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Local Government to roll out E-levy


Ministry of Local Government Permanent Secretary Ed Chomba says the local authorities will start rolling out the Electronic Levy (E-levy) payment system in an effort to increase revenue base in all Councils.

Speaking when he opened the E-levy orientation workshop, Bishop Chomba indicated that the outbreak of the Coronavirus pandemic adversely affected economic activities in Local Authorities due to challenges faced in revenue collection.

The Permanent Secretary further observed increased pilfering among revenue collectors due to the physical cash handling system in the Local Authorities.

In order to enhance collection efficiency of Council revenues, Bishop Chomba disclosed that his Ministry devised the E- levy payment system at collection points in markets and bus stations.

“The roll out of the E-levy could not have come at a better time than when local Authorities are striving to expand their revenue base in the midst of constraint resource allocation. To this end, the need for Local Authorities to devise smart revenue collection mechanisms which aim to maximize collection efficiency is urgent,” Bishop Chomba stated.

The Permanent Secretary disclosed that the new system will support the operationalization of the markets and bus station funds.

He explained that from the collected revenues in selected markets and bus stations, 30% of the funds will be channeled to develop new trading places in needy areas.

Bishop Chomba added that the smart revenue collection mechanism will be a more convenient and secure payment alternative for clients.

“It will provide citizens with a convenient and secure online payment options for various services provided in the markets and bus stations,” he said.

The Permanent Secretary noted that the implementation of the E-levy payment system is a great milestone for the Ministry, which shows the transformational resolve of President Edgar Lungu vision to attain a smart Zambia.

He revealed that implementation of the E-levy payment system will first target Local Authorities that are poorly performing especially in Western and Southern Provinces to help build capacity and further extend to other Councils across the country.

Meanwhile, speaking in an interview Chalimbana Local Government Training Institute Acting College Principal, James Paipi assured that the institution was ready to train participants in order to build capacity for Local authorities.

Mr. Paipi stated that since a gap was identified in revenue collection activities, the training institute will take up its task of ensuring that training interventions are provided in order to improve the performance of Councils in service provision.

“One of the areas that has been identified and requires intervention is the issue of revenue collection by the Councils. Among the reasons observed is that due to the conventional systems which are being used in our Local authorities, in terms of generating revenue for various activities including markets as well as bus stations, the Local authorities have been losing a lot of revenue,” Mr. Paipi indicated.

In November 2018, the Ministry of Local Government entered into a contract with Dot Com Zambia Limited for the design and implementation of an E-levy payment system in order to maximize revenue collection efficiency in Local Authorities. The pilot was implemented at BH market which was successful. The programme will be extended to various Councils in phases starting with Southern and Western Provinces.

Government and WWF to restore depleted forests in Western Province


Government in partnership with Worldwide Fund for Nature (WWF) has launched the 1.2 million Euros Forests Landscape Project in Kafue.

Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources Chief Research Officer Lishomwa Mulongwe said the five years project that is aimed at restoring the depleted forests will be implemented in Silowana complex of Sioma and Sesheke districts of Western Province.

Mr Mulongwe said the five years project is scheduled to come to an end in the year 2024.Mr Mulongwe said this at the inception meeting of the Forests Landscape Project in Kafue today.

He underscored that the project will help the Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources in addressing the hash effects of deforestation and climate change.

“This project is part of the regional programme which started in January 2020 and is being implemented in Kenya, Tanzania and Zambia. The program will on regional level aim for a regional exchange of experiences on Forests Landscape restoration among the three countries,” he stressed.

Mr Mulongwe pointed out that deforestation has been caused by agriculture expansion and charcoal burning among others, will also help government to come up with a framework for forests restoration.He underscored that during the scope of the project 1000 small holder farmers in the surrounding districts will benefit through trainings.

And WWF Zambia Acting Country Director Isabel Mukelabai said time has come for the actual value of forests to be achieved.Ms Mukelabai pointed out that the project will help halt the indiscriminate cutting of trees in the country.

She affirmed that her office will ensure close collaboration with the line ministry to achieve the intended purpose of the project.

