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56 Years of Independence, Yet Still Economically Dependent


By Father Alex Muyebe, S.J. JCTR Executive Director

The Jesuit Centre for Theological Reflection (JCTR) joins the rest of the country in commemorating the 56th Anniversary of Independence on Saturday 24 October 2020. The Centre upholds in high esteem the role that the nation’s forefathers and mothers played in attaining independence for our beloved country.

However, the Centre wishes to raise pertinent issues in relation to independence and freedom with respect to economic and social justice informed by human rights and moral imperatives. The commitments to the independence narrative and ideology are slowly fading away. Independence is about every Zambian citizen living a dignified life. We owe a moral responsibility to the next generations to pass onto them a viable and enabling environment characterized by economic emancipation through self-sustainability and reliance.

Over the last 56 years of independence, Zambia has enjoyed the long earned reputation of peace on the continent and beyond. However, JCTR is concerned with the rate of political violence threatening this long earned reputation. The Centre implores government to take a lead in sensitizing its citizens to reject all forms of violence in our society.

JCTR is also deeply concerned with the rapidly weakening economy in our country which is jeopardizing the economic and social justice of the ordinary citizens, especially the poor, the marginalized and the vulnerable. The irony is that as we celebrate our country’s independence today, we cannot but lament the current shrinking fiscal space in Zambia.

Zambia’s total external debt stock now stands at US$27 billion dollars, which, literally is equivalent to the country’s GDP. The national debt stock was US$11.97 billion as of June 2020. Further, the fiscal deficit, the inflation rate and the depreciation of the currency are on the rise.

This is not the first time Zambia has found herself in a debt crisis. Government must learn from these experiences and come up with a lasting solution to avoid finding ourselves in this same bad place over and over again. Government must pursue fiscal consolidation and stop further borrowing. Further, government must put in place a transparent debt contraction mechanism and a robust and workable debt management and debt sustainability strategy.

From the 2021 national budget, it is evident that funds allocated to the social sector have shrunk significantly thereby affecting the ordinary person’s access to health, education, clean water and sanitation. This will further compromise human development and undermine promotion of human dignity and attainment of the common good.

Additionally, JCTR calls for adoption of transformative and servant leadership model at all levels of governance in our society. As we celebrate 56 years of independence, the maturity of our independence and democracy will be measured by the degree of our leaders’ willingness to drive a common good agenda rather than a self-enrichment agenda. All the wealth and resources divinely endowed on Zambia is meant for the benefit and the welfare of all the Zambian people without any discrimination. Happy Independence Day and may God continue to bless Zambia.

For further clarifications contact the Social and Economic Development (SED) Programme at the Jesuit Centre for Theological Reflection (JCTR) on 0976735208 and 0977883129. Email: [email protected] and [email protected]. Martin Mwamba Road, Plot 3813 Martin Mwamba Road, Olympia Park – Lusaka. P. O. Box 37774 Lusaka – Zambia

Chipolopolo’s South Sudan Friendly Cancelled


Chipolopolo’s two away friendlies games against South Sudan this weekend away in Ethiopia have been cancelled.

The provisional CHAN Zambia team was scheduled to play South Sudan on October 24 and 26 in Addis Ababa.

However, the South Sudanese have failed to travel from Juba to Ethiopia due to operational reasons.

And so, Chipolopolo will, as scheduled, play Ethiopia on October 25 in the two sides second and final friendly of Zambia’s earlier planned four-match tour in Addis.

Chipolopolo beat Ethiopia in the first friendly on October 22 when they came from 2-1 down at halftime to defeat their hosts 3-2.

Shepolopolo To Face Lesotho in COSAFA Cup Group Opener


Shepolopolo will kick off their campaign at next month’s COSAFA Women’s Championship on November 4 with a Group B match against Lesotho at Wolfson Stadium in Mandela Bay, South Africa.

Zambia will conclude Group B action with a meeting against Malawi on 9 June.

Group B has three teams only.

Zambia were runners up at last year’s competition.

