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BRE Coronation ceremony given a go ahead


The 2020 coronation ceremony will take place on 13th, to 17th November, 2020, at Lealui summer palace, the Barotse Royal Establishment (BRE) has announced.

The ritual is an event to celebrate the Kingship of the Litunga Lubosi Imwiko II, it was put off in October due to the COVID-19, outbreak ,but it has been allowed in consultations with the Ministry of Health.

ZANIS reports that speaking at a press briefing today, BRE Prime Minister, Nyambela Manyando Mukela,pointed out that the October, 2020 ceremony will be a special one as the Litunga will be celebrating 20 years of being on the throne.

“In addition, his majesty was a Senior District Chief for 20 years in Lukulu district, he therefore deserves special treatment from his children for his 40 years of exemplary leadership.

The Ngambela has since extended the invitation to everyone, the young and elderly to attend the ceremony to show support and appreciation to the Litunga.

Mr. Mukela is urging the people and various organisations and churches to come with gifts at the ceremony to honour the Litunga.

“The Kuta has also suspended its usual routine activities to focus on the ceremony preparations,” Mr Lubosi Imwiko stated.

The coronation ceremony commonly referred to as choliso in Silozi is characterized by traditional dances, songs and is attended by several people from all walks of life.

CiSCA Appeals to MPs to Remain Resolute in Rejection of Bill 10


By Judith Mulenga CiSCA Ag Chairperson

The Civil Society Constitution Agenda (CISCA) earnestly appeals to all well-meaning Members of Parliament to remain resolute in rejecting Bill 10 which is poised to be retabled in the National Assembly

CiSCA does not believe the claim by the PF Deputy Chief Whip that the ruling party now has the numbers to pass the Bill. We have always known that the dilly-dallying in tabling Bill 10 after the Committee stage has been due to the stark realization by the PF that it would not garner the two thirds majority as required in Article 79 of our Constitution for the Bill to pass because opposition UPND MPs have consistently demonstrated that the Constitution is not a commodity for sale to the highest bidder but a document that should reflect the aspirations of the people of Zambia who sent them to Manda Hill. CiSCA therefore urges all UPND and like-minded Independent MPs to hold on and hold out, finish the race and resoundingly and finally reject Bill 10.

The so called ‘good clauses that will make the opposition cry’ if Bill 10 flops as per the pro Bill 10 mantra has been as difficult to trace in the letter of Bill 10 as tears in water. The machinations have been relentless and mindboggling. First was that Bill 10 was people driven, when not. Next was that Bill 10 would bring equity and provide opportunities for the youth, women and persons with disabilities to have safe seats in the National Assembly through the proportional representation, when not, as the form and function of the proportional representation would be ‘as prescribed’ and no one but the authors of Bill 10 know how it would be prescribed. Next the PF clutched at the Nakacinda Parliamentary Select Committee recommendations blatantly lying that Bill 10 had been revised to take into consideration people’s concerns, when not. The narrative further changed to how Bill 10 will help resolve chieftainship wrangles, and yet amendment number 57 on institution of chieftaincy and traditional institutions and amendment 59 on House of Chiefs and Functions merely speaks to disputes being referred to the House of Chiefs and the House of Chiefs proposed function 4(g) to resolve chieftaincy disputes would also be ‘as prescribed’. Then there was the unprecedented and totally unlawful re-gazetted amendment Bill with deletions!

And now the latest ploy of mentioning 10 so called ‘judas iscariots’ in order to cast distrust and suspicion among the most stable and consistent group of defenders of the Constitution is nothing short of a kalulu children’s fable plot!

CiSCA pleads with the opposition MPs and indeed all well-meaning MPs to conclude the defence of the Constitution as obligated by Article 2 of the same Constitution. To the UPND and Independent MPs this is a special plea that in a country where despite tribalism being legislated against by the same Constitution Bill 10 seeks to fundamentally alter, you are constantly shamelessly ‘othered’ by the PF leaders. The Constitution is your last resort and you need to defend it at all costs. If the Constitution is altered, as prescribed, your party will be to all intents and purposes deregistered and as individuals you will become persona non gratas in your own country. The constant shameless tribal card being waved by the PF leaders wherever they go has proved that deep rooted prejudice is impossible to legislate. You are nearly there at the finish line. Don’t fall into the same trap that the 2010 PF rebels fell into on the National Constitution Conference and ended up losing even the ‘bone in their mouths’ as the fable of the dog with a bone goes.

