.

Speaking during the Unveiling ceremony in Lusaka today, Mrs Mwansa said she will work with everyone to unite and grow the party in Chawama.

Mrs Mwansa said she accepted the appointment because of the love she has for the party and hopes to continue from where her predecessor left from.

She has however warned party members in Chawama Constituency against indiscipline and engaging in lawlessness as it has the potential of tarnishing the image of the party.

“Our members from Chawama let us love each other, let’s not allow indiscipline and lawlessness in the party, as Chairperson I will not allow it. We are not a violent political party. Let us also not allow the opposition to use the few people to destroy Chawama today,” she said.

Mrs Tasila Lungu Mwansa addressing PF Members
Mrs Tasila Lungu Mwansa addressing PF Members

Mrs Mwansa said her first task as Constituency Chairperson will be to mobilize the community and party members to get National Registration Cards (NRCs) and register to vote.
And PF Lusaka Province chairman Paul Moonga said Chawama is a Constituency that is close to the heart of the party President who is also the Republican President, Dr Edgar Chagwa Lungu as he served as Member of Parliament before he became President.

He encouraged Mrs Mwansa to work extra hard and serve the people of Chawama in order to grow the party.

Speaking at the same event, PF Lusaka district chairman Forbes Mufyaya said the party decided to appoint a new chairperson following the confusion which was reported in the Constituency following the death of Mr Shanzi.

He said the leadership vacancy after the death of Mr Shanzi had the potential to destabilize the party in the Constituency.

He said the party leadership in the Province settled for Mrs Lungu because of her experience working as a councillor in Nkoloma ward 1 of Chawama Constituency.

Mrs Tasila Lungu Mwansa addressing PF Members
Mrs Tasila Lungu Mwansa addressing PF Members

Kalumbila parents commended for reducing early marriages


Chief Mumena of the Kaonde speaking people in Kalumbila district has commended parents for playing an important role in reducing child marriages and early pregnancies in the chiefdom.

Chief Mumena said parents have greatly reduced giving children in marriages and that the children were themselves refraining from the vice.

Speaking in a phone interview in Solwezi yesterday, the royal highness said there is need to continue campaigning against this vice as it affects the girl child.

“A girl child has a hope, a future and needs to be safe guarded by encouraging them and changing their mindset,” he said.

Chief Mumena said children are usually deceived by peers and have nothing much to do hence indulging in illicit behavior.

“On the contrary, parents have reduced giving their children into marriages but the children themselves are encouraging each other to elope”, he said.

Chief Mumena commended Kansanshi mine for working with the community to run programmes that help children understand the importance dubbed ‘books before girls or boys’.

He appealed to all stakeholders to come on board to continue campaigning and to come up with activities that can make children busy and productive so as to keep them away from marriage and early pregnancy.

U S embassy awards K4.5 million to 9 women entrepreneurs


The United States Embassy, in collaboration with the United States African Development Foundation (USADF) and Women’s Entrepreneurship Access Center (WEAC), has yesterday awarded nine women entrepreneurs with funding amounting to K4.5 million to support seed entrepreneurship and women’s economic empowerment.

United States Embassy Chargé d’Affaires, David Young disclosed that each entrepreneur has received K500 thousand from USADF following a competitive review of their business plans.

Mr Young said the entrepreneurs were part of the first phase of the Academy of Women Entrepreneurs (AWE), a U.S. government program to empower women with knowledge, tools, and resources they need to start and grow their businesses.

He explained since the launch of AWE in 2019 a total of 87 women in Lusaka have successfully completed their training.

Mr Young stated that the funding would address the financing shortfalls which remained one of the most severe challenges facing small and medium-sized entrepreneurs in Zambia.

He added that the COVID-19 pandemic has taken a terrible toll on economies around the world, including Zambia and hence the need to start supporting entrepreneurs and growing the private sector which is very important.

And USADF Zambia Country Program Coordinator Guy Kahokola, says USADF’s funding of AWE graduates demonstrates the agency’s commitment to helping women entrepreneurs succeed which is aligned with the all-of-government approach taken by the U.S. government’s Women’s Global Development and Prosperity Initiative.

Mr Kahokola added that the seed funding would give women entrepreneurs access to the capital needed to grow their business

He further complemented the women on the training and mentorship the U.S. Embassy and WEAC were providing.

And WEAC Executive Director Nambula Kachumi said WEAC was strategically positioned to support Zambian women venture successfully into business while helping them address gender barriers to entrepreneurship.