“Agriculture expansion has rushed the forests to their knees. But some challenges are from weak mechanisms to halt deforestation in the country, now time has come to realize the noble call,” she charged.

The Forest Land Scape Project Inception Meeting was attend by different stakeholders from the forests sector in Zambia.

Zambia reaffirms support for Morocco’s sovereignty in Western Sahara


Zambia has reiterates its support for Morocco’s sovereignty over Western Sahara after it inaugurated its Consulate in the southern city of Laayoune.

During a joint press briefing following the inauguration ceremony on Tuesday, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Permanent Secretary Chalwe Lombe stressed Zambia’s “abiding” position regarding Morocco’s right to territorial integrity and sovereignty over its southern provinces.

Mr. Lombe considered the diplomatic move a “sovereign act of support and solidarity” towards Morocco on the question of Western Sahara.

Mr Lombe labeled Morocco as “a true friend of Zambia.”

Zambia’s Consulate is the eighth African diplomatic representation to open in the province of Laayoune in one year.

It is the 15th African Consulate in the southern provinces as a whole, as seven others have opened in the city of Dakhla.

Four other African countries opened diplomatic representations in Western Sahara this week alone.

Eswatini opened a consulate general in Laayoune today, while Equatorial Guinea, Guinea Bissau, and Burkina Faso opened embassies in Dakhla on October 23.

The recent inaugurations are part of an expanding recognition within the African continent of Morocco’s territorial integrity.

In 2016, Zambia withdrew its recognition of the self-proclaimed Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR), consolidating pro-Morocco momentum on the Western Sahara dispute and boosting the growing ties between the two African nations.

In 2017, Zambia’s former Foreign Affairs Minister Harry Kalaba, said Zambia supports “the efforts of the United Nations to help the parties find a long-lasting solution to the conflict over the Western Sahara.”

A year later, Joseph Malanji, Zambia’s current Foreign Affairs Minister announced a “decisive break” with the separatist Polisario Front.

Mr. Lombe welcomed Morocco’s support for the training of Zambian students who benefit from scholarships in Morocco.

He went on to recall King Mohammed VI’s 2017 visit to his country.

The productive visit led to the signing of 19 agreements in various fields, including diplomatic consultations, economics, science, technology, education, mining, finance, and tourism, among others, with the aim to increase commercial and cultural exchanges.

Mr. Lombe also commended King Mohammed VI’s medical aid donation amid the COVID-19 crisis to 15 African countries, including Zambia.

The medical shipments included millions of protective face masks, 900,000 visors, 600,000 hygiene caps, 60,000 medical gowns, and tens of thousands of liters of hydroalcoholic gels, along with 75,000 boxes of chloroquine and 15,000 boxes of azithromycin.

World Bank sanctions Chinese engineering firms for corruption in Zambian power project


The World Bank has sanctioned a Chinese state electric engineering group and its subsidiary over fraudulent practices in a power project in Zambia.

The action bars China Electric Design and Research Institute Co Ltd (CEDRI) from participating in World Bank projects for up to 18 months, with the ability to meet new compliance conditions and end the ban.

The firm’s parent company, China National Electric Engineering Co Ltd (CNEEC), was allowed to continue to participate in projects under a settlement agreement, but could be banned if it fails to meet agreed conditions, the bank said.

The sanctioned firms are contractors on the $210 million Lusaka Transmission and Distribution Rehabilitation Project which aims to reinforce and upgrade the power transmission and distribution network in Zambia’s capital.

“CEDRI engaged in fraudulent practices by failing to disclose a conflict of interest and by presenting false documents with CNEEC’s company name in order to meet the requirements of a contract under the project,” the World Bank said in a statement.

“CNEEC, as a controlling affiliate of CEDRI, failed to oversee CEDRI’s misconduct.”

The debarment of CEDRI also disqualifies the firm from participating in projects of other multilateral development banks, the World Bank said.

The settlement agreements allow for the sanctions period to be reduced from 18 months if both companies cooperate and adhere to the World Bank’s integrity compliance guidelines.