Late President Sata’s Memorial Service at Embassy park in Pictures

President Edgar Lungu great cabinet Ministers during the Sata memorial service at Embassy park. Wednesday, October 28, 2020.Picture By ROYD SIBAJENE/ZANIS
President Edgar Lungu great cabinet Ministers during the Sata memorial service at Embassy park. Wednesday, October 28, 2020.Picture By ROYD SIBAJENE/ZANIS
Minister of Works and Supply Slyvia Chalikosa confers with Mulenga Sata (l) and DMMU National Coordinator Chanda Kabwe during the Sata memorial service at Embassy park. Wednesday, October 28, 2020.Picture By ROYD SIBAJENE/ZANIS
Minister of Works and Supply Slyvia Chalikosa confers with Mulenga Sata (l) and DMMU National Coordinator Chanda Kabwe during the Sata memorial service at Embassy park. Wednesday, October 28, 2020.Picture By ROYD SIBAJENE/ZANIS
President Edgar Lungu with First Lady Esther Lungu leaving the embassy park shortly after memorial service for the late President Sata at Embassy park. Wednesday, October 28, 2020.Picture By ROYD SIBAJENE/ZANIS
President Edgar Lungu with First Lady Esther Lungu leaving the embassy park shortly after memorial service for the late President Sata at Embassy park. Wednesday, October 28, 2020.Picture By ROYD SIBAJENE/ZANIS
President Edgar Lungu great Former First Lady Christine Kaseba during the Sata memorial service at Embassy park. Wednesday, October 28, 2020.Picture By ROYD SIBAJENE/ZANIS
President Edgar Lungu great Former First Lady Christine Kaseba during the Sata memorial service at Embassy park. Wednesday, October 28, 2020.Picture By ROYD SIBAJENE/ZANIS
President Edgar Lungu with Former First Lady Christine Kaseba during the Sata memorial service at Embassy park. Wednesday, October 28, 2020.Picture By ROYD SIBAJENE/ZANIS
President Edgar Lungu with Former First Lady Christine Kaseba during the Sata memorial service at Embassy park. Wednesday, October 28, 2020.Picture By ROYD SIBAJENE/ZANIS
President Edgar Lungu with First Lady Esther Lungu and Former First Lady Christine Kaseba during the Sata memorial service at Embassy park. Wednesday, October 28, 2020.Picture By ROYD SIBAJENE/ZANIS
President Edgar Lungu with First Lady Esther Lungu and Former First Lady Christine Kaseba during the Sata memorial service at Embassy park. Wednesday, October 28, 2020.Picture By ROYD SIBAJENE/ZANIS
President Edgar Lungu with First Lady Esther Lungu and Former First Lady Christine Kaseba during the Sata memorial service at Embassy park. Wednesday, October 28, 2020.Picture By ROYD SIBAJENE/ZANIS
President Edgar Lungu with First Lady Esther Lungu and Former First Lady Christine Kaseba during the Sata memorial service at Embassy park. Wednesday, October 28, 2020.Picture By ROYD SIBAJENE/ZANIS
First Lady Esther Lungu laying wreaths at the tomb of the late President Sata during the Sata memorial service at Embassy park. Wednesday, October 28, 2020.Picture By ROYD SIBAJENE/ZANIS
First Lady Esther Lungu laying wreaths at the tomb of the late President Sata during the Sata memorial service at Embassy park. Wednesday, October 28, 2020.Picture By ROYD SIBAJENE/ZANIS
President Edgar Lungu laying wreaths at the tomb of the late President Sata during the Sata memorial service at Embassy park. Wednesday, October 28, 2020.Picture By ROYD SIBAJENE/ZANIS
President Edgar Lungu laying wreaths at the tomb of the late President Sata during the Sata memorial service at Embassy park. Wednesday, October 28, 2020.Picture By ROYD SIBAJENE/ZANIS
Former First Lady Christine Kaseba laying wreaths at the tomb of the late President Sata during the Sata memorial service at Embassy park. Wednesday, October 28, 2020.Picture By ROYD SIBAJENE/ZANIS
Former First Lady Christine Kaseba laying wreaths at the tomb of the late President Sata during the Sata memorial service at Embassy park. Wednesday, October 28, 2020.Picture By ROYD SIBAJENE/ZANIS
PF Secretary General Davies Mwila laying wreaths at the tomb of the late President Sata during the Sata memorial service at Embassy park. Wednesday, October 28, 2020.Picture By ROYD SIBAJENE/ZANIS
PF Secretary General Davies Mwila laying wreaths at the tomb of the late President Sata during the Sata memorial service at Embassy park. Wednesday, October 28, 2020.Picture By ROYD SIBAJENE/ZANIS
Children of the Late President Sata laying wreaths at the tomb during the Sata memorial service at Embassy park. Wednesday, October 28, 2020.Picture By ROYD SIBAJENE/ZANIS
Children of the Late President Sata laying wreaths at the tomb during the Sata memorial service at Embassy park. Wednesday, October 28, 2020.Picture By ROYD SIBAJENE/ZANIS
Cabinet Ministers laying wreaths at the tomb of the late President Sata during the Sata memorial service at Embassy park. Wednesday, October 28, 2020.Picture By ROYD SIBAJENE/ZANIS
Cabinet Ministers laying wreaths at the tomb of the late President Sata during the Sata memorial service at Embassy park. Wednesday, October 28, 2020.Picture By ROYD SIBAJENE/ZANIS
DMMU National Coordinator Chanda Kabwe with Lusaka Province Permanent Secretary Elias Kamanga, laying wreaths at the tomb of the late President Sata during the Sata memorial service at Embassy park. Wednesday, October 28, 2020.Picture By ROYD SIBAJENE/ZANIS
DMMU National Coordinator Chanda Kabwe with Lusaka Province Permanent Secretary Elias Kamanga, laying wreaths at the tomb of the late President Sata during the Sata memorial service at Embassy park. Wednesday, October 28, 2020.Picture By ROYD SIBAJENE/ZANIS

