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Parliament Approves the motion to restore Bill 10 on the Order Paper as UPND Jack Mwiimbu walks away


Parliament has approved the motion to restore on the Order Paper, the Constitution Bill number 10 in Parliament and other Bills that were not concluded before the House adjourned sini die.

Vice President Inonge Wina moved a motion to restore on the Order Paper, the Constitution Bill number 10 in Parliament.

Leader of the Opposition in Parliament Jack Mwiimbu, Deputy Chief Whip Tutwa Ngulube and Justice Minister Given Lubinda debated the motion.

Deputy Chief Whip Tutwa Ngulube said that Leader of the Opposition in Parliament Jack Mwiimbu wqas misleading Zambians about Bill Number 10, adding that PF will be in power with or without Bill Number 10.

Mr Ngulube said that the constitutional issue is something that was widely consulted with UPND MPs joining the meeting in Siavonga to remove anomalies in the constitution and that no one should rush to the Constitutional Court once they lose elections in 2021 if the constitutional issue is not amended.

The Deputy Chief Whip was reacting to Leader of the Opposition in Parliament Jack Mwiimbu who walked away after opposing the restoration of Bill 10.

The Vice President moved the motion in line with Standing Order 126 (1) of the National Assembly of Zambia which has allowed the restoration of Bills presented to the House in the Fourth Sessions of the Twelfth National Assembly.

In her motion, Vice-President Wina said this is because the Bills were not concluded in the last session due to the abrupt adjournment of the House caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Madam Speaker, I beg to move that in terms of Standing Order 126 (1) of the National Assembly of Zambia Standing Orders 2016, this House restores unto the order paper the following Bills.

Other Bills restored on the Order Paper include the National Planning and Budgeting, the National Forensic and the Food and Nutrition.

Also restored are the Patents and Companies Registration Agency and the Landlord and Tenant Act for amendments as well as the National Council for Construction and the Food Reserve Bill.

And Justice Minister Given Lubinda stated that no one should debate any part of the Bill because the debate is simply on the restoration of the Bills on the Order paper and time for debate will come.

Submit proposals to Government, President Lungu urges the business community


President Edgar Lungu says the government is ready to listen and take on board proposals from the business community on how to enhance the country’s economy.

President Lungu said the business community should not just concentrate on lamenting but should submit their plans to the Ministries of Commerce and Finance so that they can be incorporated in the national documents including the national budget.

The President observed that lamenting in meetings and forums without making submissions to government is unhelpful as no one would know what they want to be done for them.

He noted that many economists and financial experts in the country have specialised in theories that do not offer solutions to the challenges the country faces.

The President said people who are in business have the real picture of what is happening in the sector and are better placed to offer advice to government.

The Head of State was speaking when he met the business community in Ndola yesterday at a meeting organised by the Ndola District Chamber of Commerce and Industries held at Levey Mwanawasa stadium hall.

“You have good ideas although some of the things you have spoken about I have heard them before. But have you submitted to the Ministry of Commerce or the Ministry of Finance? It will not be of help if you just lament without submitting your proposal to government. Have you made your submission to the Minister of finance for the budget? Do not be like those theorists who just talk,” President Lungu said.

He said the business community should rise to the occasion to resuscitate the economy by producing more products to fill the gap left by imported products.

President Lungu stated that now that the country is not importing most of the products due to COVID-19, local business persons should take advantage and flood the market with thier goods.

He said businesses should find a way of operating in the new normal because COVID-19 will be around for a long time.

“Life has to continue. COVID-19 may be with us for a long time so we should find a way of opening up businesses like we have opened schools. We need to survive,” he said.

And Copperbelt Minister, Japhen Mwakalombe thanked the business community in Ndola for helping government through donations in the fight against the Coronavirus pandemic.

Mr Mwakalombe also praised the business community for not laying off workers during the pandemic.

He explained that most business entities found better ways of working by allowing to either work from home or place them in shifts so that they could alternate.

Meanwhile, Ndola Chamber of Commerce president, John Samaras said the business community in Ndola is working hard to get the economy on its wheels after businesses were hit by the pandemic.

