Wednesday, October 9, 2024
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Kafue Gorge Lower to pour 300 MW into national grid this year and an additional 450 MW by May 2021


The Kafue Gorge Lower Hydro Power Project will soon be injected in the national grid and may reach 300 mega-watts by the end of the year (2020) before peaking at 750 mega-watts by May 2021.

Project Director Wesley Lwiindi told a visiting ministerial delegation that the long awaited hydro-electric energy from the Kafue Gorge Lower Hydro Power Project will soon commence.

Mr Lwiindi said a total of five turbines, each with a production capacity of 150 megawatts (total 750 mega-watts), will be installed in the power house at the Kafue Gorge Lower Hydro Project.

He said two have already been installed successfully and the remaining three are at different stages of completion.

This came to light on Friday, when Finance Minister Dr Bwalya Ng’aNdu and his counterpart at Energy Mathew Nkhuwa visited the project site in Kafue.

The Kafue Gorge Lower Hydro Power Project
The Kafue Gorge Lower Hydro Power Project
The Kafue Gorge Lower Hydro Power Project
The Kafue Gorge Lower Hydro Power Project
The Kafue Gorge Lower Hydro Power Project
The Kafue Gorge Lower Hydro Power Project

HH Files a Lawsuit Against FDD Leader Edith Nawakwi


UPND President Hakainde Hichilema has filed a lawsuit against FDD leader Edith Nawakwi demanding for three million US dollars in damages for libel arising from defamatory words uttered during a radio program on Hot FM and Kwithu FM.

In a writ of summons filed in the Lusaka High Court today through his lawyers Malambo and Company, Mr Hichilema is also claiming for an order directing Ms Nawakwi to retract the defamatory words as well as an injunction restraining her from causing the publication or broadcast of the said defamatory words of the plaintiff.

The opposition leader is also claiming for the reimbursement of the sums expended in mitigating the effect of the defendant’s conduct towards him arising from the publication of the defamatory words as well as any reliefs the court may deem fit.

According to the statement of claim,the defendant did cause to broadcast during a radio program on Hot FM and Kwithu FM defamatory words in relation to the plaintiff’s acquisition of the property on 14/3/A/F488a Serval road in Kabulonga, Lusaka.

Ms Nawakwi is during the same program said to have accused Mr Hichilema of having sold for himself a house once belonging to Lima Bank,a company he was appointed to be a receiver during it’s liquidation process by the government.

The plaintiff further adds in his statement of claim that the words in their natural and ordinary meaning showed that he was at a material time a thief,corrupt person of questionable character guilty of numerous offences relating to the dissolution of Lima Bank and sale of it’s assets.

According to the claims the plaintiff refutes in his statement saying the said property never belonged to Lima Bank and was acquired two years prior to the commencement of the process of winding up the said Bank.

The plaintiff further said the defendant’s claims that she was speaking from an informed position as a Minister of Finance were calculated to lend credence to the defamatory words and thereby creating an impression in the minds of the public that they were true thus damaging the plaintiff’s reputation through ridicule, embarrassment and contempt.

The plaintiff also said in his statement of claim that the defendant has failed,neglected and refused to retract and apologise the said defamatory words despite being formally asked to.

I was not a Shareholder in Sun International at the time of Privatization-HH


United Party for National Development (UPND) President Hakainde Hichilema has categorically denied allegations levelled against him during the privatisation Process.

Speaking when he held a press briefing on Hot FM and Diamond TV and other electronic platforms to address the allegations of his impropriety in the privatization process and his accumulation of wealth, Mr Hichilema said that he had no hand in the privatization of any mine particularly the mine in contention, RAMCOZ which was a private firm when ZANACO appointed a receiver and a private firm cannot be privatized.

Mr Hichilema further denied being a shareholder in Sun International at the time of privatization and further said that his Kabulonga house was bought through a tender process before privatization.

Mr Hichilema hoped that there is now sufficient fatigue over the rehashing of issues which peculiarly only surface at the time of elections, and at the expense of discussion over more pertinent issues affecting the nation.

UPND Youths at HH's Residence to show Support
UPND Youths at HH’s Residence to show Support

Meanwhile, UPND youths yesterday afternoon held a solidarity march to President Hakainde Hichilema’s Lusaka residence in New Kasama where they assured him of uninterrupted support in the wake of numerous verbal attacks from defunct Forum for Democracy and Development (FDD) leader, Edith Nawakwi and the ruling Patriotic Front (PF).

