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UPND and PF vows to respect each other during campaigns


Home Affairs Minister Stephen Kampyongo has said that no form of lawlessness will be accepted during the ongoing campaigns for the Lukashya and Mwansabombwe Parliamentary by elections.

Mr. Kampyongo said that there will be no sacred cows in maintaining law and order and anyone intending to engage or incite violence will be dealt with accordingly.

He has urged political parties to practice co-existence amongst themselves and inspire peace and unity among their supporters.

Mr. Kampyongo said that if political parties are able to resolve differences among themselves, it makes the work of the police easier.

He said that political parties must also adopt a culture to address one another through round table discussions to resolve matters and not engage each other physically.

Mr. Kampyongo was speaking shortly after attending mass at Saint James parish in Kasama today.

And UPND Deputy Secretary General Patrick Mucheleka said political parties both in opposition and the ruling party must respect each other and avoid insulting each other.

Mr. Mucheleka said politicians must remember that their role is to serve the people.

Our 2021 campaign message will be about development-Lusambo


Kabushi Member of Parliament Bowman Lusambo says the ruling PF will base its campaign message for the 2021 re-election bid on development.

Mr Lusambo who is also Copperbelt Province Mobilisation Committee Coordinator said the PF will highlight several of its developmental projects as it campaigns for possible re-election next year.

He was speaking on Saturday in Luanshya and Masaiti when he unveiled the Mobilisation Committees for the two districts.

He implored the Mobilisation Committees who will be spearheading the party’s campaigns on the Copperbelt to also adopt the issue based campaign agenda.

“We will have to go and explain the several developmental projects we have done and are still doing and how those projects improve their lives. We have scored many successes which we should be proud to highlight,” Mr Lusambo said.

He said the Copperbelt Province will soon benefit from road rehabilitation as government has approved the finance for road works in several Copperbelt towns.

Mr Lusambo said it is the desire of President Edgar Lungu that all areas receive development without leaving anyone behind.

“When you come to Lusaka, the place is changed. There is serious transformation taking place in Lusaka and this is what will star happening here on the Copperbelt and across all the towns in Zambia,” he told a sizeable crowd at Roan Market.

He also released 40,000 Kwacha as economic empowerment for around 300 Marketeers at Mpatamatu and Roan Markets to boast their working capital.

In Masaiti, Mr Lusambo urged the newly appointed District Mobilisation Committee Chairperson Christine Chande to ensure that residents in the area receive the message of development and economic empowerment.

He stated that the mega Kafulafuta Dam which is under construction should benefit the local people through job creation opportunities

“Let’s give priority to the local people here to go and work at the Dam. We don’t work to be seeing people from other towns doing jobs at the Dam which could be handled by local people. Let the people see and feel the development we have brought here,” Mr Lusambo said.

Kabushi Member of Parliament Bowman Lusambo at a Market in Kabushi
Kabushi Member of Parliament Bowman Lusambo at a Market in Kabushi
PF cadres meeting on the Copperbelt over the Weekend
PF cadres meeting on the Copperbelt over the Weekend
Kabushi Member of Parliament Bowman Lusambo at a Market in Kabushi
Kabushi Member of Parliament Bowman Lusambo at a Market in Kabushi
PF copperbelt Provincial Leadership engaged in a chat
PF copperbelt Provincial Leadership engaged in a chat
Luanshya Mayor Nathan Chanda with Bowman Lusambo
Luanshya Mayor Nathan Chanda with Bowman Lusambo

Those who had a hand in privatization will find it hard to campaign on the Copperbelt-Nathan Chanda


Luanshya Mayor Nathan Chanda says the people of Luanshya are still feeling the negative effects privatization.

Mr Chanda says Luanshya residents have vowed not to entertain any of the people involved in privatization when they come to campaign next year.

He said the people are resolved that entertain people who played a role in privatization would be a betrayal of their collective history.

Mr Chanda who is also PF Copperbelt Province Chairman was speaking on Saturday when he met officials from the Provincial party Mobilisation Committee led by Kabushi Member of Parliament Bowman Lusambo who paid a courtesy call on him.