Mr Samaras said the business community appreciates the stimulus package which government has put in place for them.

President Lungu is on the Copperbelt for a two day working visit and is expected to leave the province today.

Zambia’s Mounting Debt Should Not Be Ignored


By Chama Bowa Mundia – Social and Economic Development (SED) Programme Manager at JCTR.

On Friday 11th September, 2020, the Republican President made the much awaited State of the Nation Address (SONA) during the official opening ceremony of the 5th session of the 12th National Assembly. The speech was dubbed “Dedication, Resilience and Innovation: Pursuing Economic Recovery for the Zambia we want”. In his address, the President highlighted the socio-economic challenges that the country continues to face and set the policy direction over the coming months for the nation.

The Jesuit Centre for Theological Reflection (JCTR) is however, disappointed that Zambia’s policy priorities over the coming months as set out in the SONA completely ignore debt with no mention of both the levels of debt and how they will be addressed. Undoubtedly, debt remains one of the gravest problems Zambia faces. While we acknowledge that climate change, falling commodity prices on the international market, and most recently, the disruption on lives and livelihoods caused by the COVID-19 pandemic pause significant challenges, debt is the elephant in the room. But yet again, Government appears to be kicking the can down the road when it comes to debt.

Evidently, Zambia’s fiscal deficit as a percentage of GDP has been on the increase since 2011 moving from -1.8% to -6%. This is significantly above the average Sub-Saharan African deficit levels in the same period. The country continues to increase expenditure at the backdrop of reduced revenues. Additionally, public debt as a percentage of GDP has been on the rise from 21% in 2011 to over 100% in 2020, again way above Sub-Saharan African average levels. The result: more debt to fill the fiscal deficit. The nation’s public debt has between 2011 to date increased at an alarming rate with external debt rising from US$3.2 billion in 2011 to US$11 billion as at the end of December 2019. Sadly, current debt levels surpass pre-HIPC (Highly Indebted Poor Countries) levels that were estimated at about US$7billion.
The JCTR therefore makes a clarion call for government to not ignore debt. Ignoring the mounting debt challenge will not address this problem. Pursuing economic recovery for the Zambia we want without addressing debt is a pipe dream. Dedication, resilience and innovation are what is needed in our war against debt now more than ever. For one, according to the Ministry of Finance, in the wake of COVID-19, total revenue collections for the first half of 2020 (January to June 2020) were 5.1% below target due to the involuntary scaling down of productive activities across all economic sectors. With dwindling revenues and rising interest payments (given the depreciation of the local currency), debt MUST be addressed.

Without addressing debt, funding to essential sectors such as education, health, and social protection will remain a challenge as financial resources will be channelled towards public debt servicing. Without funding to essential sectors, attaining considerable levels of human dignity for the Zambian people will remain elusive. JCTR therefore urges the Government to make prudent decisions now before a full blown debt crisis erupts as payback time particularly for the Eurobonds nears. The JCTR wishes to remind the Government that the Eurobonds pay back falls due in 2022, 2024 and 2025. There is therefore, need to catch the bull by the horn and put in place measures to address the national debt crisis.

PF Gains a Parliament Seat held by an independent with landslide margins over UPND


The Patriotic Front has emerged victorious in the just ended Parliamentary by-elections in Lukashya, a seat that was held by an independent.

Party Candidate George Chisanga beat the United Party for National Development (UPND) candidate Mulenga Davis with 13, 421 votes against 2, 684.

Reacting to the victorious news Campaign Manager for the PF Hon. Brian Mundubile said it was teamwork that had made the dream work. He said the PF government with its Pro-Poor Policies remains very attractive and a party of choice for the Zambian citizens and that is why the candidate had emerged victorious.

Northern Province Minister Hon. Bwalya Chungu said it was gratifying to note that the just-ended Campaigns had been truly issue based, with Home Affairs Minister Hon. Stephen Kampyongo urging his Counterpart, the new Lukashya Lawmaker to hit the ground running because he has very little time to prove his worth to the people of Lukashya before being subjected to another test in the General Elections in 2021.