Leading the youths that were drawn from the seven constituencies in Lusaka, Mr Anderson Banda who is leader of the youths in the Lusaka told Mr Hichilema that the collusion between Ms Nawakwi and the PF to remove him from the 2021 ballot had prompted them to march in solidarity with him as a way of sending a signal to the PF and its surrogate political parties that the youths would not allow any aggression against Mr Hichilema.

Mr Banda charged that it was now evident that after failing through various means to disadvantage and lessen Mr Hichilema’s chances of being a Presidential candidate for 2021 such as the failed Bill Number 10 of 2019, the PF have resorted to using its hired guns such as Nawakwi to discredit him, a situation he said would not deter Mr Hichilema from being ushered into State House in 2021.

“We shall stand by you, President HH until you are ushered into State House come August 2021. You are not alone in this fight and we shall not allow the PF Government to touch you again. We are aware of schemes by the PF to cook charges against you after realizing that they have failed to remove you from the ballot using Bill 10, we shall not allow that,” said Mr Banda.

Mr Banda also stated that the youths are resolved to stand by Mr Hichilema and that they’d stand by him and his family to ensure nothing bad happens to them.

He also stated that the country’s youths are eagerly waiting for him to become President of Zambia so that he could help in ending the numerous economic hardships that the country’s youths are going through.

“Mr President, we know that you mean well for this country; and we admire your business skills, as such, we pray that you rule this country so that we the youths can tap into your wisdom for a better Zambia. We are waiting for your leadership so that those who have stolen from the poor through the tenders, ambulances and 48 houses can account; so that FIC report findings are adequately addressed and the perpetrators are dealt with accordingly as well as how the Eurobond was used and the findings of terrorism and money laundering in the FIC report,” he said.

UPND Youths at HH's Residence to show Support
UPND Youths at HH’s Residence to show Support

Mr Banda called on youths across the country to take a keen interest in the way the Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) is conducting itself ahead of the 2021 tripartite elections.

“Mr President, we wish to call upon the youths across the country to remain vigilant and monitor the ECZ ahead of the 2021 general elections,” he said.

And Hichilema, who was accompanied by his wife, Mutinta, expressed gratitude to the youths for the solidarity and support, stating that he is also there for the youths of the country.

“Thank you for coming to support us especially at a time that PF and its surrogates have continued to attack us. We need new leadership that will provide business opportunities to the people of Zambia. We need a leadership that will take care of the people of Zambia,” he said.

Mr Hichilema also laughed off insinuations by Ms Nawakwi that he stole a house for Lima Bank during privatization, stating that the house was purchased from TBZ in 1995 while the privatization took place in 1999.

“Thank you to all of you for coming. Sometimes we think that we are alone but when you come, we know we have support. You must also know that you are not alone, Bally is always with you. It is darkest before dawn. We have walked a long way and we are not stopping,” he said.

Distracting from PF’s Governance Errors: Lungu’s Chinaization Vs HH’s Privatization of Zambia


By W.E.Kamirichiki, PhD

Mr. Edgar Lungu Chagwa and his PF believe most Zambians are politically naïve, are blind to the true history and facts of MMD’s privatization of Zambia’s state enterprises, and that Zambians will not see that PF are already in the campaign season for presidential elections. The profound tragedy we face in this country is that Lungu and his unpatriotic front are playing extreme forms of dirty political games. Currently, the game is in the period in which the referee has called out HH in the so-called HH’s “extensive abuse of the privatisation process” This insidious framing is from the “referee” also known as government spokeswoman—Dora Siliya. It is a broader attempt at misinformation, disinformation and propaganda to win elections. It is bound to fail.

That Lungu and his PF is bent on sowing malice and craving to scandalize HH and UPND is not a secret. It is a venture that has been alive for some time now. It is an open secret.

But let us return to this nothing burger about HH’s role in Zambia’s privatization activities. In its then progress report on privatization in Africa, the World Bank in 1996 praised Zambia, attested thus: “…Zambia has the most successful privatization program to date, and the experience there offers many examples of best practice…… the privatization program has not been without its problems. Because of its fragile economic situation, the country was not readily attractive to foreign investors; but multinational companies who have invested in Zambia are impressed with the way the program is being managed. As a result, the country is now one of the most attractive to investors in Africa”. (The World Bank, 1996).

