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Government implements project to reduce child marriage


Ministry of Gender Permanent Secretary Sastone Silomba said Zambia has been implementing the India, Brazil, South Africa (IBSA) pilot project aimed at reducing child marriages in Mpulungu and Chama Districts of Zambia.

Mr Silomba said the two districts were picked due to their high prevalence rate of child marriage which have continued to deny girls their basic fundamental rights.

He said the program which has given girls a chance to be children and to live free from violence and sexual abuses is expected to coming to an end this year.

He said this during the update and review meeting for IBSA pilot programme on reducing child marriages held in Lusaka Today.

Mr Silomba said early child marriages interrupts children’s schooling and denies them the opportunity to meaningful contribute to the development of their communities.

“the IBSA project in tandem with our national strategic on ending child marriages which was developed in march 2016, and the national Plan of action aimed at accelerating national efforts to end child marriage by 2030,” he noted.

He said the pilot project used a curative and preventative approaches in dealing with child marriage whose target was to improve knowledge levels to facilitate positive changes.

And Head of Chancery at the Indian High commission Pushpender Duchania said India has a cordial relationship with Zambia and Malawi in different fields.

“This is the first time that we are a part of an initiative in such a critical area that deals with reducing and eradicating child marriages,” he said.

He said that the IBSA pilot project should push others to further contribute to this sector saying a lot more needs to be done to eradicate child marriages.

Minister of Finance Unveils a K119.6 Billion Proposed 2021 National Budget


Finance Minister Bwalya Ng’andu has unveiled a K119 billion proposed National Budget for 2021 aimed at laying a foundation for economic recovery, safeguarding livelihoods and protecting the vulnerable in society in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The usual pomp and splendor that characterizes budget presentation was missing today when Dr Ng’andu arrived at the National Assembly building at 13:58 hours in the company of his wife and daughter to present the country’s proposed budget.

The ceremonial events were suspended as the country observes the COVID-19 health guidelines following the outbreak of the pandemic which has claimed many lives world over.

Dr Ngandu presented a K119.6 billion proposed 2021 national budget representing 32.6 percent of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), which is more than the K106 billion 2020 National Budget.

Of this amount, K68 billion, representing 18.5 percent of GDP will come from domestic revenues and grants, while the balance of K51.6 billion will be raised through domestic and external financing.

Delivering the 2021 budget presentation, Dr Ng’andu said government has developed a medium term Economic Recovery Programme as a successor to the Economic Stabilization and Growth Programme of 2019.

He said the Economic Recovery Programme provides incentives to reinvigorate growth and build resilience and safeguard livelihoods and protect the vulnerable in society as well as restore debt sustainability.

Dr Ngandu said the 2021 budget will now be output based as opposed to activity based budgeting in order to promote performance and enhance transparency and accountability.

The Minister of Finance has since raised the exemption threshold for Pay-As-You Earn to K4, 000 from K3, 300 per month in order to increase disposable income of employees.

The minister has further given relief to differently abled persons by increasing tax credit to K500 from K250 and has also increased deduction by an employer for employing a person with disability to K2, 000 from K1, 000.

He has also increased the allocation towards dismantling of arrears to K2.3 billion in 2020 from K437 million in 2019.

Further, Dr Ng’andu said Government will reduce borrowing from the domestic market to 1.1 percent of GDP from 1.4 percent of GDP in 2019.

He said government is resolved to restore fiscal health and has projected fiscal deficit to reduce to 9.3 percent of GDP in 2021 from 11.7 percent in 2019.

Dr Ng’andu has since proposed to spend K57.8 billion for general public services with K18.3 billion being for domestic debt servicing and K27.7 billion for external debt obligations.

The minister has further allocated K1.2 billion for the Local Government Equalisation Fund and K598.1 million for the 2021 General Elections.

Dr Ngandu said government has provided K2.8 billion to dismantling arrears owed to suppliers of goods and services in order to improve liquidity and stimulate economic activity.

He said government has allocated K5.7 billion for the Farmer Input Support Programme (FISP) to reach out to 1 million farmers and a further K517.5 million for the national strategic food reserve in order to make the country food secure.

The minister said government will spend K567.3 million to complete the Kenneth Kaunda and Simon Mwansa Kapwepwe International Airports while K6.2 billon will be spent on ongoing road infrastructure projects.

Dr Ngandu said K13.8 billion has been allocated to the education sector in order to improve it with K7.1 billion for early childhood and primary education, K2.7 billion for secondary education and K1.9 billion for tertiary education.

The health sector has been allocated K9.7 billion with K3.2 billion for primary health care while K5.1 billion for hospital services.

He said K1.4 billion from the budget for primary health care will go towards the procurement of essential drugs and medical supplies.

Dr Ngandu said a further K4.8 billion has been allocated to mitigate the impact of Covid 19 and enhance social protection with K2.3 billion for Social Cash Transfer and K1 billion for the Food Security Pack from K100 million.

Government has also provided K6.7 billion on Defence, Environmental Protection, Religion, Recreation and Culture while Housing and community amenities has been allocated K2.2 billion.

Dr Ngandu further said government has allocated K266.3 million for youth and women empowerment with K155.2 million specifically for youths.

He explained that the budgetary allocations for 2021 are based on priority areas as identified in the Economic Recovery Programme as aligned to the 7th National Development Plan.

2021 Full Budget Speech By Finance Minister


Mr Speaker, I beg to move that the House do now resolve into Committee of Supply on the Estimates of Revenue and Expenditure for the fiscal year 1st January to 31st December 2021, presented to the National Assembly on Friday, 25th September 2020.

Sir, I am a bearer of a message from His Excellency, Dr. Edgar Chagwa Lungu, President of the Republic of Zambia, recommending favourable consideration of the motion that I now lay on the Table.

Mr. Speaker, during the official opening of the Fifth Session of the Twelfth National Assembly, His Excellency, Dr. Edgar Chagwa Lungu, President of the Republic of Zambia, outlined the policy direction that the Patriotic Front Government will take in steering our country to greater heights amidst numerous socio-economic and environmental challenges exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Sir, over 32 million people globally have contracted the coronavirus and close to one million have sadly succumbed to the disease.

This has stressed health systems in most countries across the world, resulting in an unplanned and an escalation in health-related expenditure.

Mr. Speaker, Zambia has not been spared from the pandemic. To date, more than 14,000 people have contracted the virus and over 300 deaths have been recorded.
Sir, the COVID-19 pandemic has not only been a health crisis but has also adversely impacted the economy. Global business activity has contracted as supply and value chain disruptions dampened demand for goods in general and commodities in particular. The consequence has been loss of jobs and livelihoods for millions of people as countries implemented containment and mitigating measures. Domestically, economic activity has also contracted, impacting negatively on the cost of living and employment levels. In addition, revenue collections have been lower than projected, resulting in expenditure realignments.

Mr. Speaker, to mitigate the negative effects of the pandemic, the Patriotic Front Government has instituted specific health, fiscal and monetary policy measures. These measures are expected to contain the spread of the virus and place the economy on the road to recovery. To this end, Government has developed a medium-term Economic Recovery Programme as a successor to the Economic Stabilisation and Growth Programme which ended in 2019. The Economic Recovery Programme provides incentives to reinvigorate growth and build resilience while safeguarding livelihoods and protecting the vulnerable. It also contains measures to restore debt sustainability.

Sir, as stressed by His Excellency, Dr. Edgar Chagwa Lungu, President of the Republic of Zambia, the success of the Economic Recovery Programme will require a mindset change, innovation, entrepreneurship, dedication, endurance and resilience of our people in the face of the current challenges.

Mr. Speaker, above all, we require to entrench national values and principles that include hard work, good governance, integrity, patriotism and national unity as enshrined in our Constitution. These values are fundamental in helping us, as a nation, to navigate through economic headwinds.

Sir, to overcome the challenges we face, and drawing inspiration from the Address by His Excellency, the theme for the 2021 Budget is “Stimulate Economic Recovery and Build Resilience to Safeguard Livelihoods and Protect the Vulnerable.”

Mr. Speaker, the 2021 Budget, therefore, aims at stimulating economic recovery through practical and tangible support to businesses. The Budget also enhances our social protection response programmes to prevent the worsening of poverty levels despite constrained fiscal conditions.

Sir, allow me now to provide an outline of my Budget Address. In Part One, I will highlight the global and domestic economic developments in 2020. In Part Two, I will present the macroeconomic objectives, policies and strategies for 2021. In Part Three, I will provide details on the estimates of revenue and expenditure for 2021. In Part Four, I will conclude my Address.


Global Economic Developments

Mr. Speaker, the global economy is projected to contract by 4.9 percent due to the adverse effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. Advanced economies are expected to contract the most by 8.0 percent this year compared to the growth of 1.4 percent in 2019. Emerging markets and developing economies are forecast to decline by 3.0 percent after growing by 3.7 percent in 2019. China is the only economy expected to register a positive growth of 1.0 percent in 2020 compared to 6.1 percent in 2019.
Sir, in Sub-Saharan Africa, economic activity is projected to contract by 3.2 percent from a positive outturn of 3.1 percent in 2019. The larger economies of Nigeria and South Africa are projected to contract by 5.4 percent and 8.0 percent, respectively.

Mr. Speaker, commodity prices have been volatile in 2020. For instance, during the first half of the year, copper prices averaged US$5,500 per metric tonne compared to US$6,200 in the corresponding period in 2019. Over the same period, crude oil prices averaged US$41 per barrel compared to US$66. The fall in copper and crude oil prices was mainly on account of reduced global demand. For crude oil, excess supply and lack of storage capacity exacerbated the decline in prices.
Sir, copper prices have since risen, peaking at US$6,840 per metric tonne in September. Crude oil prices have also started rising, reaching US$46 per barrel. This is as a result of the easing of lockdown measures in most economies. In addition, production disruptions at key mining operations in South America have contributed to the recovery in copper prices.

Mr. Speaker, let me now turn to domestic economic developments in 2020.

