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Chishimba Kambwili Found Guilty and sentenced to 12 Months in Jail


National Democratic Congress (NDC) leader Dr. Chishimba Kambwili has been jailed for 1 year.

This is in a case where Kambwili was charged with three counts of forgery, uttering a false document, and giving false information to a public officer.

It is alleged that in October 2013, with intent to defraud or deceive, Kambwili allegedly forged a ‘No change return’(companies form 71) purporting to show that it was genuinely signed by his son Mwamba when it was not.

Lusaka Principal resident magistrate David Simusamba has since jailed Kambwili 1 year for forgery and another year for uttering a false document.

Magistrate Simusamba ruled that the accused person was behind the fictitious person called Mwamba Chishimba and therefore found him guilty of the charge

Kambwili has however been acquitted of the charge of giving false information to a public officer.

The two sentences will run concurrently, meaning he will only serve a year.

Magistrate Simusamba further said the excuse that the accused signed under a power-of-Attorney when Mwamba Chishimba was fictitious can not stand.

His lawyer, Musa Mwenye State Counsel pleaded with the magistrate to exercise leniency on Mr. Kambwili as he is a family man.

Dr Kambwili was accused of tampering with evidence in a case in which the latter was facing three counts of forgery, uttering false documents and giving false information to a public officer.

The Zambia’s Economic and Equity Party (EEP) Leader Chilufya Tayali, who was a key state witness said during the trial that it was for a fact that Kambwili uttered with the documents which were the board resolutions signed by the accused as chairman of the meeting that sat to utter the records at PACRA.

Mr. Tayali has maintained that the fact that Kambwili had chaired that meeting confirmed that he caused the alteration of the documents even though he did not physically file them at PACRA.

“By the fact that he chaired the meeting that resolved. I confirmed that he chaired because the board resolutions were filed with other documents at PACRA which counsel brought out when I was being cross-examined,” he said.

“Sometimes, like in this case, people made a resolution to file documents at PACRA but they did not themselves to PACRA to file the documents. However, they sent someone else to go and file. And from my knowledge, this agent acts on behalf of the people that have sent him. Therefore in as much as they did not go to file physically by themselves, I concluded they filed in the documents to utter the records at PACRA.”

The EEP Leader further said he had lodged the complaint against Kambwili because the records from PACRA that he was shown by the police, were different from what he had testified earlier in magistrate Simusamba’s court.

Mr. Tayali added that he was concerned because if anyone went to PACRA to get a print out of the records, they would be different from what he had testified earlier.

Mr. Kambwili has alleged that it was State House victimizing him through EPP leader Chilufya Tayali, adding that the EPP leader reported him to State House that he uttered documents at Patents and Companies Registration Agency (PACRA) in 2013.

Observe human rights, community police units prodded


Central Province Commissioner of Police, Chola Katanga has implored members of the Community Crime Prevention Units (CCPU) in the region to respect and observe human rights and avoid corruption in their operations.

Mr Katanga said CCPUs should instead stick to their prescribed roles of detecting crime in communities, apprehending suspects on behalf of police and handing them over for further action.

Officiating at a training of over 200 CCPU officers and some community and traditional leaders in Kapiri Mposhi district, Mr Katanga also warned CCPU officers to avoid corruption while policing their respective communities.

“You are not going to beat suspects when you apprehend them then you are not following human rights … yours is to handcuff them and hand them over to police to be dealt with accordingly,” Mr Katanga said.

And Mr Katanga has commended CCPUs for assisting the Police command in the Province in combating crime in communities.

Mr Katanga noted that CCPUs were an integral part of the police service policing especially in areas where there are inadequate numbers of police officers or no police presence.

“The CCPUs are doing police work on voluntary basis and sometimes using own resources and for this I must commend them because they have really bridged the gap in terms of combating crime in the Province,” Mr Katanga said.

Meanwhile, Kapiri Mposhi district CCPU chairperson, Adam Goma has appealed to the Central Province Police Command to provide CCPUs in the district with basic policing equipment.

Mr Goma said the Units lack basic policing equipment that include whistles and batons.