One of the 8 factors for success of the divestiture program was transparency, namely the steps taken to inform the public about the program and to encourage maximum Zambian participation in the process”. On all these factors, the World Bank rated Zambia “medium to high”(see figure below of landmarks in Zambia’s Privatization Program). This suggests that there were little to no reservations about the players (which included HH) undertaking the privatization exercise. Put differently, the privatization team, generally, were foresighted, careful, and conducted proper planning of the anticipated issues and risks associated with the deals, and successfully consummated the privatization exercise as indicated in the outline below.

 Source: World Bank, October 1996

Source: World Bank, October 1996

Fast word 20 years later, the Chinaization of Zambia’s assets under Lungu’s Patriotic Front has been an utter debt-riddled disaster from hell, akin to “ a Chawama-like drunk, gesturing and selling everything in the house” . Under Lungu, Chinaization has shifted control of enterprises and economic activity from state agencies and Zambians to a clique of foreign individuals with inside connections to the PF and the presidency.

Among Zambians there has never been a lower trust of the management of the economy, and an increasing public cynicism about PF’s political and economic leaders, fuelled by the abject failure of Lungu’s economic team to improve the lot of the average Zambians, hence the mafia-like underhanded methods to shift and distract public attention from the current economic failures to manufacture non-existent problems under the earlier 1996 privatization. Again, PF’s bogey man is their tried, tested, and methodical political opponent—HH. And for this venture, the PF is using Edith Nawakwi, herself part of the 1996 Zambian privatization effort that the World Bank, ironically, praised.

But even if we were to accept the absurd accusation that HH profited from the exercise, the larger question is: If the privatization act passed under the MMD government in July 1996 had flaws, was poorly written or poorly enforced and full of loopholes that enabled insiders to pull off tricky schemes, why didn’t the then Minister, Nawakwi, point these out? Why now? There is no doubt that her phoney “revelations” are political utterances for profit and favour in Lungu’s tanking economy and odorous political universe. Speaking of the economy and the politics, the way he runs our now covid-scared country, is so chaotic — the haphazardly indecisive appointments, the industrial scale corruption, the dereliction of duty, the policy-free press statements, the PF thug-riddled fog around the presidency —all echo the empty tyrannies in other jurisdictions on our continent.

Consider the number of corruption cases and shady transactions (Fire tracks, ESwatini land deal, Lungu’s cost-inefficient and unnecessary travels, Mukula timber scandals, etc ) have occurred under PF government. How many of his associates have been indicted and convicted? Zero. Nein. None!

That is Lungu’s Zambia. Since entering State House, his PF thugs have ushered in and stoked violence, tribalism, and divisions. Lungu is the owner of Zambian disorder and chaos. But framing HH is what he is bent on doing because he cannot run the country in the method HH would. Still, he wants Zambians to digest an incorrect portrait of HH as the “Other” Zambian—trumpeting the bogus notion that HH is a tribalist even as Lungu himself is overtly promoting tribalism by not disavowing those who direct it against HH. But it is Lungu and his ill-informed and mis-informed cadres who bear a disproportionately greater place for turning our country into one of intrigue and mindless political factions. And the intrigue, the suspicion, the mistrust, the hopelessness, confusion, and the unforgivable incompetence are not just new happenings, they are trending upwards to a disturbing point for our country.

Desperate to retain the presidency and misuse power , at the time of the worst economic period in our country, and mixed with the uncertain and deadly public health catastrophe to have come to our land in decades, Lungu is stirring a deadly brew for all of us. It is difficult to project how far he will continue to rattle the opposition, especially UPND and HH. But primitive political persecution in which the victim responds with fidelity to the law, maintains common decency, and transfers burdens to the divine, often leads to political sainthood. There is a sense in which HH is on this track. Some Zambians believe that the act of using Edith Nawakwi to cast aspersions against HH is yet another instalment in a template that includes a bogus Mongu traffic case, the break-and-enter of HH’s house, and the fog of Mukobeko prison all over again. Some Zambians have vowed never again to let PF run rough shod against the opposition. And this could light the country. But most Zambians do not want to go down that road, except the most extreme in the opposition parties, who may become uncontrollable if Lungu pursues the most darnedest scorched earth political strategies to remain in power.

