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ECZ committed to ensure Diaspora voting is actualized in 2026


Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) Chief Electoral Officer Patrick Nshindano says the Commission is working towards actualizing diaspora voting ahead of the 2026 general elections.

And Mr. Nshindano has implored Zambians living abroad to take advantage of the ongoing voter registration exercise and travel to Zambia so that they can register as voters in the 2021 elections, stating that in its current form, the electoral Act does not allow Zambians living in the Diaspora to vote from their respective jurisdictions.

According to a statement released to the media by Mrs Abigail Chaponda. the First Secretary for Press and Public Relations at Zambia High Commission in the United Kingdom, Mr. Nshindano said this when he addressed Zambians in the Diaspora during a virtual Town Hall meeting organised by ‘Zambians Together’ in partnership with the Zambian High Commission in London. The theme of the virtual meeting was “understanding Diaspora’s right to vote in Zambian elections.”

“The Constitution in its current state does not bar any Zambians from participating in any election. Any Zambian, who holds a green National Registration Card who is 18 years and above is eligible to participate in elections. Citizens in the Diaspora have the right to be able to exercise their vote but not in their respective Jurisdictions because there are certain impediments in the current form. Under the electoral process Act, the current regulations spell out that, firstly, for one to be able to vote, you need to present yourself before a registration officer, so that entails that one has to be physically there,” he said.

Mr. Nshindano said the Commission is committed to ensuring that Diaspora voting is actualized as the move would facilitate for upholding of human rights as enshrined in the Constitution, adding that the Commission has since started amending some guidelines to realign the electoral process with the Constitution.

Mr. Nshindano said the Commission is working closely with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to facilitate for Diaspora voting, stating that there was need to gather statistics to understand the population in the constituencies that the Commission has in the Diaspora.

He added that ECZ will also have to set up and gazette polling stations and the best jurisdictions would have to be Zambian Missions Abroad. “For us to do all this, the Missions Abroad will have to be included in the delimitation exercise so that they are electoral binding. There are also other administrative aspects that could also speak to legislative process within the regulations; different time zones need to be taken into consideration. I hope that parliament will be supportive of this course. It is critical also to note is that one of the key challenges we face as a Commission is stakeholders buying the issue of voting and in the Diaspora”.

Mr. Nshindano reaffirmed that Diaspora voting was not new to the Commission, stating that despite ECZ attempting to implement it in the previous elections, political parties has always expressed misgivings perceiving the move as a conduit to electoral fraud.

He has since appealed to all stakeholders to come on board and support the Commission in its quest to make electoral reforms.

“If you have been following, the moment it was announced that the Commission was considering both prison and Diaspora voting, there was a lot of push back on the part of the political parties with regards to that, indicating that is one avenue that the Commission and indeed the country would use for electoral malpractice. So, this is where now the voices of citizens in the Diaspora also becomes important for you to see that this is actualized, but also needs the stakeholders to be convinced that this is an important aspect”.

And Zambian’s High Commissioner to the United Kingdom His Excellency Lt. Gen. Paul Mihova assured Zambians in the UK that the Mission will continue to facilitate dialogue between the Government and the Diaspora on key issues and thanked Mr. Nshindano for taking time to meet Zambians based in the UK virtually.

Chibwe Masabo Henry, Zambians Together Policy and Advocacy Director
Chibwe Masabo Henry, Zambians Together Policy and Advocacy Director

Meanwhile, giving a Vote of thanks, Zambians Together Policy and Advocacy Director Chibwe Henry said the Diaspora now understand that the mechanisms, and hopefully, the legislation, to permit Diaspora, who are dispersed around the globe, to participation in the elections, will be in place by 2026.

“We have had an extremely useful and informative evening today because we have learnt a great deal about the Zambian Diaspora’s Right to Vote in General Elections, which Mr. Nshindano has explained. So, for 2021, as Zambian Diaspora, we just need to make sure we present ourselves before the Registration Officer in Zambia.” She said.

Ms. Henry said Zambians Together, with support from the Zambia High Commission, is trying to look forward, to better understand the Government’s mechanisms for implementing the Diaspora Policy; a process that will be achieved through institutions like the Electoral Commission of Zambia.

“We will therefore be conducting a Diaspora-led collaborative in-depth review of the Policy, an exercise we believe is vital as 2026 is the same year in which the Diaspora Policy is set to be reviewed. We are highly indebted to both of these Government Institutions for supporting Zambians Together’s efforts to bridge the gap between the decision makers and the Diaspora community,” she said.

