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Elect leaders willing to work with Government-Inonge Wina


Vice President Inonge Wina has urged the traditional leadership in Imusho Ward in Sesheke District to ensure to that their subjects select civic leaders that will work with the current government regardless of their political affiliation.

Speaking when she addressed the traditional leadership and the public in Imusho ward in Sesheke District in Western Province, Mrs. Wina noted that the current Member of Parliament (MP) does not want to work with government in order for the area to receive its share of development.

The Vice President disclosed that resources are available and that government is ready to bring development in all parts of the country but the challenge is with the area MP.

“The problem is the opposition MP, from the time he was elected as area MP, he has never visited my office to present the challenges that people are facing here.

“Government has all the resources to develop the nation, so it is up to the MP to visit the relevant offices and source for finances to develop the area,” Mrs. Wina told the Indunas.

She assured that government under the leadership of President Edgar Lungu is ready to work with all Members of Parliament in enhancing development across the country no matter their political belonging.

She noted that government cannot be aware of the challenges that people are facing if the area MPs does not present them.

Earlier, Imusho Village Representative Hastings Mufosi stressed the need for government to sort out the boundary issues between Zambia, Angola and Namibia.

Induna Mufosi disclosed that since the Coronavirus outbreak, people of Imusho have hardships in accessing parts of the country as the neighboring borders have been closed.

Induna Mufosi stated that the only direct road to Sesheke is in a bad state and people have challenges using it.

“It was easy for people in Imusho to pass through Namibia or Angola in order to access services. But since the outbreak of COVID-19, the boarders have been closed and we can only use the 124 kilometers Imusho/ Kalobolelwa road to Sesheke which is in a deplorable state, hence we are calling on government to help us,” Induna Mufosi explained.

The Induna also pointed out the need for a secondary school and a hospital in the area.

He noted that children end up getting married after completing their primary school because they cannot proceed to secondary education as the area has no secondary school.

The Induna added that Imusho Ward has no hospital to provide advanced health care services to the local people.

He however commended government for installing a network tower making communication easy for the people.

Meanwhile, Western Province Minister Richard Kapita assured that government will engage the African Union (AU) to sort out the boundary issue amicably.

Mr. Kapita said that Zambia, Namibia and Angola being members of the AU will not be hard for the challenge to be presented for possible solutions.

“Government is aware of the boundary wrangles between the three Countries and the only way we can address the issue without creating problems is the involvement of the AU,” Mr. Kapita indicated.

And Addressing scores of Imusho residents, Minster of Health Chitalu Chilufya disclosed that government will put up a maternity wing at Imusho rural health center to help women deliver in descent environment.

Dr. Chilufya added that his ministry will beef up the midwifery section with more health workers to reduce maternal mortality.

“Government under the leadership of President Edgar Chagwa Lungu and Her Honor the Vice President Inonge Wina wants to ensure universal health coverage for all people across the country. Therefore, let me inform you that we will put up a maternity wing for our expectant mothers to deliver in a decent place and also deploy more mid-wives to reduce maternal deaths,” Dr. Chilufya disclosed.

While in Imusho Ward the Vice President, in company of the Provincial Minister and Health Minister among other Government and Patriotic Front officials addressed Indunas and the people in the area.

Adhoc Committee Appointed to Investigate Kitwe City Council illegal land deals


The Ministry of Local Government has appointed an adhoc committee to investigate the illegalities surrounding the allocation of land in Kitwe that led to the suspension of City Council recently.

Kitwe City Council Town Clerk Mbulo Seke who disclosed the development in a statement in Kitwe today said the committee will be chaired by the local government administrator.

Mr Seke said the team will look at the illegal allocation of land near the Presidential Lodge and other areas of interest.

“The Ministry of Local Government has appointed an Ad HOC committee to investigate alleged illegal and disorderly allocations of land surrounding the Presidential Lodge and other areas in Kitwe District,” he said.

Recently the Ministry of Local Government halted some property developments near the Presidential Lodge in Kitwe’s Ndeke Township due to suspected illegal allocation of land that was going on.

Mr Seke said the committee will start sitting in Kitwe next week from Monday, September 21, this year to September, 29.

He said the meeting will be held in the council chambers where the residents are expected to make submissions to the committee.

Mr Seke urged Kitwe residents to take advantage of the opportunity and make submissions on the illegalities surrounding the allocation of land in the city.

He said all those who claim to have acquired plots or bought plots near the presidential Lodge are expected to make submissions.

