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Some PF officials on the Copperbelt are scared of Mobilisation Committee-Mwila


Ruling PF Secretary General Davies Mwila says some members of the party’s main structures on the Copperbelt are scared of the Mobilisation Committee.

Mr Mwila stressed that the squabbles recently reported on the Copperbelt is as a result of some people in the main structures being scared of the Mobilisation Committees.

He said officials in the main structures need to understand that the work of the Committee is to help supplement their efforts in the party.

Mr Mwila explained that the Mobilisation Commiteee is an adhoc or temporal arrangement which will be dissolved after elections.

“The people in the main structures need to realize that the Mobilisation Committee is here to help them. We want to see a situation where those work side by side. Our main goal is to see to it that President Edgar Lungu comes back into State House,” Mr Mwila said.

He added that he was disappointed that a party matter over the misgivings regarding the presence of the Copperbelt Mobilisation Committee was allowed to go to the media.

“Firstly, what was a party matter, an internal party matter and I was upset that they took the matter to the press, I was very disappointed but we have since urged the main structures to embrace the work of the Mobilisation Committee.”

Mr. Mwila was speaking when he featured on the Sunday Interview on ZNBC TV.

Chief Chitimukulu Launches a Voters Drive, Voter Apathy leads to a Minority President

PARAMOUNT Chief Chitimukulu of the Bemba speaking people and other traditional leaders have launched a National Movement aimed at sensitizing Zambians on the need to take part in voting.

Speaking at the launch of Movement for Voter Sensitization (MVS) held at Mika Conference Centre in Lusaka, Paramount Chitimukulu who is patron of the Movement, said the low voter turnout was bad for good governance, and that therefore there was need to sensitize the people to take part in voting.

He said voter apathy did not only lead to having a minority President but also threatened the very existence of Democracy in the country and therefore the need to address the issue urgently.

The Traditional leader also observed that apart from high poverty levels, inadequate voter sensitization, and lack of patriotism among some citizens, long distances between polling stations and communities was also a major contributor to voter apathy in the country.

He called on every well-meaning Zambian to get involved and ensure that people are sensitized on the benefit of voting.

Chief Chitimukulu said the Movement was a nonpartisan organization and was formed on the basis of fighting voter apathy and to encourage citizens to take part in the Governance system of the country.

The traditional leader said it was only through taking part in voting that the country can have majority elected leaders who can be held accountable.
“Voting allows citizens to participate in the governance system and therefore if you don’t vote you have no right to complain,” he said adding that all Zambians should buy into the objectives of the movement by participating in voting in next year’s election and future polls.

And speaking at the same event, Paramount Chief Mpezeni of the Ngoni people advised Zambians to refrain from violence and tribalism.

He said the two vices had no place in modern Zambia and that traditional leaders in the country will continue promoting peace and harmony.

Meanwhile chief Chikanta of Kalomo said in the past three elections there had been no violence and called on all Zambians to continue embracing tolerance and love for one another ahead of the 2021 general elections.

He said traditional leaders should fight violence and tribalism and pledged support to the Movement to ensure that the country hold peaceful and fair elections next year.

Among others who also attended the launch, are Presidential Affairs Minister Freedom Sikazwe, Tourism Minister Ronald Chitotela, Chief Mushoka, Snr chief Kanongesha, and Chief Shakumbila.

UPND MP says Government has halted the Issuance of NRCs in Dundumwezi Constituency

Government has halted the issuance of National Registration Cards citing lack of materials, says UPND Member of Parliament, for Dundumwezi Constituency Edgar Singombe.

Speaking in an interview, Mr Sing’ombe said he was first informed about the absence of Officers issuing NRC’S by his people in the constituency.

“I couldn’t believe it at first. I tried to find out why they were not present at the centres, only to be told that they are no materials for them to continue with the exercise.” Said Mr Sing’ombe.

According to a survey carried out by Mr Sing’ombe, more that 500 people were left in a queue at Chilala Primary School , while 600 at Kasukwe primary School, 600 people at Mikasa Primary School, more than 1,000 people at Nabulangu Primary School and another 1,000 people at Bilili primary School were left in queues at these centres.

