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Chief Chiwala Calls On Companies In His Chiefdom To Plough Back To Communities


Senior Chief Chiwala has told companies in his Chiefdom to ploughing back to communities as their cooperate social responsbility.

Senior Chief Chiwala has since commended Zambezi Portland Cement Company for its positive social Corporate Responsibility programs in the Chiefdom.

The traditional leader said this when Zambezi Portland Cement handed over the two borehole pumps to the community of Chilangwa in his Chiefdom.

He said he has continued to engage the companies with the locals to ensure that they come up with cooperate social responsibility programs which would plough back to the communities and better the lives of the people.

Senior Chief Chiwala said water has been a challenge for the people for a long time now adding that it is unfortunate that people will opt to vandalise things that help them like pumps.

He told Zambezi Portland Cement Company that the pumps where to little for the population in Chilangwa but that the gesture has changed the lives of the people.

And speaking at the hand ceremony Zambezi Portland Cement Company reiterated it’s commitment to improving the lives of people in areas it operates in.

ZPCC Chief Executive Officer Gomeli litana said the company will continue to plough back to communities by identifying needy areas and putting up Infrastructure such as the boreholes which were being handed over to the community.

Litana whose speech was read on his behalf by Assistant Technical Director Mwangala Situmbeko, said the company will continue to help communities that so as to improve their livelihood.

“In 2014, Zambezi Portland Cement embarked on a journey to improve the lives of families in Chief Chiwala’s region in Masaiti District who were displaced from the land obtained for industrialisation. This journey was for the company to construct 125 two-bedroomed houses and boreholes for the affected subjects at a cost of US $1Million.

“The houses units were commissioned and handed over a couples ago. Today we are here to officially handover to the community 2 by 5000 litres Solar Powered boreholes complete with with Steel stands which were part of the housing projects.

“The boreholes will go a long way in the provision of clean water supply for the local community. Clean water is essential not only to remain safe from disease but also to maintain good health,” he said.

He added that his company will continue to work with government and other like minded organizations to ensure that people’s lives are improved.

And Masaiti District Commissioner Patrick Zulu said the company should do more for the community.

He said Zambezi Portland Cement is now fully operating in Masaiti hence the need to up their community services to the people.

Where was the K10 Billion Stimulus Going to come from


By: Anthony Bwalya – UPND Member.

On the issue of stimulating the economy through the COVID19 period, the United Party for National Development (UPND) and Mr. Hakainde Hichilema were unequivocally clear about what we needed to do:

1. Government suspend its unquenchable appetite for wasteful, non product public spending….and

2. Use the public debt service relief provided by both multilateral and bilateral partners to achieve and deliver the following business environment incentives:

a) Suspend VAT and PAYE for businesses for a minimum 6 months period, with the option of extending the relief period to 1 year. After all, government has been able to give prolonged tax concessions to multinationals spanning close to 20 years.

b) Accelerate power imports to mitigate the effects of prolonged loadshedding on SMEs

c) Reduce or suspend certain consumption taxes on fuel to lower the pump price for at least 6 months, with an option to extend.

The UPND had further proposed that government expands access to emergency financing for businesses by doing the following:

a) Government reduced the statutory reserve requirement for commercial banks from the current 9% to perhaps 6% or 7%…..and further

b) Reduce the monetary policy rate to around 9% – something the Bank of Zambia actually delivered.

The UPND were affirmative in our belief, that these measures could have gone a long way towards aiding our ailing economy through this incredibly difficult time; and Denny Kalyalya would not have lost his job.

BUT, President Edgar Lungu and the Patriotic Front (PF), in their predictable nonsensical fashion, announced a K10bn or around $560m of a “stimulus” package to help SMEs through the tumultuous COVID19 times.

This was K10bn which was meant to be printed by BoZ and given out to PF operatives in the name of “suppliers'” payments, effectively bankrolling the Patriotic Front political establishment. Remember, all major government supply contracts are currently held by PF cadres and their mafia friends in the private sector.