“ Mr Chairman, I have a message to you and through you to the Zambian people. The people of Luanshya have asked me to tell that they will not entertain anyone who played a role in the privatization programme. The people are saying their current suffering is due to privatization and so those who had a hand and are wishing to campaign here, they will have a difficult time,” Mr Chanda said.

He stressed that President Edgar Lungu is working hard to ensure that the economic fortunes on the Copperbelt is turned around for the better.

And Mr Lusambo emphasized that the party will ensure that it sends out a message of hope to the people of the Copperbelt as it mobilizes.

“We will tell the people here that only President Edgar Lungu means well for you, there other people are trying to get to State House so that they can privatize more state assets because that it is the only thing they know.”

It’s President Edgar Lungu Coordinating the Tapestry of Lies Against Hakainde Hichilema


Prof. Michelo Hansungule

Zambian politics has descended into gutter politics without any decency or shame under the current government. A serving minister of Defence and former minister of Finance describe a citizen as a ‘criminal’ to the media yet this citizen has neither been tried nor convicted of a criminal offence, ever heard of that? Isn’t this promoting lawlessness to the extreme? How can a citizen be criminal before any judicial process? Doesn’t this define the authors as unfit for public office let alone the office of a minister?

Yet it is an offence to take the law into your own hands and we are all persuaded to not resort to self-help regardless of circumstances. Only in a few exceptions does the law permit self-defence, defence of property and defence of others and in this case in accordance with strictly defined circumstances. If a citizen resorts to self-help against another, they can be prosecuted and imprisoned for it.

Defence Minister Davis Chama and former Finance Minister Edith Nawakwi took turns this week lambasting opposition leader Hakainde Hichilema as a ‘criminal’ over his role in the privatisation of the public economy some thirty years ago. Could it be that it is because they are criminals themselves which is why they easily can recognise a criminal when they see one? How do we explain senior government officials so easily using the word ‘criminal’ against the grain of the law if they are not?

And what is this in terms of teaching our children how to behave in leadership, or does it not matter? In these days of social media, children are not only watching leaders behaving like toddlers calling others their political opponents ‘criminals’ and shouting bring it on, bring it on referring to court contempt threats and you are a minister or former minister?

In the week, Edith Nawakwi fed the media with serious allegations against Hakainde Hichilema regarding his role during the privation process. Though she purports to be opposition herself, she was intent on defaming her colleague to the worst possible degree and shifted all the blame to him as if he was the minister responsible for finance while she was a mere consultant. Among other things, she accused him of undervaluing assets of Ramcoz, selling to himself and buying the Lima Bank house in Kabulonga using his position as chairman of the privatisation committee and failing to declare an interest during negotiations for the sell of the Mosiotunya hotel in Livingstone.

Before Hakainde could respond, including KBM, Sean Tembo, YALI jumped into the bandwagon and found Hichilema guilty of the charges. KBM said Hichilema failed to disclose interest in the Mosiotunya hotel negotiations but suggested he should not be arrested to avoid chaos in the country. Sean Tembo who pretended to ‘sit as a court in the matter’ while ‘acquitting Hichilema on Ramcoz and Lima bank house, found him ‘guilty’ of failing to declare interest in the Mosiotunya hotel negotiations and sell. Interestingly he never found Edith to have defamed Hichilema in the Ramcoz and Lima bank affairs despite finding Hichilema on firmer grounds on the two issues? YALI which has always been on the side of the ruling party the Patriotic Front even described the privation process of the hotel as ‘theft’ by Hichilema whom they accused him of selling the hotel to himself.

Yet all these comments from other opposition leaders came before Hichilema laid out his case. This raises serious questions regarding the calibre and character of our politics? These are people aspiring to lead us. They can’t even as much pose so as to hear from the other side before venturing their verdicts. And as it turned out unfortunately for them, Hichilema’s response in both the letter of demand to Ms Nawakwi and in the statement of claim he filed in court demonstrated that the accusations were a cocktail of lies and using dates and names of the people involved in those transactions and the period involved, detailed the lie on each.