Mr. Goma commended Kapiri Mposhi Police Command for conducting the training for members of CCPUs in the district stating this will enhance their operations.

And Kapiri Mposhi District Police Community Services Directorate Coordinator, Faith Mbaza said the training was aimed at capacitating CCPU officers and community leaders on human rights and the effects of corruption in line with community policing and crime prevention.

Ms Mbaza disclosed that the command had been receiving reports of some CCPU officers beating suspects and soliciting for money when handling cases at community level.

“CCPU officers are not allowed to beat suspects or charge for providing their voluntary services so this workshop is crucial to address these issues,” Ms. Mbaza said.

Zambia admits its likely to default on interest payments


The Zambian Government has informed its creditors including Eurobond holders that it will not be able to meet its obligations if they do not agree to its proposed interest payment holiday on debt.

Government announced last month it was seeking about $120 million in deferrals from holders of its $3 billion in Eurobonds for six months, while it works on a debt-restructuring strategy.

In a statement, Secretary to the Treasury Fredson Yamba says all creditors have been asked for similar relief, after some non-commercial creditors agreed to a payment freeze under a G-20 plan.

Mr. Yamba explained that due to governments’ limited fiscal space, it will be unable to make payments and therefore, fail to forestall accumulating arrears.

He said the only foreign-currency debt that Zambia will continue to pay on time is to multilateral agencies and debt for a few priority projects that have an immediate economic and social impact.

Eurobond holders are due to meet on 20th October 2020 to vote on the proposal, and a group of holders already said they could not vote in favor without further assurances and transparency from the Zambian government.

Below is the full statement


Lusaka, 13 October 2020 – Following the presentation by the Minister of Finance Dr Bwalya Ng’andu, MP, to Creditors on September 29th 2020, the Government of Zambia and its advisers (Lazard Freres and White and Case) have received a number of questions from creditors asking for further clarification on the Republic’s debt strategy, notably in respect of how it intends to approach the servicing of its external debt in the current environment.

As explained in the Minister of Finance’s Presentation to the Creditors, Zambia is confronting considerable challenges and liquidity difficulties compounded by the impact of the COVID 19 pandemic that has led the Government to request the cooperation of all its creditors. In this regard, the Government is negotiating debt service suspension agreements under the G20 Debt Service Suspension Initiative (DSSI) with all its official creditors and has requested comparable treatment from commercial creditors.

In that connection, the Government has sought the consent of the holders of Zambia’s outstanding Eurobonds to a standstill on debt service for a period of six months until April 2021 while it finalises its Debt Sustainability Analysis (DSA) and seeks to put the country’s debt on a sustainable trajectory.

In view of the urgency of the current situation, the Government has determined to ask all its external creditors to agree to debt service suspension on the same terms. The only FX denominated debt that Zambia will continue to pay on a current basis is debt from multilateral agencies and debt for a few priority projects that have an immediate economic and social impact. More information about the perimeter of such priority projects will be provided separately. To be clear, such suspension will apply to all scheduled payments of principal and interest, including accumulated arrears, for a six-month period while it completes its DSA.

Should Zambia fail to reach an agreement with its commercial creditors (including holders of its Eurobonds) on the terms of the appropriate standstills, as previously stated, the Republic with its limited fiscal space will be unable to make payments and, therefore, fail to forestall accumulating arrears.

The debt service suspension period that the Government is requesting will allow us to work, with the assistance of our financial and legal advisors, and in cooperation with the IMF, and all our creditors including the Noteholders and their Ad-hoc committee, to design a sustainable and equitable debt management strategy. Our common objective will be to normalize our relationship with our valued financial partners as soon as circumstances allow and to orderly address Zambia’s debt challenges. We remain committed to ensuring equitable treatment of all our creditors and ensuring transparency in our engagements.

Should the Noteholders consent to the standstill, we will recognize interest accruing on deferred coupons in the restructuring process, at a rate to be determined in good faith with Noteholders.

