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Covid 19 Guidelines and Public Order Act: Deadly Combination for Democratic Spaces


By Parkie Mbozi

For over six decades successive liberation movements, opposition parties, civil society and other governance stakeholders have had one thing uniting them: fighting the public order act (POA). The POA has been the most politically abused and repressive piece of legislation. The POA now has a partner in the Covid 19 regulations and, guess what, it is a deadly combination with serious ramifications for our democracy ahead of the 2021 polls.

The POA is properly referenced as Chapter 113 Of the Laws of Zambia Chapter 113. It was first enacted in 1955 by the colonial government of Godfrey Huggins. Roy Welensky, the second Prime Minister of Northern Rhodesia solidified and used it to silence revolt against the 10-year (1953 – 1963) Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland and subsequently the struggle for the independence of our country.

Since 1955 the law has undergone nine amendments (in 1959, 1960, 1965, 1967, 1970, 1977, 1985 and twice in 1996). It has survived and emerged even more controversial especially after the 1996 amendment. For the first eight years of multiparty democracy (1964 – 9172) UNIP used the POA to stifle the opposition. After the Choma Declaration and introduction of the one-party participatory ‘democracy’ the Act was weaponized against any voices of dissent and civil disobedience organised by such groups as the trade unions and student groups.
Despite condemning it while in opposition and promising to do away with it when assuming office, the MMD embraced and even toughened it by adding a time dimension to giving notice to the police. President Frederick Chiluba is on record as having used the POA to try and eliminate UNIP and opposition parties that emerged before the 1996 elections, such as Dean Mungomba’s Zambia Democratic Congress.

Amnesty International, for instance, observed that, “Starting in 1991, the Public Order Act was re-activated in the context of a multiparty democracy. However, many organisations – the opposition, NGOs, and civil society groups – found that provisions of the act were routinely used against them. Government permits to hold meetings were difficult to obtain or were revoked at short notice. In the latter-half of 1995 and throughout 1996, numerous groups were denied permission to meet.

“In order to further control public gatherings, parliament enacted an amendment to the act (Chapter 4 enacted on March 3, 1996) to require fourteen days prior notice to request police permission to hold meetings, processions, or demonstrations. No set number of days were previously required. Under pressure President Chiluba shortened the notice needed for the police to approve a permit from fourteen to seven days. However, little in practice has changed. In the run-up to the election, several opposition rallies and a march were refused permission.”
Similarly for 10 years while in opposition, the Patriotic Front had running battles with police and the successive MMD governments of Levy Mwanawasa and Rupiah Banda over the POA, with the climax of was the incident where Michael Sata was teargassed by police on November 26, 2010. Like its predecessors, the PF has embraced the POA and continues to use it to its full advantage. Soon after taking over in 2011, on October 5, 2012 when swearing in Joseph Akafunba as permanent secretariat for the Ministry of legal affairs late President Sata said, “POA is a bad law when you are in the opposition”. “No country can operate with sanity and enforce order in society in the absence of the law.”

The statements drew sharp reactions from political parties and other stakeholders and demanded an explanation for the ‘change of heart’ on Sata’s part, which they didn’t get. NGOCC said they were shocked “to learn that President Sata was now praising the same law he condemned during his time in opposition.” The complaints did nothing to stop the abuse of the POA by the PF. On March 24, 2014 the Evangelical Fellowship of Zambia (EFZ) observed that “the PF government was deliberately misapplying the archaic POA to silence citizens from speaking against the poor governance and the injustices that were being perpetrated by President Sata’s regime.”

Opposition parties, civil society, churches and other stakeholders have complained that abuse of the POA and shrinking of democratic spaces has worsened under the current government of President Edgar Lungu and the evidence of the abuses is abundant. For instance, within days of losing the 2008 Presidential by-election, then PF president Sata was on the road campaigning. In contrast UPND President Hakainde Hichilema and other opposition parties have repeatedly been denied permits to do so and are occasionally arrested and prosecuted even for merely stopping by markets to greet people.

The Amnesty International Report for 2015/16 hence reported that, “Police continued to implement the Public Order Act (POA), arbitrarily restricting freedom of assembly for opposition parties and civil society. While Section 5(4) of the POA provides for every person who intends to assemble or convene a public meeting, procession or demonstration to give the police seven days’ notice, police often interpreted this provision to mean police permission is required before any public assembly can proceed.

