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I’ll uphold the Operational Independence of the Bank of Zambia in line with the law-Mvunga


Reuters reports that Zambia’s New Central Bank Governor Christopher Mvunga said on Tuesday that he will uphold the operational independence of the Bank of Zambia in line with the law.

Zambian President Edgar Lungu summarily dismissed central bank governor Denny Kalyalya on Aug. 22 and replaced him with Mvunga, a former deputy finance minister.

The unexplained removal of the respected Bank of Zambia governor was controversial locally and globally, with critics saying it undermined the independence of the central bank.
The International Monetary Fund responded to the decision in August by saying that developing countries had enjoyed prosperity in recent years partly as a result of increased central bank independence.

“I would like to assure all stakeholders that the operational independence of the central bank will be retained,” Mvunga told media after he was sworn in.

“It will be in line with the relevant legislation such as the Bank of Zambia Act and also in line with the international best practice,” Mvunga added.

In a statement after the swearing in, Lungu urged Mvunga to work closely with the Finance ministry to stabilise the economy.

Lungu said there was need to stabilise the local currency and find more efficient ways of financing the purchase of farm inputs for small-scale farmers and managing oil procurement.

“The current efforts to address debt sustainability and reduce the country’s debt need to be sustained and a successful outcome achieved,” Lungu said.

Kalyalya, previously a World Bank executive director, was appointed in February 2015 and his contract was extended for five years in 2018.

Seen by political analysts as an ally and close friend of Lungu, Mvunga was most recently deputy secretary to the cabinet in the finance and economic development unit.
He was a senior auditor at Deloitte between 1988 and 1993 before working in the banking sector.

new Bank of Zambia Governor Mr Christopher Mphanza Mvunga with President Lungu at the Swearing in Ceremony together with VIce President Inonge Wina
new Bank of Zambia Governor Mr Christopher Mphanza Mvunga with President Lungu at the Swearing in Ceremony together with VIce President Inonge Wina

Zambia is in deep crisis due to reckless borrowing by the PF government


The Socialist Party (SP) says the country is in deep crisis due to reckless borrowing by the government, which requires about 119 percent of the countries income to repay the debt in 2021.

Speaking on 5FM’s burning issue radio programme party, General Treasurer Dr Chris Mwikisa expressed concern that the country’s debt situation would compromise social sector service delivery.

“If you pay all your debt, how are you going to manage your social sector requirements? How are you going to meet your health requirements? You must buy the medicine, you must buy the equipment that you require, you must buy all that is required for hospitals, if you are paying all your money, how are you going to meet your education requirements, it means that you are drying up, you are not able to meet your requirements,” said Dr Mwikisa.

Dr Mwikisa charged that the country is not utilizing the resources that it has borrowed effectively and prudently.

And Dr Mwikisa said the 2021 National Budget failed to address people’s expectations.

“If you look at the allocations of some of the key sectors, let’s take the social sectors, the allocations have declined over time, how are they going to resuscitate the economy,” he said.

He noted that once the Socialist Party forms government it would address the question of debt that had caused so much distress and anxiety in the country.
Dr Mwikisa said once in power, the SP would renegotiate the loan repayments and ensure that the working class were not further as they were already the most affected by the current government’s poor decisions and inconsistent policies.

He added that the country needed to reduce on unnecessary costs such as international meetings where the country government diplomatic representation.
Dr Mwikisa outlined areas such as procurement of expensive automobiles for government officials as being wasteful.

He said the government needed to raise revenue from the mines by introducing policies that would bolster efficiency and productivity.

Cost of Living Remains High as the Nation looks to the 2021 Budget


On Friday September 25, 2020, the Minister of Finance presented the 2021 National Budget to Parliament dubbed “Stimulate Economic Recovery and Build Resilience to Safeguard Livelihoods and Protect the Vulnerable”. The JCTR acknowledges the timeliness of this theme given the challenging context in which the Budget is unveiled. With the onset of a global pandemic, Zambia’s economic performance worsened thereby compromising livelihoods particularly for the most vulnerable. Undoubtedly, while Zambia’s poverty reduction efforts have not yielded considerable results especially for the rural population, COVID-19 has pushed many more individuals into a poverty trap.

