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Religious Affairs Minister Raises Strong Objection to introducing Comprehensive Sex Education in Schools


The Ministry of National Guidance and Religious Affairs has said that Zambia should have nothing to do with Comprehensive Sexual Education (CSE), a project being promoted by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA).

“Zambia is a Christian nation anchored on Christian values, so we have to protect our Christian heritage,” Minister of National Guidance and Religious Affairs Godfridah Sumaili said.

Hon. Sumaili said CSE sharply differs from ordinary sexual education that has been taught in Zambian schools since the 70s, as it promotes values about gender identities, sexual orientation, and reproductive health rights alien to Zambia.

The introduction of comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) in Zambia, after a pilot program was completed in 2019, has put various interest groups on a collision course.

The Evangelical Fellowship of Zambia has strongly opposed its implementation while the National Association of Quality Education in Zambia says it is a good program that should not be stopped.

Bishop Joshua Banda has said the analysis tool done to the Zambian curriculum, its teaching methods and guides, and CSE material and books being used, raised serious concerns about the programme.

He called for the withdrawal of the CSE programme until safeguards and sufficient consultation and consesus were done and achieved.

He said all stakeholders were concerned about the rise of teenage pregnancies, child marriages, STDs, and HIV and sexual abuse but objected to solutions such as contraceptives, abortions, and other services being given to adolescents.

He said the Church however disagreed with the provision of the solution of Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights(SRH&R) and Comprehensive Sexuality Education(CSE) as solutions.
He said the two programs promote the provisions of abortions, contraceptives and acceptance of homosexuality among young people.

He encouraged the Ministry of Education to improve on the old sexual education curriculum than to introduce Comprehensive Sexuality Education developed in Europe and impose it in Zambia despite the cultural, religious, values, and sensitivities of the country.

He also requested the Ministry of Health to revise the SRH&R program.

Panos, partners launch project to improve transparency and accountability of elections in Africa


Panos Institute Southern Africa (PSAf) has partnered with the Africa Freedom of Information Centre (AFIC) and the Gambia Press Union to implement a project that seeks to improve transparency and accountability in electoral processes in Africa through the promotion of access to information.

The project which is dubbed “Enhancing Transparency and Accountability in Electoral Processes in Africa has been funded by the National Endowment for Democracy (NED). It was officially launched virtually on 22 September 2020, with stakeholders from the three countries where the project will be implemented, namely Zambia, Uganda and the Gambia in attendance.

Speaking during the launch, PSAf Executive Director, Mr. Vusumuzi Sifile said the three media development and press freedom advocacy organisations had come together to implement the project because a lot of problems in African elections were rooted in limited access to information.

“As Panos Institute Southern Africa we are pleased to be a part of this consortium that seeks to promote increased access to information to contribute to improved transparency and accountability ion electoral processes in Africa. This project is in line with our organisation’s mission of amplifying voices of the poor and marginalised. Elections are an important aspect of citizens’ participation in democratic processes, yet in most cases the management of the process is shrouded in lack of transparency and accountability,” said Mr. Sifile.

The project is responding to the fact that in spite of African Union and national frameworks on access to information, many citizens in Africa do not get the information they need in order to have informed and meaningful participation in electoral processes. This results in low voter turnout, high numbers of spoilt ballots, and disputed outcomes of elections.

Mr. Sifile added that “access to information is an important ingredient for effective citizen participation in democratic processes, including elections”.

“Information is at the centre of all aspects of elections. Where information is not adequately shared, there is a high risk of unscrupulous people churning out fake news, fuelling misinformation and disinformation, which often raises alarm and triggers conflict. Through this project, we will bring together various stakeholders, including the electoral management bodies, government agencies, political actors, civil society organisations, and law enforcers, among other key stakeholders who have a role to play,” said Mr. Sifile.

The project will support the establishment and implementation of a legal framework for access to information and elections in the context of the African Charter on Human and People’s Rights (ACHPR) guidelines on access to information and elections in Africa, is expected to analyse reports on access to information and elections in Uganda, Zambia and Gambia.
“When citizens do not get adequate information, they cannot make informed choices and meaningfully participate in electoral processes,” added Mr. Sifile. “This results in low voter turnout, high numbers of spoilt ballots, and disputed outcomes of elections. We are confident that through this project, we will facilitate access to and use of information by various stakeholders. Most of the problems that have characterised elections have to do with limited access to information. This includes citizens’ limited access to information on certain processes and channels. In some cases, electoral management bodies and other electoral actors also fail to take the necessary action or to respond on time because of lack of information on situations requiring their intervention.”