“In May, police opened a docket against opposition leader Hakainde Hichilema after he conducted a door-to-door campaign in Kamwala market in Lusaka, the capital. He was questioned by police in the presence of his lawyers for over an hour and made to write a letter of undertaking to comply with the provisions of the POA to be spared prosecution.”
This is despite Lungu, as the PF candidate to replace the late Sata in the January 2015 Presidential by-election, saying the following on December18, 2014 in a Movi TV Interview, “We have the decency to own up that the Public Order Act is not ok. It needs to be revised.” At the time he was also Minister of Justice and Minister of Defense.
The issues with the POA is that it is a bad law both in form and in its application. Implicit bias in the police application of the POA and their surrender to manipulation by the party in power weakens any argument that every state requires this kind of law. In terms of form, the POA has built-in clauses that unambiguously not only infringe on the constitutionally given induvial rights and freedoms but also gives the party in power an edge.

First, apart from needing a 7-day notice to the police to assemble or demonstrate (Section 5/4), the police can dictate who attends and//or addresses a meeting and what matters to be discussed.
Second, the Act gives the ruling party an edge over its opponents by exempting its senior office bearers from its provisions (section 5/6). It says, “the provisions of subsections (4) and (5) shall not apply to any public meeting convened by or at the request of and intended to be addressed by the President, the Vice-President or any Minister or Junior Minister or the Speaker or Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly.”

Third, at the whim of the moment and perhaps with influence from ‘above’, the Police can terminate any gathering on the pretext that a permit ‘was not properly issued’, even though it may have been in the first place. Refusal to obey any orders given thereof under such circumstance earns the organizer//s an arrest and prosecution (Section 5/6).

Fourth, a minister, despite being an interested party politically, can dictate to the police not to issue a permit for a meeting or ban holding of assemblies or meetings for a period up to three months (section 5/12). All s/he needs to do is argue that circumstances exist in Zambia or in any part thereof, not to allow for such citizen assemblies, meetings or demonstrations.

Fifth, uttering “any words or does any act or thing whatever with intent to excite enmity between tribe and tribe or between one or more sections of the community on the one hand” is a punishable offence. The problem with this section lies in its interpretation, which results in selective application. So, whereas members of the opposition have been affected by this law, such utterances by senior PF leaders have been conveniently ignored (examples abound). Sixth, the law can be abused to protect those in authority from ‘threatening’ statements even where such are warranted. It says, “Any person who in any public place or at any public meeting uses threatening, abusive or insulting words with intent to provoke a breach of the peace or whereby a breach of the peace is likely to be occasioned, shall be guilty of an offence.”

The second and main problem with the POA is its selective application by those in power through the police. Civicus, an international human rights organization sums up: “By misapplication of the Public Order Act, Police in Zambia routinely prevent or break up protests that are even mildly critical of the government. However, protests or marches in support of government are allowed to go on even if the protester are openly breaking the law by being carrying weapons and being violent.”

The Covid 19 ‘laws’ or regulations are vague at this stage. They are even absent on the MoH website. So far what is known are:1 permits for assembly of more than a certain number of people; 2, social distancing; and,3. wearing of masks in public. Ambiguous as they are, the aspect on assembly or meetings is what directly fits into the POA prism. Going by experience there are high chances that POA and Covid 19 guidelines will be used interchangeably to curtail citizen’s freedoms to assembly, specifically political gatherings as we surge towards 2021. Chapter One Foundation executive director Linda Kasonde says, “it is unfortunate that COVID-19 regulations regarding the right to freedom of assembly and movement are being applied selectively to favour those in authority”. This concern was echoed by Human Rights Commission (HRC).

In essence the POA should have been the famous Bill 10.

The author is a media, governance and health communication researcher and scholar with the Institute of Economic and Social Research, University of Zambia. He is reachable on pmbozi5ATyahooDOTcom.

Respect the Presidency, Maureen Mwanawasa


FORMER First Lady and widow to Zambia’s third President, Dr. Levy Mwanawasa, Mrs. Maureen Mwanawasa has called for an end to the culture of insults and disrespect towards the Presidency and those in leadership.

Maureen said it was unfortunate that the culture of disrespecting the presidency has continued over the years.

She recalled that during her husband’s reign, people called him all sorts of names like Cabbage among others but appreciated the efforts he made to restore the economy on the right path after he died.

