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Six families homeless after Mopani demolishes their houses


About six families have been left homeless after their houses were yesterday demolished by a combined force of State police and Mopani Copper Mines police.

The houses are alleged to have been built on a piece of land belonging to Mopani Copper Mine farm area in Mindola West.

And Mopani Copper Mines Public Relations Manager Nebert Mulenga confirmed that the company undertook the demolition exercise in order to secure a small piece of its land that had been encroached.

In a statement made available to ZANIS in Kitwe yesterday, Mr. Mulenga said the company undertook the demolition exercise after a comprehensive community stakeholder engagement through notices, community road shows and radio announcements.

And Dr. Patrick Chanda, one of the affected developers expressed shock that Mopani is claiming ownership of the land which was offered to them by Kitwe city council through a proper procedure.

Speaking in an interview with ZANIS in Kitwe yesterday, Dr. Chanda said the affected developers were given the parcels of land by the council and followed the due process as well as obtaining title deeds from the Ministry of Lands in Ndola.

“We had gotten a court injunction to prevent Mopani from demolishing our structures but the mine disregarded the injunction claiming it was a not a real injunction, so we are now going to engage a lawyer to seek advice on what we should do next,” Dr Chanda said.

He claimed that his structure was valued at K2.3 milion while a friend of his had his house valued at over K3 million by government property evaluators.

He said the decision by Mopani was disastrous to the affected people as they had spent huge sums of money constructing the structures that have been demolished.

And when contacted, Kitwe City Council Town Clerk Mbulo Seke said the council has not yet seen the affected people’s offer letters to establish how the concerned pieces of land were obtained.

Mr. Seke explained that for one to begin building, they ought to have a building plan approved by the council and the offer letter must be accompanied by minutes of a council meeting that approved the offer.

Kitwe city has of late witnessed frequent massive demolitions of properties alleged to have been built in illegally obtained pieces of land.

Recently, about 150 households from Luyando Community Association had their houses demolished by Mopani Copper mines in Mindolo North after the mine claimed that the community had encroached on its land.

Government has since secured a piece of land in New Kitwe across Kafue River where these victims who are currently lodged at Hellen Kaunda secondary School grounds will be relocated to

ZCTU happy with PAYE threshold exemption


The Zambia Congress of Trade Union (ZCTU) is elated by the government’s decision to raise the pay as you earn tax exception threshold to K4000 from K3,300.

Speaking in an interview with ZANIS Kitwe today, ZCTU President Nkole Chishimba said the decision is a positive move which will offer relief to workers in the lower income threshold.

He explained that although the tax relief is just about K700, it will go a long to cushion the workers economic hardships.

“We appreciate the increase in the PAYE tax exemption threshold, we know it was not easy for government to arrive at this decision at a time when the economy is badly affected by the Covid-19,’’ Mr. Chishimba said.

And Mr Chishimba said the union will continue with next year’s salary negotiations and ensure that workers get something meaningful.

He however noted that the employers will be treated according to how they are performing as companies are being affected differently by the Covid-19 pandemic.

He noted that some industries are benefiting from the Covid-19 and such companies have no excuse for refusing to give workers meaningful salary increments.

And the Mine Workers Union of Zambia (MUZ) said the K700 gain from the tax exemption will be of great relief to workers in the lower income band at a time when workers are struggling financially due to the effects of Covid-19.

Mr Chewe however noted that workers with higher salaries may not appreciate the move by government as the Pay As You Earn tax on them may be still be relatively high.

And Mr Chewe says it will be difficult to get a fair dear deal in the salary increment negotiations for next year for workers in the mining sector because the mining companies have been heavily affected by Covid-19.

He noted that most mining companies are likely to use the issue of Covid-19 as an excuse for failing to offer meaningful increments which he said would be difficult to refute as it is a reality.

He was however optimistic that that the union will get something better for the workers.

Mr Chewe also explained that the union has not yet started negotiations with any mining company for the next year’s collective agreements.