The championship will be played between November 3-14, with the 10 teams split into one group with four sides, and two with three.

Only the top team in each pool and the best-placed runner-up advance to the semifinals.

The final will be at the Wolfson Stadium on November 14.

Winning President of Zambia in 2021


By Kapelwa Musonda1

He took my hand and asked, “What will you talk about as your prominent selling points when you start campaigning? When I replied, “Of course infrastructure – the roads, airports, clinics and football stadiums that my Government has built all over the country,” he was visibly upset. After a while, he shouted, “That is a recipe for failure.” I was equally flabbergasted by his cold and demoralizing response, so I challenged him, “But we are unstoppable in our transformative agenda of turning Zambia around. Today, we are commissioning the completion of Makeni flyover which is part of the flyover bridges to be constructed under this project. Infrastructure development is a critical catalyst to enhanced economic growth, and therefore my government will continue to invest in infrastructure, such as roads, schools, hospitals, etc.”

Then he said to me, “Umwana ashenda, atasha nina ukunaya.” I asked him, “What do you mean” to which he replied, “But you have visited Ethiopia several times. You mean you don’t see what Ethiopians have done on infrastructure? Besides, most of this state-of-the-art infrastructure is built by Ethiopians themselves, not Chinese.” Then he turned and said to me, “Remember what they used to teach us about Maslow’s law of basic needs?” I replied, “Yes, the law deals with a hierarchy of basic needs. You remember the pyramid of needs with basic needs such as food and shelter as essential needs. Similarly, infrastructure is like basic needs which any Government should build for its people. Surely, if you cannot build infrastructure, what should your own people think of you? What does a family think of a father and husband who has built a house for them? Nothing, because he has an obligation to do that and that cannot be a selling point for him to the family. It is the same as President Trump using economic growth as a selling point when many poor people in America continue to get poorer.”

“So, you mean Zambians will not vote for our party because they cannot eat infrastructure?” “Of course, you are doing a good job in some respects. But you must understand people’s motivations. You have to reposition your party and talk about things that go beyond basic needs and fall under your obvious job description and touch their every day lives. There are other needs that must be fulfilled by Zambians. Maslow talks about needs similar to what an innovative Government must do to its people beyond basic needs. Safety or security, belonging and love, a society without greed and selfishness, trust, morals, good family ties and relationships, a society where children feel protected, can eat three meals a day and go to school and enjoy it, feeling of accomplishment, clean water and surroundings, clean health and environment, and building infrastructure that that has things that prevent disease, hunger and death. When these things are in place, sometimes people don’t even need a physical hospital because they will not get sick.”

In Switzerland for example, citizens don’t even know the Minister of Health. They don’t talk about number of hospitals. They talk about availability of quality medicines and facilities that prevent them from falling ill. When they’re ill, they quickly recover. Transport minister is not known but the benefits of roads are everywhere. No one is late for work or going back home. So, if you want to use infrastructure for campaign, you better talk about what they’re doing as benefits. Is there quality medicine and facilities in hospitals or they’re white elephants, looking beautiful but empty of medicines? Hospitals without good and sustainable beds, water and toilets without running water don’t mean a hospital. Old hospitals are not maintained. If UTH were property maintained, there would be little to build other hospitals in Lusaka. Zambians would probably vote for your party if they see that you can improve existing structures instead of hiding behind the mask of new buildings.

“You have to target your campaign into groups. Of course, there’re Zambians that are benefiting from roads. But these are largely elites who have cars and money to transport foods and other things on the new roads. On the other hand, the majority hardly use those roads. Yet, once in a while they’re also transported on those roads but it is not the same as the elite who use these roads every day. Most people walk, not on these roads but in dust roads that are largely neglected. Yes, you must make the point that roads are important because “roads are the arteries through which the economy pulses. By linking producers to markets, workers to jobs, students to school, and the sick to hospitals, roads are vital to any development agenda.” I really like your assessment and linking roads to development and we will make sure our party addresses that.” “Yes, you should do that. That is what I mean when I talk about targeting but you cannot generalize that roads are important for all Zambians.”

