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National carrier, Zambia Airways, to be issued with the Air Operating Certificate-Kafwaya


Government says the national carrier, Zambia Airways, will soon be issued with the Air Operating Certificate (AOC) by the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA).

Transport and Communications Minister Hon Mutotwe Kafwaya says most of the challenging steps in relaunching the national carrier have already being delt with.

The Minister said this on Tuesday evening when he featured on a special programme on Radio Ichengelo in Kitwe where he discussed various issues in the ministry as well as on the political front.

“As I sit here, I can tell you with confidence that very soon, Zambia Airways will be issued with the AOC by the Civil Aviation Authority which is under my ministry. It might interest you to note that the most challenging steps have already being handled and where we have reached is to officially launch the company,” he said.

He said COVID-19 has also contributed to the delay to relaunch the national flag carrier saying it has affected a lot of businesses.

“But when we issue out the certificate (AOC), company management will then decide when to start operating. We can’t force them to start operating just because they have been given the certificate. So management has to decide based on the business opportunities available and the passengers who are willing to start traveling amidst the COVID-19 pandemic,” he added.

“It is the desire of the Patriotic Front Government under the able leadership of His Excellency President Dr. Edgar Chagwa Lungu to ensure that this company start operating. Zambia Airways is an agenda of the PF Government and we value it. The company is already there because the registration process was already done. Let me just remind our listeners that this is a partnership between the Industrial Development Corporation (IDC) and Ethiopian Airways.”

Hon Kafwaya stated that this is the reason why the government is working on aviation infrastructure in order to provide best services in the aviation industry.

Meanwhile, the Transport and Communications Minister spoke against the abuse of social media saying users of cyber space should be responsible not to abuse the cyber space.

He noted that there are many cases of social media abuse because of politics.

UPND to Report Chilanga MP for illegally using the party’s material to fake defections

The UNITED PARTY FOR NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT in Chilanga says it is in the process of reporting ruling area Member of Parliament, Maria Langa to the Police for illegally ‘printing’ its regalia.

UPND Chilanga District deputy youth chairperson, Langson Ngungu says the party has opted to report the lawmaker to the police for illegally printing UPND regalia used in faking a defection to the PF following a critical security analysis of the footage in which alleged UPND members were arraigned as defectors.

“We are in the process of reporting Chilanga MP, Maria Langa to the Police for both using our colours to print regalia in a desperate attempt to fane popularity as well as for flaunting COVID-19 measures when she distributed cooking oil to the residents of Chilanga in the area,” he said.

Mr Ngungu further said Langa has resorted to faking defections and abrogating copyright
rules by ‘printing’ material for the opposition in a bid to foster her weakening political position in the area.

“We are aware that there are internal wrangles in the PF in which a number of factions have emerged within the ruling party. There are 3 PF camps in Chilanga which want to challenge the lawmaker and this is the reason why she has opted to start faking defections, to create an impression that she is popular”, said Mr Ngungu.

President Lungu Accords Grey Zulu Three Days of National Mourning


President Edgar Lungu has accorded late former Secretary General of the United National Independence Party (UNIP), Grey Zulu a state funeral.

The President has also declared a 3-day period of national mourning for the deceased veteran politician.

The state funeral is in recognition of Mr. Zulu’s numerous and selfless contributions to Zambia’s struggle for independence and the country’s development.

The national mourning begins from Wednesday, August 19 to Friday, August 21, 2020.

The late Mr. Zulu will be buried in Chipata’s Eastern Province on Friday August 21, 2020.

The funeral programme will begin with a Church service at the Anglican Cathedral of the Holy Cross on Thursday, August 20, 2020.

After wards Mr. Zulu’s body will be flown to Chipata’s Agripa Village in Chief Mafuta, Mugubudu area where it will lay in state pending burial on Friday, August 21, 2020.

Government however says the attendance of Mr. Zulu’s funeral remains restricted to his close family members and senior government officials due to the escalating cases of COVID-19.

This is contained in a statement released to ZNBC News in Lusaka today by Secretary to the Cabinet, Dr. Simon Miti.