In the proposed national budget for 2021, government has increased the Pay As You Earn (PAYE) tax exemption threshold from about K3, 300 to K4000.

Take online voters’ pre-registration seriously – PF


The Patriotic Front party in Ndola district has appealed to the electorates in the country to take the ongoing online voter pre – registration exercise seriously.

PF District Party Chairperson Benjamin Chitondo has advised electorates not to entertain propaganda being peddled by sections of society who are criticizing the exercise.

Speaking in an interview today, Mr Chitondo said the move by the electoral body should be supported by all well-meaning Zambians as it gives an opportunity for eligible voters to express their voice democratically in an election.

Mr Chitondo added that the system introduced will also provide a large representation of eligible voters to cast their votes.

“It must be understood that for democracy to function properly in a nation, all eligible voters must be given opportunity to vote. And this can be attained if the elections are free, fair and accessible.

Which means, the implementation of the online pre – registration provides opportunity for Zambians to register from any part of the country as long as they have access to internet,” he said.

Mr Chitondo further stressed that barriers to registration to vote must be eliminated as the country risked not capturing newly registered voters.

Meanwhile, Mr Chitondo has also urged members of the public left out in the just ended phase one mobile national registration card (NRC) exercise to visit their nearest district registration offices.

Mr Chitondo stressed that eligible voters and first time voters must acquire NRC’s if they are to participate in the fourth coming general elections.

ECZ launched the online voter pre-registration exercise which is expected to run from September 21 to November 6, 2020.

The online pre-registration will allow eligible citizens to submit their details online and later physically visit mobile registration centres to complete the process.

Numba Eyes Talent From Zesco Junior Teams


New Zesco United coach Mumamba Numba is hoping to successfully implement his policy from Zanaco of promoting players from the youth ranks.

Zanaco has over the years tapped from its lower tier side Young Zanaco to boost its senior squad- something that Zesco has failed to exploit despite massive investment in their junior structures.

“Of course I am coming with the same tradition of trying to give the young ones an opportunity to showcase their talent,” Numba said.

“I think if they are any young ones from the teams that Zesco has, I believe Zesco has so many junior teams, then I think I will work hand-in-hand with the coaches so that we can see which ones we can elevate because that is what we were doing at Zanaco.

“If you talk about the Charles Zulu’s, Mangani Banda’s, all those came from the junior ranks.

“My policy as coach, what I do is when I see that there is a talented player, I ask them to train with the senior team then they go back and play their leagues at their junior teams so that they get aquatinted what the senior team’s philosophy is.

“So, by the time they are elevated, they find it easier to fuse into the senior team and that is what I will bring into this team.”

Napsa Stars Host Fellow CAF Envoy’s in 6-Club Pre-season Tournament


Napsa Stars will host a six-club 2020/21 pre-season tournament this weekend in Lusaka.

The tournament will run from October 2-4 at National Heroes Stadium and will include Napsa’s fellow 2020/2021 CAF envoys Forest Rangers and Green Eagles.

Green Buffaloes, Zanaco and promoted Indeni complete the tournament line-up.

Napsa will be in Group B where they have been drawn against Indeni and their Lusaka rivals Zanaco.

Napsa media officer Gwen Chipasula said the tournament will be played behind closed doors due to Covid-19 health guidelines.

Napsa and Green Eagles will represent Zambia in the CAF Confederation Cup while Forest Rangers are in the CAF Champions League.

ECZ puts off political parties meeting


The Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) has postponed its planned meeting with political parties due to legal implications.

The ECZ said the planned meeting scheduled for today, 30th September 2020 has been put off because issues intended to be discussed in the meeting are actively before the courts of law.

ECZ acting Public Relations Manager Sylvia Bwalya said in a press statement released to ZANIS in Lusaka today that the electoral body does not want to engage in discussions that are under judicial consideration.

Ms Bwalya explained that the issue involves Chapter One Foundation Limited versus the Electoral Commission of Zambia and the Attorney General in the Constitutional Court, as well as Getrude Imenda (Suing in her capacity as Deputy Secretary General of the United Party for National Development (UPND) versus the Electoral Commission of Zambia and the Attorney General in the High Court of Zambia.

