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Zambian Born and bred Plastic Surgeon, Professor Charles Malata featured on a BBC TV series Surgeons: At the Edge of Life

Zambian Born and bred, Professor Charles Malata, one of the best Plastic Surgeons based in the UK , is currently featured on a BBC TV series called Surgeons :At the edge of life.

“An in-depth look at the work carried out by some of the United Kingdom’s finest and most skilled surgeons. Granted behind-the-scenes access to the surgical unit at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham, this series captures in detail the level of hard work and concentration required by those working at the forefront of the healthcare industry. Viewers get a fascinating insight into the country’s operating theatres as surgeons are seen carrying out life-saving operations with innovative technology.”

A patient with the surgeons Charles Malata and Aman Coonar

On the BBC series Professor Charles Malata is seen performing a complex surgery alongside cardiothoracic surgeons.

In episode 2 of the BBC series at Royal Papworth Hospital, senior consultant thoracic surgeon Aman Coonar calls on the skills of Addenbrooke’s plastic surgeon Charles Malata to undertake a chest wall reconstruction – a complex procedure that is scheduled to last at least 12 hours. Their patient is a former builder, 59-year-old Kevin, who has been suffering for 15 years since having a cancerous lung removed. The cancer was cured, but the cavity left in his chest has never healed, and Kevin has had to live with an open hole in his back.
The procedure took a total of 18 hours to finish and ended at 4am.

In the surgery Charles Malata and Aman Coonar worked together to take a flap of muscle and skin from Kevin’s back and use it to fill the cavity and plug the hole in his chest.

The entire operation was captured by cameras for a BBC series, Surgeons: At the Edge of Life, which began airing on BBC 2 on Tuesday 13th October 2020.


Professor Charles Malata is Consultant Aesthetic and Reconstructive Plastic Surgeon with Private and NHS practices in Cambridge and Peterborough. He is principally based at Addenbrooke’s University Hospital, Cambridge and consults privately at the Nuffield Health Cambridge Hospital and the Peterborough Fitzwilliam Hospitals. He holds the Specialist Fellowship of the Royal College of Surgeons in Plastic Surgery (FRCS Plast) and has been on the GMC Specialist Register for Plastic Surgery since April 1999. He is also a full member of the British Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons (BAPRAS) and a founding member of the exclusive UK Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (UKAAPS). He is a Professor of Academic Plastic Surgery in the Postgraduate Medical Institute of Anglia Ruskin University in Chelmsford and Cambridge (Personal Chair). Professor Malata served as the President of the European Society for Surgical Research (2011-2013) and also belongs to ISAPS, the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons. He was recently voted by his peers as one of the top 10 breast plastic surgeons in the UK (Daily Mail poll). His special areas of expertise are cosmetic surgery and breast surgery.

An experienced and highly skilled surgeon, Professor Malata trained internationally at world-renowned institutions in both the UK and the USA, He was a plastic surgery resident on the prestigious West of Scotland Training Programme at Canniesburn Hospital (Glasgow) from 1994 to 1997 where he obtained the Intercollegiate Board Specialist Fellowship in Plastic Surgery (FRCS Plast) in 1997. He then undertook superspecialty training in Breast and Cosmetic Surgery in the USA from 1998 to 1999 at Georgetown University Medical Center (Washington, DC) and the Emory Clinic of the Emory University Hospital (Atlanta, Georgia). After his specialist accreditation and superspecialty training,.Professor Malata was, in August 1999, appointed Consultant Plastic Surgeon at the Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Trust with special interests in Head & Neck Surgery and Breast Reconstruction. He is the most senior reconstructive breast surgeon in the Cambridge Breast Unit (Malata CBU Consultant Profile).


Professor Charles Malata shares some of his plastic surgery work on his Instagram account : Cambridgeshire Cosmetic Surgery 

Pope Francis embraces civil unions for gay couples


Pope Francis became the first pontiff to endorse same-sex civil unions in comments for a documentary that premiered Wednesday, sparking cheers from gay Catholics and demands for clarification from conservatives, given the Vatican’s official teaching on the issue.The papal thumbs-up came midway through the feature-length documentary “Francesco,” which premiered at the Rome Film Festival. The film, which features fresh interviews with the pope, delves into issues Francis cares about most, including the environment, poverty, migration, racial and income inequality, and the people most affected by discrimination.

“Homosexual people have the right to be in a family. They are children of God,” Francis said in one of his sit-down interviews for the film. “You can’t kick someone out of a family, nor make their life miserable for this. What we have to have is a civil union law; that way they are legally covered.”