Mr Seke said even those that have issues with their land are free to make submissions.

He explained that the sittings for the committee will be held from 09:00hours to 15 : 00 hours.

Recently Minister of Local Government Charles Banda suspended Kitwe City Council (KCC) over illegalities surrounding the allocation of land in Kitwe.

Kitwe City council was suspected alongside Lusaka city council.

ZNS ready to contribute to national food basket


Zambia National Service (ZNS) Deputy Commandant Major General Benson Miti says the service is ready to contribute positively to the country’s food basket ahead of the 2020/2021 farming season.

General Miti said the service is committed and will ensure that it heeds to the Presidential directive for them to increase food production in the country.

He said the men and women in uniform are equal to the task and ready to deliver to the country’s expectation.

“National Security also entails that the country is food secure and men and women in the country will be up to point in discharging their duty, ” he said.

He said ZNS has since started interacting with traditional leaders on how best they can avail them with land for agriculture production.

General Miti disclosed that ZNS has approached Chief Tungati in Luwingu district of Northern Province on the possibility of offering them land for agricultural purposes.

“We have so far secured 10,000 hectares of land in Muchinga and we have made headways in accessing land in Chief Tungati’s area in Northern Province” he said

General Miti said this when he paid a courtesy call on Northern Province Minister Chungu Bwalya at his office in Kasama.

The Deputy Commandant is in Northern Province on a familiarization tour to check among other things its readiness for the coming farming season and also state of machinery under its land development department.

Meanwhile Northern Province Minister Chungu Bwalya commended ZNS for its contribution to the country’s food production.

Mr. Bwalya said ZNS has also been very instrumental in curbing smuggling of maize and mealie meal.

The Provincial Minister has challenged ZNS to take advantage of the vast fertile land, good soils and favorable climatic conditions in the region to expand its production to grow enough food for the country.

“We have plenty of land in Northern Province which needs to be used to increase food production in the country,” he said

He noted that ZNS has the capacity to increase maize production adding that this is cardinal as it will increase food security in the country.

Mr. Bwalya added that the traditional leaders in Northern Province are keen to see ZNS in all districts for the purpose of food production and other development.

He further stated that the Provincial administration is ready to work and with the service in ensuring that the province and country is food secure.

PF SG’s Full Speech After Crushing the Opposition UPND in By-Elections


1. Introduction

As we begin I wish to pay paramount tribute to the Almighty God for our overwhelming election victories.

I further wish to acknowledge the inspiring leadership of our country’s principal instrument of peace and development – His Excellency President Edgar Chagwa Lungu who we are privileged to have as our party president and head of state. The special tribute also goes out to the campaign managers and campaign teams as well as PF functionaries nationwide; and the voters in the respective jurisdictions where elections took place yesterday.

2. Moment of Silence

But before we proceed any further, let us all be upstanding to observe a minute of silence in honour of the late honourable Rodgers Mwewa and the late Hon Mwenya Munkonge who were Members of Parliament for Mwansabombe and Lukashya constituencies respectively.

During the moment of silence, let us also honour the memory of local government officials whose premature demise led to some of yesterday’s ward by-elections! May the souls of our comrades rest in eternal peace

Comrades, ladies and gentlemen,

As we remember our departed colleagues Hon Mwewa and Hon Munkonge, we are deeply humbled and gratified that the people of Mwansabombwe and Lukashya have honoured the respective legacies of our brothers by being loyal to Patriotic Front.

3. The People have spoken for PF because PF speaks for the People

The people have spoken in Mwansabombwe constituency of Luapula Province; and because of the people, Luapula remains a PF fortress. Mwebena Mwansabombwe, abena Luapula –twatotela e’pashili pakuleka na mu 2021!

The people of Northern Province have also spoken. Lukashya constituency has emphasised that Northern Province remains loyal to the party that is loyal to its people. twatotela mukwai, mutwalile nga ifi, nokulundapo mu 2021!

Meanwhile, as the voices for PF in North-Western Province become louder by the day, the feeble murmuring of the opposition in the province has been drowned by PF development efforts.

The majority of Northwestern Province has embraced the development agenda of His Excellency President Edgar Chagwa Lungu and the PF government. That explains the people’s joyful voices of victory from Kalengwa ward in Mufumbwe District, Lunyiwe ward in Kabompo District and Mwininyilamba ward in Ikelenge District. Most of Northwestern Province is now green.