But since the announcement was made, and up to date, only K1bn or 10% of this stimulus package is said to have been “disbursed.”

It is infact for this very reason that the former Bank of Zambia governor – Denny Kalyalya was fired.

The question no one is asking is this: where was Denny and BoZ going to get K10bn to disburse to facilitate this “stimulus” package?

The problem with the PF and its entire leadership is that they are used and addicted to money that just materialises out of nothing. The kind of easy money where they have never had to lift a finger to generate, proceeds of criminal wrongdoing anchored on zero productivity.

The PF regime actually think that BoZ should be printing money to support their reckless exuberance around public spending.

Here is what Christopher Nvunga will have to do: either print the money the PF are after or break all central banking regulations and bring those foreign reserves to much less than $1bn.

Kalyalya did all he could. The PF were even lucky to get the K1bn of printed cash otherwise no central bank governor, especially not in an economy the size of Zambia with zero productivity, should ever have to print money for political reasons.

Court Summons ACC Acting DG for tempering with Witness


The Lusaka magistrate court has subpoenaed the Anti Corruption Commission (ACC) acting director general Rosemary Kuzwayo after Dr. Chitalu Chilufya’s lawyers applied that she be cited for contempt after allegedly suspending a witness who testified in favor of the accused.

According to correspondence dated Friday, 21 August, 2020 seen by Lusaka Times, the Young African Leaders Initiative (YALI) reported Mrs. Rosemary Khuzwayo to the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) for breaching Section 116(1)(f) of the Penal Code, Chapter 87 of the Laws of Zambia and Section 69(8) of the Anti-Corruption Commission Act No. 3 of 2012 when she suspended a State Witness who, according to reports from Diggers and the Mast Newspapers, testified that Dr. Chilufya did not commit any offence and exonerated him, accordingly.

The defence believes penalizing a witness for their own testimony in court breached section 116 of the penal code. The defence told the court that a witness in judicial proceedings is protected and any person who attempts to influence a witness in such proceedings is guilty of a misdemeanor and can be sentenced to not less than 6 months

Earlier, the defence made an application for the Magistrate to summon Kuzwayo, Timothy Moono the ACC spokesperson, the commissions Secretary and directors to confirm if an investigations officer was suspended for testifying in favour of the Honourable Minister. Magistrate Lameck Mwale has since summoned the commissions acting director DG.

In a letter to the DPP, YALI said it was alive to the fact that the ACC Director General enjoys some form of immunity under Section 17 of the Act, just as the suspended ACC officer does but wondered whether it was the intention of the framers of the anticorruption law to place the Director General and all ACC employees above the law on contempt of court such that the proceedings of the court can be undermined using the veil of immunity in the Act.

Meanwhile, Mr. Ntewewe, who confirmed the reporting of the matter by his organisation to the DPP, has appealed to President Edgar Lungu to consider initiating the process to have the Director General, Mr. Kaptewa Phiri, who has been unwell replaced with another competent Director General.

Let’s Talk Music with Zambian Electronic and Experimental Music Producer She Spells Doom

She Spells Doom a Zambian Electronic and Experimental Music Producer shares on Creativity and connecting with kindred spirits.

South African President Cyril Ramaphosa Reprimands Tito over BoZ Governor comments


South African President Cyril Ramaphosa has reprimanded the Minister of Finance Tito Mboweni, following comments made by the Minister on social media regarding the removal of Zambia’s Central Bank Governor by President Edgar Lungu.

In one of his tweets, Minister Mboweni is promising to mobilise if not given reasons why the Central Governor has been fired by President Lungu.

“President Ramaphosa wishes to assure the government and people of the Republic of Zambia that the unfortunate remarks do not reflect the views of the South African Government and its people. The issue is being addressed to ensure that such an incident does not occur again,” the statement by Tyrone Seale, the Acting Spokesperson to the President said.