She apologized for the inconvenience caused as a result of the postponement of the meeting and assured stakeholders and the general public of further engagements after the court cases are disposed of.

“The Commission remains committed to engaging all stakeholders regarding the upcoming 2021 General Elections” said Bwalya.

Copperbelt PS urges Councils urged to adhere to land allocation procedures


Copperbelt Permanent Secretary (PS), Bright Nundwe has urged local authorities to be firm and follow procedures when allocating land to avoid illegal constructions that result in the demolition of structures.

Mr. Nundwe says it is costing the government a lot of money to compensate victims over situations that can be avoided by councils following the right procedures when allocating land.

He said the government does not take pleasure in seeing people’s structures demolished when councils are there to prevent such situations.

ZANIS reports the Ps was speaking today when he addressed Town Clerks and Directors of Finance from the 10 districts on the Copperbelt.

He said councils in the province should improve in the manner they are managing their operations.

“There has to be prudence, proper accountability in the manner your run councils, not only accounting for funds but attitude of workers so that you avoid deficiencies,” Mr Nundwe advised.

Mr Nundwe implored Directors of Finance to ensure utmost accountability in the use of public funds and follow the 2018 financial regulations ACT to the later to avoid unnecessary audit queries.

He further urged Town Clerks to maintain a profound relationship with Mayors and District Commissioners in their respective districts so that they deliver development to the people

“The President wants councils to work in clusters to achieve more and not as independent counsels because the agenda is to achieve development. Good relationships will be built from team work,” he noted.

Meanwhile, the PS reminded councils to work towards controlling smuggling which is rampart in border areas to ensure national food security.

Mr Nundwe also called on all councils to clean up all debris before the rainy season as way of preventing out breaks of water diseases in the province

“As a province we don’t want to record any case of Typhoid or Cholera, it becomes expensive to treat people in hospitals when you can prevent that,” he said.

And Ndola Town Clerk, Cosmas Chalusa called on the provincial administration to help councils with reports on challenges from residents in order to improve service delivery.

Government to demolish structures built on strategic land-Charles Banda


The Government has cautioned local authorities in the country against permitting an unnecessary change of land use from play parks or open spaces to any other use.

Minister of Local Government, Charles Banda says his office has continued to receive applications from people intending to change land use designated for play parks and recreation facilities for personal gains, despite the 2018 circular on change of land use for parks or open spaces still in effect.

Dr Banda was speaking in Lusaka today, when he visited some selected parks and open spaces located in different parts of the city where he discovered that houses and other buildings have been erected on the land meant for recreation.

Dr Banda lamented that in spite of the important role that these facilities play in creating a conducive urban environment, all the parks and open spaces in the country are either in bad state or some people have changed the use of the land to other activities.

The Minister has since directed the Lusaka Local Authority to demolish such structures, adding that they were built without following the right procedures of land acquisition.

“I would like to state that we will not tolerate and allow the change of land use that is meant for play parks and open spaces for other personal gains such as residential and commercial by unruly individuals, I also want to note that the 2018 circular on change of land use for parks or open spaces is not permitted,” he said.

Dr Banda also explained that all the councils or planning authorities were advised not to allow or facilitate the development of open spaces and parks for any other purpose than recreation.

He further warned officers from Local Authorities countrywide to desist from such activities, adding that action will be taken against any council official who will be found wanting.

“I, therefore, wish to strongly reiterate the content of that circular and further warn that appropriate sanctions will be meted against any officer or local authority found wanting, ”he noted.

And Sports In- Action, an Organisation running one of the play parks in Kabwata township has pledged to continue supplementing government efforts in building a generation of responsible young people through the use of recreation facilities.

Sport in Action Executive Director Frank Muchindu noted that this is because lack of proper recreation facilities is one of the major causes of delinquent behaviour among the youths.