Even in the other wards, the margins have shrunk drastically in our favour. We have gained more and more and UPND has lost more and more. Twasanta mwane! Thank you, Northwestern Province, we know you will deliver the remaining pockets in 2021! ba kopala twatotela!

Any small traces of the retrogressive tribalistic opposition continue to be wiped out by the power of the people and their love for the humility and hard work of His Excellency President Edgar Chagwa Lungu.

Like the rest of Copperbelt Province, Kasonga ward in Mpongwe District, Chibanga and Mushingashi wards in Lufwanyama district have spoken. They have rejected a trickster and his politrics. They have embraced the love peace and unity of PF. ubuyantanshi konse konse!

Copperbelt is green through and through. The people have rejected red bloodshed.

Zikomo kwambiri Lusaka province. You have also spoken for PF. Through the power of the people, we have together reclaimed Mandombe ward in Luangwa district.

Countrymen and women,

4. Law of diminishing returns:

UPND is shrinking and life President Hichilema has long lost meaningfulness to Zambia’s democratic space- he must do the honourable thing and stand down. According to the law of diminishing returns, if one input in the production of a commodity is increased while all other inputs are held fixed, a point will eventually be reached at which additions of the input yield progressively smaller, or diminishing, increases in output.

Since 2006 when he controversially usurped leadership through a tribally inspired campaign, UPND has made an input of Hichilema into 5 consecutive presidential elections and he has yielded zero returns over a 15 year period.

In the long-drawn-out 15 years of his leadership, UPND has never gone to a convention to choose leadership at any level of the party- let alone the presidency.
In the meantime, he surreptitiously amended article 70 of the UPND constitution to the effect that the party will only start counting his tenure as UPND president in the very highly unlikely event he becomes state president.

Hichilema’s self-seeking amendment to his party’s constitution is an act of supreme hypocrisy and above all an insult to Zambian democracy and good governance. Maybe it should not surprise anybody- the man is full of insults!

What is supposed to be Zambia’s main opposition has been shackled by the greed of a serially rejected tribal tyrant who has manipulated his party constitution to give himself an unlimited tenure.

In the meantime, UPND is suffering diminishing returns as they lose most of their strongholds while their dictator is busy massaging his ego and scooping all social media seats, all propaganda seats and all insulting seats. Shame!

UPND is in a huge leadership crisis. They will continue diminishing with their expired “gonga” product.

5. Zambians are Fatigued with HH UPND Members are Fatigued with HH.

Zambians are fatigued with HH UPND members are fatigued with HH.  Don’t blame Stephen Katuka, he’s innocent… ubwafya ni HH!  In the interest of meaningful democracy in Zambia, the “main opposition” urgently needs to replace their sour “gong’a” product with a real contender carrying integrity. Not a pretender.

HH must immediately resign in the interest of democracy and decency.  Let UPND find a different person if they’re serious about being worthy competitors pantu tukamufikina mu 2021 than ever before!

6. Hichilema’s Integrity is also in Ruins.

How can the opposition be effective when its leader is suffering from a critical- if not the terminal crisis of integrity? Hichilema still owes Zambians an explanation on how he became a director in sun hotels. How did he end up becoming a director in a company that was bidding to buy a state asset and he was the one appointed to do the valuation by the government? He must explain the privatisation of intercontinental hotel Livingstone and rainbow lodge and how he became a director in sun hotels.  He must also properly explain the Ramcoz privatisation.

Is he the Hakainde Sammy Hichilema that allegedly stashed away millions of dollars in tax havens as was reported by the international consortium of investigative journalists (ICIJ) in the Panama papers? He must clarify.

7. Conclusion

As I conclude, I once again wish to thank the Zambian people for their continued confidence in the patriotic front government led by his excellency President Edgar Chagwa Lungu. The retention of the people’s confidence in PF is the result of president Lungu’s all-embracing leadership of leaving no one behind in the PF has driven national development agenda.

Viva His Excellency dr Edgar Chagwa Lungu
Viva Patriotic Front
Aluta Continua!
God Bless Zambia.
I thank you.
Hon. Davies Mwila
Patriotic Front Secretary-General

President Lungu appeals to financial institutions not to pressurize defaulting farmers


President Edgar Lungu has appealed to Financial Institutions to relax repayment mode for farmers who have loans because they are also been negatively affected by various challenges.

President Lungu said financial institutions should help reduce pressure on farmers because they are going through a tough season characterised by numerous challenges.

