Wednesday, October 16, 2024
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COVID-19 is here to stay, just learn to live with it – Canisius Banda


Dr Canisius Banda says people should begin adjusting to live with the novel Coronavirus just like they have adjusted to other diseases because, in his view, COVID-19 is here to stay.
And Banda says much of Zambia is shielded from COVID-19 to some extent seeing that 50 per cent of the country’s population is either 14 years and below and that people of this age are less likely to contract the virus.

In an interview, Banda said it was foolish to think that a day would come when there would be no COVID-19.

“There must always be a healthy balance between the demands of public health and those of economies. Let us always be wary of science becoming an instrument of tyranny. The future includes proper policing of all scientists in the world who are every day manipulating already existing germs and threatening global health security in the process,” he said.

“People will catch a cold, people will go to the clinic and they will heal. That’s the way it’s supposed to be. We can’t just be at home afraid that there is death out there when actually, the statistics don’t show that there is death out there in this country. This is much ado about nothing, so people should go back to work,” Dr Banda said.

“This COVID-19, just like malaria, cholera and other diseases will be with us for as long as we are alive. The [virus] will continue to be with us for as long as we are alive, people will continue to catch the disease and overtime, you and me will develop immunity to it and it will become less severe with time. COVID-19 is particularly dangerous at the moment because it’s a new [virus]. So the COVID-19 [virus] will be with us just like the cholera germ and the malaria germ. Has HIV gone away? What about flu?

“So you see, we catch colds every year and it heals. That’s the way it will be with this COVID also, it will be with us for as long as we live. It’s foolishness to think that there will come a day when there will be no COVID-19, coronaviruses are found in dogs, cats, in bats and many animals and we live with them. So how we respond to the presence of this new [virus] is particularly important.” he said

“Let’s not threaten them with arrests like I heard [chief government spokesperson] Dora [Siliya] say the other day that they will arrest anyone with a claim of having a cure. Don’t do that! Actually, call them and ask what they have and subject that to scientific inquiries,” said Dr Banda.

He argued that Zambians were somehow shielded from contracting COVID-19 since much of the country’s population was around the age of 14 years and below.

“The fear created about COVID-19 in citizens is a greater enemy than the pandemic itself.
But this is why I am saying the President should be commended for easing the lockdown and for ensuring that the economy is gradually being reopened. People should go back to work, kids are just at home sitting and not everybody has a TV set, so this e-learning can’t work for every family. Statistics will show you that kids [rarely] get it (the coronavirus) and even if they get it, they hardly die,” Dr Banda said.

“50 per cent of Zambia’s population is either 14 years old or below, meaning therefore that by age alone, much of Zambia is shielded from COVID-19. So all kids should be in school because nothing will happen to them.

“The biggest problem we have now is not COVID-19, the biggest problem we have is fear, the fear which has been created by scientists on the continent or globally.So we must fight the fear, the fear is what is keeping us at home, the fear is causing our immune systems to weaken, the fear is creating disease. So that is what we should be fighting.” he said

Meanwhile, Dr Banda asked the government to work with local herbalists and scientists to find a remedy for Coronavirus and not just wait for the vaccine to come from the Western countries.

“I would also like to emphasise that COVID-19 is a new disease and we should come up with policy mechanisms to fight any more new infections. Let us investigate the herbalists that we have in the country, let’s equip them. There are remedies in our midst that can counter this particular problem.

“Let’s not threaten them with arrests like I heard [chief government spokesperson] Dora [Siliya] say the other day that they will arrest anyone with a claim of having a cure. Don’t do that! Actually, call them and ask what they have and subject that to scientific inquiries,” said Dr Banda.

“We need to understand that wherever people are, God has put whatever they need in them, so [for example] SADC should have an interest in what a member state has done, Madagascar there. They must investigate the remedy they’ve found and quickly make it available if it works on their citizens. We must not be waiting all the time for a solution to come from France, London or New York. We must create our own solutions as Africans.”

Man convicted of unlawful possession of medicines


The Kafue Magistrate Court has convicted Obrian Phiri of Mtendere compound to six months imprisonment with hard labour for unlawful possession of medicinal products.