Domestic Economic Developments Economic Growth

Mr. Speaker, real GDP growth is projected at negative 4.2 percent in 2020, the first recession since 1998. Almost all the sectors are expected to record negative growth. Disruptions in supply chains and containment measures have had a severe impact on sectors such as tourism, construction, wholesale and retail trade as well as manufacturing.
In addition to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, electricity rationing has contributed to the contraction of overall economic activity.

Sir, despite the negative growth in most sectors, the agricultural as well as Information and Communications Technology sectors are projected to register positive growth. Favourable weather conditions and early distribution of farming inputs in the 2019/2020 agricultural season boosted crop production. The information and communication technology sector is also projected to grow mainly driven by increased demand for data services and mobile money transactions in the wake of the COVID -19 pandemic.

Budget Performance

Mr. Speaker, execution of the 2020 Budget has been challenging mainly due to the impact of COVID- 19 pandemic.
Sir, revenues and grants amounted to K42.8 billion during the period January to August 2020 which was 7.7 percent below the target of K46.4 billion. The underperformance is on account of subdued economic activity. Revenues and grants are now projected at K65.9 billion by the close of 2020, which is 12.0 percent below the target of K75.0 billion.
Mr. Speaker, for the period January to August 2020, total expenditure, including amortization, amounted to K72.1 billion and was 27.2 percent below the target of K99.0 billion. This outturn was due to the underperformance on revenues and lower disbursements on foreign financed projects.

Sir, by the end of year, total expenditure is projected to be K111.9 billion, representing 5.6 percent above the target of K106.0 billion. The higher than programmed expenditure is mainly attributed to COVID-19 mitigating measures and agricultural related expenditures.

Mr. Speaker, due to the fall in revenues and grants and the increase in spending, the fiscal deficit, on a cash basis, is expected to rise to 11.7 percent of GDP by the end of

2020 against the target of 5.5 percent.

External Sector Performance

Mr. Speaker, over the first half of 2020, preliminary figures indicate that the current account recorded a surplus of US$656.5 million or 2.9 percent of GDP. This was against a deficit of US$5.0 million or 0.02 percent of GDP during the same period in 2019. This outturn was due to a significant drop in imports relative to exports.
Sir, in the first half of this year, imports of goods declined to US$2.3 billion from US$3.3 billion in the corresponding period in 2019. This represented a decline of 30 percent. Subdued domestic economic activity, depreciation of the Kwacha and supply chain disruptions due to the COVID-19 pandemic largely underpinned the decline in imports. Similarly, export earnings were US$3.2 billion compared to US$3.8 billion realised over the same period in 2019, representing a decline of 15.8 percent.

Mr. Speaker, copper export earnings over the same period were lower by 14.8 percent at US$2.3 billion compared to US$2.7 billion on account of a drop in average realized prices. Copper export volumes, however, increased to 523,000 metric tonnes, which was 16.5 percent higher than the 449,000 metric tonnes achieved over the same period in 2019.

This was as a result of higher production.

Sir, in the first half of 2020, non-traditional export earnings declined by 17.9 percent to US$762.4 million from US$929.5 million in the first half of 2019. The fall was largely due to reduced demand and trade disruptions.

Mr. Speaker, as at end July 2020, Gross International Reserves declined to US$1.38 billion from US$1.45 billion at end-December 2019. This level of reserves represents 2.3 months of import cover. The decline in reserves was largely on account of external debt service payments. However, mining tax receipts amounting to US$203.5 million and net direct purchases of foreign exchange from the market by the Bank of Zambia of US$126.6 million moderated the decline in reserves.
Sir, the Kwacha depreciated to K19.95 against the US dollar as at 22nd September, 2020 from K14.05 at end-December 2019. This represents a depreciation of 41.9 percent. The depreciation largely reflects supply constraints and increased demand for foreign exchange, particularly the importation of agricultural inputs, health related supplies and procurement of petroleum products.

Debt Position

Mr. Speaker, the external public debt stock increased to US$11.97 billion as at end-June 2020 from US$11.48 billion at the close of 2019, representing an increase of 4.35 percent. This increase is attributed to disbursements on existing loans which are financing various projects in the energy, education, road and health sectors.

Sir, the stock of Government guarantees, on a net basis, was US$1.58 billion as at end-June 2020. These guarantees are mostly for power projects in the energy sector.

Mr. Speaker, the stock of Government securities increased to K114.3 billion as at end August 2020 from K80.2 billion as at end- December 2019, and this includes the COVID-19 Bond. The increase of 42.5 percent was on account of the need to finance key expenditure areas such as Farmer Input Support Programme (FISP).

Sir, the COVID-19 Bond proceeds were used to stimulate economic activity through the dismantling of arrears, payment of Value Added Tax refunds and liquidation of outstanding pension arrears. In addition, National Savings and Credit Bank has been recapitalised to facilitate the provision of financing to small and medium enterprises. The proceeds were also used to finance youth empowerment programmes, procurement of medical equipment, drugs and medical supplies.

Monetary and Financial Performance

Mr. Speaker, over the first 8 months of 2020, inflation exceeded the medium-term target range of 6-8 percent, averaging 15.0 percent. Inflation rose to 15.5 percent in August from 11.7 percent in December 2019. This was mainly driven by the upward adjustment in energy prices, higher food prices and the pass-through from the depreciation of the Kwacha.

Sir, the commercial banks’ average lending rate declined to 25.8 percent in August 2020 from 28.0 percent in December 2019. This was mainly driven by the reduction in the Monetary Policy Rate to 8.0 percent from 11.5 percent and the improvement in liquidity levels in the market.

Mr. Speaker, credit to the private sector grew by 10.4 percent to K38.4 billion in June 2020 compared to a growth of 17.2 percent in December 2019. Credit to Government grew by 46.9 percent, year-on-year, in June compared to 17.2 percent in December 2019.

Sir, the overall performance and condition of the banking sector was rated as satisfactory as at July 2020. This was largely explained by the sector’s capital adequacy position, earnings performance and improvement in liquidity. However, profitability declined due to higher provisions for non-performing loans. The ratio of non-performing loans to total loans rose to 12.6 percent in July 2020 from 8.9 percent in December 2019, exceeding the prudential threshold of 10.0 percent. The increase in non-performing loans was attributed to the slowdown in economic activity which negatively impacted borrowers’ capacity to meet their loan obligations.

Mr. Speaker, as at end-July 2020, the overall performance of the non-bank financial institutions sector was rated as fair. This largely reflects satisfactory capital adequacy, earnings performance, liquidity position and foreign exchange exposure, but unsatisfactory asset quality. The ratio of non-performing loans to total loans remained above the prudential maximum benchmark of 10.0 percent at 24.9 percent.

Sir, to encourage the use of digital financial services, the Bank of Zambia in consultation with the industry, waived charges for electronic money transfer of up to K150 in April 2020. Transactions and balance limits for individuals and enterprises were also revised upwards. In addition, the processing fees under the Real Time Gross Settlement system were reduced, leading to a significant increase in the use of digital financial services.


Mr Speaker, the COVID-19 pandemic has stifled economic growth worldwide, including ours. The focus in the medium-term will be on containing the spread of the virus, mitigating the effects of the pandemic and restoring macroeconomic stability as well as growth. In addition, priority will be to move towards attaining fiscal fitness and restoring debt sustainability, dismantling domestic arrears and safeguarding social protection spending. This Budget, therefore, sets a foundation for the achievement of these objectives in line with our Economic Recovery Programme.

Sir, the specific macroeconomic objectives for 2021 will be:

a) Achieve a real GDP growth rate of at least 1.8 percent;
b) Reduce the inflation rate towards the 6-8 percent medium-term target;
c) Increase Gross International Reserves to at least 2.5 months of import cover;
d) Reduce the fiscal deficit to 9.3 percent of GDP; and
e) Achieve domestic revenue collections of not less than 18.0 percent of GDP.

Mr. Speaker, I will now review the performance of the various sectors under the pillars of the Seventh National Development Plan and present the key 2021 macroeconomic policy interventions.


Mr. Speaker, economic diversification and job creation is a key pillar in supporting our economic recovery. In this regard, agriculture, mining, tourism and industrialisation are expected to drive growth while energy and infrastructure development will be key enablers.

Agriculture, Fisheries and Livestock

Mr. Speaker, the agricultural sector performed very well in the 2019/2020 farming season. In most crops, the country recorded an increase in production. For instance, maize production recorded a 69 percent increase to 3.4 million metric tonnes from 2.0 million in the 2018/2019 farming season. This was on account of early distribution of farming inputs and favourable weather conditions.

Sir, notwithstanding the increase in output, productivity among small-scale farmers remains low. Government will, therefore, strengthen extension services and is committed to see to it that all Farmer Input Support Programme beneficiaries adopt climate smart agriculture technologies and practices.

Mr. Speaker, Government will migrate all beneficiaries under the Farmer Input Support Programme to the cost effective e-voucher system. In this regard, the proportion of beneficiaries on the e-voucher system will be increased to 100 percent over the medium-term.

Sir, to promote the livestock sub-sector, Government will continue with the Livestock Stocking and Restocking Programme out of which at least 30 percent of the beneficiaries are youths. In the first half of 2020, a total of 3,100 households benefitted from the Programme. With regard to animal health, a total of 283,000 animals have been vaccinated out of the 2020 target of 290,000 under the Livestock Vaccination Programme.

Mr Speaker, Government is implementing the Zambia Aquaculture Enterprise Development Project aimed at stimulating a viable aquaculture subsector. In 2020, the Project, through the Citizens Economic Empowerment Commission, has disbursed loans worth K6.3 million to 637 aquaculture entrepreneurs. These loans are targeted at empowering youths and women.
Sir, in Part Three of my Address, I will outline specific measures to attract more investment in the agricultural sector.


Mr. Speaker, the tourism sector is the hardest hit by the COVID-19 pandemic with virtually no international tourist arrivals since March 2020 due to travel restrictions and subdued domestic tourist activity. To revive the sector, Government has implemented relief measures such as time to pay agreement covering Income Tax and Value Added Tax. I will later announce additional relief measures that Government will implement to revive the sector.