The President said his administration is aware that farmers are struggling to meet their obligation to financial institutions which has led to some of them to default on loans.

“I wish to appeal to financial institutions to relax pressure on farmers. I am aware that farmers are struggling to meet their obligations with the banks because of the challenges they are facing,” President Lungu said.

He said government is striving to address the water and electricity challenges the farming community is facing not only in Mkushi but across the country.

“We expect the power challenge to be over once the 760 megawatt Kafue Lower power plant is completed by the end of this year. The farming community need adequate electricity and water in order to produce,” he said.

The Head of State was speaking when he launched the National Wheat Harvest at Chobe Agrivision Farm in Mkushi farming block in Central Province.

He said wheat is a strategic crop which needs to be supported to ensure that farmers increase farm hectarage and if well supported, can contribute to the country’s Gross Domestic Product by through exports.

Speaking earlier, Central Province Minister Sydney Mushanga thanked the President for flagging off the 2020/2021 season seed distribution earlier last month.

Mr Mushanga said Central Province produces 50 percent of the country’s cereals and ranks top in agricultural productions.

The Minister said with the construction of Momboshi Dam, the country will in near future stop depending on rain fed agriculture.

He said government in Central Province is set to bring about 2, 106 hectares of land under irrigation following the construction of the dams.

Speaking earlier, Zambia National Farmers Union (ZNFU) Javis Zimba said the 2020 farming season has been challenging to all farmers.

Mr Zimba appealed to government to come to the aid of farmers by resolving the water challenge and other challenges.

“WARMA and ZEMA have caused a lot of problems to farmers because they penalize those drilling borehole including simple ones. As you may be aware, water has been a challenge in Mkushi here,” the ZNFU president stated.

The ZNFU leader also called on the government through the Food Reserve Agency to revise the purchasing process of maize so that farmers can release their maize to the agency.

He said government can only manage to meet the 1 million metric tons of maize target if the buying price is adjusted upward.

And in his remarks, Minister of Agriculture Michael Latambo said the Food Reserve Agency will manage to purchase the targeted 1 million metric tons of maize at the price of K110 per 50kg bag of maize.

Mr Katambo said government consulted all stakeholders when coming up with the purchasing price for maize and wondered why the farmers union had started opposing the move.

He said farmer are supplying maize to Government and getting their money instantly which he said is good for farmers.

And Mkushi Farms Association Chairperson Dereck Nicolle said the coming of the President to the farms shows that farmers of the Mkushi are doing things right.

Mr Nicolle informed the President that farming activities in Mkushi is at the verge of collapse due to the numerous challenges affecting farmers during this season.

“Agriculture in Mkushi is in deep trouble, we are crying. But we are confident that the government will listen. Commercial farmers will have job losses. We are in trouble from the banks as most farmers defaulted on loans due to financial crisis. We as farmers are at the verge of collapse,” he said.

Mr Nicolle told the President that Mkushi is also facing water scarcity which has affected both the small scale and commercial farmers.

He appealed to government to help the province with water dams like they have done by constructing Momboshi dam and others in different provinces.

He said government can also invest in water canals to drive water from Luapula to Mkushi where water is desperately needed.

He noted that for farming activities to be sustained in the province, there is need to have irrigation systems that can only be done if water is available.

Earlier President Lungu was taken to a field visit of the Avocado plantation at Cropit Farm within Mkushi.

President Edgar Lungu operating the combine harvester during the launch of the national wheat harvest at chobe Agrivision farm in Mkushi district central province
President Edgar Lungu operating the combine harvester during the launch of the national wheat harvest at chobe Agrivision farm in Mkushi district central province
President Edgar Lungu is shown some roots by Mr Stewart Parkes the host farmer of avocado plantation cropit farm in Mkushi .while Agriculture Minister Michael Katambo (centre)looks on
President Edgar Lungu is shown some roots by Mr Stewart Parkes the host farmer of avocado plantation cropit farm in Mkushi .while Agriculture Minister Michael Katambo (centre)looks on
President Edgar Lungu disembarks from the combine harvester during the launch of the national wheat harvest at chobe Agrivision farm in Mkushi district central province
President Edgar Lungu disembarks from the combine harvester during the launch of the national wheat harvest at chobe Agrivision farm in Mkushi district central province

It’s disheartening to see traditional leadership living in squalor despite having wealthy subjects-President Lungu


President Edgar Lungu has urged the country’s well-to-do citizens to join Government’s quest to improve the living standards of chiefs.