Zambia clinches major debt deal with China


Zambia says it has reached a deal to defer debt repayments that were due in October on a loan from the China Development Bank (CDB). Zambia owed CDB about $391m at the end of 2019 — about a tenth of the $3bn it owes Chinese entities — according to the finance ministry.

It was not clear whether the loan in question covers all of this debt or a fraction of it. China holds about a quarter of Zambia’s foreign debt.

“The Government is very pleased to announce that it has reached an agreement with the China Development Bank to defer debt service in respect of a commercial loan facility insured by Sinosure. Under the terms of our agreement with CDB, interest and principal due on 25th October 2020 will be deferred,” said Treasury Secretary Fredson Yamba said.

Mr Yamba said the deferred interest payment is now payable on 25th April 2021 and the deferred principal rescheduled over the life of the facility.

“Reaching this agreement is an important milestone for Zambia in our debt relief efforts. This was made possible thanks to CDB’s and Sinosure’s collaborative and cooperative approach. We will continue to work with all of our creditors to reach similar interim agreements around deferral of principal and interest payments.”

Mr Yamba added, “Such interim debt service deferment agreements will provide the Government with the necessary time to focus efforts on completing its overall debt strategy aimed at restoring public debt sustainability.”

The government missed a $42.5m coupon payment on one of its Eurobonds that was due on October 14 but has a 30-day grace period before it goes into default.

It has asked Eurobond holders to defer interest payments until April 2021, but they have so far rejected the request.

One of the sticking points has been whether other key lenders such as China would also agree to reschedule repayments.

“This is a good step in the right direction but they still need to do more to appease the creditor group,” said one of the members of the Zambia External Bondholder Committee, Kevin Daly at Aberdeen Standard Investments in London.

“It is still piecemeal and what you need is something comprehensive.”

He also said it was not clear whether the announced deal included a deferral of arrears payments believed to have become an obstacle to some Chinese entities participating in debt relief for Zambia.

Zambia’s external debt is nearly $12bn, including $3bn of outstanding Eurobonds, $3.5bn of bilateral debt, $2.9bn of other commercial debt and $2.1bn owed to multilateral institutions.

Change is inevitable, there’s no need to fear it


By Fred M’membe

Information and broadcasting services minister Dora Siliya says they are not ready to hand over power to anyone in 2021.

“We shouldn’t relax that Edgar azawina since he is an Easterner but if we vote lazily, our friends in Southern Province will challenge us and we will be removed in power. Let’s not vote lazily the way we did on Rupiah. We lost him because we are many but few voted and we lost him. Those eight bags of fertiliser we got under Rupiah disappeared because Sata ate Cassava which doesn’t require fertiliser and you started calling us Paya Farmer and it’s now under President Edgar Lungu that agriculture has been revamped.

These elections of next year are not an easy one. It’s war abale anga. It’s a war, we should make sure everyone registers as voters and vote on 12th August 2021 or else we will lose. Napapata, we go wrong, we in government, but forgive us please. Pray for us, we know we have gone through problems in these five years but let’s not lose this presidency because we still have a lot to do with it in our families, communities. We are not only happy for Edgar to be in State House but to work for us. If this presidency leaves, Eastern Province, nobody among us will be alive when it will be back here…Let’s not be lazy.

If Edgar Lungu loses next year, good agricultural system will collapse. So we have to put on much effort if Edgar is to win next year because we still have a lot to do. For now, we are not ready to hand over power to anyone unless in 2026 we are going to say ‘now namwe a Tonga mungatoleko ici cinthu but pakali pano usogoleri tikali nao nacocita,” Minister Siliya pleaded with over 300 village headmen and indunas from Eastern Province last Sunday.

This fear of losing power, of change is widespread among our colleagues in the current government and the ruling party. And it has been openly expressed by many, including the President himself. It has actually become a phobia.

Philosophizing a little on this issue, I would say we have no alternative to meeting the future, we have no hope but the changes, advances, and improvements that the future may bring. Even if our current leaders want to stay in power forever, they won’t be able to do so. Nobody controls the future. No matter what schemes they may pull, other times will come.