ZNBC’s Coverage of Bizwel Mutale Exemplifies Abuse of Public Resources


By Dr Parkie Mbozi

On 10th OCTOBER, 2020 and repeated at 05:00 hrs on 11th October, the Zambia Broadcasting Corporation (ZNBC) broadcasted an exclusive 10-minute documentary featuring one Bizwell Mutale, a member of the Patriotic Front (PF) mobilisation committee, during his recent mpbilisation tour of the Southern Province. The documentary featured on the Saturday Tonga Programme titled Kantuumya Kamunsabata, presented by Wellingtons Mooyo and Charles Mucholo.

The close to one-hour Kantuumya Kamunsabata programme features news and development programmes in Tonga. On the material day it featured three programmes: 1. School feeding programme in Mumbwa, early child learning and an agri-business programme. Within the course of the same week Mutale was reported by the same ZNBC making partisan campaign and mobilization statements from Livingstone and later in Dundumwezi and I guess a few other places. This means he had an entire crew of TV and radio staff from ZNBC to himself for the whole period.

You will be excused to ask who Bizwell Mutale is. The fact that many of you don’t even know him is in itself part of the problem. It justifies my argument in this article that we have a case of a purely private citizen literary abusing public (our) resource, the ZNBC and its staff, staff time and equipment for a private (PF party) affair. The brief I know about Mutale is that he hails from the Southern Province. Until 28th July 2019, Mutale was a member of the UPND South Africa branch. He defected to the PF soon after the departure of Geoffrey Bwalya Mwamba (GBM) from the party. Like GBM, Mutale was immediately coopted into PF’s mobilization committee. He seems to be specifically assigned to mobilise PF and to dismantle the UPND in the Southern province.

Look, who Mutale is and what sort of businesses he was involved in down South is not your and my business. That’s his personal life. What is and should be your and my business is what he does with ZNBC, our heritage institution. Mutale is not a government official to be carrying around a ZNBC radio and TV crew to himself. Whoever was responsible for making such decisions at ZNBC must know that one day, when politicians are gone as it naturally happens, s/he will be alone to account for the reckless actions.
They say memories of Zambians are quite short. I would argue that some amongst us have shorter memories than the rest of us. We are not a homogenous lot. Otherwise how else can we describe an individual at ZNBC who can forget that Chanda Chimba III (or Chimbwi according to Sata) was convicted for the ‘Stand Up for Zambia’ programme because it was deemed to have been a private programme abusing public resources. Minister Shikapwasha and PS Sam Phiri were prosecuted, albeit not convicted, for abuse of office.
From start to finish Mutale’s programme in question was purely PF party mobilization and campaigns for 2021. Nothing in it was developmental. Hence it opened with Mutale pleading for the people of Southern Province, and Pemba in particular, to switch to the ruling party and vote for President Edgar Lungu next year. He said he had decided to consult them where the people of the province and the ruling party were at odds and to try to bridge the gap. He paraded three headmen, all clad in PF regalia, who claimed to have ‘repented’ and were asking for forgiveness from the ruling PF for ‘voting wrongly’. One of the headmen was literary on his knees begging for forgiveness from the head of state and ruling party.
Although a representative of the Kusiya ward in Pemba, a Londson Munkombwe, made a plea for help from government especially on water and farm inputs, the closing remarks by both the presenter and Mutale were, however, clear about the primary purpose of Mutale’s tour. He said, “Now I am happy with what has happened. What has happened today in Pemba is that these are headmen leading people in various villages. These headmen are tired. They are tired of waiting (and hoping) that one day they will be receive development. Today they have arrived. Today we have visited them. We have asking through radio that please give chance to PF. President Edgar Lungu has sent a lot of development to Southern Province. The massive developments are visible. Where is the misunderstanding. President Edgar Lungu has sent a lot development. Now he is asking that we extend the partnership for our partnership. Let’s extend our partnership to headmen and people of Pemba. Now we want the headmen to choose their own MP and they will choose councillors. Now what we want here is partnership with the ruling party.”

Again, what Mutale and others do for PF and against their competitors is not our business. What is our business is abuse of our ZNBC, an institution that is constitutionally mandated to cover everybody fairly and to distribute the resources we endow into it equitably and in an accountable manner. The ZNBC’s coverage of Mutale’s mobilization tour is not in isolation. It follows other one-sided broadcasts featuring other senior PF members. Just over a month ago, for instance, the broadcaster sent a crew to Northern and Luapula provinces to accompany Davies Mwila, the PF Secretary General and Mumbi Phiri during the Lukashya and Mwansabombwe by-elections.