“Minister as you know very well that Kabwata is surrounded by bars, therefore, the temptation by young people to engage in illicit activities is very high, hence putting up safe spaces like this play is very important in creating a Zambia of responsible people,” said Mr. Muchindu.

Zambia seeks restructure deal with creditors within six months


Zambia, the first African nation to seek debt relief from Eurobond holders since the onset of the pandemic, aims to reach a restructuring deal with creditors by the end of a six-month interest standstill it’s seeking, Finance Minister Bwalya Ng’andu said.

The government also plans to reach an agreement in principle with the International Monetary Fund over an economic program in the same time frame, he told bondholders in a web-cast on Tuesday.

Zambia’s $1 billion of Eurobonds due 2024 fell 1.5% to 51.28 cents on the dollar by 4:10 p.m. in London.

The southern African nation has over the past decade taken on nearly $12 billion of debt even as growth slowed and foreign-exchange reserves dwindled.

The pandemic accelerated the crisis, prompting the government last week to request an interest-payment holiday from holders of its $3 billion in Eurobonds while it plans a debt restructuring together with its adviser, Last zard Freres.

Zambia wants debt relief from commercial creditors similar to what the so-called Paris Club group of lender nations had agreed to under a G-20 initiative, according to Mr. Ng’andu.

The government’s requests for interest payment suspensions could provide nearly $1 billion in relief, according to a copy of the presentation Ng’andu delivered.

He didn’t take questions from creditors, saying he would respond to written requests.

“We are committed to fair and equitable treatment of all creditors,” he said. “We expect the same level of commitment from creditors.”

Mr. Ng’andu’s time frame to reaching deals with creditors and the IMF might be overambitious.

Eurobond holders want the government to first reach a deal with the International Monetary Fund over an economic program, and a general election scheduled for August next year may complicate that.

Neighboring Mozambique took about three years to restructure its Eurobonds after starting talks with investors in 2016, when it said it targeted a deal three months.

Lazard and White & Case advised that government too.

“Given Zambia’s complex creditor base, the debt restructuring there is expected to take some time,” Gerry Rice, an IMF spokesman, said last week.

IDC to secure $1bn to invest in Zambia Railways Limited


The Industrial Development Corporation says it will secure $1bn to invest in rolling stock and infrastructure that will modernise Zambia Railways Limited.

Group CEO Mr Mateyo Kaluba says negotiations are currently ongoing with development financiers and are expected to conclude before the end of the year.

He said the funds will be invested in rolling stock and new infrastructure such as upgrading of the rail tracks which will enable trains move at a desired speed of 80km per hour for freight trains and 120km per hour for passenger trains.

Mr Kaluba was confident that the new Board will play a role in transforming Zambia Railways to profitability and into a transnational hub in the SADC region.

He further assured the Board of IDC’s full support as shareholder.

Mr Kaluba said this during the inauguration of the ZRL board of directors yesterday.

And ZRL board chairperson, Dr Evans Chabala said his board is ready to provide entrepreneurial leadership to turn around the fortunes of ZRL.

The Board members are: Dr Evans Chabala (chairperson), Ms Christabel Reinke (vice – chairperson), Mr Abel Ng’andu, Mr Stanley Mwanguku, Mr Muchindu Kasongola, Mr Stephen Mbewe and Mr Christopher Musonda (ZRL CEO).

2021 National Budget does not Adequately Confront the Debt Crisis


The Minister of Finance Dr Bwalya Ng’andu presented to parliament the highly anticipated 2021 National Budget on 28th September 2020 under the theme “Stimulate Economic Recovery and Build Resilience to Safeguard Livelihoods and Protect the Vulnerable.” Within the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, the budget theme is aimed at providing a glimmer of hope in what have been challenging times. However, it is important to acknowledge as a nation that Zambia has in recent years and prior to the COVID-19 pandemic been hurtling toward a debt crisis. The Jesuit Centre for Theological (JCTR) is concerned that despite this precarious financial situation, the 2021 National Budget did not give this matter the serious attention it deserves. Specifically, JCTR expected that the Government will include in this Budget concrete measures on how the issue of unsustainable debt will be addressed within the financial year in focus.