While serving as archbishop of Buenos Aires, Francis endorsed civil unions for gay couples as an alternative to same-sex marriages. However, he had never come out publicly in favor of civil unions as pope, and no pontiff before him had, either.

Later Wednesday, questions arose about when Francis first made the remarks. The scene of his interview is identical to one from 2019 with Mexican broadcaster Televisa, but his comments about the need for legal protections for civil unions apparently never aired until the documentary.

The Rev. James Martin, a Jesuit who has sought to build bridges with gay Catholics, praised the comments as “a major step forward in the church’s support for LGBT people.”

“The pope’s speaking positively about civil unions also sends a strong message to places where the church has opposed such laws,” Martin said in a statement.

However, the conservative bishop of Providence, Rhode Island, Thomas Tobin, immediately called for clarification. “The pope’s statement clearly contradicts what has been the long-standing teaching of the church about same-sex unions,” Tobin said in a statement. “The church cannot support the acceptance of objectively immoral relationships.”

And Ed Mechmann, director of public policy at the Archdiocese of New York, said in a blog post that the pope had simply “made a serious mistake.”

Catholic teaching holds that gays must be treated with dignity and respect but that homosexual acts are “intrinsically disordered.” A 2003 document from the Vatican’s doctrine office stated that the church’s respect for gays “cannot lead in any way to approval of homosexual behavior or to legal recognition of homosexual unions.”

Doing so, the Vatican reasoned, would not only condone “deviant behavior,” but create an equivalence to marriage, which the church holds is an indissoluble union between man and woman.

That document was signed by the then-prefect of the office, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, the future Pope Benedict XVI and Francis’ predecessor.

Director Evgeny Afineevsky, who is gay, expressed surprise after the premiere Wednesday that the pope’s comments on civil unions had created such a firestorm, saying Francis wasn’t trying to change doctrine but was merely expressing his belief that gays should enjoy the same rights as heterosexuals.

“The world needs positivity right now, the world needs to care about climate change, care about refugees and migration, borders, walls, family separation,” Afineevsky said, urging attention be paid to the main issues covered by the film.

Source: Chicago Tribune

Zesco sued by Maamba Collieries over US$300 million debt as US$ 500 million dollar “ghost loan” is revealed


Energy Minister Mathew Nkhuwa has confirmed that Maamba Collieries has opened arbitration proceedings in the London High Court against Zesco to recover $300 million owed for the supply of electricity.

Africa Confidential, in its latest publication revealed that a judgment in favour of Maamba Collieries could eventually force the liquidation of Zesco assets to meet the bill and further increase the already high risk of sovereign default.

Mr Nkhuwa told a media briefing that government is aware of the arbitration process between Maamba Collieries and Zesco in the London High Court but his Ministry has not been served with summons from either the company, or the court.

And Africa Confidential reports that Zambian bondholders are mystified by a ghost loan of a staggering half a billion United States dollars that the PF contracted between December 2019 and January 2020.

The creditors are further perplexed that the PF are refusing to reveal who lent them the money (which is unrelated to China or any of it projects) and the purpose it was used for, reports Africa Confidential in its latest edition released on 20th October 2020.

In a virtual meeting with bondholders in early September 2020, the Zambian government requested for a six months moratorium for a coupon payment but there was no quorum reached by the bondholders resulting in the decision being pushed to 13th November a day before 30 day grace period on the bond payments ends.

Public finances already cannot meet the bond coupon payments, making it unlikely that the state can bail out Zesco.

A judgement in Mwamba’s favour could eventually force the liquidation of Zesco assets to meet the bill and cause other debt dominos to fall, further increasing the already high risk of sovereign default.

Zesco’s debts are guaranteed by the state.

Public finances already cannot meet the bond coupon payments, making it unlikely that the state can bail out Zesco.

Electricity debt compounds default risk State electricity supplier Zesco’s assets are in danger of being liquidated to pay a debt of US$300 million to Maamba Collieries Limited for electricity supplied by its coal-fired power station, which is integrated with a coal mine.

Maamba invoked clauses in its contracts to force arbitration over the debt, which will take place in London after communications were made in the middle of this year.

Zesco is expected to respond in the next three weeks.

Maamba believes the court will favour it in the case, as it is a simple debt from a failure to pay for a service.

The hearings will take place ‘soon’, a source said, although Zesco will want to draw out the case as long as possible.

Typically, arbitration cases take a long time, and a judgment is unlikely until after the election next August.

Unless conditions improve radically for Zambia while the arbitration proceeds, the repercussions for Zesco and the government could be disastrous.