President Lungu remains the right person to lead Zambia Forward-Paramount Chief Mpezeni

Paramount Chief Mpezeni of the Ngoni speaking people has said that Zambians should give President Edgar Lungu maximum votes in the 2021 elections.

Speaking when a team from the Patriotic Front Mobilization committee led by Mr.Bizwell Mutale paid a courtesy call on him at his Ephendukeni Palace in Chipata district, Eastern province, Paramount Chief Mpezeni said the country will lose direction if wrong people are elected to form Government.

Paramount Chief Mpezeni said President Edgar Lungu remains the right person to lead the country forward because he has the ability to do so.

“There is a need for Eastern Province to give President LUNGU maximum votes in 2021 because he is a son of the soil and has got love for everyone. The ruling party should not make a mistake to allow the opposition to bring confusion in the country but ensure they mobilize and ensure President Edgar Lungu bounces back into power. I get surprised when I hear that some opposition party is claiming that they have made inroads here in Eastern province, get it from me that is not true,” Paramount Chief Mpezeni said.

“President Lungu is working to better the lives of all Zambians but some opposition political parties are only focusing on negatives. No one can neglect his own son and President Lungu is a son of the soil and I could only say that Zambians vote for him in numbers next year because we will suffer if you vote for wrong people, ” he said.

And Paramount Chief Mpezeni urged the PF mobilization committee members to ensure that they sensitize Zambians on the need to register as voters.

Meanwhile, PF National Mobilization Committee Member Bizwell Mutale informed the Paramount chief that the mobilization team will stop at nothing to ensure that President LUNGU is re-elected into office.

Mr. Mutale said the PF means well for Zambians, hence the need to give the party more time to fulfill its agenda.

Kangaroo Court in Lusaka ‘s unplanned settlement In’gombe


By Nkonkomalimba Kafunda

In’gombe originally one of the several Lusaka unplanned settlements is a sprawling lively compound near the University of Zambia neighboring Kalundu on one side and Roma on the other, a place teeming with life and the various daily conflicts that go with it.