“But let us go back to the innovative needs that you talked about earlier because I think they represent an important approach which our party can learn from.” “That is right. As a party, you have to explain how you intend to address these extremely crucial needs. However, you pretend, people know that this country has lost some morals. Sexual abuses of children, some leaders are taking advantage of poverty and abusing women, leadership is not clean. I have nothing against dancing. But why has dancing, not to make money but simply dancing become more important than working? Zambians spend more of their time dancing than working. From leadership to school children and even babies, everyone is dancing, in particular from the waist. One white person asked me, ‘Why do they dance and smile when they’re poor?’ Like Lionel Richies’ song, Zambians dance all night long. That is not simply a sign of happiness. There’s something else more worrying than happiness.”

“Trust has slipped away, in leadership, ordinary people and children. Trust is very important at leadership and ordinary life levels. We look clever all the time. We talk clever. But those we talk to know who we are inside. Even foreign investors know. You cannot simply sell a story that you have built infrastructure, and have an ennobling environment for investment. Every country has investment incentives. So, investors look for something else which we think are little and will not be noticed. But it is little fire that causes a conflagration. They know that we are lying. We also lack humility. Leaders need to have self-trust and build credibility. They need to build relationship trust too, that means keeping consistent behaviour in all their relations with others especially citizens. They must also have party trust or inclined to what they do. In fact, these matter much more than nice-looking roads and buildings.”

“Zambians are not the humblest people in general although a good segment are. Humility means forgetting about ourselves and thinking about others, in this case citizens. But you know that most leaders only think of citizens when they’re campaigning. After winning, they don’t even go back to constituencies to thank them or continuously share love and belonging with them. We must compare ourselves with people in other countries. Go to Mauritius and observe behaviour of the ordinary people. They’re humbler than us and will hardly harm a fly. We harm our own people. Most Zambians cannot sleep peacefully at night. Yet, they have the police and the army and leadership. We like going to Church. We have built many churches. We have national prayers. But when we look in the mirror, the image does not portray what we preach. There is a completely different face of each one of us from that of Christ.”

“Zambians will not vote for you because you’re giving them free mealie meal and other things. They’ll vote for you when you empower them to grow and produce their own mealie meal. The dependence syndrome that is being created through giving party cadres free food and everything else in order for them to vote for your party is not helpful. They are old enough to know these tricks. They’ll eat and vote for someone else. On the other hand, leadership is not there to misuse public resources to make one part of Zambia happy while keeping the majority unhappy. The role of party cadres is misplaced because they belong to you because they’re hungry not because they love the party.”
“They’re breaking society and their families and will not last when your party one day loses leadership. You should be proud if you help them to stand on their own and prepare themselves for the future. They’re recklessly grabbing other people’s land and other resources because you’re protecting them today. But what will happen tomorrow when some other party takes over? You think those they stole from will leave them alone? By allowing anarchy, you’re creating a lawlessness society. You must campaign on correcting such bad practises instead of talking about infrastructure. It is the same with leaders. Today they steal public resources but one day people will remember when another party takes over. You will not have helped them by keeping quite when you were in charge.”

“Many thanks for today for your advice. I really appreciate. You see, sometimes we as leaders are only told what our advisers think we want to hear. They’re not as brave and honest as you are. Perhaps it is one thing too that we need to improve upon – to listen to different opinions without Zambians thinking that they’ll be punished if they speak their minds. I certainly look forward to hearing more on how we can improve our campaign and look better after every Zambian without thinking about which party they belong to. I look forward to our next dialogue on another topic.” My only reply to him was, “Remember, you think that infrastructure is a big issue on which your party can campaign. But what you consider as little things may in fact be the sparks that cause a conflagration. When building a house, you don’t ignore small bricks because if you do, a beautiful building may never rise.”

Zambia Police formally Arrest and Charge UPND MP in Chinsali


Police in Chinsali have formally arrested and charged Sesheke UPND member of Parliament Romeo Kangombe with two counts of abduction and assault.