Zambia Medicines Regulatory Authority (ZAMRA) Senior Public Relations Officer, Christabel Iliamupu disclosed that this was in matter where ZAMRA in conjunction with the Zambia Police presented Phiri, 38 before Kafue Resident Magistrate Kawama Mwamfuli.

Mrs. Iliamupu indicated that Phiri abrogated the Penal Code Act of Chapter 87 of the laws of Zambia in one count, adding that in a separate count, the accused was fined K5 thousand for selling medicines at a place other than a pharmacy.

She stated in the second count, failure to pay the fine Phiri will be slapped with nine months simple imprisonment.

Mrs. Iliamupu reiterated the Authority’s commitment to regu
lating medicinal products and allied substances being consumed by the people.

“We remain committed to ensuring that medicines are legally obtained and sold in registered outlets. This is to ensure safety, quality and efficacy of medicinal products and allied substances being consumed by the Zambian people,” Mrs. Iliamupu pointed out.

She warned that failure to adhere to the standards concerning the possession and sale of medicinal products and allied substances will result in prosecution.

This was contained in a statement availed to ZANIS in Lusaka by ZAMRA Senior Public Relations Officer, Christabel Iliamupu.

As Zambia Prays, Practical Steps Should be Taken to De-escalating National Tension and Political Violence


By Mweelwa Muleya

As the Zambia observes the Day of National Prayer which falls on 18th October of every year in Zambia, the Human Rights Commission (HRC/Commission) calls for practical steps towards de-escalating national tension and political violence in order to create a conducive environment for the promotion and protection of human rights and freedoms for all.

The current political environment is toxic with hatred and acts of discrimination, thereby grossly undermining national unity, peace and stability. The continued escalating political tension and violence is extremely worrying and the Government must provide effective leadership towards restoring law and order and respecting human rights and freedoms without any form of discrimination.

It is clear that discriminatory application of laws relating to freedoms of movement, assembly and expression based on one’s political affiliation or divergent views are the root causes of political tension and violation of human rights. The State has an inescapable mandate and obligation to maintain law and order and to respect and protect the rights of all citizens without any form of discrimination.

Regrettably, the country continues to witness individuals engaging in acts of lawlessness and hate speech targeting opposition party leaders left scot-free while the victims of such politically sponsored verbal and physical violence are the ones being pursued by the Zambia Police Service. Such discriminatory application of the law is causing political tension, violence and is grossly undermining national unity, peace and prosperity.

Therefore, the Commission calls on the Government to be magnanimous enough and deal with acts of lawlessness by its supporters in the same manner it is dealing with acts of lawlessness or violence allegedly committed by individuals and groups of individuals holding and/or expressing divergent views.

It is only a human rights-based approach of respecting and protecting the rights and freedoms of everyone without any form of discrimination based on one’s political affiliation, ethnicity, tribe or place of origin or indeed on any other basis that is going to bring about sustainable national unity, peace and prosperity.

The Commission wishes to call upon all public and political players not to sacrifice national unity and peace at the altar of political expedience during the countdown to 2021 Presidential and general elections and beyond.

As the nation prays today, the Commission wishes to take the opportunity to remind everyone about the Universal Declaration of Human Rights that all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood [and sisterhood].

Therefore, the State must take leadership towards ensuring that there is total adherence to the human rights principles of equality and non-discrimination in the application of laws to stop the continued violation of fundamental birth rights of individuals.

The Author is Spokesperson for HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION

President Lungu expected in Chilubi for Campaign Rallies


President Edgar Lungu is tomorrow expected in Chilubi District of Northern Province for a two day working visit.

Provincial Minister Chungu Bwalya said President Lungu is scheduled to hold a series of campaign rallies for the ruling party’s candidate Rosemary Chimbini in the Chilubi Council Chairperson by-election.

Speaking to ZANIS in Chilubi, Mr. Bwalya said the Head of State will begin his visit with Chilubi Mainland before moving to the Island and Swamps.