Maureen urged people who were not happy with the status of the economy to find respectful ways of engaging those in authority instead of insulting them.

No pupil has tested positive for Covid-19 from the time schools reopened -Education PS


The Ministry of General Education says no pupil has tested positive for Covid-19 from the time schools reopened for examination classes on June 1st, 2020.

General Education Permanent Secretary for Technical Services, Jobbicks Kalumba disclosed this in Lusaka today ahead of schools’ scheduled closing this Friday.

Dr Kalumba said the ministry is happy that pupils have been kept safe because there was anxiety from parents when government announced the reopening of schools for examination classes.

He has commended the teachers for ensuring that pupils adhered to the covid-19 preventive measures as guided by the Ministry of Health.

Dr. Kalumba also said schools will remain safe for learners when they reopen after a two-week break.

Meanwhile, Zambia National Union of Teachers -ZNUT- General Secretary Newman Bubala said the covid-19 situation has been handled well in schools as government ensured pupils were provided with masks.

Mr. Bubala said government and other stakeholders need to pick lessons on how the situation has been managed to consider how non examination classes could be integrated.

Erectile dysfunction: the unspoken taboo

Sex has always been a taboo subject in many societies and most men who struggle to perform in bed choose to suffer in silence. Dr Aaron Mujajati says erectile dysfunction is nothing to be ashamed of.

Mr. Mvunga’s appointment as BoZ Governor signals President Lungu’s continued destruction of state institutions-CiSCA


The Civil Society Constitution Agenda (CiSCA) has said that it is as perplexed as many others in Zambia that have expressed grave misgivings on the suitability of Mr. Christopher Mvunga as Bank of Zambia Governor.

In a statement released to the media CiSCA said that even as the organization appreciated that the President exercised his constitutional powers to appoint Mr. Mvunga, and as much as they acknowledged that Mr. Mvunga met the minimum qualifications as outlined in Article 214 of our Constitution, CiSCA said that it was extremely apprehensive about the suitability of Mr. Mvunga as Chief Executive Officer of our Central Bank.

CiSCA further contended that Dr. Denny Kalyalya’s dismissal and Mr. Mvunga’s appointment is President Lungu’s continued destruction of state institutions, starting with the Anti-Corruption Commission and now the central bank.

“It is a no brainer that our economy is in a comatose state and a critical economic institution such as the Central Bank needs to be led by a highly competent and respected individual who commands both national and international respect, and definitely not one whose only suitability is being amenable and malleable to PF’s machinations. A Central Bank Governor should not only be independent but should also be seen to be independent. Mr. Mvunga’s independence is questionable because he is a politically aligned individual whose allegiance will primarily be to his political sponsors.

“When juxtaposed, Dr. Kalyalya’s CV not only surpasses Mr. Mvunga on academic, professional qualifications and experience, but he also beats him in sobriety of character and public standing. How then is Mr. Mvunga expected to perform better than Dr. Kalyalya? The backlash from the appointment demonstrates that Mr. Mvunga is taking up a position that the public thinks he is not the best fit for. We further contend that there are easily at least 50 Zambians who are better qualified, have sober rock-solid temperaments with formidable national and international track records that can replace Dr. Kalyalya if he absolutely had to go.

“Further, appointing someone to a position requiring ratification by Parliament when Parliament is on recess is wrong and ultra vires to Constitutional procedures. We earnestly appeal to MPs to exercise the doctrine of separation of powers and as the people’s direct representatives, reject Mr. Mvunga’s appointment in the same way parliament refused to ratify the appointment of Judge Lombe Chibesakunda as Chief Justice,” concluded the statement

Uganda pharmaceutical company halts exports to Zambia over unpaid debts


Cipla Uganda, the biggest manufacturer of drugs in that country, has suspended exports to Zambia, over unpaid invoices on products worth almost $12m, over two years.

Cipla’s Uganda may be warning investors of problems in Zambia, but yesterday it also gave them good news about a winning a contract with South Africa and the World Health Organisation, to supply Antiretroviral and anti-malarial drugs.

The company’s problems in Zambia threaten to get worse, but they may be offset by business developments elsewhere.

Talks are advanced with 16 countries, which would expand Cipla’s exports to 22 markets.

Uganda’s pharmaceutical industry is at risk from the growing debt crisis in Zambia.