The JCTR’s BNNB for the month of September 2020 stood at K7, 071.37, a reduction of K106.85 compared to K7, 178.22 recorded in August. The slight reduction is mainly due to reductions in the prices of some food items such as vegetables which reduced from K493.39 to K413.96 for 40kg. The price of Kapenta reduced from K301.21 to K231.62 per kilogramme. The cost of tomatoes reduced from K62.19 in August to K51.26 per 6kg while the price of onion reduced from K51.42 to K41.10 per 4kg. The cost of rice reduced from K99.99 to K90.48 per 4kg representing a reduction of K9.51. Other notable reductions were in cassava flour, sweet and Irish potatoes, eggs, including prices of non-food but essential items such as bath soap and Vaseline. The reduction in some food items can be attributed to the harvest season for items such as vegetables, potatoes, cassava flour, pounded groundnuts, onion and tomatoes.

However there were notable increases in the prices of food items such as bananas which went up from KK142.17 to K181.66 per 16kg. Other fruits also saw an increase from K244.33 to K261.19. Other slight increases were on food items such as mealie meal, cooking oil, salt and tea. Notable slight increases on non-food items were also observed such as lotion which increased from K16.77 to K25.43. Other increases were on toilet paper, sanitary towels, charcoal and wash soap.

The JCTR therefore appreciates various efforts particularly in the 2021 Budget targeted towards improving the livelihoods of the wider populace. The Centre notes the increased allocation to social protection in the 2021 Budget and the revision of the tax exemption threshold for Pay-As-You-Earn from K3, 300 to K4, 000. The JCTR however cautions that the reality of living a dignified life is still far from attainable given the high cost of living whose cost level is significantly above household average incomes. The Centre is also cautious that Zambia’s debt is compounding government’s fiscal space to effectively respond to providing the much needed sustainability towards improved livelihoods beyond 2020. The Nations external public debt stock has increased to US$11.97 billion as at end-June 2020 from US$11.48 billion at the close of 2019. The budgeted external debt obligations for 2021 have been estimated at K27.7 billion. Additionally, 44.9% of the budget will be financed through borrowing both from domestic and external sources.

Overall, the suggested interventions to stimulate economic recovery and build resilience to safeguard livelihoods and protect the vulnerable are somewhat contradictory as far as addressing key macro-economic issues. The scenario of a widening fiscal deficit, inflation that has been on the rise in recent times, Kwacha depreciating by over 41% as at September 2020, constrained domestic resource mobilisation and indeed the weakened stimulation of the domestic economy presents a gloomy picture. More so, the promises of increased energy generation have not yielded significant reduction in load shedding. High fuel costs and grave hours of load shedding have continued to disrupt businesses and impact negatively on costs and levels of production and consequently economic growth.

The JCTR therefore calls on the Government to urgently provide a clear road map outlining the wide range of policy proposals that will be used to reduce inflation to the desired target of 6-8%. We urge Government to ensure the realisation of increased energy generation beyond mere promises. The JCTR further reiterates the need for rapid interventions that speak towards the agenda of decent employment creation in line with Seventh National Development Plan aspirations.

For further clarifications contact the Social and Economic Development (SED) Programme at the Jesuit Centre for Theological Reflection (JCTR) on 0955295881 and 0977883129. Email: [email protected] and [email protected]. Martin Mwamba Road, Plot 3813 Martin Mwamba Road, Olympia Park – Lusaka. P. O. Box 37774 Lusaka – Zambia

Zambia Police Denies UPND and NDC Permit to hold a Protest against ECZ


Police in Lusaka have denied the opposition UPND and NDC a go ahead to have a youth rally in Lusaka at the Freedom Statue this weekend.

The youths from the two parties had written to Lusaka Province Police Commissioner notifying his office on their intention to hold a youth rally to protest against the Electoral Commission of Zambia.

But in his response dated 6th October 2020, Officer Commanding for Lusaka Urban a Mr Kaaza said the rally could not proceed because there is no manpower to police the event as officers will be engaged in other duties.

He said proceeding with the event will pose a security risk.

While President Lungu Courts Privatization, Let Him Come Clean On The Issue of Alleged Terrorism Financing


By: Anthony Bwalya – UPND Member.

President Edgar Lungu is busy persecuting his political opponents in Zambia on flimsy, trumped-up charges, ranging from treason, aggravated robbery (in the case of Mucheleka and others), and now abusing state power to institute a Commission of Inquiry into the Privatization Process from nearly 30 years ago.

President Lungu was an active participant in this process. I want to imagine that he understood the process then, and still understands the historical perspective of the process. The only thing that has changed now is that Mr. Lungu is now trying to leverage this historical process against his political opponents.

President Lungu has bigger problems to worry about, problems that will not just go away given that the issues are aggressively being tried in a Rwandan court.

President Lungu’s mention in the alleged financing of an armed terrorist group in Rwanda should be of grave concern to all sober-minded citizens. Of course, we are NOT implying that he is guilty, but merely raising questions about the caliber of his judgment.