The project will further promote citizens’ access to information in electoral processes in Uganda, Zambia and The Gambia, and also support their use of that information to effectively participate in the electoral process. This is expected to contribute to enhanced disclosure and responsiveness of election management bodies and political parties of Uganda, Zambia and The Gambia.

Among other activities, the project will conduct a review of the relevant international and regional human rights instruments, laws, policies and guidelines to analyse the legal framework and human rights safeguards in place and reforms on access to information in elections. The project also has a plan in place for engaging relevant stakeholders on access to information and elections in the named countries. This will the implementing partners to ensure that transparency and accountability is enhanced in the electoral processes in Africa and in turn help citizens access to and use of public information in elections in the context of the African Union (AU) treaties and standards.

Government relax COVID-19 restriction measures for religious organisations


The Ministry of National Guidance and Religious Affairs in consultation with the Ministry of Health, has reviewed guidelines for the Churches and Religious Organisations, by increasing the duration for worship and allowing faith based groups to gather for conference.

The review of the guidelines is in view of the lifting of some of the restrictions which led to the opening of bars, among others.

Permanent Secretary Reverend Howard Sikwela announced in a statement made available to media in Lusaka that the Church and Religious Organisations have been allowed to increase duration for their worship services from 1 hour to 2 hours while church conferences and other gatherings outside the main services have been allowed on condition that they get clearance certificate from health authorities.

“However the Ministry of National Guidance and Religious Affairs would like to urge Children below the age of five years are not allowed to attend public gatherings but those above 6 years can attend Sabbath or Sunday school provided they wear masks properly and observe social distancing. Teachers conducting children’s ministry in churches are advised to ensure that they help children adhere to health guidelines at all times and avoid giving children activities that compel them to work or play in groups,” the statement read in part.

Reverend Sikwela said elderly people above 60 years can attend church and religious gatherings except for those with underlying conditions.

The Permanent Secretary said the use of classrooms for church services however remains suspended subject to review.

“The Ministry of National Guidance and Religious Affairs would want to thank the Church and Religious Organisations for complying with health guidelines as prescribed by the Ministry of Health as the nation continues to combat the spread of the coronavirus pandemic. The Church and Religious Organisations are therefore reminded that all the above reviewed guidelines shall be observed,” he stated.

He advised the religious groupings to adhere to health guidelines as exhibited since the pandemic broke out in the country as they gather for their meetings and conferences.

Lwandamina Reflects on Zesco United Departure


George Lwandamina has described his Zesco United exit as part of football evolution.

Lwandamina left the eight-time champions by mutual consent on September 22 following two years there in his second stint with the Ndola club he led to four league titles over two terms at the helm.

He initially won the 2014 and 2015 league titles in his first two years with Zesco.

“Things like that happen. Sometimes you just feel like doing that,” Lwandamina said.

“And on the way forward, it is just about resting now, I have just had too much of football so I will rest a bit but when God prevails I will get back.”

Lwandamina added that he had not received any offers, either at home or abroad.

“After my discussion with Zesco officials, I haven’t even had time to sit to think about other things, so it is just about getting some space to recover, and like I said, if God says come back, I will,” Lwandamina said.

Maize Smugglers abandon trucks at Mutenguleni graveyard


Two trucks laden with maize which was about to be smuggled into Malawi have been abandoned at Mutenguleni graveyard in Kasenengwa District in Eastern Province.

The trucks have been abandoned in what appears to have been an attempt by the smugglers to dodge the security anti-smuggling drag net in the night.

ZANIS reports that the Zambia National Service officers in Chipata District found the two trucks that were laden with about 700 X 50 kilogram bags of maize in the graveyard following a chase of nine trucks that were carrying the grain.

Government has put a blanket ban on the movement of maize and all maize products during the night to curb smuggling that has become rampant in towns that share border lines with neighboring countries.

And on Monday night during routine anti-smuggling patrols, the ZNS officers pursued nine trucks that were using village roads leading into neighboring Malawi.

It seems the two truck drivers diverted their vehicles into the grave yard after being tipped by villagers that they were being trailed by ZNS officers.

ZNS Land Development Officer, Lieutenant Colonel Christopher Kahembi disclosed that the drivers swept off the trails left by tyres leading to the graveyard in an attempt to cover their tracks.

