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HH needs to Respond Honestly to Very Serious Questions Zambians Asking-Davies Mwila


Patriotic Front Secretary General, Hon. Davis Mwila has challenged United Party for National Development leader Hakainde Hichilema to respond honestly to some very serious questions that the Zambian people are seeking answers to such as his involvement in the sale of the Intercontinental hotel among other things.

Hon. Mwila said anyone seeking public office would naturally be subjected to an integrity test which they need to pass.

He said President Lungu is presiding over a corruption allergic government and that even his Ministers had to appear before the courts of law to prove their innocence.

He said the narrative by the opposition that PF and its leaders are corrupt is a calculated attempt by the opposition to scandalize the ruling government in order to derail the development agenda but that the PF was well aware of the cheap politics by the opposition and refused to be swayed.

He said whilst the President was busy leading, fool’s where busy politicking.

He urged the People of Lukashya to choose development over rhetoric by voting for George Chisanga tomorrow.

He was speaking at a rally at Chisanga Primary School grounds in Lukashya constituency this afternoon where he was drumming up support for George Chisanga.

The COVID-19 pandemic appears to have spared Africa so far. Scientists are struggling to explain why


Although Africa reported its millionth official COVID-19 case last week, it seems to have weathered the pandemic relatively well so far, with fewer than one confirmed case for every thousand people and just 23,000 deaths so far. Yet several antibody surveys suggest far more Africans have been infected with the coronavirus—a discrepancy that is puzzling scientists around the continent. “We do not have an answer,” says immunologist Sophie Uyoga at the Kenya Medical Research Institute–Wellcome Trust Research Programme.

After testing more than 3000 blood donors, Uyoga and colleagues estimated in a preprint last month that one in 20 Kenyans aged 15 to 64—or 1.6 million people—has antibodies to SARS-CoV-2, an indication of past infection. That would put Kenya on a par with Spain in mid-May when that country was descending from its coronavirus peak and had 27,000 official COVID-19 deaths. Kenya’s official toll stood at 100 when the study ended. And Kenya’s hospitals are not reporting huge numbers of people with COVID-19 symptoms.

Other antibody studies in Africa have yielded similarly surprising findings. From a survey of 500 asymptomatic health care workers in Blantyre, Malawi, immunologist Kondwani Jambo of the Malawi–Liverpool Wellcome Trust Clinical Research Programme and colleagues concluded that up to 12.3% of them had been exposed to the coronavirus. Based on those findings and mortality ratios for COVID-19 elsewhere, they estimated that the reported number of deaths in Blantyre at the time, 17, was eight times lower than expected.

Scientists who surveyed about 10,000 people in the northeastern cities of Nampula and Pemba in Mozambique found antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 in 3% to 10% of participants, depending on their occupation; market vendors had the highest rates, followed by health workers. Yet in Nampula, a city of approximately 750,000, amere 300 infections had been confirmed at the time. Mozambique only has 16 confirmed COVID-19 deaths. Yap Boum, a microbiologist and epidemiologist with Epicentre Africa, the research and training arm of Doctors Without Borders, says he found a high prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in people from Cameroon as well, a result that remains unpublished.

So what explains the huge gap between antibody data on the one hand and the official case and death counts on the other? Part of the reason may be that Africa misses many more cases than other parts of the world because it has far less testing capacity. Kenya tests about one in every 10,000 inhabitants daily for active SARS-CoV-2 infections, one-tenth of the rate in Spain or Canada. Nigeria, the continent’s most populous nation, tests one out of every 50,000 people per day. Even many people who die from COVID-19 may not get a proper diagnosis.

But in that case, you would still expect an overall rise in mortality, which Kenya has not seen, says pathologist Anne Barasa of the University of Nairobi who did not participate in the country’s coronavirus antibody study. (In South Africa, by contrast, the number of excess natural deaths reported between 6 May and 28 July exceeded its official COVID-19 death toll by a factor of four to one.) Uyoga cautions that the pandemic has hamstrung Kenya’s mortality surveillance system, however, as fieldworkers have been unable to move around.