Confirming the arrest and charging of Mr. Kangombe, Counsel Cornelius Mweetwa of Muleza Mwiimbu and associates said the lawmaker in the first charge faces two counts of abducting Sergeant Innocent Mwale and Constable Chinyama Chipango of Mununga police post on October 14th,2020 contrary to section 253 and 255 of the penal code Cap 87 of the laws of Zambia.

Mr. Kangombe is in the second charge facing two counts of assault of the two police officers contrary to section 250(b) of the penal code.

Counsel Mweetwa said the suspect has been denied bond with the police insisting that the docket has been sent to the National Prosecution Authority and remains hopeful of Court appearance at the earliest possible time to enable them apply for bail.

He has also dispelled rumours that Mr Kangombe had collapsed after being poisoned at Nambuluma police station.

Several Members of Parliament, National Management officials and Muchinga provincial and district officials have since arrived in Chinsali to offer solidarity to the incarcerated lawmaker.

Zambia Police Summons Two UPND Members to Explain the Source of the Duplicate NRCs


Police have summoned UPND members, Anthony Bwalya and Mubita Nawa.

The two appeared on Muvi TV assignments and produced a large stack of NRCs that they claimed were irregularly issued.

Police have summoned them in connection with their possession of secure national documents.

Bwalya, who is aspiring for Kabushi Constituency in Ndola claimed that the Ministry of Home Affairs was issuing NRC to under-age persons and was also issuing duplicate NRCs.

The duo claimed Ministry of Home Affairs was colluding with the Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) to allegedly rig the 2021 General Elections by giving NRCs and register people that did not qualify to vote.

Police are interested to establish how and where the two UPND members obtained the stack of NRCs they displayed on tv.

NRCs are secure national documents whose possession should be to the owners only.

3 ex-Kabwe Council Officials jailed


Three former senior Kabwe Muncipal Council officials have been jailed by the Kabwe Magistrates Court for corrupt practices involving K260, 000.00

The three officials were convicted and sentenced to five months simple imprisonment for corruption involving K260, 000.00.

According to a statement, Anti-Corruption Commission Public Relations Officer, Timothy Moono, named the three as Victoria Mwanaumo , 56, a Former Director Administration of House number 9, Daniel Mapulanga , 46, a Former Director Planning of House number 2, Zambezi Avenue, and Ms. Edina Mwenya Sakala ,47, a Former Chief Accounting Officer of House number 2088 Stanley Avenue, all from High Ridge Township.

Mr Moono explained that the trio were arrested in 2014 and jointly charged with two counts of Abuse of Authority of Office contrary to section 99(1) of the Penal Code Cap 88 of the Laws of Zambia.

He explained that in the first count, Ms. Mwanaumo, Mr. Mapulanga, and Ms. Mwenya Sakala on unknown dates but between 1st January, 2011 and 1st January, 2012 jointly abused their respective offices by failing to follow laid down procedure by irregularly approving payments amounting to K80, 000.00 to Kechas General Dealers for the roofing of Kasanda Market.

In the second count, the trio on unknown dates but between 1st January, 2011 and 1st January, 2012 while acting together approved payments amounting to K180, 000.00 for the purchase of a motor vehicle KB2 for the Office of the Town Clerk without following laid down procedure.

Kasama- based Magistrate Hon. Chimuka Mutafela who presided over the matter acquitted the trio on the 2nd count but convicted them on the 1st count.

The convicts have since commenced serving the sentence with effect from 22nd October 2020.

Book on “Inonge Wina – The first Vice President of Zambia” launched


Vice President Inonge Wina says Zambia has not yet reached the female emancipation in leadership.

Ms Wina said there is need for women to possess women power and take up higher positions in leadership.

She said this during the launch of her book titled The First Women Vice President in Zambia by Reverend Franklin Tembo Senior, a Veteran journalist held at Government House in Lusaka today.

“Let us as women support each other as including women in lower levels and not forgetting the girl child in society,” She noted.