Of course, coordinating this tapestry of lies is president Edgar Lungu, the main beneficiary of the lies. Most people do not know Edgar Lungu, those who support and who oppose him, both sides do not know him. Edgar is a complicated figure. Remember, starting from his party, his ascendancy to lead the party was controversial. There were two conventions his came after the first convention which he just ignored and organised his. Following that he ordered some judges to affirm his leadership and the rest is history. In 2016 when Hichilema dared complain against the election in which he was controversially declared loser, Edgar simply banned the Constitutional Court from hearing Hichilema’s complaints. With this history in mind, it is quite clear most of those who jumped the bandwagon and made remarks finding Hichilema guilty as charged by Edith Nawakwi did so as Edgar’s surrogates, a suggestion Hichilema made.

How do we address this problem? It is simple. Action should be taken against those who defame others. Hakainde Hichilema must sue all those that have written things and made statements defaming him. Sue YALI, sue opposition and other politicians and other leaders who have made unbalanced comments and statements against him. This is the best way to promote values in society. Sue them and if they run foul of the law lock them up for contempt, no empathy. Clean them up of all their money, let them toil for years paying court costs arising from their irresponsible careless conduct. If you use empathy and forgive them, you are promoting impunity and bad leadership will continue. You are imparting bad values on our children that lying is Ok and there is nothing wrong with defaming others. So, I am calling on Hakainde to clean them all up with hefty bills arising from court processes. Let them walk naked and turn to streets to beg food. This way, politics will move towards decency and politicking become value based.

Zambia is headed for very serious economic challenges., our economy is shrinking at a frightening rate


By Fred M’membe, President of the Socialist Party

As we have consistently been warning, our country’s economy has collapsed.

And one didn’t need to be an economic expert to foresee the consequences of the irrational path that was being pursued by our rulers – unbridled borrowing and irrational expenditure.

All the advice given to them – even by the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund and their other multilateral and bilateral partners – was ignored and arrogantly scoffed at.

Today they are like soaked chickens – humbled by the reality they can’t ignore or conceal and do not know how to resolve.

We are clearly headed for very serious economic challenges. Our economy is shrinking at a frightening rate.

Next year’s budget has been reduced by 47 percent. This means that the 2021 budget will only be K56,180 bn. The government’s wage bill was K25,601bn at the beginning of this year. And debt repayment was K33.726bn. This gives us a total of K59,327bn – which is K3,149bn more than our 2021 budget.

This means that without very serious downsizing, retrenchment, or massive international assistance, the government will only barely manage to service the debt and pay salaries in 2021 and nothing else.

What does this mean for the Zambian people, especially the poor? More suffering, more agony, more poverty, more despair!

Zambians have no sensible alternative but revolutionary change if they have to harbor any hope of a reversal of fortunes. And only a revolutionary party – the Socialist Party – with a revolutionary program can deliver the nation out of this hell.

UPND youths will not allow police to arrest their leader in a brutal manner-Mwanakayaya


UNITED Party for National Development (UPND) Lusaka district youth chairperson Archritius Mwanakayaya said that youths in Lusaka will not allow police to do whatever they did in 2017, arresting their leader in a brutal manner.

Mwanakayaya said that it is clear that the Patriotic Front (PF) had conceded defeat in the 2021 general elections hence maneuvers aimed at silencing the strongest opposition political party.

He reminded youths not to give up the fight against injustices and that it was only the UPND and it’s leader Hakainde Hichilema that could fix the mess the country was in once elected into office in 2021.

Addressing youths that went to show solidarity at Mr. Hichilema’s residence in New Kasama, Mwanakayaya told the youths to be alert with the issuance of National Registration Cards (NRCs) that were being issued ahead of the much-awaited voter registration.

Welcoming the youths at the ‘community house,’ Mr. Hichilema said the PF had cheapened the politics in Zambia and that there was a need to raise the bar to issue-based.

The UPND leader told the youths that they needed a leader that will demonstrate that land belongs to Zambians and not foreigners.

“The people of Zambia need a leader that will provide jobs and create opportunities for the youths, women, and other citizens of this country,” Mr. Hichilema said.