Marina Pollán of the Carlos III Health Institute in Madrid, who led Spain’s antibody survey, says Africa’s youthfulness may protect it. Spain’s median age is 45; in Kenya and Malawi, it’s 20 and 18,respectively. Young people around the world are far less likely to get severely ill or die from the virus. And the population in Kenya’s cities, where the pandemic first took hold, skews even younger than the country as a whole, says Thumbi Mwangi, an epidemiologist at the University of Nairobi. The number of severe and fatal cases “may go higher when the disease has moved to the rural areas where we have populations with advanced age,” he says.

Jambo is exploring the hypothesis that Africans have had more exposure to other coronaviruses that cause little more than colds in humans, which may provide some defense against COVID-19. Another possibility is that regular exposure to malaria or other infectious diseases could prime the immune system to fight new pathogens, including SARS-CoV-2, Boum adds. Barasa, on the other hand, suspects genetic factors protect the Kenyan population from severe disease.

More antibody surveys may help fill out the picture. A French-funded study will test thousands for antibodies in Guinea, Senegal, Benin, Ghana, Cameroon, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo; results are expected by October. The studies will ensure good representation across populations, says Jean-François Etard from France’s Research Institute for Development, who is leading the study in Guinea jointly with a local scientist. And 13 labs in 11 African countries are participating in a global SARS-CoV-2 antibody survey coordinated by the World Health Organization.

South Africa, meanwhile, plans to conduct a number of serological studies both in COVID-19 hotspots and the general population, says Lynn Morris, who leads the country’s National Institute for Communicable Diseases. She notes that antibody prevalence found in the study will likely be an underestimate of true infection rates, given that the virus doesn’t induce antibodies in some people and that antibody levels wane over time.

If tens of millions of Africans have already been infected, that raises the question of whether the continent should try for “herd immunity” without a vaccine, Boum says—the controversial idea of letting the virus run its course to allow the population to become immune, perhaps while shielding the most vulnerable. That might be preferable over control measures that cripple economies and could harm public health more in the long run. “Maybe Africa can afford it,” given its apparent low death to infection ratio, Boum says. ”We need to dig into that.”

But Glenda Gray, president of the South African Medical Research Council, says it could be dangerous to base COVID-19 policies on antibody surveys. It’s not at all clear whether antibodies actually confer immunity, and if so, how long it lasts, Gray notes—in which case, she asks, “What do these numbers really tell us?”

Source: Sciencemag

Zambian actress, Maria Mukuka, cast opposite “Black Panther” Star Lupita Nyong’o in NYC Play

Maria Mukuka

Putting Zambia on the map in the international theater scene is Zambia born-and-bred actress Maria Mukuka. After completing her IB Diploma at the International School of Lusaka, Mukuka moved to New York City to pursue an acting career. Even before graduating with her undergraduate degree in theater, Mukuka made her Off-Broadway debut at the world’s largest solo theater festival, with her one-woman show, “Race Free”. The self-authored hour-long solo performance is a selection of stories about Mukuka’s childhood in Zambia, and her experiences as a bi-racial/bi-cultural artist in New York. The show, which sold out, was named a bestseller by the festival, was granted an additional performance and subsequently staged at the Pulitzer Prize winning theater New York Theater Workshop.

Maria has since earned her Master of Fine Arts in Theater and performed both Off and Off-Off-Broadway in shows at The Tank and La MaMa Experimental Theater Club.

Mukuka is passionate about contributing to the theater scene in Zambia and has collaborated with local organization and Zambia’s leading multi-disciplinary art space, Modzi Arts, which is ran by Artistic Director Taonga Julia Kaseka and has produced two of her plays: “Chief Jones” (2018) an adaptation of “The Emperor Jones” By Eugene O’Neill and “Swaggering Braggadocio” (2017) which Mukuka wrote, directed and played principal roles in. Her play “Chief Jones” was sponsored by the prestigious USA Tow Foundation and was an exploration of identity in contemporary Zambia by exploring the conflicting realities of tradition and modernization. The play also examined an individual’s responsibility to local society.