Here are some basic facts and publicly available:

The testimony by Major Callixte Nsabimana also known as “Sankara” alleges the following:

– President Edgar Lungu gave Paul Rusesabagina $150,000 out of a total pledge of $1m towards the end of 2017. He further offered the rebels the ability to operate freely in Zambia.

– The president allegedly sympathized with Rusesabagina for the treatment he had to endure under the Paul Kagame regime. Rusesabagina had great respect for the president due to the help/support he had offered fleeing Rwandan businessmen.

– In early 2019, Nsengiyumva Appolinaire met with the President to discuss further support for overthrowing the Kagame regime.

We, therefore, have FIVE key players in this saga:

  1. President Edgar Lungu – the only Zambian Citizen alleged to be involved
  2. Major Callixte Nsabimana also known as “Sankara” – FLN leader, has already pleaded guilty to charges laid against him for attacks in Rwanda.
  3. Paul Rusesabagina – Another alleged FLN leader last known to be based out of Belgium with a trucking business in ZAMBIA setup in the late 90’s after fleeing Rwanda.
  4. Nsengiyumva Appolinaire – A Rwandan living in ZAMBIA operating an SME.
  5. Kayumba Nyamwasa – former Rwandan military chief, arch enemy of Paul Kagame, exiled in South Africa and accused of Terrorism in Rwanda. Despite an arrest warrant, brags about being able to visit Zambia often and has allegedly been seen visiting Zambia often lately.

MAY 2019

As part of the trial in May 2019, Sankara alleged the involvement of high ranking intelligence officials in UGANDA and BURUNDI. Meanwhile, the RWANDAN PROSECUTION alleged funding for this rebel group came from Rwandan refugees living in countries including ZAMBIA. Recruitment was also alleged to be happening in ZAMBIA.

Therefore, the initial allegations of terrorism financing and recruitment happening on ZAMBIAN soil came from the Rwandan prosecution, and by implication, the Rwandan authorities. The Zambian authorities did not/ have not respond to these allegations.

Around the same time, the Zambian Financial Intelligence Centre lays bare a case of terrorism financing that occurred in 2018, with funds flowing from Zambia to a state where terrorism activities are prevalent. The known individuals involved were linked to terrorism groups in that state. The case was transferred to “competent” authorities for further investigation.

DECEMBER 2019 to MAY 2020

In a complex web of transactions, ZCCM forms a joint venture with little known Sudanese investors (Karma Mining) for ZCCM to obtain a minority stake in a gold processing venture. In a transaction that appears to have failed basic due diligence measures, particularly due to Sudan being a known state sponsor of terrorism, as well as appearing of the sanctions list of the USA, UN, EU, and UK. The sequence of events behind this transaction implies political connotations and appears to have been forced onto ZCCM by the political elite.

A further venture was agreed into with Array Metals, who have exploration rights to $400m worth of Gold in Mumbwa. The players behind this group are Ugandans with no previously known gold mining experience. These Ugandans have suspected links to the political elite in Zambia and in Uganda, and officials are known to have business dealings with a UN-sanctioned General from South Sudan.

The above two transactions, which leave the Zambian people with minimal benefits, coincidentally appear to be linked through the players and nations involved.

JULY 2020

As part of Sankara’s sworn testimony in court, startling new allegations are made, as summarised above.

The PF Government in a series of confused responses initially denies the claims without responding directly as to why the allegations cannot be true.

They then secretly (but exposed by eagle-eyed citizens) send Joe Malanji as an envoy of the President to meet with Rwandan authorities. He returns and issues another uncoordinated and non-sensical statement saying that the Rwandans are equally surprised by the allegations, that they are not credible, and that Sankara had never traveled to Zambia. Bilateral relations remain intact.


  1. Sankara has never claimed to have traveled to Zambia. He said the people who met President Lungu were Rusesabagina and Appolinaire. These two individuals have irrefutable links to ZAMBIA. In fact, the latter, until recently, is known to have been appointed to the procurement committee of the IDC by President Lungu.
  2. The Rwandan prosecutors themselves alleged the involvement of players on Zambian soil.
  3. Would the Rwandan Government be prejudicial and ignore the court case and allegations to clear Zambia of any involvement before the trial is concluded and judgment is delivered?
  4. What incentive would Sankara have to dream about the president’s involvement? How would Sankara even dream about individuals like Appolinaire being in Zambia?
  5. Rwandan and Ugandan relations are strained. Zambian relations with Uganda are strong, and politically connected individuals between the two countries are involved in Zambian Gold. Is there a connection or is this a coincidence?
  6. The PF regime indicated that Zambia was sending investigators to Rwanda to get further insights into the case. Was this ever done? If so, what were the results?
  7. It is also important to note that Kayumba Nyamwasa, former Rwandan military chief, arch-enemy of Paul Kagame, has been allegedly allowed free movement into Zambia despite an arrest warrant. This has been noted by the Rwandan authorities as well and requires an explanation.


