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Green Party calls on ECZ to Abandon Fresh Voters Registration


Green Party of Zambia President Peter Sinkamba has called on the Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) to abandon the fresh registration of voters.

In a statement made available to the media, Mr. Sinkamba said that ECZ lacks the capacity to prepare a fresh voters’ register for the 2021 election and should instead just update the existing voters register.

Below is the full statement


The voter registration exercise that is earmarked to be conducted for thirty days from 18 October this year will just be a sham for five main reasons. First, the Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) has publicly admitted that it lacks funds to run such an exercise. And for that reason, it has reduced the voters’ registration period from five months to one month but expecting to capture the same number of nine million voters in this period.

This expectation is certainly not realistic and unattainable. ECZ also lack human resource capacity to prepare a brand new voters’ register of nine million voters in thirty days period. Thirdly, the National Registration Card (NRC) issuance exercise is in jeopardy for various reasons, including financial. Fourth, the thirty-day timeframe designated by ECZ for voter registration, which included in the rain season is unrealistic to capture nine million voters. Fifth, the target number of voters earmarked to be registered is unattainable considering that there will not be a holiday for workers to do so, and farmers will be busy in the fields.

Holding of NRC is a condition to register as a voter. NRCs are not being issued at in all of the 103 permanent district offices of the Department of National Registration, Passport and Citizenship. Rather, this exercise is only being carried out in selected places.

In the previous election, voters with existing voters cards did not require to re-register. Rather, they were only required to verify that there particulars and voting centers were correct. And in any case, the voter registration update conducted by the ECZ was for six months from September 2015 to February 2016 and captured only one million five hundred new voters. If in six months, only one point five million voters were captured, how feasible is to achieve nine million voters?

The Department of National Registration is targeting to issue out seven hundred and fifty thousand new cards. So afar, less than fifty thousand have been issued in the last six months. We think that the scheduling of the voter registration exercise is wrong because over seven hundred thousand eligible voters have not yet received their NRCs.

We therefore propose that ECZ abandons the new voter registration project and instead just update the register so that the number of new entrants in the register is relatedly small and achievable. To continue assuming that ECZ will manage to register nine million voters in one month is simply wishful thinking.

Peter Sinkamba
Green Party of Zambia
8 September, 2020

CiSCA condemns tribal sentiments from PF officials, challenges President Lungu to act decisively


The Civil Society Constitution Agenda (CISCA) has condemned tribal utterances attributed to Chanda Nyela and challenged President Lungu to act decisively.

In a statement released to the media CiSCA said that had the utterances attributed to Chanda Nyela in a recent video been made by any other tribe or opposition leader, the Home Affairs Minister would have already swung into action.

CiSCA said that expecting any action from the Home Affairs Minister was pointless and CiSCA will simply point out his ineptitude in this regard for posterity’s sake so that Zambians can see for themselves the kind of leaders they have.

Below is the full statement

CiSCA condemns tribal sentiments from PF officials, challenges President Lungu to act decisively

Lusaka, 08 September 2020: The Civil Society Constitution Agenda (CISCA) has noted, with great concern, the continued tribal sentiments attributed to senior members of the Patriotic Front (PF).

Considering that these sentiments have been expressed openly and publicly without any censure or rebuke from both party and government leadership, we have no doubt that those spewing such vitriol are sanctioned by the PF leadership, with the full blessings of the Republican President, Edgar Chagwa Lungu.

CiSCA calls on President Lungu to prove us wrong and categorically, unequivocally denounce his senior leaders for their tribal utterances and accordingly sanction them to deter others from this vice. We doubt he will. If he is unsure how to do this, we encourage President Lungu to seek counsel from our former first President, Dr Kenneth Kaunda who worked hard to erase the tribal lines which Lungu and his cronies are shamelessly working hard to bring back.

The PF presently holds the dubious record as the most divisive party this country has had since independence. The Zambian people have worked hard over the years to live up to the ‘One Zambia, One Nation’ motto as manifested in the integration across tribes. Any utterances that promote tribalism go against the national values espoused in Article 8(d) of the Constitution, and undermines the national unity and harmony as contained in Article 43(d).

The PF has failed to live up to their campaign rhetoric of improving the lives of the millions of Zambians living in poverty and have resorted to divisive, tribal tactics to try and hang on to power.