Ms Wina encouraged writers to inspire other women and make them believe in themselves.

She also urged Zambia writers to author more books on Zambian leaders for the benefit of the young generation.

The Vice President further noted there is need for writers to write books that have true reflection of leaders and their achievements.
Vice President Inonge Wina says Zambia has not yet reached the female emancipation in leadership.

Ms Wina said there is need for women to possess women power and take up higher positions in leadership.

She said this during the launch of her book titled The First Women Vice President in Zambia by Reverend Franklin Tembo Senior, a Veteran journalist held at Government House in Lusaka today.

“Let us as women support each other as including women in lower levels and not forgetting the girl child in society,” She noted.

Ms Wina encouraged writers to inspire other women and make them believe in themselves.

She also urged Zambia writers to author more books on Zambian leaders for the benefit of the young generation.

The Vice President further noted there is need for writers to write books that have true reflection of leaders and their achievements.

She urged women to always focus on how to approach life in order to achieve dreams.

Ms Wina thanked the author for publishing the book which brought out the true reflection of her life.

And author, Franklin Tembo Senior said the book focuses on what the Vice President tackles and other matters of national interest.

“The book was written not for everybody to agree with but to present what I think conversation and better understanding of each other” Rev.Tembo noted.

He challenged the writers in the country to help educate citizens by writing analytical books which will help readers to develop knowledge beyond their personal experiences.

The author stated that the book will educate those who need to learn Zambia’s history alongside the great inspiration story of the Vice President Ms Inonge Wina.

She urged women to always focus on how to approach life in order to achieve dreams.

Ms Wina thanked the author for publishing the book which brought out the true reflection of her life.

And author, Franklin Tembo Senior said the book focuses on what the Vice President tackles and other matters of national interest.

“The book was written not for everybody to agree with but to present what I think conversation and better understanding of each other” Rev.Tembo noted.

He challenged the writers in the country to help educate citizens by writing analytical books which will help readers to develop knowledge beyond their personal experiences.

The author stated that the book will educate those who need to learn Zambia’s history alongside the great inspiration story of the Vice President Ms Inonge Wina.

Embrace spirit of patriotism, make Zambia prosperous – President Lungu


President Edgar Lungu has called upon Zambians to embrace the spirit of patriotism that the country’s freedom fighters embodied and use it to make Zambia a prosperous nation.

President Lungu said there is a need to put aside differences and emulate the country’s forefathers who embraced the motto of “one Zambia, one nation” in fighting colonialism because they understood that strength lies in unity.

He said the founding fathers believed and cherished the idea of Zambians being free men and women, equal before God and the laws of the land.

The Head of State said this in his independence celebration message to Zambians as the country clocks 56 years.

The President said the government remains committed to making Zambia a prosperous nation through its continued investment in massive infrastructure and technological innovations as it was the dream of the country’s forefathers to build a better Zambia for all.

He said investments in roads, technological advancements are cardinal in the country’ march for enhanced socio-economic development.

President Lungu said the PF has taken more development to people through its continued massive infrastructure development that has seen state of the art roads, bridges, hospitals and schools spread across the country.

The President noted that the government has done much in making the country an attractive investment for foreign direct investment and tourism.

President Lungu challenged Zambians to continue to treat each other with love and dignity and shoulder responsibility by using freedom to shape the country’s destiny.

The President said Zambians should continue to pay tribute to the founding fathers and mothers who were led by great stewards of the struggle such as Dr Kenneth Kaunda and Harry Nkumbula.

He said the independence theme for this year, “one land, one nation – building our future, proud and free,” should inspire Zambians to pursue excellence and embrace a winning spirit, to take the country to the next level of socio-economic development.

“…Great nations are always anchored on hard work, resilience and excellence. They endure, they overcome, and they succeed. That is what our founding fathers and mothers had in abundance. I encourage each and every one of us to carry on with the same spirit of patriotism and hard work,” said President Lungu.

The Head of State maintained that Zambia shall forever remain one country, one nation, and indivisible and belonging to all citizens.