“You must feel proud to belong to the UPND, we have been resilient and survived the brutality of the PF,” He added.

Only common thieves will defend privatization, time to account is now-Chilangwa


Luapula Minister Nickson Chilangwa has charged that only common thieves or criminals will defend the ugly legacy of privatisation in Zambia.

Mr. Chilangwa said there is nothing good that privatisation has left especially in Luapula Province apart from a trail of destruction on all the companies that were sold.

He was speaking on Friday when former Mansa Batteries workers met at the defunct company premises to push for their benefits.

Mr. Chilangwa said some of the economic woes that the country was going through can be attributed to privatisation which was carried out by selfish individuals.

“For us in Luapula we know what privatisation did to us. Our people here know very well that criminals who sold their companies have regrouped to want to take over the governance of their country but that will not be tolerated. If Kawambwa Tea and Mununshi Banana Companies were not sold, government would not have spent millions of Kwacha to revive them today” complained Mr. Chilangwa.

He said it was unacceptable for some people to blame some of the economic woes that the country was going through on President Edgar Lungu.

The Minister said President Lungu has revived Mununshi Banana Estates in Mwense District and Kawambwa Tea Company in Kawambwa District.

And an ex- worker of the defunct Mansa Batteries Frighton Musukwa has said it was impossible to trust those who carried out the privatisation process in the country with the governance of the country.

Mr. Musukwa said he and his colleagues have suffered since they were sent on forced leave in 1994.

Infrastructure abandoned after privatization
Infrastructure abandoned after privatization

We’ll Not Lock up Anyone to Block them from Participating in the 2021 Elections-Kampyongo


Home Affairs Minister Mr. Stephen Kampyongo has described UPND leader Hakainde Hichilema as a liar who thrives on lying against Government and President Edgar Lungu

Mr. Kampyongo said that Mr. Hichilema should quit investing in propaganda to cover up his questionable track record and that the Ministry of Home Affairs and all its departments have no intention of killing him as he claims.

Mr Kampyongo, who is also Patriotic Front PF Member of the Central Committee, said that the ruling party will defeat Mr. Hichilema without any difficulties in the 2021 Presidential elections.

“He is just seeking sympathy by claiming that we want to arrest him. We have no time to waste on Hakainde who as far as we are concerned is a political nonentity who has lost elections 5 times,” he said.

“He is just guilty because he knows that Ms. Nawakwi is a well-respected person who knows a lot as she was a Minister of Finance at the time he participated in privatization, ” Mr. Kampyongo said.

The Minister said that the fact that no one is planning to arrest him at the moment, Mr. Hichilema should not begin to think he is above the law and can break it with impunity.

“It is not President Lungu’s interest to punish his political competitors. We will not lock up anyone in order to block him or her from participating in the 2021 elections,” Mr Kampyongo said when he featured on Kasama Radio yesterday.

He said those agitating to engage in lawlessness in defending Mr. Hichilema will face the full wrath of the law and.

“Let me warn all those UPND cadres to want to break the law with impunity in their misguided defense of their boss who has failed to account for his wealth, that they will be dealt with severely” Mr Kampyongo warned.

Mweene Collects 5th South Africa League Championship Medal


Chipolopolo goalkeeper Kennedy Mweene has collected his third successive South African league championship medal on a dramatic final day of the 2019/2020 season.

It is Mweene’s fifth South African league championship title, all with Sundowns since he joined the Pretoria club in 2013 from Free State Stars.

Sundowns roared from second to overtake season pacesetters Kaizer Chiefs win the crown, dashing all hopes of the latter’s dreams of a first league title triumph in five years.

Mweene’s side beat Black Leopards 3-0 to finish two points clear of Chiefs who were relegated to finish second after a home draw with struggling Baroka.

Sundowns finish the season on 59 points while Chiefs, who drew 1-1 with Baroka, dropped to second to finish on 57 points following a season of promise.

Mweene started his fourth successive league match for Sundowns on his way to collecting another gold medal to add to his honours cabinet.

But compatriot and striker Lazarus Kambole, who came on in the 70th minute for Chiefs with the sides already level at 1-1, settled for silver in his debut season with the Soweto giants.