It said South Africa and Zambia enjoy strong historical relations dating back to the days of the struggle against apartheid.

“South Africa remains committed to maintaining the deep and solid bonds of friendship between the peoples of South Africa and Zambia.”

Over the weekend, Mr. Mboweni sparked a diplomatic tiff after castigating Zambia’s President Edgar Lungu for dismissing the country’s Central Bank governor.

He tweeted, “Presidents in Africa must stop this nonsense of waking up in the morning and fire a Central Bank Governor! You cannot do that. This is not some fiefdoms of yours! Your personal property?! No!”

“Presidents in Africa must stop this nonsense of waking up in the morning and fire a Central Bank Governor! You cannot do that. This is not some fiefdoms of yours! Your personal property?! No!” That Governor was a good fella. Why do we do these things as Africans. The President of Zambia must give us the reasons why he dismissed The Governor – or else hell is on its way. I will mobilize!”

He later tweeted, “ Looks like I am in trouble about my statement on the dismissal of the Bank of Zambia Governor! I stand by my statement. Central Bank independence is key. Not negotiable. Let all central bankers speak out!”

The tweets have since been deleted.

The Zambian government, through its Information Minister Dora Siliya described the attacks as “improper” and “immature.”

She said they will pursue the matter “diplomatically”.

Zambia Statistics leaks confidential information on their sites


Dear Sir,

I cannot stay silent about the massive injustice to which thousands of Zambians are subjected, and which I came to know by accident. It happened so that I discovered massive stacks of private informations about our citizens that answered the call to assist our government with the population Census this year. The web pages of the Zamstats office show in plain view many many confidential information: names, dates of birth, phone numbers, NRCs, banking accounts, and even the results of the ‘aptitude tests’ they conducted. You don’t have to take my word on that. You can convince yourself with your own eyes. You just click this link that I am sending and you see this for yourself! I swear this is real.

Editors note: Links verified but will not be shared to protect the identity and personal information therein.

No, no, Sir, I am not making this up, Sir. That site is mentioned on the Statistics Zambia Census page

You will see the ‘Take the quiz’ link. This is where they make us all take the test for the jobs.

This is real Sir. I swear this happened. You can call the people on the list. This is all real people!
How can we trust our information to the people who handle it so carelessy?
How can we sleep confident that our identities are not abused by the criminals that pry for our personal information?
How incredibly unprofessional this looks in the eyes of our neighbours looking at Zambia! If this happened in Britain, the fines would be in the millions of pounds, but with our corrupt government I am afraid this misdeed will remain unpunished. But it should not.

Sir, oh, please, Sir, please, help me correct the injustice. Please help protect my fellow citizens and keep their information protected from wrongdoing. My blood boils with anger, I wish I could tell them in the eyes “How dare you?!”, but what can I do? I am just a humble citizen. But you have the voice, you will be heard. They will listen. Don’t leave them any choice, Sir. You know how to speak so that they listen. We saw that before.

From Concerned Zambian

It’s Unacceptable for Kitwe Central Hospital Management to Allow Rats in Patients Wards-Health Minister


Health Minister Dr. Chitalu Chilufya has conducted an impromptu spot-check on Kitwe Central Hospital to establish what triggered uncontrolled rodents in a video that has gone viral.

After interacting with patients and health staff for over two hours, Dr. Chilufya established that there was gross negligence by management because the hospital had received K1.5 million for rehabilitation works at the hospital.

He said in as much as the hospital was old it was unacceptable that management would allow rats in patients wards especially after receiving support from the government.

Dr. Chilufya has since instructed Permanent Secretary for administration in the ministry Ms. Kakulubelwa Mulalelo to institute disciplinary action at all management levels for gross negligence.

Dr. Chilufya believes that resources that government pumps in various health departments should trickle down to patients and conditions under which they are taken care of.