We note that the tribal attacks are perpetuated mainly by a few misguided individuals from one ethnic group, the Bemba. Sadly, the traditional leaders have remained mute suggesting that they too agree with this misrepresentation of the many Bemba speaking people who are not vile tribalists like the few PF leaders.

This week, President Lungu will be speaking in Parliament and will probably re-echo the rhetoric on national unity, while he is doing nothing about his party’s agenda of polarization of this country on tribal lines.

The President must demonstrate leadership by condemning the utterances of his senior party members and removing these members from positions they hold.

We have little faith in the Secretary General of the Party in dealing with this. President Lungu must prove that he is intolerant of tribalism as it is under his watch that we have seen an upsurge of tribal divisions and he needs to deal with this convincingly and decisively. Zambians will not take kindly to his usual glossing over of important national issues and continued politicking for the sake of staying in power.

CiSCA is also disappointed by the ineptitude of the Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) in decisively dealing with the continued use of tribal remarks during election campaigns. The Commission puts the country at risk by their continued failure to deal with such behavior which has now become a permanent feature of the Patriotic Front campaigns.

We know that had the utterances attributed to Chanda Nyela in a recent video been made by any other tribe or opposition leader, the Home Affairs Minister would have already swung into action. Expecting any action from him is pointless and so we will simply point out his ineptitude in this regard for posterity’s sake so that Zambians can see for themselves the kind of leaders they have. Nyela, in his recent utterances, confirms something we have always suspected: that the ‘other tribes’ can never be considered for leadership. The singling out of only specific individuals from these tribes is merely a rouge to mask their deep-rooted tribalism that sees other tribes as not worthy of holding leadership roles in the country.

If the PF cannot preside over a united country and can only survive in a toxic, divided environment, we remind them that Zambians are above this and deserve better from those in leadership or those aspiring for leadership. and must say no emphatically to such misrule.

Judith Mulenga

CiSCA Vice Chairperson

Russia, China, Egypt and Tunisia offer Scholarships to Zambians


Russia, China, Egypt and Tunisia are among countries that have shown interest to offer scholarships to Zambian students despite the crisis of COVID-19.

Loans Board Executive Director Ireen Chirwa says the Chinese Government has offered 51 scholarships and that some Universities in China will be able to offer lessons online for now.

Mrs. Chirwa says if it were not for Covid-19, students going to China would have travelled by now.

She told ZNBC news in Lusaka that Russia has offered One hundred and 38 scholarships but is yet to give guidance on when students can travel.

Mrs. Chirwa further said Egypt is also offering 14 scholarships to Zambian Students while TUNISIA and other countries are yet to respond.

And Mrs. Chirwa has disclosed that the Loans board has unearthed a scam where students have been swindled by people purporting to be agents of the board in amounts between six and eight thousand Kwacha.

She stated that the only Agent that the board has engaged is National Savings and Credit Bank -NATSAVE.

Mrs. Chirwa has since cautioned prospective students to be careful.

Esther Chungu and Chef 187 unveil collaboration “Its Coming”

Brand new Esther Chungu song featuring Chef 187 off the upcoming sophomore album April. It’s Coming is the second single and Video off the New Album.

50 % of Zambians risks getting infected with COVID-19 if measures are relaxed- Prof Mukonka


Results of the recently held prevalence surveys on Covid-19 have indicated that most Zambians remain susceptible to infections. Zambia National Public Health Institute Director Victor Mukonka says if the country relaxes in adhering to public health measures, 50 percent of the population risks getting infected.

Professor Mukonka says the surveys which were conducted in 6 districts between 2nd and 31st July 2020 on selected populations indicated that 10 percent of the population was infected. He explains that more men are getting infected and the elderly.

Prof. Mukonka says several other studies on Covid-19 are at the implementation stage and that one is on the characteristics of the Corona Virus. He says this is aimed at establishing whether the virus is the same as what broke out in other countries or it has mutated.

And the United States Government has commended the country for undertaking the Covid-19 prevalence surveys as they are the first in Africa. US Embassy Charge D’Affaires David Young said understanding the spread of Covid-19 in the country is important in formulating the right strategies to contain the pandemic.

Zambia has recorded 116 cases of Covid-19 in the last 24 hours out of 997 tests conducted. Health Minister Chitalu Chilufya says two deaths were also recorded involving One Brought In dead recorded in Kabwe and a health facility death involving a 77-year-old male with underlying conditions who were admitted to Levy Mwanawasa isolation center.