The challenge the people of Zambia have with the current government and leadership is a matter of trust.

Even if the president is innocent in this, how can we be confident that one of his many friends and associates has not used the name of the president to commit crimes?

We have heard this over and over again from the PF. This is the reason why it is important that the president ensures he surrounds himself with people of good reputation and standing in society.

Why is it that the word “terrorism” keeps popping up in Zambia? First, it was the FIC report, then ZCCM Gold Scandal with links to Sudan, a country sanctioned for state sponsored terrorism, as well as Uganda, a country mentioned as part of this plot and now sponsoring of terrorism in Rwanda.


We propose the following:

  1. Can the government sue the accuser in the courts of law?
  2. There is a clear CONFLICT OF INTEREST. The President through his Minister cannot lead investigations into himself for these allegations.

Therefore, we propose that a cross-member panel/committee be set up in Parliament to lead the investigations. Parliament shall then hold the Government to account should any of the allegations be proven. Failure to allow an independent parliamentary committee to investigate will raise red flags and create mistrust.

The people of Zambia deserve answers and we demand answers now!

Rural Mushindamo District commissions first ever cervical cancer screening


Government says it is unacceptable for the country to continue recording cervical cancer deaths among women when the disease is completely treatable and preventable.

North Western Province Deputy Permanent Secretary, Emmanuel Chihili said, government with its partners has put up interventions to reduce incidence rate for cervical cancer through vaccination against the human papilloma virus (HPV) for girls between 14 and 15 years.

He noted that cervical cancer has an incidence rate of 58 per 100,000 women and mortality rate of 36.2 per 100,000 women.

Mr Chihili was speaking in Mushindamo yesterday during the launch of the cervical cancer screening equipment and an incinerator.

Mr Chihili expressed happiness that the district which was only a screening outreach site for Solwezi general hospital will henceforth be conducting screening with its equipment that has been donated by JSI-SAFE.

“Mushindamo district was only a screening outreach site for Solwezi general hospital from June 11 2019 until July 21, 2020 when cervical cancer screening equipment was donated to St. Dorothy rural health center by a cooperating partner called JSI-SAFE,” he said.

Among the items donated include a desktop monitor, four laptops, four cameras and other accessories all valued at about K157 thousand.

Mr Chihili also indicated that since the installation of equipment a total of 718 women have been screened for cervical cancer with one positive case.

He has since appealed for expansion of cervical cancer screening centers as the rural health center at St Dorothy was not enough to canter for the growing number of women.

“Mushindamo district has a total of over 17,600 women of child bearing age who are potentially expected to be accessing cervical cancer screening regularly “, he said.

Four sets of cervical cancer screening donated will be stationed at Mapunga and Mushindamo rural health center.

Mr Chihili was hopeful that the current intervention will increase the number of women going for screening and treatment of cervical cancer.

Mr Chihili also commissioned the incinerator that was constructed by Ministry of Health at St. Dorothy.

He said the incinerator is an important component at a health facility as it is used to dispose medical or clinical waste safely.

“The waste can be infectious and dangerous and therefore, should be disposed of safely without causing harm in line with infection prevention and control measures.

The construction of an incinerator is valued at about K95 thousand.

Meanwhile, Mushindamo District Health Director, Edgar Mutimushi has commended government and its cooperating partners for coming to the aid of the health department in the district.

Dr Mutimushi said the equipment comes at a time when there is massive cervical cancer sensitization which has seen many women turn up for the screening at St. Dorothy rural health facility.

“We are delighted and grateful for the cervical cancer screening equipment we have received and also for the incinerator which will help us dispose of clinical waste in a more safe environment”, he said.

And Headman Kazembe of Senior Chief Kalilele’s chiefdom has commended government for considering women among beneficiaries of various developmental programmes.

Headman Kazembe said it is evident that government is working and cares for its people as it can be seen in Mushindamo district where government has also promised to construct mini hospitals for the locals.

He said the donated screening equipment will enable more women access such health services and reduce on transportation costs they incurred when accessing such services from Solwezi and Kasempa.