Lt Col Kahembi said the two truck drivers left the vehicles locked and ran away, forcing officers to guard the vehicles overnight.

He said the two trucks that have since been tolled to the ZNS warehouse in Chipata had about 700 by 50kg bags of maize, bringing the total number of bags impounded between the September 15 and September 21, 2020 to 1,700.

He said a total of nine trucks, two small cars, fourteen bicycles and three motorbikes were used in the failed smuggling attempts.

“We carried out operations around Mugubudu area, Mwami border and Chadiza road, and this is where we intercepted all these people,” he said.

He warned that government will not tolerate the continued activities of smuggling adding that some people have continued using vehicles that have been intercepted before.

“We have banned all the border areas, starting from Vubwi, and I would like to warn perpetrators of this illegal activity that they will not have it easy,” he warned.

The ZNS has continued to intercept vehicles attempting to smuggle maize into neighboring countries, especially Malawi.

And Lt Col Kahembi has warned that officers will target all smugglers regardless of what means they use to transport the commodity.

Meanwhile, a resident of Nchaba village which is the closest area to the said graveyard expressed displeasure at the use of the site by smugglers to hide the two trucks.

Abraham Luwo said the graveyard is sacred and should be respected by all citizens by not using it for illegal activities.

“No one is happy with what happened here. It is wrong that these men drove to the graveyard in the night and parked their trucks there in an effort to run away from law enforcers,” he said.

Meanwhile, the owner of the maize on the two trucks found in the graveyard Chisomo Jere has denied that the maize was not destined for smuggling.

Mr Chisomo said the maize was destined to Chipata where he alleged to have arranged to sell to a named private buyer.

“I told the drivers to park the vehicles at my sister’s place in the next village since it was late. So, they parked the trucks here and went to my sister’s house to bath. After they heard that ZNS officers were here, they decided to stay away. But I led them here in the morning,” he said.

Government strives to improve provision of adolescent health services


Kabompo District Nursing Officer for Adolescent Health, Sondashi Bombwe says the health office is on course to implement programmes to help improve adolescent health (ADH) services in the district.

Mr Bombwe said that with support from Global Fund, 21peer educators have been trained in six health facilities in ADH services while 20 health care providers have also been oriented in ADH service provision.

Mr Bombwe said this in Kabompo during his presentation for the second quarter of the district adolescent health technical working group consultative meeting.

“With support from Global Fund, we have managed to train 21 peer educators in six facilities in ADH and also oriented 20 health care providers in ADH services,” Mr Bombwe said.

He further said the construction of two youth friendly spaces were initiated since July 2020 and have reached advanced levels as one is being constructed in Kabompo town and the other one in Mumbezhi.

“The two youth-friendly spaces which are now at an advanced stage are being constructed in high volume centers which are Kabompo central hospital and Mumbezhi rural health center to help reduce the burden of ADH services provision,” Mr Bombwe said.

He added that computers, furniture and sports equipment have been procured to be installed in the spaces as means to attract Adolescent to freely access health services in their spaces.

Mr Bombwe added that despite the many challenges surrounding the provision of ADH services the program has since shown signs of progress since the time peer educators and health care providers have been oriented.

“Despite the challenges we have seen an improvement in the service provision as well as improved reporting on ADH activities in the district,” he said.

Speaking at the same event Kabompo Acting District Health Director, Namukolo Siyolwe urged the technical working group members to ensure that they coordinate activities effectively as adolescent health provision is not a one man sector.

“ADH services is not a simple issue but a looming serious issue that requires concerted efforts from all stakeholders in and outside the technical working group,” Dr Siyolwe said.

He added that the facilities have so far recorded 1,237 adolescents between the ages of 10 and 24 and that 1,114 young people accessing family planning services.

Meanwhile, Kabompo District Administrative Officer, Hendrix Solochi encouraged the stakeholders to continue spreading the message of the available ADH services to allow young people be safe from unwanted pregnancies, sexually transmitted infections and other unhealthy behavior.

“Let us continue preaching the message to our children so that they can make well informed decisions even in their sexuality to avoid future problems. Let us not seat on the information as our children now are more exposed to things that we never saw at our age, so embrace the times and let us help our today and tomorrow leaders,” Mr Solochi said.

Speaking earlier, Pokola primary school head teacher, Annie Kanchele attributed some of the risky behavior in the adolescent to poverty, illiteracy levels and bad traditional practices such as initiation ceremonies.