Meanwhile, the Government will next week open a Covid-19 isolation centre at Kafue General Hospital. Health Minister Chitalu Chilufya disclosed this when he toured Kafue General hospital in Kafue today.

Dr. Chilufya said the isolation centre once open will reduce Covid-19 referral cases to the University Teaching Hospital -UTH- and Levy Mwanawasa isolation centre. He further disclosed that Kafue district is the first to record a reduction in Covid-19 cases in the country.

Speaking to journalists after the tour, Dr. Chilufya said prevention and following health guidelines is the only way out to handle the Pandemic. He said the government under the leadership of President Edgar Lungu is determined to see to it that the spread of Covid-19 is stopped hence the opening of the isolation center.

Kafue district health director Enock Syabbalo informed the minister that the district has continued to record few Covid-19 cases after the partial lockdown of the town.

And Kafue general hospital medical superintendent Abby Makukula thanked the minister for the support in creating an isolation centre in the district. Dr Makukula said the district has intensified its Covid-19 awareness message

My Perspective on Why the Kwacha is Depreciating


By Antonio Mwanza

This week has been dominated by discussions concerning the Performance of the KWACHA.

I have heard a lot of theories from politicians and my fellow Facebook Economists and Keyboard Warriors claiming all sorts of things about why the performance of the KWACHA against major convertible currencies has been weak.

Well, today I have decided to add my voice to this very important discussion. My response is based purely on research and empirical data.


Ever since the Government decided to start using the KWACHA as an official medium of exchange, Zambia’s currency has seen a lot of fluctuations.

At no point has our currency performed better than the dollar since it came into being after a government policy decision to decimalize the national currency in 1967 that saw the birth of the KWACHA and the NGWEE, replacing the Zambian pound, shilling, and pence in 1968.


There are a number of reasons why the performance of the KWACHA has been weak recently. These include:

a) Lower Productivity In The Mining Sector:

The mines account for over 70% of all our export earnings. And the low productivity in the mining sector as a result of a number of factors such as the Covid-19 pandemic, low commodity prices at the international market, the on-going legal and structural problems with huge copper mines such as KCM and now Mopani have all contributed to reduced productivity.

b) Slow Growth Of The World Economy:

The growth of the global economy has significantly slowed with some of the major world economies heading into recession largely due to the Covid-19 pandemic which has seen millions of job losses and the closure and/or downsizing of major companies and production lines.

c) Droughts, Floods and Erratic Electricity Supply:

The continued load shedding is negatively impacting on production and productivity since most businesses rely on electricity for production.

Further, load shedding is pushing the cost of production upwards as people are spending more on alternative sources of energy.

It is important to note that Zambia depends highly on hydropower and the droughts we have been experiencing mostly in the Southern part which is our major source of hydro power has created a huge electricity deficit resulting in the current load shedding.

We are happy that the Government has Continued to diversify the Energy sector to stop over-reliance on hydropower. In addition, the massive investment of around 3 billion dollars which the PF Government has injected in the energy infrastructure development will ease the pressure once these projects are concluded next year and beyond.

Further, the upward adjustments of electricity tariffs to cost-reflective ones will attract the private sector to invest in private power energy projects hence increasing electricity generation and cutting down the energy deficit.

The PF Government has put so much emphasis on Agriculture as we aim high on diversification. This sector has been hit badly with droughts in Southern and Western Provinces and floods in Eastern and Muchinga Provinces which are some of our major agro producing provinces. This has led to reduced agro production hence reduced agro exports which are key in foreign exchange earnings.

d) Debt Servicing:

With reduced production due to Climate Change, low commodity prices, electricity deficit and the Covid-19 the cost of debt servicing has gone up. This has a direct impact on the KWACHA as we spend more dollars servicing debt.

It must be made clear that Zambia’s debt was necessary as we needed money to develop our infrastructure in order to spur economic development.

Contrary to Opposition Propaganda we have borrowed for production and not consumption. We have used the debt money very well and the economic value of our debt is visible for all to see and feel. We have more roads, more universities, more hospitals, more schools, processing plants, improved energy, communication and agro infrastructure among many other things thanks to our debt.

Most importantly our debt levels are within accepted thresholds and we have never defaulted.

By the way there is no single country in the world that has no debt.