A default by Zesco could trigger cross-default provisions for other Zesco loans, meaning lenders could accelerate loan repayments – which neither Zesco nor the government can pay.

If Zesco cannot meet the arbitration court’s award, Maamba could seize Zesco assets to get its money.

This could worry major Chinese lenders including China’s Exim Bank and the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC), which together lent US$1.7 billion for the Kafue Gorge Lower Hydro project.

The loan is ring-fenced and insured, however, and the asset could not be touched if Zesco remains a going concern.

Although the Eurobond and the Zesco debts are separate, both place demands on the Treasury that it cannot meet.

Zesco’s crisis comes after years of the government keeping electricity prices low to boost the Patriotic Front’s electoral prospects.

Lenders and international financial institutions, such as the African Development Bank, have pleaded with Zesco to cut a workforce which critics have called a ‘welfare system’ used to provide unproductive employment.

Zesco also, PF sources said, employs PF cadres in order to finance their and the party’s work.

This makes them effectively ‘ghost’ workers inflating the wages bill while contributing nothing to the company.

The AfDB in particular has been urging reform of Zesco’s employment policy.

And the news of the arbitration proceedings came just as holders of Zambia’s US$3 billion in bonds met on 20 October to consider its plea for a six-month standstill in coupon payments.

There was no quorum so the decision will now be taken on 13 November, one day before the 30-day grace period on the bond payments ends.

Many not in favour of the deal simply abstained, say sources.

The reprieve gives the government more time in which to improve its case for the standstill by offering evidence it is tackling key concerns such as Chinese debt and mending fences with the International Monetary Fund.

Up to now, the bondholders were unconvinced by the presentation Lusaka made to back the request for delay.

Instead of winning their confidence and sympathy, it confirmed their belief that Lusaka was guilty of gross financial mismanagement, one of them told Africa Confidential.

It was this, not Covid-19, as the government claims, that is to blame for the current credit squeeze, the source said.

Zambia has admitted that it cannot maintain payments on its Eurobonds or the bulk of its other external debt, raising the prospect of its de facto default becoming a formal one on 14 November.

On 14 October Zambia missed a $42.5m interest payment on the $1bn Eurobond due in 2024, the Treasury having stated the day before that it would be defaulting on all commercial loans, including Eurobonds, if creditors did not agree to its earlier demand for the standstill.

Two further Eurobond coupons fall due on 20 January and 20 March, making a total – including the missed $42.5m payment – of about $120m.

Zambia says it would use that six-month deferral to work out a plan with its advisors, Lazard Freres, and the IMF to make the debt sustainable.

But bondholders doubt this can be done, and previous claims by Lusaka about co-operation with the IMF have proved exaggerated.

Zambian officials have produced an analysis of its debt sustainability, but without IMF help.

Treasury sources say they are keeping it quiet because the outlook is so dire.

Finance Minister Bwalya Ng’andu previously promised to reduce the $7bn disbursement ‘pipeline’ of previously agreed loans by $5bn, but we understand the cut may amount to $1.3bn or less.

The bondholders were briefed on Zambia’s debt position on 22 September when Lusaka made its plea for the ‘standstill’ on payments.

The bondholders were shocked to find that $575m in unexplained new debt – not related to China or its companies’ projects – was incurred in December 2019 and January this year.

Lusaka refused to name the new creditors when answering bondholder questions on 7 October and instead only provided a breakdown of which amounts were on commercial terms and which on non-commercial terms.

It lumped the loans together with Chinese loan disbursements made during the same period to conceal – so the bondholders believe – the identity of the new creditors.

The government has become cagey about details of its debt.

Annual Economic Reports now only reveal the total contracted each year by lender without referencing individual projects, which was the norm prior to 2018.

AERs earlier than 2019 have been removed from the finance ministry website.

The 2019 AER shows $617m in ‘supplier credits’ in the table of loans contracted.

No such reference appears in any of the previous AERs seen by Africa Confidential and it is unclear who the creditors are.

Part of that sum may have come from Chinese dam-builder Sinohydro, which funded at least $400m of the Kafue Gorge Lower Hydro project – a 750MW power station now nearing completion – while Zesco was still trying to secure financing, a lawyer familiar with the figures said.

The presentation to bondholders also admitted that arrears worth $1.29bn were owed by parastatals, mainly Zesco, to domestic creditors.

This huge sum seems not to have been included in Zambia’s public debt and should be, Standard Bank said in a memo on 13 October which Africa Confidential has seen.