“Some of the factors that contribute to these issues are the existing bad traditional practices which promote children sleeping around after coming of age and holding of celebrations after a young person safely delivers after falling pregnant,” Mrs Kanchele said.

She therefore, called for further engagement of traditional leaders and parents in adolescent health issues to help reduce the disease burden in the surrounding communities.

Increase in Expectant Mothers Giving Birth at Home Worries the Government


Ministry of Health Permanent Secretary for Technical Services, Kennedy Malama has expressed concern on the increased number of home deliveries which may result in increased maternal mortality.

Speaking in Chitambo during his continued tour of Health facilities in Central Province, Mr Malama called for reverse of what is happening in order to save lives for both the mother and the baby.

Dr Malama said government policy is to ensure that all mothers deliver at health facilities and that all facilities across the country have qualified staff.

He added that if mothers deliver at health facilities, some complications could be attended to by specialized staff.

The Permanent Secretary has challenged the traditional leadership and the community to supplement government efforts by molding bricks and constructing mothers’ shelters to enable expecting mothers wait for deliveries from the health institutions.

Chitambo District Health Director, Jackson Phiri in his briefing told Dr Malama that the number of home deliveries are on the increase in the district.

AVAP backs on-line voter pre-registration


The Anti- Voter Apathy Project (AVAP) in Northern Province has welcomed the move taken by the Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) to commence the online voter pre- registration exercise ahead of the Mobile voter registration exercise set for October 28,2020.

AVAP Regional Coordinator,Amos Muselema says the pre-registration exercise is progressive as it will allow more people to register as voters.

Mr Muselema said the process of registering online is quicker and convenient especially for busy individuals.

He explained that once the initiative is embraced, it will give an opportunity for ECZ to register more voters for the forthcoming general elections.

“We have new voters that can utilize this platform to register as voters before the mobile registration exercise commences, “he said.

Mr Muselema is also confident that the initiative if well utilized will reduce cases of voter apathy in the 2021 general elections.

He said this in a statement issued to ZANIS in Kasama today.

Meanwhile, Steven Bwalya a youth of Lukashya constituency has called on fellow youths to utilize the online registration exercise so as to register as voters for them to participate in the country’s democracy.

Mr Bwalya also dispelled rumours by youths in his area that ECZ will not conduct the mobile voter registration exercise.

He observed that the online pre-registration exercise is only meant to quicken the voter registration exercise which has been delayed to start.

Mr Bwalya also cautioned his fellow youths against panicking if they do not have access to the platform but wait for the voter registration period which starts on October 28.

The online voter pre-registration exercise is set to run from September 21st, to November 6th, 2020.

President Lungu Sends team to control locusts upsurge in Mongu


An Inter-Ministerial delegation has arrived in Mongu district, western province to deal with invasion of the African migratory locusts which have invaded some parts of Western Province. Minister of Agriculture, Michael Katambo is leading a delegation comprising officials from the Ministry of Agriculture and the Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit(DMMU) .

ZANIS reports that the team arrived in Mongu this afternoon aboard the Zambia Airforce plane. Welcoming the Ministers , Western Province Permanent Secretary Danny Bukali disclosed that Sesheke is the worst hit district by the locust. Mr Bukali said the people of Western Province are worried about the invasion of the locust and were yearning for the government’s quick intervention.

The PS said the response by the President to send a team to the province will rekindle their hopes and avert the possible hunger. And Agriculture Minister (1a) Michael Katambo has assured the people of Western Province that the African migratory locusts which have invaded the province will be contained so that farmers should not lose their winter crops.

Mr Katambo said President Lungu had directed that a multi-sectoral approach be used in the fight against the Locust. He said the Ministry will work with the International Red Locust Control organisation to fumigate the affected areas through aerial and ground spraying.

And the Minister in the office of the Vice President Olipah Phiri retaliated the Government’s commitment toward the eradication of the migratory pest. Earlier, Provincial Minister (Richard Kapita assured the delegation that the provincial administration was more than ready to offer the necessary support towards the fight against migratory pests in the province. The affected areas in Western Province include, Mwandi, Sesheke, Kalabo and Mongu districts.

Zambia Police give Nevers Mumba an hour Notice to report himself


The Zambia Police this afternoon gave Opposition leader Nevers Mumba an hour to report himself to the Police headquarters for questioning.