The Government would like to take this opportunity to reiterate its strong desire and willingness to use this standstill to engage, with the assistance of its financial and legal advisors, in a collaborative and constructive dialogue with all its creditors to design a sustainable debt strategy in the weeks and months to come.

Issued by:
Fredson K. Yamba

Kafubu Water to spend US$5.4 million on Pre-Paid Meter Installation


Kafubu Water and Sanitation Company will spend 5.4 million United States dollars on prepaid meter installation in Ndola and Luanshya’s Districts.

Kafubu Water and Sewerage Company Public Relations Officer, Fales Mwanza said 30 thousand customers are targeted under the prepared meter installation project.

Mrs. Mwanza said ten thousand prepaid meters have already been installed in various parts of Ndola among them Itawa, Kansenshi, Kansenshi Correctional Facility among others.

She said the project is aimed at reducing non water revenue which the water utility firm has been facing in the two districts.

“We have so far managed to install ten thousand of prepaid water meters in Ndola under phase one. We are now in phase two where another 20 thousand meters will be installed in other parts of Ndola and Luanshya,” she said.

Mrs. Mwanza also disclosed that the project will further be extended to Masaiti and Mpongwe districts once the water utility company finishes laying water pipes in the two areas.

Mrs. Mwanza said the utility company is optimistic that once complete the project will have a significant reduction in water loss and subsequently increase revenue collection.

She has urged customers to jealously look after the meters that have come at a huge cost to the water utility company in trying to achieve a balanced situation between consumers and the company.

Mrs. Mwanza said this will also enable consumers to only pay for what they are consuming as well as allowing the water supplying company reduce on operational costs.

Phase one of the project commenced in November 2019 in Ndola’s Pamodzi Township and phase two has commenced this October 2020 and will be completed next year.

Lusaka Province anti-smuggling task force formed


Deputy Secretary to the Cabinet, Patrick Kangwa says Lusaka province has become a hot spot of maize and mealie meal smuggling following recent interception of the 23 trucks that attempted to smuggle the commodities.

Mr. Kangwa said this has prompted the government to form the Lusaka province and district maize and mealie-meal anti-smuggling task force that will enhance anti-smuggling activities by tackling the vice at the provincial and district level.

He said that the task force should ensure that the maize produced and stored within Lusaka province is secure by increasing measures that will stop smuggling of maize and mealie-meal.

The Deputy Secretary to the Cabinet was speaking during the launch of the Lusaka Province Maize and Mealie-Meal Anti-Smuggling Task Force.

He added that the objective of the task force is to safeguard the national food security by curbing illegal exports.

“As you are all aware, food security is key to national stability and development and should therefore be taken seriously,” Mr. Kangwa added.

He said that the curbing of smuggling of maize and mealie meal can be achieved by monitoring of international borders and mounting of checkpoints in strategic locations such as Kafue Bridge.

He noted that the regional deficit is a good opportunity for exports deficit adding that there is need to be strategic to ensure there is food security in the country.

“The challenge has, however, been that within the region some countries have been experiencing periodic food deficit putting pressure on our national food security, this has heightened levels of smuggling of maize and mealie-meal in the country,” he said.

And Lusaka Province Permanent Secretary Elias Kamanga said the formation of the provincial food security task force has come at the right time when the province is experiencing the surge in smuggling activities.

Mr. Kamanga said that the illegal entry and exit from the country has been reported along the porous border line with Mozambique and Zimbabwe in Luangwa district.

“The task force that we are launching today is mindful of the negative effects of smuggling on the economy, especially food smuggling” he noted.

He added that the smuggling of maize grain and mealie meal creates food shortages and the increase in mealie meal prices.

“We are also mindful that smuggling of any kind deprives the country of the much needed revenue for public investment,” Mr. Kamanga said.

He reiterated that the provincial task force will work tirelessly to promote formal international trade and stamp out illegal activities that undermine the efforts made by government to grow the economy and create employment

I don’t think I deserve that credit for putting PF into Power in 2011-Fred M’membe


Socialist Party presidential candidate for the 2021 elections, Fred M’membe, has dismissed assertions that he was instrumental in ushering the ruling Patriotic Front into the Government using his now-defunct Post Newspaper.