Sir, I am pleased to note that domestic tourism has started to rise. I wish to encourage all citizens to continue supporting the tourism industry while observing the COVID-19 health guidelines.


Mr. Speaker, Government will continue to diversify the mining sector from copper to other minerals particularly gold. In this regard, the Zambia Gold Company Limited has been established to spearhead gold mining and trading activities in the country. Further, Government will continue to enhance the regulatory framework in order to optimise returns from our mineral wealth.

Sir, Government is actively working towards finding a strategic investor to improve operations and production at Konkola Copper Mines. The investor will be expected to make firm commitments to develop the Mine and support domestic supply chains. With regard to Mopani Copper Mines, Government has been offered to acquire additional shares in the Mine through ZCCM-IH. Further, Government is in the process of negotiating with Glencore on the terms of purchase of the shares. To this end, the Nation will be updated on the progress made in due course.


Mr. Speaker, in the energy sector, electricity generation has been constrained by the adverse effects of climate change over the last few years. To mitigate this, Government has been investing in additional electricity generation capacity, including solar energy. So far, the Musonda Falls Hydro Power Station has been upgraded to 10 mega-watts from 5 mega-watts and has been commissioned.

Sir, the construction of Kafue Gorge Lower Power Station is almost complete and will add 750 mega- watts to the national grid. It is expected that 300 megawatts will come on board by the end of the year. This should significantly reduce load shedding.

Information and Communication Technology

Mr. Speaker, in order to increase access to information and communication technology services for people in unserved and underserved areas, Government continued with the construction of communication towers. So far, 774 communication towers out of a target of 1,009 have been constructed, bringing the total network coverage to 91 percent.

Sir, in my last Address to this august House, I indicated that Government, through the SMART Zambia Institute, would connect 28 public services to the Government Service Bus. I am glad to report that the 28 services have been connected resulting in reduced transaction costs and enhanced delivery of public services. By the end of 2021, a total of 100 services are expected to be made online on the Government Service Bus.

Road Transport Infrastructure

Mr. Speaker, a key milestone in the road sector has been the completion of the US$298 million Kazungula Bridge linking Zambia and Botswana. The Bridge will facilitate increased regional trade and reduce transit time for freight and passengers.

Sir, the performance of the National Road Tolling Programme has been satisfactory. As at end-August 2020, a total of K911.1 million was collected compared to K767.3 million over the same period in 2019. The increase was due to the coming on board of additional Toll Plazas.

Air Transport

Mr. Speaker, air transport has been adversely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. In the first half of the year, domestic and international passenger movements at the four major airports declined by more than half a million. This was on account of the suspension of international flights by all the airlines except one. Following the easing of lockdown measures, it is gratifying to note that some international airlines have since resumed flights to Zambia.

Sir, with regard to air transport infrastructure, the upgrading of Kenneth Kaunda International Airport is at 90 percent completion, while the construction of the Copperbelt International Airport, renamed Simon Mwansa Kapwepwe International Airport, is at 76 percent. The delay in the completion of Kenneth Kaunda International Airport was exacerbated by the impact of COVID-19. Both airports are now scheduled to be opened in 2021.


Mr. Speaker, to support industrialisation, Government is promoting the procurement of locally produced goods. To enhance the market opportunities for the local industry, Government has presented a Bill to this august House to repeal and replace the Public Procurement Act No. 12 of 2008.

Sir, the construction of industrial yards across the country to further promote industrialisation has advanced. Construction of Chipata, Kasama and Mongu industrial yards has been completed and will be operationalised in 2021. The remaining industrial yards in Kafue, Kitwe, Ndola and Solwezi will be completed in 2021. When operational, the yards are expected to create at least 4,000 employment opportunities.

Mr. Speaker, to promote linkages between agriculture and manufacturing, the Industrial Development Corporation will establish a tomato and fruit processing plant in 2021. I urge our farmers to take advantage of this development.

Sir, with regard to youth empowerment, Government launched the Youth Empowerment Fund with an allocation of K470 million. This demonstrates the commitment of the Patriotic Front Government to creating an environment in which the youths can participate and benefit from the economic development agenda. In 2021, Government will continue with various youth empowerment programmes.

Mr. Speaker, to support the growth of small medium scale enterprises, Government will provide financing through a facility at the National Savings and Credit Bank and continue to dismantle arrears to local contractors and suppliers.

Sir, with the coming into force of the Africa Continental Free Trade Area Agreement in 2021, Zambia will reposition herself to take advantage of the expanded market to the rest of Africa. Let me urge the private sector to harness the opportunity of the Agreement, to grow their business and access the market.


Mr. Speaker, as we steer the economy towards recovery, Government will continue to safeguard livelihoods and protect the vulnerable by scaling up social protection programmes and climate change interventions.

Social Protection Programmes

Sir, in 2020, the country experienced the unfortunate confluence of floods and the COVID-19 pandemic which required an emergency response over and above the traditional social protection programmes. In this regard, a total of 90,202 households were supported under floods and droughts emergency cash transfers in 23 districts while 258,000 households were supported under the COVID-19 emergency cash transfers across the country.

Mr. Speaker, the number of beneficiaries under the traditional social cash transfer programme will be increased to 994,000 households in 2021 from the current 700,000 households. Further, the amount per household will be increased to K110 from the current K90 per month.

Sir, to enhance household food security, Government will increase the number of beneficiaries under the Food Security Pack Programme to 288,492 vulnerable but viable households in 2021 from 80,000 in 2020.

Mr. Speaker, Government has been implementing the Girls Education and Women’s Empowerment and Livelihood Programme aimed at increasing access to livelihood support for extremely poor women and access to secondary education for disadvantaged girls. To date, 129,400 women and girls have benefited from this Programme, of which 54,780 are under the Keeping Girls in School component and 74,620 are under the Women Empowerment and Livelihood component. Government has secured additional funds for the Programme which will increase the number of beneficiaries to 208,400 over the medium-term.

Climate Change

Mr. Speaker, Government will accelerate the implementation of climate change programmes. One such programme is the US$100 million Transforming Landscapes for Resilience and Development Programme which will enhance resilience among communities to climate change shocks.
Sir, to strengthen national response to the effects of climate change, Government is developing legislation on climate change. This will provide a legal framework for the implementation of the National Climate Change Policy of 2016.


Mr. Speaker, Government is undertaking various interventions aimed at reducing developmental inequalities. Key interventions include the construction of roads to facilitate market linkages between urban and rural areas and the electrification of rural areas.

Sir, with regard to rural roads, the Improved Rural Connectivity Project is being implemented and will cover 3,375 kilometres across the country over a period of 5 years. To date, 501 kilometres have been contracted out of which 82 kilometres have been rehabilitated.

Mr. Speaker, under rural electrification, 12 grid extension projects have been completed out of the 25 that are being implemented. The construction of Kasanjiku Mini Hydro Power Station in North- Western Province as well as the Lunga and Chunga Solar Mini Grids in Luapula and Central Provinces, respectively, have also been completed.


Mr. Speaker, human development remains important in improving the quality of life and livelihoods of the citizens. In this regard, Government will continue to prioritize education and skills development, health and water and sanitation in 2021.

Education and Skills Development

Mr. Speaker, the education and skills development sector has not been spared by the COVID-19 pandemic. Schools and higher learning institutions were closed resulting in the loss of learning time. It is, however, gratifying to note that, on 11th September, 2020, His Excellency, Dr. Edgar Chagwa Lungu, the President of the Republic of Zambia, announced the re-opening of learning institutions.

Sir, with regard to Technical Education, Vocational and Entrepreneurship Training, Government will aim at enhancing development of requisite skills for the labour market.
Mr. Speaker, in order to increase science literacy and promote the next generation of innovators and critical thinkers, Government has established Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) schools of excellence in all the 10 provinces. Further, to improve quality and increase the number of teachers, STEM programmes have been introduced at Mukuba, Chalimbana and Kwame Nkrumah Universities.
Sir, Government will continue to improve the provision of equitable services in learning institutions by rolling out Home Grown School Meals Feeding Programme and the Keeping Girls in Schools Initiative to 18 and 22 additional districts, respectively. Further, the infrastructure development programme will continue.
Mr. Speaker, to enhance access to tertiary education, Government will focus on increasing the number of students accessing loans in higher learning institutions.


Mr. Speaker, Government has continued to prioritise the health of the people of Zambia through interventions aimed at achieving Universal Health Coverage.

Sir, the COVID-19 pandemic has strained the health care system in the country. To address the situation, Government had to realign the 2020 Budget to provide more resources to the health sector so as to strengthen the health care system and make it more resilient. To this end, 2,232 health workers were recruited and deployed.

Mr. Speaker, allow me to commend our Cooperating Partners and the private sector who came on board to compliment Government efforts in combating the pandemic whilst maintaining support in other essential areas of health care.

Sir, in order to reduce the prevalence and impact of communicable and non-communicable diseases, Government continued to invest in health promotion programmes and made available critical health system inputs.

Mr. Speaker, to increase access to quality health care, 439 health posts out of 650 have been completed and are operational. Further, 24 mini hospitals out of 108 have also been completed. To strengthen the referral health system, Chinsali and the Kalindawalo General Hospitals as well as the upgraded Levy Mwanawasa University Teaching Hospital have been operationalised.

Sir, other notable projects under construction include the Lusaka Specialist Hospital, surgical wards at the University Teaching Hospital, Bangweulu General Hospital and the expansion and modernisation of Maina Soko Military Hospital.

Mr. Speaker, in order to have sustainable financing to the health sector and ultimately achieve Universal Health Coverage, the National Health Insurance Scheme has been operationalised. So far, 540,000 beneficiaries have been registered on the Scheme and 126 health facilities have been accredited. Let me urge all citizens, stakeholders and health providers to take advantage of this Scheme.