According to officials, CiplaQCIL continues to engage extensively and constructively with the Government of Zambia regarding payment of the over dues this financial year and has already received $1.2 million in the first quarter. This engagement involves forfeiting the over dues through an international bank to secure guaranteed payment.

“The company is relentlessly focussed on driving shareholder value through increased revenues and profitability. Even though it was business unusual during the COVID-19 pandemic, CiplaQCIL was fortunate to operate without interruption and even managed to improve attendance and productivity levels during this period. The new financial year 2020/2021 has presented opportunities in increasing the customer base with orders from Botswana for 2.3 million doses of ARVs for adults living with HIV,” CEO of CiplaQCIL, Nevin Bradford, said.

“The 2019/2020 financial year was a challenging year especially given the Zambia issues and most recently the COVID-19 pandemic. We can be proud though despite numerous challenges, CiplaQCIL continues to deliver on its ethos of “Caring for Life” by producing quality, affordable medicines to ensure that people have access to life-saving medication,” he said.

This was at the at second annual general meeting (AGM) held last Thursday 20 August 2020.

The company said in a statement on Monday that the losses were due to the fact that it has failed to collect debts from the Government of Zambia, increased competition from other companies that produce similar products and reduction in drug prices.

To calm the fears, the company said in a statement that “Management endeavoured to minimize the impact on the reduction in revenue from Zambia through increased funder related sales.” It said sales to Global Fund business has rebounded significantly in the first half of this reporting year.

Cipla, which was established in 2005, manufactures Anti-retroviral (ARV), artemisinin-based combination therapies (ACTs) and Hepatitis medicines to treat HIV/AIDS, Malaria and Hepatitis.

We were having a consultative engagement and discussion, and not forming a pact-Mutati

Former Finance Minister Felix Mutati has said that he is not in any political pact with Democratic Party leader Harry Kalaba and Lusaka lawyer Kelvin Bwalya Fubu ahead of the 2021 general election,

Reacting to reports following the photo that showed the three politicians at a restaurant, Mr Mytati said that the formation of political alliances are not done quietly because it is not about the politicians who are having the conversation but about the general citizens who are the major stakeholders.

Mr Mutati said in an interview that he was aware of the picture of him with Mr Kalaba and Mr Kelvin Fube that was trending on social media but clarified that the meeting was only a consultative meeting and nothing more.

He said it was normal for political players like him and others to consult one another, adding that the recent meeting with Mr Kalaba and Mr Fube did not mean they were in a political alliance or pact.

“As to the meeting that we had, the position is that we were having a consultative engagement and discussion and that does not mean we were are in pact or political alliance,” Mr Mutati said.

He said that there was nothing wrong or sinister about the meeting because it was normal and that he was going to continue consulting different players including the church and the business sector before coming up with a final decision on the way forward.

Mr Mutati said as a country, it was important for political or other players to consult one another and find solutions to the many challenges for the benefit of the people of Zambia.

He said it was only through consultations that Zambians can find solutions to the many challenges the country was facing be it social-economic or political.

Over 300,000 Zambian citizens get their NRCs in the ongoing Mobile Exercise-Kampyongo


GOVERNMENT has announced that 331,472 Zambian citizens have so far acquired their NRCs in the ongoing Mobile Issuance of National Registration Cards exercise in all the 5 provinces under phase one.

Speaking during the NRC issuance weekly update in Lusaka today, Home Affairs Minister Hon Stephen Kampyongo said that out of the 5 provinces under phase one, Copperbelt, Luapula and Northern Provinces have recorded the highest numbers of registered persons so far.

He said that Copperbelt has registered a total of 79,111 while Luapula has registered 74,989 and Northern has registered 78,370 eligible Zambians.

“During my last briefing i stated that we had issued for the first registrationand replacements a grand total of 169,370 national registration cards in the five provinces currently under phase one” Hon Kampyongo recounted.

Hon Kampyongo said that Eastern and Northwestern Provinces have so far recorded the lowest numbers of eligible citizens registered with Eastern registering 56,768 while Northwestern registered 42,234 Zambians.

“As you may know the exercise is still ongoing even as we intensify preparations for phase two of the mobile registration exercise which kicks off on the 1st of September 2020 in Southern, Western, Central, Muchinga and Lusaka Provinces respectively”Hon Kampyongo said.