Earlier this June, Maria Mukuka was cast in Richard II by William Shakespeare in the prestigious Shakespeare in the Park series, a beloved New York City tradition for more than 60 years. This is the second summer in a row that Maria Mukuka has been cast in Shakespeare in the Park. The annual production, which takes place at the Delacorte Theater in New York’s Central Park, has so far provided free performances of world class theater to more than five million people. Due to the pandemic, this year’s production of Richard II was staged as a radio play and hosted on WNYC, the New York Public Radio. The production, featuring a cast of predominantly actors of colour, was dedicated to the Black Lives Matter Movement. New York-based, Kenyan director Saheem Ali said “it’s my hope that listening to Shakespeare’s words, broadcast in the midst of a pandemic and an uprising, will have powerful resonance in our world.” The New York Times wrote that “the mostly black cast, led by a suave Andre Holland in the title role, delivered electric performances, spotlighting the aural delights of Shakespeare’s language.” Academy Award winning Kenyan actress, Lupita Nyong’o narrated the four-part audio play and was accompanied by award winning castmates including Phylicia Rashad, John Douglas Thompson, Estelle Parsons and several others. The production is available to listen to at, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Play and other streaming services.

In addition to her burgeoning acting career, Maria Mukuka is a Lecturer of Acting at Brooklyn College, The City University of New York and a Dialect Coach specializing in African dialects for Off-Broadway productions. Mukuka considers herself a theater artist; in addition to acting, she is currently writing a new play which she describes as “boundary-pushing and filled with humor”. Maria Mukuka is eager to continue sharing Zambian culture with the world and bringing home all she’s learned.

Vote for PF candidate to ensure Development, President Lungu tells Voters in Mwansabombwe


President Edgar Lungu has implored the electorates in Mwansabombwe district to vote for the Patriotic Front (PF) candidate Kampampi Kabaso in the by-elections slated for Thursday 17th September 2020 in order to ensure development in the area.

Drumming up support for Mr. Kabaso President Lungu urged the people of Mwansabombwe to vote for the PF candidate saying that was the only way development will continue in the district.

He explained that it will be difficult for the PF government to work with an opposition Member of Parliament as they have on many occasions failed to work with the party in power.

And President Lungu stated that his government has developed the area especially in the education and health sectors with the latest notable development being electrification of the district.

“My government has electrified Mwense district administration area and even this place will be electrified as can be seen with the poles and cables that have been erected and put in place by ZESCO Limited, “he said.

President Lungu also pledged to sink more boreholes in order to increases access to safe and clean drinking water.

The Head of State, who was flanked by Tourism and Arts Minister Ronald Chitotela, Luapula Province Minister Nickson Chilangwa and other party officials, assured electorates that the PF government will fulfill its promises.

He said the people of Mwansabombwe had demonstrated loyalty worth the reward for supporting the ruling party during past elections.

Meanwhile, Tourism and Arts Minister Ronald Chitotela is confident that the ruling party will scope the Mwansabombwe Parliamentary by-election slated for Thursday September 17th 2020.

Speaking at a campaign rally when he drummed up support for the PF candidate Kampampi Kabaso, Mr. Chitotela said the PF is confident that it will retain the Mwansabombwe seat because the opposition does not have any message for the people of Mwansabombwe.

He has since urged electorates in the district to vote for the PF candidate Kampampi Kabaso come Thursday 17th September 2020 in order to continue with the developmental projects that were embarked on by the late MP Rogers Mwewa.

And Mr. Chitotela who is also Pambashe Member of Parliament has challenged opposition UPND leader Hakainde Hichilema to apologize to the people of Lukasha for insulting them during a public rally recently.

He said it was shocking that a man aspiring to be president of the country uttered insults not only in public but in the presence of children and women, saying that was a taboo and a revelation of his true character.

PLO Lumumba: Plagiarizer; Loquacious; Obnoxious


By Sunday Chilufya Chanda

Somehow it vexes Kenya’s self-confessed plagiarist Patrick Loch Otieno Lumumba that the Constitution of the Republic of Zambia allows President Edgar Chagwa Lungu to stand in next year’s Presidential election.

Yet inexplicably, he is not even in the least bothered that Zambian opposition leader Hakainde Hichilema’s UPND “unilaterally” amended article 70 of its party’s constitution to give him an “unlimited tenure” as president of main opposition UPND. This is despite the fact that the beleaguered Hichilema has been rejected five (5) consecutive times by the majority of Zambians at the presidential ballot (since 2006).