According to the 2019 World Bank-IMF Debt Sustainability Analysis, Zambia is ranked as a “high risk of debt distress”. Government has been undertaking non-concessional borrowing and increased its expenditure borrowing patterns. This has led to a rapid and massive increase in Zambia’s debt stock. This fragile debt situation coupled with the advent of COVID 19 has drastically weakened our economic situation and is now undermining Zambia’s social development prospects.

As alluded to by the Minister in the proposed 2021 budget, external public debt stock increased to US$11.97 billion as at end-June 2020 from US$11.48 billion at the close of 2019. Representing an increase of 4.3%. Debt payments alone in the proposed budget will account for approximately 41% of the ZMW119 billion kwacha budget. This is higher than the combined allocation to key social sectors; Health, Education and Social protection that are only allocated 23.6%. A detailed look at the domestic stock also notes that government securities increased to K114.3 billion as at end of August 2020 from K80.2 billion as at end December 2019, inclusive of the K8 billion kwacha COVID-19 Bond. Furthermore, when looking at the 2021 resource envelope. It is clearly proposed that 44.9% will be financed through borrowing both domestic and external. This is higher than the 2020 proposed financing envelope that stood at 32.2%.

Although efforts have been made by Government to ensure that Zambia does not default on its obligations reflective through budget allocation towards debt and dismantling arrears, it should be noted that this is taking place at the expense of key national development imperatives. In line with the budget theme, JCTR clearly notes that it is highly unlikely that the budget will be able to deliver on ensuring that economic stimulation and resilience is attained. It is important to admit that the high indebtedness coupled with current economic and financial conditions such as low national reserves, high inflation rates and volatility of the currency, will render the aspiration of stimulating the economy impossible.

JCTR particularly wishes to bring to the attention of Government that the released budget makes no mention of how far the country has gone in setting aside funds towards repayment of the Eurobonds. In 2022, the first Eurobond worth $750 million matures after 10 years. Redemption of any debt in any given scenario works much better if the proceeds of the borrowed money are invested in productive sectors of the economy. This has not been the case for Zambia.

Nevertheless, JCTR applauds government on strides made to cancel, restructure and refinance existing loans. It was noted by the Minister of Finance that US$1.1 billion pipeline loans have been cancelled and US$280.0 million has been saved from the re-scoping of projects. This is indeed one step in the right direction. The Centre implores the Ministry of Finance to provide consistent periodic updates with as far as any liability management strategy aimed at putting our public debt on a sustainable trajectory.

JCTR reiterates that debt forgiveness or moratorium are not guaranteed and if given are not the Holy Grail to solving our debt problem. Therefore, deliberate efforts to tackle the challenge of debt head on beyond reliance on “debt forgiveness” must be made. Take for example, suspension of debt service payments totalling US$139.2 million expected under the G20 Debt Service Suspension Initiative (DSSI). This figure is equivalent to 0.6 per cent of GDP and 1.2 per cent of Zambia’s total external debt stock. The marginal impact of the DSSI on debt service requirements is explained by the structure of the financing of the country. Most of the public sector borrowing originates from multilateral and private sources. These creditors account for 73.3 per cent of external public debt.

It cannot be overstated that high debt servicing has evidently compromised budget allocations to social sectors such as education, health and social protection. Budget credibility does continue to be of concern for JCTR as budget execution has over the years been very poor in Zambia. Expenditure outturns have time and again been at variance with budget allocations. For instance while a call in 2019 was made to narrow the fiscal deficit to 5.5% of GDP. The outturn stood at 11.7%. The result: cutting of social sector spending thereby compromising human development outcomes. It thus remains imperative that debt sustainability is operationalized through our own commitment to do better for our nation and this must be reflected in all key national macro-economic frameworks especially the National Budget.