The fear of change or changing things is called Metathesiophobia. It is often linked with Tropophobia which is the fear of moving. The origin of the word Metathesiophobia comes from Greek ‘meta’ meaning change and Phobos meaning fear.

Metathesiophobes often tend to live in the past and may also be depressed. Their phobia makes them unwilling to move, to progress, or to change anything. This can severely impact one’s work and personal lives.

The fear of change is evolutionary in humans. Since times immemorial, man has liked routine. Our internal predispositions – heredity and genetics – teach us to resist change mainly to ‘always feel in control’. But the normal fear of change becomes a full-blown phobia when it is irrational, persistent and very intense.

Fear of being unable to adapt can also deter one’s adaptability. Insecurity and guilt are other common emotions behind Metathesiophobia.
Benjamin Franklin once said, “When you are finished changing, you are finished.”

The fear of change is a natural survival instinct ingrained in humans. However, in cases of extreme Metathesiophobia, life can become very difficult. It can negatively impact one’s work and/or personal lives.

Thought of change or adapting to a new environment may lead to a full-blown panic. Avoiding change, one may go to great lengths, break ties, tell lies, or make excuses, manipulate electoral processes, rig elections, commit human rights violations. This can affect many things and lead to irrationality. Often the phobic is aware that his/her fear of change is irrational. However, he/she is unable to overcome it.

The root of Metathesiophobia is deeply embedded in one’s psyche.

Many people suffer from this phobia but the key is to accept change as part of life. Nothing lasts forever. Change is inevitable, there’s no need to fear it. We must always prepare for it and be ready to embrace it.

HH urges MPs to Reject Bill 10


UPND President Hakainde Hichilema has urged all members of parliament to reject what he described as the PF engineered Bill 10 when it is presented before the House today, 29th October 2020.

In a televised message yesterday afternoon, Hichilema stated that UPND members of parliament will still stand by their earlier position of rejecting the Bill as it does not carry the aspirations of the people of Zambia.

He has also appealed to the PF, NDC and Independent Members of Parliament to reject the Bill which seeks to among other things, grant more powers to a sitting Head of State.

And the UPND President is confident that the Bill will fall out because Zambians have vehemently rejected it adding that members of parliament must also stand on the right side of history by listening to people’s calls of doing away with the Bill outrightly.

And the UPND President has said that instead of wasting the country’s scarce resources on a Bill that only stands to benefit a few in the PF, national resources must now be channelled towards ensuring that the economy is up and running and citizens have jobs, affordable health care, cheaper food and lower cost of living.

Religious Organisations Welcome Empowerment Funds Initiative from Government


Various Churches, Church Mother Bodies and Religious Organisations have thanked government for consulting and initiating empowerment fund as a response initiative to cushion the impact the COVID-19 pandemic has posed on society.

Speaking during the opening of a Consultative meeting on Church Empowerment Fund and minimum standards for Churches and Religious Organisations yesterday at government complex in Lusaka, the Minister of National Guidance and Religious Affairs said COVID-19 has affected all sectors of society and that the Church has not been left out.

Rev. Sumaili noted that programmes and projects run by the Church and Religious Organisations in communities have also been affected by the pandemic.
She explained that it is prudent that government responds to ensure that the Church and Religious Organisations continue offering the social services to their respective communities.

She added that the Ministry has since put up a proposal and modalities of how the funds will be disbursed and accessed.

Rev. Sumaili said, this is to ensure accountability, integrity and inclusiveness in the manner the funds will be handled.

Evangelical Fellowship of Zambia President Bishop Paul Mususu thanked government for considering and respecting its partnership with the Church, Church Mother Bodies and Religious Organisation by consulting them on matters relating to their affairs.

Bishop Mususu said it is not possible for government to successfully implement the empowerment fund without considering the views of the people affected.

And the Jewish Board Deputies Secretary General Ram Rabbi has called on government to put in place audit mechanism for beneficiaries to ensure that the fund benefits a good number of people among the targeted beneficiaries.