It is here that I witnessed the most bizarre court session imaginable.

In a makeshift structure in front of what can only be described as a rickety table draped in PF chitenge material, with an exercise book full of banknotes, sat a tall thin old man with a toothless assistant next to him holding court with several people gathered before them. This was the local Patriotic Front Branch Chairman sitting as Judge as he presided matters mostly of a civil nature. Members of the community with grievances take their matters there to be heard. Both the plaintiff and the defendant are charged K30 for ‘stationery’ before any case is heard.

On Sunday one of my good friend Lawyer Frank Gwaba’s relatives was summoned to this court. We arrived there as the judgment was being passed on a young woman who had been taken there for defamation. She was found guilty and was fined a goat or the cash equivalent to be paid within three weeks. She was told by the ‘Judge’ that she should consider herself imprisoned until the fine is paid. Failure to pay will result in a custodial sentence at the local police station.

As Frank’s relative’s case was called the ‘Judge’ asked for K30 from the lady at which point Frank intervened stating that what was the happening was illegal, that the Chairman had no authority to either summon nor judge members of the public unless it was a party matter.

This greatly vexed the chairman and his secretary in no small measure. “So you have come to intimidate us.” he shouted as he took a gulp of a transparent liquid that seemed to increase the bulge of his eyes.

Surprisingly, the intervention did not go well with the gathered crowd, whose Sunday afternoon entertainment had been brought to a sudden halt. The crowd of, mainly, women cast aspersion on Frank’s character showering us with unprintables in showing support for their ‘Judge’ who agreed that what he was doing was indeed illegal as he asked us to leave probably to safe guard his authority and more importantly the sizeable pile of notes that had been collected thus far. The case was, therefore, not heard.

We drove to the nearby police station to report the illegality, naively thinking they were not aware of the vice. They were alert to these happening and so did their superiors in Chelstone they informed us.

Unfortunately, we can’t do anything to these PF members. There have been worse cases. We arrested one cadre on charges of aggravated robbery and within two hours he was out.

These people have become untouchable and touch them at your own peril. You can find yourself transferred to Chilubi Island where you will be reporting for work in a banana boat,” said one officer.

However the police did issue call-outs through the victim support unit for the plaintiff and her witness and with this, we left the crestfallen officers in defeat knowing full well their power had been usurped, their wings clipped by the mighty PF.

Should criticizing the Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) be criminalized?

By Venus N Msyani Concerned citizen

Less than a month ago, at the heads of political parties meeting with ECZ at Mulungushi International Conference Centre, the Rainbow party President Winter Kabimba came up with a suggestion.

He suggested a law to allow and give power to the Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) to summon those who accuse it recklessly.

Mr. Kabimba didn’t mention names. An implication that he was referring to all who criticize ECZ. According to Mr. Kabimba, ECZ is not a political party but an autonomous body that should not be dragged into politics.

I strongly disagree with Mr. Kabimba. If ECZ is not a political party but an autonomous body as stated, it must stop behaving like a political party.

It must work on what seems to be a spirit of favoritism.

ECZ’s duty is to promote fair political competition in the country. Unfortunately, it has failed to do so. If we say Zambia’s political playground is even, we are the best liars ever lived.

Edgar Lungu was busy campaigning in Chilubi recently for Council Chairman while the opposition (UPND) was busy trying to rescue a colleague (Chishimba Kambwili) from prison. No change to campaign for the candidate. That is not a fair competition.

Of course, ECZ has nothing to do with Kambwili’s issue, but how about failing to keep promises.

ECZ promised people that violent political parties will be barred from participating in elections. But in every election cadres are harassing and intimidating voters. Lives and properties have been lost in some incidences.

Any action by ECZ? Non.

If you question ECZ why you have failed to keep your words, should you be summoned? Mr. Winter Kabimba, please learn to speak out of principles.

Accusing the Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) of failure shouldn’t be criminalized.

RDA awards contracts worth over K18 million to 12 local sub-contractors to work on Katoba to Chirundu via Chiawa road


The Road Development Agency (RDA) has awarded contracts worth over K18 million to 12 local sub-contractors to undertake works along the Katoba to Chirundu via Chiawa road in Lusaka Province.