Mr Sing’ombe said it was unfortunate that the NRC issuance started late and now the officers had e been withdrawn citing lack of materials leaving thousands of people that had attained the age of 16 waiting to be issued with NRC’s.

Meanwhile residents in Dundumwezi, say it is not true that government lacks materials but that it is deliberate ploy to de-franchise them from voting in the coming general elections.

Reflections on the National Day of Prayer and Fasting


By Fred M’membe

Watching and listening to the National Day of Prayer and Fasting proceedings a number of thoughts started running through my head. The issue of Jesus and spirituality came to my mind. I started to have deep reflections on what it really means to be a Christian – to be like Christ. We see that Jesus’ spirituality was life in the spirit, within the historical conflict, in a communion of love with the Father’s gift and of his liberating commitment to the life aspirations of the oppressed, exploited, humiliated and marginalised. For Jesus the world wasn’t divided between the pure and the impure, as the Pharisees wished; it was divided between those who favoured life and those who supported death.

Everything that generates more life – from a gesture of love to social revolution – is in line with God’s scheme of things, in line with the construction of the kingdom, for life is the greatest gift given to us by God. Whoever is born is born in God to enter the sphere of life. At the same time Jesus’ spirituality contradicted that of the Pharisees, which consisted of rites, duties, asceticism and the observance of discipline. Fidelity is the centre of life for the Pharisees; the Father was the centre of life for Jesus.

The Pharisees measured spirituality by the practice of cultural rules; Jesus measured it by the filial opening to God’s love and compassion. For the Pharisees sanctity is a human conquest; for Jesus it was a gift of the Father for those who opened up to his grace. Jesus’ spiritual vigour stemmed from his intimacy with God, whom he familiarly called Abba – that is, Father (Mark 14:36). Like all who believe, Jesus had faith and spent hours in prayer to nourish it. Luke recorded those hours in which Jesus allowed his spirit to be replenished by the Father’s Spirit: “But he withdrew to the wilderness and prayed” (Luke 5:16); “In these days he went out to the mountain to pray; and he continued all night in prayer to God” (Luke 6:12); and “Now it happened that as he was praying alone” (Luke 9:18). In that communion with the Father, he found strength for struggling for the scheme of life, challenging the forces of death, represented particularly by the Pharisees, against whom the Gospels present two violent manifestos (Matthew 23 and Luke 11:37 – 57).
And in this sense, all who struggle for life are included in God’s scheme, even if they lack faith. “Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see thee hungry and feed thee, or thirst and give thee drink? And when did we see thee a stranger and welcome thee, or naked and clothe thee? And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brethren, you did it to me ‘”(Matthew 25:37-40).

It is your fellow human being, especially the one who lacks life and needs justice, in whom God wishes to be served and loved. They are the ones with whom Jesus identified. Therefore, there’s no contradiction between the struggle for justice and the fulfilment of God’s will. One demands the other. All who work along that line of God’s scheme for life are considered Jesus’ brothers and sisters (Mark 3:31-35). This is the best way to follow Jesus, especially in our country’s present situation. I prefer to say that Jesus had a spirituality of the conflict – that is, a vigour in his commitment to the poor and to the Father who granted him immense internal peace. True peace is not obtained by erecting walls; it is the result of trust in God. Courage is not the opposite of fear, faith is. That faith gave Jesus the necessary will for carrying out the scheme of life, even by sacrificing his own life in confrontation with the forces of death, such as oppression, exploitation, injustice and religion made sclerotic by rules and rights.

In the Gospels, the totality of the human being is what brings life to the spirit. Thus, spirituality isn’t the way you feel the presence of God. Nor is it the way you believe. Jesus said, “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.” Thus, spirituality is a way of living life according to the spirit. Living is the best way of believing. Faith without deeds is worthless; as James stated, “What does it profit, my brethren, if a man says he has faith, but has not works? Can his faith save him? If a brother or sister is ill-clad and in lack of daily food, and one of you says to them, ‘Go in peace, be warmed and filled,’ without giving them the things needed for the body, what does it profit? So faith, by itself, if it has no works, is dead ” (James 2:14-17). Our way of life is the result of what we believe.