But we must reject Lungu’s selfish political warfare strategies to turn our country in another Somalia, or a country in which political disagreements are license to take flight from debate on serious issues facing the country, or as means to foolishly frame and persecute political opponents with bogus non-existent crimes. But all these PF political strategies are routes to energize the PF thugs ahead of 2021 elections—which many political observers believe Lungu will loose on account of a politically unforgivable crime of destroying the social, political, and economic well-being of Zambia. Through a politically dumb fiction of a bungled privatization of Zambia under HH, Lungu and his enablers want to distract Zambians from PF’s failed management of the Chinaization of the economy and good governance of the country.

Remember the tragic gassing that bedevilled the country? To date, no commission of inquiry, no report, no state address to the country. Nothing. Nothing under Lungu because he is an incompetent fake of a president.

In stirring up fake crimes, drip-drip chaos, thugs in his PF party, Lungu is desperately marinating a possible disgraceful path to a 2021 election win. We saw and continue to see what his PF agents of sabotage and violence do to opposition campaigns. In Chilubi Island, for example, they did this through depriving the opposition of access boats to the island and claiming all lodges in the island in the follow up to the elections.

Zambians in love with their country know that PF and Lungu’s game plan is already underway. As so the UPND, HH and all the opposition know that Lungu wants to manufacture, amplify and publicize fake anti-UPND/HH campaigns as much as possible. Lungu’s thuggish infrastructure of violence know the strategy and have done “trial runs” ever since Lungu ascended to the presidency. But most Zambians know by now which party is for development and which one is for destruction and backwardness.

Empty and unethical campaign strategies are the core of the PF regime. But this attempt at manufacturing yet another bogus crime against HH is certainly the most disturbing because it now involves abusing a woman’s esteem and her intellectual capacity for selfish ends. Women—and Edith Nawakwi as a misused political tool—in the hands of PF is a pattern, a tendency, and a habit. We have seen the distance to which Dora Siliya, Mumbi Phiri, and Nkandu Luo have travelled to soil the political discourse of our country. It is a continuously dangerous reminder for how long and low PF and Lungu can stoop to maintain and acquire power. Most Zambians find this latest anti-HH episode disgraceful. But it is a losing political strategy of the party and the leader completely empty of arguments to govern the country and win in 2021. Lungu and PF must surely be voted out to save our country from unending pain, embarrassment, ridicule, and shame in all their multiple dimensions.

Dr. W.E. Kamirichiki is a political, social, and environmental affairs commentator, based in Lusaka.

HH is probably guilty as charged on the sale of Intercontinental Hotel Livingstone