He disclosed that the President is expected to land at Mofu ground around 09:00 hours and will later address public rallies in Mofu, Matipa and Chaba.

“As Northern Province, we are yet again excited to receive the His Excellency, President Edgar Chagwa Lungu who will be with us tomorrow and Tuesday for a campaign trail ahead of the Chilubi Council Chairperson by-election.” Mr. Bwalya said

President Lungu will then proceed to Chilubi Island for similar activities and will visit Mwape Kalunga, Mayuka and Mucinshi.

And PF Chilubi Mainland Campaign Manager Brian Mundubile says the visit by the Republican is a morale booster to the campaign team.

Mr. Mundubile, who is also PF chairperson for legal affairs and government Chief Whip, said his team is ready for the President’s visit and urged the people of Chilubi Mainland to give the Head of State a thunderous welcome.

He added that the ruling party is also confident of a resounding victory in Thursday’s polls.

Kansanshi Mine Sponsors a Trade Visit to Congo DR for 31 Local Business Entities


Kansanshi Mine PLC has sponsored a delegation of business entities on a trade mission to the Democratic Republic Congo in a bid to stimulate trade between the two countries.

Kansanshi Mine General Manager, Anthony Mukutuma said the company realizes that sustaining livelihood and businesses beyond the mining activities must continue hence the need to look for business opportunities outside the country for the local businesses through the chamber of commerce.

The mining company has funded a trip of 31 local business entities within the province to visit Lubumbashi on a trade mission at a cost of 85 thousand United States dollars.

Mr Mukutuma commended North-Western chamber of commerce, trade and industry for its contribution towards making local business entities competitive on the market.

He said this in Solwezi yesterday during a sendoff ceremony of the North-Western chamber of commerce, trade and industry delegation to Lubumbashi in Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) on a trade mission visit.

Mr Mukutuma said the chamber has ensured that local business entities compete favourably on the market in terms of pricing and quality of services and getting supply contracts at Kansanshi mine based on merit.

“You have done a lot of work also in making sure that local businesses get training on how to write the required tender documents that they need when soliciting or looking for businesses which is very positive,” Mr Mukutuma said.

“When the chamber approached us that they have an opportunity to go outside the country to start with Lubumbashi to sale their business ideas and look for trade in agriculture and other activities they are involved in, we were very excited because we saw it as an opportunity to get that sustainability of livelihood and businesses beyond mining life span,” Mr Mukutuma said

And North-Western Chamber of Commerce President, Mukumbi Kafuta thanked the mining company for giving the local business community an opportunity to go and interact with the business community in Congo DR as such will stimulate trade between the two countries and create wealth as well as job creation.

Mr Kafuta said the objective of the visit is to go and expose the local business community to Congo DR trade market which will include touring of the biggest mines, agriculture activities and market projects taking place in that country.

“We also intend to have government to business meetings where the government officials from Congo are going to explain about investment policies in their country, taxation structures among other issues. So we hope to come up with tangible trade relationships after this visit,” he said

Vice President Inonge Wina Distributes Grants Cheques to 23 projects under Forests Project


Vice President Inonge Wina has launched the First Sub-Grant Awards under the Zambia Integrated Forest Landscape Project (ZIFLP).

During the launch in Chipata District of Eastern Province yesterday, Mrs. Wina said the grant is yet another milestone in demonstrating the resolve of the government to adhere to the principle of “leaving no one behind” as outlined in the Seventh National Development Plan (7ndp) as well as the Sustainable Development Goals. (SDGs).

The launch which was held at Msereka Research Institute, where 23 projects received grant cheques.

Mrs Wina was glad that most vulnerable groups particularly the women as well as the youths are among the recipients of the sub-grants awards in the spirit of not leaving anyone behind.

“I would urge the project implementers to ensure people who are differently abled are also targeted so that they too benefit from these grants,” she emphasized.

“To the recipients of the awards, I wish to congratulate you for being beneficiaries of these grants. I wish to emphasize on the need for you to ensure that the funds being given to you under the project are used prudently for the overall goal of supporting your livelihood and ultimately sustaining the landscape you live in,” Mrs Wina stated.