Speaking when he appeared on Hot FM radio’s Red Hot breakfast show on Tuesday to discuss numerous issues, Dr. M’membe said that he did not create PF and that it is over the top to give him credit for late President Micheal Sata’s victory in 2011 elections.

Dr. M’membe, who was Post Newspapers editor-in-chief and managing director for over two decades, refused credit for catapulting the PF into power in 2011.

“I did not create PF and it is an over credit to give me all the credit for Michael’s victory in 2011. I don’t think I deserve that credit,” Dr M’membe noted, when a caller told him that a monster (the PF) he helped to create has now turned against him.

“If I could put Michael into government in 2011, then it would be very easy to put the Socialist Party in government next year.”

Dr M’membe was, however quick to point out that n government is permanent when asked if there was wind of change in the country.

“Nothing is permanent in life – everything changes. Even our bodies are changing every second; the cells are replicating themselves. No government is permanent, no system is permanent,” Dr M’membe answered.

He said capitalism, like colonialism, would crumble.

“Humanity started living under primitive communalism where we were just hunters and gatherers. Then we came to the slave-owning society which lasted thousands of years, then we came to the feudal society and then we entered the capitalist society,” he explained.

“The capitalist society is not permanent; it’s just about 600 or 700 years old. It will go away and be replaced with another system. There was colonialism in this country and we never thought it would end. [But] it ended. There was the one-party state which was so powerful and we never thought it would end. [But] it ended. Nothing is permanent; everything is under motion. Everything is undergoing change.”

He told socially and economically distraught Zambians that: “It gets dark sometimes, but the morning comes. Don’t give up! Don’t despair. A better society is possible but we have to struggle for it. It won’t just come like manna. Good things don’t come easy, they don’t come by themselves,” Dr M’membe said.

“We have to work for them. Let’s work for a better society where children can have access to education, to health services, to food, and grow up in a dignified way.”

And Dr M’membe has observed that the Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) will breed problems if it does not build consensus on the electoral process and cautioned that without building sufficient consensus on what the ECZ was doing, “we’ll have problems”.

“Firstly, the way ECZ is composed; the people who are appointed to be the commissioners, the chairperson, the vice-chairperson, others of the ECZ are appointed by our competitors in elections. Our law is such that today the President appoints all those people single-handedly, without consulting other stakeholders,” he said.

“Yes, there is ratification in Parliament but that’s a Parliament they dominate as well, and they just need a simple majority to do that. The other stakeholders have no say in who the referees, the match commissioners are.”

Dr M’membe pointed out that it was for that reason that whatever ECZ officials try to do, “no matter how good it is,” was viewed with suspicion.

“The amount of work that they need to bring consensus and [to] bring acceptability, is much higher than they are doing right now. They are not approaching issues in a manner that will result in maximum consensus,” he noted.

“Without building that consensus, without adequate consensus over everything that they do… Some of the schemes they are coming up with are questionable. I don’t know how they will manage to register nine million people in 30 days. And what does the law say? It requires continuous voter registration. Every citizen who is 18 years should not be denied the chance to vote.”

He stressed that the ECZ would have many problems in 2021.

“The resources available to ECZ to conduct next year’s elections are limited. The government is broke! We don’t know if there will be donors to fund our elections next year,” said Dr M’membe.

“There will be challenges! We are used to expensive elections [but] next year money will not be available. It’s not easy to build consensus.”

Libya in $380m dispute with Zambia over Zamtel takeover


Libyan telecoms investor LAP GreenN is threatening to seize Zambia’s international assets because it says the government owes it US$380 million.

The debt dates back to Zambia’s nationalisation of Zamtel in 2012, a year after LAP GreenN bought the company from the previous administration for $257 million.

Faisel Gergab, Chairman of the Libyan Post Telecommunications and Information Technology Company, a holding company that manages Libya’s telecoms assets, said the company has found itself forced to assess other options to claim the debt it says Zambia owes.

In 2011 Zambian justice minister Sebastian Zulu said the sale to the Libyan investor was “a fraud”.