He said President Edgar Lungu wants improved service delivery to all Zambians adding that he will not condone poor services and poor environments where they ought to be served.

“The infrastructure challenges will be there, we are working on them, the government released K1.5 million last week to fix some infrastructure challenges here and we expect integrated vector control measures to be put in place in order to stop rodents .” The Minister emphasized.

The Minister said the emphasis applied to all provincial health officers and medical superintendents to strengthen supervision.

“So we will not expect anything less than high-quality health services in clean environments” he added.

Dr. Chilufya has also directed Ms. Mulalelo to strengthen management operations at the hospital and ensure that government support is translated into improved health delivery for Zambians.

Meanwhile, Dr. Chilufya has announced that Kitwe Central Hospital will start conducting COVID-19 testing in the next two weeks.

He said the hospital had enough capacity and human resources.

And Minister of National Development Planning who is also Nkana Member of Alexander Chiteme that President Lungu through the Ministry of Health for quick response in the rodent issue.

He has however called on people to understand that the issue was a management issue and shouldn’t be entertained politically.

Zambians in the UK wish the Veep a quick recovery from COVID-19


Zambians in the United Kingdom have wished Her Honour Mrs. Inonge Wina, M.P., Vice President, a quick recovery following her being diagnosed with Covid-19.

Zambians Together president Elias Phiri relayed his wishes for a speedy recovery to Her Honour Mrs. Inonge Wina, M.P., Vice President on behalf of himself, and Zambians based in the United Kingdom during a diaspora-wide digital Town Hall meeting organised by the Zambia High Commission in the United Kingdom in partnership with Zambians Together and graced by Ministry of Foreign Affairs Permanent Secretary for International Relations and Cooperation Ambassador Chalwe Lombe.

“As Zambians in the diaspora, we are sad to hear that the pillar of the nation her Honour Mrs. Inonge Wina, our Vice President has taken ill. On behalf of myself and all the Zambians based in the United Kingdom, I wish her a quick recovery,” he said.

And Ambassador Lombe informed Zambians abroad that the Vice President was stable and under very good care. “I can report to you that she is stable and under very good care and we wish her a quick recovery,” he said.

The Permanent Secretary also extended heartfelt condolences to Zambian families across the world who have lost loved ones at the hands of the COVID-19 pandemic.

He expressed sadness that COVID-19 was robbing the nation of irreplaceable human resource and urged Zambians both home and away to be careful and to take measures that are required to ensure that they are safe so that they can participate actively in the developmental agenda of the country.

He said COVID-19 was an invisible enemy that everyone is contending with and appealed to all Zambians to exercise caution and to be careful.

“COVID-19 is robbing us of irreplaceable human resource and I can only encourage all of us to be careful, take the measures that are required to ensure that you are safe so that you can participate and actively engage as nationals of Zambia and participate in the development of the country. Let us all embrace technology in whatever we are doing. Technology is at the centre of everything we are doing and the COVID- 19 has shown us that it is possible to have virtual engagement just like what we are doing now. We must use technology and ensure that we can use this vehicle,” he said.

ZAMPHIA to enable individuals test for HIV in the comfort of their own homes with no cost


As the need to understand progress Zambia has scored towards achieving the UNAIDS 90-90-90 targets gains momentum, the Zambia Population-based HIV Impact Assessment (ZAMPHIA) 2020 survey is not leaving anything to chance.

The ZAMPHIA survey is a nationally representative household-based study that provides Home-Based HIV Counselling and Testing (HBHCT) with immediate return of results.
Speaking an interview recently, ZAMPHIA 2020 Visual Communications and Media Officer Arnold Chasaya disclosed that the survey will measure HIV incidence and prevalence and viral load suppression, which will help stakeholders in the country assess the effectiveness of past and current HIV prevention and treatment programs.