He stated that the COVID-19 empowerment fund was a good initiative and has come at a time when most people are affected by the pandemic.
Meanwhile Rastafari Priest David Kumalo has praised government for considering the church and religious bodies in its quest to review the economy amidst the COVID-19 pandemic fight.

Priest Kumalo also thanked government for creating the Ministry of National Guidance and Religious Affairs adding that the Church and Religious Bodies for a long time have been looking for a voice to represent their affairs to government.

He expressed confidence that the empowerment fund if used and managed properly can bring change to society and help humanity.

On September 27th, this year President Edgar Chagwa Lungu assured the church of government support to cushion the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The meeting was attended by officials from the Evangelical Fellowship of Zambia (EFZ), the Independent Churches of Zambia (ICOZ), Apostles Council of Churches (ACOC), New Apostolic Church, Christian Mission in Many Lands (CMML) and the Presbyterian Church.

Others included the National Spiritual Assembly of Bahaí , Islamic Supreme Council of Zambia, Makeni Islamic Council, The Jewish Board of Deputies, Guru Nanak, and the House of Rastafari.

Muchinga Province records zero audit queries


Acting Muchinga Permanent Secretary, Jonathan Ngon’ga has disclosed that the region has recorded zero audit queries in the last three years.

Mr Ng’onga said the province has been performing extremely well in financial management due to the levels of professionalism.

The Acting PS said this when Controller of Internal Audit under the Ministry of Finance, Chibwe Mulonda paid a courtesy call on him at his office in Chinsali district.

Mr Ngo’nga noted that good performance can only be maintained with the intervention of the Ministry of Finance through staff trainings.

He stated that the training exercises on financial management for officers in various provinces can greatly reduce on audit queries.

And Mr Mulonda said government is committed to improving prudent financial management with an aim of recording zero audit queries in all government institutions.

Mr Mulonda said there is need for concerted efforts amongst all key players such as administrators, accountants, and auditors as well as the public in general.

“The call for collective responsibility in exploring workable solutions which is aimed at enhancing systems of accountability and transparency across the public sector cannot be over looked,” he stated.

He also assured that internal auditors across the country will continuously strive to contribute to the enhancement of the internal control environment.

Mr Mulonda who later addressed heads of government departments in Chinsali district, urged them to leverage on the expertise of the internal auditors in their various departments.

The Controller of Internal Audit is in Muchinga Province for consultative meetings with heads of government departments on various audit concerns.

SCORECARD: Numba Relishing Zesco Debut in Napsa Date


Zesco United coach Mumamba Numba is looking forward to his competitive debut this weekend when they visit Napsa Stars their 2020/2021 FAZ Super Division season opener in Lusaka.

Napsa will host Zesco on November 1 in Numba’s first game following his off-season appointment on September 25 after long-serving coach George Lwandamina left the eight-time champions by mutual consent.

The hosts also beat Zesco to the final fourth continental spot when they ended the season in 4th and 5th place on 48and 47 points respectively to deny the latter CAF football for the first time since 2012.

Napsa will make their debut in the CAF Confederation Cup when the African season kicks off at the end of November.

“Napsa Stars have showed that they are a good side in the last two seasons. This can be seen through their qualification for CAF competitions meaning that they will be one of Mother Zambia’s representatives at the highest level of the African game,” Numba said.

“As we go to Napsa, we need to be aware that this is a different team from what we were used to in the past. They are a now another powerhouse in the country.”

Napsa beat Zesco 2-1 in their last meeting in Lusaka in February after losing 3-2 away in Ndola a year ago on October 6.