Vice President Inonge Wina pumping water using a trendor pump during the launch of Msekera Regional Soils Laboratory in Chipata District. Saturday 17, 2020. Picture by ROYD SIBAJENE/ZANIS
Vice President Inonge Wina pumping water using a trendor pump during the launch of Msekera Regional Soils Laboratory in Chipata District. Saturday 17, 2020. Picture by ROYD SIBAJENE/ZANIS

Mrs Wina also disclosed that for the 2020/2021 farming season, the government has prepared 2.5 million agroforestry seedlings for distribution to farmers.

The Vice President stressed that president Edgar Lungu has been emphasizing on to see Zambia transformed for the benefit of all.

She said government has strengthened resource mobilization for the implementation of climate change interventions across the country and that over 1.20 billion United States dollars has been raised over the last eight years.

“ZIFLP is one of the projects arising from this resource mobilization initiative. This project is contributing to improving landscape management and increasing environmental and economic benefits for targeted rural communities in the eastern province,” she pointed.

She explained that through ZIFLP, the government is protecting the environment, especially forests, and supporting sustainable land use management to mitigate the effects of climate change.

“The project is also motivating communities through emissions reduction strategies that offer alternative livelihoods to drive social security for our rural households and at the same time make them resilient,” she said.

“We are all aware, Zambia has not been spared from the adverse impacts of climate change, especially droughts and floods that have aggravated the poverty levels,” she lamented.

She explained that during the 2018/2019 farming season, the country experienced the worst drought in nearly four decades resulting in droughts that caused crop failure, resulting in national and household food insecurity as well as escalation of food prices and curbed hydropower generation, thereby, reducing generation capacity.

She added that government has recognized climate change as a multi-sectoral developmental challenge that should take prominence in all development processes of the country.

“In this regard, we have continued to mainstream climate change in our policies and plans at national, provincial, district and ward levels,” She said.

She stated that mainstreaming of climate change will ensure that the phenomenon takes Centre-stage in all developmental processes and will contribute to changing mindsets as well as building resilience in communities.

Minister of Agriculture Michael Katembo planting a tree whilst Vice President Inonge Wina looks on during the launch of Msekera Regional Soils Laboratory in Chipata District. Saturday 17, 2020. Picture by ROYD SIBAJENE/ZANIS
Minister of Agriculture Michael Katembo planting a tree whilst Vice President Inonge Wina looks on during the launch of Msekera Regional Soils Laboratory in Chipata District. Saturday 17, 2020. Picture by ROYD SIBAJENE/ZANIS

The Vice President reiterated that government is promoting Climate Smart Agricultural (CSA) practices such as minimum tillage and residue retention, agroforestry, diversification of crops and crop rotation as well as promotion of drought resistant crops and small ruminants such as goats and sheep.

“It is encouraging that gains are already being achieved as can be demonstrated by some farmers in eastern province under ZIFLP, who are increasing maize yields from an average of 2.2 tonnes per hectare to over 5 tonnes per hectare compared to those not applying conservation farming practices,” she stated.

She added that the government is promoting sustainable forest management by supporting the planting of trees in new areas, reforestation and natural regeneration of degraded forests.

“Furthermore, the government is also improving early warning systems to enhance preparedness for extreme weather events such as floods and droughts. To this end, we have installed over 100 automatic weather stations and over 500 rainfall stations across the country to facilitate timely dissemination of weather information,” she stated.

Meanwhile, Eastern Province Minister, Makebi Zulu said Eastern Province is one of the Country’s biggest agricultural provinces and therefore, it only makes sense for the government to prioritize the construction of the modern infrastructure to support research activities and to be of service to farmers in the province.

“The province produced 600 thousand metric tons of maize during the 2019/2020 farming season accounting for 6 percent of the country’s total production,”Mr Zulu stated.

And Minister of Agriculture Micheal Katambo has praised government for constructing an agriculture research center in the Province.

