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Zesco United Head For Western Province 2020/2021 Pre-Season Camp


Zesco United head to Western Province next week for a week-long, pre-season training camp.

The eight-time champions led by coach George Lwandamina will be in Western Province for seven days.

“The team leaves for Mongu on Wednesday where they will camp for seven days to prepare for the 2020/2021 season,” Zesco spokesperson Desmond Katongo said.

“The team reported back for pre-season on Monday in Ndola with everyone in training.”

New boys Bruce Musakanya and Lazarus Phiri, who joined from Red Arrows and Green Eagles respectively, both reported for duty on the first day.

Fellow midfielder Kelvin Mubanga has now been training with Zesco for the last two days after joining them on Wednesday.

Mubanga reported at Zesco four months ahead of the expiry of his contract with Nkana on December 31, 2020 after the two parties agreed to administratively hasten his exit ahead of schedule.

The trio is Zesco’s big name signings for the coming campaign as the Ndola club attempts to reclaim the league title they surrendered to Nkana in the 2019/2020 after a three-year reign.

Manyinga contractors hailed for commitment to projects


The government has commended contractors who have shown a commitment to completing government-funded projects in Manyinga District in Northwestern Province.

Manyinga District Administrative Officer Kenneth Chinyama cited Toshiber general dealers the contractor engaged to contract K6.2 Million Civic centre as one the most committed.

Mr Chinyama disclosed this in an interview with ZANIS in Manyinga today.

“We are impressed with this Contractor they have done exceptional works amidst operational challenges,” he said.

Meanwhile, Provincial Permanent Willies Mangimela says the provincial Administration is committed to ensuring all infrastructure developments are completed.

“I am aware of all the logistical needs of our contractors including those in Manyinga district,” Mr. Mangimela added.

He further disclosed that the provincial administration has engaged relevant ministries including the Ministry of Finance to ensure that all pending government projects are completed.

Inonge Wina expected on a three day working visit in Western Province


Vice President Inonge Wina is tomorrow September 18th, 2020 expected on a three day working visit in Western Province.

Speaking in an interview with ZANIS today, Western Province Permanent Secretary Daniel Bukali disclosed that Mrs. Wina is expected to check on developmental projects in various parts of the province.

Mr. Bukali indicated that the Vice President is anticipated to commission Lealui and Nangweshi Mini Hospitals.

“I would like to confirm the coming of her honor the Republican Vice President Madam Inonge Wina who will be visiting Western province tomorrow Friday. Her visit to Western province is purely developmental, she has a three day working visit to the province and some of the projects that she will undertake commissioning of Lealui and Nangweshi mini hospitals,” Mr. Bukali revealed.

The Permanent Secretary noted that project implementation for the construction of the two hospitals started in 2017 and have been completed within the stipulated time, confirming that they are ready for the general public to utilize.

He added that during her visit, the Vice President will also inspect the Kalongola – Nalolo road in Nalolo district.

“There is a road that is being done by Zambia National Service (ZNS) from Kalongola that goes all the way up to Moyo. That road is very important, it means that you can connect from Kalabo, you pass through Moyo, and you go and come out through Kalongola, then connect to Sioma and then to Sesheke,” he indicated.

He narrated that before the Kalongola-Nalolo road construction, it was difficult for people in the Western Bank of Nalolo District to access the other part of the District hence the new road will improve access to other areas.

Mr. Bukali further pointed out government’s infrastructure developmental projects taking place in the area and the Province as whole, among which he mentioned the modern hospital, schools and government houses which the Vice President will also inspect.

Zambia Police Recover Fire Arms in Muchinga Province


The police in Muchinga province has warned all individuals in possession of illegal firearms that the long arm of the law will soon visit them.

The warning has come after a joint operation conducted yesterday by Chinsali Police under the Criminal Investigations Department and the Zambia National Parks and Wild Life Authority Officers.

Muchinga Province Police Commissioner Joel Njase who sounded the warning said eight different types of firearms were recovered during the operation.