“The ZAMPHIA 2020 survey will enable individuals to test for HIV in the comfort of their own homes with no cost. Additionally, it will enable individuals found HIV positive be linked to treatment, care and support, if you are not already doing so. It will also enable individuals found HIV positive to protect their partner and loved ones from contracting HIV virus,” he disclosed.

The ZAMPHIA visual communications and media officer also clarified that the survey is targeted at those aged 15 years and above.

Mr. Chasaya said if the participant is between 15 to 17 years old, his or her parent or guardian must consent to the participation in the survey.

Mr. Chasaya also implored the media to take keen interest in understanding more about the survey, emphasising that the media have a critical role to play in ensuring that communities appreciate the importance of the survey.

“This is a national project with interests of every Zambian at heart. But to deliver to fully, we will need the participation of all media and nonmedia stakeholders, such as traditional leaders, church mother bodies, nongovernmental and quasi-governmental institutions,” he implored.

On how the survey will be conducted, Mr. Chasaya had this to say: “The HIV testing is done by collecting a small amount of blood from the arm. The blood will be collected by trained Health Care Providers. After the HIV test is conducted from your home, the remaining blood samples will be taken to the central laboratory for further testing. With your permission, samples will be stored in the laboratory until destruction.”

The ZAMPHIA 2020 survey is being implemented by the Government of the Republic of Zambia with unwavering support from the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the University of Maryland, Baltimore.

New Bank Governor Advised To Accelerate Disbursement Of K10 Billion Stimulus Package


The financial markets and small-scale businesses, key to Zambia’s economic recovery, have called on newly appointed Bank of Zambia Governor Christopher Mvunga to reduce stringent measures which has made accessibility of the K10 billion economic stimulus package impossible.

The National Savings and Credit Bank submitted COVID-19 fund applications of over K1 billion to the Bank of Zambia on behalf of various clients in the sectors such as energy, agriculture, commerce and SME but have since not received the funding due to the stringent measures for accessing the stimulus package.

“For us, these are key areas to facilitate and bridge the funding requirements and we had always been confident that with the strong partnerships we enjoy in the market, we will be in strong position to facilitate accordingly,” said NATSAVE Public Relations Manager Patricia Luhanga.

She said due to countrwide presence in all ten provinces of Zambia, NATSAVE is well positioned to deliver value to people of Zambia on behalf of Government, the Central Bank and the Ministry of Finance.

A number of small-scale business owners have complained on the stringent conditions which have been attached to accessibility of the funds. 

Our Team in random interviews with some traders who run small scale enterprises and from Soweto Market have called on the new BOZ Governor to work at demystifying the growing public perception that the K10 billion fund is only meant to benefit the rich and big companies.

“We welcomed the decision by the President to stimulate our businesses during the COVID period but when we were told the conditions, we wondered whether the President knew the chains and strings BOZ attached to accessing this loan facility. So it’s good the President is shaking the Bank of Zambia but we need to see more action,” said Martin Phiri who runs Masophi Enterprises.

And James Mwaba, trader at City Market has observed that the criteria and requirements needed to access this loan facility made most marketeers wonder whether the K10 billion refining facility was meant to help local small scale businesses or is aimed to keep the bigger businesses afloat. 

“We hope the new Bank Governor is going to help the President to realign the measures because the strings attached to accessing the loans were extremely difficult for ordinary small businesses whom the President said should have been benefiting,” said Mwaba.

In the meantime, governing PF Media Director, Sunday Chanda, in a statement released today has accused the former Bank of Zambia Governor, Danny Kalyalya, of failing to provide leadership on the disbursement of the K10 billion stimulus fund as only K1 billion of the stimulus package was disbursed in the midst of negative economic growth. 

“We expect that anyone who is serious about Zambia like His Excellency President Edgar Lungu is must raise concerns about the slow disbursement of the stimulus package and the over stringent measures put up which are defeating the very reason why the Stimulus package was put up in the first place. There was clearly suspected sabotage to knock out the economy completely and this is what the UPND was banking on,” said Mr. Chanda.