Otieno’s rather undignified attacks on the person of President Edgar Chagwa Lungu and his turning of a blind eye to the tyranny of what is supposed to be Zambia’s main opposition leader confirms something that has been widely observed – even in PLO’s own country.

It only confirms that PLO “Lumumba” as he would like to be called is playing the part of a willing and mischievous accomplice in Zambian opposition politics.

Admittedly, Otieno has a rather entertaining if not peculiar talent – that some would perhaps even suggest is a perverted gift- of memorising high sounding words from the dictionary and regurgitating them for leisure. Others might even say he has “the gift of the gab”. But then again, if there is any smidgeon of virtue with PLO, then, it ends there. Underneath the overblown language lies the enigma of a morally emaciated figure. A poseur; a person given to habitually pretending to be something that he is not. (Just like the Zambian opposition leader).

What PLO lacks morally he labours to compensate with bombastic language that is only good for fleeting entertainment value.


Plagiarism is one of the worst forms of corruption. As a self-confessed plagiarist, Patrick Loch Otieno should be the last to present himself as the pious High priest of Constitutionalism and Good Governance or “anti-corruption crusader” of Africa.

As one East African brothers put it:

“Hekima haishindi ukweli_”. (Knowledge does not defeat the truth.)

He went on to pint out:

“Just because Lumumba speaks “packaged English” doesn’t necessarily mean he is morally qualified to give guidance to wananchi (ordinary people) or government here in Kenya let alone another country like Zambia”.

This was in an apparent reference to Professor Lumumba’s 2017 admission that he had plagiarised the work of constitutional and human rights lawyer- Wachira Mania.

It is now common knowledge how Lumumba’s article entitled: “From Jurisprudence to Poliprudence: The Kenyan Presidential Election Petition 2013″ was originally part of Mania’s work and Lumumba made it his, without acknowledging the initial author, thereby contravening ethics and copyright laws. Lumumba copied and pasted around 5000 words of the 10,000 words long article from Wachira Maina’s works without any attribution to the original author.

Such was the gravity of the scandal that Lumumba was obliged to write a “suitable’ letter of correction” and forward it to the Law Society of Kenya Journal, the Law Society of Kenya, Law Africa Publishing Ltd and East Africa Law Society (EALS) Secretary-General Godfrey Kiliwa to immediately recall and delete the article from the LSK Journal Volume 11 2015.

In view of all this, the credibility of Lumumba’s academic papers remains in question and his morality in tatters. He should be the last per-son to talk about Good governance, Constitutionalism, Corruption or give a lecture on any related topic.

Given that this particular “Lumumba” was (according to him) named after the original Patrice Lumumba – that the African nationalist leader and first Prime Minister of the Democratic Republic of Congo, his lack of integrity and penchant to pander to neo-colonial interests makes him at best a morbidly entertaining chatterbox, and at worst a loquacious quack.


Yes, there may be challenges with the exchange rate and yes there are some challenges with the economy. However, the underlying causes cannot be ignored. They are irrefutable. The adverse effects of a severe 2018/2019 drought and the consequential reduction in hydropower generation has significantly affected the Zambian currency and the economy in general. Added to this concurrence of adverse circumstances are the harsh socio-economic setbacks arising out of the Covid-19 Pandemic.

Yet, despite the unprecedented headwinds, the Zambian Copper Eagle under the Patriotic Front administration of His Excellency President Edgar Chagwa Lungu (ECL) in spite of the odds continues to weather the storm and soar even higher.

Under President Lungu’s leadership the education sector has seen a reduction in the teacher to pupil ratios. Where previously, one teacher taught 75 pupils per class at primary school level and 68 pupils at secondary level, one teacher is now handling a class of 45 pupils at primary and 35 at the secondary level (As of 2019).

Under President Lungu’s tenure Zambian teachers are now able to pay more attention to the learning needs of each pupil. Under his watch, the country has further recorded an increase in literacy rates from 67.5 percent in 2014 to 80 percent in 2019. Female literacy rates have increased from 68 percent in 2014 to 79 percent in 2019.
The positive dividends in the education sector will benefit succeeding generations of Zambians not only now, but we into the future.