” Way back, our women who needed to be screened for cervical cancer were referred either to Solwezi general or Mukinge mission hospital in Kasempa, but we are happy that they will not need to leave the district for such services “, he said.

Plans underway to connect refugee settlements


The Zambian government has completed feasibility study and cost analysis for connecting the three refugee settlements to the national electricity grid.

The settlements include Mantapala in Luapula province, Meheba in North-western and Mayukwayukwa in Western Province.

ZANIS reports that Minister of Home Affairs Stephen Kampyongo has told the 71st Session of the Executive Committee of the High Commissioner’s Programme (EXCOM), in Geneva, Switzerland that his government has done the assessment for connecting the refugee settlements to the national electricity grid.

“In order to fulfil the pledges we made during the global refugee forum, Zambia has completed a feasibility study and cost analysis for connecting the three (3) refugee settlements to the national electricity grid,” Mr Kampyongo said.

The Minister disclosed that the government through the Rural Electrification Authority (REA) will contribute US$ 2 million to the electrification of refugee settlements and requires a contribution of US$1.5 million from cooperating partners to fully implement the project.

Refugees, former refugees and the host communities in the settlements in Zambia have lived for decades without electricity, a situation which has hampered their productivity.

High Commissioner, Fillipo Grandi, last year visited one of the settlements in northern Zambia, namely Mantapala which hosts Congolese refugees and assured that the UN Refugee Agency will find a way of electrifying the refugee settlement to brighten the lives of refugees and their hosts.

Mr Grandi said his visit had given him an insight of the challenges refugees face in Zambia, one of them being the lack of electricity which he said required urgent attention.

And Mr Kampyongo has also called on all international partners to assist Zambia in strengthening service delivery in health, water, sanitation, education and protection to the refugee population in the three settlements in view of the growing numbers that have continued to put pressure on the country’s already strained service delivery systems.

“Chairperson, the world is witnessing extraordinary times, facing challenges such as financial crisis, climate change, and changing technologies and now the global health pandemic. It is in such times that countries tend to allocate resources to their own citizens and leave out vulnerable people, such as refugees that are being hosted within their territories “he said.

“It is, therefore, important to remember that even in times of crisis, our international responsibility to ensure refugee protection remains an unequivocal binding obligation. It’s at this time that our humanity is truly tested,” the Minister added.

He further disclosed that due to the health crisis, the Zambian government and its partners has lagged behind in implementing refugee programmes, and has in some instances have had to cancel or suspend some programmes.

He re-affirmed Zambia’s full commitment to completing the local integration of Angolan and Rwandan refugees.

He informed the meeting that the government, with the support of the UNHCR, has completed a pilot project to issue 150 residence permits to former Angolan refugees and will issue an additional 2,000 permits by the end this year.

The Minister of Home Affairs said this in a country statement presented to the 71st Session of the EXCOM on his behalf by Zambia’s Ambassador to Switzerland and Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Martha Mwitumwa.

The EXCOM which opened yesterday, October 5, 2020 will run up to October 9, 2020 with delegates outside Switzerland participating remotely via online platforms.

Government to issue a comprehensive statement in Parliament in KCM liquidation process


The Government has said that it will issue a comprehensive statement in Parliament regarding the liquidation of Konkola Copper Mines (KCM) after the court process.

Mines and Minerals Development Minister Hon. Richard Musukwa said that the next step will be dependent on the outcome of the court process.

Hon. Musukwa said that the current liquidator is working within the law adding that he is managing the affairs well by paying old and new debtors.

Hon. Musukwa said that Government has a strong case against Vedanta and will consider all legal options and that President Edgar Chagwa Lungu’s priority is to safeguard the plight of workers.

Hon. Musukwa also said that there are many investors that are interested in running the mine as soon as the due process of law is completed. adding that the action taken by Government was the only option at that time as it was in the best interest of the people of the Republic of Zambia in response to Nchanga MP Hon. Chilombo Chali during the Fifth Session of the Twelfth Assembly- Questions for Oral Answer Session Standing Order 30.

Hon. Chali wanted to know what the status of the liquidation process of KCM was, as of July, 2020, whether there is any arbitration process between Vedanta Resources and ZCCM-IH going on in South AFRICA and if so, what effect, if any, the outcome of the arbitration will have on the liquidation process in the Zambian courts of law.

And when the liquidation process is expected to be concluded

Chilanga Town Council ordered to demolish all structures that have been built on water installations


MINISTER of Water, Sanitation and Environmental Protection Hon Jonas Chanda has urged the Chilanga Town Council to demolish all structures that have been built on water installations in the district.