If we consider the Gospel accounts, we can clearly see that Jesus’ spirituality wasn’t one of withdrawal from the world, of moving away from everyday life in order to better serve God, of denying earthly realities. In John 17:15, Jesus asked his Father to keep his disciples without taking them out of the world. Jesus’ entire existence was one immersion in the ideological conflict, in the arena where different concepts and options for or against the oppressed, exploited, humiliated and marginalised were discussed. Nor was Jesus’ spirituality that of moralism. That is the spirituality of the Pharisees, who turn their moral virtues into a sort of conquest of sanctity. Many Christians have been trained along these lines and lose strength in their faith because they don’t manage to adjust to the pharisaical moralism they seek. God seems to live on top of a mountain, and spirituality is taught as a manual for mountain climbing to be used by Christians interested in scaling its steep slopes. Since we are of a fragile nature, we begin our climb over and over again – it is the constant repetition of the Sisyphus legend, rolling the stone uphill.

A religion that cares for the supposed sacredness of its objects but turns its back on those who are the real temples of the Spirit is worthless. To Jesus’ way of thinking, there’s nothing more sacred than the right to life. A religion that places its patrimonial interests ahead of the demands of justice, life and the people among whom it is inserted is certainly a religion that considers a human being less important than the sabbath and, like the Pharisees, reverses evangelical priorities. A human being’s material need, the basic foundation of life, was the most sacred thing for Jesus. For Jesus it was impossible to speak of spiritual life apart from the material conditions of existence. There’s nothing more sacred than a human being, the image and likeness of God. The hunger of that human being was an offence to the Creator himself.

I would like to conclude with

Romans 13:10: “Love worketh no ill to his neighbour: therefore love is the fulfilling of the law.”

Zambia heads to showdown with Bondholders as vote on payment holiday request is on today


The clock is ticking for Zambia to convince reluctant bondholders to accept an interest-payment holiday while it works out a debt-restructuring strategy.

If investors refuse Zambia’s request for a six-month standstill in a key vote today, it may become the first African nation to default since the onset of the coronavirus.

That could set a precedent for how cash-strapped governments treat private and Chinese creditors.

Zambia is not making it any easier for bondholders to give it breathing space.

Days after the government said it didn’t have the cash, it skipped a $42.5 million coupon payment — only for Finance Minister Bwalya Ng’andu to tell lawmakers the Treasury could have paid if it wanted to.

That may leave investors doubting the government’s will to tackle its debt problems in the run-up to elections in August.

“Zambia may very well be the most prominent battleground that this tension between creditors plays out,” said Irmgard Erasmus, an economist at Paarl, South Africa-based NKC Africa Economics. “Eurobond holders, in particular, are certain to use all the weapons in their arsenal to limit moral hazard to the rest of sub-Saharan Africa.”

Zambia skipped the coupon on the recommendation of its advisers, according to Dr Ng’andu.

“They were of the strong view and opinion that if we pay we were going to create a very hostile environment within which to negotiate with other creditors,” he told lawmakers Oct. 15. “Because, we would have departed from the principal of pari passu.”

A group that holds about 40% of Zambia’s $3 billion in outstanding Eurobonds has already said it won’t support the proposal.

The government has a 30-day grace period to make the interest payment it missed last week before a default event occurs, which would allow bondholders to demand immediate repayment of the principal.

Dr. Ng’andu, who started the job last year, needs to balance the competing interests of Eurobond holders and mainly state-owned creditors from China, to whom Zambia owes even more money.

Eurobond holders are demanding greater transparency and an endorsement from the International Monetary Fund.

Zambia says it is treating all creditors equally.

The government hired Lazard Freres as financial advisers in May to assist with what it called a liability management exercise of its then $11.2 billion in external debt.