The new law-maker thanked President Lungu and the Patriotic Front for the opportunity they gave him to be a candidate and subsequently Member of Parliament and thanked the people of Lukashya for voting for him in a decisive manner and has promised not to let them down.

Victorious PF Candidate PF Candidate George Chisanga
Victorious PF Candidate PF Candidate George Chisanga

In Mwansabombwe ruling PF has retained the Mwansabombwe seat after Mwansabombwe Totaling center returning officer announced the final results around 03:30 hours this morning.

PF candidate Kampampi Kabaso polled 6,478 votes against UPND candidate Sunday Maluba who polled 1,522 votes translating into a difference of 5226 votes between the two candidates.

In third position was NAREP candidate Musengu Victor who polled 400 votes ahead of Leadership Movement candidate Jason Mwanza who got 285 votes while Josephine Chama of UPPZ got a portly 129 votes.

And PF Pambashe Member of Parliament Ronald Kaoma Chitotela has described his party’s victory in the Mwansabombwe Parliamentary by-election as a clear indication of the confidence that Zambians have in the leadership of President Edgar Lungu.

Mr. Chitotela has since assured the people of Mwansabombwe that the PF will not betray the trust and confidence they have showed as the party is resolved to deliver on its campaign promises.

The Pambashe law marker also said that the victory in Mwansabombwe by-election is another clear indication that the PF and President Edgar Lungu are headed for a landslide victory in the 2021 general elections.

Mr. Chitotela also called on the people of Luapula to register in masses as voters as the Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) is set to commence the voter registration exercise on October 28 2020 ahead of the 2021 general elections.

The Mwansabombwe seat fell vacant following the death of the incumbent MP Rogers Mwewa who died in July this year.

Government to source for funds to complete Kafulafuta Water Dam – President Lungu


President Edgar Lungu has toured the US$449 million Kafulafuta Water Supply System Project whose works have reached 86 percent complete.

President Lungu said the Ministry of Finance through the treasury will source for money to complete the remaining 16 percent of the works so that people can start realising benefits from the project.

Speaking during the briefing, President Lungu said he brought along the Minister of Finance Bwalya Ng’andu to the project so that he can assess what is required to finish the project.

“I brought along my Minister of Finance here so that he can see for himself what is required to complete this project. I know he has been busy with the national budget but I wanted him here so that as they plan, they should also know what is needed for this particular project and others… I have no comments because my Minister is here already to provide the solution,” President Lungu said.

The President said government wants the project to be completed so that the community in the catchment districts can be served better.

The Head of State took a conducted tour of the dam, climbing up to the top of the dam embankment to see the aerial view of the entire project site.

He said the project should also benefit people in the project area in Masaiti beside the intended areas in the four districts.

The project is aimed at improving water supply in Ndola, Luanshya, Mpongwe and Masaiti Districts, targeting 678, 800 beneficiaries.

The water supply system project will see about 160, 000 cubic meters of water extracted from the 125 million cubic meter dam every day to supply the four towns.

Speaking in the same briefing Minister of Finance Bwalya Ng’andu said government will prioritise funding water projects that have reached advanced levels.

Dr Ng’andu said provision of water to the people is very importance hence the resolve by government to consider completing all the water projects that needs to be completed.

“Water is very important, I think it’s next to air. We all need water. There a number of water project going on but will prioritise projects that have advanced,” Dr Ng’andu said.

The Minister said he was invited to the Kafulafuta Dam project by the President so that he can get first-hand information in order to see how resources can be sourced to finish the remaining 16 percent.

Meanwhile Kafubu Water and Sanitation Managing Director Athanasius Mwaba said the remaining 16 per cent of the project is very important because it’s the final phase which will see the supply of water to the project beneficiaries.

Engineer Mwaba said failure to complete the project on time will be a loss to government as the infrastructure can be vandalised.

He said people are eager to see the project completed so that they can been connected to the water supply system.

He said the project will have a huge number of new connections in Dola hill and Bwana Mukubwa area where people are currently not connected to the water supply system.

He said the remaining 16 months required about US$11 million before the works stopped saying the amounts has now escalated to US$26 million.

He disclosed that further delays will result in the amount to be paid to the contractors to increase because of penalties.