“It does not matter where one comes from, what language one speaks, what faith or political persuasion one holds. We all have a stake in our country, “said President Lungu.

The Head of State reflected that Zambia has scored great and enviable milestones in the last 56 years which are admirable at both continental and global level.

President Lungu stated that Zambia is not among the top most democratic countries in Africa and that the government will continue to develop and strengthen governance institutions and undertake legal reforms to cement democratic tenets in the country.

He said Zambians must take advantage of the enormous economic opportunities abounding in the country’s liberalized economy through entrepreneurship.

“Let me reiterate that our freedom would not have come about without the sacrifices of our forefathers and mothers. They laid a firm foundation upon which to build our nation. For that we are grateful. It is now up to our generation to take advantage of the equal opportunities that Zambia offers to all of us. Let us make the most of these opportunities inherent in our freedom and sovereignty” said President Lungu.

He noted that since independence 56 years ago, Zambia has had 12 general elections with three political parties having ruled the country without any acrimony during the transfer of power.

The President has since urged Zambians to celebrate the country’s 56 independence responsibly by ensuring safety on the roads and observing the Covid 19 public health guidelines under the new normal.

First Lady did Not Influence the Police to Release Mrs Kambwili from Custody


State House has refuted a report carried by Diamond TV, stating that First Lady Esther Lungu intervened in the release of Ms. Chanda Kambwili from Police custody.

Mrs. Lungu has denied the claims.

The First Lady says she respects the due process of the law and would not interfere or influence the police to release any suspect.

Mrs. Lungu says such an act would be an indication that the first Lady controls constitutional offices which is very incorrect.

She has since asked Diamond TV to retract the story and apologise for the embarrassment caused.

This is according to a statement issued to the media by Special Assistant to the President for Press and Public Relations Isaac Chipampe.

Travellers to Zambia to be required to Produce a Negative COVID-19 Certificate


Ministry of Health Permanent Secretary for Technical Services Kennedy Malama has advised people travelling into Zambia to obtain COVID-19 certification proving they are negative.

Dr. Malama says despite presenting a certificate, the ministry will also repeat the covid-19 test upon entry into the country.

He says all people travelling in or out of the country should ensure they inquire from the missions of destination.

Dr. Malama said this during the routine covid-19 briefing, where he announced that the country has in the last 24 hours recorded 60 news cases, bringing the cumulative number to16,095, with 11 discharges.

He said the country has 8 patients in health facilities with 5 on oxygen support while 3 are in Intensive Care Unit -ICU.

Dr. Malama said despite the reduction in the number of cases recorded, most of the patients are being admitted very sick, increasing the risk of them succumbing to Covid-19 death.

Meanwhile, Namibia has eased measures and regulations for entry into the country amid the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic with effect from 22nd October, 2020 to 30th November, 2020.

Zambia’s High Commissioner to Namibia Stella Libongani has advised all Zambians with intent to travel to Namibia that there will be no need to notify the High Commission of Namibia in Lusaka.

Commissioner Libongane however stated that only travellers who arrive with a negative PCR test result that is not older 72 hours will be allowed entry into Namibia, adding that the mandatory five day retest has been withdrawn.

“The requirement for the mandatory five day retest has been withdrawn. In addition, travelers who arrive in Namibia with a negative PCR test result that is older than 72 hours but not older than seven days will be allowed to enter the country. However, they will be required to undergo seven-day supervised quarantine at home or tourism facility. In the event that these environments do not satisfy quarantine requirements, the travellers will be placed under mandatory Government quarantine facilities at their own cost. Zambians and other foreigners who do not present a negative COVID-19 PCR test result, will not be granted entry into the country,” High Commissioner Libongani explained.

The High Commissioner however indicated that even as the country has relaxed entry measures, she urged travellers to observe the Infection Prevention and Control Protocols (IPCP) of observing hygiene practices, physical distancing and mandatory wearing of masks in public places among others.