Apple Inc Donates 3 million Face Masks and 1 million Face Shields to Zambia


Apple Inc. of the United States of America has donated 3 million face masks and 1 million face shields to the republic of Zambia, Health Minister Dr. Chitalu Chilufya MP, MCC announced during the COVID-19 routine update on Saturday.

“On behalf of the President of Zambia Dr. Edgar Chagwa Lungu we would like to gratefully acknowledge receipt of 3 million face masks and one million face shields from apple ink of America through the Global Fund,” said Dr.Chilufya.

Apple Inc. is an American multinational technology company headquartered in Cupertino, California, that designs, develops, and sells consumer electronics, computer software, and online services. It is considered one of the Big Tech technology companies, alongside Amazon, Google, Microsoft, and Facebook.

Dr. Chilufya has since expressed gratitude for the support and was quick to mention that the materials will be distributed to health and community workers who are in the frontline in the fight against the pandemic.

“We are extremely grateful for this support and we would like to assure apple and global fund that these masks and face shields will be distributed to the health and community workers who are in the frontline across the country,” Dr. Chilufya added.

Further, the Government has received support worth USD 25 million from the global fund towards the procurement of PPEs, COVID-19 testing kits, and health promotion activities.
“We would also like to acknowledge the global fund for providing support worth USD 25 million in the response against COVID-19 in Zambia and this is going towards the procurement of PPEs, COVID-19 testing kits, and health promotion activities,” Dr. Chilufya stated.

Meanwhile, the country has for the first time recorded 2 cases of re-infection of COVID -19 since the outbreak of the pandemic. Health Minister Chitalu Chilufya disclosed the development during the COVID 19 daily update.

Dr. Chilufya also announced that the country has recorded 70 cases of COVID-19 in the last 24 hours and also discharged 96 people from admissions.

He said currently 45 patients are admitted in various isolation centers with 33 admitted at Levy Mwanawasa University Teaching Hospital of which 14 are on oxygen , while 12 patients are admitted outside Lusaka with 7 on oxygen.

Dr Chilufya said the country has also seen the geographic spread of COVID 19 to Zambezi and Katete district bringing the numbers of districts affected to 77.

The Minister has since urged the public to strictly adhere to health regulations to avoid contracting or spreading the Coronavirus.

And Infectious Diseases Director Professor Lloyd Mulenga said in spite of the high recovery rate from COVID 19, those that got infected are still at risk of getting re-infected.

Peter Sinkamba asks Chief Justice to set up a special court to prosecute all privatization crimes committed between 1992 to date.


Green Party President Peter Sinkamba has asked the Chief Justice to set up a special court to prosecute all privatization and other economic financial crimes committed between 1992 to date.

Mr Sinkamba has since written to the Chief Justice Ireen Mambilima and President Edgar Lungu to revoke article 133 sub 3 of the constitution to pave way for the creation of a special court.

He says he has written to President Lungu so that he can facilitate the creation of the court and put the terms of reference for the judges.

Speaking at a media briefing in Kitwe this morning, the Green Party President says the special court will give powers to the citizens and the Director of Public Prosecution -DPP to bring charges against anyone who could have committed crimes during the privatization process.

Mr Sinkamba noted that the issues being raised by various stakeholders on the country’s privatization process are serious and should not be treated as a joke.

He said the special court must be mandated by law to handle all privatization and other economic financial crimes committed between 1992 to date to maintain law and Order in the country.

Mr Sinkamba added that it is imperative to find a way of dealing with the corruption allegations regarding the privatization of national assets by some individuals.

The Allegation is that HH was a Director of Sun International (Zambia) Limited at the Time of Privatization


President of the Opposition Patriots for Economic Progress (PeP) has said that he doesn’t know anyone who has accused United Party for National Development (UPND) President Hakainde Hichilema of being a shareholder in Sun International (Zambia) Limited at the time of privatization

Reacting to Mr. Hichilema’s interview clearing himself of the allegation from FDD President Edith Nawakwi, Mr. Tembo said that the allegation was that Mr. Hichilema the was a DIRECTOR in Sun International Zambia at the time that he, as Negotiating Chairman for the Zambia Privatization Agency, decided to sale Mosiotunya Intercontinental Hotel to Sun International Zambia at a lower purchase consideration of $6.5 million when they were other higher bids including $26 million, $20 million and $10 million and failed to declare conflict interest, which he said was a criminal offense, which if convicted can attract a fine and jail time.