The water project which is meant to increase water supply hours from an average of 18 hours to 24 hours per day was launched by President Lungu in September 2018.

Once complete, the project will increase Kafubu Water Supply and Sanitation Company’s customer base from 504, 000 to 678, 800 and further improve the Utility’s revenue base.

Major works on the project involves the construction of a 125 million cubic meter Kafulafuta Multi – Purpose Dam and intake tower which jas almost been completed while the transmission main from the intake to midway pump station has been completed.

While in Masaiti District the President also met Chieftainess Malembeka of the Lamba speaking people.

The Kafulafuta Water Supply System Project, which is being undertaken by China National Complete Engineering Corporation has employed more than 1, 000 people and is originally expected to be complete by April, 2022.

IBA calls for ethical conduct among broadcasting stations


The Independent Broadcasting Authority (IBA) Board has called for ethical and professional conduct among broadcasting stations.

IBA Board of Directors Chairperson Mabel Mung’omba said the act will help broadcasting stations to perform their duties efficiently and professionally.

Ms Mung’omba said this when she paid a courtesy call on Muchinga Province Deputy Permanent Secretary Jonathan Ng’onga at his office yesterday.

Ms Mung’omba said the board is aware of the many challenges Broadcasting stations are faced with saying ethical and professionalism should be adhered to, despite the many challenges.

She said the IBA board is aware of various challenges stations go through hence the IBA board decided to go round the provinces to appreciate and encourage the stations to continue serving the people with factual information on the ground.

“We have had some of the broadcasting stations being shut down and this is why we are on the ground to appreciate and hear what is going on in some of these station that is causing these challenges,” she said.

The chairperson said once the board understands the issues on the ground, it will be easy to guide the stations saying the board is guided by the IBA act which gives the guidelines that helps the board assist the media fraternity to uphold the standard and to regulate the content.

“We are visiting all the broadcasting stations in the country to meet with management to hear their challenges and give guidance on how they can work with various stakeholders, ” she said.

Ms Mung’omba mentioned one of the challenges as load shedding which in negatively affecting most broadcasting stations in terms of revenue collection saying the board has taken it up to negotiate with ZESCO to see how the issue can be resolved and make sure that it does not impact negatively on stations.

The IBA Board Chairperson has since thanked broadcasting stations for their role in disseminating messages on COVID 19 and has further encouraged the Stations to promote a pluralistic broadcasting industry in Zambia through fair, transparent and effective regulation to continue playing the COVID 19 messages, as they continue to play a major role in mitigating the spread of the pandemic.

And Muchinga Province Deputy Permanent Secretary Jonathan Ng’onga said it is important that the media fraternity upholds ethical and professionalism as they perform their duties.

”If the media doesn’t uphold ethical and professionalism in their daily duties then the public will suffer,” Mr Ng’onga said.

He said in Muchinga Province the broadcasting stations have so far worked well with the Provincial Administration on all the programmes.

“We hope that we will continue working together with these broadcasting stations as we serve the people of Muchinga Province and the country at large,” he stated.

IBA Board of Directors Chairperson Mabel Mung’omba is in Muchinga Province to meet with broadcasting station management to hear their challenges and appreciate the work they are doing.

Ms Mung’omba is in the company of Vice Chairperson Chalimba Phiri and IBA Director General Josephine Mapoma among others.

National Biosafety Authority destroys GMO Goods worth over K90, 000


Goods worth over K90, 000 have been destroyed in Lusaka by the National Biosafety Authority (NBA) for containing Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs).

The various food products and feed containing GMOs were seized from Game Stores, Spar Superstores and shops in Bauleni and destroyed in the presence of police officers.

NBA Communications Officer, Sandra Lombe said in a press statement released to media yesterday that the products came into the country without authorization and had not been subjected to risk assessment to ascertain their safety.

Ms Lombe disclosed that the goods include bags of super maize meal from South Africa, which was seized from Bauleni.

She said other goods destroyed comprise Kellogs Noddles , Spar Woof dog food of various flavours, Savemor tea and chocolate biscuits, Kellogs Crumbs, Bisto Original, Savemor soya mince and Savemor soups.