Eng Njase said there is need to respect the law especially with regard to use and possession of firearms.

“This is important firstly because we need peace and security for all, secondly is to avoid such guns being in wrong hands and likely to be used for criminal activities and thirdly the persuasive dictate of tranquility for development needs focused attention for productive minds,” he said.

Eng Njase added that as a result, two people identified as Conelious Chisale aged 30 and Mutende Chisale also 30, all of Chisale farm in Chinsali district who are the owners of the firearms were apprehended to assist with investigations.

The Commissioner said among the firearms recovered include 9 rifles, 6 short guns, and 13 muzzle loaders.

Eng Njase added that other items that were recovered are 26 air gun seals, 38 barrels of air gun and 2 barrels of shot gun among others.

President Lungu ready to hand over power if he loses-State House


State House says President Edgar Lungu will not go against the decision of the Zambian people in next year’s presidential elections.

Isaac Chipampe, the Special Assistance to the President for Press and Public Relations says President Lungu has therefore, found it disturbing that some sections of the media decided to misquote him when he held public rallies in Kasama.

Mr. Chipampe in a statement said the President did not say he will remain President whether Zambians like it or not as reported in some sections of the media.

He explains that the President, instead, stated that he is President whether his opponents like it or not, and that if anything happened to him his Constitutional successor is Vice President Inonge Wina.

Mr. Chipampe says the President has therefore urged journalists to strictly adhere to their professional ethics because not doing so could plunge the country into chaos.

Meanwhile, News Diggers newspapers has issued an apology over the story carried in today’s edition in which it stated that President Lungu is not ready to hand over power even if he loses.

In a statement, News Diggers said the story quoted President Lungu out of context.

“In our Thursday, September 17, 2020 edition, we quoted President Edgar Lungu saying that “Whether Zambians like it or not, he will remain President of the Republic of Zambia”. It has been brought to our attention that the Head of State, who was speaking in Bemba, was addressing UPND leader Hakainde Hichilema, and stated that: “Nangu chibe shani, namailo litali, na 2021 litali, lelo kufika next election mu August pa 12 mu 2021, president ninebo! Nangu ulefwaya olo taulefwaya, president ninebo!”?

“Therefore, President Lungu did not say: “I will remain President, whether Zambians like it or not.”?We hereby now issue our unreserved apology to the Head of State, His Excellency President Edgar Lungu, and the Patriotic Front, for the damage and inconvenience caused by our inaccuracy in translating his message at the said rally.”

The Socialist Party Adopts 9 Candidates for the 2021 General Elections


This Sunday, the Socialist Party led by Fred M’embe adopted 9 parliamentary candidates for the 2021 general elections to stand on the party ticket in Northern, Muchinga, Luapula, and the upper parts of Central Province.

The adopted candidates are Reverend Moddy Chisha Nonde – Chitambo, Maximo Mutambo – Senga Hill, Kunda Humphrey – Lunga, Kalonde – Mpika Central, Pastor Francis Chanda Chileshe – Lubasenshi, Nanyangwe Naomi – Mbala, Kapasa Makasa – Shiwang’andu, Mulenga Chiluba – Nkanchibiya and Pikiti Margaret – Malole.

The adopted parliamentary candidates have promised to closely work with their communities in order to foster sustainable development.

Speaking during a press briefing at the party’s Garden Office on Sunday when they were unveiled, Rev. Moddy Nonde Chisha from Chitambo constituency observed with anguish, the neglect, the people have suffered at the hands of political leaders.

Chisha said issues of education, bad roads, clinics, and bridges were a huge challenge to the people of Chitambo.

“Our Incoming President Dr. Fred M’membe is a revolutionary leader who wouldn’t love to see citizens being subjected to the capitalist system that causes suffering among Zambians. We in the Socialist Party pledge that under the socialist government, we will bring about Justice, Equity, and Peace in the distribution of the natural resources and the national wealth of our country as outlined in our manifesto,” said Chisha.