For further clarifications contact the Social and Economic Development (SED) Programme at the Jesuit Centre for Theological Reflection (JCTR) on 0955295881 and 0977883129 -0954755319. Email: [email protected] and [email protected]. Martin Mwamba Road, Plot 3813 Martin Mwamba Road, Olympia Park – Lusaka. P. O. Box 37774 Lusaka – Zambia

Education partners to power, digitalize laboratories in rural schools


Ministry of General Education Permanent Secretary for Technical Services Jobbicks Kalumba says his Ministry, working with Extra Inch Technologies will construct 64 solar and electric power digital laboratories across the country.

Dr. Kalumba added that government is committed towards the provision of digital education for all learners, adding that among the 64 laboratories, 10 centres will be for children with special educational needs and 10 centres in correctional facilities.

Dr. Kalumba said he was impressed with the role Information Communication Technology (ICTs) play in ensuring that the goal in digital education provision are actualised in remotest areas of the country.

He noted that the ministry officials and the learners should embrace the innovation and use it as a foundation growth in the area of flexible digital learning.

The Permanent Secretary was speaking at the signing ceremony between the Ministry of General Education and Extra Inch Technology

Dr. Kalumba said that taking technology to the remote and rural areas has been a challenge to the ministry.

“Tasking technology to our remote and rural areas has been a great challenge to our ministry and provision of digital technology to our learners with special educational needs has been but a dream of our ministry, your coming to partner with our ministry has given us hope” he said.

Speaking at the same event, Mr. Kalumba said that no school going child will die from coronavirus because government has put up strict health guidelines in all the schools.

He said that parents should not panic, as he reassured the nation that safe learning environment for the learners was guaranteed.

Dr. Kalumba said learning will continue with no obstruction provided that all the schools follow the health guidelines provided by the ministry of health.

He revealed that his ministry will begin awarding schools that have performed well in ensuring that the health guidelines are adhered.

Dr. Kalumba further called on cooperating partners to come on board to supplement government by providing face to the learners.

Livestock sector catalyst to ending poverty – Professor Luo


Fisheries and Livestock Minister Nkandu Luo says the livestock sector in the country has potential to end poverty among rural farmers.

And Prof Luo has handed over 1000 Sassol layer chickens and 70 goats under the Enhanced Small Livestock Intensification program (E-SLIP) to women cooperatives in Nyimba District of Eastern Province.

Addressing women cooperative members during the livestock handover ceremony, Prof Luo said poor management of livestock, leading to diseases such as New Castle has in the past made farmers not to appreciate livestock farming.

She said the livestock programme under her ministry is aimed at improving capacity of rearing livestock with a view of ending hunger among rural households.

“We are here to end hunger. The reason why you are hungry is because you have not been promoting livestock in the manner it should be promoted,” Prof Luo said.

The Minister appealed to the beneficiaries of the project to manage their livestock well as her ministry will provide incubators to hatch the eggs.

“The reason why we are giving these chickens is not to eat please. These chickens should not be found in the pot please. Let your chickens multiply. The chickens we are giving you can produce a lot of eggs. From the eggs you will get more chickens. It is only after they have multiplied should you eat the chicken or eggs,” the Minister said.

The Minister reiterated her message that 50 percent of the positions in women cooperatives must be occupied by women members, while youths and men should share 30 and 20 percent positions, respectively.

The Minister also urged farmers in the district to think of value addition to all the activities they conduct.

“Do not throw away anything from your livestock. The chicken and goat droppings can be used as manure in your garden or can be sold to people that have gardens. The cattle trotters can be grinded and added to livestock feed as they are a great source of nutrients that are needed in livestock to make it tender or can be used to make chair accessories, while animal skin can be used to make shoes and other accessories,” she explained.

The project in the district in being implemented under a pass-on model, with the group that receives the breeding livestock distributing the off-springs to the next round of beneficiaries.

CBU introduces undergraduate training in Tourism and Hospitality studies


The Copperbelt University (CBU) has introduced an undergraduate training programme in Tourism and Hospitality in a bid to contribute to the improvement of tourism in the country.