President Lungu said it was disheartening that some traditional leaderships were living in squalor yet they had wealthy subjects within their chiefdoms.

“We are aware of the needs for palaces and transport for chiefs but due to the limited resources, the provision of these needs by Government may seem to slacken. So my appeal goes out to our partners in development to come on board and help us meet these needs quickly,” the President said.

The President said this when he paid a courtesy call on 10 Central Province chiefs representing Luano and Mkushi Districts.

Speaking through Chief Shaibila of the Lala people, the traditional leaders expressed concern about the delayed completion of three chiefs’ palaces under construction in the province.

The traditional leaders also complained about the lack of transport for chiefs, the slow pace of developing Luano District and some stalled road projects.

Among these were the rural roads connectivity project and the Piccadilly Circus Road which is expected to benefit six chiefs.

The traditional leaders also appealed for dams and boreholes for water resource provision.

The President said resources to complete the three palaces had been released and he would engage the relevant ministries about the pending projects.

He thanked the traditional leaders for acknowledging that the Government was doing something about improving their welfare and he would constantly monitor the pace at which projects were being implemented.

Mr Lungu urged traditional leaders to work closely with their area parliamentarians as a way of making their challenges known to the Government.

The President said Article 165 of the Constitution Amendment Bill Number 10 of 2019 was cardinal in addressing the concerns of chiefs around succession dispute resolution.

President Lungu said the proliferation of chieftaincy was of concern to the Government but the Bill was designed to cure the practice.

Central Province Minister Sydney Mushanga informed the president that the traditional leaders had been very supportive of Government’s development agenda.

Mr Mushanga said whenever called upon, the chiefs provided amenities such as land for Government to establish various infrastructure for use by the people.

Chief Shaibila, who is also Central Province Council of Chiefs vice-chairperson, urged the president to fund the surveyor general’s office so as to address boundary disputes in the chiefdoms.

The traditional leaders thanked President Lungu for the early distribution of farming inputs under the Farmer Input Support Programme (FISP).

They expressed hope that the president would ensure that the Government responded swiftly to the challenges that they presented.

Joining chief Shaibila were; senior chief Mboroma and chiefs Chembe, Mukonchi and Chitina.

Others were chiefs Mboshya, Kaundula, Kanyesha, Mulungwe and Chikupili.

Vice President commissions Lealui hospital


Vice President Inonge Wina re-assured the people of Mongu District that government will stand by its promise of ensuring that infrastructure development in the health sector is achieved in all parts of the country.

Speaking when she Commissioned Lealui Mini Hospital in Mongu District in Western Province, Mrs. Wina thanked the Barotse Royal Establishment for supporting the government in implementing developmental activities in the health sector.

Mrs. Wina indicated that the support helps the government to achieve its goal of enhancing infrastructure development in the country.

And Minister of Health Chitalu Chilufya disclosed that the government has so far constructed 60 health posts out of the earmarked 64 posts in Western province.

Dr. Chilufya said an ambulance will soon be sent to Lealui mini-hospital which will help attend to emergencies.

And the Barotse Royal Establishment Ngambela thanked the government for the passion for ensuring that rural areas access health care services within their reach.

Vice President Inonge Wina, Ngambela Mukela Manyando and Minister of Health Chitalu Chilufya cutting the ribbon to officially commissioning the Lealui Mini hospital in Lealui western province
Vice President Inonge Wina, Ngambela Mukela Manyando and Minister of Health Chitalu Chilufya cutting the ribbon to officially commissioning the Lealui Mini hospital in Lealui western province
Vice President Inonge Wina officially commissioned the Lealui Mini hospital in Lealui western province
Vice President Inonge Wina officially commissioned the Lealui Mini hospital in Lealui western province
Vice President Inonge Wina, Ngambela Mukela Manyando and Minister of Health Chitalu Chilufya cutting the ribbon to officially commissioning the Lealui Mini hospital in Lealui western province
Vice President Inonge Wina, Ngambela Mukela Manyando and Minister of Health Chitalu Chilufya cutting the ribbon to officially commissioning the Lealui Mini hospital in Lealui western province

No Fuel Price Review Disccusion despite 20% Kwacha Depreciation-ERB


The Energy Regulation Board (ERB) has clarified that currently there is no fuel price review discussions contrary to assertions of a possible fuel price hike following the 20 percent depreciation of the kwacha.