Even at the individual level, we borrow, what is important is to use your debt on production and not consumption and that is exactly what we have done.

e) The Central Bank

President Lungu did very well to fire Dr. Denny Kalyalya. It is clear that for five years that our good brother was at Central Bank, he failed to stir a vibrant monetary policy to reduce the volatility of KWACHA.

In case you did not know, the central banks control and manipulate the national money supply: issuing currency and setting interest rates on loans and bonds.

Typically, central banks raise interest rates to slow growth and avoid inflation; they lower them to spur growth, industrial activity, and consumer spending. In this way, they manage monetary policy to guide the country’s economy and achieve economic goals, such as full employment.

It is our founded hope that the new Bank Governor will perform to expectation in line with his mandate.

In conclusion, the issue of the exchange rates is affecting a lot of countries including Nigeria, South Africa, Angola, and others.

We have the tested leadership in ECL and to God be the glory, we as a people will overcome.

The Author is the PF Deputy Media Director

Kelvin Mubanga Dumps Nkana for Zesco United


Kelvin Mubanga admits it wasn’t easy leaving FAZ Super Division champions Nkana to join their predecessors and Copperbelt archrivals Zesco United.

Mubanga has joined Zesco from the record 13-time Zambian champions on a two-year deal that starts on January 1, 2021 when his current contract with Nkana expires.

His move is a major coup by Zesco who, unlike Nkana, have no continental obligations for the 2020/2021 season after finishing outside the top four by their very high standards at number five last season.

“It’s not an easy thing to move from Nkana to ZESCO United but I know that I am joining a big football club. It is unfortunate that we are not going to represent Zambia in the CAF Competitions,” Mubanga said.

“I am here to help the team reclaim the title and qualify for CAF competitions. I am very excited to join ZESCO United because this is a team that I have admired for some time.”

Mubanga is the second high-profile domestic signing by the eight-time champions who on Saturday unveiled Red Arrows captain and forward Bruce Musakanya on a two -year deal.

He is Zesco’s third arrival over the last four days after winger Lazarus Phiri from Green Eagles.

It’s not PF that started the Privatization Debate-Sunday Chanda


The ruling Patriotic Front (PF) has distanced itself from the current heated debate on the privatization of national assets that took place in the 90’s.

PF Media Director Sunday Chanda says the ruling party did not start this debate clarifying that it was initiated by former Finance Minister Edith Nawakwi and PeP leader Sean Tembo.

Speaking when he featured on ‘Burning Issue Programme’ on 5fm in Lusaka, Mr Chanda says the PF has no intention of killing anyone as claimed by those accused of mismanaging the privatization of some national assets.

“Let me make it very clear here, and I will make a disclaimer. For starters, the privatization debate is not a PF baby! The privatization debate is a matter between comrade Hakainde Hichilema and comrade Edith Nawakwi and comrade Sean Tembo among others. So it’s a debate between stakeholders and citizens. We (PF) have nothing to do with it,” he said answering a question from radio program host Zachariah Banda.

“We have absolutely nothing to do with! That’s the more reason why even on this platform unless you insist, its not a matter I would want to go into details because it’s not our baby, its not our issue.”

The PF Media Director refuted claims that the ruling party is trying to divert attention from other equally important matters saying the party remains focused on its agenda to develop Zambia.

He also laughed out at reports that the PF wants to kill an opposition leader through the championing of the privatization issue.

Meanwhile, Mr. Chanda said the party is engaging in issue-based campaigns in Lukashya and Mwansabombwe constituencies.

He stated that the party is busy preaching its manifesto to the electorate and that it will not engage in any acts of political violence during campaigns.

Mr. Chanda further echoed PF Secretary General Hon Davies Mwila’s stance that the party will not shield any member who engages in criminal activities now and beyond.

Zambian appointed new ILO Director in the Caribbean


International Labour Organization (ILO Director-General Guy Ryder has appointed Mr Dennis Zulu, a Zambian national, as the new Director of ILO Decent Work Team and Office for the Caribbean with effect from 01 September 2020.

Prior to his current assignment, Mr Zulu worked as Director for the ILO Country Office, Abuja with responsibility for Nigeria, Ghana, Liberia, Sierra Leone and Representative to the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS).

Mr Zulu brings extensive experience and knowledge of key issues related to the work of the ILO Caribbean Office. As Director of ILO-Abuja, he led development projects and activities on employment creation, entrepreneurship development, microfinance and social dialogue.