The copper producing nation’s debt has since shot up to almost $12 billion, and a messy default is becoming increasingly probable.

Nkana Sign TP Mazembe Duo


Nkana have confirmed the signing of Ghanaian striker Isaac Amoah and Tanzania winger Ramadhani Singano on loan from Congolese side TP Mazembe.

The 2019/20 FAZ Super Division champions say both Amoah and Singano have moved to Wusakile on one year loan deals.

This follows weeks of negotiations with the two players and their parent club Mazembe.

“We are pleased to officially announce the signing of Ghanaian international Isaac Amoah from TP Mazembe (DRC) on a one year loan contract,” Nkana posted on their official facebook page.

“Join us in officially welcoming our latest inclusion to the Kalampa squad Tanzanian international Ramadhani Singano from TP Mazembe (DRC) on a one year loan contract.”

Nkana are preparing for the 2020/21 season that starts with the Charity Shield final in which they will face Indeni on October 24 at Levy Mwanawasa Stadium in Ndola.

Augustine Mulenga Joins Amazulu and Clears Transfer Confusion


Chipolopolo midfielder Augustine Mulenga has joined South Africa PSL club Amzulu and has also cleared the confusion over his earlier reported move to TTM.

Mulenga joined Amazulu on a free transfer after he was released by Orlando Pirates a fortnight ago after two up-and-down seasons at the Soweto club whom he joined from Zanaco in 2018.

However, last Thursday, PSL side TTM claimed to have signed the midfielder together with striker Justin Shonga who was also released by Pirates.

“I was also surprised to hear them mention my name at the time the announced their new signees, but for me, I am here and I am so happy to join Amazulu and I thank my family for helping me make this decision. It was not an easy decision because they were a lot of teams that wanted me,” Mulenga said at his media unveiling in Durban on October 19.

“Yes they(TTM) did want me but at that time I told them that I still needed time to think about it apart from that, there was nothing else said.”

Mulenga left Pirates after struggling to find game time this past season.

“The reason I left Orlando Pirates is because last season, I didn’t have enough game time, and they signed new players this season but it wasn’t like I didn’t want to compete against these new signees, no,” Mulenga said.

“The thing is that I just didn’t want to go through what I went through last season no wonder I asked them that I wanted to leave.

“I am happy to be here and looking forward to meeting the other guys so that we can continue making the supporters happy and achieve the goals we are going to set for this season.”

Meanwhile, Mulenga’s Pirates reunion is as early as Amazulu’s opening league game of the season at home in Durban on October 24.

“I can’t say that I am going to prove a point (against Pirates). The thing is that everyone knows I am a good player and I can deliver at any time so I’ll just go out there to enjoy because football is part of me,” Mulenga said.

PF in Eastern Province says it is Mobilizing to cancel out Southern Vote in 2021

The ruling Patriotic Front (PF) Provincial Chairman has declared that the ruling party in the province is intact and come 2021 the East vote shall cancel the religious vote of the South.

Speaking to mark the end of the four days official visit to Eastern province by the Vice President of the Republic of Zambia Madam Inonge Mutukwa Wina, the Chairman, who is also member of the Central committee, Andrew Lubusha, said that the Vice President’s visit was a success and has since thanked the Hon. Wina and her entourage for visiting the province twice this year.

Mr Lubusha has also thanked the people of Eastern province for warmly welcoming the Vice President.

MCC Lubusha mentioned that the Vice President was in province to interact with people with the aim of understanding some of the challenges they are facing as well as inspecting government projects.

“During her tour, the Vice President met some Chiefs from selected Districts who pledged to work with the leadership of President Edgar Chagwa Lungu.” Said Lubusha.

Meanwhile, in her tour the Vice President was accompanied by Agriculture Minister Honourable Michael Katambo and Minister in charge of National Development and Planning Honourable Alexander Chiteme.

Zambia Police Warn Truck Drivers Fueling Instability


The Police command has directed Provincial Police Commissioners to start patrolling highways and deal with truck drivers harassing their colleagues under the pretext of pressing for better conditions.