A total of 29 sub-contractors have been nominated by the Agency to work on the Katoba to Chirundu via Chiawa road.

RDA Director Communications and Corporate Affairs Masuzyo Ndhlovu said during the signing ceremony in Lusaka that the first batch involved 12 sub-contractors, a move he said was meant to limit the number to enhance smooth operations at a given time on site.

Mr. Ndhlovu said RDA signed a contract with China-Geo Engineering Corporation for the spot improvement of approximately 100 km of the Katoba to Chirundu via Chiawa road.
“The road will serve as an alternative route from Lusaka and is expected to spur local development in the area. This project is under the supervision of Messrs Iliso Consulting,” he said.

Since the introduction of the 20 percent sub-contracting policy in 2012, RDA developed modalities and guidelines which were reviewed in 2015 for the implementation of the policy.

Mr. Ndhlovu said the Agency has to date registered over 1942 sub-contractors earmarked to be engaged in road construction activities.

He said 778 sub-contractors have so far been engaged under various road projects such as the Link Zambia 8000, L400, Zambia Township Roads on the Copperbelt and other construction, rehabilitation and maintenance projects.

RDA Senior Manager Local Contractors Development Eng. Samuel Twasa said it was the Agency’s desire to ensure that local contractors attained financial independence and be able to take up bigger jobs in road construction.

Eng. Twasa said RDA wanted to create jobs and sustainable local contracting capacity among sub-contractors. He urged the sub-contractors to pay attention to detail on site so that they undertake quality works. “We will be carrying out random site visits to monitor activities and ensure there is compliance,” he said.

Lusaka Province Regional Manager Eng. Chabala Pandeki said the signed contracts had been reviewed and packaged in line with RDA policy guidelines for sub-contracting.
Eng. Pandeki said the sub-contractors would ride on the rates for the main contractor and only a management fee of 5 percent would be retained by the main contractor.
He urged sub-contractors to adhere to specifications enshrined in the contract documents.

“You are advised to work closely with the main contractor China-Geo Engineering Corporation who in fact is going to supervise your works. We expect you to cooperate very well with the main contractor,” he said.

He also urged the contractor to support the sub-contractors and make them settle down quickly in their respective road sections.

The firms awarded the contractors are Ngalitas, Axcel Enterprises, Fremu Construction, Kaungu General Dealers, Mende Construction, Virgin Services and Ex-selza.
Others are: Takweza Infrastructure Services, Rodmead Construction, Pittscon Zambia, Siyana and Inmark-Thirty-two plus.

The Signing of Contracts with Local Contractors
The Signing of Contracts with Local Contractors

Youth Alliance calls on Youths to Massively Register during the Voter Registration Exercise


Youth Alliance for Development (YAD) has called on youths to massively register during the voter registration exercise, which begins on October 29th, 2020.

YAD Executive Director, Ziwase Mulenga, notes that it is cardinal that youths participate in the governance processes of the country.

“I’m urging all the youths to go out there and participate in this duty which each and every Zambian who is at the rightful age must participate,” she added.

Ms Mulenga has since appealed to the youth not to cause voter apathy during next year’s general elections.

“I am also encouraging the youths to vote, they should not practice voter apathy because the youths are the leaders of today and tomorrow, so if they do not vote then they are not setting a right pace for the elections to take place,” she said.

Ms Mulenga has also encouraged the young people to avoid engaging in violence during the election period.

“Youths should desist from taking part in acts that will bring harm to the nation,” she said.

Meanwhile, Ms Mulenga has commended the government for extending the voter registration exercise, saying it will enable more youths to get registered.

“The fact that the government has extended the voter registration exercise is a very welcome move and we are really grateful to the government, many youths will now register and participate in the governance process,” she said.

She has also commended the government for the online voter registration initiative as it will capture more youths.

The mobile voter registration exercise is being conducted by the Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) in readiness for the 2021 general elections and it is targeting to register 9 million eligible voters.

The exercise which was expected to commence on October 28th, ,2020 and end on November 30th,2020 has since been postponed to November 9th, 2020 and end on December 13th,2020.