Ms Lombe said the Authority during its spot and compliance checks discovered that Game stores and Spar were trading in some products suspected to contain GMOs that were not granted permits.

The affected stores where the products were seized include Game stores at Manda Hill and Cosmopolitan as well as Spar Superstore at Twin Palm, Cross Roads and Mumbwa road.

“These traders contravened the Biosafety Act as they were selling the products without prior authorization from the NBA,” read the statement in part.

Meanwhile, the Authority has since intensified inspections at some ports of entry following the training of port of entry health inspectors who have been placed at 11 critical ports of entry around the country.

“This means that we enhanced our alertness and doing our best to ensure that no an authorized GMO product finds itself on the Zambian market,” the statement read in part.

The NBA has since urged traders, distributors and suppliers to ensure that they do not abrogate the Biosafety Act No 10 of 2007 as doing so will result in them suffering loss through seizure and destruction of their goods.

“As the Authority we will not hesitate to seize and destroy any products which may contain GMOs that is found on the Zambian market, without such products being subjected to risk assessment by NBA,” he said.

Turkish businessmen seek Zambian partnerships


Turkish Industrialists and Businessmen have pledged to partner with the business community in Zambia to promote trade and investment between the two countries.

This came to light when an eight-member delegation of business executives from Bursa, one of Turkey’s industrial cities and manufacturing hubs, paid a courtesy call on Zambia’s Ambassador to Turkey, Joseph Chilengi in Ankara on Tuesday, September 15, 2020.

Delegation leader, Atilla Odunc, who is Bursa Member of Parliament (MP) and Chairperson of the Turkey-Zambia Inter-Parliamentary Friendship Group, said the business community in Bursa under the umbrella of TURKSIAD, is keen in creating partnerships with the private sector in Zambia to help promote trade and investment between the two countries.

“We would like to use our strong manufacturing potential in Bursa and partner with the private sector in Zambia to help add value to Zambian raw materials so that we can create jobs and wealth for the peoples of our two countries,” Mr Odunc said.

TURKSIAD chairperson Berat Tunakan hoped that the interaction with the Zambian Mission in Ankara will help strengthen the existing strong relations between the two countries.

This is according to a press statement released to ZANIS on Thursday by First Secretary for Press Jerry Munthali at the Zambian Embassy in Ankara, Turkey.

Mr Tunakan said Bursa contributes US$6 billion per year in exports to the Turkish economy while imports stood at US$12 billion from economic activities such as textiles, motor vehicle manufacturing, tourism, and agriculture.

TURKSIAD which has a 430-membership of Balkan and Rumelian Industrialists and businessmen has planned to undertake a business mission to Zambia to explore trade and investment opportunities.

And Ambassador Chilengi called on the business community in Turkey and Zambia to find innovative ways to operate in the new normal amidst uncertainty as the war against the COVID-19 pandemic continues.

Dr Chilengi told the Turkish business delegation that Zambia’s economic fundamentals remained strong and the country continues to be an investment destination of choice.

“I wish to state, with satisfaction, that the legal framework governing bilateral cooperation between the two countries is now in place following the signing of 12 agreements, most of which has since been ratified,” said Dr Chilengi.

Ambassador Chilengi said the Reciprocal Promotion and Protection of Investment Agreement between the two countries was very important as it gives investment security for the business community from the two countries.

He encouraged the delegation to expeditiously actualise plans to undertake a trade and investment Mission to Zambia to explore existing trade and investment opportunities and engage various captains of industry in Zambia

Meanwhile, TURSIAD has donated 20,000 medical masks to Zambia to help stem the spread of COVID-19.

Speaking when he handed over the consignment to Ambassador Chilengi, Mr Odunc said international solidarity was important in the fight against COVID-19 as the whole world was grappling with the pandemic.

And Dr Chilengi thanked the delegation for the kind gesture as it would supplement existing measures that the Government has put in place to limit the spread of the respiratory disease.

Encroachment on natural water recharge worry water authority


Water Resources Management Authority (WARMA) has expressed worry that Mufuchani spring, a natural water recharge will be disrupted in Kitwe’s Mufuchani area where farmers have started demarcating their farms into residential areas.