As he steers his nation towards becoming a prosperous middle-income country by 2030, President Lungu is driven by the firm conviction that increased productivity and socio-economic development’ is a function of a healthy citizenry. It is for this reason that a strong and effective healthcare system continues to be a priority for Zambia under his stewardship. The aspiration of his Government is to achieve Universal Health Coverage through healthcare system strengthening in addition to the pursuit of a primary healthcare approach.

The results have begun to show.

Under president Lungu’s stewardship Zambia’s maternal mortality ratio has drastically reduced from 398 in 2014 to 278 in 2018 for every 100,000 live births.
In addition, the number of institutional maternal deaths reduced to 138 deaths from 149 deaths per 100,000 live births in 2016. This is indicative of the reduction in the overall maternal mortality ratio. PLO the Plagiariser may wish to know that these figures are reviewed

Every five years and they are only getting better.
These achievements barely scratch the surface- there is more.
This information is free- even for Plagiarisers!

I have never said or done anything against Chief Chitimukulu-HH


United Party for National Development (UPND) President Hakainde Hichilema has said that has never said or done anything against the Chitimukulu or the Bemba Royal Establishment.

Reacting to media reports that about Chief Chitimukulu snubbing his request to visit hi palace, Mr Hichilema said that when the Patriotic Front (PF) was harassing the Chitimukulu, President Edgar Lungu as Home Affairs Minister then, deployed hundreds of police officers to prevent his ascension to the throne, he stood by the Chitimukulu and rendered support to him and that history will absolve him on this matter.

Mr Hichilema further said that as a party has no intention nor capacity to interfere in the selection, continued reign nor removal of any traditional leadership in this country.

Below is the full statement


The United Party for National Development (UPND), outside or inside government, has no intention nor capacity to interfere in the selection, continued reign nor removal of any traditional leadership in this country.

We simply have no legal, moral desire or other basis to carry out such a mission. In as far as we are concerned, this is unattainable and well outside our cherished values, virtues and aspirations.

Our duty is to work with all traditional leaders (headmen, chiefs, paramount chiefs and others in the traditional hierarchy of our nation), and other stakeholders in fostering economic and social development to benefit all our citizens in the whole country regardless of ethnic, religious, political, and other affiliations or artificial boundaries.

For the record, I as Hakainde Hichilema, have never said or done anything against the Chitimukulu or the Bemba Royal Establishment.

As a matter of fact, when the Patriotic Front (PF) was harassing the Chitimukulu with Mr. Edgar Lungu as Home Affairs Minister deployed hundreds of police officers to prevent his ascension to the throne, I stood by the Chitimukulu and rendered support to him. History will absolve us on this matter.

As a country, we would rather use our time and focus discussion on more serious and pressing issues affecting our citizens such as finding solutions to the economic meltdown and the Covid 19 pandemic, as these do not spare anyone from whatever background or political affiliation.

We are aware of the desperation by some of our opponents who have no messages for the masses, other than driving hatred against fellow citizens. Zambians find these misplaced efforts to drive a wedge between citizens, tragic, retrogressive and a danger to national unity.

Within the context of our democratic dispensation, it is our duty to jealously guard the peace we have enjoyed as a country since independence, and focus on seeking unity than disunity, love than hate and honesty than unnecessary innuendos. There’s so much work to be done and we in the UPND are preoccupied with ways and means of how citizens can put food on their tables and send their children to school.

We believe that the above response should put to rest this unnecessary digression from critical national issues.

Hakainde Hichilema
UPND President

Higher Education PS happy with Progress to Introduce STEM Subjects


Ministry of Higher Education Permanent Secretary Kayula Siame has expressed happiness with the progress made at the multimillion Kwacha center of excellence building in Kasempa District in North Western Province.

Mrs Siame said despite a number of challenges that were encountered, the project was progressing well.

“I know there has been a number of challenges, but we have managed to get this far,” She added.

Mrs Siame said the Ministry of Higher Education is in a hurry to ensure that Science, Technology Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) subjects are introduced at an early age.

She further disclosed that the Ministry of Higher Education has approved the new Science, Technology, and Innovation Policy.

“The Policy emphasizes the need to promote Science and Technology in schools,” Mrs. Siame said.

Mrs Siame said this when she inspected works at the center of excellence at Kasempa Day Secondary School in Kasempa district today.