And Hon Kampyongo has urged all eligible person who are living in the provinces that are in the first phase to take advantage of the exercise.

MMD will take Part in By-Elections, Nakachinda will one day be sent to Prison


By Hon Elizabeth Chitika National Secretary

Members of the Press, We have invited you here in order to set the record about our party straight.

I wish to respond to the rantings of one Raphael Nakachinda over the weekend. I do so knowing that he does not deserve a response from us but for the sake of those who are vulnerable and easily swayed I wish to clear the lies told.

Firstly let me state clearly that every dog has its day. Nakachinda will find what he is looking for and that day is not far. Meantime, let me restate for the 100th time that he is not a member of our party. He remains expelled and has no single right to speak on behalf of the MMD.


It is clear to see that the Zambia police is two-faced when it comes to the MMD. Last week some pastors in Linda compound here in Lusaka invited the Party President Dr Nevers Mumba for fellowship and the police despite notification stopped the meeting from taking place, meanwhile they continue to aid an illegal group. It seems the police under the PF are a political wing of the ruling party. Both the IG and the Deputy IG were informed of the planned meeting ahead of time and had the address of the meeting place. When a law enforcement agency becomes lawless then it is clear that chaos and violence follows. The police have become a threat to peace in the nation. If the same command remains in office until election time, Zambia may experience mayhem. We need a professional police service which serves all Zambians equitably. The current police is a ruling party security wing.


It is laughable that the expelled MPs were announcing their expulsion from the party. I can confirm that we have indeed expelled them because they do not work with the party. The reasons which they gave the public yesterday are their own imagination. The MMD is a party of discipline and order and shall not compromise its values for overrated individuals who believe their mere connection to PF is the License to arrogance. These members’ disciplinary action was recommended by the own constituency and district committees and due process was followed, that is why it took this long. If they think dancing in that manner in the public will save them, we wish them well.


We are participating in the forth coming by-elections. Our campaign teams are on the ground and we are excited that after such a long time of absence from elections, we are back again.

We are looking forward to a good, violence free and issue based campaign.

For Nakachinda and his band of stick-ons, all he lives for is to please the Patriotic Front. When we say they are not MMD this is what we mean. If they even were remotely members of this party, they would be excited to contest in elections and not endorse another party.

For 3 and half years when they illegally posed as leaders of our party, all they were, was to be dancing queens at PF events. Even now, in their shock, all they wish to be is to be mercenaries for another political party against another. The simpler thing for them to do is to openly join the Patriotic Front, but of course that would cut of funding for their mercenary activities such as they had the other day. What a terrible and hopeless life to lead. No purpose, no dignity and no certain future.

On the other hand, we wish to warn the PF about these so called endorsements from Nakachinda. Everyone can see that all that Nakachinda is doing is putting up a dance (as his name seems to suggest) for them. Kalela ne mfunkutu aleshana. But it is for the PF to continue to pay him for his dances while their own members remain without help. We wish to warn that, should they carry that falsehood of the so called alliance, into the campaign we shall petition the election. In the same vein, We have also written to the Elections body (ECZ) about this act of provocation ahead of the by elections. We demand that the PF publicly distance themselves from Nakachinda’s statement about MMD supporting the PF candidate in the forth coming by-elections. If they don’t, we wish to put it on record that we shall petition these elections.


We wish to inform the nation that we have completed visits to 6 provinces in the past two months and are now going to the rest of the country. We have taken a short break in order to participate in the elections, before we continue. The mood in our party across the nation is extremely that of high morale. It is clear to most Zambians now that our Party President Dr Nevers Sekwila Mumba has become the candidate of choice for President in the 2021 Presidential elections. Most Zambians are openly declaring that they now want a God fearing leader who shall fully interpret and implement the declaration of Zambia as a Christian Nation.

Our members are so excited and have been donating their monies under very difficult circumstances in order to prepare for both the Convention and 2021 General elections.
On behalf of the National Executive Committee, I wish to assure our members Nation Wide to focus on the ongoing Mobilization in preparation to the elections next year. As for Nakachinda, he will soon be nabbed and brought to brutal justice which shall not only end his Kandile lifestyle but his fragile political career.

We are aware that the masters who are sending him needed a criminal to carry out these criminal activities. His masters know his history and are confident he can do criminal work. To disregard the Judgement of court is CONTEMPT and is a criminal offense. That makes him a criminal. We know that it’s not all policemen who are corrupt and unprofessional.