FAZ Announces Lower League Restart Format


FAZ has announced that the 2019/2020 season for lower leagues and women competitions will be concluded when teams play an equal number of games.

The lower leagues and women competitions were halted in March following the outbreak of the Covid-19.

FAZ General Secretary Adrian Kashala says Football House has also provided the road-map for promotional play-offs for the National Division One.

“Following the continued upsurge in numbers of people contracting the Coronavirus, the stopping of the Premier League games, and the advice from the Ministry of Health, the Executive Committee have evoked Article 79 of the FAZ Constitution and decided to curtail the provincial leagues,” says Kashala.

The National Division One promotion playoffs are tentatively scheduled take place from 14th October to 18th October 2020.

According to the resolutions of the FAZ Executive Committee, provincial leagues with 16 teams will play 22 matches before closing the league while 18 team leagues will close at week 24.

Below are the rest of the resolutions contained in a media statement issued by FAZ spokesperson Sydney Mungala:

i) All the teams must be tested for COVID – 19 and obtain the test results before playing any game.

ii) The dates for the catch-up games and the two more games will only be fixed after getting the clearance from Ministry of Health and after all the clubs have done the testing and obtained the test results.

iii) All the remaining games must be concluded by Sunday 11th October 2020 to pave way for the National Division One Playoffs that will start on Wednesday 14th October 2020.

PF Media Director hints at the Reason for Bank of Zambia Governor’s Dismissal


The ruling Patritic Front Media Director Sunday Chanda has hinted that the Bank of Zambia Governor Denny Kalyalya has been dismissed because of the poor disbursement of the stimulus package into the economy.

In a post responding the opposition United Party for National Development (UPND) Leader’s criticism of the president of the dismal, Mr. Chanda said that only K1 billion of K10 billion stimulus package was disbursed in the midst of negative economic growth, and hence creating a liquidity problem in the economy and wondered which country would allow such a situation.

Mr Chanda said that there was clearly suspected sabotage to knock out the economy completely and so as to benefit UPND

” We expect that anyone who is serious about Zambia like His Excellency President Edgar Lungu is must raise concerns about the slow disbursement of the stimulus package and the over stringent measures put up which are defeating the very reason why the Stimulus package was put up in the first place,” said Mr Chanda before adding that tere was clearly suspected sabotage to knock out the economy completely and this is what the UPND was banking on.

Below is the full statement

*HH’s Excitement over changes at BOZ*

23rd August 2020 – Mr. Hakainde Hichilema posts on his Facebook page the following: “What has happened at BOZ is like replacing an experienced heart surgeon with a mechanic, in the middle of heart surgery”.

We wish to draw Mr. Hichilema’s attention to Article 214 of The Constitution of Zambia (Amendment) Act No 2 of 2016 provides that;

“214. (1) There shall be a Governor of the Bank of Zambia who shall be appointed by the President, subject to ratification by the National Assembly, and who shall be—
(a) a citizen;

(b) a person who has specialised training and experience in economics, finance, accounting, banking, LAW or other field relevant to banking, as prescribed;… “

While subject to ratification by Parliament, the newly appointed BOZ Governor Mr. Chris Mvunga is an accomplished Professional Accountant with extensive business knowledge gained across industries, ranging from local to Multi-national companies. He is a fellow of the Zambia Institute of Chartered Accountants (ZICA) and the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA- UK). He is qualified to be BOZ Governor with adequate experience locally and internationally.

We have also observed that its been very easy for UPND leader to attack Minister of Finance Dr. Bwalya Ng’andu, a man who has taken very aggressive fiscal measures while paying a blind eye to his cousin the former Bank of Zambia Governor over the K10 billion stimulus fund which had remained undusbursable until now. Only K1 billion of the stimulus package was disbursed in the midst of negative economic growth. How can the economy be rescued when there is no liquidity in the economy? Which country can allow that? But alas Mr. Hichilema found it convenient to remain quite possibly because the person involved was his relative.