2020/2021 Samuel ‘Zoom’ Ndhlovu Charity Shield Final
Arthur Davies Stadium,Kitwe

Nkana 2(Idris Mbombo 21′ 33′)- Indeni 0

Addis Ababa
Ethiopia 1(Getaneh Kebede 83′)- Zambia 3(Emmanuel Chabula 13’35’,Collins Sikombe 23′)

Zambia: Jackson Kakunta, Kondwani Chiboni (Benedict Chepeshi 46′), Zacharia Chilongoshi (Kebson Kamanga 57′), Luka Banda (Luka Nguni 46′), Dominic Chanda, Amity Shamende (Kelvin Kapumbu 57”), Leonard Mulenga (Thomas Zulu 57′), Albert Kangwanda (Benson Sakala 57′), Bruce Musakanya(c) (Paul Katema 46′), Collins Sikombe (Chaniza Zulu 46′), Emmanuel Chabula (Friday Samu 46′)

Subs not used:Charles Muntanga,Lameck Siame, Kelvin Mubanga

Addis Ababa

Ethiopia 2(Getaneh Kebede 13′, Aschalew Tamene 43′
pen)-Zambia 3(
39′ Kelvin Kampamba 39′,
Albert Kangwanda 86′

Aschalew ,

ZAMBIA:18-Lameck Siame,4- Kondwani Chiboni (Sub:Albert Kangwanda), 23-Zacharia Chilongoshi (Sub: Paul Katema), 6-Benson Sakala (C), 5-Luka Banda, 15-Kelvin Kapumbu, 14-Collins Sikombe (Sub:Thomas Zulu), 7-Kelvin Mubanga Kampamba (Sub:Benedict Chepeshi), 20-Chaniza Zulu , 12-Bruce Musakanya (Sub:Friday Samu), 3-Emmanuel Chabula (Sub:Kebson Kamanga)

Subs not used: Charles Muntanga (1), Jackson Kakunta, Luka N’guni, Leonard Mulenga, Dominic Chanda, , Amity Shamende

2020/2021 TOP SCORERS

Idris Mbombo (Nkana):2

Emmanuel Chabula(Nkwazi):3
Albert Kangwanda(Zanaco):2
Kelvin Mubanga (Zesco United):2
Collins Sikombe(Napsa Stars):2
Chaniza Zulu (Lumwana Radiants):1
Tandi Mwape(TP Mazembe DRC):1*
*Denotes own goal

Joseph Banda:3

Female doctor brutally murdered


The body of Dr. Tasila Tembo, missing since last Friday has been found.

Her family reported to the Police that she missing last week on Friday.Her torso and severed head were found today near Mikango Barracks area.Her boyfriend who is a soldier is also missing since last week and reportedly with a fire arm.

The remains of Dr. Tasila Mercy Tembo will be buried on Thursday because of the extent of decomposition of the body.

Acting Police Spokesperson Danny Mwale confirmed the death of Dr Tasila Tembo aged 47 and said her body was discovered in a decomposed state covered with leaves in Nanking Army Training Centre in Mikango Barracks area.

In a statement released to the media , Mr. Mwale said the police have since launched a man-hunt for the suspect identified as Lieutenant Nigel Mwaba aged 33 of Zambia Army in Lusaka.

“Police in Lusaka received a report of a missing person in which it was reported that a female identified as Dr. Tasila Tembo aged 47 of Plot number 1732 Meanwood, Ibex Hill went missing. This occurred on October 24, 2020 around 16 hours,” Mwale said.

Mwale said investigations into the matter and police discovered the body of a Dr Tembo in a decomposed state covered with leaves in Nanking Army Training Centre in Mikango area.

He said the body was temporarily buried at a traditional burial site in Mikango area and is awaiting Post-mortem to be conducted today at the University Teaching Hospital.

Mwale said Police have since launched a manhunt for the suspect and has appealed to members of the public who may have the information of the whereabouts of the suspect to report to any police station.

Happier Times: Dr Tasila Tembo-Peters with Lieutenant Nigel Mwaba

President Lungu has carried on with the vision of late President Michael Sata-Former First Lady


Former First Lady Christine Kaseba-Sata has said that President Edgar Lungu has carried on with the vision of late President Michael Sata.

Dr. Kaseba-Sata has since advised people criticizing the debt that Zambia has accumulated, to also look at the infrastructure that has been built using the same borrowed money. The Former First Lady said that she is surprised to see many roads that have been built in different districts of the country.

Speaking to Journalists in Lusaka today on the sidelines of the sixth memorial of late President SataDr. Kaseba-Sata said that it is the same infrastructure that will help the country to make more money in the long term and that it will not be possible for the country to make progress without proper infrastructure.