For instance, August 6, 2020, while on a tour with Mwila, Paul Shalala, a ZNBC staffer, filed a story titled, “Mwila Calls for Civility in Politics”. The story said, “Mwila said this when he paid a courtesy call on the Paramount Chief. And Paramount Chief Chitimukulu has advised the ruling Patriotic Front to adopt a candidate for Lukashya Constituency who the grassroots will endorse. He said the Patriotic Front has a good experience in adoptions and it must listen to its lower structures when the adoption starts. He said the Patriotic Front has done a lot in Lukashya Constituency despite the deceased former Member of Parliament being an independent lawmaker.”

These are but just a few examples and incidences of such biased coverage, which is bound to increase as we head closer to the 2021 general elections. I therefore adopt the recent editorials of our two independent and credible newspapers – The Mast and News Diggers – as my own.

In its editorial titled “Public media must start giving equal electoral coverage now” dated 18th October 2020, News Diggers Editor wrote, “As we head towards the 2021 general elections, there is need for media houses, especially those that are funded by taxpayers to provide equal coverage to all political players. It has become a norm in Zambia today that public media is a mouthpiece of government officials; it has become a norm that public media is for the party in power; it has become a norm that the opposition can only get coverage from private media. This is wrong.”

Likewise, The Mast editorial also dated 18th October 2020, under the title “Level political playing field” reads, “An uneven playing field is a central, yet underappreciated, component of contemporary authoritarianism. Today in Zambia, democratic competition is undermined by restrictions on opposition political parties to mobilise public support, unequal access to public news media outlets and state institutions. When opposition are denied permits to hold rallies and other public meetings, access to public news media outlets, their ability to compete in elections is impaired.”

The problem about ZNBC’s coverage of political players is three-fold: 1. Prioritization; 2. Status of political parties (whether they are private or public); lack of adherence to fairness and other journalistic ethos. Let’s take prioritization; for years ZNBC has been complaining about insufficient resources and equipment to cover (especially) development news. So how did they suddenly have enough of these to assign teams to PF party officials at the expense of other political players and development issues? Again on prioritization, surely, if ZNBC has one production crew available for politicians outside government, who deserves it between say, Hakainde Hichilema the leader of the official opposition and who is running over 45 councils and 49 constituencies in parts of the country on behalf of the Zambian people, and Mutale, a mere PF mobilization committee member? And what about the other opposition leaders, especially those with representation in parliament?

Second, as argued by the two media houses, ZNBC, as the sole-called public service broadcaster (PSB), is mandated to be fair and an ‘equal opportunity’ platform for all political players and other groups in the country. As I have written before, both journalism in general and the status of being the ‘public service broadcaster’, which ZNBC claims to be, have principles (just short of being called laws). For a refresher, the key principles of journalism are: objectivity, fairness, truthfulness, accuracy, balance, truthfulness, impartiality and factual.

It is these values that tough-tested journalism professionals swear to protect and defend, even when so-doing means going to jail or losing a job for. The News Manual describes ‘fairness’ as “avoiding bias, treating people equally and allowing people to have equal chances to do things or express themselves.” Two of the eight PSB principles, are: providing “space for free expression and open debate” and providing “objective and impartial information and news.” The ZNBC Act also espouses the principle of fairness and equal coverage to various groups in our society.

In terms status of legal status political parties, for starters, they are private entities, whether ruling or in opposition. That’s why they run their internal affairs without interference. Days of the amalgamation of the party and government or PIG (as we called it during UNIP) as long gone. Welcome to democracy! Following is an example of separation of powers from next door. In September this year the African National Congress (ANC) of South Africa organized a trip to Zimbabwe to meet with the leadership of that country over the political and economic upheavals there. They used a jet belonging to the South African Airforce. Upon returning to South Africa, the ANC was forced to pay the state for use of the jet after it emerged that the trip was a purely party affair between the ANC and its ‘sister’ ZANU-PF. This happened thanks to pressure from the opposition parties and civil society.
“We travelled in an unusual manner and profusely humble ourselves where we went wrong during the lockdown,” the ANC said in a statement. It added that it “will reimburse the government for the costs incurred on behalf of our delegation”.

The rallying point and lesson from this experience is that we as a society need to arise to begin to hold our ruling parties more accountable on use of public resources. It’s not that they don’t understand the principle of separation of powers between state and party; it is because they know we care less. No wonder former President Frederick Chiluba once said that he could rule Zambia forever. Never mind what befell him and his Third Term bid.

The author is a media, governance and health communication researcher and scholar with the Institute of Economic and Social Research, University of Zambia. He was recently awarded a PhD in Communication and Media by the University of Kwa-Zulu Natal. He is reachable on pmbozi5ATyahooDOTcom.