We expect that anyone who is serious about Zambia like His Excellency President Edgar Lungu is must raise concerns about the slow disbursement of the stimulus package and the over stringent measures put up which are defeating the very reason why the Stimulus package was put up in the first place. There was clearly suspected sabotage to knock out the economy completely and this is what the UPND was banking on.


Sunday Chanda
Media Director
Patriotic Front
Party Headquarters

The Dismissal of Dr. Denny Kalyalya is Another Sad Development for Zambia-HH


By Hakainde Hichilema

“What has happened at BOZ is like replacing an experienced heart surgeon with a mechanic, in the middle of heart surgery”.

The PF is at it again with its typical hallmark of failure in upholding the tenets of sound economic management and good governance. The dismissal of the Governor of the Bank of Zambia, Dr. Denny Kalyalya is another sad development in our country’s history, and it couldn’t have come at such a critical time, when the nation is facing enormous economic challenges, and uncertainties.

We can tell you without doubt, that the IMF will stop engaging with Zambia, not only because of poor fiscal policies but also because of the credibility of the new Bank of Zambia Governor. BOZ under Dr. Kalyalya has behaved professionally and has been managed with a firm and transparent standpoint. With the IMF leaving us to sort out our own mess, the next likely group will be our creditors who will start demanding their pound of flesh. Then the kwacha will follow, in free fall.

Secondly, Government has just shown that it is hell bent on undermining the BOZ, which has remained steadfast in ensuring the economy continues to function within acceptable benchmarks. The efforts made by Bank of Zambia on monetary policy adjustments is well documented. While Kalyalya was busy forestalling a free fall of the Kwacha against major currencies, Bwalya Ng’andu, on the fiscal side, was busy fighting him by introducing strange measures and contracting new debt.

A Central Bank, in any country, is a very important institution that requires professionalism and competence to reign. It is also important that the CEO of the Central Bank is protected by the law from political interference, like this one action that has just been executed by Mr Edgar Lungu. There are no prizes for guessing why Kalyalya was fired. Put simply, the man was professional, ethical and above board.

Various public statements he made on the condition of the economy, underscores the fact that he was forthright, prudent and foresighted. In now what has become the PF’s modus operandus, anyone who behaves ethically and professionally is kicked out.

At this point, one can only warn the Zambian public to brace for hard times ahead. The kwacha will devalue further, subsequently sending prices skyrocketing due to the rising cost of doing business. Further, jobs will be lost because the economy will further contract, probably end at a worse position than the projected minus 5.5% growth.

However with all this gloom in our midst, we would like to assure Zambians that come 2021, the economy will be firmly back on track. Do your bit, we shall do ours.

Government will deal Diplomatically with SA Finance Minister over the Firing of Bank of Zambia Governor-Siliya


Minister of Information and Broadcasting Services, and Chief Government Spokesperson, Hon. Dora Siliya has expressed surprise at the attacks made by South Africa’s Minister of Finance, Tito Mboweni against the country.

In a series of tweets made on social media on Sunday, Mr. Mboweni demanded the reinstatement of former Bank of Zambia Governor, Denny Kalyalya.

But Hon. Siliya stated that the tweets were improper and immature as Zambia had a right to make sovereign decisions.

Ms. Siliya responded in a tweet and stated that:

“We are very surprised with Tito Mboweni’s immature and improper criticism of a sovereign decision by Zambia. The Minister should be attending to COVID problems facing the South Africans, our focus here. We will pursue matter diplomatically.”

She said the Government will pursue the matter through diplomatic.

Earlier South Africa’s Minister of Finance run the tweets below in support of the dismissed Bank of Zambia Denny Kalyalya.



The Government has still not provided reasons for the dismissal of the Bank Governor giving rise to several rumours as to the reasons the Governor has been dismissed. The refusal to print money has been trending high on the rumour mill.