By Sean Tembo – PeP President

  1. It was with great interest that l read the demand letter which was purportedly written by the lawyers for the UPND President Mr Hakainde Hichilema and directed to the FDD President and former Finance Minister Honorable Edith Nawakwi, regarding the allegations of misconduct in the privatization process leveled against Mr Hichilema. As severally indicated in the past, our interest has been to get to the bottom of this issue and that if anyone is found culpable, then they need to atone for their misconduct. It was for this reason that we initially requested that Mr Hichilema provides a detailed rebuttal of the allegations that had been leveled against him and not just respond through Facebook and Twitter memes. Although many of his supporters saw our request for a detailed rebuttal as an attack by ourselves against Mr Hichilema, to the contrary it has always been in Mr Hichilema’s best interests to explain himself in detail and not just issue counter-accusations or indeed seek to side-step the issue altogether.
  2. I must say that l am happy that Mr Hichilema has, through his lawyers, substantively responded to the three key allegations leveled against him by Honorable Edith Nawakwi regarding the privatization process. Allow me to now give my opinion about each of the three allegations as well as the respective rebuttals by Mr Hichilema.
  3. The first allegation was that Mr Hichilema as liquidator of Lima Bank, decided to sale himself one of the Lima Bank assets, being the house along Serval Road in Kabulonga. Such conduct, if true would obviously amount to a conflict of interest. Mr Hichilema’s response is that he bought the Kabulonga house in 1995 and the seller was not Lima Bank, and he goes on to state that Lima Bank was only placed under liquidation in 1997. My view is that that is a fair and reasonable explanation from Mr Hichilema. We shall now await Honorable Edith Nawakwi’s reply to Mr Hichilema’s explanation so that we can subsequently form a conclusion on this particular matter.
  4. The second particular allegation was that Mr Hichilema abused his position as an advisor to Government regarding the privatization of Roan Antelope Mining Corporation of Zambia or RAMCOZ in short. Mr Hichilema’s explanation is that he was never involved in the privatization process of RAMCOZ. He further indicates that when RAMCOZ was subsequently placed under receivership, the Receiver Manager was a Mr Christopher Mulenga and not himself. Our view is that, again, this is a fair and reasonable explanation that has been provided on the matter by Mr Hichilema. We now await the reply on this explanation by Honorable Edith Nawakwi. After we get that reply, we can then form our opinion on the culpability or otherwise of Mr Hichilema regarding this particular allegation.
  5. The third allegation was that Mr Hichilema as Negotiating Chairman of Intercontinental Hotel in Livingstone abused his position in two ways. Firstly he sold the hotel to Sun International who had put up a much lower bid of $6.5 million, as opposed to selling to higher bidders which included a bid for $26 million, $20 million and $10 million. Sun International was a predominately South African Outfit, although they had registered a subsidiary in Zambia called Sun International Zambia, which is said to have been registered at PACRA in November 1997 and were Mr Hichilema and Senior Chief Mukuni were alleged to be Directors. As Negotiating Chairman, Mr Hichilema is said to have sold the intercontinental hotel to Sun International Zambia around February 1998, almost 3 months after the company was incorporated. Honorable Edith Nawakwi’s allegation in this matter is that Mr Hichilema effectively sold the hotel to himself, which explains why he decided to pick the lower bid of $6.5 million and not higher bids. In his explanation through his lawyers, Mr Hichilema does not deny that he was the Negotiating Chairman in the sale of Intercontinental Hotel Livingstone. He also does not categorically deny that he was a Director of Sun International Zambia at the time that he sold it Intercontinental Hotel. He also does not deny that he decided to sale the hotel at a lower bid price of $6.5 million when higher bids including $26 million were available. Instead, Mr Hichilema’s main defense regarding this particular allegation is that it was done within the law. My take is that unlike the two allegations above, Mr Hichilema has dismally failed to dispel this particular allegation. Even without any reply to his explanation by Honorable Edith Nawakwi, solely based on the allegations themselves and his reply, he is probably guilty as charged.
  6. Given the fact that this is a developing matter, and new evidence will continue to unveil to the public domain, both to reassert the allegations and to rebut the allegations, we shall continue to play our role of reviewing such additional information and evidence and give our opinion on where the balance of probabilities is leaning towards. It must be noted that this is not a private matter between Mr Hakainde Hichilema and Honorable Edith Nawakwi. To the contrary, it is a public matter because it involves public assets that were sold during the privatization process. Therefore, we have every right to talk about it and give our opinion on the unveiling developments. We have received plenty of insults from the supporters of Mr Hichilema who feel that we have no right to comment on this matter. However, we wish to assure these supporters that we are not a kind that get intimidated or that jumps to an individual’s defense simply because the allegations might taint an individuals political standing, no. We have only one interest at heart, and that is the national interest. If Mr Hichilema is culpable, then he must be held to account, if he is not, then he must be cleared accordingly. So far, if l was a court, l would acquit him on the first and second count but would convict him on the third count regarding the sell of Intercontinental Hotel in Livingstone.

Mweene and Kambole in PSL Grand Final Fever


Chipolopolo goalkeeper Kennedy Mweene or striker Lazarus Kambole of Mamelodi Sundowns and Kaizer Chiefs respectively will on Saturday dance the night away when the South Africa PSL title race will be decided.

Chiefs and second placed defending PSL champions Sundowns are in a dead heat for this season’s league crown and are only separated by goal difference on 56 points heading into Saturdays season finale.

Kambole is in line for dream debut title win since he joined leaders Chiefs this season from Zesco United.

Mweene has been in between the posts in Sundowns last four games in which he has conceded just one goal that have seen the champions picked up three wins and a defeat.

Sundowns will host third from bottom Black Leopards who will sadly be without their talismanic Chipolopolo striker Mwape Musonda due to suspension.

Musonda scored Leopards lone goal in the 2-1 home loss of their first leg meeting last October.

Chiefs also face an ailing opponent from the north when they visit second from bottom Baroka FC who just two games ago beat Sundowns 1-0 before falling 4-1 to third placed SuperSport United.