Mr Katambo said agriculture research is an important part of any value chain in the agriculture sector as the production of seed heavily depends on the outputs from scientists and researchers.

The Zambia integrated Forest Landscape Project (ZIFLP) is a 32.8Miliion United States Dollars government initiative being implemented in all the districts of Eastern Province and supported by the World Bank.

The project has been under implementation from 2018 and will end in 2022.

UNFPA donate sanitary kits to 1,350 women


The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) says empowering women and girls with life skills will help reduce cases of gender based violence (GBV) in Zambia.

UNFPA Gender Analyst Womba Mayondi notes that women and girls in the country need social protection as they are vulnerable and marginalized in society.

Ms. Mayondi said UNFPA, a UN lead agency advocates for the promoting of women and girls’ welfare has realized the need to work with government through the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Community Development and Social Welfare as well as other partners such as the Young Women Christian Association in order to respond and prevent cases of GBV and child abuses by physically and materially empowering them.

Ms. Mayondi said this when she handed over sanitary kits comprising reproductive products to 1,350 women and girls beneficiaries.

The donated items included a bucket, 2-metre chitenje material, sanitary towel, soap and some detergent pastes while Gwembe District Hospital benefited linen, gloves and an assortment of hand sanitizers in view of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Ms. Mayondi also disclosed that UNFPA had so far trained over 100 personnel that included 37 GBV experts, 16 Protection Monitors, 13 Counselors, Community health workers among others.

Gwembe District Commissioner Timothy Siakaziba who graced the handover at Gwembe District hospital commended UNFPA for uplifting the lives of women and girls.

The DC said the donation is a step in the right direction for Zambia to achieve her sustainable development agenda on maternal and reproductive health.

Mr Siakaziba bemoaned the rising number of GBV cases in Gwembe that has made partnerships between government and UNFPA important, to addressing the vice.

First ever eye clinic opened in Kaputa


Kaputa District has opened its first ever eye clinic at Kaputa District hospital with funding from Onesight, a non-governmental organization specialized in providing eye services.

And speaking during the launch of the clinic, Kaputa District Commission Ernest Bwalya expressed happiness that eye services have been brought closer to the people of Kaputa.

Mr. Bwalya said it is government’s policy to eliminate avoidable blindness in Zambia and has been doing everything possible to ensure that goal is achieved.

“We are building on recent achievements in eye healthcare, led by the government of the Republic of Zambia and its cooperating partners.” Mr. Bwalya said.

He thanked Onesight Zambia for the strides it was making to ensure that eye health is prioritized therefore supplementing government’s effort by helping setting up eye clinics throughout the country.

“we are all working to ensure that our citizens have access to sustainable eye care and that our people here in Kaputa have access to screening and treatment and that every school going child’s eyes by 2021 are preserved” he said.

And Onesight Zambia Country Manager Phales Mungule said her organization was pleased to collaborate with government in the delivery of affordable eye services in Zambia.

“In partnership with the ministry of health Onesight has established eye clinics like this one in 27 district hospitals and some of which are provincial hospitals” Ms. Mungule said.

Ms. Mungule also revealed that by the end of 2020, 38 eye clinics will be set and more until next year.

She said Onesight is committed to take eye care services in far to reach places like Kaputa so as to make eye health services closer and affordable to people.

Meanwhile Kaputa District Health Director Dr. Lushiku Banangu said the establishment of the eye clinic will improve service delivery to the people of Kaputa who previously had to travel to other districts to access eye health services.

“We are calling ourselves lucky as people of Kaputa because it is not common to find specialized eye care clinics at first level hospitals like the one we have launched yesterday,” Dr. Lushiku said.

Women Should not Shun Politics, political decisions affect women immensely


By Margaret Kangwa Pikiti

Naturally, women have different levels of compassion, which combined or working together with men’s skills can be capable of producing great results for an organisation or country.

The lack of compassion perpetuates exclusion, discrimination and inequalities. Lack of compassion also overlooks or becomes indifferent to the suffering of the poor, of women.

Zambia like many “rich” African countries has high poverty levels, with rural poverty levels of 76.6 percent, as such people struggle to have everyday basic needs met. The hierarchy of needs remains at the bottom level.