While other countries such as Angola have succeeded in requesting Chinese banks to have commercial loans included in the Group of 20 Debt Service Suspension Initiative (DSSI), Zambia has failed to do so, leaving arrears piling up – in particular to China’s Exim Bank.

The Treasury said in its statement of 13 October that it would only continue to pay foreign currency denominated debt for a few ‘priority projects’ without detailing which.

Until a few days ago Zambia was at least three months in arrears on its debt payments to the World Bank, Africa Confidential understands, which could have triggered a halt in funding for World Bank projects.

But Zambia cleared the debt to the World Bank just before it missed the Eurobond payment.

This indicates that a policy of prioritising Eurobond payments was abandoned because of the magnitude of the sums due.

Stalling World Bank social projects would damage the ruling Patriotic Front in next year’s election because these projects have high profiles and affect large numbers of Zambians, while Eurobond defaults can be spun as government defiance of greedy bankers unwilling to fund Covid relief.

MDC is nothing other than a bunch of frustrated petty bourgeois politicians seeking for a piece of the evil capitalist cake


By Dr Cosmas Musumali,

The statements alluded to the Secretary General of MDC points to a political entity and a bunch of people that are ideologically dishonest and may be even bankrupt.

Talking about pursuing practices that borrow from both capitalism and socialism is not in the realm of ideology. For example, all capitalist countries, including the USA, apply some selected socialist principles in certain key areas of society or under crises situation – such as the prevailing COVID-19 pandemic. But this is not the same as saying they pursue a socialist ideology. Neither is their overall goal the building of a socialist society! Far from it, socialist principles and practices are selectively applied to stabilise the system and provide a human face to an evil system.

The overall goal of bourgeois political parties is to entrench the capitalist system in which capitalists, the most economic powerful elite, have hegemony over the social, cultural, economic and political life of the respective countries.

In the same vein, a socialist country can never be pure socialist! By definition, a socialist society is transitional. It is built in a capitalist dominated environment. It has therefore to socialise specific aspects of life whilst others remain capitalist. A pure socialist society is therefore a misnomer – it would have to be called a communist society.

Today, we do not have a single country that has attained the status of a communist society. China is a socialist country whilst embracing aspects of capitalism. The political party in power has an overall goal to build a socialist and eventually a communist society. By allowing aspects of capitalism to grow, the Communist Party of China has not abrogated it’s overall goal at all. In a world dominated by capitalism, some spheres of life will for a long time to come still embrace capitalist principles and practices.

The sphere of ideology looks at the bigger questions of organising a class based society and it’s inherent contradictions. In a class society, the class that owns the critical means of production has huge control of the economic base. It also logically ensures that a supportive social, cultural, educational, legal, administrative, political and security superstructure emerge that protects it’s economic class interests. Understanding this interface between the economic base and superstructure is key to the positioning of ideology.

Socialists are honest about whose class interests they represent. The mission is to end class based exploitation of labour by capital. This is only possible through a revolutionary transformation where ownership of the economic base will be dominated by the working masses themselves. Where the masses get to have a dominant say about the management of their natural resources. Where the masses regain their human dignity from the slave-like conditions under which they live and work today!

To understand what the founders of the MDC believe in, one has to look at what each one of them has said and written over the past years! They are all unrepentant capitalist promoters! So why not just be upfront with it? Why hide under some eclectic and contradictory statements? The simple answer is that its is good PR to talk about a middle of the road approach. In a society where the masses of our people are marginalised and impoverished by the day, the MDC stand is tantamount to betrayal of the masses wanting transformative change.

The MDC is nothing other than a bunch of frustrated petty bourgeois politicians seeking for a piece of the evil capitalist cake.

The Author is the First Vice-President and General Secretary of Zambia’s Opposition Socialist Party

No single opposition leader wants to face President Lungu in 2021, they are all scared-Sunday Chanda

The ruling Patriotic Front (PF) has said that oppositional political parties in the country are afraid of facing President Edgar Lungu during the 2021 general elections.

Speaking on the United Voice Radio’s Add Your Voice Radio Programme in Lusaka on Wednesday, PF Media Director Sunday Chanda said President Lungu is the strongest candidate any opposition political party can face in an election and that the 2021 elections will be easier for the ruling party because the party has managed to transform the country in the nine years it has been in office.

“His Excellency President Dr. Edgar Chagwa Lungu is the most feared candidate to be on the ballot paper by his opponents. This is because he has developed the country to the expectations of the people of Zambia,” he said.

Mr. Chanda contended that the opposition in the country ended with late President Michael Sata and justified that late President Sata was able to provide quality checks and balances and was able to provide solutions to the challenges the country faced.