She added that any person who develops symptoms consistent with COVID-19 after arrival in Namibia, will be required to undergo a COVID-19 test.

In line with contact tracing protocols, the High Commissioner stated that any person identified as a contact of a positive COVID-19 case, will be placed in a quarantine facility or in supervised home quarantine for seven days and will be tested for COVID-19.

Kampyongo must to stop using the police to abuse citizens rights-Jack Mwiimbu


United Party for National Development (UPND) Monze Central MP, Jack Mwiimbu has appealed to the Attorney General’s office to render appropriate advise to the Ministry of Home Affairs to stop using the police to abrogate the rights of citizens.

Speaking in Parliament during the Motion of Supply on the 2021 budget this morning, Hon Mwiimbu, who made cognizance of the critical role that Attorney General’s office plays in offering legal advise to Government, argued that the AGs office needed to councel Home Affairs Minister, Stephen Kampyongo on the need for him to stop using the police to abrogate human rights in the country.

“We have noted with concern that the Ministry of Home Affairs, through the police, has continued to abrogate the rights of citizens of this country. The AG must ensure that there is adherence to the rule of law and there is no segregation pertaining to prosecution in this country,” he said.

He stated that every member of the public had the constitutional right to seek redress from the AG’s office each time they were aggrieved.

“[Therefore], any member of the public has the right to sue or approach the Attorney General to seek redress each time they are aggrieved because this is an institution that advises Government pertaining to all legal matters that affects ministries and quasi government institutions,” he said.

He said that it was regrettable that certain members of the society were arrested on tramped up charges while those linked to the ruling elite were allowed to go scot free despite committing grave offenses.

“We have noted that certain individuals who have committed similar crimes have been left scotfree. I have in mind someone who was accused recently of having slapped a police was locked up. There was another incidence of a similar nature where a senior PF cadre was filmed clobbering a police officer. To date, nothing has happened. We are appealing to the DPP to ensure that there is fairness in the application of the law,” he said.

YALI President calls on President Lungu to expedite the process of setting up of the commission of inquiry


The Young African Leaders Initiative (YALI) has commended President Edgar Lungu for the gesture to visit the former employees at the defunct Mansa Batteries and his commitment to pay the terminal benefits.

YALI president Andrew Ntewewe has observed that the president becomes the second President in the history of Zambia after Dr. Kenneth Kaunda to visit Mansa Batteries and its former employees in Luapula province who have been affected by the effects of privatization.

Mr. Ntewewe notes that this visit could never have come at a more opportune time than this when his organization has been demanding for the setting up of the Commission of Inquiry on Privatization.

Mr. Ntewewe has therefore called on President Lungu to expedite the process of setting up of the commission of inquiry so as to get to the truth, justice and closure to this matter which has haunted the people of Zambia for over two decades.

He said the case of Mansa Batteries makes his heart to bleed but most importantly serves as yardstick to prove to the doubters and the general citizenry that the call for setting up the commission of inquiry is not about settling political scores but genuine and aimed at confronting the evils and scars left behind by privatization.

“Just to refresh and remind our people; the former employees of the once viable Mansa Batteries have never gotten their terminal benefits since the company was privatised in the early 1990’s up to now.Out of the 174 people employed at the time of privatisation, only 81 are alive today. 93 have succumbed to the cold hand of death due to depression and other ailments,their children left in the cold without any future to talk about as they were denied an opportunity to persue secondary and tertiary education.The families left behind wallow in poverty and vulnerability” Mr Ntewewe said.

He said this is not an isolated incident as they are so many other cases in point, others probably worse off than Mansa Batteries and therefore it is time to confront this issue and deal with it once and for all considering that the souls of the departed victims, deceased patriots of our great motherland, the vulnerable widows, the deprived orphans and the poverty stricken general populous are crying out for justice.

“Even as we commend his Excellency the President for to the former workers, we wish to put it on record that this is not an isolated incident as there are so many other incidences and casualties of privatization across the whole country. They all deserve answers and to live in human dignity” he said.