Chiefs beat Baroka 1-0 in the first leg meeting.

Kambole’s side are chasing their first league title since 2015 while Sundowns are eyeing a third successive crown.

Promoted Kitwe United Announce New Exco


Promoted FAZ Super Division side Kitwe United have reconstituted the executive committee in readiness for the 2020/21 season.

Club spokesperson Nelly Nkolongo has announced that Emmanuel Numwa has retained his position as club president and will be deputized by Kitwe based football commentator Aaron Phiri.

The Chingalika board has appointed Given Muleya as club secretary with Edgar Mudenda as his vice while committee members are Dorothy Mwanza Sampa and Harold Kangwane

The club treasurer is Griffon Moyo.

“We are having a fresh start and I am expecting a lot from you, “board vice chairman Alderman Patrick Tembo told the new executive.

The Buchi Boys have bounced back to the top league after spending one season in Division 1.

Construction of the Lusaka specialised hospital have been completed-Health Minister


Construction of the Lusaka specialised hospital have been completed and President Edgar Lungu is expected to commission the facility this month.

Health Minister Chitalu Chilufya says the 40 million United States Dollar project is one of the six that has been constructed and will offer specialist medical services such as cardiac and other related cases.

Dr. Chilufya says the Lusaka specialised hospital will enable the country to save resources as opposed to where most patients would be evacuated outside the country to seek specialised medical services.

He said this shortly after conducting a detailed check-up on the state-of-the-art installation, at the first ever 160 bed capacity specialist hospital in the country.

Dr. Chilufyasaid this is part of the transformational agenda which is being spearheaded by the Patriotic Front Government under the leadership of President Edgar Lungu.

And consultant Cardiac Surgeon Chileshe Mutema said the Lusaka specialist hospital will enable medical personnel to carry out all kinds of operations.

Meanwhile, Chief Biomedical Scientist Joseph Mwewa said the hospital has unique laboratory equipment that will see various tests conducted within the health facility.

Mr. Mwewa said this will also reduce the waiting time for results, further stating that soon the institution will join in conducting tests for Covid-19.

Meanwhile, Health Minister Chitalu Chilufya says there is evidence of re-infection among people who have recovered from Covid-19. Dr. Chilufya says Covid-19 survivors are not immune to re-infection, hence the need for them to protect themselves from the virus.

Speaking during the routine updates on Covid -19 in Lusaka today, the Health Minister said 116 cases of Covid-19 have been detected in the last 24 hours. Dr. Chilufya said the cases are from 1,400 tests conducted in Lusaka, Chadiza and Ndola.

He said 42 patients are admitted to health facilities, with 30 at Levy Mwanawasa isolation centre. Dr. Chilufya said 20 of the patients at Levy Mwanawasa isolation centre are on oxygen therapy. He further said 12 patients are admitted in other parts of the country and that four are on oxygen therapy. 10 patients have been discharged and no mortalities have been recorded in the last 24 hours.

And Lusaka Town Clerk, Alex Mwansa said a reduction in Brought in Dead was observed the past week.

Zambia Needs to Conclusively Deal with the Privatisation Matter to Bring Closure-Nevers Mumba


Movement for Multi-Party Democracy (MMD) President Nevers Mumba has said that the intention of the current debate on privatization is meant to audit the nation and is a call to accountability on both sides of the aisle.

In a statement released to the media, the MMD President said that until we conclusively deal with the privatisation matters, Zambia will not learn from the mistakes of the past and that today God has remembered Zambia by bringing back this subject in order to bring closure and audit ourselves as a nation.

Below is the full post

By Dr Nevers Sekwila Mumba

President, MMD
4th September 2020


God has remembered Zambia. The intention of the current debate on privatization is meant to audit the nation. It is a call to accountability on both sides of the aisle.

The MMD’s intention and policy was to restructure the economy by privatizing the loss-making parastatals. This singular move created a new private driven economy and raised the economic profile of our nation. The exercise was not without difficulties. Mismanagement and corruption characterized most transactions.

Until we conclusively deal with this matter, Zambia will not learn from the mistakes of the past. Today God has remembered Zambia by bringing back this subject in order to bring closure and audit ourselves as a nation.