WARMA Director General Kenneth Nyundu said if the farmers go ahead, there will be a challenge of sanitation and sewer disposal which will result into the pollution of the natural water source which supplies water into Kafue River and the surrounding farming community.

“The underground water table will also go down and the water source will be contaminated if more people are allowed to settle there through demarcation of the farms into residential plots,” he observed.

He also noted that the move would also affect Vital Beverages Limited, a company that is bottling water from the same spring.

Mr. Nyundu said there is need to protect natural waters sources for the good of the current and future generations.

He said the Authority will engage Kitwe City Council to explain why the area should be maintained as a farming area.

He also explained that the Authority will also sensitize the farmers on the repercussions of turning the area into a residential area.

And Kitwe City Council Water Coordinator Aaron Banda said over 15 farm owners from Mufuchani area have applied to the council for change of usage for their farms from Framing into residential plots.

Mr. Banda explained that the council has however not approved the applications.

“The farmers have applied that their farms be turned into residential plots but the official position of the council is to maintain the land as farms,” he explained.

Over fifteen farmers in Kitwe’s Mufuchani area are demarcating their farms covering over 150 hectares which they are selling as residential plots a move that is likely to lead to the drying of Mufuchani Spring which flows into Kafue River and supplies water to the surrounding farming Community and Vital Beverages Limited.

UK govt pledges support towards conserving and protecting Zambia’s natural resources


The United Kingdom government has pledged support to Zambia in the conservation and protection of natural assets.

British Commissioner to Zambia Nicholas Woolley says caring for the world’s biodiversity, mitigating the global impacts of climate change is one of the UK’s government priorities in Zambia.

“Protecting the world’s biodiversity, mitigating the global impacts of climate change, and here in Zambia working to conserve natural resources and wildlife are all strong priorities of the UK Government and our mission here in Lusaka,” said Mr. Woolley.

He said despite the challenges faced in protecting natural assets in a country as large and diverse as Zambia, the UK has pioneered conservation partnerships and have a strong belief in their potential to strengthen practices in Zambia.

He explained that this partnership between Game Rangers International and the Department of National Parks and Wildlife has potential to put the Lusaka National Park firmly on the map as a destination for both domestic and international tourists.

“More broadly, tourism has the potential to be a real driver of job creation and associated services in the coming years. As the British High Commissioner I’m proud that the UK, through Prospero Limited is helping to develop further partnerships like this and help create more jobs and economic opportunities for Zambian people and small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) in the process,” he added.

The High Commissioner noted that for this to be achieved there is need to strengthen the offer to tourists, and also increase the amount of domestic tourism, making valuable assets like Lusaka National Park more accessible to Zambians among others.

Mr. Woolley stated that there is also need to expose children to the various tourism potential sites in the country through conservation education potential in this partnership

“recognizing that it is the children of today that hold greatest potential for a shift in mindset around climate change and wildlife conservation we are delighted to see the conservation education potential in this partnership and ensuring that the beauty of the Zambian natural world is not hidden from eyes of Zambia’s children but something they can take pleasure and learnt to protect from an early age,” he said.

He further described the Lusaka National Park as a place that can offer the best tourism services within the city.

“My own personal experience of Lusaka National Park is that it is a place of solitude and beauty, providing a unique experience within the city limits of Lusaka, an ever-increasing tree canopy cover and diversity of plants and wildlife,” he said.

He has since called for the protection of the place by all Zambians, adding that the UK’s support to the Conservation Education Centre is a first step towards developing the true potential of this park, to promote conservation, biodiversity, education, and job creation through the growth of domestic and international tourism.

Counting in the just Ended By-Elections gets Underway as polls close


Counting in the just ended by-elections has started after voting has closed in the Lukashya and Mwansabombwe parliamentary by-elections with candidates expressing optimism of scoping the seats.

In Lukashya PF aspiring candidate George Chisanga said the poll is a PF victory and Steven Mukuka the spokesperson for MMD candidate Peter Kabwe said his party is certain of victory.