Zambia is among 50 countries worldwide participating in the AWE program launched globally in March 2019 by the U.S. Department of State.

This was disclosed in a statement made available to ZANIS in Lusaka today by the United States Embassy.

The government provides US$40, 000 grant to a Chibombo agro-processing company


The Government has provided US$40,000 as a special grant under the Strengthening Climate Resilience in the Kafue Sub-Basin Project (SCRiKA) to enable MKP Farms to complete the construction of an agro-processing plant.

The SCRiKA Project falls under the National Project Coordinating Unit (NPCU) in the Ministry of National Development Planning.

Minister of National Development Planning Hon. Alexander Chiteme, MP, in a speech read on his behalf by his Permanent Secretary in charge of Development Cooperation, Monitoring and Evaluation Mr. Danies Chisenda at the cheque handover ceremony in Chibombo today, reaffirmed the Government’s commitment to promote the agriculture sector and processing of farm produce.

Mr. Chiteme expressed gratitude that MKP Farms Ltd agro-processing plant will host a cold-room, drying, sorting and packaging bay for value addition as well as a warehouse.
“The Government through the SCRiKA matching grant initially supported MKP Farms with K250,000. However, this initial support was not adequate to fully service the 36,000 community members scattered in the three selected wards of Chibombo district,” Mr. Chiteme said. “MKP Farms Limited is currently linking over 36,000 community farmers to the various local and foreign markets. Of these farmers, over 20,000 are females from 115 community adaptation projects and 54 farm level projects. The markets being accessed by our farmers due to their relationship with MKP Farms include chain stores such as Shoprite and Choppies as well as the Democratic Republic of Congo and Denmark. As a result of their integration into value chains, our farmers have now increased household incomes and food security. They are able to send their children to school without much difficulty.”

The Minister said MKP Farms provides training in climate smart agricultural practices, harvesting, handling and packaging of farm produce according to the specified standards of the chain stores and the international markets.

“This training of our farmers is enhancing their skills as well as building their adaptive capacity to the adverse impacts of climate change. What MKP Farms is doing is a clear demonstration of the community, private sector and Government working together to bring development and improve livelihood of our people,” the Minister said.
Mr. Chiteme explained that the SCRiKA is a US$ 38 million Project jointly financed by the Climate Investment Funds (CIF) and the Government of Zambia.

“SCRiKA’s main objective is to foster sustained economic growth, reduce poverty and enhance food security through strengthening the adaptive capacity of the 200,000 farmers that reside within the Kafue sub-basin,” said Mr. Chiteme. “This is with a view to enable them to better respond to current climate variability and long-term consequences of climate change. Implementation of the project commenced in 2014 and it is expected to close in June 2021.”

SCRiKA Project covers 11 Districts in Choma, Kalomo, Namwala, Monze, Pemba and Mazabuka Districts in Southern Province; Itezhi-Tezhi, Chibombo, Shibuyunji and Mumbwa Districts in Central Province and Kafue District in Lusaka Province.

In Chibombo District, the SCRiKA is supporting 63 sub-projects and spread in Chikobo, Katuba and Chitanda wards. SCRiKA Project provides solar-powered irrigation boreholes to vulnerable communities in the three wards to ensure that farmers engage in agricultural production throughout the year.

And Central Province Permanent Secretary Bernard Chomba said the grant to MKP Farms should help unlock export opportunities.

“This cold room will now increase the shelf lifespan of agriculture products from farmers around MKP Farms and other areas. It is also set to enhance reliable and sustainable supply chain which is key in getting export market,” said Mr. Chomba. “I call upon all of you benefiting from SCRiKA Project to explore export opportunities in order to maximise on profits. I urge MKP Farms to ensure that this project is sustained beyond SCRiKA.”

Local farmer, who are beneficiaries, Priscilla Simwanza, Esteli Kapita and Clive Katala expressed gratitude to the Government for the support, which will encourage many farmers to grow crops and have them processed in readiness for supply to the market.

This is according to a media statement issued by Ministry of National Development Planning spokesperson Chibaula D. Silwamba.

Danies Chisenda hands over check worth USD40, 000 grant in chibombo
Danies Chisenda hands over check worth USD 40, 000 grant in chibombo 29-10-2020
Danies Chisenda hands over check worth USD 40, 000 grant in chibombo 29-10-2020

BILL 10 Down, ECZ is Next


On Thursday 29th October, we appealed to Parliamentarians from both sides to choose peace and unity of the nation above partisan politics. We called on the deep conscience of our members of Parliament to vote against Bill 10. We further appealed to the Christian family in the nation to pray and stop the impending danger Bill 10 could pose to peace.