As women, we want justice, equity, and peace for all and this can only be achieved by women participating in leadership at various levels.

In class girls/women perform just as good as boys/men. Why can’t women transfer this to leadership? Really could you imagine a world or our nation without women in leadership?

And as the Socialist Party Women’s League, we urge women not to shun politics. Our views are that women are at the core of the community and societal development.

Decisions made in politics affect women immensely.

Women are able to understand communities differently, they are the majority caregivers, and in many cases breadwinners. They contribute to the economy. They are many levels in society.
Today we have female astronauts, presidents, engineers to homemakers.

It would be a drawback to change direction for women by shunning politics. We would be going backward instead of forward and upward. Women need to be involved in decision making for the country and for the people.

Let’s keep moving forward in politics and not let one “bad seed” spoil the harvest.

The Author is the 2021 Socialist Party Parliamentary Candidate, Malole Constituency.

Kazunguala Bridge complete and ready for Commissioning


Housing and Infrastructure Development Minister Vincent Mwale and his Botswana counterpart Thulangano Segokgo have carried out a final inspection of the Kazungual Bridge yesterday.

The two Minister’s first had a virtual bilateral meeting before undertaking the inspection of the bridge and later held a joint media briefing in the middle of the master piece bridge.
The final inspection signifies that the Kazungula bridge is now ready to be officially commissioned by the Presidents of Zambia and Botswana.

And Hon. Mwale said the two governments were excited that the bridge had been completed and that it would help ease movement of goods and services not only between the two countries but the entire Southern African region.

“We are excited that this state of the art bridge has been completed and I have been told that this facility will reduce the transit time for heavy duty vehicles between Zambia and Botswana from more than 3 days to only 2 hours. This is a great milestone in the promotion of trade and regional integration.” Hon. Mwale said.

Housing and Infrastructure Development Minister Vincent Mwale and his Botswana counterpart Thulangano Segokgo at the final inspection of the Kazungual Bridge
Housing and Infrastructure Development Minister Vincent Mwale and his Botswana counterpart Thulangano Segokgo at the final inspection of the Kazungual Bridge

Hon. Thulangano Segokgo said Botswana was excited with the successful completion of the Kazungula bridge which is one of the best modern engineering venture not only in Southern Africa but the entire Africa.

And Southern Province Minister Edify Hamukale said the province was impressed with the facility which is one of the biggest in Africa.

He said the Province was grateful to the Government for implementing the project.
Meanwhile, Housing and Infrastructure Development Permanent Secretary Eng. Danny Mfune says Zambia and Botswana have made significant progress in coming up with the Kazungula Bridge Project Authority.

Eng. Mfune says the authority would administrator the day to day operations of the Kazungula Bridge one stop border facility.

The ceremony was also witnessed by Transport and Communications Permanent Misheck Lungu, Zambia’s High Commissioner to Botswana Mwansa Kapaya, Road Development Agency (RDA) Acting Chief Executive Officer Eng. Geoerge Manyele among many others.

Housing and Infrastructure Development Minister Vincent Mwale and his Botswana counterpart Thulangano Segokgo at the final inspection of the Kazungual Bridge

UNPD cadres in Mr. Hichilema’s convoy attacked and abducted Police Officers-Kampyongo


Minister of Home Affairs Hon. Stephen Kampyongo says the Zambia Police will conduct a thorough and speedy investigation into the matter where suspected UNPD cadres in the company of their party leader Hakainde Hichilema allegedly attacked and abducted two police officers who were deployed to provide safe passage of the UPND and its leader from Muchinga Province.

He said on Wednesday, 14th October 2020 in Lavushimanda district of Muchinga province Mr. Hichilema’s convoy whilst traveling from Kasama to Lusaka on the Great North Road, stopped and attacked innocent people with matchets, pan bricks, hammers, axe handles, and other lethal weapons.

“Two police officers who were deployed to facilitate the smooth passage of the opposition leader were attacked, abducted and disarmed of an AK 47 riffle with six rounds of ammunition and four (4) teargas canisters.