Dr. Kaseba-Sata added that Zambians will one day appreciate the importance of the infrastructure that the PF is putting in place.

President Edgar Lungu was among several Zambians who attended the memorial. The President was joined by Cabinet Ministers, PF officials and opposition political party leaders among others.

And Catholic priest Father Charles Chilinda urged Zambians to love one another. Father Chilinda said late President SATA promoted love among Zambians.

Speaking on behalf of the family, Chanda Kasolo thanked President Lungu for the support he has been rendering to the Sata family. Mr. Kasolo who is former information permanent secretary urged the PF to continue serving the interests of the poor.

He said the Sata family is aware that the PF was formed for every Zambian and will continue supporting the ruling party. Mr. Kasolo further said the Sata family has found a home in PF and wants President Lungu to continue.

Lusaka residents urged to obtain NRCs before closure


Lusaka Province Permanent Secretary Elias Kamanga has called on citizens in need of National Registration Cards (NRCs) to take advantage of the five day extension of the mobile registration and acquire their identity cards.

Mr Kamanga who on Tuesday inspected the exercise in Lusaka and Kafue districts says all eligible citizens should ensure that they are captured before November 4, when the exercise will come to an end.

“There may be no other extension because this exercise is tied to the mobile voter registration whose commencement has also been rescheduled to allow more eligible voters acquire their NRCs before they can register as voters,” he said.

He observed that the extension of the exercise from October 30 will allow more people acquire or replace their NRCs.

And Mr. Kamanga expressed confidence that the Province will meet its target of registering 240 thousand before the end of the exercise.

“We have already met the targets in some districts like Kafue. Though we have high numbers in Lusaka, we will meet the target because we will capitalize on the extension period and ensure that we capture each person that comes for the registration,” he said.

Mr Kamanga stressed on the need for people aged between 16 and 35 above to acquire the symbol of citizenship whose use he said is not solely for voting.

“It is an identity card that is required even for one to get employment, acquire a passport and many other things.
Meanwhile, Mr Kamanga has advised citizens not to wait for the mobile issuance of NRCs which comes after five years saying they should seek the documents from registration offices whose duty is to issue NRCs on a daily basis.

“You don’t have to wait until after five years when there is a mobile registration to acquire your NRCs, the registration offices issue these documents on a daily basis. In Lusaka district, the department has also decentralized to the sub districts and people can get their services in a number of sub districts,” he said.

The mobile issuance of NRCs which started on September 20 and was scheduled to finish on October 30, will come to an end on November 4.

The programme which is also taking place in Central, Muchinga, Western and Southern Provinces among others is targeting to issue a total of 730,000 NRCs.

Meanwhile, Muoyo Ward Councillor Musenge Mahongo has welcomed the extension of the mobile issuance of the National Registration Cards (NRCs).

Mr. Mahongo told ZANIS in Nalolo today that the extension is a good move because it will enable many people acquire NRCs in places where the exercise started late.

“The extension is appropriate because in some places, the mobile issuance of NRCs started late due to certain challenges hence this will give chance to more people to participate,” he said.

Government extended phase two of the mobile issuance of NRC for five days, which will see the exercise end on November 4, 2020 instead of the scheduled October 30, 2020.

Councillor Mahongo has also appealed to the Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) to ensure that all logistics are put in place when the voter registration commences, considering that the rain season will soon start.

“We are about to start the rain season hence many people will not get voters cards if necessary logistics are not put in place, “said the Civic Leader.

He also asked ECZ to clarify on the matter that was raised in Parliament that the old voters cards will not be discarded.

But speaking recently during a media briefing, ECZ Chief Electoral Officer Patrick Nshindano clarified that all voters in the old register need to move to the new one by visiting registration centres during mobile registration period.

Meanwhile, the mobile voter registration exercise which was expected to begin today, October 28, has been rescheduled to start on November 9, 2020 and will end on December 12, 2020.