Water Supply and Sanitation

Mr. Speaker, to improve coverage, quality and efficiency of water supply and sanitation services, Government is implementing the National Urban and Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Programmes. Major projects under these Programmes include the Kafue, Nakonde, Chinsali, and Chongwe Water Supply Projects as well as the Lusaka Water Supply Sanitation and Drainage Project. These projects are all above 90 percent completion and will benefit an additional 90,000 residents once completed.

Sir, other water supply and sanitation projects are being implemented in Kafulafuta, Serenje and Mufumbwe. The Kafulafuta Water Supply System Project will be completed in 2021, and will supply water to more than one million people in Ndola, Luanshya, Masaiti and Mpongwe.

Mr. Speaker, with regard to the Rural Water and Sanitation Programme, six piped water schemes in Central, Southern, Luapula and Western Provinces have been completed, benefiting more than 155,000 people. In addition, 432 boreholes have been drilled and 107 rehabilitated. Government will in 2021 continue with this programme.


Policy, Regulatory and Structural Reforms

Mr. Speaker, achieving economic recovery and building resilience to safeguard livelihoods and protect the vulnerable, especially in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, requires us to undertake policy, regulatory and structural reforms. Government will, therefore, undertake reforms in the areas of domestic resource mobilization, debt management and public procurement, among others.

Domestic Resource Mobilization

Mr. Speaker, Government will continue to implement measures aimed at enhancing the domestic resource envelope. To this end, the following measures will be undertaken in the medium-term:

a) Modernising tax administration by providing innovative technological solutions such as Tax-On-Phone, Tax-On-App and WhatsApp payment to reduce the cost of compliance;
b) Improve tax compliance through enforcement of mechanisms for identifying tax evaders, stiffen the reprimand for tax offenders and strengthen the penalty regime to deterrent levels;
c) Improve compliance levels of tax payers in identified risk areas by developing centralised data analysis and segmentation;
d) Appoint local authorities as tax agents to collect turnover tax, base tax and withholding tax, on a commission basis, in their areas of jurisdiction;
e) Enforce the mandatory use of Electronic Fiscal Devices from accredited suppliers following the issuance of Statutory Instrument No. 33 of 2020; and
f) Digitise more public services to run on the Government Service Bus (GSB) and the Payment Gateway to provide efficiency, accountability and monitoring of revenues.

Sir, to support the domestic resource mobilisation measures, the Zambia Revenue Authority Act, Chapter 321 of the Laws of Zambia will be amended to improve tax administration. Further, the Government will provide for the establishment of a Fund that will improve and develop infrastructure at our borders to enhance trade facilitation and border processing efficiency. The Government will put in place measures to manage container scanners in a sustainable manner in order to effectively fight smuggling among other vices.

Mr. Speaker, Government will conduct a thorough review of existing tax incentives to make them more effective in reinvigorating economic activity.

Debt Management Policy

Mr. Speaker, Government remains committed to restoring public debt sustainability and has embarked on a number of initiatives to achieve this objective. These include cancellation, postponement and re-scoping of projects. Further, contraction of new commercial external debt has been stopped.

Sir, so far, US$1.1 billion pipeline loans have been cancelled and US$280.0 million has been saved from the re-scoping of projects. Further, Government with the help of international financial and legal advisors is devising a liability management strategy aimed at putting our public debt on a sustainable trajectory.

Mr. Speaker, Government has taken steps to benefit from the G20’s Debt Service Suspension Initiative. In this regard, a Memorandum of Understanding has been entered into with the Paris Club creditors. In addition, negotiations with G20 members are on-going. This Initiative is expected to provide debt service relief during the suspension period which currently runs from May to December 2020. Government has also made similar debt service suspension requests to all external commercial creditors, including international capital market investors.

Mr. Speaker, the Strategy on Domestic Debt will be to:

a) Alter the domestic debt portfolio from shorter to long-term instruments;
b) Reduce domestic arrears; and
c) Broaden investor participation in the Government securities market.

Mr Speaker, Government remains committed to enhancing efficiency, price discovery and transparency in the secondary market for Government bonds. I am, therefore, pleased to report to this august House that, the Bank of Zambia launched the E-Bond Electronic Trading Platform in August this year. This allows for the trading of Government bonds electronically, initially between banks. The trading of bonds on this platform will be rolled out to other investors in 2021.

Public Procurement Reforms

Mr. Speaker, Government remains committed to promoting good financial governance, value for money and participation of local suppliers. To this effect, Government has presented before this august House, the Public Procurement Bill to repeal and replace the Public Procurement Act No. 12 of 2008. The Bill will, among others, give priority to citizens to participate in the supply of goods and services, introduce price benchmarking, penalise fronting and selling of contracts, improve contract management, make it mandatory to use the Electronic Procurement System and penalise offenders.

Energy Sector Reforms

Mr. Speaker, to enhance efficiency and attract investment in the energy sector, Government is implementing key structural reforms. In the electricity subsector, Government has this year issued a commencement order for the Electricity Act No. 11 of 2019 which regulates generation, transmission, distribution and the supply of electricity so as to enhance the security and reliability of supply of electricity. The implementation of further reforms will be informed by the results of the Cost of Service Study. These include a comprehensive review of the electricity supply chain and the renegotiation of tariffs with Independent Power Producers.

Mr. Speaker, with regard to the petroleum subsector, Government policy is that fuel pricing should be cost reflective through periodic reviews of pump prices. Government will prioritise getting value for money in the procurement of petroleum products for the benefit of the consumers.

Monetary and Financial Sector Policies

Mr. Speaker, Government is mindful of the adverse effects of the current high inflation rate on our citizens, particularly the most vulnerable. In the recent past, food inflation has been a key driver of inflation. In this regard, improved food supply, following the policies we have implemented to improve agriculture production, will help reduce the current high level of inflation towards the medium-term target of 6-8 percent.

Sir, the health of the financial sector is key to economic stability and growth. The Bank of Zambia will continue to pursue regulatory policies that strengthen the resilience of the financial sector in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. In this regard, the Bank of Zambia has adopted financial stability and financial inclusion as two focus areas in its 2020 to 2023 Strategic Plan.

Mr. Speaker, to strengthen the resilience of the financial sector, the Bank of Zambia introduced the Targeted Medium-Term Refinancing Facility with an initial amount of K10 billion. The Facility allows Financial Service Providers under the supervision of the Bank of Zambia to access funds at relatively low interest rates, currently at 8.0 percent, for on- lending to businesses and households. The Facility is being reviewed and adjusted to address identified implementation challenges so that it achieves the intended objectives.

Sir, to achieve universal access to and usage of a broad range of financial services, Government will continue to implement the National Financial Inclusion Strategy and the National Strategy on Financial Education. Increased use of digital financial services is a critical component of the measures being implemented to address the COVID- 19 pandemic.

External Sector Policies

Mr. Speaker, Government will maintain a flexible and competitive exchange rate regime. In this regard, the Government will continue to pursue measures that support relative stability in the exchange rate such as the diversification of exports, attraction of foreign direct investment, import substitution and securing balance of payments support. Further, measures will be undertaken to improve domestic production capacity and local value addition.

Public Investment Management Reforms

Mr. Speaker, I wish to report that the Public Investment Board is now operational. Ministries, Provinces and other Spending Agencies are now mandated to submit their public investment proposals to the Board for approval prior to inclusion in the Budget. This will entail that only public investments projects that help achieve developmental objectives and are viable are included in the Budget for implementation.

National Development Plan

Mr. Speaker, the Seventh National Development Plan comes to an end in 2021. In this regard,

Government has commenced the preparation of the Eighth National Development Plan covering the period 2022 to 2026. The Plan will provide a clear development agenda towards the attainment of the National Vision 2030. Let me urge all citizens and stakeholders to actively participate in the preparation of the Plan in line with the National Planning and Budgeting Policy.

Census of Population and Housing

Mr. Speaker, the preparation of the 2020 Census of Population and Housing encountered a number of challenges including the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. As a result the Census will now be conducted in 2021. Let me urge the citizens and all stakeholders to cooperate and actively participate in this very important exercise.


Mr. Speaker, Government proposes to spend K119.6 billion in 2021 which translates to 32.6 percent of GDP. Of this amount, K68.0 billion, representing 18.5 percent of GDP, will come from domestic revenues and grants. The balance of K51.6 billion will be raised through financing.

Sir, the fiscal deficit is targeted to reduce to 9.3 percent of GDP in 2021 from the 11.7 percent projected outturn for 2020.

Mr. Speaker, let me inform this august House that all Ministries, Provinces and Spending Agencies have now migrated from Activity Based Budgeting to Output Based Budgeting. This budgeting system is more performance oriented and enhances transparency and accountability.

2021 Expenditure by Functions of Government

Mr. Speaker, the allocation of resources in this Budget is based on priority areas identified in the Economic Recovery Programme, which is aligned to the rescoped Seventh National Development Plan and further reflects Government response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

General Public Services

Mr. Speaker, I propose to spend K57.8 billion on General Public Services. Of this amount, domestic debt interest will account for K18.3 billion while external debt service will be K27.7 billion. In addition, K598.1 million is for the 2021 General Elections while K1.2 billion has been allocated to the Local Government Equalization Fund.
Sir, K2.8 billion will be spent on dismantling of arrears owed to suppliers of goods and services as well as personnel. This will help improve liquidity and stimulate economic activity.

Economic Affairs

Mr. Speaker, the Economic Affairs function has been allocated a total of K21.5 billion. Notable expenditures include K5.7 billion on the Farmer Input Support Programme (FISP), targeting one million farmers across the country. Further, for the country to be food secure, I have set aside K517.5 million for the national strategic food reserve.
Sir, I propose to spend K6.2 billion on roads and K567.3 million on the Simon Mwansa Kapwepwe and Kenneth Kaunda International Airports.
Mr. Speaker, to increase access to electricity in rural areas and contribute to improved quality of life, I propose an allocation of K307.2 million to the Rural Electrification Programme.

Sir, to support women, youth, and small to medium enterprises, I propose to spend K266.3 million on various empowerment programmes. Out of this amount, K155.2 million will be allocated specifically to the youth.