Mr. Zulu died on Sunday at his farm in Lusaka’s Makeni area.

He served as Secretary General of UNIP, a position equivalent to that of Republican Vice President.

Meanwhile, Fourth Republican President Rupiah Banda has said that he is saddened by the death of veteran politician Grey Zulu whom he considered an elder brother and mentor.

Mr. Banda says Mr. Zulu was a great icon and a giant in Zambia and Africa’s liberation struggle.

He says Mr. Zulu served the country with distinction in various portfolios including holding the second-highest position in the UNIP government.

Mr. Banda says Mr. Zulu will always be a source of great pride for the country’s younger generation.

This is according to a statement issued to ZNBC News by the office of the fourth Republican President.

No Police Officer is to collect Cash from those not Wearing Face Masks


Home Affairs Minister, Stephen Kampyongo has directed that no police officer should collect money as an admission of guilt from those not masking up.

Mr. Kampyongo says it is regrettable that some officers have been collecting 750-Kwacha admission of guilt fees from members of the public found not masking up.

The Home Affairs Minister says all Commissioners of Police have since been directed to monitor implementation of Statutory Instrument number 22 and ensure enforcement is within the law.

Mr. Kampyongo says Police Officers are supposed to sensitise those not wearing masks and that only when they feel it necessary should they effect arrest.

He has also urged the public to take responsibility over their lives and not wait to be coerced by Police in adherence to public health measures.

Mr. Kampyongo said this during the daily updates on Covid-19 in Lusaka today.

And Health Minister Chitalu Chilufya said 142 new cases of Covid-19 have been reported in the last 24 hours from 794 tests conducted.

Dr. Chilufya said the new cases are mainly from Lusaka, Copperbelt and North Western Provinces.

He said Southern Province is coming on board as a new hot spot with 18 patient admitted and that these are mainly truck drivers.

Dr. Chilufya said 12 health care workers from Lusaka have also tested positive.

He said 73 patients are currently admitted to Levy Mwanawasa Isolation Centre, with 38 on oxygen support and eight critically ill in the Intensive Care Unit.

Meanwhile, 53 are under admission in other parts of the country and no death has been recorded in the last 24 hours.

Inonge Wina is expected in Western province on a four-day working visit


Vice President Inonge Wina is Wednesday expected in Western province on a four-day working visit.

Mrs. Wina is expected to commission some health facilities and inspect various developmental projects in the province.

Western Province Minister Richard Kapita has confirmed to ZNBC News in an interview that the Vice President is scheduled to commission the newly constructed Lealui Mini Hospital in Mongu.

Mr. Kapita said Mrs. Wina will on Thursday August 20 inspect major road projects in Sesheke’s Imusho area, constructed by the Zambia National Service-ZNS.

He said the Vice President will then proceed to Silumbu, Sioma and Nangweshi to meet traditional leaders and Government officials, before inspecting the Kalongola-Nalolo road at Chilambelambe.

Mr. Kapita said Mrs. Wina will on Friday visit Mitete, Lukulu and Limulunga districts to check on various projects.

He said the Vice President is expected to depart for Lusaka after meetings in Nalikwanda and Mongu districts on Saturday August 22nd where she will conclude her working visit.

ZRA collects 5.7 million Kwacha through Mobile Tax Payment solutions in the last 3 years


Zambia Revenue Authority Commissioner General Kingsly Chanda says the authority has in the last 3 years collected over 25.7 million kwacha through mobile tax payment solutions

Mr. Chanda said the authority implemented its first mobile payment solution in April 2017 and by the end of July 2020 over 52,000 mobile transactions for tax payments were conducted translating into K25.7 million.

This is contained in a speech read on his behalf by ZRA customs commissioner Sydeny Chibabuka during the launch of the Authority’s first ever tax on whatsApp payment solution which will enable tax payers pay their taxes using whatsApp on their taxes

The payment solution will be done in partnership with C-grate Zambia ,543 konse konse and invetsrust bank.