We also know that it is not every judge who is corrupt, we have some principled and honorable Judges. It’s just a matter of time, Nakachinda shall soon fall into one of these Judges’ hands and shall be sent back to prison. The only string keeping him out of jail is the PF string and it’s weakening by the day.

IMF raises concerns over Governor Kalyalya sacking


The International Monetary Fund says it has noted the change in leadership made at the Bank of Zambia over the weekend.

IMF Media Relations Officer Lucie Mboto Fouda says that it is imperative that central banks’ operational independence and credibility is maintained, particularly at this critical time when economic stability is threatened by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Ms. Fouda says without credible institutions and sound policies, sustained economic growth and much needed improvements in living standards will not be possible.

Below is the full statement from the IMF

IMF Statement on Zambia

August 24, 2020

Washington, DC: “In response to media inquiry regarding the recently announced change in leadership at the central bank of Zambia, an IMF spokesman made the following statement:

“We note the change in leadership announced over the weekend at the Bank of Zambia before the end of the previous Governor’s mandate.

“The macroeconomic stability that most developing countries have enjoyed in recent years has greatly relied on the much-improved effectiveness and increased independence of central banks. It is imperative that central banks’ operational independence and credibility is maintained, particularly at this critical time when economic stability is threatened by the COVID-19 pandemic. Without credible institutions and sound policies, sustained economic growth and much needed improvements in living standards will not be possible.”

IMF Communications Department


PRESS OFFICER: Lucie Mboto Fouda

Phone: +1 202 623-7100Email: [email protected]



Here is a wrap of selected performances over the weekend by our foreign-based stars.

Brothers Evans and Klings Kangwa started for fourth from bottom Arsenal Tula’s 2-0 home win over Dynamo Moscow on Saturday but none was on target in their first league victory of the 2020/2021 season after four rounds of matches played.
Evans was substituted in stoppage time of full-time.

Midfielder Edward Chilufya came on in the 46th minute of third placed Djurgarden’s 2-2 home draw 13th positioned Goteborg but was not on target.
It was his third match back after a lengthy injury layoff.
Compatriot Emmanuel Banda was not in the team.


Champions RB Salzburg hosted Dutch giants Ajax Amsterdam in a pre-season friendly on Sunday that the visitors won 4-1.
Enock Mwepu and Patson Daka came on in the 63rd minute with Salzburg down 2-1.
Salzburg host EPL champions Liverpool in their next pre-season match on August 25.

Midfielder Salulani Phiri came on in the 80th minute of Polokwane’s 1-1 home draw against Highlands Park on Saturday but was not on target for the second from bottom club.

-Orlando Pirates
Midfielder Augustine Mulenga did not make the fourth placed team’s 1-0 away loss to Cape Town City on Sunday.

-Kaizer Chiefs

Striker Lazarus Kambole scored his debut goal for Chiefs since joining them this season from Zesco United.
Kambole came on in the 49th minute and twenty minutes later scored the equalizer in a 1-1 home draw against mid-table Stellenbosch.
Compatriot Nathan Sinkala came off with an injury in the 46th minute.
Chiefs now need three more wins from their last four matches to end second placed Mamelodi Sundowns two year reign and collect their first league title since 2015.

President Lungu has continued to be a strong advocate for the diaspora


Ministry of Foreign Affairs Permanent Secretary for International Relations and Cooperation Ambassador Chalwe Lombe says President Edgar Lungu has given people in the diaspora a platform to actively participate in national development through the enactment of the diaspora policy.

And Ambassador Lombe has said that the Government has partnered with International Organization for Migration (IOM) in the implementation of the diaspora policy by providing technical and financial support needed for the operationalization of the policy.

Ambassador Lombe said this when he addressed Zambians in the Diaspora during a diaspora-wide digital Town Hall meeting organised by the High Commission of Zambia to the United Kingdom in partnership with Zambians Together. The meeting centred on the diaspora policy and the work being done towards its implementation.

“His Excellency the President has continued to be a strong advocate for the diaspora, and he wants Zambians living abroad to actively participate in national development. His Excellency the President has stated that the diaspora are not going to be given preference but the diaspora must be given an equal opportunity so that together we can positively contribute to the development and transformation of the country,” he said.