Before joining the ILO in 2003, Mr Zulu worked in academia and the private sector in his home country.

In the ILO, he has worked in various positions including Programme Officer in the ILO Office in Zambia, ILO Coordinator for the UN pilot “Delivering As One” Programmes in Mozambique, and the UN Adviser on Youth Employment and Empowerment to the Liberian Government.

“I feel deeply honoured and privileged to have been afforded the opportunity to lead the ILO support towards the promotion of decent work in the region. I therefore look forward to working with all the tripartite constituents in the region towards achieving decent work for all in the Caribbean,” says Mr Zulu.

Mr Zulu holds a degree in Economics and Public Administration from the University of Zambia; a Post Graduate Diploma from Stellenbosch University, South Africa; and a Master’s Degree in Business Administration (Corporate Finance and Strategic Planning) from Mzumbe University, Tanzania.

Zambia’s first true-athlete scholarship winner

When Mark Kakoma, a 10th grade student at Trident College Solwezi, first climbed into a rowing boat, he thought it would just be a bit of fun for him and his friends. A year later, the sport has taken him to competitions around southern Africa, pitted him against world class rowers in his age group, and now brought him a scholarship that will open doors to rowing teams and universities around the world.
Mark is one of a new generation of athletes. As a member of Kansanshi Rowing Club, he is coached with a philosophy quite different from that which has dominated sport in past decades. For a start, Mark has never heard a rowing coach shout. If he’s not on his game, his coaches are more likely to ask him if he slept well, or if everything is alright at home. This more mindful approach is part of a growing trend towards compassionate coaching, and away from harsher and more aggressive methods. This differs quite starkly from the experience most athletes had ten or twenty years ago: the experience that triggered the formation of the True Athlete scholarship in the first place.
The stated vision of the True Athlete project is to create a more compassionate world through sport. Its founder, Sam Parfitt, earned a tennis scholarship to the USA, but endured a career of serious injuries and surgeries, and suffered from a number of mental health disorders by the time he retired. His story is hardly unique.
The world of competitive sport has long had an attitude problem. The recent Netflix documentary “Athlete A” is one example of the abuse often faced by young athletes. In the film, many young girls reveal that they were forced to train and compete with broken bones and torn ligaments. Their coaches used emotional manipulation and aggression to push them beyond their limits: not to mention the other forms of abuse that made headlines and shocked the world. The prevalence of doping in endurance sport, recent stories of soccer star Ronaldinho’s illegal exploits, and a less reported yet pervasive spread of mental and eating disorders among both competing and retired athletes all hint at a sinister force behind the scenes of beautifully illuminated sporting arenas. These examples tell us that change is necessary, and thankfully it is coming.
Sport is uniquely positioned to create change, as children tend to have their first experiences of competition, success, failure, and leadership on the sports fields. Shouting coaches and a win-at-all-costs approach quickly translate into anger, frustration, burn-out, and even doping in young athletes. A quick google search for ‘SA schools rugby doping’ provides ample enlightenment. As athletes succeed and attain global fame, the values and principles they have learned in their developmental years are projected onto an eager audience of young fans. We must ask ourselves what future leaders will be like if in their formative years they idolise athletes who dope, scream in anger, or even just fake injuries for free kicks. It is possible, though, for a young person’s sporting experience to be precisely the opposite of what’s described above.
Mark’s first significant rowing competition was in Zimbabwe, only a few months after he discovered the sport. It didn’t go to plan.
“As I rowed out to the starting line, I felt that something wasn’t right with the boat,” he said. “I noticed a dent in one of the riggers.” A rigger is a metal bar that holds an oar in place. “I started the race, but struggled to keep the boat balanced. The dent continued to grow, and eventually the boat was unrowable. I stopped and put my hand up.”
Mark was pulled out of his boat, and taken back to shore by a race official. He was perhaps disappointed, but the mindful guidance he had received from Kansanshi Rowing Club’s head coach, James Stephenson, had prepared him well.
“I knew this was just one of my early experiences in the sport. I was happy that I had steadied my nerves and started the race. The rest was beyond my control.”
Today, like teenagers all over the world, Mark faces a challenge that he’d never have expected. As he sits at home in Lusaka, the COVID-19 pandemic prevents him from returning to school, and to Kansanshi Rowing Club. “I know that everyone else faces the same challenge,” he says calmly. “I don’t have access to a rowing machine, but I go to the gym to preserve my conditioning. I know that when everything opens up again I’ll have to be on top of my game right away.”
Mark’s level headed approach and understanding of the bigger picture are a product of his own good character, but also of the mindful coaching he has received. In the future, Zambia’s rowing  communities may look to him to uphold the sport. Perhaps he’ll be a leader in a different arena. Either way, his time with Kansanshi Rowing Club and the True Athlete Project will have given him the moral grounding to lead with honesty and compassion.