SADC Regional Seed Export commissioned


The United States government with the Zambian government yesterday commissioned the pilot seed export from Zambia to Mozambique

Public Affairs Officer at the United States Embassy in Zambia Sean McIntosh said the seed exportation is being done through its Agency for International Development (USAID), and the Southern African Development Community (SADC) and the seed being produced by emerging seed company, Lake Agriculture.

Mr McIntosh stated in statement to ZANIS in Lusaka today that the USAID-funded Feed the Future Southern Africa Seed Trade Project awarded Lake Agriculture a K2 million grant to produce and export 200 metric tons of improved, high-quality hybrid maize seed, under the SADC Harmonized Seed Regulatory System (HSRS).

He stated that with a joint investment of K3.7 million and strict adherence to the regional guidelines, the emerging seed company will ultimately produce 250 metric tons of high-quality seed valued at K7.6 million which will yield 380 percent return on the USAID investment.

Mr McIntosh added that of the total amount produced, 216 metric tons are being exported to neighboring, seed deficit Mozambique, while the remaining 34 metric tons of improved maize seed will be sold on the local Zambian market.

“Through our Seed Trade Project, we are supporting the SADC Secretariat to harmonize the national seed legislation across all 16 Member States with the regional guidelines. Due to its location and ability to produce quality seeds, Zambia is uniquely positioned to provide the ideal seeds for this inaugural export,” the statement read in part.

And USAID Economic Officer Director Adam Norikane observed that the pilot also provide an opportunity for seed companies both large and small to meet guidelines and successfully produce and export improved seed.

Mr Norikane emphasized that the undertaking is important because it allows for meaningful market competition, which ultimately benefits farmers, and plays a major role in moving nations forward on their path to self-reliance.

“Seed is fundamental to our survival and regional economic prosperity. I often say, without seed, there is no agriculture. Without agriculture, there is no food. And without food, there is no human life, and that is something we should all take to heart,” he stressed.

Yesterday, Government in partnership with the United States commissioned the pilot seed export from Zambia to Mozambique.

Seed Certification Institute of Zambia Director Mable Simwanza explained that government has worked hard to put systems in place that have deepened the position as the leading seed producer on the African continent.

Mrs Simwanza pointed out that the above measures are not enough to accomplish the measures but sound policy and strong infrastructure in domestic institutions are required to be equipped to use them to their highest potential.

She hailed the USAID for the technical assistance provided which will spur economic growth.

The Feed the Future Southern Africa Seed Trade Project (Seed Trade Project) is a five-year project designed to increase the availability of high-quality seed of improved varieties to farmers in the Southern African Development Community (SADC) region, and contribute to increased agricultural productivity and improved food and nutrition security.

The Seed Trade Project provides targeted technical assistance to facilitate implementation of the SADC Harmonized Seed Regulatory System (HSRS), which aims to boost seed trade across the region, integrating smaller and more isolated national seed markets into one larger SADC market.

Village headman murdered over caterpillars


A village headman in Komaki Village in Shiwang`andu district, Muchinga Province, has died after being beaten and assaulted over caterpillars.

Muchinga Province Police Commissioner, Joel Njase who has confirmed the incident to ZANIS in Shiwang’andu identified the late headman as Lewis Kangwa aged 52.

Mr Njase said the incident which happened last night around 20:00 hours, was reported to Police by Acting Chieftainess Kabanda of the Bisa people.

“The incident happened when the deceased headman who was coming from Chief Kabanda`s Palace met Racheal Maka, 37, in possession of caterpillars which were harvested before authorization by the traditional leader,” he explained.

“Headman Kangwa confronted Racheal and in an attempt to confiscate the caterpillars, she called her brother Nsofwa Maka who then grabbed the now deceased by the neck, beat him until he died later,” he said.

Mr Njase further said Police rushed to the scene of crime after receiving a call and found the body of the deceased was already taken to Kabanda Clinic.

He added that the suspect Nsofwa Maka run away immediately after allegedly committing the crime.

Mr Njase said the body of the deceased has been deposited in Chinsali General Hospital mortuary awaiting post-mortem examination adding that a docket has been opened.

“Police has made no arrests in this case, however, investigations have been launched to bring culprits to book,” he said.