President Edgar Lungu when he toured the factory before addressing the former workers.
President Edgar Lungu when he toured the
factory before addressing the former workers.
President Edgar Lungu when he toured the factory before addressing the former workers.
President Edgar Lungu when he toured the
factory before addressing the former workers.

There are no plans to resuscitate Zampost Finance – Finance Minister


Finance Minister Bwalya Ng’andu says government has no plans to resuscitate operations at Zampost Micro Finance Limited.

Dr Ng’andu said government is instead working on modalities of repaying the micro finance depositors and other necessities.

ZANIS Reports that the Minister of Finance made the remarks in Parliament today when responding to a question from Kantanshi Member of Parliament Anthony Mumba.

Mr Mumba wanted to know what caused the liquidation of Zampost Micro Finance Limited in July, 2019; whether there are any plans to resuscitate the company; if so, when the plans will be implemented; and if there are no plans to resuscitate the company, what the way forward for the employees is.

And the Finance Minister explained that the company was liquidated due to excessive borrowing and miss-allocation of funds.

“Responding to the question, government has no plans of resuscitating Zampost Micro Finance Limited. It was liquidated due to excessive borrowing and miss allocation of funds among the reasons. The Bank of Zambia is proceeding with the wind up and recovery of debts owed to the microfinance and pay off the depositors,” the Finance Minister said.

He recalled that prior to the liquidation, Bank of Zambia intervened by directing Zampost to formalize the loans.

Concerning the welfare of employees, Dr Ng’andu indicated that their welfare will be known once all depositors have been paid.

The finance Minister further underscored that the Bank of Zambia is proceeding with the winding up with institutions and the recovery of the debt owed to the microfinance and pay off the depositors.

In October last year (2019), the Bank of Zambia announced compulsory liquidation of the Zampost Microfinance Limited and Pan African Building Society.

In the statement issued by then BOZ Deputy Governor for operations Francis Chipimo, the two struggling institutions were found to be insolvent as defined by the Banking and Financial Services Act at the time of possession in July this year, (2020).

Nkana Promise To Make A Statement in the ‘Zoom’ Charity Shield Final


Coach Manfred Chabinga admits every cup final Nkana play including the Samuel “Zoom” Ndhlovu Charity Shield is never taken lightly by the Kitwe giants.

The defending FAZ Super Division champions face promoted Indeni on October 24 at Arthur Davies Stadium in Kitwe.

Nkana are seeking an unprecedented 18th Charity Shield title after setting another league milestone with a 13th league crown that they collected at the end of the 2019/2020 season in August.

“Tomorrow’s game is very important. You know, there is nothing like excuses, we just have to work extra hard,” Chabinga said.

“Pressure is always there at Nkana because our fans want coaches to deliver.

“We have done that (prepared) and I have already mentioned that to players, especially the new comers. We have already told them that expectations here are high and we have to deliver.”

Nkana are set to unveil Ghanaian forward Isaac Amoah and Tanzania winger Ramadhani Singano who have joined on loan from DR Congo champions TP Mazembe.

But the league champions begin life without three key players.

Kenyan’s Musa Mohammed and Duncan Otieno have reportedly dumped the club while Zambia midfielder Kelvin Mubanga has moved down the road to Ndola to join their Copperbelt foes Zesco United.

However, striker Idris Mbombo is still in Wusakile, for now, and will captain them in the final.

“When you are playing a cup final, you play to win it, and as the coach says, expectations are always high at Nkana,” Mbombo said.

“We have to deliver on the pitch tomorrow and prove that we are the champions.”

Meanwhile, promoted Indeni face their first official test since winning the Napsa Stars Six Club Invitational Pre-season Tournament a fortnight ago in Lusaka.

Indeni coach Dabid Chilufya insists they will prove again that the pre-season tournament triumph was just a sign of things to come.

However ,Indeni’s only-ever cup final appearance was also in the Charity Shield in 2000 when ironically they were crashed 4-0 at the same venue by Nkana and are winless in all competition against their nemesis since then.