Fire fighters from 33 municipal councils in Zambia trained in marine, rescue operations


Sixty One fire-fighters from 33 municipal councils across Zambia have been trained in marine and rescue operations by the Special Forces training school in Mbala district.

Mbala Special Forces Training School Commandant Colonel Moses Shapwaya said the team which comprised one female has been impacted with knowledge in specific rescue skills in water as well as elevated building rescue.

Colonel Shapwaya said the training was also aimed at improving the rescue response challenges that fire fighters often face in their duties.

And speaking during the pass-out parade ceremony, Local Government Minister Charles Banda observed that the skills acquired during the training will help fire fighters to diligently and effectively save communities with efficiency.

Dr. Banda explained that government is committed in ensuring that the national fire and rescue services policy is fully implemented in order to ensure that the fire and rescue services provision to the community is achieved.

He also assured the grandaunts that he will equip the fire department with the necessary equipment to match the attained skills.

“The government’s vision and position on the fire service is as published in the national fire and rescue services policy which was officially launched last year in November 2019,” he said.

Meanwhile, National Fires Training School Commandant Yonah Mwale said that increase in population and economic activities coupled with infrastructure development has translated into corresponding increase in rescue incidence occurrence that require urgent need for training

Mr. Mwale also acknowledged the value that municipal councils placed in sending their staff to train in fire and rescue courses.

He further called on the fire fighters to apply the skills acquired in their duties.

The National Fires Training School in conjunction with the Mbala Special Forces Training School has intensively trained fire and rescue operations.

Community Leaders Should Help Sensitizing People About The Voter Registration Exercise


Monze District Voter Education Committee Coordinator, Kanchele Kanchele urged local leaders to help sensitize communities on the need to vote.

Speaking during Chikuni’s Platform program Mr Kanchele said the local leadership and community members with influence in their areas should help sensitize people and ensure that they register as voters during the forth coming voter registration exercise which commences on 28th October, 2020.

He said the district had commenced Voter Education and Sensitization which was taking place in all the wards ahead of the Voter Registration exercise adding that the local leadership was essential to the success of the exercise.

“The District is ready for the exercise. We have received the logistics required for the exercise from Electoral Commission Zambia (ECZ). As we speak, Voter Education Facilitators are on the ground preparing the communities for the exercise.

“Our appeal to the Community leaders, the councilors, the headmen, the church and of course the Royal Highnesses is help by telling your people that the ECZ will be conducting Voter Registration exercise starting on 28th October, 2020 at mobile registration centres in all the wards and everyone has to go and register because the ECZ is coming up with a new register all together.”

He further said voting is a right which should be taken seriously as it is the only way of ensuring that one’s preferred leaders are chosen and that people should ensure that they register to vote if they want to take part in choosing leaders next year.

Asked on the fears about the period for voter registration, Mr Kanchele advised people not to wait until the last minute but instead turn up in numbers from the start of the Voter Registration process till the last day saying doing so will not only ensure maximum utilisation of the mobile registration equipment but also ensure that the targeted numbers are reached.

And speaking during the same Radio Program Catholic Priest, Father Fred Mundando said there is need for the Electoral Commission to build confidence and trust in Zambians by involving them in every key process leading to elections.

The priest observed that the public is not comfortable with the 30 days voter registration period set by the commission.

He however, was quick to advise eligible voters to use their fears as a force to push them towards acquiring voter’s cards because it’s a tool that can bring their desired change.

And Monze Anti Voter Apathy Project (AVAP) Information Officer Kebby Salisimu has encouraged the public to take advantage of the physical voter registration which starts on 28 October to acquire voter’s cards.

He says old voters cards will not be used the 2021 general elections hence those eligible should ensure they get new ones to choose their preferred candidates.

The National Voter Registration Exercise will commence across the on 28th October, 2020 and end on 30th November, 2020. The Commission is targeting 9million voters.

Home Affairs Minister Steven Kampyongo Warns Zambians against issuing unverified statements


Home Affairs Minister Steven Kampyongo has warned people in the habit of issuing unverified statements not to complain when made to account for their actions.

Mr Kampyongo said people are free to express their opinions but that their concerns should be done within the confines of the law.

He was speaking in an interview at the freedom statue in Lusaka yesterday the during 56th Independence Day wreath laying ceremony.

The Minister said law enforcement officers will from now on deal with law breakers regardless of their statues.

Mr Kampyongo said every citizen has a duty to maintain the country’s peace.

“I urge the public to respect the police officers as there are people with families who deserve to be treated with respect and dignity.