Mr. Mukuka said the voting atmosphere in Lukashya has been good despite a bit of voter apathy he observed in some selected polling stations.

And Northern province Police Commissioner Richard Mweene said police have been on the ground keeping vigil with only a few incidences of misconduct reported.

The election has however been marred by a low voter turnout in most polling stations. A check by ZANIS at selected polling stations in Chiba and Kupumaula wards found only a hand full of people had voted by 17:00 hours while a few others were on the queue waiting to cast their votes.

Presiding Officer at Chitaba Polling station Alick Sikazwe said voting had gone very well but described the voter turnout as poor from mid-day.

“We started on a good note but things changed after 11 hours as we started receiving less and less numbers” he said

He however expressed happiness with the representation from observers and party agents adding that this is important in the electoral process.

And Kapongolo 1 Polling Station Premising Officer Jackson Simumba described the voter turnout as slow in the afternoon compared to the morning further adding that out of 919 registered voters at the polling station only 235 had casted their votes by 14 hours.

Meanwhile, Foundation for Democratic Process observer Michael Bwalya said the voter turnout was overwhelming in the afternoon as compared to the morning.

“Voting in the morning was slow because most voters in highly populated areas are women who are committed with house chores in the morning,” he said.

Mr Bwalya noted that Chitamba Polling station had challenges as space where voting was taking place was small.

He has since advised the Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) to invest in permanent structures designated for voting by ensuring that the area is conducive.

And Mr. Bwalya urged the candidate for the Lukashya seat to accept the outcome of the by-election and ensure to work with whoever will emerge victorious in the election.

He said political parties and their candidates should accept the will of the people.

Chipolopolo Dates Bafana in Rustenburg


Chipolopolo has confirmed two October friendly’s including one against Bafana Bafana.

FAZ general secretary Adrian Kashala said Zambia will face Bafana and Kenya in away friendly dates next month.

Chipolopolo’s date against Bafana has been confirmed by SAFA for October 13 at Royal Bafokeng Stadium in Rustenburg.

The Kenya friendly is tentatively set for October 11.

Meanwhile, Kashala said they are hoping to secure a third date at home prior to the two warm-ups during the period of next months’ FIFA International Match Window that will run from October 5-14.

Chipolopolo will enter camp for the October engagements on September 25 with the home-based members of the provisional 2021 CHAN team before the foreign call-ups join them in early October.

Micho will be using the matches to prepare for the resumption of Chipolopolo’s competitive program in November when they face Botswana in a rescheduled 2021 AFCON Group H qualifier doubleheader at home and away during the November 9-17 window.

The doubleheader was postponed in March due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Chipolopolo are rock bottom of Group H on zero points after two games played, Botswana are third with 1 point while Zimbabwe and Algeria have 4 and 6 points respectively.

Micho already has one game in charge following his appointment in February when Chipolopolo beat Malawi 1-0 in a friendly on March 12 at Nkoloma Stadium in Lusaka.

Kabwe PF youths protest against UPND’s insults


Patriotic Front youths in Kabwe district in Central Province have protested against the insults made by opposition United Party for National Development leader, Hakainde Hichilema during campaigns in Lukashya constituency.

The protest, which happened this afternoon, was led by PF member Innocent Nundwe, from Mpunde Ward and presented to Kabwe District Commissioner, Samson Lupupa.

Mr. Nundwe said the insults made by Mr. Hichilema on Monday at a political rally in Lukasha Constituency are regrettable and should not be entertained by any peace-loving Zambian.

Speaking on behalf of the youths in Kabwe, Mr. Nundwe demanded that the opposition leader should apologize to the Zambians for his wrong selection of words adding that his action has left many Zambians in total displeasure especially that he is vying for the highest office in the country.

And Kabwe District Commissioner, Samson Lupupa says he has welcomed the petition by the PF youth and will forward it to the relevant authorities.

PMRC praises Government for Measures to Cushion the Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the Economy


The Policy Monitoring and Research Centre (PMRC) has praised the government for putting up several measures to cushion the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the economy.

PMRC Executive Director Bernadette Zulu has observed that it is estimated that in the current fiscal year, the pandemic will have a sustained adverse impact on the economy, leading to a downward drift in projected growth from 3 percent to -4.2 %.