On Monday, Dr Mumba who is also President of the Opposition New Hope Movement for Multi-party Democracy (MMD) revealed that the Patriotic Front (PF) rigged the Lukashya by-elections and that they had recruited a South African IT Guru to help them rig next year’s elections.

Yesterday, PF Deputy SG Mumbi Phiri said that the PF would take Dr. Mumba to Court to prove his revelations.

However, in a change of twist, the Zambia Police today at 13:30 delivered two Police Callouts to Democracy House (MMD Secretariat) where they handed it over to New Hope MMD National Secretary Hon. Elizabeth Chitika.

The two Callouts which were both dated Wednesday, the 23rd of September 2020 summoned President Mumba to avail himself to the Police Headquarters within an Hour at 14:30 hours.

Sources within the MMD are shocked by the conduct of the Police and the PF.

“We have been in Power before and We are shocked with the Conduct of the Zambia Police Service. Where on Earth do you first give one Person Two Callouts to report within an Hour for Interrogation? This is unheard of and it is the first time in the history of Zambia that this has happened. There is lawlessness in this country”, the source said.

The source further said that the PF has now resorted to using the police to fight their battles.

“We are further shocked that the PF who just yesterday were busy jumping from one building to another over threats that they will take President Mumba to Court has now resolved to use the Police to fight their battles. The PF should know that using the Police will not stop Zambians from voting them out next year”, the Source said.

FIFA Lifts Ban on Nkana


The pre-season drama continues thick and fast in the FAZ Super Division with Nkana today breathing a sigh of relief after FIFA lifted the international player transfer ban imposed on the record 13-time Zambian champions.

Nkana were slapped with a transfer ban following a contractual dispute with Ghana-born goalkeeper Stephen Adams who barely kicked a ball at Wusakile two seasons ago when he left less than six-months into a three-year deal.

“The world football governing body FIFA has lifted a transfer ban imposed Nkana Football Club following a dispute with Ghanaian goalkeeper Stephen Adams. In a letter to Nkana FC dated 23 September 2020, FIFA Head of Players’ Status, Erika Montemor Ferreira acknowledged receipt of the communication of the legal representative of the player confirming that the parties involved in the matter have settled the matter ,” Nkana said in a statement.

The news is a huge relief for the defending FAZ Super Division champions who have endured a turbulent 2020/2021 pre-season build-up following a raft of player departures.

Notably on that list is midfielder Kelvin Mubanga who jumped ship to join Nkana’s Copperbelt archrivals and league champion predecessors Zesco United while striker Idris Mbombo is also believed to be seeking a move away from the Kitwe giants.

Furthermore, Nkana’s financial guarantees of 2020/2021 CAF Champions League participation are in the balance after the clubs sponsors Mopani Copper Mines said they would not be footing the team’s continental campaign budget.

Chama district recordeds over 90 per cent improvement in access to maternal health services since 2016


Chama district in Muchinga Province has recorded over 90 per cent improvement in access to maternal health services since 2016.

Chama District Health Director, Anthony Kamanzi said the district is making massive progress in access to maternal services due to the health facilities being constructed in the area.

Dr Kamanzi told ZANIS in an interview in Chama that the improvement in the access to maternal health services in the district can be attributed to the modern health infrastructure that have been constructed nearer to the people.

“The new health facilities such as the 11 health posts under the 650 health posts project has really benefited the people of Chama especially those in far flung areas,” he added.

Dr Kamanzi charged that government has shown great commitment to the health sector in the district by providing emergency services such as ambulances in order to promptly attend to patients in remote areas on time.

He further mentioned that since the K17 million ultra-modern Chama District Hospital was commissioned by President Edgar Lungu in 2016, enough health personnel have been deployed at the health facility to provide various health services.

“We cannot complain about understaffing at our hospital because government gave us enough well trained staff,” he said.

And Dorothy Lungu, a Chama resident thanked government for providing modern health facilities in the district.

Ms Lungu said some health developmental projects in Chama have really benefitted residents in the area.

She however, called on government to improve on the quick provision of medicines, adding that the process of accessing medication after diagnosis is a bit slow.

Zambia has not Defaulted , but asking for 6 Months Debt Repayment Suspension-Ministry of Finance


Ministry of Finance Permanent Secretary, Mr. Mukuli Chikuba has emphasized that Zambia has not defaulted to any of its creditors on its foreign debt.

Speaking in the interview Mr. Chikuba said the action taken by the government to seek a 6 months debt repayment suspension was to promote transparency and understanding among Eurobond holders.