Deputy Inspector General of Police in-charge of Administration EUGENE SIBOTE has however emphasized that drivers found wanting should be dealt with in accordance with the law.

He says police have information that some truck drivers are engaging in acts of illegality by harassing and stopping their colleagues who are willing to continue on their journey under the pretext of pressing for better working conditions.

Mr. SIBOTE says has reminded truck drivers that issues of improvement of working conditions are matters that cannot be concluded in a short space of time.

He has advised truck drivers involved in these acts of illegality that their actions are a serious breach of the law and pose great danger to the public in general as some of the trucks being stopped are carrying highly inflammable substances.

The Deputy Police IG has since advised drivers with grievances to find other means of airing them as opposed to engaging in such acts.

This is contained in a statement availed to ZNBC News in Lusaka.

President Lungu directs Ministry of Health to equip Chilubi hospitals


Chilubi, October 19, ZANIS — President Edgar Lungu has directed Minister of Health Chitalu Chilufya to ensure that Chilubi Mainland and Island district hospitals receive medical equipment.

President Lungu tasked Dr. Chilufya to undertake an inspection of the two health facilities to establish the equipment that is needed for the hospitals to operate at optimum capacity.

He said the modern hospitals, which were built at a great cost, need to be equipped so that people begin to access advanced health care services.

The Head of State said this in response to village Headmen and women in Katamba ward of Chilubi Mainland, who appealed to government through the Ministry of Health to equip the hospital.

And President Lungu says there is need to increase access to skills training among the youth as a way creating self-employment.

He revealed that government will ensure that more trade schools are built especially in rural areas so that young people engage in productive activities thereby reducing levels of unemployment.

The President also thanked the village headmen and women for their support towards government programmes.

He said government will continue to work with traditional leaders in improving the welfare of the common Zambian.

And speaking on behalf of the headmen and women, Senior Headman Chipango, Teddy Likuku, said people in the area appreciate government for the investment in the health sector.

He however said the hospitals are underutilized due to lack of adequate machinery.

The Traditional leadership further expressed concern over the high levels of unemployment among youths of Chilubi District.

And the village headmen and women have hailed government for making strides in rolling out development to rural districts such as Chilubi.

President Edgar Lungu arrives at Matipa school in Chilubi to drum up support for PF council chairperson candidate Rosemary Chimbini.
President Edgar Lungu arrives at Matipa school in Chilubi to drum up support for PF council chairperson candidate Rosemary Chimbini.

Meanwhile, President Edgar Lungu has called on the electorates to hold their elected leaders accountable.

President Lungu said electorates should ensure that their elected leaders deliver development in their localities.

He was speaking when he addressed scores of residents in Mofu village to drum up support for PF candidate, Rosemary Chimbini in this Thursday’s Council Chairpersons by election.

President Lungu said the PF government remains keen to take development across the country.

He was however quick to urge electorates to put pressure on their leaders to ensure that they advocate for development.

The President further appealed on the people to uphold peace during the by election slated for this Thursday.

And PF Secretary General, Davis Mwila said the party will not be swayed from its agenda of taking development across the country.

Mr Mwila said the party has already embarked on a number of developmental projects in Chilubi district and the country as a whole.

He also urged parents to ensure that their children register as voters to enable the voter in next year’s general election.

Earlier, PF Campaign Manager for Chilubi Mainland, Brian Mundubile assured President Edgar Lungu that the party’s candidate in this Thursday’s by election Rosemary Chimbini will win the seat.

Privatisation turned our lives upside down – Ex Mansa Workers


Former workers of Mansa Batteries and Kawambwa Tea Estates said the closure of companies after privatisation turned their lives upside down and have since called on Government to consider re-entry and acquisition of the Mansa Battery factory which lies in a dilapidated state.