Mr. Speaker, to increase access to, and improve quality of education, I propose an allocation of K13.8 billion to the education sector. Of this amount, K7.1 billion will go towards early childhood and primary education, K2.7 billion to secondary education and K1.9 billion to tertiary education.


Mr. Speaker, to provide for equitable and quality healthcare services, I propose to allocate a total of K9.7 billion to the health sector. Out of this amount, K3.2 billion is for primary health care while K5.1 billion is for hospital services. Of the allocations to primary health care and hospital services, K1.4 billion is earmarked for the procurement of essential drugs and medical supplies. This amount includes a provision for the COVID-19 vaccine once it is developed and made available.

Housing and Community Amenities

Mr. Speaker, in order to enhance the quality of life of our people, I propose to allocate K2.2 billion towards housing and community amenities. The bulk of this amount is for improving water supply and sanitation systems.

Public Order and Safety

Mr. Speaker, I propose an allocation of K3.1 billion to public order and safety. Key interventions under this allocation will include modernisation and digitalisation of systems as well as construction and rehabilitation of infrastructure.

Social Protection

Mr Speaker, to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 and further enhance social protection, I propose to allocate K4.8 billion to this function. Out of this amount, K2.3 billion is for the social cash transfer which is more than the K1.0 billion allocated in the 2020 Budget. Further, I propose to increase the allocation for the Food Security Pack Programme to K1.1 billion from K100 million. Other allocations under this function include K1.1 billion to the Public Service Pension Fund.

Other Functions

Mr. Speaker, I propose an allocation of K6.7 billion on other functions of Government such as Defence, Environmental Protection as well as Recreation, Culture and Religion.

Revenue Estimates and Financing

Mr. Speaker, I expect to raise a total of K119.6 billion to finance this Budget. Out of this amount, K53.3 billion will be raised from taxes while K12.7 billion will be from non-tax revenues. In addition, K2.0 billion will be grants from our Cooperating Partners. The balance of the total amount will be financed through borrowing K17.4 billion from the domestic market and K34.2 billion will be from external sources.

Sir, the estimates of revenue, grants and financing to support this Budget are summarised as follows:

Direct Taxes

Mr. Speaker, to increase disposable income of employees, I propose to raise the exempt threshold for Pay-As-You-Earn to K4,000 from K3,300 per month and adjust the income tax bands accordingly. This measure will result in K455.6 million additional income in the pockets of the Zambian workers. The tax bands are now as follows:

Mr. Speaker, in order to encourage employment of differently abled persons, I propose to increase the amount allowed for deduction by an employer for employing a person with disability to K2,000 per annum from K1,000 per annum.

Sir, in order to cushion the suffering of the differently abled persons in our society, I propose to increase the tax credit for individuals to K500 per month from the current K250 per month.

Mr. Speaker, to provide relief to the horticulture and floriculture subsectors, I propose to increase the number of years for claiming the 10 percent development allowance to 5 years from the existing 3 years. This allowance is applicable to persons growing rose flowers, tea, coffee, banana plant or citrus fruit trees or other similar plants or trees.
Mr. Speaker, to harmonise the presumptive tax structure for the gaming and betting industry, I propose to increase the tax rate on betting to 25 percent from 10 percent of gross takings. This measure will generate an extra K59.3 million.

Value Added Tax

Mr. Speaker, to support the scaling up of agricultural productivity through mechanisation, I propose to zero rate all tractors for Value Added Tax purposes. Currently, only tractors up to 90 Horse Power are zero rated.

Sir, to combat the spread of COVID-19, I propose to zero rate equipment used for full body sanitisation for a period of one year. This measure will take effect from midnight tonight.

Mr. Speaker, the Value Added Tax measures will result in a revenue loss of K5.1 million.

Customs and Excise

Mr. Speaker, to revamp the horticulture and floriculture subsectors and to promote other non- traditional exports, I propose to:

a) Suspend import duty on biological control agents;
b) Remove import duty on greenhouse plastics;
c) Reduce import duty to 15 percent from 25 percent on selected bulb plants and seedlings;
d) Reduce import duty on secateurs and pruners to 5 percent from the current 15 percent and 25 percent, respectively;
e) Remove import duty on selected agricultural clippers; and
f) Remove export duty on crocodile skin.

Mr. Speaker, to stimulate economic activity in other sectors, I propose the following measures:

a) Remove import duty on copper ores and concentrates to encourage local processing;
b) Suspend import duty on importation of refrigerated trucks to support the domestic and export markets;
c) Reduce import duty to 5 percent from 25 percent on selected trimmings to promote the local garments and textile industry; and
d) Lower import duty to 15 percent from 30 percent on electric motor vehicles to reduce the use of fossil fuel.

Sir, to support local production, build resilience and mitigate the revenue loss arising from the aforementioned measures, I propose the following:

a) Increase import duty to 40 percent from 25 percent on agro products such as beef and beef processed products, pork and pork processed products, chicken and chicken processed products as well as fish imported from outside the SADC and COMESA regions;
b) Introduce excise duty at the rate of K1.50 per litre on reconstituted milk;
c) Harmonize import duty rate on reconstituted milk with other forms of milk at 15 percent;
d) Adjust the specific excise duty rate on cigarettes to K302 per mille from K265;
e) Introduce a surtax at the rate of 20 percent on imported un-denatured ethyl alcohol of an alcoholic volume strength of 80 percent or higher;
f) Introduce excise duty on plastic flat bags at the rate of 30 percent; and
g) Harmonize the import duty rates of cotton and polyester fabric at 15 percent ad valorem rate or K1.82 per kilogram whichever is higher.

Mr. Speaker, I propose to exclude high value motor vehicles from the definition of used motor vehicles and subject them to ad valorem import duty.

Sir, to resuscitate the tourism sector and promote local tourism, I propose the following measures:

a) Reduce corporate income tax rate to 15 percent from 35 percent on income earned by hotels and lodges on accommodation and food services;
b) Suspend import duty on safari game viewing motor vehicles, tourist buses and coaches;
c) Suspend license of renewal fees paid by hotels and lodges;
d) Suspend the retention fees paid by tourism enterprises; and
e) Suspend registration fees for hotel managers.

Mr. Speaker, I propose further tax incentives as follows:

a) Introduce a local content allowance for income tax purposes for utilisation of selected local raw materials to encourage local content and value addition; and
b) Reduce the investment threshold for a Zambian citizen to qualify for tax incentives under the Zambia Development Agency Act No.11 of 2006 to US$100,000 from US$500,000 for those intending to operate in a priority sector, a multi-facility economic zone or industrial park.

Sir, the measures I have announced are in addition to the existing incentives and those granted in response to COVID-19 earlier this year.

Housekeeping Measures

Mr. Speaker, I propose to amend the Income Tax Act, Customs and Excise Act, Property Transfer Tax Act, Value Added Tax Act, Zambia Revenue Authority Act and Zambia Development Agency Act so as to update, strengthen and remove ambiguities in certain provisions of the tax laws and make tax administration more effective. The details of the proposed changes will be contained in the respective legislation that I will later introduce in the House.

Non-Tax Revenue Measures

Mr. Speaker, I propose to increase various immigration permit fees to cost recovery levels whilst remaining competitive. Further, I propose to remove the discount granted to the public on fees where payment for online registration of a private company limited by shares and the filing of annual returns made online on the e-PACRA System.
Sir, the non-tax revenue measures will result in a revenue gain of K173.0 million.
Mr. Speaker, the measures that I have outlined will take effect on 1st January, 2021.


Mr. Speaker, in the face of our current adversities, His Excellency, Dr. Edgar Chagwa Lungu, President of the Republic of Zambia, enjoined us to change the way we think and the way we do things so that we are able to seize the opportunities that the COVID-19 challenge presents to us.

Sir, the mindset change called for by His Excellency should drive us to channel our energies in the pursuit of local solutions to our economic challenges. In this light, the 2021 Budget is formulated to support innovation in order to achieve greater value addition, establish sustainable domestic value chains, diversify production and expand our export base. This will enable us become a more productive nation.

Mr. Speaker, the 2021 Budget clearly lays a foundation for economic recovery, build resilience, safeguard livelihoods and protect the vulnerable. The thrust and priority for 2021 and the medium term will, therefore, be to re-invigorate growth, restore macroeconomic stability, attain fiscal fitness, restore debt sustainability and dismantle domestic arrears and at the same time safeguard social protection spending.
Sir, the Patriotic Front Government remains committed to creating a prosperous Zambia. To this end, this Budget has been developed as a step towards restoring economic growth and enhancing the welfare of our people.

Mr. Speaker, as I conclude, let me quote the words of His Excellency, Dr. Edgar Chagwa Lungu, President of the Republic of Zambia when addressing this august House two weeks ago, and I quote “As a nation, together, in unity, we can and we must win the war…Now is the time to hold our hands together and ride over a situation we find ourselves in as one people” end of quote.

Sir, allow me to also quote an African proverb which says “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” This entails that as a nation, we need to be united in the face of adversity. If we all put our hand to the plough, there is no limit to how far we can go as a people.

Mr. Speaker, I beg to move.

President Lungu calls of debt relief, cancellation in wake of COVID-19


President Edgar Lungu, President has called for debt relief and cancellation for developing countries as a major intervention to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and urgent action to guarantee economic recovery for a better world.

President Lungu has also called for enhanced collaboration in research for vaccines and cure for the COVID-19 global pandemic because only through concerted efforts and unity of purpose would the world conquer the pandemic.

And President Lungu has reaffirmed Zambia’s support for international efforts aimed at the peaceful resolution of conflicts through advocacy and peacekeeping missions.

Addressing the 75th United Nations General Assembly (UNGA 75) in a pre-recorded message on Thursday, the Head of State told world leaders that an opportunity had manifested itself for nations to maximize comparative advantages and expertise, technologies and innovations to combat COVID-19.
President Lungu said the COVID-19 had not only decimated economies and exacerbated poverty but had also shown the world how interdependent nations had become.