Following the events in parliament, it remains our moral responsibility to thank and salute the galant members of Parliament who chose people’s interests above partisan interests. Bill 10 has finally fallen. Zambia has been saved from a disastrous future of disunity and unnecessary conflict.

The position of the New Hope MMD has been that the bill lacked consensus and was a recipe for violence and insecurity.
The arrogance of the PF has been astonishing.
The end has been a humiliation defeat.

This process of leveling the electoral playing field ahead of the 2021 election has started to take shape. We however must not rest until we remove all threats to a free and fair election next year.


The next enemy to peace and security is the ECZ. The arrogance being demonstrated by the ECZ is no different from the arrogance which delivered Bill 10 to its death.


  1. We call on all Zambians to demand that the electoral process be subjected to a consensus audit.
  2. We demand that the old voters list be not tempered with.
  3. We demand for a complete audit of the NRC issuance process.
  4. We demand for the neutralization of the Public Order Act.
  5. We demand for a credible non partisan appointment of ECZ Commissioners.
  6. We demand for a security of tenure for the new ECZ commissioners.
  7. We demand for the new ECZ to have power to disqualify any candidate who contravenes electoral guidelines.
  8. We demand that the police stay away from the electoral process.

We celebrate today’s victory but we still have many mountains to climb and many rivers to cross before we get to the promised land.

For Israel to break free from the bondage of Egypt, they never gave up. It was only after the tenth plague that Egypt surrendered.

We call upon all Zambians regardless of political affiliation to come together and defeat the next enemy of a flawed electoral process.

This is God’s Country and God is at work as he prepares a new Nation.

Zambia Shall Be Saved.

Hunt: Kambole Must Work Harder At Chiefs


New Kaizer Chiefs coach Gavin Hunt says he knows very little about his striker Lazarus Kambole.

Kambole is entering his second season with Chiefs whom he joined from Zesco United last year on a three year deal.

However, nothing has gone according to plan so far for the Chipolopolo striker following his high-profile move and failed to spark during his debut season scoring just one league goal from 17 games under Hunt’s predecessor Ernst Middendorp.

Furthermore, Kambole has yet to feature in Hunts’ plans with two league games played into the 2020/2021 season.

“I really didn’t know Lazzie until I saw him plus-three weeks ago. I think the football here is a totally different; speed of the game, “Hunt told South African media.

“So the speed for me is something, not even those coming from Europe-top-top players- struggle in South Africa because in South Africa the players here run faster than the ball where as in Europe, the ball runs faster than the players.

“So the game is a 100 miles an hour here and people take time to adjust. You know, gradually we could make him try to understand a little bit.

“He was here most of last season but I didn’t really see much of him so I don’t really know him that much so I will try and work with him you know and get him to the levels of the way things are done much quicker here.”

Promoted sides Kitwe United-Prison Leopards Clash in League Opener


Promoted sides Kitwe United and Prison Leopards on Friday face-off in the first match of the 2020/21 FAZ Super Division season.

Kitwe and Prison will be seeking to earn the early pacesetters status when they meet at Garden Park Stadium in Kitwe.

Both teams have bounced back to the top league after spending one season in Division 1.

The last Super Division meeting between Kitwe and Prison ended 1-1 in 2019.

Stakes are high as both teams pray for a positive start to the new campaign.

“Our vision as a club is to sustain our stay in the Super League,” said Kitwe United Chairman Emmanuel Numwa.

Zambia Correctional Service, the owners of Prison, are equally eager to see the Kabwe side excel in the top league.

“As a command we shall do all we can to keep you up there with dignity but as I have always said before, use this privilege that you have to the best of your abilities because better things are coming your way if only you do what is expected of you and die a little for the team,” said Dr Chileshe Chisela – the Commissioner General.

HH toasts the fall of Bill 10, as Sinkamba expresses happiness the Bill 10 has finally been put to rest

United Party for National Development (UPND) President Hakainde Hichilema has paid conveyed congratulations to what UPND MPs, other MPs from other parties, and the Independent MPs, for what he called standing on the right side of history.

Reacting to the fall of Bill 10 Mr Hichilema described Bill 10 as a diabolical idea from an evil regime that had sought to entrench itself against the will of the people. adding that the Bill has been permanently buried today never to rear its ugly head.