Mr. Chanda says the new solution which will offer convenience, efficiency, comfort and simplicity to tax payment is part of ZRAs transformation agenda of modernizing all its business transactions especially in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Earlier , Invest trust Bank managing director Simangolwa Shakalima the new solution will enhance service delivery, partnerships and convenience .

C-Grate Zambia managing director Kelvin Chikomo on the other hand urged taxpayers to contribute to national and economic development by paying tax especially through online platforms.

ECZ Announces dates for 2 Parliamentary and 12 Wards By-Elections


The Electoral Commission of Zambia has announced the dates for two Parliamentary Elections and 12 Wards Elections.

In a statement released to the media, ECZ has set September 17th as the date to hold By-Elections for Lukashya and Mwansabombwe Constituencies, and 12 By-Elections forwards of which 6 are on the Copperbelt and the other 6 in North Western Province

The Parliamentary By-elections were necessitated by the death of two MPs, Rodgers Mwewa and Mwenya Mukonge, while the majority of the ward be elections are as a result of the resignation of UPND Councilors

Below is ECZ full statement

The Downgrading of Chipata – Chadiza and Vubwi roads by PG Government


By Chaka Zulu

It is so disheartening and sad to read about Cabinet Ministers and the incumbent Chadiza Member of Parliament make pronouncements about downgrading a road that feeds the nation. How can one advocate that The Chipata – Chadiza and Vubwi roads should remain as gravel roads? Honestly?

Does it really make sense for these roads to only be graded with the foresight that the rainy season will be upon us? November is not too far away. The onset of the rains will wash these temporary stop-gap measures away.

My research on the importance of such feeder roads has shown that Government program and policy framework and the subsequent methods employed to invest in strategic community development actions do provide an enabling avenue for agricultural sector advancement and Investment in agricultural technology.

This has been observed over time and is certainly a major factor in historically proven examples of agricultural efficiency that ensure we as a nation have sufficient food reserves. This resonates with the presumption that activites are vibrant and geared towards the realization of oir National food Security agenda; especially the Goals of the 7th National Development Plan to eliminate the number of people living in hunger and poverty at all levels by the year 2030.

The challenge in agricultural research and development is by keeping previous output accomplishments. By enhancing agricultural invention and innovation which can distinguish outputs by value addition by making rural farmers have a meaningful proportion of output gains.

Food security can be said to exist when people, especially the low-income group, at all times, have access to adequate food supply for sustenance meeting every household dietary requirements for healthy living.

This is given the recent empirical observations that most activities by economic agents can be predicated upon the nature of institutional framework that is made even more viable and operational by a good feeder road system.

The Inadequacy of infrastructure facilities such as rural feeder roads among others further exacerbates poverty in rural areas by isolating rural farmers from needed inputs and access to sustainable and profitable markets.

On the other hand, the availability of basic amenities especially feeder roads can increase the returns for farmers in rural communities can realise from their farming endeavours. For instance, it has been noted that in rural Zambia, the provision of rural feeder roads has the potential of increasing internal rate of returns by 12 to 15 %. Pressure from rising populations is also affecting already declined resources, further threatening food production.
Over-farmed land, deforestation, and overgrazing are severe in many parts of the country for citizens want to settle were there is easy access to roads.

As much as we appreciate the efforts by the Government under the Link Zambia initiative, we from the Eastern province and Chadiza district in particular are appealing to Government to reconsider their decision to downgrade the roads in Eastern province and rather upgrade them to bituminous standards.

We want to reinforce the sentiments by the Paramount Chief of the Ngoni, Mpezeni that; “its unfortunate that the Government has decided to downgrade the roads in Eastern province”

The Author is the 2021 MMD Chadiza Parliamentary Aspirant

Why Youth Empowerment Funds Are Doomed To Join The Graveyard Of Their Ancestor Citizens Economic Empowerment Funds



Here is a simple question can you name one successful Zambian Brand that came as a result of Empowerment Funds?

Here is another one, when you go to the ”Success Stories” page of the Citizens Economic Empowerment Commission page, Can you recognize a single company there or business that you, even as a consumer or Labour market participant has ever engaged with?