“We have paid the debt service repayment due to the Eurobond.” he said, before adding: “Our debt repayment service to the $750million Eurobond was bond two days ago.”

He said Zambia like many other countries, has been impacted economically negatively by the pandemic.

“We have been impacted negatively by the Covid-19 pandemic.” He said.

In April 2020, the World Bank’s Development Committee and the G20 Finance Ministers, endorsed the Debt Service Suspension Initiative (DSSI) in response to a call by the World Bank and the IMF to grant debt-service suspension to the poorest countries to help them manage the severe impact of the COVID-19.

Mr. Chikuba said to this effect, Zambia has applied for the Deby Service Suspension Initiative (DSSI) to the Paris Club to address the challenges that have come with the Covid-19 pandemic.

He said the action done by the government was to encourage transparency and have taken the initiative to commercial creditors too. He said government has reached out to the banks and commercial creditors such as the Eurobond holders, to agree on the debt repayment service schedule and seek 6 months suspension.

He said after the Notice was deposited on Tuesday, the process will begin on 29th October 2020 to obtain consensus from the Eurobond holders so as to achieve a collaborative agreement on the debt service schedule.

Malawi’s First lady to launch a charitable organisation back home


Malawi’s First Lady Monica Chakwera says she will launch her Foundation Trust next month having drawn lessons from Esther Lungu Foundation Trust in Zambia.

The visiting First Lady of Malawi explained that the zeal to launch an organization has been concretized by the lessons learned from the Esther Lungu Foundation, the charitable organization for the First Lady of Zambia.

Mrs Chakwera said this when she toured Esther Lungu Foundation Trust Secretariat in Chongwe District in Lusaka Province.

“Malawi faces similar challenges in rural areas and I will also focus on uplifting the lives of the vulnerably people in the rural area by replicating what the Esther Lungu foundation trust is doing,” said Mrs Chakwera with a fixed smile.

Mrs Chakwera who was in the country with her husband President Lazarus Chakwera for a one-day working visit, said the foundation that she will launch in October this year will focus our uplifting people’s livelihoods.

And Zambia’s First Lady Esther Lungu reiterated that her foundation will continue focusing on women empowerment and reducing vulnerability among women and the girl child.

Mrs Lungu who was indebted for the visit by Malawi’s First Lady to the foundation, said her firm remains open to exchange visits and sharing of ideas.

“The foundation will continue to expand in various human endeavors with a focus to reducing vulnerability among women in rural areas and to uplift lives of girl’s society. Your coming to Zambia to visit the foundation and exchange ideas shows that we have the same goal of alleviating poverty and empowering women and girls,” the First Lady stressed.

The first lady further pointed out that it was encouraging to see high dignitaries appreciating the work of the foundation adding that it is a trigger for the foundation to do more for the people.

Malawi’s First Lady Monica and her husband Lazarus Chakwera have since returned to their country having successfully concluded the one-day state visit.

Guidelines on travel restrictions and requirements to Zambia has NOT Changed


The Department of Immigration has refuted reports by some members of the general public that the government has changed the guidelines on travel restrictions and requirements to Zambia.

Public Relations Officer, Namati Nshinka indicated that there have been alarming reports making rounds on social media that the Zambian Government has suspended visa issuance on travellers coming into the country.

In a press statement issued to ZANIS in Lusaka today, Mr Nshinka clarified that nothing has been changed to the Zambia’s Visa regime as all types of travellers are free to visit the country, but with adherence to the Coronavirus regulations.

“The Department of Immigration wishes to set the record straight on travel restrictions and requirements for persons wishing to come to Zambia for various purposes. Contrary to alarming reports trending on some social media platforms, the Government has not halted the issuance of all tourist visas,” he stated.

“There has been no changes to Zambia’s current visa regime and all types of travellers are free to visit Zambia,” Mr Shinka added.

He further clarified that depending on the traveller’s nationality, anyone may enter Zambia without a visa and obtain a visa on arrival or from a Zambian Mission abroad or apply for an e-Visa,” Mr Nshinka indicated.

He pointed out that the COVID-19 safety and prevention measures as outlined by the Ministry of Health should be observed by all those travelling into and outside the country regardless of their nationality.

The Public Relations Officer stressed the need for travellers to always verify any COVID-19 related travel information with the relevant authorities and on the Immigration’s Department website so that they are not misled.