Mr Hichilema further sent congratulations to the Civil Society Organisations, and what he called progressive Churches the people of Zambia for rejecting what he called dictatorship and corruption that Bill 10 was seeking to legitimize.

And Green Party President Peter Sinkamba has added his support to the people happy that Bill 10 has been put to rest. In a statement released to the media, Mr. Sinkamba said that is are happy that Bill 10 has finally been put to rest it was a toxic chalice, acrimonious, and a serious liability on the economy.

“It was toxic chalice because it poisoned minds of some party cadres whereby some resorted to violence and shedding blood, for example, what happened at Intercontinental Hotel in Lusaka,

“It was acrimonious as evidenced from the divisive. It divided the church; it divided traditional leadership; it fuelled tribalism; and the regionalism that it brought was complete anathema it most people that promote values of national unity, peace and love.

“It was a liability on the economy because Government went out the way to spend without restraint to make the Bill pass. Precious time and resources were wasted on the Bill instead of attending to other ideas that could help cushion the economic impacts of Covid-19 and rising external debt.

“So, seriously speaking, let it rest in peace so that the Nation embarks on a healing process, ” concluded Mr. Sinkamba’s statement

The Controversial Constitution Amendment Bill 10 Fails by 6 Votes in Parliament


THE Constitution Amendment Bill 2019, also known as Bill no.10, has failed to garner the support of two-thirds of Members of Parliament and has fallen away.

The bill required 111 votes to pass but only managed to get 105 yes votes.

In conceding defeat, Minister of Justice, Given Lubinda said Zambians had won as the proposed constitutional amendments received wide consultation.

Bill 10, which was supported by the ruling party, become an emotive issue with some sections of society advocating for its withdrawal.

The bill, which has been referred to the (parliamentary select) committee with sittings to deliberate on the provisions expected to commence on September 2, 2019, has received opposition from some stakeholders who claim the process abrogates the Constitution.

One of those opposed to the bill is the Law Association of Zambia (LAZ), which has petitioned in the Constitutional Court to challenge the decisions of President Edgar Lungu, the Attorney General and the National Assembly in relation to the Constitution of Zambia (Amendment) Bill no. 10 of 2019, pursuant to article 128 (3) (b) of the Constitution of Zambia, chapter 1 of the Laws of Zambia.

LAZ contends that Parliament must not hold proceedings on the Constitution Amendment Bill no. 10, which passed first reading in Parliament, saying that was in contravention of the current Constitution.

Besides LAZ, Chapter One Foundation Limited, a non-governmental organisation which seeks to promote human rights and constitutionalism, has petitioned the Constitutional Court to declare that the Constitution Amendment Bill 10 of 2019 violates national values and principles in the Constitution. The foundation wants the court to order Justice Minister Given Lubinda to withdraw the Amendment Bill from the National

Now, Mozambique AL-Shabaab terrorist rebels attack Tanzania,kill and behead 20 civilians


I know, there is too much tension in our nation because of oppression of the opposition leaders. Nonetheless, it is worth knowing what else is happening around your home, especially those issues that one day are likely to catch up with you and disturb your peace and tranquility, even worse than your current woes.

Two months ago, I posted here a concern of Al-shabaab terrorists operating in the northern Mozambican province of Cabo Delgado; that they had taken over a province in Mozambique. According to the post I made, the terrorists’s ultimate mission is to establish an Islamic State of Central Africa. With regard to the SADC situation, my concern was on the I-don’t-care-attitude taken by the regional body on these terrorists. I believed that this attitude is fatal, and that SADC was bound to soon regret when these rebels consolidate their hold in Mozambique, and embark on cross border attacks. My post did not attract due attention.

Now, barely two months after my post, the terrorists have carried their first war across the border into Tanzania, where they murdered and beheaded 20 people last week on Wednesday, according to a report in this week Monday’s issue of the independent newssheet “Carta de Mocambique”, citing Tanzanian sources.

The raid was against the village of Kitaya, in Mtwara province, near the border with the Cabo Delgado district of Palma.
According to military sources cited by the newssheet, the terrorists entered Tanzania by sea, going up the Rovuma river that forms the border between Mozambique and Tanzania.
The raiders burnt down houses, destroyed an armoured vehicle and stole money and military equipment. The terrorist network that calls itself “Islamic State” claimed responsibility for the attack, and said it had killed three Tanzanian soldiers.