Laura Miti, Mwewa acquitted


Alliance for Community Action Director, Laura Miti and Organisation’s Programs Manager Bornwell Mwewa, acquitted by Livingstone Magistrate Court.

The two were charged with two counts of disorderly conduct and assault.

Their acquittal follows a similar action taken by the Livingstone Magistrate Court which dismissed all the charges musician Pilato in a related matter.

There was jubilation outside the Court as the tearful Miti vowed to continue fighting for rights and democracy in Zambia.

“We have been acquitted of conducting ourselves in a disorderly manner and assaulting police officers. The Magistrate said the prosecution witnesses contradicted themselves so badly that they were difficult to believe, making it clear what they claim did not happen. Thank you to everyone who supported us through the process,” Ms. Miti said.

Chibamba explains Kwacha depreciation


Economist Chibamba Kanyama has attributed the sharp depreciation of the Kwacha to the importation of crude oil.

The Kwacha has cont9nued to lose value against key convertibles trading at K20 to 1 US dollar as at Monday, September 7th 2020.

Mr Kanyama said the pressure on Kwacha could be due to the restocking of Indeni with crude oil which is going on at the moment.

He further attributed the depreciation of the local currency to the importation of agriculture inputs ahead of the agricultural season.

Mr. Kanyama also observed that the Kwacha’s rapid depreciation could be that investors are waiting for policy direction following events at the Bank of Zambia.

Meanwhile, Reuters reports that Zambia has kicked off the process of registering its Eurobond creditors, bringing the country another step closer to tackling its hefty debt burden.

One of the world’s largest copper producers, Zambia owes money to four main types of the creditor.

It has $3 billion of Eurobonds outstanding and owes $2 billion to commercial banks, $2 billion to the International Monetary Fund and World Bank and another $3 billion to China.

Zambia’s Finance Ministry said in an authorization letter that its financial adviser Lazard had appointed Morrow Sodali to gather information on the holders of its three outstanding Eurobonds and “facilitate communications”.

In May, Zambia’s government-appointed debt specialists Lazard to advise on how to overhauls its foreign-currency debt.

Meanwhile, its three outstanding dollar-denominated bonds have recorded sharp gains in recent days. 2022, 2024, and 2027 issues ZM082877959=, ZM105638671=, ZM126708157= all traded around 55 cents in the dollar, having gained around 3 cents since the start of the month and up from levels below 30 cents in late March and early April, during the height of the coronavirus crisis.

“Sub-Saharan bonds in general have recovered on massive G7 central bank liquidity injections, the pick-up in commodity prices, a stronger performance than many so-called ‘developed country’ peers in dealing with Covid-19, and solid emergency macro policies in countries such as Angola and Ghana,” said Simon Quijano-Evans, chief economist at Gemcorp Capital LLP.

Furthermore, the bonds had benefited from peers across the region making progress in debt forbearance talks with China and the Paris Club of creditor nations. Paris Club creditors agreed in late August to give Angola debt service relief until the end of 2020.

In June, 10 of Zambia’s international bondholders said they had formed a creditor group to facilitate debt talks with the government.
“Looking ahead, all eyes will now be on what plans Zambia may have with regard to liability management, coupled with a much-needed IMF loan program,” said Quijano-Evans.

Opposition Silent Over FIC Report Because President Lungu has Strengthened Internal Controls


By Marvin Chanda Mberi

In the last two consecutive years, the Financial Intelligence Centre has been subject to ridicule by the political players owing to the politicization of the work.

In their quest to paint those in the corridors of power darker than the colour black, reliance has been placed on the perceived ill in the management of national resources to make the exposure a source of despondency especially as we head to the politically charged year.

Without any taint of doubt, some subjective minds expected that “Politically Exposed Persons” (PEPS) will again be the basis of political talking points.