The issue of privatization is only a trigger to bring all leaders to account and review the strength and integrity of our institutions. If we don’t fix the problem of yesterday, we shall fail to fix the problem of tomorrow, when the PF leaves the government. Privatization revealed the weaknesses of our system. The overpriced infrastructure contracts of today can only be fairly prosecuted if we identify the problems arising from the privatization exercise. We should therefore not be shaken when any one of us seeking the trust of the people is asked to account for anything we are suspected to have done.

This is not the first time we have been accused, arrested and thrown in jail. It is the right of both the State or any individual to ask us any question. Our role is to provide answers in an honest manner. The PF in 2011 decided to accuse me of misappropriation of funds in Canada during my service as High Commissioner. My job was to clear myself. It took seven long years to clear name from the allegations. So we are not intimidated to stand in any court and prove our innocence. We now have an opportunity to get the same levels of accountability from our colleagues in government.

This is the healing moment Zambia has been waiting for. Now Zambians can demand that the same question asked to Hakainde Hichilema be asked to the current crop of leaders in the PF government. How did they get rich on a government salary? We shall finally get all the answers we have been waiting for. Who took the extra $750,000.00 from each of the 42 fire engines? What have we done with the over $15 billion debt contracted?

To clean up of our society, Zambians have to put aside the divisive political affiliations, the segmentation of society along tribal or racial lines and face this opportunity as one people. We must march to State House together and stay there for as long as it takes until we get all the answers we have been waiting for. Anything less than such an approach will be a futile exercise. This is the revolution we have been waiting for. The revolution for truth and accountability.

For this reason, we welcome the questions being asked by Hon Nawakwi or anyone else as long as they are asked in good faith and in the interest of the nation. We expect that Mr Hichilema shall answer these questions. That’s what we do as presidential candidates. We answer questions so that the voter is clear when making a decision to cast the vote. But we also must demand that the leaders in government answer questions about their source of wealth individually.
This is a great day for Zambia.

My fellow Zambians, our nation cannot survive another five year cycle without a deep cleansing of the system of governance. Whatever the intention of this debate is, God has initiated a cleansing process for the country. The responsibility on Mr Hichilema’s shoulders is to look into the camera and lay to rest the allegations as raised by Hon Edith Nawakwi. This will give an opportunity to Zambians to demand the same from the ruling PF. Going by the recent history of the PF, we expect them to refuse to account for their activities in office. It is at this point that we are calling on Zambians from all corners to march together to demand for answers from our leaders. This movement is irreversible.

2021 should give Zambia a new package of clean and accountable leadership which will take advantage of a new sanitized system of government. We must start afresh beyond 2021.

This planned march dubbed MARCH ON LUSAKA shall signal the rebirth of our country in as far as accountability is concerned.
I call on all Zambians not to lose this opportunity to correct the wrongs that have long impeded the growth of our economy.

May God bless our Republic

I thank you.

Zambian Actor and hiphop artist Dope G

Zambian Actor and hiphop artist Dope G.

Sampa The Great, first-ever BET Amplified global artist

BET Amplified, ViacomCBS-owned BET’s stamp of approval highlighting “the next big thing in music,” is going global.

BET and BET International on Tuesday announced Zambia-born, rapper Sampa The Great as the first-ever BET Amplified global artist.

The network brand said it was kicking off a month-long “effort to build awareness around Sampa to [its] core audiences globally and will highlight her work in a multitude of ways, including linear and digital programming across BET Jams, BET Her, BET Soul and BET International channels,” including in Africa, the U.K., France and South Korea.

“This marks the first BET Amplified artist for BET International [which] will continue to spotlight international artists each month with BET Amplified International,” the network said.

BET Amplified launched in the U.S. in January as a “multifaceted campaign that identifies and elevates stars on the rise.” Spearheaded by the BET music programming team under the leadership of Connie Orlando, the recently appointed executive vp of specials, music programming & music strategy, its goal is “to engage in specialized social and digital activations, giving artists full-frame promo spots across all BET channels and creating unique opportunities for them to engage with audiences across BET’s platform of over 90 million households around the world.”

Sampa The Great, who is now based in Melbourne after studying audio engineering in the U.S. , blends hip-hop, soul, R&B and spoken word. Co-signed by Kendrick Lamar and Ms. Lauryn Hill, Sampa won the Australian Music Prize twice – in 2017 for her mixtape Birds And The BEE9, and in 2019 for her debut album The Return.