The Police officers work hard to ensure that there is peace and security in the country hence the community should make their work easy by giving them maximum support,” the Minister stated.

Meanwhile, Mr Kampyongo called on all Zambia to treasure the freedom fighters that have remained behind as they are a symbol of our independence in the country.

Mr Kampiyongo said most of the forefathers died during the struggle for independence and youths should emulate their spirit.

“Youths of today, should not set back and wait for manna to fall from heaven, the government is creating an environment for the youths to emancipate themselves from the shackles of poverty,” he noted

Mr. Kampyongo urged the youths to have a change of mindset and emancipate themselves by creating jobs.

“Independence is an important day for everyone as it reminds us how our fathers struggled for us to get this freedom that we are enjoying today, he said.

This year’s 56th independence day was celebrated under the theme “one land one nation-building our future proud and free at freedom statue in Lusaka.

PF says it’s Copperbelt structures have reconciled


The Patriotic Front (PF) has resolved differences that had arisen between its party structures and the mobilization committee on the Copperbelt, Party Secretary General Davies Mwila has disclosed.

Speaking to journalists after chairing a party meeting with all provincial and District party leaders, Copperbelt PF members of Parliament and mayors, Mr. Mwila said the two parties are now expected to work together following the ironing out of their differences.

“It has been a fruitful meeting, and all the issues have been resolved, and we expect that they will start working together as one, now we expect peace and unity going forward, ” Mr. Mwila said.

He explained that both Mr. Nathan Chanda the Provincial chairman and Mr. Lusambo, the chairman for the mobilization committee attended the meeting which took about one hour 30 minutes to resolve the issues that prevented them from working together.

And Mr. Mwila has warned that the party shall not tolerant any indiscipline from any member.

He said disciplinary action will be taken against anyone that will be found insulting party leaders on social member.

And Provincial Chairman Nathan Chanda said the two parties have resolved to move together as a united force and deliver victory for President Edgar Lungu in the 2021 general elections.

“But what we will not allow is some few elements that may want to take advantage of the misunderstandings that were there, we will not allow indiscipline, lawlessness but we want to work together with love and unity of purpose, otherwise me and my brother Bowman, we are good to go and mobilize the Copperbelt province,” Mr Chanda said.

And Party National mobilization Committee Chairman Bowman Lusambo said the part of the mobilization committee is to help the structures and not to grab their positions.

“Our aim is to ensure that we return to Parliament all the 22 members of Parliament on the Copperbelt and increase the numbers for President Edgar Lungu in the 2021 general elections.

President Edgar Lungu two weeks ago during his visit to the province directed the party Secretary General to resolve the issues.

Patriotic Front Copperbelt Provincial Chairman MCC Nathan Chanda with Copperbelt Chairman Mobilization Bowman Lusambo embraces one another after a meeting with PF Secretary General Davis Mwila at Moba Hotel in Kitwe
Patriotic Front Copperbelt Provincial Chairman MCC Nathan Chanda with Copperbelt Chairman Mobilization Bowman Lusambo embraces one another after a meeting with PF Secretary General Davis Mwila at Moba Hotel in Kitwe
Patriotic Front Copperbelt Provincial Chairman MCC Nathan Chanda with Copperbelt Chairman Mobilization Bowman Lusambo embraces one another after a meeting with PF Secretary General Davis Mwila at Moba Hotel in Kitwe
Patriotic Front Copperbelt Provincial Chairman MCC Nathan Chanda with Copperbelt Chairman Mobilization Bowman Lusambo embraces one another after a meeting with PF Secretary General Davis Mwila at Moba Hotel in Kitwe


President Lungu honours five for distinguished, exemplary service


Zambia has toasted 56 years of freedom as a unitary sovereign state with President Edgar Lungu honouring five individuals for distinguished and exemplary service to the country at an investiture ceremony held at State House in Lusaka.

The usual pomp and splendor that characterizes Zambia’s Independence Day celebrations over the last five decades was missing when President Edgar Lungu joined his invited guests to mark the country’s 56th independence anniversary, under the theme “Zambia at 56, One Land, One Nation, building our future proud and free”.

The Independence Day celebrations were devoid of the usual pomp and splendor due to the prescribed public health safety guidelines and measures intended to curb the spread of the novel Coronavirus pandemic that is ravaging the globe.

State House grounds, which are normally characterized by traditional, gospel and secular music and dances from a cluster of bands and artistes as invited guests dance to Uhuru fever, were uncharacteristically quiet, with the Zambia Air force Band belting out local instrumental serenades.