He said the previous administration acted with “extreme haste and did not follow normal tender procedures and renders the transaction illegal”.

But Zulu himself lost his government role shortly after.

Almost a decade later, Libya is still trying to recoup the money from Zambia – even though Zambia lost a case three years ago before the High Court in London.

Libya says it has patiently sought an amicable resolution to the dispute.

The Bloomberg news agency has quoted an email from Gergab saying LAP GreenN “will use all avenues or remedies available to it if the defaults continue”.

My Response to Sun FM’s off-putting and Sexist Questions to me


By Rehoboth Kafwabulula, Socialist Party Spokesperson and Member of the Central Committee

Over the weekend, Sun FM issued a statement on the interview I had on their program, “The Public Forum”. In that statement they told many half truths and drew several wrong conclusions.

We must never mistake tolerance for acceptance of the abnormal. Sun FM journalist, Mr Kausa Mbasela asked an off-putting and sexist question at the start of the interview. “Who are you sleeping with for you to get to this position.”

He asked this at the start of our conversation. In my response to him, I had hoped he realized that the question was completely off. The fact that he abandoned this line of questioning after my response was indication to me that he realized this.

My political history with the Socialist Party is on record for all to see. I joined the organization in 2016. In 2018, I became the General Secretary of the Socialist Youth League. In September, 2019, at our Party Congress, I became a member of the Central Committee of the Party. As of July 2020, I have been the National Spokesperson of the Socialist Party. So what is questionable about my age, my position and my abilities that one should suggest I got my way to the top either through nepotism or because I am sleeping with someone.

Any journalist worth their salt would have done their homework on a guest they invite to their studio. With this public record in mind, I don’t expect anyone to ask “Who are you related to in the Party or who did you sleep with for you to get this position”.

It was my hope that Mr Mbasela would realise, in my response to his question that it was completely unwarranted, disrespectful and showed a lack of research on his part, and consideration.

When he changed his line of questioning, it was an indication, to me, that he would pursue more pertinent issues as per the interview questions sent to me.
My comrades, some women and gender-based organizations, media agencies and many individual Zambians far and wide have expressed their disappointment and castigated Mr Mbasela and Sun FM for asking such an inappropriate question. I am grateful for all the support.

I decided to remain quiet on the matter because I was of the view that Mr Mbasela and Sun FM would realise self correct their action, on the basis of my response and the public outcry that followed. Silence does not mean acceptance.

I am outraged that Sun FM would attempt to justify their behavior by insinuating that I condoned it.

The questions they sent did not contain any question asking “who did you sleep with to get to where you are”.

It is my hope that Sun FM will stop using my name to peddle a sad attempt at justification.

I’m grateful for all the support the Party has received in response to this sad turn of events.

BIO-medical technologist arrested over fake COVID-19 certificates


The Anti-Corruption Commission(ACC) has arrested a Bio-medical technologist at the Levy Mwanawasa University Teaching Hospital (LMUTH) for corrupt practices involving suspected fake COVID-19 clearance certificates.

ACC Public Relations Manager Timoth Moono said Kingsley Kakoma, 35, of plot No. 11129 off Kasangula road in Garden compound, has been charged with one count of corrupt practices contrary to Section 19 (1) of the Anti-Corruption Act No. 3 of 2012.

In the statement to ZANIS in Lusaka yesterday, Mr Moono stated that the arrest is in relation to the illegal issuance of Travelers’ Medical Certification for COVID-19, contrary to the Statutory Instruments No. 21 and No. 22 under the Public Health Act.

He pointed out that Kakoma was arrested by the Commission following a tip-off from the public.

Mr Moono further explained that the accused was found to be in possession of K2, 250 cash, and five blank COVID-19 clearance medical certificates which were pre-signed, marked negative, and bore a stamp for the Zambia Institute of Public Health.

He was also in possession of 86 preservation solution tubes, 50 sample collection swabs, among other items.