He challenged the Member States on the need to work together in order to effectively respond to the challenges confronting the world.

“The post-coronavirus landscape will require urgent action to guarantee recovery and to lay a solid foundation for a better world. Accordingly, Zambia supports the calls for major interventions such as debt relief and or cancellation for developing Member States and enhanced collaboration in research for vaccines and cure of the COVID-19. Mobilisation of resources from the local and international community is another major form of intervention,” President Lungu said.

President Lungu informed the United Nations General Assembly that young people were three times more likely to be unemployed compared to their adult counterparts prior to the onset of the COVID-19.

He stated that the young generation was now at higher risk to disproportionately bear the brunt of mass unemployment and under-protection as the pandemic continued to push the global economy into a deeper crisis.

The Head of State informed Member States that as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Zambian Government launched a multi-sectoral youth empowerment programme to support youth entrepreneurs

He said although the road before nations was laden with challenges, world leaders should neither waiver nor surrender to any cynicism on the accelerated implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

And President Lungu said Zambia would remain an active player in peacekeeping and peace buiding operations and urged the United Nations to remain resolute in its duty of protecting vulnerable persons.

“Zambia remains supportive of international efforts aimed at the peaceful resolution of conflicts through advocacy and support shown for peacekeeping missions.

“We would like to urge the United Nations to remain resulote in its duty of protecting the vulnerable persons and to redouble its efforts to bring about a more peaceful world,” the President said.

President Lungu said as the United Nations marked its 75th anniversary, its continued relevance to mankind was beyond question and therefore the need to revitalise the global governance organization so that it could fulfill the ideals for which it was established.

The theme of the 75th United Nations General Assembly is: “The future we want, the United Nations we need: reaffirming our collective commitment to multilateralism-confronting COVID-19 through effective multilateral action.”

HPCZ cautions private health facilities against issuing COVID-19 certificates


The Health Professions Council of Zambia (HPCZ) has advised unauthorized private health facilities to stop issuing COVID-19 certificates as doing so would comprise quality health service delivery.

HPCZ Senior Public Relations Officer Terry Musonda explained that not all private clinics and hospitals are eligible to issue COVID-19 certificates but a few designated private health facilities that are allowed by the Ministry of Health.

Mr. Musonda said HPCZ is getting on the ground to establish the extent of the matter and come up with measures to address the illegal practice which he said has the potential to comprise quality service delivery if not stopped.

The Ministry of health has expressed concerns that some undesignated private health institutions are issuing COVID-19 certificates to members of the public.

“Managers of private health facilities have to follow laid down procedures on issuance of COVID-19 Certificates, we are getting to the bottom of this,” Mr Musonda said

And the HPCZ has expressed concerned over the closure of six private health facilities in Kitwe, Chililabombwe and Solwezi Districts without the informing the regulatory body on their decision.

Mr Musonda who disclosed this during press briefing in Ndola today stated that closing of any private health facility should be done formally and according to laid down procedure as provided in the HPCZ Act number 24 of 2009.

“After an assessment survey of private health facilities and internship sites on the Copperbelt, we found that some private facilities have closed citing not having clients due to COVID 19 pandemic outbreak but this not suppose be so, the same way they opened the facilities should be the same way they close,” he lamented.

He said the six private health facilities should have been patient focused by adhering to systems and procedures as doing so will entail upholding professionalism, ethics and public security.

He however said it is mandatory for private health practitioners to stock emergency drugs and equipment at all times as opposed to closing of health facilities.

PF wants to Postpone Debt payment to Fund their 2021 Elections Campaing


By: Anthony Bwalya – UPND Member

Since the year 2012, the Patriotic Front (PF) has been entrenching political power using excessive public borrowing to appease an often unsuspecting Zambian public under the guise of infrastructure development.

Here is some perspective: the PF has since borrowed around $20bn, in both local and foreign debt.

Out of this amount, only $7.4bn has actually been used to build roads, hospitals, and school buildings – nothing to do with the actual ability for people to access decent, affordable public healthcare or education services.

The other $12.6bn has literally been stolen by PF politicians, who have further diverted substantial portions into party mobilization activities of the PF all across the country.

This is the money Zambians now see Ministers and MPs, including cadres from the PF, now throwing around in gifts and empowerment projects.

Literally, everyone in the PF has morphed into a MOTHER THERESA and a charitable organization by themselves. They are all giving, giving, and giving.

I have always mentioned, that ALL the so-called empowerment schemes being sponsored by the PF are anchored on pure criminal activities of theft, corruption, and fraud against the Zambian people.

Where do you think the so-called Presidential Empowerment Fund Initiative gets its money from? And where do you think the so-called Kalumbila Cooperative get its money from?

So, now, public coffers are dry. The only people and organization with money are the PF, and even theirs is fast drying up.


You see, the PF knows very well, that the poverty trap they have deliberately orchestrated in Zambia will very soon backfire on them and potentially stir civil unrest and almost immediate demand for them to vacate office.

This is what happens every time and everywhere when the economy fails and people start scrapping for a living, with no meaningful access to health or education, not even jobs and the currency collapses.

See Zimbabwe and Venezuela.

So, what do they do? With less than 365 days to a historical general election in Zambia, the regime is seeking the keys to the cash vault.

They started with attempts to use BILL 10 as a tool to move monetary policy operations from the Bank of Zambia to a dysfunctional parliament, so that they may be able to print money as they please.

This has turned out to be a long route. They cannot wait.

So, they have now started making noise asking EUROBOND holders to postpone effectively $1.2bn of repayments over Six (6) months.

But the question is: what do you think the PF requires this money for?

The Eurobond holders are NOT foolish. They know what the game plan of the PF is. With $1.2bn in their control, the PF can and will literally BUY OFF the general election even before it has taken place.

They will bribe the ECZ, they will bribe polling station officers, they will bribe the police, they will bribe the Judiciary and they will certainly bribe the electorate.

If and when Eurobond holders make the mistake of granting this evil request by the PF, they will lose much more than the money they are owed. They will have contributed to throwing away Zambia’s chance of starting the long process of rebuilding itself and rethinking how we can make good on our various debt obligations. Not only this, but they will also have contributed towards setting the country on a warpath with itself, because the consequences of a PF victory, aided by debt money, will be catastrophic and will ring out for many years to come.



President Lungu salutes Nigeria, Ghana ties


President Edgar Lungu has reiterated governments’ commitment to developing strong bilateral ties and exploring areas of cooperation with Nigeria to the mutual benefit of the two countries.

And President Lungu says Zambia will also continue to pursue opportunities which will increase cooperation between Zambia and the Republic of Ghana.

ZANIS reports that President Lungu was speaking today at State House in Lusaka, when outgoing Nigerian High Commissioner, Muhhammad Kabir Umar and his Ghanaian counterpart Ekua Prah, called on him to bid farewell.

President Lungu has since thanked the two Envoys for the contribution they rendered to strengthening Zambia, Nigeria and Ghana relations.

‘I appreciate the role you played in cementing our ties, we will be looking forward to seeing how we can enhance our bilateral trade ties for the mutual benefit of our countries development,” President Lungu told the two Envoys in separate sessions.

On Nigeria, President Lungu said the country has demonstrated its commitment in resolving the conflict in Africa and encouraged the West African Country to continue doing so.

“So we are looking forward to working with Nigeria especially when the Africa Continental Free Trade Area (ACFTA) takes effect.

For Ghana, President Lungu said the countries share a lot in common especially during the liberation struggle of African countries and that Zambia will continue to cooperate with Ghana in areas of need.

“In fact Ghana has done very well in solving especially post-election conflicts. As you know democracy in Africa has challenges particularly during elections and you know Conflicts lead to loss of lives and misery to the people,” President Lungu stated.

President Lungu further stressed the need to resolve, manage and prevent post-election conflicts and continue with Pan Africanism which the forefathers left for the continent.

Meanwhile, the duo praised the cordiality that the Zambian People rendered to them during their core of duty in the Southern African Country.

“Zambia has become my second home, I will continue to hold this country in high esteem. Even as I go home I will strive to bring investment from Nigeria to Zambia,” Mr Kabir Umar stated.

And Ghanaian Envoy Ekua Prah, said Zambia and Ghana will continue to move from strength to strength as the two countries have come a long way since the colonial times.