Likely, the litany of allegations of wrongdoing that have previously flooded the Executive and the PEP have since been subdued by the indiscriminate institutional reforms that have been implemented in the aftermath of the 2016 General elections.

We had the liberty to invest time to intently read the latest Trends Report and we are delighted that in an unprecedented move, the PEPs have technically been cleared from the malpractices of yesteryears and they will make no more headlines.

This development has not taken place in isolation but dependent on the various factors which we will highlight in this write up in a fair detail. Herein is our analysis in numerical order.

In its quest to promote efficiency in the prudent utilization of national resources, the PF Government has promoted the independence of the institutions charged with the responsibility to fight against corruption. For example, for the first time, the PF Government under President Lungu’s tenure assented to the Constitution of Zambia in 2016 which enhanced security of tenure for the office of Auditor General among others. For the first time since independence, despite the abuse of the criminal justice system, ACC has arrested but unsuccessfully prosecuting cabinet Ministers.

In its report, FIC acknowledges the institutional framework to the effect that the Inspectorate Department has been introduced to complement its work. In this regard, we do appreciate the enormous role the institution plays to promote financial crime prevention as well as promoting financial crimes literacy among stakeholders.

In its report, we understand that in its quest to consolidate its rigorous efforts, FIC has enhanced inter-institutional collaboration with the relevant regulatory and investigatory wings. This is the sharp contrast with the previous works were it worked to the exclusion of other institutions. It is this previous lonely effort which made the entree to produce uncoordinated and half-baked reports which largely brought the Government into disrepute. The relevant institutions include but not limited to banks, the Central Bank, Zambia Revenue Authority (ZRA), Drug Enforcement Commission (DEC), regulatory bodies among others. We are on record of arguing that had the institution collaborated with other institutions in the past, it would not have produced the previous reports which were clothed with the political overtone.

As regards the lamentation by the institution that it was unable to do a satisfactory work owing to the human resource constraint is with all due respect unconvincing. We say so on our understanding based on the institution’s own admission that it works in collaboration with other institutions. Since FIC and the sister institutions are working to achieve the same objectives, the Centre can take advantage of the goodwill of the sister institutions to exchange information as an alternative to cushion the human rescore constraint.

We are glad about the significant reduction of suspicious transactions from ZMW 1.6 Billion (from the previous Trends Report) to ZMW 984 Million (in the year under review). This is a result of the various internal controls implemented by the Central Government with the operationalizing of the Public Finance Act of 2018 as most financial malpractices originated in the public sector. We have also noted that the financial malpractices have the Accounting Departments and the commercial banks as the weakest link. Lessons have been learnt and let the right thing be done. Never is the less owing to the observation of specific laws which were violated by perpetrators, the onus on the institutions charged with administration and enforcement of necessary laws to put their houses in order and take a preventive approach.

On the exposed fraud allergy committed by the Mining Companies, the revelation by the Centre has exonerated ZRA Commissioner General Mr. Kinsley Chanda who had brushed shoulders with the Mining Companies on matters of taxation. ZRA must therefore take a firm stance and defend our sovereignty on taxation. Looking at the complexity of Tax fraud, the Taxman must ensure that as per the recommendation espoused in the Trends Report, take practical measures within the law to strengthen its capacity to counter future tax cheating and ensure that correct taxes are paid. The Trends Report at page 20 (although did not expressly say so) seems to prefer the introduction of Sales Tax to substitute the frequently abused Value Added Tax (VAT). It is our hope that this will bring the stakeholders to the negotiating table and ensure that the best interest of the nation is secured in the administration of taxation.

As regards corruption in the award of tenders, our submission is that the ills lie in the incoherent in the implementation and administration of the procurement system. In this regard, there is need to confer Zambia Public Procurement Authority (ZPPA) institutional independence (preferably it should report only to the President) as this will safeguard its oversight and supervising authority in the quasi-Government institutions who are one of the busiest procuring entities. This is one of the ways to endorse the recent proposal by Zambia Institute of Purchasing and Supply (ZIPS) to introduce the position of Procurement General when the leaders met with President Edgar Chagwa Lungu. The State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) cannot be therefore be explosively excluded in the noble cause of implementing a highly transparent procurement system devoid stains of corruption. This requires a heightened supervisory system by the respective Boards of Directors to whom residue authority to supervise SOEs is irrevocably delegated into. With sound Corporate Governance, the Boards can easily hold the Management of the erring parastatals accountable.