“Kakoma was arrested by the Commission following a tip-off from the public. He was found to be in possession of K2, 250 cash, and five blank COVID-19 clearance medical certificates which were pre-signed, marked negative, and bore a stamp for the Zambia Institute of Public Health. He was also in possession of 86 preservation solution tubes, 50 sample collection swabs, among other items,” the statement read in part.

He indicated that Kakoma who has since been released on bond was arrested after soliciting for, and actually receiving K800 from a student who was scheduled to travel abroad for studies.

Zambia Association for child and youth to remove kids from the streets


The Zambia Association for child and youth care workers (ZACYCW) has come up with a new strategy to help remove more kids from the streets.

ZACYCW National Board chairman Pastor Charles Mwaambo told ZANIS in an interview yesterday that the association has come up with new ways of removing the children from the streets.

Pastor Mwaambo said the association has formed community child protection groups that will monitor and educate street kids on the dangers of being on the street.

“These groups will monitor the children who are fond of being on the streets and educate them on the dangers,” he said.

He added that different stakeholders have been engaged to help remove the children from the streets which include the church and the community at large.

“The church is also on board, these children come from communities where churches are found hence the same churches will step in and help remove them from the streets,” he said.

Pastor Mwaambo who is also Ndola child protection committee chairperson said the association is working closely with government to mobilize the street children for safe keeping.

Pastor Mwaambo added that it is hard to completely remove children from the streets but with hard work the number can reduce.

“It is so hard to remove these children from the streets, every time you go to check new ones will be found, ” he said.

He said most children opt to be on the streets due the high poverty levels in the communities which in turn exposes them to dangerous vices.

Pastor Mwaambo said this is the reason some stakeholders working with the committee in Ndola have started contributing food staffs to the children to stop them from going back to the streets.

He said that those with families are being taken back to their homes and are provided with all the basic needs as a way of restraining them from going back on the street to look for food.

Fashion Awed by October Chipolopolo Camp


Chipolopolo striker Fashion Sakala has described the three-friendly series October camp under new coach Milutin ‘Micho’ Sredojevic as an awesome experience.

Micho official met his foreign-based players for the first time over the last one week since his appointment in February that was delayed due to the eight-month international match lockdown.

Chipolopolo won two and lost one match during the camp and friendly tour starting with the home-based players beating Malawi in the first friendly 1-0 on October 7 in Lusaka.

Sakala and the seven other foreign-based players later saw action in the two away matches starting with Kenya where Zambia lost 2-1 in Nairobi on October 9 and against South Africa whom they beat 2-1 in Rustenburg on October 11.

“It has been nice to work with these guys and nice seeing the locals putting in effort. It will be a great team working together with all the foreign based players,” Fashion said.

“If we continue like this, we will have 90 percent of becoming a better team and looking at what we are doing now, tactically we are getting better and togetherness in the team.”

Chipolopolo now turn their attention to November in a Group H qualifier doubleheader against Botswana when they battle to salvage their 2021 AFCON hopes after two successive defeats left them bottom of the pool on zero points after two games played.

“I think we have a chance to beat Botswana in the two games. As a player, I have a duty to defend the pride of my country and I am always looking forward to win and not to lose,” Fashion said.

“We lost to Kenya but it was not something that I was frustrated about. I have to appreciate what the team did and all the effort. Some of these games become lessons and then you wake up and concentrate. We have done it and won against South Africa.”

Fashion went on to say that the team felt very motivated by coach Micho’s philosophy.

“Personally I have a very good relationship with him, we always talk, and I had never met him before I came here but we always spoke on the phone. He used to call me weekly and tell me about the tactics and how he wants me to play which is very good and perfect for me,” Fashion said.

“When I came here I knew what I am supposed to do, that was very good. He is a very good man and will change Zambian football.”

President Lungu will bounce back into office Next Year -Defence Minister tells Parliament


Defence Minister Hon Davies Chama has said that President Edgar Lungu will bounce back into office next year because he possesses resilient and innovative leadership skills.

Hon. Chama said that the President, who is also Commander in Chief of Armed Forces, is transforming Zambia from greatness to greatness, adding that PF Government, since 2011 has been committed to transforming Zambia to lay a foundation for better things to come.