Mr. Tembo further said that during his interview, the UPND leader Mr. Hichilema failed to refute that he was appointed as ZPA Negotiating Chairman for the sale of the hotel around July 1997 and that while he was ZPA Negotiating Chairman, he incorporated Sun International Zambia Limited on 18th November 1997 and in March 1998, he sold the hotel to a company that he had incorporated and in which he was a Director.

In a post on his Facebook Page, Mr. Tembo said that his view is that these are very serious allegations regarding his conduct in the sale of the hotel and that Mr. Hichilema would do well if he answered them at his earliest opportunity.

“The people of Zambia would like to know; was he the ZPA Negotiating Chairman in the sale of the hotel? Did the sale of the hotel commence around July 1997? Did he incorporate a company called Sun International (Zambia) Limited on 18th November 1997? Did he, as ZPA Negotiating Chairman sale the hotel in March 1998 to a company called Sun International (Zambia) Limited which he had incorporated a few months earlier, for a lower price of $6.5 million when they were higher offers as high as $26 million? ”

Below is the full Post


By Sean Tembo MBA, BAcc, FCCA, AIPZ, FCPA, FZICA – PeP President

  1. Yesterday morning l was very happy when l heard that the UPND Party President, Mr Hakainde Hichilema was going to be featuring live on a special Hot FM program to provide further explanations to allay the allegations that had been leveled against him by Honorable Edith Nawakwi, the Party President for FDD, who at the time of privatization was the Minister of Finance under the FTJ Government. Like l have always said, these allegations of misconduct against Mr Hichilema are very serious, especially given his position as an aspiring President of this Republic. That is why l was not agreeable with Mr Hichilema’s initial approach of seeking to downplay these allegations by responding to them using Facebook and Twitter memes. I have always insisted that Mr Hichilema needed to explain himself in the same detailed manner that Honorable Nawakwi made her allegations. And am sure that l am not the only citizen that demanded for him to explain himself in detail. You see, the assets which Mr Hichilema is alleged to have misappropriated are national assets, and as a bonafide citizen of this Republic, that makes them my assets too. So l have every right to pursue this matter to its logical conclusion. The fact that l am a practicing Statutory Auditor, Chartered Accountant and Insolvency Practioner, gives me a privileged position to better understand the issues of corporate governance that are at play here. I would be failing in my duties as a citizen of the Republic if l did not use my privileged position of being qualified and experienced to actually help in explaining this national matter to my fellow citizens who might have the knowledge to understand it by themselves. That is the reason why l have written two articles on this matter since it arose last week, and this one is a third of such an article.
  2. When l wrote my last article a few days ago, Mr Hakainde Hichilema’s lawyers had just written a demand letter to Honorable Edith Nawakwi. In that demand letter, they also sought to explain, on behalf of their client, three specific allegations. The first allegation was that Mr Hichilema had bought his Kabulonga house from Lima Bank which he was liquidating, the second was that he had undervalued RAMCOZ assets during privatization and the third was that during the sale of Mosiotunya Intercontinental Hotel, as Negotiating Chairman, he had ignored higher bids of $26m, $20m and $10 and instead sold the hotel to a lower bidder Sun International Zambia at $6.5m, which lower bidder he was a director in and has remained a director in. Like I indicated in my previous article, based on the explanations that Mr Hakainde’s lawyers had proffered on his behalf in the demand letter to Honorable Nawakwi, my view was that Mr Hichilema had reasonably been exonerated on the first and second issue, but not the third issue involving the sale of Intercontinental hotel. And so, during his Hot FM program yesterday, my attention was specifically directed on what his explanations would be on the last issue, and not necessarily the first and second issues.
  3. Although the interview started a bit later than scheduled, l made sure that l remained glued to my two-band radio. I was happy to note that Mr Hichilema was very prepared for the interview. He did not only provide detailed and specific explanations, but he also backed up his assertions with documents, which was very commendable. However, this was only with regard to the Kabulonga House and RAMCOZ issues. On his sale of the intercontinental Livingstone hotel, Mr Hichilema failed to explain himself for the second time.
  4. Mr Hichilema’s argument regarding his sale of Intercontinental Hotel is that he was not a SHAREHOLDER of Sun International Zambia, which bought the hotel. However, the allegations are not that he was a shareholder but that he was a DIRECTOR in Sun International Zambia at the time that him as Negotiating Chairman for the Zambia Privatization Agency decided to sale Mosiotunya Intercontinental Hotel to Sun International Zambia at a lower purchase consideration of $6.5 million when they were other higher bids including $26 million, $20 million and $10 million. During his entire protracted interview on Hot FM, Mr Hakainde Hichilema did not at any given time deny that he was the ZPA Negotiating Chairman in the sale of Mosiotunya Intercontinental Hotel in Livingstone. Neither did he deny that he sold the hotel to a lower bidder of $6.5 million when they were higher bids of up to $26 million. During the entire interview, Mr Hichilema did not deny the allegation that he was a Director in Sun International Zambia Limited which is a subsidiary of Sun International South Africa, and which was incorporated in Zambia on 18th November 1997. Neither did he deny the allegation that the process to sale the hotel started as early as July 1997, no that the sale was only concluded around March 1998.