And adopted Senga Hill candidate Maximo Mutambo Sikonde pledged his loyalty to the party and the people of Senga Hill when he was elected as Member of Parliament.

Mutambo said it was disappointing that schools in the constituency were falling apart as teachers were not motivated. He said the lack of medicine in hospitals had also been a major challenge for the people of Senga Hill.

“Lack of medicine in our clinics such as Panadol and all must come to an end, this must change, I will make sure that I continue struggling for a better Zambia with the people in my constituency, the youths have no jobs and they are just in communities suffering,” said Mutambo.

He called for a complete shift in the agriculture policy in order to increase productivity while empowering the farmers.

Meanwhile, Mpika Central constituency adopted candidate Andrew Kalonde from Muchinga province thanked the party leadership for having confidence and adopted him to contest on the party ticket.
Kalonde assured the party leadership to do his best and not disappoint them and the electorate.

He said it is disappointing that after 50 years of independence, people still have a challenge of safe drinking water, roads, and poor nutrition.

“My people do not be carried away by the 12.5 kg of mealie meal which is being given to you, That is an insult to you because if they care for you, they must work on reducing the price of fertilizer so that you can afford to buy and farm your own food and even be able to take your children to school,” said Kalonde.

Kalonde questioned why the projects left by late president Michael Sata have not been completed for six years now.

“Michael Sata hospital was supposed to finish and all equipment fixed, the mortuary, houses for workers to be built before opening but what happened? They opened the unfinished structures so that they appear as though they care for you,” he said.

Kalonde added that the country was falling due to capitalism with inherent values of greediness, corruption, thieving and selfishness.

“The Socialist Party has this very arduous task of revisiting the past in order to transform the future. I shall therefore support programs and motions that promote national unity and equal distribution of development throughout the country irrespective of which party sponsors such programs. The task ahead of us cannot be left on trial and error or in the hands of test tube politicians (who do not have the interest of the poor at heart, the selfish, greed and corrupt leaders) but to tried and tested compatriots, -hands like that of our dear comrade and party president, Dr Fred M’membe,” he said.

Kalonde mentioned that the country should be in the hands of the people who understand grassroot issues that were affecting the poor masses who are crying day and night due to the oppression by the greed and shameless corrupt leaders.

“I have been with my president Dr Fred M’membe in Mpika for a month now, he understands your problems, he ate the food you eat and drank the water you all drink, he knows the train to Mpika district up to Nabwalya, Mbati, Chiunda Ponde and many other areas and he can’t be cheated,” he explained. He charged that the time for change was now with the Socialist Party whose values are centred on the emancipation of humankind.

UPND bemoans high levels of political intolerance exhibited by PF government


United Party For National Development (UPND) National Youth Secretary-General Mr. Trevor Mwiinde has bemoaned the high levels of political intolerance that the PF government has exhibited during the Mwansabombwe and Lukashya bye-election campaign.

Speaking when he featured on Muvi TV’s Morning Breakfast Show, Mr. Mwiinde said that there has never been a bye-election with a lot of police officers compared to the people voting in the whole of Zambian history. Responding to the arrest of Deputy Secretary-General Mr. Patrick Mucheleka, Former National Youth IPS Mr. Samuel Ngwira, Campaign Manager for Lukashya Parliamentary bye-elections Mr. Elias Mubanga, and other party officials, Mr. Mwiinde challenged the police to remove cadres’s mentality when dealing with the law.

He further expressed his disappointment in the PF government that has failed to bring development to the people of Mwansabombwe Constituency through providing clean but have chosen to prioritize paying cadres who are working overtime to issue NRCs on Sundays.

In his closing remarks, Mr. Mwiinde said that youths in Zambia are not looking for a government that arrests opposition leaders but one that can create sustained jobs for them.

President Lungu wants Zambians abroad to be served efficiently-Ambassador Lomb


FOREIGN Affairs Permanent Secretary for International Relations and Cooperation Chalwe Lombe has urged diplomats to change the perception that Missions in the diaspora are not doing enough to serve Zambians abroad.