Mr Chanda said that the current opposition is good at criticising everything the party in government is doing minus providing solutions.

Mr. Chanda also refuted claims that the newly MDC led by former Finance Minister Felix Mutati is not sponsored by the Patriotic Front.

He indicated that the formation of the MDC is an indication that the political space in the country is not shrinking as claimed by some stakeholders.

PF has Turned Zambia into a Failed State

By Mutale Nalumango, UPND National Chairperson

The United Party for National Development (UPND) is saddened that the only achievement that the ruling Patriotic Front (PF) has made since assuming office in 2011 is to make Zambia a failed state.
It is worrisome that the country, which was once a very strong economy during the UNIP and MMD eras has now been turned into a laughing stock as it satisfies almost every bench mark set for qualifying as a failed, miserable state!
Our country has undeniably scored in every sphere to qualify as failed state by the following benchmarks:

  1. Failure to conduct free, fair and credible elections.
  2. Sharp economic decline.
  3. Break down in the rule of law and failure to follow the due process of the law when dispensing justice.
  4. The rise of factionalized elites, the deterioration of public service and delegitimization of the state, leading to a fagile state.

Zambia now has a regime that does not have respect for human rights and freedoms of association, asssmbly, speech, press, expression and movement, which in turn has undermined democracy.

The high economic inequalities where the national cake is not shared equally among ordinary Zambians; severe economic decline as well as the mounting demographic pressures and tribal, ethnic conflicts and state sponsored terrorism have all exercibated the situation.

We have also witnessed a sharp rise in corruption by Government officials; lack of accountability and transparency in the use of public resources as well as the non-provision of public services . This has led to massive misery and bitterness among the country’s citizenry.

Zambia has been ranked at number 41 of the fragile states in the world.

At the current poor ranking on the Fragile State Index, which is a high warning phase, we can only say Zambia’s economic fortunes have dwindled beyond what the people of Zambia can stomach.

Turn out in numbers and register as voters, Government urges Zambians


The government has urged the people of Zambia to turn out in numbers and register as voters as the Electoral Commission of Zambia-ECZ is set to commence the voter registration exercise ahead of the 2021 General elections on 28th October 2020.

CHIEF GOVERNMENT spokesperson Dora Siliya has also said that government is delighted to note that young people are excited about the online voter registration exercise that has been launched for the first time in Zambia by ECZ.

Speaking when she held a meeting with US Embassy Chargé d’Affaires David Young at her office yesterday, Ms. Siliya said there was a need for Zambians to value the right to vote as it was their tax payers’ money that is used to undertake elections.

“The message from government is always that elections cost money, so the citizens must value the right to vote because first of all it’s their taxpayers’ money that is used in terms of elections,” Ms. Siliya said.

The Chief government spokesperson said that it is against this background that nobody should therefore deny themselves the liberty to participate in elections including the right to put in place the government of their choice.

Ms. Siliya who is also Information and Broadcasting Services Minister also reiterated that the government under the leadership of His Excellency Dr Edgar Chagwa Lungu appreciates all collaborations of the government and the people of United States of America that they have continued to offer to Zambia.

Ms. Siliya has called on all political players to respect journalists as they carry out their work in the run up to next years’ general elections.

Meanwhile, US Embassy Chargé d’Affaires David Young David Young says his government is delighted to note that Zambia has continued to demonstrate democracy through elections.
Mr. Young has since urged all Zambians to a take advantage of the voter registration process which is set to commence on October 28th 2020 and register as voters.

“Make sure people know that even if someone has registered before, they need to register again to be eligible to vote,” Mr Young said.

Mr. Young assured Ms. Siliya that his government remains committed to supporting Zambia’s electoral process.

People Married under Statutory Law can be Jailed for up to 5 years if enter into Polygamous Marriage

The Victim Support Unit (VUS) has encouraged citizens to familiarize themselves with the law on bigamy which forbids a person who is married under statutory law to get into another marriage.

VSU Deputy Division Coordinator Chief Inspector Tom Ngululu says that when an individual who is married under customary law marries another under statutory law, he or she commits an offence of bigamy which can see one imprisoned up to five years.

He was speaking on UNZA radio’s Lusaka Star programme.

Mr Ngululu stated that while customary marriages allow polygamous union, statutory marriage forbids polygamous marriages and that one can be prosecuted for bigamy if he or she marries another person while still legally married.

“If the second partner can also be prosecuted and sent to prison for up to five years as it is an offence under the laws of Zambia.” He said.

Mr Ngululu said ignorance is no defense and that people need to get to know the laws pertaining to marriage and their partners and find out their backgrounds in order to avoid committing such offences.