The Defence Minister was speaking in Parliament today during the resumption of debate of the 2021 National Budget in the Fifth Session of the Twelfth Assembly.

Hon. Chama said that it is wishful thinking for the opposition to state that this is the last budget for PF because, in September 2021, the PF government will present another budget.

Hon. Chama said that Zambia is bigger than some countries yet it has developed from Livingstone to Nakonde when other countries only develop in capital cities, adding that the PF Government considers improved roads as vital for the transformation of the country and called on Zambians to individually get involved in the production capacity of the country.

And Foreign Affairs Minister Hon Joseph Malanji has said that it is sad that some politicians are determined to sell Indeni Oil Refinery in Ndola in the unlikely event that they formed government.

Hon. Malanji said that the Patriotic Front (PF) Government is aware that population growth creates demand for more infrastructure.

The Foreign Affairs Minister was speaking in Parliament today during the resumption of debate of the 2021 National Budget in the Twelfth Assembly.

He says the power deficit in Zambia is partly because of limited infrastructure developed in the Kenneth Kaunda era for a sizeable population and that government is responding to the need by investing in infrastructure expansion.

Hon. Malanji says Zambia has recorded unprecedented challenges such as drought and the Coronavirus pandemic which the opposition deliberately want to blame on Government.

He says the 2021 National Budget of no tax threshold for K4,000 earning will see more resources in people’s pockets.

Hon. Malanji says Government is working with a smaller budget in a pragmatic approach to achieving more.

Zambia is focused on controlling African migratory locusts-Minister of Agriculture


Minister of Agriculture, Michael Katambo says government remains committed towards controlling the outbreak of the African migratory locusts in the country.

Mr Katambo said government’s emergency response and efforts will remain focused on controlling the outbreak within the three provinces namely Western, Central and Southern which originally reported the outbreak of the locusts.

He said a total of 10,397 hectares have so far been sprayed by both the fixed wing aircraft and helicopter adding that there are no new reports indicating the presence of the locusts in other parts of the country.

Mr Katambo was speaking in Lusaka today during an update on the status of the African migratory locusts outbreak in Zambia.

Mr Katambo said government has stationed teams of officers in the hot spots of Western, Central, and Southern Provinces to prevent the locusts from moving to other areas.

“Government has so far procured the services of a fixed wing aircraft from within the country and K10 million was allocated to procure chemicals and we commenced the aerial spraying,” he said.

Mr Katambo said the Zambia Air force (ZAF) and the International Red Locusts Control Organization for Central and Southern Africa (IRLC-CSA) have also provided helicopters to support the operation.

He noted that the threat of the African migratory locusts is a trans boundary issue and therefore requires other countries in the region to join in the emergency response.

“We have engaged the relevant authorities in Namibia who have confirmed that they have commenced the spraying on their side of the boarder. We also intend to call a meeting with the Namibian authorities to coordinate our control efforts,” he noted.

Mr Katambo noted that there are teams on the ground that are conducting surveillance and mapping to provide coordination for the aerial spraying exercise.

“The Ministry is satisfied that there is adequate aerial spraying vessels to conduct operations and the fixed wing aircrafts is currently awaiting for the compilation of surveillance and mapping exercise that is being undertaken on the ground,” he stated.

Mr Katambo observed that the locust population can be significantly be controlled with adequate spraying adding that the chemicals being sprayed in the affected areas are effective, as there is an indication of reduced locusts between 85 to 95 percent in areas that have been sprayed.

He further said the surveillance and mapping exercise is on-going and the ministry will ensure the teams on the ground are provided with adequate support to undertake the exercise.

“We are confident that we will be able to contain the African migratory locusts, as it is in the best interest of farmers and the nation’s food security that this outbreak is controlled,” he assured.

Agriculture Minister, Micheal Katambo updates the media on the status of the African migratory locusts outbreak in Zambia
Agriculture Minister, Micheal Katambo updates the media on the status of the African migratory locusts outbreak in Zambia

Another Mealie Meal and Maize Smuggling Operation headed for DRC busted


A combined team of Zambia National Service (ZNS) and Zambia Revenue Authority (ZRA) officers in North-Western province has seized over 10 thousand by 25 kilograms (kg) bags of mealie meal and about five thousand by 50kg bags of maize suspected to be destined for Democratic of Congo through Kipushi border in Mushindamo district.