Trading at graveyards is prosecutable as it is illegal-Ndola City Council


The Ndola City Council has warned people trading at grave yards to immediately stop and move to designated markets in the city.

NCC Public Relations Manager, Rebecca Mushota told the media in an interview that trading at graveyards is prosecutable as it is illegal as per provisions of SI No 12 of 2018.

Ms Mushota says the council is working with various stakeholders in the city to ensure sanity is attained at graveyards where our beloved ones rest in peace.

“The council through its public health department does carry out routine spot checks to stop vendors from conducting business in graveyards”, Ms Mushota said.

Ndola residents have raised concerns on the increase of vending in cemeteries around the district.

The residents have complained that initially the vendors started with water and wreaths, which they said was understandable, but that the trend is now moving to food stuffs such as snacks and even heavy meals in some cases.

Armed Police search UPND Secretariat, arrest Anthony Bwalya


Armed Police officers this afternoon surrounded the UPND Secretariat in Lusaka and conducted a search at the premises in search of what they termed as fake National Registration cards.

Police officers went to the secretariat to conduct a search as a result of a call out which was issued to UPND media team member Anthony Bwalya.

By the time of publishing, Mr Bwalya was being driven to Kabwata Police for processing of his arrest.

Zambia Police Acting spokesperson Danny Mwale confirmed the presence of Police Officers at the UPND Secretariat.

The battalion which arrived at 12:00 Hrs only gained entrance to the UPND offices at 14:30 Hrs after the arrival of Counsel Marshal Mucheende of M and Associates who validated the search warrant.

Under the watchful eye of the legal team, the searching police officers under went a vigorous body search to ensure that they were not carrying any of the fake NRC documents to be planted in the premises.

Mr Bwalya was summoned by the Police after he and his colleague Mubita Nawa appeared on Muvi TV assignment programme and produced a stack of National Registration Cards which they claimed were irregularly issued.

And Mr Bwalya confirmed that he had been summoned by Police.

“The Zambia Police at Force Headquarters have reached out to us through a summon over the issue of alleged illegalities in the issuance of NRCs. We are glad the police have taken up this matter for further inquiry because all illegalities around the issuance of NRCs, regardless of who is behind it, represents an act of premeditated aggression against our constitution, the Zambian republic and the democracy we all cherish,” Mr Bwalya said.

“Above all, all illegalities around the issuance of NRCs create a toxic and irreparable platform of crime which can ultimately harm our society. We, as law abiding citizens, must stand firm and resist attempts by a small group of individuals to silence our voices by sabotaging our democracy through the improper issuance of NRCs,” he stated.

“We will cooperate with the police and do whatever they will ask of us in order to deliver justice for all of the Zambian people. But in addition to this step taken by the police, we will be calling for a full scale independent, multi – stakeholder commission of inquiry into how the mobile issuance of NRCs has been conducted.”

Mr Bwalya said this is not a political issue but a matter of collective national interest and people must all take a keen interest in it.


Micho’s Warns Against Basking in Friendly Wins


Chipolopolo coach Milutin ‘Micho’ Sredojevic has warned that complacency must not creep in following notable victories in October friendlies ahead of next months’ must-win 2021 AFCON Group H qualifier doubleheader against Botswana.

Zambia has won four and lost one friendly during its October five-match series program that they concluded with back-to-back victories over the weekend away against Ethiopia.

Micho’s side began the month with a 1-0 home win over Malawi on October 7 in Lusaka but then lost 2-1 away in Nairobi against Kenya on October 9.

Zambia rebounded against South Africa on October 11 away in Rustenburg with a 2-1 win to complete their three-match series inside the October FIFA Match Window.

Chipolopolo then played two friendlies outside the FIFA Window against Ethiopia in Addis Ababa winning 3-2 on October 22 and 3-1 on October 25.

The team returned home on October 27 and the players now prepare for the opening three rounds of the 2020/2021 league season at their respective clubs before regrouping on November 8 in Lusaka for the Botswana countdown.

“Only with winning, can you inject the confidence but not over-confidence. We must not be complacent, we need to approach Botswana with the highest degree of respect, like we are facing Spain or Germany when they have the ball, “Micho said.

“But when we have the ball, we have to show our talent and quality to get the desired result but I believe in the players that I have.