Ambassador Lombe said President Lungu wants Zambians abroad to be served efficiently.

“We urge Zambian Missions abroad to step up efforts in the implementation of the Diaspora Policy to promote efficiency,” Ambassador Lombe said.

He said the Ministry was aware of the challenges regarding delayed processing of national identification documents such as NRCs, Birth Certificates and Passports and had put in place measures to speed up the exercise.

“The Passports Office in Zambia has been equipped with dedicated computers and internet specifically to serve the Zambian Diaspora to speed up the process of issuing national documents,” Ambassador Lombe said.

The Permanent Secretary was speaking during the Virtual Clinic on the implementation of the Diaspora Policy for Missions in Asia and Middle East.

“We commend Zambia High Commission in India for using the diplomat’s personal resources in some cases to facilitate the repatriation of Zambians in distress,” he added.

And Zambia’s High Commissioner to India Judith Kapijimpanga said the Mission had an updated Register of Zambians living in India and other countries of extra accreditation, which made it easier to assist the Zambians in distress.

“We request that arrangements be made with Road Transport and Safety Agency – RTSA to enable the renewal of Drivers License from outside the country,” Mrs. Kapijimpanga said.

Meanwhile, Zambia’s Ambassador to Malaysia Walubita Imakando called for Missions abroad to start issuing national documents such as passports on behalf of government while Zambia’s Ambassador to South Korea Wylbur Simuusa called on Zambia to draw lessons from countries such as South Korea which were efficient in issuing national documents.

Zambia’s Ambassador to Saudi Arabia Ibrahim Mumba called for the need to increase the number of Zambians working in the Middle East while Zambia’s Ambassador to Israel Martin Mwanambale called for a mechanism to harness knowledge and skills gained by Zambian students abroad especially Israel.

This was contained in a statement released by First Secretary Press and Tourism at the Zambian Mission in India Bangwe Naviley.

UPND’s Patrick Mucheleka and two others appear before the Kasama Magistrate Court


UPND Deputy Secretary-General Patrick Mucheleka and two others yesterday afternoon appeared before the Kasama Magistrate Court charged with two counts of malicious damage and aggravated robbery.

The three who include Elias Mubanga and Samuel Ngwira both UPND members could not however not take plea due to lack of instructions from the Director of Public Prosecution.

According to the facts before the court, the trio is said to have caused the damage by use of force to three type-writers and a printer valued at K13.970 property of the Government of the Republic of Zambia.

The matter has since been adjourned to 30th September 2020 for possible instructions from the DPP

The trio has since been transferred to Milima state correctional facility as one of the charges is non-bailable.

Meanwhile, five UPND youths arrested in Kasama Tuesday night have been released on bail.

The youths who include Ron Chivube, Evaristo Mwenya, Steven Kunda, Emmanuel Sitikuso, and Steven Sichilongo appeared before the Kasama Magistrate Court charged with two counts of Assault.

Facts before the court are that the five whilst acting together did Assault Gilbert Mulenga and Justin Mulenga causing actual bodily harm.

President Lungu tells HH to prepare for another embarrassing defeat in 2021


President Edgar Lungu has told United Party for National Development (UPND) leader Hakainde Hichilema to brace himself for another embarrassing defeat.

Speaking at a public rally yesterday to drum up support for PF candidate in today’s Parliamentary By-Elections, President Lungu said that in 2015, he was just a newcomer on the ballot paper who competed against a man who had been there several times before and beat him pants down.

The President said that, in 2016, he walloped Mr. Hichilema a second time, and stated that if he could beat him twice when he was just a newcomer on the ballot, he would most certainly not fail to do it again now that he was a seasoned President.

The President laughed off the narrative being advanced by Mr. Hichilema that he was scared of him and said it was Hichilema himself that was scared which is why he wanted desperately for PF to have another candidate.

He said his party had delivered massive development in an unprecedented manner in a short space of time and that the people of Zambia have seen for themselves what the PF is caple of doing.