  5. The summary of the timeline of the allegations that were leveled against Mr Hichilema regarding the sale of the hotel, which Mr Hichilema failed to refute yesterday are that he was appointed as ZPA Negotiating Chairman for the sale of the hotel around July 1997 and that while he was ZPA Negotiating Chairman, he incorporated Sun International Zambia Limited on 18th November 1997 and in March 1998, he sold the hotel to a company that he had incorporated and in which he was a Director. My view is that these are very serious allegations regarding his conduct in the sale of the hotel, which Mr Hichilema failed to categorically deny yesterday. He would do well if he answered them at his earliest opportunity. The people of Zambia would like to know; was he the ZPA Negotiating Chairman in the sale of the hotel? Did the sale of the hotel commence around July 1997? Did he incorporate a company called Sun International (Zambia) Limited on 18th November 1997? Did he, as ZPA Negotiating Chairman sale the hotel in March 1998 to a company called Sun International (Zambia) Limited which he had incorporated a few months earlier, for a lower price of $6.5 million when they were higher offers as high as $26 million?
  6. Now, let me address Mr Hichilema’s arguments regarding his role in the sale of the hotel. His first argument is that the Sun International offer came with a $50 million dollar investment promise. However, we are told that the Sun International offer was not the only offer that came with a promise of reinvestment. All the other offers came with comparable reinvestment promises, so there was nothing unique about the Sun International reinvestment promise. Mr Hichilema’s other argument is that the sale of the hotel to Sun International (Zambia) Limited is one of the few privatization success stories because it had remained operational up to now. Well, firstly there are plenty of the privatized companies which are operational and robust today, including Zambian Breweries, Zambia Sugar, ZANACO etc., and secondly the fact that a privatized company is robust and operational today does not excuse the illegality that might have taken place in its privatization process. The third argument that Mr Hichilema puts forward is that he was not a Shareholder in Sun International (Zambia) Limited. Like l earlier said, l have been very keenly following this privatization issue since it caught momentum last week and l don’t know of anyone who has accused Mr Hichilema to have been a shareholder in Sun International (Zambia) Limited, but a Director. So the quest by Mr Hichilema to answer an allegation which was not leveled against him and instead ignore one which was, is akin to that student who walks into an exam room and finds that none of the things that they had studied have come in the exam. So in order to show the examiner that they at least know something, they just begin to answer questions that have not been asked in the exam, simply because that’s all they can manage to do.
  7. Allow me to now address the issue of whether the fact that Mr Hichilema was not a shareholder of Sun International (Zambia) Limited but only it’s Director would still mean there was a conflict of interest or not. The answer is a definite YES. There was a conflict of interest. The only question is whether Mr Hichilema declared interest or not. My take is that he most likely did not, because if he had, he would have been gleefully waving the declaration in front of the camera during his interview yesterday, in the same manner, and fashion that he was waving his title deed for the Kabulonga house. The next question is whether such an apparent conflict of interest would amount to a criminal offense or whether it is just an ethical and moral issue? Well, section 11 of the Zambia Privatization Act Cap 386 of the Laws of Zambia states “if any person is present at a meeting of the Agency or any committee of the Agency at which any matter is the subject of consideration and in which matter that person or his immediate family or his professional and business partners, is directly or indirectly interested in a private or professional capacity, he shall, as soon as is practicable after commencement of the meeting disclose such interest and shall not unless the Agency or the committee otherwise directs, take part in any consideration or discussion of or vote on, any question touching on such matter”.
  8. Indeed, section 11 of the Zambia Privatization Act, Cap 386 of the Laws of Zambia above is very clear. Therefore, if Mr. Hichilema did not declare an interest, which l doubt he did, then he possibly committed a criminal offense. If indeed he committed a criminal offense in the sale of Mosiotunya Intercontinental Hotel in Livingstone, the next question is what are the penalties? Well, this question is answered by section 48 of the same Act, which states “a person who knowingly falsifies any information or KNOWINGLY DOES NOT DISCLOSE ANY MATERIAL FACTS or solicits for his own use or as an agent of any other person any confidential information relating to the privatization of a State-Owned enterprise shall be guilty of an offense and shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding fifty thousand penalty units or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding five years, or to both”. There you have it.