Videos and photographs circulated by the terrorists on social media show them decapitating a man and throwing his head onto a road. In the videos the murderers speak in Swahili (which is the lingua franca of much of east Africa, including Tanzania), in Emakua (one of the main languages of northern Mozambican), and in Kimwani (only spoken in a few Cabo Delgado coastal districts).One of the terrorists can be heard saying “”We have nothing to do with the coming elections (in Tanzania). We are here, and we are going to kill and leave his head on the road. They are pigs. God is great”.

In a second video, terrorists are tearing up a poster of Tanzanian President John Magufuli, who is standing for a second term of office. “Here is the face of Magufuli, which means we are in his country. We are the Al-Shabaabs of Mozambique and we have come here to teach you our doctrine”.

The Cabo Delgado group have been called “Al-Shabaab” colloquially for at least three years, and now seem to be using the name themselves. They are not known to have any formal connection with the Somali terrorist group of that name.

The raiders also threatened to return, reports a second newssheet, “Mediafax”. There are also reports, not yet confirmed, of an attack against a second village, Mahembe, about eight kilometres from Kitaya.

In Cabo Delgado, people fleeing from the terrorist attacks, are continuing to pour into the provincial capital, Pemba. According to “Carta de Mocambique”, on Saturday 25 boats, each carrying between 30 and 40 displaced people, arrived at Pemba’s Paquitequete beach.

In all, some 700 people arrived, fleeing from Macomia district, and from islands in the Quirimbas archipelago. The jihadists attacked Macomia town last week, but were driven back by the defence and security forces. The situation in Macomia is said to remain tense.

SADC, wake up please. Take action before these terrorists overwhelm our relatively peaceful region.

Green Party of Zambia (The Greens)

Veep call for concerted efforts to end violence against children


Vice President Inonge Wina has called for enhanced efforts towards eradicating vices that infringe on children’s rights such as violence against children.

Mrs. Wina has observed that violence against children is injustice that has reached global levels resulting in the United Nations agencies to take keen interest in the welfare of children at country level.

 “I wish to stress that government needs the partnerships to support efforts towards eliminating violence against children and securing the best interests and rights of children across the country,” she noted.

She said this is why government has put in place a number of policy measures and administration to address the plight of children and respond to the global agenda of protection of children.

The Vice President was speaking in Lusaka today, during the inter-ministerial dialogue on violence against children in Zambia.

Mrs. Wina said government has also resolved to show commitment to the subject matter through the vow to the UN Convention on the Rights of Children (UNCRC) which is supposed to be domesticated through the Children’s Code bill.

She however, wondered why the Children’s Code bill has taken long to be tabled before parliament, further directing the Minister of Youth, Sport and Child Development to ensure that the bill be presented before parliament, adding that it will help in protecting the rights of children.

“The efforts to domesticate this instrument through the Children’s Code bill has taken long. As Vice President of the Republic of Zambia and leaders of government business in parliament I am directing the Minister of Youth, Sport and Child Development to ensure that the bill comes to parliament without any further delay,” she stressed.

The Vice President added that despite Zambia’s ability to benchmark the efforts and interventions at national, regional and global levels a lot still needs to be done due to the escalating cases of child abuse that are taking place in various parts of the country resulting in among other cases teen pregnancies.

Mrs. Wina stated that this is why there is need for stakeholders to work together towards increasing child protection actions by enhancing coordination, efficiency and effectiveness of interventions in order to sustain the delivery of child development programmes.

World Health Organisation Country Representative Nathan Bakyaita has praised Zambia for the strides made in eliminating all forms of abuse against children.

Dr. Bakyaita said violence against children worldwide does not just affect the welfare of children but economic activities as well.

“Violence against children has continued to be a challenge around, but it is worth noting that any form of child abuse does not affect the child alone but it affects the economy and income generating activities for nations,” he said.

He added that this is why there is need for countries to step up their efforts in addressing issues affecting children if they are also to achieve the set targets on Sustainable Development Goals.

The Global Partnership to End Violence Against Children (GPEVAC) has encouraged Zambia to continue on the strong path of demonstrating political will towards ending violence against children and ensuring that children’s rights are upheld and respected.

GPEVAC Executive Director Tim Howard explained that this is evidenced by Zambia’s active participation and involvement in finding solutions to matters that affect the plight of children.

Vice President Inonge Wina confers with Minister of Youth, Sport and Child Development Emmanuel Mulenga during the Inter-Ministerial Dialogue on Ending Violence Against Children in Zambia at Pamodzi Hotel