He urged the People of Lukashya to turn up in large numbers to vote for the PF Candidate Mr. George Chisanga whom he vouched for as a person who is educated, responsible, and ready to work for them to the best of his ability.

Mpika District predicts a bumper harvest after receiving farming inputs


Farmers in Mpika District of Muchinga province have predicted a bumper harvest from this year’s farming season following the government’s early distribution of farm inputs .

Ministry of Agriculture Mpika District Marketing Development Officer (DMDO) Charles Simukonda confirmed receipt of Urea and D-compound fertilizer at NERIA’s Investments limited Mpika depot a week after President Edgar Lungu’s directive for the early countrywide distribution.

“We have started issuing out inputs to deserving cooperatives as a district we have a target of 8960. Where we are here at Neria sheds we have 38,780 X 50Kg bags of D compound and 29,180 X 50 Kg bags of Urea fertilizer.” Said Mr. Simukonda.

He said the Mpika district has 8960 farmers and 6000 have already deposited their K400 contributions.

He said farmers will concentrate on maize production because inputs are readily available for them, adding that they will plant early and manage the crops very well.

He said in the wake of COVID-19, a struck schedule has been clearly outlined to avoid crowds.

“We have the pandemic which is COVID-19, so starting early has given us to make a schedule where we are not calling all the farmers at the same time. So we have tried to make a schedule where two agriculture camps are coming per week so that we avoid COVID-19 you know crowding is not acceptable we have been warned by the ministry of health to maintain social distancing.” He stated.

Meanwhile Mpika District’s Chavuma Co-operative chairperson Wilson Mwase has commended the government for the early distribution.

“As cooperatives, we are very happy for the early distribution of inputs. This is good for farmers as they will have enough time to prepare in advance, it will also create space for the allocation of delivered inputs to farmers.

He said the Patriotic Front government has done what other Governments failed to do since 1999.

20,000 inmates eligible to vote in the 2021 elections


Zambia Correctional services Deputy Commissioner for operations, Mr.Lloyd Chilundika has said that about 20,000 inmates are eligible to vote in the 2021 elections.

This follows the Godfrey Malembeka, Chief Executive officer for Prisons Care and Counseling Association (PRISCA) Versus the Attorney General and the ECZ case, where the court held that the prisoners right to vote must be upheld.

Mr. Chilundika said following the ruling, the Correctional services intends to undertake prisoners voting for the 2021 general elections.

“Following the court ruling allowing inmates to vote and working with other stakeholders, a technical committee with clear terms of reference has been constituted to operationalize the court decision and this committee has been going round to inspect physical prison structures and other matters that are incidental to the rights of inmates to vote and they will how we will implement voting system,” Mr.Chilundika said.

Zambian breweries hosts engagement with artists in cancellation of Mosi DOT collabo edition 2020

The Mosi DOT Collabo edition music festival for 2020; launched in May this year as a once-off solidary event with a focus on raising funds for the tourism and arts sector in Livingstone has been cancelled due to the on-going COVID-19 pandemic. Zambian Breweries in collaboration with R&G Events had announced in May that the event would be held on 10th October, 2020 in Lusaka at the R&G Arena. However, the current situation with the rise in covid-19 cases is not favourable for the event that draws more than 10,000 people in attendance.

Speaking at an engagement with artists hosted by Zambian Breweries on 2 September, Zambian Breweries Country Head of Marketing Sibajene Munkombwe assured that the corporation has planned various virtual events and initiatives for the rest of the year and 2021. “The artists on the Mosi Day of Thunder 2020 line-up will be incorporated into a number of brand initiatives that we are running to support the industry. The cancellation of the Collabo edition is an unfortunate outcome of the dreaded pandemic but we will try our best to engage with artists during this trying time for the arts industry.”