The norm of a visiting Head of State gracing the commemorations of Zambia’s independence anniversary was this year broken as no visiting head of state showed up to continue with the custom due to continued travel restrictions amid the Covid-19 pandemic.

First President Kenneth Kaunda was not in attendance as well as fourth republican President Rupiah Banda who was recently diagnosed with colon cancer.

However President Edgar Lungu and First Lady Esther, were honoured with the presence of Vice President Inonge Wina, PF Secretary General Davies Mwila, Service Chiefs, Cabinet Ministers, some Members of the Diplomatic Corp and a cross section of Zambians who included former Vice President Enock Kavindele and former Prime Minister Malimba Masheke.

ZANIS reports that President Lungu bestowed five different classes of honour and recognition to 5 individuals.

The Head of State bestowed the President’s Medal for Gallantry to John Siame who exhibited bravery on April 26, 2015, risking his life when he rescued eight people who were drowning on Lake Mweru Wantipu.

President Lungu also bestowed the Order of the Eagle of Zambia Second division to James Mapoma for his immense contributions to the country’s socio-economic development and governance through a lengthy career in the civil service and ministerial level.

Mr Mapoma was one of the first crop of highly educated Zambians that saw him work for 14 years under the British Colonial rule and another 28 years after Zambia gained independence and served in various positions.

President Lungu also honoured Paul Chapuswike with the Order of the Grand Companion of Freedom, third division for his contribution to the liberation struggle.

Harriet Miyato was honoured posthumously with the Order of distinguished service, first division for her dedication and commitment to the teaching service and role in the establishment of the Zambia Open Community Schools to promote access to education to orphans and vulnerable children.

The late Ms Miyato grew ZOCS from nothing to a presence in 95 districts across the country servicing over 600,000 pupils and engaging the government on the development of the country’s education sector through policy reforms and implementation.

President Lungu also honoured Johannes Leach with the President’s Insignia of Recognition for dedicating his life to serving the community through the church in Chavuma district.

Mr Leach has been an asset to the community donating educational materials, distributing clothing, and providing transport to stranded locals among others and been pivotal in curbing the spread of the corona virus through donation of facemasks.

Nkana Stun Indeni to Lift Charity Shield


Nkana have collected a record setting 18th Samuel ‘Zoom’ Ndhlovu Charity Shield title after beating Indeni in Saturdays final played at Arthur Davies Stadium in Kitwe.

The Kitwe giants beat promoted Indeni 2-0 thanks to a brace from striker and captain Idris Mbombo.

Mbombo struck in the first half in the 21st and 33rd minutes to hand Nkana their first silverware of the 2020/2021 season.

The victory is a massive pick-me-up for Nkana ahead of their FAZ Super Division title defence.

This follows a raft of high profile off-season departures plus principle sponsors’ Mopani Copper Mines decision to drastically reduce sponsorship for the new campaign.

DJ H-Mac ft. Macky2, SlapDee & Daev – “Tililko”

X.Y.Z Entertainment unleashes “Tililko“ by DJ H-Mac featuring labelmates SlapDee, Daev and awarding winging rapper Macky2 . Video by Qbick the visual papi.

Zesco United and Atlas Mara Extend K2 Million Shirt Deal


Zesco United have extended their shirt endorsement deal with Atlas Mara Bank with a package worth K2 million.

The announcement was made on Friday night in Ndola during a ceremony to mark the extension of the shirt deal.

Atlas Mara has been the eight-time Zambian champions’ shirt sponsors since January 2018 when they signed a two-year K1.7 million deal.

The renewed shirt endorsement deal is for the next twelve months.

“When we sat down with ZESCO United Football Club to talk about renewing the sponsorship deal, we were impressed by their plans for the future which included the further commercialization of the club, investment in infrastructure and most importantly their re-commitment to uplift the many communities they support across Zambia through maintaining football clubs,” Atlas Mara Bank Chief Executive Officer James Koni said.

And ZESCO Limited Senior Manager – Corporate Affairs Dr.John Kunda said Atlas Mara decision to renew the shirts endorsement deal during unprecedented times for both the corporate and football industry.

“In the wake of the COVID – 19 pandemic, many global organizations have been forced to activate cost cutting measures in order to stay afloat. However, Atlas Mara Bank has broken ranks with convention to make this generous contribution towards the growth of ZESCO United Football Club. This is a clear testament of the Banks commitment towards uplifting football standards in the country,” Dr. Kunda said.

Rekindle spirit of determinations, Zambians urged


North Western Province Minister, Nathaniel Mubukwanu has called on Zambians to rekindle the spirit of determination, oneness, teamwork and love for one another if they are to build a better future for all.