Speaking at the same event Kasempa Day Secondary School Parent Teacher Association Chairperson Jeremiah Mamfuka thanked the government for the gesture.

“We thank the government for the new facility as this is a clear demonstration of President Dr. Edgar Lungu’s government commitment that no one should be left behind,” Mr Mamfuka added.

He assured the Permanent Secretary that the facility will be guarded jealously by the community.

Mr Mamfuka has since appealed to government that the facility be completed and handed over before the end of the year.

President Lungu heads to Copperbelt for 1 day working Visit


President Edgar Lungu is today Wednesday, September 16 expected on the Copperbelt Province for a working visit.

Copperbelt Province Minister, Japhen Mwakalombe has confirmed to journalists in Ndola , saying President LUNGU will arrive Ndola’s Simon Mwansa Kapwepwe International Airport at 17 hours.

Mr. Mwakalombe said the Head of State will on Thursday, September 17, inspect progress of works at the Kafulafuta Dam in Masaiti district.

He said the Kafulafuta water project will accelerate the diversification agenda where sectors such as agriculture, tourism and manufacturing are expected to start.

Mr. Mwakalombe disclosed that while in the province, the President will also meet the clergy to appreciate their challenges in administering the works of God.

He added that President LUNGU will later meet the business community in Ndola to chat the way forward on how to address matters affecting commerce in the district.

Bank of Zambia says Major foreign currencies continue to pressurize Kwacha


The Bank of Zambia says the Kwacha in the recent past weeks has come under pressure from major foreign currencies owing to low imports by the mining sector and COVID – 19 which has impacted global trade.

Bank of Zambia Acting Assistant Director Communication Bersnart Mwanza says the Kwacha depreciated by 8.0% to k19.81 per us dollar from k18.34 largely reflecting imbalances in the foreign exchange market.

In a statement sent to media yesteray, Ms Mwanza stated that the lower foreign exchange sales had been noted from the Mining sector as well as foreign financial firms who typically invest in Government securities.

Ms Mwanza explained that the reduced mining sector supply although pronounced in this period was consistent with the gradual reduction in exports in general.

She further explained that this was due to disruptions to international trade and the declining global growth due to the outbreak of Covid-19 pandemic.

She added that the operational challenges were at key mining firms who have been significant suppliers of foreign exchange in the past and have now compounded the situation.

“There has been significant increase in foreign exchange for the importation of agricultural inputs, health related supplies required to address the Covid-19 pandemic and the clearing of debts to suppliers.” She said.

Meanwhile Ms Mwanza stated that companies in June this year started paying all their statutory tax obligation in addition to the royalty mineral tax to the Zambia Revenue Authority (ZRA) through the central bank.

Ms Mwanza said in August and September the central bank has been able to provide foreign exchange liquidity back into the market to help meet the current significant increase in demand amidst reduced supply.

“In previous Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) statements, the exchange rate has had an important inflation outcomes, the volatility in exchange rate, while allowing it to adjust to market conditions, which is a critical ingredient in achieving and maintaining price and financial system stability,” Ms Mwanza lamented.

This is contained in a statement sent to ZANIS by Bank of Zambia Acting Assistant Communications Manager Bersnart Mwanza.

Bafana Bafana to play Chipolopolo next month


South Africa have secured a friendly match against Zambia during the October Fifa international period.

Chipolopolo and Bafana Bafana are Zimbabwe’s opponents in the 2021 Afcon qualifiers and 2022 World Cup qualifiers respectively.

The game is one of the two friendlies lined-up by SAFA between October 7 and 15. The other one is against Namibia.

Safa spokesperson Dominic Chimhavi told that the participation of friendlies is subject to the government allowing international travel.

“We have approached and managed to get Zambia and Namibia for friendly matches. Plans are that we play Zambia at home and Namibia away,” he said.

“Our opponents have agreed, but everything is dependent on lockdown regulations. These plans are in anticipation that we will go into Level One of the nationwide lockdown and our borders would be opened soon.”

Meanwhile, Zambia will face Botswana in back-to-back ties of Group H Afcon Qualifiers in November.

Chipolopolo are on the bottom of the pool with zero points while the Zebras are in third with a point.

Algeria lead the group with six points, two ahead of Zimbabwe who are in the second place.