Speaking when he toured Chilanga to Assess the water supply situation in the district, Hon Chanda expressed displeasure with the rate at which some unscrupulous people have encroached on the Kafue Bulk water supply projects.

“I am urging you ba Chilanga town council and all other authorities that are relevant in this matter of dealing with encroachment on water installations to quickly convene and device a plan on how you are going to bring sanity here with regards to people people putting up structures in areas they are not supposed to”Hon Chanda said.

He said that water installations and water bodies are supposed to be left secure without anyone having to build houses and all sorts of illegal structures on them.

Hon Chanda said that in order for the water challenges to end in chilanga there is need to secure designated water bodies from contamination and encroachment.

MINISTER of Water, Sanitation and Environmental Protection Hon Jonas Chanda and Lusaka Central Constituency Member of Parliament Hon Margerate Mwanakatwe
MINISTER of Water, Sanitation and Environmental Protection Hon Jonas Chanda and Lusaka Central Constituency Member of Parliament Hon Margerate Mwanakatwe

Meanwhile Hon Chanda has paid glowing tribute to Lusaka Central Constituency Member of Parliament Hon Margerate Mwanakatwe for coming up with alternative solutions to the water challenges that her constituents had been faced with since time in memorial.

He said that water supply and sanitation are a huge part of the development of the country hence the need to improve the two components in Lusaka central.

And Lusaka Centrel Member of Parliament Hon Margerate Mwanakatwe reiterated her commitment to providing clean and safe drinking water for her constituents in Bauleni Compound, Zimbabwe Village in state lodge and other areas around.

MINISTER of Water, Sanitation and Environmental Protection Hon Jonas Chanda and Lusaka Central Constituency Member of Parliament Hon Margerate Mwanakatwe
MINISTER of Water, Sanitation and Environmental Protection Hon Jonas Chanda and Lusaka Central Constituency Member of Parliament Hon Margerate Mwanakatwe

MINISTER of Water, Sanitation and Environmental Protection Hon Jonas Chanda and Lusaka Central Constituency Member of Parliament Hon Margerate Mwanakatwe
MINISTER of Water, Sanitation and Environmental Protection Hon Jonas Chanda and Lusaka Central Constituency Member of Parliament Hon Margerate Mwanakatwe

Chipolopolo B Faces Big Flame Test


Chipolopolo return to international action this Wednesday, October 6 when they hosts Malawi in an international friendly match at National Heroes Stadium in Lusaka.

The match will be Zambia’s first since early March before all international football was halted due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Interestingly, Malawi were Chipolopolo’s last opponents eight months ago in what was also coach Micho’s debut match following his appointment in February.

Chipolopolo won that match 1-0 on March 12 across town at Nkoloma Stadium in Lusaka.

The match will be the first of Chipolopolo’s three-match friendly series in October before international competitive action resumes this November.

But Micho will exclusively use home-based players in the Malawi game with an eye on January’s 2021 CHAN tournament in Cameroon.

The foreign-based players will feature in the away friendlies against Kenya and South Africa on October 9 and 11 respectively.

Ten players from the first leg meeting against Malawi are back including Napsa Stars forward Collins Sikombe who scored that game’s lone goal.

Power midfielder Godfrey Ngwenya makes a shock return to the fold after two years blighted with injuries and surgery.

His last call up was in January 2018 when he sustained an injury in pre-CHAN camp in South Africa that saw him dropped for the Morocco tournament.
Meanwhile, Malawi have brought their big guns led by Gabadinho Mhango of Orlando Pirates who was joint top scorer this season with 16 PSL goals.

“You can see we are leaving in these abnormal times and it could have happen that even these professionals that we have brought may not have arrived under such circumstances and we would have still been left with just the local boys,” Micho said.

“But we needed to still present and plan to be high up there in the Malawi game with them.

“Malawi are bringing their best of the best Gabadinho Mhango and Gerard Phiri and others.

“So this is simply putting in front of us a test of character, a measurement of value, moment of truth for regeneration of our locally-based players.