“I’m so excited to be the BET Amplified artist for September,” said Sampa. “Representing Zambia on the global stage, the best way I know how – through my music!”

“We’re thrilled to honor Sampa The Great, an outstanding talent, and celebrate her on a global level,” said Monde Twala, senior vp & general manager of ViacomCBS Networks Africa and BET International. “Identifying and elevating Black talent to a global audience is one of our highest priorities as a brand and it’s our duty to use our massive footprint to amplify emerging artists. In doing so, we’re not only shining a light on incredible artists, but also connecting music lovers to the culture across the world.”


Finance Minister expected to deliver the 2021 National Budget on Friday, September 25, 2020


Finance Minister Bwalya Ng’andu is expected to deliver the 2021 National Budget on Friday, September 25, 2020.

In his speech, the Minister will address issues related to the global and domestic economy, macro-economic objectives, policies, and strategies for 2021, and the 2021 national budget.

Ministry of Finance Spokesperson Chileshe Kandeta says the inter-ministerial Tax Policy Review Committee and Non-Tax Policy Review Committee will be finalising their assessment of proposals and recommendations to arrive at the best possible revenue.

In a statement to ZNBC News, Mr. Kandeta said the Minister remains focused on preparing and presenting the national budget on 25 September 2020.

He said all officials that are involved in the budget preparation process have been directed to deeply reflect on the assignment and implement well-structured engagement programmes with development partners, ministries, provinces and agencies.

Mr. Kandeta said this is to ensure inputs, assumptions and scenarios are analyzed in a critical, innovative, professional, and diligent manner in order to produce a budget that takes care of the socio-economic well-being of the people of Zambia.

He says the Ministry of Finance also places on record its appreciation for the intervention recently made by President EDGAR LUNGU when he called on the business community to engage the Ministry and make their submissions as it develops the 2021 -2023 Medium Term Expenditure Framework, and the 2021 national budget.

Mr. Kandeta said the inclusive stance demonstrated by President LUNGU has helped the Ministry to ensure stakeholders and interest groups that may have earlier been left out due to lapse of time, have now participated in proposing developmental, tax, and no-tax measures for the 2021 National Budget and the 2021 to 2023 Medium Term Expenditure Framework.

YALI formally asks Chief Justice to Open Inquiry into Privatization


The Young African Leaders’ Initiative (YALI) has formally written to Chief Justice, Ireen Mambilima requesting her to open an inquiry either through a tribunal or Commission of Inquiry into the sale of national assets which took place between 1992 and 1998.

In a letter dated 3rd September 2020 addressed to the Chief Justice, signed by YALI President Andrew Ntewewe and made available to media said that this will help the nation to settle the question surrounding the continuous public discussion on how national assets were sold.

YALI states that as an example, there are public allegations that some consultants appointed to preside over negotiations in the sale of Mosi-o-Tunya hotel and rainbow hotel in Livingstone were acting part of bidders on behalf of an entity to whom the national assets were sold and dubbed themselves as sellers and negotiators on behalf of the Zambian government.

In the letter, YALI is asking that the commission of inquiry be instituted to look into the manner and fashion in which Zambia’s entire privatization process was handled in the late 1990s.

It is of the view that the terms of reference must include identifying all those that might have unduly benefited from the privatization process and establishing whether such undue benefit constituted a criminal offense or not.

Further, YALI wants the inquiry to ascertain whether the disposal of national assets were done in accordance with a system that was fair, equitable, transparent, competitive, and cost-effective and that in instances where the commission finds that these tenets were not adhered to, the Commission must be given the power to declare that the sale was unlawful, illegal, unconstitutional, and null and void.

COBUSU “Finance Minister” arrested for theft


Police in Kitwe have arrested Copperbelt University Students Union (COBUSU) Finance Secretary Bright Chanda aged 25 for allegedly stealing K95, 990 from the union bank account.

Copperbelt Police deputy Commissioner Bothwell Namuswa said Chanda who was one of the two signatories went on to forge the other signature for the Dean of Students Dr Alisala Mulambya the other signatory when withdrawing the money.

“I want to confirm that we have received a report of theft by servant and forgery which occurred at 03/03/20 and 19/06/20 at Zanaco Kitwe Business Center Kitwe and Zanaco Manda Hill Lusaka. One arrest has been made and more to follow,” Commissioner Namuswa stated.