Speaking during the Commemorations of the World Tourism Day in Kitwe over the weekend, CBU Vice Chancellor Professor Naison Ngoma said the introduction of the study programme will ensure that the industry is equipped with well trained personnel who will provide excellent services.

“The Copperbelt University recognizes the important role the tourism industry plays in national development hence its decision to contribute to the development of the industry through the introduction of the Tourism and Hospitality study programme that will commence next year,” Professor Ngoma said.

He added that the University has also shown interest in rural development of tourism in the country’s Northern circuit where it will adopt and develop tourism attraction centres which will also be used as training centres for students.

Professor Ngoma said a feasibility study has already been conducted in some selected parts of the Northern Circuit with the intention of developing national heritage sites.

He cited the selected sites as Ntumbachushi, Kabwelume, Lumangwe and Kasaba bay in the northern circuit.

The Professor noted that the presence of CBU in these heritage sites will have a multi-plier effect in these areas in terms of infrastructure development and economic development as people will begin engaging in income generating ventures.

And Kitwe District Commissioner Chileshe Bweupe said government looks to the tourism sector to drive recovery from the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic through the inclusion of rural communities where the sector is a leading employer and economic pillar.

In a speech read for him by Kitwe District Agriculture Coordinator Rapheal Muyaule, Mr. Bweupe said rural tourism needs to be encouraged to promote infrastructure development in rural areas, promote domestic tourism and creation of employment and income generation for the rural population.

And Copperbelt Regional Tourism Development Coordinator Twaambo Muzyamba said the Ministry of Tourism is focusing on domestic tourism in the face of Covid-19 pandemic which has resulted in a drastic drop in international tourist arrivals.

Ms. Muzyamba also commended CBU for introducing a training programme in Tourism and Hospitality as that will improve service delivery in the hospitality facilities.

He noted that most lodges and hotels do not offer standard services due to lack of well trained personnel.

She was optimistic that the study programme will help uplift hospitality services in the country.

This year’s World Tourism Day commemorations were held under the theme “Tourism and Rural Development”.

Zambia Police in running battles with Ex-Mopani Employees


POLICE in Kitwe yesterday fought running battles with over 50 Mopani Ex-Mine Contractor company employees who stormed the mine officers along Central street demanding for ex-gracia money.

The mine ex-employees complained about the criterion Mopani was using to select who was eligible for the Ex-gracia money.

Around 09:00hrs the ex-miners matched to Mopani central offices, where they demanded to be addressed by management over the matter.

But police in riot gear quickly came to disperse them but later reiterated by throwing stones and other objects at the officers.

However the police managed to quell the riots but the ex-miners then matched to Katilungu house to meet Mineworkers Union of Zambia (MUZ) officials.

And Speaking on behalf of the other ex-miners, Jairos Nyirenda said some of the miners that have been paid are not appearing on the list.

Mr Nyirenda has since appealed to Minister of Mines and Minerals Development Richard Musukwa to intervene in the matter.

And Copperbelt Commissioner of Police Charity Katanga confirmed that the ex-miners protested but that there were no arrests made.

Mrs Katanga said the miners were complaining about the criteria which the mine was using to pay the ex-miners the ex-gracia.

“Others complained that their names were omitted, others were appearing on the list but were not paid while others complained of being not eligible to get the payment,” she said.

Mrs Katanga, however, said management at the mine has asked the companies and the workers to come to their offices for a verification exercise.

Early this year, the mine had placed its mines in Kitwe and Mufulira on care and maintenance and sent about 11,000 direct and indirect employees on forced leave.

However, the mine went further to terminate contracts for some companies, which resulted in over 7,000 indirect employees losing their jobs.

After holding talks with Government, the mine decided to resume operations but gave a 90 day notice that it would again suspend operations.

But some companies refused to go back on site, saying it would be very expensive for them to mobilise the equipment.

The mine then decided to pay the indirect employees working for the contractors K11, 000 ex-gracia in addition to their separation packages.

Miners eligible to be paid ex-gracia are those that were working at the mine under a contractor before April, 8, this year.