The two police officers were beaten terribly using a hammer, an axe, machetes and fists after being abducted and bundled into a white Toyota Hilux double cab. The occupants of the motor vehicle in which officers were bundled included UPND Member of Parliament for Sesheke constituency Hon. Romeo Kangombe.” He said

Speaking when he addressed the media in Lusaka today, Hon. Kampyongo said the government will not tolerate any form of violence any longer and whoever is found perpetuating violence will be dealt with.

“I wish to reiterate the sentiments of Her Honour the Vice President of the Republic of Zambia Mrs. Inonge Mutukwa Wina in parliament yesterday; that the police should conduct a thorough investigation in this matter, and ensure that all culprits who participated in attacking innocent citizens are brought to book. The government shall not entertain any form of violence any longer and whoever shall be found perpetrating political violence shall be dealt with according to the law” he reiterated.

And the Minister disclosed that the government has unearthed a scheme where a known political grouping is planning to blow up the government procured anti-riot motor vehicles for the Police Service using explosives.

“The source for the explosives is already established and the culprits are also known. This anti-riot equipment has been procured at a high cost and it is irresponsible and criminal for any individual or organization to begin scheming to destroy the equipment” Hon Kampyongo said.
He said the government will continue to invest in the security of the country to ensure that all citizens are safe at all times.

Zamtel widens coverage, erects 744 new towers


Zamtel has continued extending its network coverage across the country with 744 new towers constructed and switched on.

Company Chief Executive Officer Sydney Mupeta stated that the towers that are part of the GRZ Phase II Access to Communication Project are mainly located in remote area.

Mr Mupeta said Zamtel is determined to continue with its network expansion drive as it takes its products and services to rural areas.

He was speaking when Zamtel commissioned three communication towers in Chama and Chasefu Districts, Mr. Mupeta said the communication tower project has already repositioned Zamtel as the network with the largest footprint in the nation.

The three sites are located at Chimbilima in Chama in Muchinga Province and Mampula and Egichicken in Chasefu District in Eastern Province.

“We are proud to partner with the Government to ensure that every citizen, regardless of their geographical location, has access to reliable communication services,” Mr Mupeta said.

He announced that Zamtel will in the next few weeks be announcing new digital products and services that will respond to the digital needs of customers.

He said Zamtel views Muchinga and Eastern Provinces as key strategic markets for its business growth.

He said Muchinga Province has so far received 128 communication towers while Eastern Province has received 74.

The towers are part of the 1009 to be erected and upgraded under Phase II of the Communication Tower Project out of which 744 are operational.

Transport and Communication Minister Mutotye Kafwaya officiated the three launch events and reaffirmed government’s commitment to improving communication services in the country.

Mr Kafwaya commended Zamtel for taking communication services in hard to reach areas where some players are not interested in serving.

He said the advent of the Covid pandemic has demonstrated the huge importance of reliable communication services.

Zamtel CEO Sydney Mupeta and Transport and Communications Minister Mutotye Kafwaya at the launch of the Chimbilima communications site in Chama
Zamtel CEO Sydney Mupeta and Transport and Communications Minister Mutotye Kafwaya at the launch of the Chimbilima communications site in Chama

Zamtel CEO Sydney Mupeta chats with Transport and Communications Minister Mutotye Kafwaya during the launch of the Chimbilima communications tower.
Zamtel CEO Sydney Mupeta chats with Transport and Communications Minister Mutotye Kafwaya during the launch of the Chimbilima communications tower.

Magistrate sentences a 13-year-old to 14 days of counseling for trafficking Marijuana


Kasempa Magistrate, Evans Yikona has sentenced a 13-year-old juvenile to 14 days of counseling for trafficking in psychotropic substances.

Magistrate Evans Yikona said the Juvenile rightly admitted to the case without wasting time for the court.

Particulars of the offence are that on September 16, 2020, the Juvenile did traffic in a psychotropic substances called cannabis weighing seven kilograms.