“Under the marriage Act section 34 cap 50 of the laws of Zambia; any person who is married under this act shall be incapable of marrying under African customary law during the subsistence of that marriage ‘’, he explained.

Chief Inspector Ngululu further explained that VSU has an open door policy and can offer counsel to couples both under statutory and customary marriages unions.

He further added that no one has been arrested from the video circulating on social media of a woman stopping her husband from marrying another woman in a named church saying the matter has not been reported to the police.

ACC nabs Livingstone woman for theft


The Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) in Livingstone has arrested a woman for swindling unsuspecting citizens out of over K32under the Ministry of Education during the 2017 teacher recruitment exercise.

ACC Public Relations Manager, Timothy Moono named the suspect as Milimo Miyoba, 30, of house number D58 Malota Compound in Livingstone.

Mr Moono said Miyoba has been charged with nine counts of obtaining money by false pretenses contrary to section 309 of the Penal Code Chapter 87 of the Laws of Zambia.

He stated that the particulars of offence in the nine counts are that, Miyoba, jointly and whilst working together with other persons unknown, between October 9 and November 3, 2017 in Livingstone, with intent to defraud, obtained various amounts of money totaling K 32, 300 during the 2017 teacher recruitment exercise.

Mr Moono said the suspect got money from Vineless Siatwiinda, Munji Cheelo, Lungowe Zaza, Precious Kembulwe, and Evans Namakando, through a ZANACO account by falsely pretending to be entitled to the said money when in fact not, a matter that concerns the Ministry of Education, a public body.

He further said that the victims were told to deposit the money into her account after being promised that they would be recruited as teachers during the teacher recruitment exercise.

Mr Moono said the suspect has since been released on bond and will appear before the Livingstone Magistrates Court on October 27, 2020.

This is contained in a statement availed to ZANIS in Lusaka today by Mr Moono.

Zambians in Germany urged to celebrate Independence


Zambia’s Ambassador to Germany, Anthony Mukwita has called on Zambians in Germany to observe this year’s 56th Independence anniversary within their homes or in smaller groups in line with the public health guidelines set by the German government in response to the continued rise in coronavirus cases.

Mr Mukwita said both the Zambian and German governments prioritized human life hence the decision to scale down on public gatherings and the number of people that can meet even for private functions.

“As an Embassy, we continue to collaborate with the German authorities in implementing their policy advice and, in the same spirit, we advise Zambians living and working in this country to do the same,” Mr Mukwita said.

He further said it was in the same spirit that this year’s National Day of Prayer, Fasting, Repentance and Reconciliation was not held in the same way that it has been held in the past, but instead individuals and families observed the day privately.

“It is always a wonderful experience to celebrate these important days by gathering and fellowshipping with others, family gatherings provide an opportunity for intimacy and reflection on what both the day of prayer and independence truly means,” he noted.

“In the private confines of your homes, pray with your family and explain to your children and family members what independence is all about, you will be surprised how pleasant such an engagement could turn out to be,” he said.

Meanwhile, Mr Mukwita explained that in the last few days, Coronavirus cases in Germany have suddenly risen with 6,000 new cases reported in the past 72 hours raising concerns that the gains made against the pandemic since its outbreak could be reversed.

He named some of the hardest hit cities as Frankfurt, home to one of the largest airports in Germany and a major transit center for international travelers and Berlin, the capital city which houses foreign missions, the Zambian Embassy inclusive.

Mr Mukwita further said in Berlin, hotspots for the Coronavirus include the area in which the Zambian Embassy is located which has prompted increased vigilance on the part of Embassy management to safeguard lives.

This year’ 56th Independence anniversary is being celebrated under the theme, 24th October 2020, Zambia at 56: One Land, One Nation – Building Our Future Proud and Free.

This is contained in a statement availed to the media in Lusaka yesterday by First Secretary for Press and Public Relations at the Zambian Embassy Berlin, in Kellys Kaunda.

Micho: Mwange Maritzburg Move Is Great News


Chipolopolo coach Milutin ‘Micho’ Sredojevic has described prospective first-choice goalkeeper Sebastian Mwange’s move to South African PSL club Maritzburg United as a very positive development.

Mwange on October 20 completed a two-year move from FAZ Super Division club Green Eagles to Maritzburg on the back of his Chipolopolo return this October as first-choice in the recent three friendlies against Malawi, Kenya and South Africa after ten months out due to injury.