Ambassador Lombe said so far six key areas had been identified in the first phase of the policy implementation, “Access to national documents is one of our priorities in the phase one implementation stage, the second is dual citizenship, we have the law in place, but we still want to fine tune the process to ensure that it is done speedily and with the lest of inconvenience to the people in the diaspora.”

“I want to report to you on the progress we have made in the implementation of the policy. The policy was driven by the desire of government to ensure that the diaspora participate fully in the development of the country at all levels, this document was developed to facilitate and mobilise an effective framework for active, coordinated and coherent activities for participation in the social economic agenda of the country,” he said.

Ambassador Lombe revealed that the policy envisage the establishment of diaspora desks, which will sit in various ministries, stating that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has already identified people who were trained from the line ministries – Ministry of Lands, Ministry of Commerce, Ministry of Home Affairs and Ministry of Health- to handle matters relating to the diaspora.

He added that his ministry would soon launch an online portal and diaspora database as part of the operationalization of the policy.

“In this process, we are involving line Ministries. We have established two desks, one is at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the second one is at the Ministry of Home Affairs, primarily to deal with documents, we want to be able to put a system in place to ensure that we can access our document when we need them and in timeless manner, other desks which will be established include the Ministry of Lands, Ministry of Commerce, Higher Education, Tourism and Arts, Labour and Social security Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of health, “ Ambassador Lombe said.

Chibwe Masabo Henry, Zambians Together Policy and Advocacy Director
Chibwe Masabo Henry, Zambians Together Policy and Advocacy Director

And giving a summary reflection of the diaspora policy Zambians Together Policy and Advocacy Director, Chibwe Masabo Henry said the organization would endeavor to uplift the living standards of Zambians living abroad.

She added that her organization would facilitate for knowledge and skills transfer among Zambian communities in the diaspora and in Zambia.

“Based on how we identify ourselves as an organisation, we are quite keen to see how the Diaspora Policy would align with our objectives that we had conceptualised as the foundation of Zambians Together, and our overall vision of building a strong and connected community within the UK and The Republic of Ireland,” she said.

Jay Jay Banda suspended from position with immediate effect


PF Secretary General Davies Mwila has suspended Provincial Youth Chairperson for Eastern Province Jay Jay Banda from his position with immediate effect following his alleged conduct at Lusaka Central Police and the alleged illegal public procession in Chipata District.

“It has come to my attention that you have been accused of storming the Lusaka Central Police Station where it is alleged that you beat up some unsuspecting officers on duty, getting away with undisclosed amounts of money belonging to one of them and the alleged illegal procession in Chipata District after you were released”, Hon Mwila’s letter read in part.

“In view of the above and the subsequent criminal charges that have since been levelled against you by the Zambia Police Service, I find your alleged conduct in breach of Article 75, regulation 29(c) and (f) of the Party Constitution. I therefore suspend you from your office and given fourteen (14) days to exculpate yourself why further disciplinary action should not be taken against you”, Hon Mwila said in a letter of suspension written to Mr Banda and dated 24th August 2020.

Last week PF Secretary General warned that there would be no sacred cows in the Party and no one will be allowed to commit criminal activities using the Party as shield. He has since called for exemplary behaviour from the Party’s general membership.

Movie Review : The Old Guard

A group of mercenaries, all centuries-old immortals with the ablity to heal themselves, discover someone is onto their secret, and they must fight to protect their freedom.


  • Great performance by Charlize Theron
  • Compelling storyline.



Nile: So are you good guys or bad guys?

Joe: Depends on the century.


Andy: I can’t remember what my mother looked like. Or my sisters. None of them.

Nile: Time steals it all away, I guess.

Andy: It’s not what time steals… it’s what it leaves behind. Things you can’t forget.



The premise of The Old Guard may have you thinking that it is just another action fantasy movie, but it is much more than that.  The movie opts to be rich with emotional resonance as opposed to gun fights and explosions. The story is not focused on its heroes’ apparent superhuman power, but on the acknowledgment of the limits of what they can do. Don’t get me wrong , there is plenty of action in this movie, but at its core The Old Guard is character driven.

Charlize Theron gave an awe inspiring performance as the leader of the group. As the story evolves you get to know more about each character and their motivations for what they do.

The Old Guard is a fresh take on the seemingly overdone ‘superhero’ movie genre.



4 out of 5