President Edgar Lungu Greets Ambassador Muhammad Kair Umar high Commmissioner Nigeria
President Edgar Lungu Greets Ambassador Muhammad Kair Umar high Commmissioner Nigeria
President Edgar Lungu with Mr Muhammad Kair Umar high Commmissioner Nigeria
President Edgar Lungu with Mr Muhammad Kair Umar high Commmissioner Nigeria
President Lungu salutes Nigeria, Ghana ties Lusaka, September 25, ZANIS--- President Edgar Lungu has reiterated governments’ commitment to developing strong bilateral ties and exploring areas of cooperation with Nigeria to the mutual benefit of the two countries. And President Lungu says Zambia will also continue to pursue opportunities which will increase cooperation between Zambia and the Republic of Ghana. ZANIS reports that President Lungu was speaking today at State House in Lusaka, when outgoing Nigerian High Commissioner, Muhhammad Kabir Umar and his Ghanaian counterpart Ekua Prah, called on him to bid farewell. President Lungu has since thanked the two Envoys for the contribution they rendered to strengthening Zambia, Nigeria and Ghana relations. ‘I appreciate the role you played in cementing our ties, we will be looking forward to seeing how we can enhance our bilateral trade ties for the mutual benefit of our countries development,” President Lungu told the two Envoys in separate sessions. On Nigeria, President Lungu said the country has demonstrated its commitment in resolving the conflict in Africa and encouraged the West African Country to continue doing so. “So we are looking forward to working with Nigeria especially when the Africa Continental Free Trade Area (ACFTA) takes effect. For Ghana, President Lungu said the countries share a lot in common especially during the liberation struggle of African countries and that Zambia will continue to cooperate with Ghana in areas of need. “In fact Ghana has done very well in solving especially post-election conflicts. As you know democracy in Africa has challenges particularly during elections and you know Conflicts lead to loss of lives and misery to the people,” President Lungu stated. President Lungu further stressed the need to resolve, manage and prevent post-election conflicts and continue with Pan Africanism which the forefathers left for the continent. Meanwhile, the duo praised the cordiality that the Zambian People rendered to them during their core of duty in the Southern African Country. “Zambia has become my second home, I will continue to hold this country in high esteem. Even as I go home I will strive to bring investment from Nigeria to Zambia,” Mr Kabir Umar stated. And Ghanaian Envoy Ekua Prah, said Zambia and Ghana will continue to move from strength to strength as the two countries have come a long way since the colonial times.
President Lungu salutes Nigeria, Ghana ties
Lusaka, September 25, ZANIS— President Edgar Lungu has reiterated governments’ commitment to developing strong bilateral ties and exploring areas of cooperation with Nigeria to the mutual benefit of the two countries.
And President Lungu says Zambia will also continue to pursue opportunities which will increase cooperation between Zambia and the Republic of Ghana.
ZANIS reports that President Lungu was speaking today at State House in Lusaka, when outgoing Nigerian High Commissioner, Muhhammad Kabir Umar and his Ghanaian counterpart Ekua Prah, called on him to bid farewell.
President Lungu has since thanked the two Envoys for the contribution they rendered to strengthening Zambia, Nigeria and Ghana relations.
‘I appreciate the role you played in cementing our ties, we will be looking forward to seeing how we can enhance our bilateral trade ties for the mutual benefit of our countries development,” President Lungu told the two Envoys in separate sessions.
On Nigeria, President Lungu said the country has demonstrated its commitment in resolving the conflict in Africa and encouraged the West African Country to continue doing so.
“So we are looking forward to working with Nigeria especially when the Africa Continental Free Trade Area (ACFTA) takes effect.
For Ghana, President Lungu said the countries share a lot in common especially during the liberation struggle of African countries and that Zambia will continue to cooperate with Ghana in areas of need.
“In fact Ghana has done very well in solving especially post-election conflicts. As you know democracy in Africa has challenges particularly during elections and you know Conflicts lead to loss of lives and misery to the people,” President Lungu stated.
President Lungu further stressed the need to resolve, manage and prevent post-election conflicts and continue with Pan Africanism which the forefathers left for the continent.
Meanwhile, the duo praised the cordiality that the Zambian People rendered to them during their core of duty in the Southern African Country.
“Zambia has become my second home, I will continue to hold this country in high esteem. Even as I go home I will strive to bring investment from Nigeria to Zambia,” Mr Kabir Umar stated.
And Ghanaian Envoy Ekua Prah, said Zambia and Ghana will continue to move from strength to strength as the two countries have come a long way since the colonial times.

36 Women Clubs receive chickens under the Enhanced Smallholder Livestock Investment Project


Thirty-six (36) Women Clubs of Nalolo District in Western Province have received 1,500 improved village chickens under the Enhanced Smallholder Livestock Investment Project (E-SLIP) being implemented by the Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock.

Delivering the chickens to the clubs, Nalolo District Commissioner Teddy Chimbinde said the chickens are still government property entrusted under the care of the women until such a time when they will have passed on to other beneficiaries.

“This project is a pass-on program aimed at empowering women and youth headed households hence the guidelines must be adhered to because other group members will be waiting for their time,” emphasized Mr Chimbinde.

He urged the women clubs to contribute to the developmental goal of the poultry project which is to improve income of rural smallholders, poor female and male households in all the ten provinces of the country.

The District Commissioner said doing so will eliminate poverty in the communities and help raise the profile of Nalolo.

And Acting District Fisheries and Livestock Officer Dr Deborah Wambinji said out of the 36 groups, each member will benefit ten chickens comprising of nine hens and one cock and is expected to pass them on to others after six months.

“There is need to give this program the seriousness that it deserves. Ensure that you take care of the chickens well so that many people can benefit from this project,” stated Dr Wambinji.

She said once taken seriously, the program will uplift the lives of many people in the district.

And speaking on behalf of the clubs, Maureen Kapenda of Nasiwayo Women Club thanked government for empowering the women of Nalolo District, saying the gesture will enable them to take care of their families.

Among the women clubs that have benefited are Mande, Nembwele, Liokwe, Nongwa, Mwananyanda and Muoyo UCZ Women Fellowship among others.

Now ECZ Summons Nevers Mumba over Rigging Allegations, but party rejects request


Movement for Multi-party Democracy (MMD) has rejected the request for its party President Nevers Mumba to appear before the Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) today without fail, after he was summoned, with the party saying that ECZ has no authority to summon anyone.

In a letter addressed to Dr. Mumba, ECZ Chief Electoral Officer Patrick Nshindano requested Dr. Mumba to appear before the ECZ today at 14 hours at the ECZ Headquarters.

“Following allegations of rigging in the just ended Lukashya By-Elections made by yourself, you are requested to appear before the Commission without fail at 14 hours”, the letter read.

But MMD National Secretary Hon. Elizabeth Chitika, in response, said that neither ECZ nor Nshindano have the authority to summon anyone as they are not a Court.

“I write to inform you that President Mumba is not available and will be unable to appear before You. However, even if he was around, he would never come to your office as demanded by you since you are not a Court”, Hon. Chitika wrote.

Hon Chitika further said that the opportunity to hear from the MMD ended when the Returning Officer announced the results.

“You may wish to know that the Campaign Manager for the MMD during the just ended By-Elections, Mr. Tobias Maliti phoned your Returning Officer after him, together with other authorized MMD officials, were stopped from witnessing the counting of votes at a number of polling stations. It is at that particular time that you would have demanded to hear from us. It is therefore a mockery for your office to summon our party President today as if you are a Court when your Returning Officer neglected to attend to our serious complaint at that critical time”, Hon. Chitika said.

She further requested Nshindano to check with the Lukashya Returning office to establish if the MMD Campaign Manager called the Returning Officer who promised to resolve the problem but never did. And a follow-up letter of complaint from the MMD was written and delivered to the Returning Officer.

Numba Is Zesco United Boss


Mumamba Numba has been appointed Zesco United’s new head coach.

The 42 year old returns to the bench nine months after he was sacked by Zanaco after a successful five year stint.

Numba has signed a three year deal and replaces veteran George Lwandamina who parted ways with the eight-time champions on September 22.

“Mumamba is one of the finest young coaches to have emerged from the Zambian game in recent years. He has managed at the top level of Zambian football and he knows the domestic game very well,” said Zesco CEO Richard Mulenga at Numba’s unveiling on September 25 in Ndola.

“I would like to take this opportunity to welcome him to ZESCO United. His track record of success is ideal to take this club forward.”

Numba’s record during his five years at Zanaco saw him win the 2016 league title, runners up twice plus a Barclays Cup crown.

He also guided Zanaco to a group stage appearance each in the CAF Champions League and CAF Confederation Cup.

Numba also served as assistant Zambia coach from 2018-2019 and guided the Zambia U17 to its debut Cosafa U17 Cup triumph in 2017.

Joining him as assistant will be Noel Mwandila, a familiar face at the other end of Levy Stadium were he briefly coached Zesco ‘s housemates Buildcon at the start of 2020.

Mwende Bwino and Discover Zambia to host World Tourism Day Webinar

Zambian travel podcast Mwende Bwino has collaborated with travel digital media specialists Discover Zambia to host a virtual event in honor of World Tourism Day on Sunday September 27, 2020 at 15hours Zambian time (CAT).

World Tourism Day is an annual event established by the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) “to foster awareness of tourism’s social, cultural, political and economic value and the contribution the sector can make in reaching the Sustainable Development Goals”. The theme of the 2020 edition is Tourism and Rural development.

The webinar will address how stakeholders operating in the tourism, conservation and hospitality sector in Zambia are faring in the current climate of the global pandemic and how they plan to empower local communities in rural areas to benefit from the sector.

The 1 hour 30 minute webinar will feature a panel of speakers including Luwi Nguluka, the co-founder of Women for Conservation and awareness manager at Wildlife Crime Prevention Zambia, Dorothy Walker Partner at Discover Zambia/travel content creator, Brian Ross, Deputy Team Leader and Tourism Sector Head at Prospero Zambia, Gemma D’Souza, the founder of Nyayo, the first travel magazine to focus specifically on safari guides and more.

The World Tourism Day Zambia webinar will be moderated by Dorothy Walker, partner at Discover Zambia and Mazuba Kapambwe from the Mwende Bwino podcast. “Having worked with Discover Zambia in the past, it only made sense to join forces to create this webinar. I use my podcast to market Zambia through the guests I feature, while Discover Zambia uses their incredible platform to showcase the beauty of Zambia and its destinations. Due to corona, we could not host an in-person event, but we still felt that given how the virus has affected Africa and Zambia’s tourism industry, it was still important to commemorate World Tourism Day”, says Mazuba Kapambwe.

Attendees will be able to pose questions to panelists during the free webinar which will take place on zoom. For sign up information, visit @mwendebwino on twitter or @mwendebwinopodcast on instagram.

Zambia will join other members of the United Nations World Tourism Organization in commemorating World Tourism Day such as Cameroon, South Africa, Kenya and more.

Lets talk music: Ruth Ronnie speaks on being a woman in the music business

Ruth Ronnie discusses how to successfully navigate the music industry as a woman.

Budget Must Undesrscore Progressive Fiscal Reform To Enhance Domestic Revenue Mobilization While Prioritizing Expenditure


By Nalucha Nganga Ziba Country Director – ActionAid Zambia

As the finance Minister Dr Bwalya Ng’andu presents the 2021 national budget in parliament on September 25, 2020. We share our expectations.