With regards to crimes allegedly committed with the aid of Financial Service consumers, perhaps it is one of the gaps that are in place that promotes illicit financial transactions. It is high time some provisions of the Banking and Financial Services Act no. 7 of 2017 were amended to integrate Mobile Money Services as part of the definition of the bank.

In conclusion, after careful scrutiny of the report, our observation is that the report presented no mention of wrongdoings by the Presidency, his cabinet, PF or its structures or indeed PEPs. Indeed, this must be commended as the previous reports are now bearing fruits and we hope there will be a corrupt-free public service delivery. The pilferage of financial resources has been linked to the procuring entities and this has necessitated the institutional and legal reforms of procurement laws. We expect in future that the Centre will be useful in thwarting the financial scammers who have now invaded the Mobile Money services as there is a need for assured consumer protection in the financial market.

President Edgar Lungu to officially open Parliament this Friday


President Edgar Lungu is expected to officially open the Fifth Session of the Twelfth National Assembly this Friday, September 11th, 2020.

Clerk of the National Assembly Cecilia Mbewe however says in view of the coronavirus pandemic, invitations to the official opening have been restricted.

This is in order to comply with the Ministry of Health guidelines aimed at safeguarding the health and wellbeing of the public.

Mrs. Mbewe says only a modest number of officials and dignitaries will be invited, while the majority of stakeholders and diplomats who are usually invited to attend the Ceremonial Opening of Parliament will observe the proceedings remotely.

She has advised stakeholders and the general public to follow the live proceedings of the event on Parliament Radio and Parliament TV on the Topstar channel and ZNBC TV, among other platforms.

Chirundu District Border Hospital declared fit to Conduct COVID-19 Tests


Health Minister Dr. Chitalu Chilufya on Monday conducted a tour of Mtendere level 2 mission hospital in Chirundu District and declared fit to conduct COVID-19 tests.

Dr. Chilufya said Mtendere hospital was the anchor of health services on Chirundu one-stop border post because it accommodated locals as well as those in transit from various destinations.

“Chirundu is a busy transit point, the anchor of health services here is Mtendere mission hospital so that collaborative effort again has been seen and it will be enhanced because now Mtendere will have its own testing facilities, and now that it has been upgraded to a second-level hospital it will even have enhanced human capital and the scope of service that will be provided will be enhanced,” Dr. Chilufya said.

He further assured the hospital management of a beefed-up team of surgical specialists in a few weeks’ time. The Minister proceeded to Chirundu one stop border post where he interacted with a coordinated COVID-19 response team, and assured locals that President Edgar Lungu struck a balance on steering the wheels of the economy while abetting a public health crisis during COVID-19.

He said soon COVID-19 testing labs will be intensified at all ports of entry.

“The multisectoral response that you are seeing here is in line with President Lungu’s guidance in the CIVID-19 response enhance surveillance, early detection, easy management of the pandemic, and any health issues,” said the Minister who is also Mansa central member of parliament.

He said President Lungu encouraged a delicate balance between trade and abating a public health catastrophe.

“Cross Border collaboration is a very critical component in pandemic control, In his aspiration for a good driving economy his Excellency President Lungu has encouraged that balance between trade and abating a public health catastrophe, so what we are seeing at the border is enhanced surveillance to ensure that lives are protected in Zambia, to ensure that we are able to spot cases early isolate and manage them to avoid transmission or escalation of COVID-19.” The Minister emphasized.

He said he was delighted to see coordinated efforts in dealing with the pandemic at the port of entry.

“Am very impressed with the work that is happening here and all we are doing is to urge them all and give them further support in enhancing surveillance, people movements will always fuel an epidemic so we need to manage people movements to support that balance between enhancing trade and commerce and also abate a health crisis .” Added Dr. Chilufya.

Health Minister Dr. Chitalu Chilufya and his team visiting Mtendere level 2 mission hospital in Chirundu District
Health Minister Dr. Chitalu Chilufya
and his team visiting Mtendere level 2 mission hospital in Chirundu District
Health Minister Dr. Chitalu Chilufya and his team visiting Mtendere level 2 mission hospital in Chirundu District
Health Minister Dr. Chitalu Chilufya
and his team visiting Mtendere level 2 mission hospital in Chirundu District