Chile Friendly Delights Shepolopolo


Shepolopolo are looking forward to the two international friendly matches against South African giant Chile.

The Zambian women face Chile on November 28 and December 1 in Santiago.

Zambia top striker Rachael Kundananji said the team is eager to return to action against Chile after a lengthy international break induced by Covid-19.

“This friendly against Chile is a very good preparation. We have been away for some months without training or playing matches as a team,” Kundanaji said.

“I believe each and every player is coming back with full force because we have been training individually,” said the Kazakhstan based player.

Chile are ranked 37th in the world while Zambia stands at 100th place.

Shepolopolo have qualified for the delayed Tokyo Olympics now set for 2021 in Japan.

Chamanga Extends Stay at Red Arrows


Red Arrows may have lost captain and midfielder Bruce Musakanya to Zesco United but the good news is that veteran striker James Chamanga has committed to the Lusaka club.

The 40-year-old has extended his stay with the 2004 champions for a third straight season after winning the 2019/2020 Golden Boot with 16 goals.

“The 2019/2020 Zambia Super League Golden Boot winner will stay at Nkoloma Stadium for another season,” Arrows media officer Mike Kalembwe said.

Chamanga joined Arrows during the 2019 transitional season following his return to Zambia after over 15 years overseas.

Meanwhile, Arrows also got another 2020/2021 pre-season boost when Cameroonian defender Elvis Bissong extended his contract with the Lusaka side for two more seasons.

Arrows finished 10th last season on 40 points, ten behind champions Nkana.

Zesco United Sign Bruce Musakanya


Zesco United have swooped in on Red Arrows winger and Captain Bruce Musakanya.
The 26-year-old Chipolopolo forward has joined the eight-time champions on a 24-month deal from Arrows.

“I am very excited to sign for a big club like ZESCO United Football Club. My aim is to work hard and help the team win the league and qualify for CAF next season,” Musakanya told Zesco United FC’s official website.

“It is my mission to win my first career league title with ZESCO United. This is a big opportunity for me. I will work hard to make everyone happy at the club.”

Musakanya returns to the Copperbelt for the second time after a loan stint at Nkana six years ago.

He is Zesco ‘s first high-profile signing in the 2020/2021 off -season as the Ndola giants begin their gradual rebuilding process following a forgettable 2019/2020 season that saw them relinquish their three-year hold on the league title and failure to qualify for continental football for the first time since 2013.