“So it has been sorted that our that own Sebastian Mwange will replace Ghana national team goalkeeper Richard Ofori who has joined Orlando Pirates. We wish that he goes there and gets the competitive experience of the PSL,” Micho said.

“And when you look at that, I expect that he lifts his game to the next level.

“We shall count him for our 2021 AFCON qualifiers against Botswana in November and also our 2022 World Cup qualifiers.

“It is one good step that Mwange has gone to play professional football.”

However, Micho said that Mwange’s departure was not a setback for Chipolopolo ahead of its 2021 CHAN campaign this January in Cameroon.

Mwange is now ineligible for the second tier AFCON that is exclusively for home-based players.

“It is not going to affect our CHAN plans and I would like to thank Green Eagles, his coach and staff for producing a goalkeeper of that magnitude,” Micho said.

“The goalkeeper is 28 years old and in that sense very mature.”

CHAN is a second tier AFCON exclusively for home-based national team players.

With Mwange out of the CHAN plans, Jackson Kakunta of Power Dynamos and Kabwe Warriors goalkeeper Lameck Siame have to impress Micho during the four-match friendly tour of Ethiopia this weekend.

However, the duo also has competition from Nkwazi goalkeeper Charles Muntanga who has replaced Mwange on Chipolopolo’s CHAN teams’ friendly tour to Ethiopia from October 21 to 26.

Busy Chipolopolo Face Addis Test


Chipolopolo are back in action this Thursday when they face Ethiopia away in a friendly match in Addis Ababa.

It has been over a week since Chipolopolo wrapped up its October FIFA International Match Window obligations in which they played Malawi winning 1-0 at home on October 7 , then lost 2-1 away to Kenya on October 9, before beating hosts South Africa by the same margin on October 11.

It was also coach Micho’s first get-together with his foreign players since his February appointment a month before international football went on an eight-month lockdown due to the prevailing Covid-19 pandemic.

But Micho is back on the road with his 23-member home-based team to face Ethiopia and South Sudan outside the FIFA window in two friendlies each from October 22-26 in Addis Ababa to prepare for the 2021 CHAN tournament coming up in January in Cameroon, but before that, 2021 AFCON qualifier doubleheader against Botswana this November.

“We have three phases for our preparations for our Botswana qualifiers in November. The first phase were the October dates when we had three friendly dates during the FIFA match window that we have played and finished successfully,” Micho said.

“In the second phase, in order to keep the momentum of our players, we have organized friendly matches in Ethiopia.

“We have assurances of games in Ethiopia but we are having problems with South Sudan who are having financial constraints.

“However, we believe the problems will be solved and the matches will be sorted.

“This second phase going to Ethiopia and playing at high altitude with less Oxygen is also good for the fitness aspect (since the Zambia league is still in pre-season) to see where we are at the present so that when we come back, we are at a high level.

“In the third phase, we are giving players back to their respective clubs to play round one, two and three for their local leagues.

“So, with that in mind, with FIFA days in October, and these out of FIFA friendly’s in Ethiopia, plus our local leagues starting, each of our players is supposed to have had 10-plus games in their legs meaning that we are in competitive mood, competitive form and competitive readiness for Botswana who are coming on November 12 and Gaborone away on November 16.”

Chipolopolo, meanwhile, will fly straight into the first match on Thursday after leaving Lusaka later on Wednesday afternoon.

It is a novel concept for Chipolopolo who have traditionally and rigidly stuck by a minimum two-day, pre-match acclimatization regime.

However, Micho has radically forced-fed the team with his hit-the-ground-running philosophy this month when Chipolopolo spent the 24 hour gaps transiting between the three friendly matches.

“It is a challenge to arrive this evening and to play tomorrow (Thursday) at 3PM our time but it is a test of character and measurement of values and I really expect that we really put a good account of ourselves so that we show where we are at present and we see what’s supposed to be corrected before facing Botswana,” Micho said.

Meanwhile, Zambia last date against Ethiopia was also with a CHAN team on August 5, 2017 that ended 0-0 at Woodlands Stadium under Wedson Nyirenda.

Prior to that, Zambia won another friendly 1-0 away in Addis Ababa on June 7, 2015 in what was Honour Janza’s final match in charge.

UPND Youths say they will not allow Police to Arrest HH between now and Elections time in 2021

The United Party for National Development (UPND) Deputy National Youth Chairperson, Gilbert Liswaniso, says the Party will not handover President Hakainde Hichilema to the police between now and general elections.

Mr Liswaniso said UPND members and supporters across the country are aware of all the plans to ensure that HH’s name does not appear on the Ballot Box because he is the people’s choice.