ERB Manager Public Relations Kwali Mfuni has explained that the importation of petroleum feedstock and finished petroleum products is currently in progress.

“The Energy Regulation Board Wishes to inform its stakeholders and the general public that there is no fuel review under discussion at the moment contrary to rumors of a purported planned fuel price increment of about 20 % attributed to depreciation of the kwacha in the past few weeks,” said Ms. Mfune.

She explained that fuel prices reviews in the country are only done upon importation of petroleum feedstock and finished petroleum products.

Ms. Mfune added that a fuel price review will only be made once documentation for a news cargo has been availed to the ERB.

“Therefore as per standard practice, stakeholders and members of the public would be informed once the price review process is undertaken”, she stressed.

This is according to a press statement made available to the media in Lusaka yesterday by ERB Manager Public Relations Kwali Mfuni

Government still considering the right course of action on the issue of privatization during MMD era


Vice President Inonge Wina has said that Government is still considering the right course of action to take regarding the issue of privatization of the country’s assets during the Movement for Multiparty Democracy (MMD) regime.

Mrs. Wina has described the privatization matter as a national issue that is being debated by various stakeholders, adding that the people of Zambia want Government to put the discussion to an end and that this is still being considered.

Mrs. Wina said that the privatization of state-owned assets left most parts of the country poor and that many citizens were subjected to destitution.

She said this during the Vice President’s question time in Parliament in response to a question by Muchinga Member of Parliament Howard Kunda on whether the Government is planning to set up a commission of inquiry into the matter.

And Responding to a question by Itezhi Tezhi member of Parliament, Herbert Shabula, the Vice President stated that President Edgar Lungu has not failed to run the economy and that the appointment of the Bank of Zambia Governor is a prerogative of the Head of State.

And Mrs. Wina reaffirmed that relations between Zambia and the United States of America are extremely strong and cordial. This followed a question by Monze Central Member of Parliament Jack Mwiimbu who wanted to find out why the American Government has not yet appointed an Ambassador to Zambia following the recalling of Daniel Foote.

Mrs. Wina said it is only recently that Zambia’s Ambassador to the United States of America was accredited by President Donald Trump.

She however said the Zambian Government is not privy to arrangements by the US government to appoint a new Ambassador to Zambia.

Evangelical Fellowship of Zambia wants Government to Withdraw Sex Education in schools


The Evangelical Fellowship of Zambia (EFZ) has appealed to the government to withdraw the implementation of the newly introduced Comprehensive Sexuality Education in schools.

EFZ Board Chairperson Paul Mususu says Comprehensive Sexuality Education has the potential to expose pupils to homosexuality and other forms of sex against the order of nature.

Bishop Mususu wonders why some western countries are pushing for Comprehensive sexuality Education other than partnering with developing countries to improve the curriculum in some traditional subjects.

He says the EFZ has written to the Ministry of General Education to withdraw the Comprehensive Sexuality Education in Schools until wider consultation with various stakeholders is made.

Bishop Mususu said this at a Press briefing in Lusaka today.

He said 75 percent of schools in the country are already rolling out Comprehensive Sexuality Education.

Meanwhile, Northmead Assembly of God Overseer Bishop Joshua Banda has called on parents to play a role in sensitising children on sexual orientation which is against the order of nature.

Mwape Musonda Saves Black Leopards From Demotion


Chipolopolo striker Mwape Musonda on Friday helped seal Black Leopards’ South Africa PSL stay when they dash Ajax Cape Town’s promotion hopes.

Leopards beat Ajax Cape Town 2-0 away in their penultimate playoff match to ensure they stay up for a second straight season but saw their hosts remain in the second tier after exchanging places two years ago.

Mwape, who played the full 90 minutes, scored the second goal in the 79th minute off a Tiklas Thutlwa assist who had earlier put Leopards ahead in the 14th minute.

It was Musonda’s third goal in as many playoff games for Leopards who have retained their top-flight status on maximum 9 points with a game to spare ahead of their dead-rubber date against bottom placed TTM on September 21.

Musonda finishes the season with 12 league goals, four behind Orlando Pirates’ Gabadinho Mhango.

Ajax Cape Town finished second on 6 points after completing their scheduled four playoff games today as they prepare for a third successive season down in the second tier of South African football.

Midfielder Roderick Kabwe came on with five minutes left on the clock for Ajax.

The playoffs involve PSL seasons’ second from bottom finisher against the first divisions second and third place finishers.