This come to light after ZNS conducted an operation following a tip off from community members that a lot of maize is being smuggled into Congo DR using undesignated routes and local’s people’s homes have turned into warehouses.

Speaking to journalists during an inspection of the area in Chief Musaka chiefdom, North-Western ZNS Commanding Officer, Colonel Mabvuto Banda said the situation at the border was bad and this prompted the command to conduct an anti-maize smuggling operation to control the illegal exports of maize and mealie meal from the border post.

“We received a tip-off from well-wishers that the situation in Mushindamo is not good in that people have turned their houses into warehouses for mealie meal and maize. There were more than 100 trucks parked in this area offloading mealie meal and maize into people’s homes,” Colonel Banda said.

He added that Musaka residents have surrendered their homes and given them to smugglers to stock their merchandise at a cost of K1 per bag while they spend nights in the cold.

“We have established that the locals in Musaka area are renting out their houses to traders to store mealie meal and maize which is later transported in smaller quantities into DRC using bicycles and motorcycles through bush paths at night”, he said.

Colonel Banda added that the service will continue to guard against smuggling of mealie meal and maize in order to retain and maintain food security in the country.

He explained that ZNS has intensified patrols around the Kipushi border area in Musaka chiefdom to ensure no mealie meal or maize is smuggled out of the country by some unscrupulous traders.

“As ZNS we are not going to sleep until we return all the grain into the country”, he said.

Col Banda said all the seized maize will be surrendered to the Food Reserve Agency (FRA) while the mealie meal has been handed over to ZRA.

He has appealed to the local people to stop protecting traders engaged in the smuggling of mealie meal and maize out of the country by not allowing them to use their houses as storage facilities.

The commanding officer has also warned traders involved in smuggling that they will face the full wrath of the law.

Meanwhile, ZRA Solwezi Customs Station Manager Martin Banda has described the situation in Musaka area as unfortunate.

“This is so unfortunate because you can imagine if all this maize and mealie meal is exported into Congo illegally then how much are we going to be left with as a country to maintain our food stability,” he questioned.

He said ZRA will issue seizure notices to the owners of the maize and mealie meal including the vessels and they will be given 15 days in which to appeal the decision if they feel aggrieved.

And Chief Musaka has appealed to government not to seize the maize and mealie meal but give the affected traders an opportunity to sell their merchandise to food FRA.

Chief Musaka said the local people are highly affected because the area has no satellite depot where they can take their maize.

“The problem that we have here is that we do not have an FRA depot in the area, hence our people take maize to Congo which is the nearest market”, he said.

His royal highness said he does not want to see people suffering and food going to waste, hence the government should find a way to curb smuggling and also provide a market for the local people to sell their maize.

Police in Nakonde discover logs of Mukula off-loaded by Unknown Persons


Police in Muchinga Province has warned individuals involved in illegal deals of Mukuka that the law will take its course once they are caught.

Muchinga Province Police Commissioner Joel Njase sounded the warning following the discovery of some logs of Mukula in Nakonde District.

Engineer Njase told the Zambia News and Information Services (ZANIS ) today that Police in Nakonde discovered logs of Mukula which were off-loaded by unknown persons.

He said it is alleged that the logs of Mukula were offloaded in the night of Thursday last week on October 8, 2020.

The Commissioner explained that information so far gathered indicates that, the same logs were loaded along the great north road on a stretch between Musanya and Isoka.

He said these natural resources must benefit the local communities and the entire nation adding that a careful balance of their extraction is critical for the sustainability of the environment.

Eng Njase further urged officers to ensure that there is no compromise when it comes to enforcement of the law whenever the need arises.

“In light of the aforesaid as Chief of Police in the province I want to warn those involved in such illegal activities that they will answer according to the law once caught,” Eng Njase charged.