Chief Nkole Mfumu appeals to President Lungu to ensure violence-free elections


Chief Nkole Nfumu of the Bemba speaking people in Kasama district has asked President Edgar Lungu to ensure that the forthcoming Lukashya by-election is free of violence.

And Chief Nkole Nfumu has encouraged the Head of State to continue preaching peace and unity so that the country can continue to record meaningful development.

The traditional leader expressed happiness that President Edgar Lungu visited his chiefdom stating that he is the first president to visit the area.

He told the President that the area was lagging behind in development but expressed optimism that the President’s visit is set to change things in the area.

Chief Nkole Nfumu thanked the PF government for connecting power to his palace and further asked for the electrification of houses in the area.

He also commended the Head of State for his government move to construct a mini-hospital in the area saying that it will bring health services closer to the people.

The traditional leader also asked government to help construct a Secondary School in the area.

Chief Nkole Nfumu has however disclosed to President Lungu that his chiefdom has resolved to continue supporting him because he has shown a great sense of leadership.

In response, President Lungu also urged the chief to continue promoting peace and unity.

He assured the traditional leader that the police command is on high alert to ensure peace is upheld during campaigns up-to the polls.

The Head of State later held a rally at Nkole Nfumu grounds to drum up support for PF candidate George Chisanga ahead of the Lukashya Constituency Parliamentary by election slated for 17th September 2020.

During the rally President Lungu pointed out that Lukashaya Constituency is lagging behind in a number of areas adding that deserved to have a fair share of development.

He however explains that starts with having a good leader who will represent the people and advance development in the area.

President Lungu has since appealed to the people of Lukashya to vote for a PF candidate as he will work with government to develop the area.

And the aspiring candidate, George Chisanga, pledged to meet the electorates’ expectations of delivering on developmental goals once voted into office.

ZNS Mpika first wheat crop praised


Zambia National Service (ZNS) Deputy Commandant Benson Miti has commended ZNS officers in Mpika District in Muchinga Province for producing the first-ever wheat crop in the region.

Major General Miti made the remarks when he paid a courtesy call on Muchinga Province Deputy Permanent Secretary Jonathan Ng’onga at his office today.

Major Miti who is on a familiarization tour of ZNS operations in Muchinga Province said the works being implemented in Mpika are impressive.

“Following my appointment as Deputy Commandant, I am here on a familiarization tour of all the provinces where we have the presence and I have started with Muchinga Province,” he said.

He said the works being done under ZNS Mpika with only one center pivot installed speaks volumes.

Major Miti said the enormous works done so far is a clear indication that once all the three center pivots are installed, Muchinga will excel in the agriculture sector.

He said he is hopeful that the visit to the province will yield positive results and encourage officers to continue contributing effectively to the national basket.

Speaking during the same meeting, Muchinga Province Deputy Permanent Secretary Jonathan Ng’onga said the works being done by ZNS in the region cannot be overemphasized.

Mr. Ng’onga said the construction and the full installation of two milling plants by Zambia National Service (ZNS) and the Zambia Correctional Services (ZCS) in Mpika calls for an increase in production in order to meet the demand that will come.

He said this entails that farmers ought to double their efforts and produce more.

The DPS added that with such kind of development taking place, Muchinga Province will soon be able to feed the entire nation through its agriculture produce.

He however, called upon ZNS to combine its efforts with the department of agriculture in the province for the betterment of farmers in the area.

“We only hope that the province will receive favourable rainfall as always for effective and meaningful productivity,” he stated.

Mubanga Leaves Nkana For Zesco 4 Months Ahead of Schedule


Midfielder Kelvin Mubanga’s shock move from Nkana to Zesco United has been hastened by four months.

Mubanga signed a two-year pre-contract agreement over a week ago with Zesco that would have seen him join the eight-time champions from the record 13-time Zambian kings after his contract was initially set to expire on January 1, 2021.

“Kelvin is going to join Zesco United sometime this month instead of 1st January 2021. The two clubs reached an agreement to make Kampamba’s move permanent sooner, rather than later,” Zesco spokesperson Desmond Katongo said.

Nkana and Zesco seemingly decided to bring an expedient end to this story considering the tense rivalry that has grown between the two Copperbelt giants since the latter emerged as a Zambia football super power over the last decade.