Mr Mubukwanu said it is the desire of government to see its people interacting above tribal or political affiliation, adding that there is a lot that can be achieved if personal or political interests are put aside.

“Our fore fathers showed us what we can achieve when we come together and work as one people. Independence could not have come if our freedom fighters focused on personal interest, tribal or family groupings but they set a blue print of what we can achieve if we all put these things aside,” he said.

Speaking during the hoisting of the flag in Solwezi last night, Mr Mubukwanu said the responsibility of building a better Zambia is a huge task that needs collective effort from every citizen including the church, traditional leaders, civic and political leaders.

He said the responsibility of building a better Zambia should not be left to government and politicians alone but that every citizen should contribute.

“Do not leave the duty of building Zambia to government or politicians alone, everyone has a role to play. There is no contribution that is insignificant. Let us move away from the syndrome of pull her down or pull him down as that is not Zambian.

“If our freedom fighters embraced the spirit of pulling each other down, fellow citizens their mission would not have been realized”, Mr Mubukwanu said.

He said this year’s theme, “24th October, 2020, Zambia at 56; One Land, One Nation-Building our Future Proud and Free”, places a huge responsibility on the shoulders of the citizens on the need for them to be proud of their country and place it first in all their dealings.

The event was characterised by songs and dance and was attended by people from all walks of life who included freedom fighters and the youth among others.

Do not sale empowerment property, beneficiaries advised


Tourism and Arts Minister Ronald Chitotela has advised beneficiaries of the Edgar Changwa Lungu Multi-Purpose Empowerment Cooperatives not to sale the properties they have been empowered with.

Speaking at the Luapula Province official launch of the Edgar Changwa Lungu Multi-Purpose Empowerment Cooperative at Kalasa Primary School in Mwansabombwe district yesterday, Mr Chitotela said it is important that beneficiaries use the properties they have been given for the intended purpose if they are to transform lives people.

“ I want to urge you all beneficiaries that, you use what you have received today for the intended purpose, President Lungu is committed to improving the lives of people through initiatives like this one, it is important that you reciprocate by using what you have received for the intended purpose,” he said.

The Tourism Minister observed that it is important that beneficiaries follow the laid down guidelines and called on more people to work with cooperatives if they are to benefit.

Earlier Edgar Changwa Lungu Multi-Purpose Empowerment Cooperative National Coordinator Evelyn Banda called on people to receive the empowerment initiative with one heart saying it was born from the Republican President’s love for the Zambian people to be empowered.

She disclosed that the empowerment initiative is for all the ten provinces of Zambia and that people should embrace it and use it to empower themselves.

“It is gratifying to note that the initiative is reaching out to people, this is the main purpose for which his Excellency the President brought this initiative, embrace it,” Ms Banda observed.

And Political Advisor to the President Chris Zimba urged Cooperatives that were empowered to be more innovative and grow their business if others are to benefit.

“This initiative is aimed at promoting Zambians in cooperatives who have no capital, his Excellency the President wants to see empowered cooperatives that will transform the lives of people in communities,” he said

He reviewed that the initiative is a gesture of goodwill from the Republican President especially with the impact of the Covid 19 pandemic, adding that cooperatives that were empowered to should work hard to improve the lives people.

Luapula Province Minister Nicksoen Chalangwa, State House Permanent Secretary Christer Kalulu, Luapula Province Permanent Secretary Charles Mushota, Mwansabombwe Member of Parliament Kabaso Kapampi and his Nchelenge counterpart Anthony Malama attended the official launch.

Let us preserve peace – Copperbelt PS


Copperbelt Province Permanent Secretary Bright Nundwe says there is need for the country to preserve peace.

Mr Nundwe said this during the 2020 Hoisting of the flag at midnight in Ndola.

He said it was vital for every person to ensure that peace is preserved as losing it would mean that the freedom fighters fought their struggle in vain.

The PS revealed that the province is enjoying massive developmental projects due to the peace that prevails in the country.

Mr Nundwe has also encouraged youths countrywide to respect elderly people and refrain from accusing them of practicing witchcraft just because they have grown old.

And in his devotion, Zambia Army 3 Infantry Brigade Chaplain Major Chisha Mulenga encouraged the gathering to reflect on the emblems on the Coat of Arms, which he said depicts Agriculture, Mining and Tourism.

He said people must go back to the foundations and build the nation in unity.

The chaplain added that at 56years the youths should take time to reflect on their contribution to national development.

And speaking earlier in his welcoming remarks Ndola District Commissioner Anthony Katongo said there is need for the younger generation to heed to the counsel of the older generation.