And Ms Chrispin Sikombe, a widow who worked at Mansa Batteries described privatisation as a sickness which sent their loved ones to early graves but also destroyed families in Mansa.
The workers and their families who marched along the streets of Mansa to the provincial administration complained of being owed K8,311,609.12 in terminal benefits since the closure of Mansa Batteries by its new owners after the State-owned company was sold off.

“We worked for State-owned industries from our Province with pride. These industries sustained our livelihoods. We lived our lives with hope that even in old age, we would enjoy the benefits of having worked for these companies but the opposite is true because of the manner These key industries were privatised,” said group chairperson Emmanuel Mwale.

The former workers said they support calls for to probe the manner in which Mansa Batteries, Kawambwa Estates, Mununshi Estates and other state-owned companies were privatised.

“We need a probe into the privatisation and closure of State-owned companies. The Commission of Inquiory will help Government to know where were responsible for the plunder of national assets. We support the re take-over of companies that were not properly privatised, without following the law”

And Ms Sikombe said privatisation of our companies turned most of workers into beggars while many families disintegrated. She tearfully called on President Lungu to never back down but inquire into the privatisation cancer for the sake of learning vital lessons.

“Our only hope now rests with President Lungu to help us survive through empowering us in any way he deems it fit so we can live dignified lives. We don’t want to be beggars,” She said.

Kabwe Warriors Sign Defender Kaunda


Kabwe Warriors have signed former Lumwana Radiants defender Shebban Mofya Kaunda on a two year contract.

Kaunda moves to Kabwe as a free agent after spending five seasons at Lumwana.

The ex-Kitwe United central defender believes Warriors will give him a platform to excel.

“I had a lot of options but decided to join Kabwe Warriors because I know it is a big team,” Kaunda said.

“It is a great opportunity to join Kabwe Warriors; I will have more exposure for the National Team, other bigger clubs and foreign teams to notice me. I just need to work hard,” he said.

Kaunda is looking forward to the start of the 2020/21 FAZ Super Division season.

“Everything is going on well and we are keeping in shape. We are getting ready for the new season.”

Kaunda was groomed by Lusaka’s Happy Hearts of Chirenje together with his cousin Evans Kangwa – the Chipolopolo striker.

Zambia National Services ready to accommodate street kids


Minister of Youth, Sport and Child Development, Emmanuel Mulenga says the Zambia National Services has finished rehabilitating its centres designated to accommodate street kids.

Mr. Mulenga confirmed in an interview with ZANIS in Ndola today that this follows a Memorandum of Understanding which his ministry signed with ZNS on the 15th of August this year aimed at rehabilitating street kids.

Mr. Mulenga said now that ZNS has completed the rehabilitation of its centres, his ministry working with other stakeholders will swing into action and ensure that no child remains on the street.

He said the earlier nationwide exercise to remove children from the street failed because of minor grey areas that have since been identified.

“We will remove all the kids from all the streets of Zambia and take them to national service so that they can be tutored accordingly so that they can learn survival skills,” Mr. Mulenga said.

The Minister said the government has a lot of confidence in ZNS hence identifying the institution as a reliable partner in ending streetism and ensuring that the minds of street kids are fully transformed.

Mr. Mulenga said he wants to see a situation where young people will not depend on drugs and other harmful substances for their survival but on sustainable life survival skills.

And Ndola District Child Protection Committee Vice Chairperson, Patrick Muntanga has bemoaned the increasing number of children on the streets.

Mr. Muntanga said there is need to increase budgetary allocation towards children on the street who are not even many to manage.

“There has been no specific budgetary allocation to address this need. If there has been in instances, it’s just to mobilize them and then they are out of the streets like what happened a few months ago,” Mr. Muntanga said.

President Lungu Promises to improve road network in Chilubi as he lands for Campaigns


President Edgar Lungu has assured the people of Chilubi district that government will engage the Zambia National Service (ZNS) to work on the embankments to improve the road network in the area.

President Lungu says government is committed to ensuring that all the development earmarked for the district are delivered on time.

He explained that this is why government will ensure that ZNS moves on site to start the construction works before the onset of the rain season.