Delivering his judgment, Magistrate Yikona said that the offence is prevalent in the district and common among the juveniles.

He said it was therefore, his solemn duty to protect the community, the Juvenile and would be offenders.

And in Mitigation the Juvenile pleaded for the court to exercise lenience as he was a first time offender and was expected to sit for his grade nine examinations.

But in passing his sentence Magistrate Yikona sentenced the Juvenile to 14 days counseling by the department of social welfare.

“The counseling should be planned by social welfare, the sentence is effective today,” he said.

Netherlands gives Zambia 18 million Euros for reproductive health


The Netherlands has given 18 million Euros to the International Organisation for Migration (IOM) for continued implementation of the Sexual Reproductive Health Rights and HIV activities in six countries, including Zambia.

The money has been provided under the “SRHR-HIV Knows No Boundary” project that IOM is implementing in Zambia, Malawi, Mozambique, South Africa, Lesotho and Swaziland.

International Organisation for Migration Chief of Mission in Zambia Nomagugu Ncube has confirmed the funding which is for five-year running from 2021 to 2026.

She said the money will be used to promote sexual reproductive health rights of adolescents and young people and vulnerable groups like migrant sex workers in the six countries

Ms Ncube was speaking on the sideline of a two-day Sexual Reproductive Health Rights and HIV Knows No Border 3rd Tripartite Cross Border virtual meeting for Zambia, Malawi and Mozambique.

“The project is about demand creation, capacitating the beneficiaries who are migrant sex workers and adolescents and young people in the migration affected corridor to demand and utilize sexual and reproductive health and HIV services and to demand and enjoy their rights,” she said.

She mentioned that another aspect of the project around creating an enabling environment for the fully enjoyment of sexual and reproductive health rights, focusing on issues of policy and challenging social and cultural norms that may militate against enjoying those rights.

In Zambia the project will be implemented in the Eastern Province covering Chipata, Katete and Chadiza Districts which form a corridor for migration.

And Ms Ncube said migration is a key social determinant of health that government must prioritized in their health plans.

“What needs to be emphasized is that migration is a phenomenon that we all have to live with and is a key social determinant of health and therefore it would be prudent for stakeholders planning for health and other social services to integrate migration in the planning,” she said.

Meanwhile Ministry of Health spokesperson Abel Kabalo has said tripartite collaborations on health with neighbouring countries is important in stopping the spread of infectious diseases.

“What we have resolved is to maintain public health security and you can only achieve that especially when you do the collaboration with your neighbouring countries, you make your borders not porous-disease proof in terms of transmission,” he explained.

Dr Kabalo also said that Zambia has become a role model in health intelligence surveillance following the creation of the National Health Intelligence Institute.

“Zimbabwe came here to learn and Malawi came actually here in Zambia to learn as to how they should go about that. As I am speaking right now we are giving them technical support on how they should run their intelligence wings in terms of disease prevention and control,” Dr Kabalo said.

Bruce Mwape Sets Shepolopolo’s COSAFA Cup Targets


Shepolopolo coach Bruce Mwape has admitted that expectations are high as his side prepares to participate at next month’s COSAFA Championship to be staged in Port Elizabeth, South Africa.

The regional championship runs from November 3-14 with draws set for October 20.

Zambia were runners-up at last year’s competition after losing to hosts South Africa in the final.

“The players that we called are all fit; there are no injuries and our plan now is to actually finish from where we ended last week,” Mwape said on the sidelines of the Lusaka camp.

Zambia heads to South Africa with confidence after qualifying for the Tokyo Olympics months ago.

“This time around, that (winning the tournament) is what people are expecting being the champion representing Africa in the Olympic qualifiers, all our soccer fans are expecting us to start on a good note by winning the COSAFA tournament,” said Mwape.

Mwape is weighing up options of including some foreign based players in his squad.

“If she (Barbara Banda) comes in the next one week or so, we will be able to look at her fitness if need be, she will be included in the team that will go to South Africa but even Kundananji it’s the same story, she might also join the team but as far as COSAFA is concerned, it’s normally the local players who participate in the tournament.”