He explained that the freedom fighters attained independence at a great cost of their lives and as such the peace that the country enjoys should be guarded jealously.

Mr Katongo further urged youths to be responsible and contribute positively to the development of the country.

Meanwhile 76year old Julius Sinyangwe, a representative of the freedom fighters took time to condemned the tribalism that he said was taking root in the country.

Mr Sinyangwe said the tribalism being exhibited was bothering the people that struggled for independence.

He advised that time had come for people to desist from tribalism and embrace one another under the one Zambia one Nation theme.

Put aside political, tribal affiliations and build Zambia – Vice President

Vice President Inonge Wina says Zambia’s nation building is a continuous process that has to be worked for and not handed on a silver platter.

Mrs Wina said Zambians have to put aside their political and tribal affiliations by embracing patriotism and hard work to build a better Zambia as envisaged by the country’s founding fathers and mothers.

The Vice President said this when she graced the occasion of the hoisting of the national flag ceremony on the eve of the country’s 56th independence anniversary at the Lusaka showgrounds.

Leading several Lusaka residents at the ceremony, Mrs Wina said the theme “Zambia at 56, One Land, One Nation, building our future proud and free” was inspiring in that Zambians have remained united and shared destiny despite their different tribal affiliations.

She stated that the founding fathers and freedom fighters laid a strong foundation upon which all Zambians must contribute to promoting unity, peace and development.

The Vice President has since challenged Zambians to respect and honour the national flag as it is a symbol of the Zambian territory and a common heritage which has been hoisted 56 times in the country’s 56 year history.

“Let the Zambian flag remain a common heritage for all of us. Each one of us must, therefore, contribute to mother Zambia by cherishing the freedom struggle” she said.

The Vice President said the national flag should inspire all Zambians to protect the country’s environment in the face of climate change and diligently use the natural resources such as copper and gold to develop the country for the benefit of all.

Mrs Wina noted that while the act of hoisting the Zambian flag at independence remains an indelible mark of freedom, to the country’s freedom fighters, it was a victory that marked a turning point in their history of struggle for self-determination, sovereignty and dignity.

“This ceremony is, therefore, a reminder to the nation that freedom had to be fought for in all the corners of Zambia, thereby becoming a strong force that crushed oppressive rule”, said Mrs Wina.

“This ceremony also serves as a reminder that many people lost their lives for mother Zambia, we will do well to still make them our heroes and heroines in life and death because they sacrificed their lives for current and future generations” she added.

Mrs Wina said the government has embarked on an economic recovery plan in order to build prosperity for the benefit of all Zambians.

The Vice President, who was accompanied by Minister of Home Affairs Steven Kampyongo, First Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly Catherine Mugala, senior ranking officials of the security wings, and senior party and government officials, and scores of Lusaka residents, were treated to some spectacular dancing and singing, military drills, and fireworks in the cross over to independence day.

President Lungu leads Zambians in celebrating 56th Independence Day


President Edgar Chagwa Lungu today led hundreds of Zambians in commemorating the country’s 56th independence anniversary by laying wreaths at the Lusaka’s freedom statue.

President Lungu as per custom was the first to lay a wreath at the statue followed by service chiefs and diplomats in remembrance of the departed heroes and heroines who fought for Zambia’s independence.

The laying of wreath ceremony was also attended by Chief Justice Irene Mabilimima , speaker of the National assembly , Cabinet Ministers, members of the Patriotic Front party central committee , Senior government officials , freedom fighters and members of the public.

And in delivering the homily, Zambia Army Director for Religious and Moral Services Shadreck Mwale who quoted Genesis 11:6 from the bible said the scripture reminds the country that nothing will be withheld from a nation that is united .

He said Zambia will continue on this trajectory of building the future, proudly as one land and one nation.

“Always remember that our gallant freedom fighters in the 1960s struggled for a united independent Zambia, therefore 56 years down the lane, our challenge as citizen of the great nation is to strive for a united developed Zambia. let us all unity for the good of mother Zambia,” Rev Mwale said .

Reverend Mwale urged citizens to have one voice , united and live in one accord because the Lord will be store a blessing and life everlasting on such a people.

“let us not sow seeds of discord, division , tribalism, hatred and any negative vice but instead build on the foundation of a united and free Zambia which we shall all be proud of, let us all not be ashamed to say One Zambia One Nation,” Rev Mwale emphasized.

He urged all Zambians to desire to fulfill the dream of those who struggled for the united Zambia and cling to the agenda of patriotism and love.

The 56th Independence Day was celebrated under the theme “One Land, One Nation – Building Our Future Proud and Free”.