Mrs. Zulu noted that the unplanned adjustments due to COVID-19 have severely impacted the country’s fiscal health with the budget performance for the period January to June 2020 registering a total revenue collection and grants amounting to K32.2 billion, 5.1 % below the 34 billion projection.

She explained that regarding expenditure, the Treasury released a total of K46.8 billion which was 7% below the projection for January to June.

On revenue performance, she said income tax collection during the period amounted to K14.3 billion against a target of 13.3 billion while K6.7 billion was collected from Pay As You Earn (PAYE).

Mrs. Zulu added that Value Added Tax (VAT) collection amounted to K6.06 billion against a target of K9.11 billion representing an amount 33.5% below the target.

Customs and Excise Duty collections were less by 15.3 % resulting in K3.53 billion collected against the projection of K4.17 billion.

On expenditure performance during the period under review, personal emoluments accounted for 26.7 % total expenditure which represents an amount of 1.1 % above the projection.

She explained that the treasury released K3.7 billion to finance general government-wide operations representing 7.9% of total expenditure, while K12.5 billion was released to cater for salaries, third-party payments and overseas allowances for staff representing Zambia abroad.

And Mrs. Zulu has further noted that during the period under review, K14.3 billion was released for debt service with external debt service amounting to K6.3 billion with principal repayments amounting to K3.3 billion while domestic debt totaled K8 billion which included K1.9 billion principal repayments on government securities.

She said in the same period releases under the social benefits category amounted to K602 million, where K550 million was released to finance the pension gap fund against an initial projection of K82.5 million.

This is contained in statement issued to ZANIS in Lusaka today by PMCR Executive Director Bernadette Zulu

News Diggers Newspaper misrepresented President Edgars Lungu’s Statement-Antonio Mwanza


Patriotic Front (PF) Deputy Media Director Antonio Mwanza has condemned the News Diggers Newspaper misrepresenting President Edgars Lungu’s Statement when he addressed the people of Lukashya as he drummed up support for the PF candidate.

Mr. Mwanza said instead of being factual and accurate in their reporting, News Diggers in their calculated scheme to tarnish the image of President Edgar Chagwa Lungu and the Patriotic Front, use eye-catching and misleading headlines and biased and inaccurate editorials.

He said the case in point is Thursday’s Headline titled “I’LL REMAIN PRESIDENT whether Zambians like it or not – Lungu.”

Mr. Mwanza said the headline is not only misleading but it is highly offensive and has the potential to breed civil disharmony as it attempts to paint President Edgar Lungu as a tinpot dictator who has no regard for the Republican Constitution and the people of Zambia.

“We wish to register our profound dismay at the gutter journalism being practiced by the News Diggers Newspaper. The headline is deliberately crafted in a misleading manner to portray the President as someone who has no regard for the law and the people of Zambia when in fact, the opposite is true,” He said.

“For removal of doubt, this is the verbatim statement of what President Edgar Lungu said and I quote: “Nangu chibe shani namailo litali, na 2021 litali, lelo kufika next election mu August pa 12 mu 2021, President ninebo! Nangu ulefwaya, olo taulefwaya, President ninebo! Nowo mukasala, afwile abomba naine. Nga chakutila nafwa lelo, ba President niba Inonge Wina, chapwa!” He said.

The PF Deputy Media Director said contrary to the picture News Diggers is trying to portray that President Lungu will impose himself on the people or use force and or any other unconstitutional means to remain President, President Lungu was clearly and categorically stating a known fact that he will remain President till 2021 as provided for by the constitution of the Republic of Zambia.

“This is a fact and the President is on firm ground. While we appreciate the right by News Diggers to be critical of President Edgar Lungu and the PF, we demand that they do so within the professional ethics of journalism. It is never too late to do the right thing and we hope News Diggers will reflect on their unethical reporting as it is a danger to society and themselves as a media institution,” said Mr.Mwanza.

He adds that PF strongly believes in freedom of the Press and Press Freedom and will always stand in defense of the media but will also demand that the media report responsibly and professionally in line with media ethics.