The Head of State was speaking when he met the village headmen and women from the Chiwanagala Chiefdom from Chilubi district.

“I have been told the challenges you are facing, especially with embankment but I want to assure you that ZNS will soon move in with all the machinery to start working before the rain season,” he said.

And President LUNGU directed the area Member of Parliament (MP) Mulenga Fube and the PF candidate for the Chilubi Council chairperson, Rosemary Chimbini, to work together and ensure that plans to upgrade Mofu primary school which started in 2016 are actualized.

“The issue of upgrading the school I have been reliable informed started in 2016,I therefore urge the MP and the incoming Council chairperson to ensure that this issue is addressed for the benefit of the children in this area,” he added.

He reiterated that government will continue to engage traditional leaders in order to foster development in all parts of the country.

President Lungu further thanked the people of Chilubi voting for the PF candidate in the last parliamentary by-election and urged them to do the same in the coming Thursday by election.

“I thank you people of this area forgiving us a PF MP to work with and also vote the PF council chairperson for continued development,” he stated.

And the representative of the village headmen and women Mathews Nsofu thanked government for the various developments that are taking place in the area.

Mr. Nsofu said Chilubi both the main and the island have record a number of infrastructure development that once completed will improve the living standards of people in the area.

He also appealed to President Lungu to quickly find a lasting solutions to transportation challenges that people are currently faced such as the roads.

“Your Excellency we are happy to see you here again, and we want to thank you for the many developments that are taking place in the area in a short period of time, we are hopeful that once complete these projects will change our lives. But we have few challenges that we need your intervention such as the poor roads and the upgrading of Mofu to a secondary school” said Mr Nsofu.

The Chilubi council chairperson seat fail vacant following the death the incumbent Daniel Mwila who died in August 2020.

Four political parties are vying for the seat and these include the ruling Patriotic Front (PF) who have filled in Rosemary Chimbini, People’s Alliance for Change(PAC) have Mark Mpundu, Risto Mushembe is standing on the United Party for National Development (UPND) while United Peaceful and Prosperous Zambia has Standford Chikuma.

The by election will be held on Thursday October 22 2020.

President Lungu confers with Northern Province Minister Bwalya Chungu when he arrived in Chilubi district to drum up support for PF council chairperson candidate in Thursday's by-election.
President Lungu confers with Northern Province Minister Bwalya Chungu when he arrived in Chilubi district to drum up support for PF council chairperson candidate in Thursday’s by-election.
President Edgar Lungu at welcomed by Luapula Province Minister Nixon Chikangwa on arrival at Mansa Airport
President Edgar Lungu at welcomed by Luapula Province Minister Nixon Chikangwa on arrival at Mansa Airport

Zamtel voted Best Data Service Provider


Zamtel has been awarded the Best Data Service Provider in Zambia at the 2020 Zambia Ecommerce Awards held on Saturday.

Zamtel beat off competition to emerge as the country’s most preferred data service producer for individual, retail and wholesale customers.

The awards ceremony that was held virtually recognized Zamtel’s strong efforts in providing quality and consistent data services in Zambia.

Commenting on the award, Zamtel Chief Commercial Officer Chibeza Ngoma said it was gratifying that the industry and consumers have realized the strides made by Zamtel in providing world class data services in Zambia.

“For us, this award could not have come at a better when we are celebrating our first anniversary since we launched Velocity, our home internet offering that has revolutionalised the way Zambians experience internet,” Mr Ngoma said.

He stated that Zamtel will continue investing in creating a strong infrastructure backbone that will support the growth of E-commerce in Zambia.

“Most importantly, we wish thank our customers for voting for us and for continuing to believe in our services in this very highly competitive environment.”

The Awards, now in its second year running were established with the sole purpose of recognizing and rewarding businesses and individuals that are taking the lead in promoting E-commerce in Zambia.

The awards are organised by the Institute for Finance and Economics (IFE) headed by Former Bank of Zambia Governor Dr Caleb Fundanga and finalists and eventual winners are selected by consumers.