“With zero points, one goal scored, and seven conceded, we are as stakeholders of Zambian football on face-saving mission against Botswana.”

Chipolopolo are bottom of Group H on zero points after two games played, Botswana are third with 1 point, Zimbabwe have 4 points while leaders Algeria have maximum 6 points with four matches to go.

The top two qualify for AFCON.

Meanwhile, Botswana will visit on November 12 and hosts Zambia on November 16 in Francistown.

Govt assures the nation of enough fuel stocks


Minister of Energy Matthew Nkhuwa has assured the nation that there is enough fuel stocks in the country and that there no need to panic.

Mr. Nkhuwa noted that the recent erratic supply was caused by truck drivers who were undergoing an illegal strike.

He recalled that the striking of drivers led to the panic buying among the consumers but that the situation is under control.

Mr Nkhuwa recapped government’s commitment in ensuring that there is security of supply of fuel to enable the wheels of the economic to continue running.

He was speaking in parliament today when responding to a question from Mazabuka Central Member of Parliament Garry Nkombo.

Mr Nkombo wanted to know the cause of the sudden erratic supply of fuel in the country, what urgent measures the Government was taking to normalize the situation; and what long term measures are being taken to ensure a normal supply of fuel in the country.

And in response Mr Nkhuwa stated that government has put in place both long and shorty term measures to curb any possible fuel shortages

“The truck drivers had an illegal strike and then led to the panic buying among the citizens. All citizens and consumers should know and be assured that the situation of erratic fuel shortages is under control,” he charged.

Mr Nkuwah who is also Chingola Member of parliament pointed out that apart from engaging transporters to import enough fuel, government has engaged the Tanzanian government to expedite the clearing of all Zambia bound petroleum products.

He indicated that government also offers police escort to tankers to their destination.

Mr Nkhuwa further assured that the Ministry of transport and communications is doing everything possible to engage the unions in the fuel transportation sector.

Kambwili finally home


Convicted National Democratic Congress Leader Chishimba Kambwili this afternoon walked to freedom after spending 12 days in jail.

The outspoken NDC front man who was on 14th October, 2020 convicted to two years with hard labour after being found guilty for forgery and uttering a false document was yesterday granted a K300, 000 cash bail pending appeal in the Lusaka High Court.

Speaking shortly after being released from the Lusaka Remand Prison, Mr. Kambwili said prison will not break his spirits but will continue to speak out on many injustices.

Mr Kambwili said he will tomorrow hold a press briefing where he will address various national matters.

And posting on his Facebook, Mr Kambwili thanked all Zambians who kept praying for his release.

“Finally I am home again. Thank you God, the Church, my family, my party members and all Zambians who kept praying for his release.”


Kamanga: Back To Basics Helping Revive AFCON Redemption


FAZ president Andrew Kamanga is backing their back-to-basics policy to finally start showing results as Zambia reboots its 2021 AFCON qualifiers next month, attempting to end a five year absence from the tournament.

Chipolopolo has failed to qualify to the AFCON since 2015; something of a dark cloud that has hang over Kamanga’s regime since he came to power in 2016.

Chipolopolo resume their quest to end a two tournament absence in a fortnights time when they play Botswana in a 2021 Group H qualifier doubleheader at home on November 12 in Lusaka and away on November 16 in Francistown.

Zambia will also be seeking their first Group H points after losing their opening two matches and sit bottom of the pool on zero points with four games left to play.

Kamanga repeated that they had inherited an aging team when they came into power in 2016 that peaked after winning the 2012 AFCON.

“Our executive has been classified as having purely on account of having not gone to the Africa. When you are looking at football development it has to be a holistic approach without targeting one specific,” Kamanga said on Sun FM’s Breakfast Show in Ndola on Saturday.

“Of course Chipolopolo will always be the flag bearer of Zambian football but if you have got structural challenges, you need to fix the bottom before you get to the top. It is almost like you are building a house. You need to have a strong base and that strong base should be sustained.”

Kamanga said the starting point was the 2017 U20 AFCON success, from which Patson Daka, Enock Mwepu and Fashion Sakala emerged, but the process later went through more growing pains in 2018 but have delivered results in subsequent COSAFA U17 and U20 outings.