“Police Spokesperson, Esther Mwata-Katongo and Mr Kakoma Kanganja must stop issuing threats against UPND leader, Hakainde Hichilema,” said Mr. Liswaniso.

Mr Liswaniso has charged that Ms Katongo’s statement that the Police had the powers to arrest President Hichilema as and when they deemed fit was provocative and insensitive, adding that UPND youths across the country would never allow him (Hichilema) to be summoned to police on any politically motivated charges.

UPND members across the country have vowed to defend their President against any politically motivated and trumped-up charges by the police to arrest and harm him so that his name does not appear on the ballot paper.

“She should be reminded that UPND has records of Police Officers arresting its members on trumped-up charges later released on nolle and acquitted. Worse was the trumped-up treason charge in which her police officer Mpanza Mbita, arrested President HH on a treason charge without investigating the matter”, he said.

UPND across the nation including its members in the diaspora will not in any way tolerate any fake charges just to get HH out of the presidential race to help Edgar Lungu win the presidency.

“He is the people’s choice and his name will appear on the ballot paper,” he said.

Zambians will be required to produce a COVID-19 testing certificate to enter Namibia


Zambia’s High Commissioner to Namibia Stella Libongani has advised Zambians intending to enter Namibia to notify the Mission in Lusaka in writing, 14 days prior to travel.

Ms Libongani stated that the Republic of Namibia has reopened selected points of entry including Katima Mulilo border post, effective 14th October, 2020, but that entry into the country is still subject to applicable health regulations.

In a press statement issued to ZANIS in Lusaka by the Zambian Mission in Namibia, Ms Libongani stressed that all travelers must have a negative SARS-COV-2 PCR test result, which is not older than seven (07) days.

She said travelers will be subjected to thorough screening at points of entry and must undergo mandatory quarantine for seven (07) days at their own cost.

“All persons permitted to enter Namibia will have to undergo testing for Covid-19 during the period of quarantine. In addition, the travelers are required to complete and submit prescribed forms and hand them to officials upon arrival to ensure continued surveillance, contact tracing and proper follow up of possible cases,” said Ms Libongani.

The High Commissioner urged Zambians returning to or wishing to travel to Namibia for business, educational, health and tourism purposes to strictly adhere to the health regulations set to control the spread of Covid-19.

Ms Libongani said the High Commission will notify the general public in Zambia on further developments in due course.

MMD Youths to Protest Against Police Brutality


Opposition New Hope Movement for Multi-party Democracy (MMD) Youths have vowed to protest on the 30th of October, 2020 against Police Brutality.

In a letter to the Inspector General of Police Mr. Kanganja , New Hope MMD Youth Chief Mr. Joshua Mulenga said that the Zambia Police Service has been using maximum force on unarmed civilians.

“Yesterday (Tuesday, 20th October, 2020) at the Lusaka Magistrate Court, unarmed and defenseless civilians namely Mrs. Carol Kambwili and Ms. Chanda Kambwili were roughed up and beaten by armed Officers from the Zambia Police Service”, Mr. Mulenga said.

“This is not the first time that the Zambia Police Service has exercised maximum force on unarmed civilians in the recent past like was the case of the Unza Student Verspers Shimuzhila who died out of suffocation by a teargas that was careless discharged by an officer from the Zambia Police Service on the 5th of October 2018 and Frank Mugala who was a 14 year boy killed by a bullet fired by a Zambia Police officer on the 18th of February, 2020 and the latest being a 17 year old student who was killed by the Police in Kamanga Compound on the 27th of September, 2020”, Mr. Mulenga said.

Mr. Mulenga then said that the Zambian Constitution protects Citizens from inhuman and torturous treatment.

“The Zambian Constitution protects Citizens rights to dignity and against all forms of inhuman and torturous treatment regardless of the crime, when one is accused of committing an offence, they are presumed innocent until proven guilty by the Courts of Law. Therefore, the brutality and heavy handedness by the overzealous police officers against the unarmed Kambwili’s is totally unacceptable”, Mr. Mulenga said.

Mr. Mulenga then informed the Police of their intention to have a peaceful protest on the 30th of October, 2020.

“The New Hope MMD Youth league do hereby inform you of our intention to do peaceful walk by protesting against Police Brutality on the 30th of October, 2020. The protest will start from the MMD Secretariat and end at Lusaka Central Police Station where we will present a petition to the Lusaka Province Police Commissioner”, Mr. Mulenga said.

He further said that the peaceful protest has been dubbed “Black Friday Against Police Brutality.” Ministry of Health Covid 19 guidelines will be adhered to, he emphasised.