“We want to see what we are capable of, what we are capable of doing, where we are leaking and what are we are lacking in order to have a plan from where were can critically analyze what is good to keep and upgrade, and what is wrong, to improve and correct and get much better in the times ahead of us.”
Goalkeepers: Jackson Kakunta (Power Dynamos), Sebastian Mwange (Green Eagles), Lameck Siame (Kabwe Warriors)

Defenders: Kondwani Chimboni, Zachariah Chilongoshi (both Power Dynamos), Benedict Chepeshi (Red Arrows), Luka Banda (Napsa Stars), Dominic Chanda (Kabwe Warriors),

Midfielders: Benson Sakala, Godfrey Ngwenya (both Power Dynamos), Kelvin Kapumbu (Zanaco), Gozon Mutale (Green Eagles), Leonard Mulenga (Green Buffaloes), Thomas Zulu (Nkwazi)

Forwards: Amity Shamende (Green Eagles), Chaniza Zulu (Lumwana Radiants), Kelvin Mubanga, Bruce Musakanya (both Zesco United), Collins Sikombe (Napsa Stars), Emmanuel Chabula (Nkwazi), Akakulubelwa Mwachiyaba (Kabwe Warriors)

Zambia grants Cold Chain and Innscor Distributors to Import GMO Foods


The National Biosafety Authority (NBA) has approved import permits for Cold Chain and Innscor Distributors for products which may contain genetically modified organisms (GMOs).

NBA Communications Officer, Sandra Lombe said the permits valid for five years have been granted after risk assessment to ascertain the safety of the products.

Ms Lombe explained that the Cold Chain permit is for pedigree dog food, whiskers cat food, Doritos snacks, Bokomo Cornflakes and Nik Naks maize snacks.

She said Innscor Distributors Limited will bring in Kellogs Noodles Chicken flavor, Kellogs Granola, Kellogs Coco Pops and Kellogs Strawberry Pops.

Ms Lombe further said the products will be placed on the market in all wholesalers and retailers supplied by Cold Chain and Innscor Distributors Limited countrywide.

“The Authority has so far this year granted three import permits while one research application is still under consideration. We have also renewed seven permits for placing on the market products of GMOs,” read the statement in part.

“The NBA is commending distributors and importers who are complying to the Biosafety Act thereby following the right channels when bringing into the country products that may contain GMOs,” the statement read in part.

NBA was established under the Biosafety Act No. 10 of 2007. Through the Act the NBA regulates the research, development, application, importation, export, transit, contained use, release or placing on the market of any GMO/LMO whether intended for use as a pharmaceutical, food, feed or processing, or a product of a GMO.

It also ensures that any activity involving the use or a product of GMO prevents any socio-economic impact or harm to human, animal health and the environment in the country.

This is contained in a statement availed to media in Lusaka today.

Zambia Mourns Hilary Makasa and Rix Mweemba


Zambian football is in mourning on Tuesday following a high profile double tragedy.
Ex-Chipolopolo midfielder Hilary Makasa and FAZ Vice president Rix Mweemba have both passed away.

1996 AFCON bronze medalist Makasa died on Monday at UTH after an illness.

The former left back played for Roan United and Ajax Cape Town in South Africa.
Meanwhile, Mweemba died early Tuesday morning at the Coptic Hospital in Lusaka after an illness.

“The Football Association of Zambia is mourning the loss of a dedicated and a respected servant of Zambian football. Mr. Mweemba struck us as an admirable family man. His great work ethics and selflessness cannot be doubted,” FAZ General Secretary Adrian Kashala said at Statement.

Prior to being appointed as Vice President in April 2017, Mr. Mweemba served as FAZ Treasurer and also played a huge role in the restructuring of the Zambia Premier League as chairperson of the League Restructuring Working Group.

“Our thoughts and prayers are with his family and the football fraternity in Zambia,” Kashala said.

Revive the economy and Prove Your Critics Wrong, President Lungu task New Bank Governor


President Edgar Lungu has sworn in Christopher Mvunga as the new Bank of Zambia (BOZ) Governor following his ratification by parliament last week.

ZANIS reports that Mr Mvunga, the former Deputy Secretary to the Cabinet for Economic and Finance Affairs, was appointed by President Lungu on August 22, 2020, after the dismissal of Dr Denny Kalyalya.

President Lungu has since urged Mr Mvunga to review and formulate policy-driven solutions to address the macroeconomic challenges that the economy is currently facing.

The Head of State stated that the economy is facing numerous challenges, particularly, this year when the country has not been spared from the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

“The COVID-19 pandemic has had a huge impact on the economy, including significant contraction in economic growth, high fiscal deficits, high inflation and a weakening exchange rate. Additionally, these developments also pose a threat to financial system stability,” president lungu lamented.

“I am aware that your appointment generated a lot of interest from various sections of society. However, this should not detract you from focusing on the huge task and responsibility that has come with your new position,” president lungu challenged Mr Mvunga.

President Lungu urged Mr Mvunga to prove the critics wrong by putting in the best of his ability

“The subsequent ratification of your appointment by parliament is a clear indication that you are qualified for the job. It is also an indication that the people of Zambia have placed their confidence in you to turn around the fortunes of the financial sector of the country. Do not let them down,” president lungu added.