HH Challenges President Lungu to Setup a Commission of Inquiry into privatization


United Party for National Development (UPND) has challenged President Edgar Lungu to set up a Commission of Inquiry in privatization and explain his role in the privatization of Zambia Cold Storage Board Limited and explain to what happened to the employees’ assets.

In a statement on his Facebook page, the UPND leader said that he is ready to explain his role in the privatization exercise for the umpteenth time, in his capacity as a consultant during the process and assured Zambians that he never betrayed them in any way, and that had he done that,  successive Governments would have thrown me in jail by now.


Below is the full statement


Fellow Zambians,

Ever since I stepped into the political arena, a lot of attempts by political competitors and some media houses have been made to malign, discredit and tarnish my name in an attempt to send me into some form of political oblivion, while I adopted the old adage that silence is golden.

Recently, the nation witnessed an age-old political debate that was instigated by a politician sponsored by Mr. Edgar Lungu and the Patriotic Front, and given unlimited media coverage on my role in privatisation, over a matter that has since been handed over to the courts for determination. This was a malicious campaign meant to pit me against the Zambian people.

I have realised that when dealing with characters who have no sense of shame and moral compass in life, silence is no longer golden. Consequently, I held a press conference in which I dispelled those allegations with documentation that I never sold any mine; I only advised the divestiture of a Hotel Mosi o Tunya and never bought any shares at the time of privatization; and the Kabulonga house I alleged to have bought as part of my privatisation involvement never belonged to Lima Bank, and that I bought it prior to privatization of Lima Bank.

This week however in Kasama and Mwansabombwe, Mr. Lungu continued to tell Zambians lies about my involvement in the privatization exercise, and called for the establishment of a Commission of Inquiry. I want to say I heartily welcome that move urgently, for it will also give Mr. Lungu a chance to explain his role in the privatisation exercise, and what happened to the assets and former employees of Zambia Cold Storage Board Limited.

Further, I ask that Mr. Lungu also sets up a Commission of Inquiry to the following matters because they are of national importance;

  1. The people of Zambia would like to know how Mr Lungu increased his wealth from about K2million in 2014 (according 2015 Presidential Elections declarations), to about K22million in 2016. His salary and allowances do not align with such a leap in his fortunes.
  2. The selling of KCM after the 2001 elections;
  3. Privatisation of Zamtel as well as the Compensation given to “Libya” later;
  4. The procurement of 42 reconditioned Fire Trucks for $42m;
  5. The Purchase of a Gulfstream G650 Presidential Jet;
  6. The cancellation of a supply of a Sukhoi Superjet despite Government making a down payment;
  7. Procurement of ambulances at the cost of $288,000 per unit;
  8. The $17m contract awarded to honeybee Pharmacy to supply expired drugs;
  9. The $1.2 billion Lusaka/Ndola dual carriage way;
  10. The Mukula cartel allegations;
  11. The successive FIC report findings;
  12. The allegations of terrorist financing in East Africa;
  13. The COVID-19 funds and materials donated or allocated to the Ministry of health and Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit; and,
  14. The cartel supplying very expensive fuel to Zambia even when the global price is reasonably low and how those businessmen are bankrolling PF campaigns and State House.

As HH, I am ready to explain my role in the privatisation exercise for the umpteenth time, in my capacity as a consultant during the process. I can assure my fellow citizens that I never betrayed them in any way. Had I done that; successive Governments would have thrown me in jail by now.

Mr. Lungu is under pressure and I can only sympathise with his wild accusations. I also sympathise with him as he finds himself in a hopeless situation where he has no solutions to the many problems facing this country which is in the throes of an economic meltdown. He can save face by stepping down, and will go down a more honourable route of one of the few Presidents to have resigned in Africa.