Both covid-19 and high public debt levels presents a fiscal challenge for the provision of public services. 2021 national budget must, therefore, clearly identify priority expenditure. With limited resources, the 2021 national budget must demonstrate the need to ensure sustainable spending specifically on key and strategic sectors which will assure both citizens resilience to the socio-economic impact of Covid-19 and economic recovery. This is in line with observations made by the President in His State of the Nation Address on 11th September 2020, that “economic recovery post Covid-19 era must be a national priority”

We would like to see a significant allocation towards education, health, social spending and economic recovery. We believe that income security in social spending promotes dignified life more especially during the Covid-19 pandemic. We would, therefore, like to see an increase in the budgetary allocation towards social protection from an average of 2.8% in the past ten years to at least 5% of the total 2021 National Budget.

Though Zambia has not been hit as hard as other countries, we, however, observe that COVID-19 has exposed starkly the underfunding of the health sector in Zambia. With Covid-19 we have seen how the provision of other health care services haves suffered due limited number health personnel and inadequate health facilities.

In the past ten years national budgetary allocation towards the health sector has not only be short of the 15% Abuja declaration commitment but it has also been declining since 2013. We wish to remind the government amidst the battle against Covid-19 which is far from over, the 2021 national budget should seek to secure adequate funds for the health sector to assure the country’s ability to respond/mitigate possible surge in the Covid-19 cases and continuation of the provision of other health care services. We expect the 2021 national budget to at least meet the 15% Abuja declaration national budgetary commitment.

The 7NDP has identified agriculture as the main vehicle for achieving economic diversification and job creation. We, however, note with dismay that budgetary allocation toward this critical sector has not only been insignificant but that also it has dwindling in the past five years. In 2020 the agriculture sector only received 3.7%; this is usually couple with erratic disbursement.

We also observe that major part of the agriculture budgetary allocation usually goes to activities such as purchase of Maize under Food Reserve Authority (FRA) and the politicized Farmer Input Support Program. Indaba Agriculture Policy Research Institute (IAPRI) observes that in the 2019 Agriculture Budget 50% of the allocation went to FISP, 23% FRA, 16% Personnel Emoluments, 7% other and 4% Operational Funds (RDCs). With FISP Program there have been several challenges observed such as poor targeting. Consequently, despite the Program running for many years the benefits have been minimal.

It is our considered view that the allocation to the agriculture sector should focus more on: Research and Development, Irrigation Development, Extension services. Expenditure in these areas will transform the Agriculture sector in terms of improved productivity in the context of climate change.

ActionAid Zambia also expects serious and/or signification reduction in the budgetary allocation towards, Road Infrastructure and Public Order Management in the 2021 national budget. Many stakeholders including ActionAid have observed that Zambia is generally a peaceful Country as such high budgetary allocations to Public Order more that than the allocations towards Social protection is not only questionable but also unrealistic as this can be attributed to the deteriorating human rights situation of the country in line with state brutality.


Covid-19 presents a mammoth challenge for resource mobilization for the government. It is, however, suffice to note that the pandemic also presents a compelling need and/or demand of adequate provision of public services. ActionAid Zambia, therefore, expects the 2021 National Budget to underscore progressive fiscal reform to enhance domestic revenue mobilization while offering macroeconomic stimulus to regain economic growth.

We are of the considered view that in order to expand the fiscal space which will enable us to provide the much needed public services and the sustainable financing necessary for long-term socio-economic resilience, there is need first to urgently fight aggressive tax evasion and tax avoidance, including illicit financial flows. Zambia is signatory to many detrimental tax treaties such as the recently cancelled Mauritius tax treaty which have proved to be the major contributor of tax avoidance and/or evasion by most multinational corporations.

Zambia is also still giving tax incentives to various investors without any significant economic benefit. We, therefore, expect the government to suspend and/or cancel all the tax incentives and treaties proving to be of no economic sense and redundant in the 2021 national budget. This will expand the revenue base for the country in the wake constrained fiscal space.

We also expect the government to introduce the long-awaited capital gains tax and categorical net-wealth tax to further expand tax and/or revenue base. Personal Income in PAYE is largest contributor to Zambia tax revenue. The current personal Income tax largely targets working and middle-class taxpayers leaving out the higher earners who typically make most of their money from investments and property holdings. Net wealth tax, will, therefore, not only increase government revenue but also make the tax system more progressive and fairer.

Additionally, though Covid-19 has been a thorn to the Zambia economy and the majority people not only in Zambia but around the globe, some industries and/sectors have, however, benefited significantly from the pandemic. ActionAid, therefore, expected the introduction of variable Profit Taxes or an excess profits tax in the 2021 national budget for the most profitable industries during the COVID_19 pandemic period.

Finally, in the wake of Covid-19 most businesses including SMEs have severely impacted, we therefore, expect the 2021 national budget to offer tax relief and/or waiver to the most hit sectors. This will enable businesses time to recover from the impacts of COVID_19 hence triggering economic recovery. Any tax relief, however, must be targeted, cost effective and temporal.

Sexuality Education was Introduced due to Increasing Teenage Pregnancies, STIs and HIV infections-ZANEC


Zambia National Education Coalition (ZANEC) has said that Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) in Zambia came about because of the increasing cases of teenage pregnancies, STIs and HIV infections especially among girls leading to their dropping out of school.

In a statement released to the media by ZANEC Executive Director, George Hamusunga, in response to criticism of CSE by the Government, traditional leaders, and Zambia’s main Church bodies, ZANEC said that CSE was designed to empower pupils with knowledge on abstinence, culture, society, hygiene, human development, life skills and values to empower teenagers to be more assertive and careful with their sexuality.

ZANEC also said that there was nowhere in the CSE Framework where issues of abortion, transgender, or indeed other inappropriate behaviors are encouraged either directly or indirectly.

Below is the full statement

24th September 2020

The Zambia National Education Coalition (ZANEC) has reviewed both Zambia’s Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) framework produced in 2013 as well as the teachers’ guides and learners’ booklets for grades 5 to 12 designed to operationalize the CSE framework in Zambia.

Findings from the review of our CSE materials indicate that the current content is appropriate for the targeted age-groups and is in line with our national values and the best interest of our children.

Among others, the Framework places abstinence at the center of the prevention of teenage pregnancies, STIs, and HIV infections among school-going children. More importantly, the curriculum framework pays particular attention to the limits concerning the modes and styles of communicating CSE information in schools.

Evidence also shows that the rolling of CSE to schools is always preceded by the training of teachers by trainers approved by the Ministry of General Education through the Curriculum Development Center (CDC). In addition, there is nowhere in the CSE Framework where issues of abortion, transgender, or indeed other inappropriate behaviors are encouraged either directly or indirectly.

It is also important to note that the teaching of CSE in Zambia came about because of the increasing cases of teenage pregnancies, STIs, and HIV infections especially among girls leading to their dropping out of school.

It is for this reason that CSE was designed to empower pupils with knowledge on abstinence, culture, society, hygiene, human development, life skills, and values to empower teenagers to be more assertive and careful with their sexuality.

There is no evidence whatsoever showing that the introduction of CSE in schools has led to increased sexual activity and pregnancies. On the contrary, official statistics show a reduction in the number of school pregnancies at the primary school level from 12,753 pregnancies before the introduction of CSE in 2013 to 11,453 pregnancies by 2018 according to the Education Statistical Bulletins.

Finally, ZANEC’s evidence shows that the government through the Ministry of General Education has paid due attention to our local context and values in domesticating the international instruments on CSE. Therefore, the Coalition would like to encourage all education stakeholders and members of the public to take a keen interest in reviewing our CSE Framework and raise specific issues that they deem inappropriate to avoid debates that are not based on our existing policies and practices. It is on this basis that we would like to conclude that there is no locally derived empirical evidence in support of the suspension of the rolling out of CSE in schools.


George Hamusunga
Executive Director

Keep your hands off Nevers Mumba, MMD youths Tell PF


The Opposition New Hope Movement for Multi-party Democracy (MMD) Youths have warned the ruling Patriotic Front (PF) to keep their hands off their Party President Dr. Nevers Mumba.

New Hope MMD President on Monday revealed that the ruling Patriotic Front rigged the Lukashya by elections and had brought in a South African IT Guru to help them rig next years elections. The following day, PF Deputy Secretary General Mumbi Phiri announced that the PF would take MMD President to Court for him to prove his revelations.

In a change of twist, the Zambia Police yesterday at 13:30 hours delivered two police reports to the MMD National Secretary at Democracy House (MMD Secretariat) where they summoned Dr. Mumba to appear before at Force Headquarters within an hour for Interrogation. Hon. Chitika responded to them that Dr. Mumba was out of town for Party Activities and would only present himself on Monday, the 28th of September, 2020 at 10 hours.

In a statement, MMD Youth Chairman Mr. Joshua Mulenga said that there was nothing sinister about what Dr. Mumba said.

“As the Youths of the New Hope MMD in Lusaka, we are shocked with the reaction of the PF over the revelations of President Mumba. It is open gossip that the playing field wasn’t levelled in Lukashya as there was Vote buying, Violence and rigging was openly done. Our President said that We would soon petition the results of those elections, so we are surprised why the PF are busy trying to intimidate President Mumba and Us from taking the case to Court”, Mr. Mulenga said.

Mr. Mulenga further said that PF are suffering from Memorial Loss because President Sata accused MMD of rigging but was never intimidated.

“Furthermore, we are shocked with the memorial lapses that our colleagues from the PF seem to be suffering from. In 2008, there then President Micheal Sata alleged that the MMD had rigged the Presidential By elections at Mulungushi Conference Centre. Did we as the MMD threaten to take him to Court or send the Police to arrest him with two call outs? Hell, No!! Because We understood what Democracy entails and respected the rule of law, we respected the opinions of President Sata and the PF. So, to Us, the PF are suffering from Memorial losses and President Sata in the grave must be ashamed of them”, Mr. Mulenga said.

Mr. Mulenga further wondered why the PF are panicking over their Dr. Mumba revelations and advised them to keep their hands off him.

“Lastly but not the least, we are wondering why the MMD are panicking over arresting our Party President if they fairly won the elections. The behavior reminds Us of a guilty Person who’s trying to hide his wrong doings. We are hence warning them to leave our President and Our Party alone and concentrate on the recovering the economy which they have messed up”, Mr. Mulenga said.