Also present at the Artist Engagement was Adrian Chipindi who is the Director of National Arts Council. “We have witnessed the cancellation of many events in 2020 which has raised great concern for the development of arts in Zambia. To cushion the loss suffered by artists, the Zambian Government has provided relief to the arts sector through the Youth Empowerment Scheme to help recover the losses made in 2020”. The K30 million Youth Empowerment Scheme was launched in August 2020 to assist artists after the negative impacts of COVID-19.

Regardless of the difficult circumstances that the on-going pandemic has created, it is commendable that artists have kept their music alive and used their time to promote new music. Artists Slap Dee and Macky 2 are some of the notable musicians that have continued to entertain audiences with their newly released hit singles “early riser” and “savuka”.

It is without a doubt that the Mosi Day of Thunder in 2021; back in its home town of Livingstone, will be a phenomenal come-back for the popular event which has become a key contributor to the local arts and tourism market.

Zambian Breweries has assured that as committed for the 2020 edition of the event, funds will be donated to the tourism sector in Livingstone as the city recovers from the effects of Covid-19.
In the meantime, the public is urged to adhere to the public health guidelines and stay safe.

PF Now Openly Waging War Against Zambians


By: Anthony Bwalya – Citizen of the Republic of Zambia and Member of UPND.

The country has just seen a tasteless footage, of some Patriotic Front (PF) thugs violently destroying a UPND branded motor vehicle in Kasama, in FULL VIEW of armed police personnel.

Now, before the cartoon leadership of the party in power even tries to mock the intelligence of Zambians by “condemning” this act of animalistic barbarism, let the Zambian people be aware, that the PF is now an openly criminal regime anchored on high crimes of corruption, thuggery, violence and terrorism.

And there exists a wealth of evidence to that effect.

First of all, Zambia no longer has a President in charge. We only have a proxy President who is now only acting for and on behalf of criminal elements both inside and outside of the PF political establishment.

If Zambia had a President in charge, those charged with the responsibility to maintain law and order in our country would diligently serve him to ensure that he fulfils this key constitutional mandate to the Zambian people.

How do you serve a proxy President?

Earlier this year, the livelihoods of ordinary people were destroyed when this proxy President hopelessly watched while a carefully orchestrated string of homegrown terror attacks were occasioned against innocent citizens. Schools and homes were attacked and people murdered in cold blood while this proxy President watched.

To date, the proxy President has failed to constitute a commission of inquiry to establish the identity of the terrorists, their source of funding and how they were able to crisscross the country so fast without the detection of law enforcement agencies.

But then again, it turns out the proxy President has an affinity for criminality, that is how his name is now potentially on the international watchlist for state sponsors of international terrorism after he was mentioned in a foreign court of law, under oath, for being a financier of an armed rebel group fighting to unseat a serving president of another country.

It is under this proxy President that named international terrorism suspects have turned Zambia into both a grooming and organizing ground, using our land as a regional terrorism financing centre. Why has this guy and his government failed to investigate the terrorism financing activity flagged on Zambian soil by the Financial Intelligence Center in the 2018 Report?

The tactics now being employed by the PF regime are typical of despot regimes. They are now intent on fanning armed and violent discontent in the country as a means to justify the sabotage of constitutional rule in Zambia.

This is a regime that has openly waged war on listed corporate entities like the Copperbelt Energy Corporation (CEC), Konkola Copper Mines (KCM) and now attempting a brutal takeover of Sun International Hotels in Zambia as a means to hand critical sectors of the economy to business mafias friendly to the regime.

This is the same proxy President who has handed $500m worth of unprocessed gold deposits to foreign owned entities with known links to terrorism, with these companies being headed by individuals with links to internationally sanctioned individuals by the US, UK, EU and UN.

The PF know that the country’s economy is now beyond redemption and is headed for a certain collapse.

But to legitimize the destruction of what was once a buzzing and promising young economy, like a looted office, BURN IT DOWN.

Zambians must brace themselves for the very worst ahead of the 2021 general election.

We are not dealing with a government.

We are dealing with thugs whose only claim to power is the facade of the shambolic 2016 general election.

We must stand together and defend our country.