“The u17 (who won the 2017 COSAFA U17 Cup) were upgraded to U20 while the U20 was elevated to U23,” Kamanga added.

“The U17, since they were still about 15 years old, we decided to throw them in the deep end. Since these tournaments are for development. They played U20 and were knocked out in the first round. We were condemned that we did not do very well but we were focused, next year they ended up in the semis and 2019 they were champions.

“Whatever we were talking about was progressive. The Under-17 also won the (2019) tournament.

“The senior team also did very well we qualified to the CHAN in 2018, we were in the final of COSAFA also in 2017 and 2019 were champions. Last year we had taken all the championships for men in the COSAFA region. Of course CHAN we also qualified to the 2020 edition which has been pushed to 2021.”

French and Zambian Stakeholders discuss renewable energy opportunities for companies


The two days Renewable Energy conference which is aimed at enhancing stakeholders’ participation in the promotion of alternative sources of energy has commenced in Lusaka.

Minister of Energy Mathew Nkhuwa has implored both local and international investors to seize the favorable investment environment in the sector that is grappling with 810 megawatts deficit.

Mr Nkhuwa disclosed that Zambia currently has 2300 MW electricity demand but only 1490MW are being generated.

Energy Minister attributed the struggle in meeting the country’s demand to the outbreak of COVID-19 that imposed shocks on various sectors of the economy and climatic changes.

“The theme for this conference which runs from October 27 to 28, 2020 ‘opportunities for French and Zambian companies collaboration’ is a chance for the private sector to make massive investment in the renewable energy sub-sector and as government we have provided an enabling environment,” the energy Minister said.

He underscored that the promotion of renewable energy and other sources of energy is an opportunity for the private sector to access the local and international markets that are gaping for the power.

Despite the country being among the lowest to access to electricity among its citizens in the sub-Sahara region, Mr Nkhuwa was enthusiastic the situation will change for the better in the first quarter of 2021 due to numerous measures being implemented.

Meanwhile, several Ambassadors at the conference took turns in stressing the importance of renewable energy to the country’s economic growth.

European Union Head of Mission to Zambia Jacek Jankowski said the EU injected at least 25 million euros in the energy sector last week to finance for energy efficiency.

Mr Jankowski hailed government for amending the energy act in 2019 which gives a clear direction in the sector such as cost reflective tariffs and access to electricity by all.

He cited solar energy as among the alternative sources of power that can easily improve the electricity supply in Zambia that has remained low due to lack of cost reflective tariffs.

“Zambia has embarked on the positive path of renewable energy that is clean and affordable. This stance is timely because the major source of hydro-power the Kariba dam is being affected by the effects of climate change among other shocks. Once fully harnessed the renewable energy sector will complement the hydro power sub-sector that contributes 86% of the country’s electricity supply,” he said.

Speaking at the same occasion, French Ambassador to Zambia Sylvain Berger explained that France remains unwavering to cushion the loadsheding in Zambia that has been necessitated by the effects of climate change.

Mr Berger pointed out that his country will continue supporting the Zambian government in promoting alternative sources of energy as evidenced by the 50MW of solar power being spearheaded in the Lusaka South mult- economic facility zone.

Meanwhile, Zambia’s Ambassador to France Christine Kaseba Sata pointed out that the entire Southern Africa is battling with energy deficit owing to changes in the climatic conditions.

Dr Kaseba Sata said the promotion of renewable energy production in Zambia is a clear fiscal platform that will enable the country export power to other countries.

“COVID-19 has derailed a lot of developmental opportunities but this conference is commendable as it will spur economic growth in the energy sector. The entire Southern Africa is grappling with energy deficit and once we succeed in renewable energy we will be able to export power to other countries,” she stressed.

She emphasized that the Zambian mission in France is delighted with the positive feedback from French companies to invest in Zambia which has seen at least 40 companies having investments in the country.

The Renewable Energy Conference has been organized by the French –Zambian Chamber of Commerce and will run from today October 27 to 28 October, 2020 with the major objectives being accessing the potential of the renewable energy sector in Zambia and its prospects as well as allowing the private and public stakeholders to debate thematic subjects.