To put it into context, Zesco’s last six league titles have all come over the last ten years opposed to Nkana’s two and the Ndola club had from 2004 to 2017 maintained an unbeaten run against the Kitwe giants.

Mubanga is now expected to officially move to Ndola as early as Wednesday, September 16.

Safety of Government Officers Issuing NRCS needs to be Guaranteed in UPND Strongholds


By Marvin Chanda Mberi

We wish to strongly condemn the violence perpetrated against Government workers who are on their tour of duty in the issuance of NRCs.

We also wish to commend the supporters of the ruling Patriotic Front for not acting in a violent manner against the Government workers who are there to serve the nation.

Government workers have made immense sacrifices for the purpose of our convenience needs our support and utmost convenience.

The recent alleged attacks on the officers from the Department of National Registration, Passport and Citizenship (DNRPC) led by detained opposition figure Patrick Mucheleka has more security concerns than political concerns.

The opposition United Party for National Development (UPND) has defied the directive against the importing of cadres and they end up raiding the innocent and non- political actors who were on their tour of duty.

Clearly, careful scrutiny of one video of the cadres confessing the theft of Government equipment, one can tell that they are not from Bemba speaking regions but were transported to go and cause confusion.

From the outset, the UPND has been issuing inflammatory remarks and they have been inciting their excitable supporters to revolt under a disguise of monitoring the issuance of NRCs.

All that was meant to undermine the legitimate process.

While the process of issuing the NRC is not a partisan issue, we can urge the Ministry of Home Affairs to heighten security measures to thwart the criminal acts that are committed under the veil of partisanship.

We are concerned with the safety of DNRPC officers when they start implementing the phase which will cover Southern Province. If the environment will not be conducive, the exercise must be canceled for the preservation of the security of the officers and the nation at large.

We also take cognizance that the mobile issuance of documents of National identity is a continuous process. This means in an event the exercise is canceled in some regions for security reasons, the residents can still visit the nearest registration center within their districts.

With regard to the suspects that are currently in custody, we urge the police to professionally do their work and ensure that suspects account for their acts.

Gone are the days when offenses are concealed under the pretext of not appearing to be targeting political opponents.

The same way the law is taking its course on one of the suspended PF youth officials who got in trouble with the law is the same way the law should take its course in the instant case.

Women’s History Museum of Zambia Season Two of “Leading Ladies (ZM)” animated podcast premieres

Women’s History Museum of Zambia premieres the second season installment of  “Leading Ladies”. The series is a short animated Zambian podcast series that tells the obscured and often hidden stories of  Zambian women who have held significant positions of leadership.

The debut season featured women from the pre-colonial era who have made important but largely untold contributions to Zambia’s history. Season two will focus on the post-colonial narrative of women’s leadership that has not been fully explored.

The animated podcast is a collaboration between the Women’s History Museum and Hivos Southern Africa Region that has partnered with the organisation to create season two with season three in the works, that will include stories from Malawi and Zimbabwe. This will facilitate the goal to broaden the narrative to include stories from across the border and contribute to the discourse of erasures of history common in the Global South.

The museum sourced the stories from the documents of the National Archives of Zambia as well as many of the individuals who are still living and able to share their story. In season two the stories present a more contemporary and recent accounts of Zambian Leading Ladies – the characters include, a scientist, a truck driver, a racial justice advocate, a justice seeker, a health care advocate and many more. The stories were written by Mulenga Kapwepwe and the podcast was produced by Samba Yonga, both who are co-founders of the museum. The podcast also features the artistic talent of a number of young Zambian artists that the museum continues to collaborate with.

“These stories challenge the idea that, in the past, women were not capable of being leaders or contributing significantly to our societies”, says co-founder of the museum and story writer Mulenga Kapwepwe.

The idea is to have it as a travelling exhibition which can be shared on many platforms such as radio and TV both locally and internationally.

“The aim of the series is to highlight and mainstream these stories so Zambia’s historical narrative gains new knowledge and perceptions of women are influenced positively”, says partner co-founder and producer of the podcast, Samba Yonga.

The series will start airing on 16th September, 2020 on all the museums online platforms. The web series will be free and available for everyone to access.