President Lungu Meeting Copperbelt Business Community in Pictures

Copperbelt Minister, Japhen Mwakalombe
Copperbelt Minister, Japhen Mwakalombe

President Lungu meeting the business community in Ndola at a event organised by the Ndola District Chamber of Commerce and Industries held at Levey Mwanawasa stadium hall.
President Lungu meeting the business community in Ndola at a event organised by the Ndola District Chamber of Commerce and Industries held at Levey Mwanawasa stadium hall.
President Lungu meeting the business community in Ndola at a event organised by the Ndola District Chamber of Commerce and Industries held at Levey Mwanawasa stadium hall.
President Lungu meeting the business community in Ndola at a event organised by the Ndola District Chamber of Commerce and Industries held at Levey Mwanawasa stadium hall.
President Lungu meeting the business community in Ndola at a event organised by the Ndola District Chamber of Commerce and Industries held at Levey Mwanawasa stadium hall.
President Lungu meeting the business community in Ndola at a event organised by the Ndola District Chamber of Commerce and Industries held at Levey Mwanawasa stadium hall.
One of the business woman in the audience that meet President Lungu
One of the business woman in the audience that meet President Lungu
President Lungu meeting the business community in Ndola at a event organised by the Ndola District Chamber of Commerce and Industries held at Levey Mwanawasa stadium hall.
President Lungu meeting the business community in Ndola at a event organised by the Ndola District Chamber of Commerce and Industries held at Levey Mwanawasa stadium hall.
Ndola Chamber of Commerce president, John Samaras
Ndola Chamber of Commerce president, John Samaras
President Lungu meeting the business community in Ndola at a event organised by the Ndola District Chamber of Commerce and Industries held at Levey Mwanawasa stadium hall.
President Lungu meeting the business community in Ndola at a event organised by the Ndola District Chamber of Commerce and Industries held at Levey Mwanawasa stadium hall.

President Lungu grateful for Mwanasabombwe, Lukashya PF victory


President Edgar Lungu has thanked the people of Mwanasabombwe and Lukashya constituency for voting for Patriotic Front(PF) candidates in yesterday’s by-elections.

President Lungu has congratulated George Chisanga and Kabaso Kampampi for winning both the Lukashya and Mwansabombwe seats respectively.

This is contained in a statement made available to the media by Special Assistant to the President for Press and Public Relations, Isaac Chipampe.

The Head of State stated that the two victories show that the people in the two constituencies believe in the PF developmental agenda.

“These by-elections arising from the unfortunate loss of lives of the two wonderful souls who worked for their people and was a litmus test for our party’s popularity in Northern and Luapula Provinces. That we have won the two seats show that our people believe in our developmental agenda,” read the statement in part.

President Lungu has since urged the newly elected Members of Parliament not to let the people down.

The Head of State has further urged the two Members of Parliament to work hard in the remaining months and prove to the people why they were elected.

And the President has thanked the people of Kalengwa, Mwininyilamba, Mandombe, Kasongo, Chibanga and Mushingashi for voting for the Patriotic Front.

“Iam delighted with the ward election results, especially in areas where we have not done well previously, this shows that our transformation agenda is being appreciated by our people,” read the statement in part.

President Lungu has also congratulated the United Party for National Development (UPND) for winning the other five ward by-elections.

Sakuwaha Gives Take on Musakanya and Mubanga Signings


Ex-Zesco United striker Jonas Sakuwaha has given his preliminary assessment of his former clubs’ new signings, the midfielder’s Bruce Musankaya and Kelvin Mubanga.

Mubanga and Musakanya have joined the eight-time FAZ Super Division champions on from Nkana and Red Arrows respectively on two -year deals.

Sakuwaha, who helped Zesco win their first two league titles in 2007 and 2008 before heading to French club Lorient in 2009, described the duo’s signing as prudent.

“I think Bruce and Mubanga don’t have a problem because they have been handling pressure all these years,” Sakuwaha said.

“Mubanga knows the pressures that comes with playing at Nkana while Bruce and has a played a lot of football in the league and the national team.

“I think we will be expecting many goals, Mubanga has been scoring free kicks and going into attack and has very good passes.

“As for Bruce, everyone knows his strength and weakness points otherwise he is that kind of a player who gives defenders a lot of pressure.

“I think with them, it will be easier for players like Jesse Were to be scoring goals that goes too for Winston Kalengo.

“So in the field of attack, I think Zesco will do very well.”

Musakanya and Mubanga are part of three signings Zesco have made in the 2020/2021 pre-season together with midfielder Lazarus Phiri who arrives from Green Eagles via Kansanshi Dynamos after a loan spell with the latter last season.

“As for Lazarus, it is will be a step-up for him in football after playing at Kansanshi and it is the first time for him to play for a big club with a lot of pressure,” Sakuwaha said.

“But I think the big players like Kondwani Mtonga will help him settle in.”

Sakuwaha concluded that critically, the arrivals will add much needed depth Zesco who battled with burnout after three years of almost non-stop football, both domestic and continental, and ultimately felt the impact last term of striker Lazarus Kambole’s departure for South African giants Kaizer Chiefs.