President Lungu emphasised that as governor of the central bank, Mr Mvunga has an enormous task ahead of him.

“You will oversee the operations of the entire financial sector as well as the performance of the country’s economy. I am confident that with over 30 years of experience in the private and public financial management sector, “he added.

President Lungu has, however, noted that the central bank has taken measures to mitigate the financial challenges the country is facing.

“Your immediate task, as you take up this new position, is to ensure that there is closer coordination between fiscal and monetary policy to consolidate the existing measures,” president lungu.

“We must create a win-win situation for all the players in the financial sector and the economy, at large, particularly, finding more efficient ways of financing agricultural inputs and managing the oil procurement sector.

He said the current efforts to address debt sustainability and reduce the country’s debt service burden need to be sustained and a successful outcome achieved.

President Lungu stressed the need for the Bank of Zambia to redouble efforts to achieve and maintain stability in the foreign exchange market by closely working with the ministry of finance.

“At the same time, the Bank of Zambia must continue to review and strengthen policies, where appropriate, to improve performance and ensure that the financial sector remains stable while inflation is brought back to the single digit range over the medium term,” he said.

President lungu also sworn in Emily Sikazwe as vice-chairperson of the Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ0.

And president Lungu said the appointment of Dr Sikazwe is a clear demonstration of the government’s commitment to promote women to positions of authority.

“I am happy that parliament ratified your appointment in accordance with section 5 of the electoral commission of Zambia act no. 25 of 2016 and the submission by the government.

He noted that women are capable of delivering to the expectation of society.

“I am confident that being a long serving member of the commission, you will provide the necessary policy guidance and direction to the commission’s administration, which is critical in the management of the electoral process,” he said.

Cabinet approves the FIC Amendment Bill 2020, for publication and introduction in Parliament


Cabinet has approved the Financial Intelligence Centre Amendment Bill 2020, for publication and introduction in Parliament.

The objectives of the Bill are to amend the Financial Intelligence Centre Act, No. 46 of 2010 and to re-define the functions of the Centre.

Other objectives are to revise the definition of high-risk persons in accordance with international standards, provide for customer due diligence on wire transfers in accordance with international standards, provide a risk management framework for anti-mone laundering requirements and expand the scope of reporting entities.

President Edgar Lungu chaired the 21st Cabinet Meeting, held virtually, to deliberate on Bills for introduction in Parliament.

Ms. Siliya says the Financial Intelligence Centre Act, No. 46 of 2010 is inadequate in dealing with issues relating to combating money laundering and financing of terrorism or proliferation and needs to be amended.

She says the call for the amendment is to also conform with the Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering -FATF- recommendations.

This is according to a statement issued to ZNBC news by Chief Government Spokesperson Dora Siliya on the decisions made by Cabinet.

Meanwhile, Cabinet approved the Non-Governmental Organisations -Amendment Bill, 2020 for publication and introduction in Parliament during the current sitting.

Ms. Siliya said the objective of the Bill is to amend the NGO Act, 2009, to revise the functions of the Board and to monitor the risk of abuse of NGOs for serious crimes.

She said the NGO Act, No. 1 of 2009 is inadequate in dealing with issues relating to monitoring the use of non-governmental organisations in money laundering, financing of terrorism or proliferation or any other serious offences.

Cabinet also approved the Extradition (Amendment) 2020 for publication and introduction in Parliament whose objective is to provide for measures for monitoring of requests made to the competent authority which is not provided for in the current law.

Cabinet further approved the Zambia Academy of Sciences Bill, 2020, for publication and introduction in Parliament during the current sitting.

FAZ Mourns Rix Mweemba


Football Association of Zambia (FAZ) Vice president, Rix Mweemba has died after a short illness. FAZ General Secretary, Adrian Kashala has confirmed the demise of Mweemba in a statement availed to ZANIS today by Communications Manager, Sydney Mugala.

Kashala said the deceased who was also a FIFA Instructor, died at 04:00hours on Tuesday at Coptic Hospital in Lusaka.

“The Football Association of Zambia is mourning the loss of a dedicated and a respected servant of Zambian football. Mr Mweemba struck us as an admirable family man. His great work ethics and selflessness cannot be doubted,” read the statement in part.

“Our thoughts and prayers are with his family and the football fraternity in Zambia,” Kashala said.

Prior to being appointed as Vice president in April 2017, Mweemba served as FAZ Treasurer and also played a huge role in the restructuring of the Zambia Premier League as chairperson of the League Restructuring Working Group.