Just something to think about…

This weekend the hot topic discussion has been youth empowerment funds specifically the launch of a K470million mega youth empowerment fund on Saturday 15th of August 2020, which was officiated by President Lungu himself. Now, I must categorically state that I do not take joy in the failures or imminent failures of President Lungu and his administration because I believe that when you are on a plane you HOPE FOR THE PILOT TO SUCCEED. However, should the pilot be showing signs of reckless endangerment, then one has to call it out for the safety of the passengers. Unfortunately looking that the way this has been put together the government is better suited taking the same K470 MILLION pilling it together, pouring gasoline on it, and lighting it on fire as a bonfire because at least it will serve one night of use as warmth. I can confidently say the economy and the people will derive no value from this fund at all.

As well-intentioned as Government Managed Empowerment Funds Tend to be, they always fall short because of the few simple inherent flaws in their structure:

  1. Inefficient Deployment and Dispensation of Capital
  2. Use of other people’s funds and not personal capital creates a bad incentive for excessive and miscalculated risk-taking
  3. The Failure to comprehend that +67% of the critical support that early-stage entrepreneurs need is Non-Financial.

According to a combination of the 2018 Citizen’s Economic Economic Empowerment Fund Annual Report and 2018 Auditor-General’s Parastatals Report approximately K300m has been deployed in business empowerment loans and 50% of that is sitting as non-performing loans leading to the statement that the companies are either failing or non-functional. It looks like this new iteration of empowerment funding is simply doomed to follow in the graveyard of its ancestors and predecessors.

The truth is no matter how much money is pumped into Government Empowerment Funds their failure to succeed is driven by structural factors not financial ones.

If you have ever had the chance to watch ”SHARK TANK” or its alternative ”Dragons Den”, you will see something remarkably different and you will see a much higher success rate with Shark Tank Businesses than any Government-Backed Empowerment Funds anywhere in the world.

The website Company Inc did an analysis of Shark Tank Companies that were invested and found the following outcomes;

– $143million in capital investment has been deployed
– 600 companies have received investments
– 56% of Applicants to Shark Tank Recieve investments
– Investments are experiencing significant revenue growth
– 75% of businesses are profitable
– 95% of companies are Operational

Shark Tank’s success is based on a few simple factors;

  1. THE SHARKS ARE INVESTING THEIR OWN MONEY and this leads them to invest wiser, more carefully and objectively and offer greater support to guarantee their returns. When an investor is using their personal money they tend to be more objective and less corrupt.
  2. THE SHARKS ARE SUCCESSFUL ENTREPRENEURS THEMSELVES so having gone through the entrepreneur’s journey themselves, they know how to spot a good business and talented and passionate entrepreneur and can offer mentorship and guidance.
  3. THE SHARKS OFFER MUCH MORE THAN MONEY – When you get a shark you don’t just get the money you get a partner who sits on your board and offers a lot more than money. They offer mentorship and guidance, business structuring, business systems, new business relationships, new markets, supply chain renegotiation, and Valuable Brand endorsement. Venture capital studies and analytics show that most companies in the early stages are valued by management, ideas, and social/relational capital while total monetary capital is only valued at a maximum of 35%.

These are all factors that are missing from the Zambian Government Empowerment Funds which tend to serve more as a political sideshow than an investment vehicle.

The usual Lazy response in Zambia will be that Shark Tank is American and this is Zambia and that would be the easiest way to dismiss success while subtly state that one has low expectations of Zambia [which is quite racists to be honest] and Dismissing Shark Tank’s and Dragon Den’s success in Canada, Japan, England, South Africa, and Australia.

When Asked what Shark Tank Investors are seeking in an Entrepreneur they stated the following:

  1. Passionate and Determined Entrepreneurs [THE MOST IMPORTANT FACTOR]
  2. Growing Sales or visible potential grow sales
  3. A solid business model and value proposition

Instead of just being a nagging citizen I would like to offer a possible solution because I was once told it is easier to find consensus on Solutions than it is to complain about a problem. Therefore I would say the government of Zambia is better served to support the following initiatives:

  1. A reduction of Regulatory requirements for startup enterprises and guidance on micro standards, for example, a micro food processors guideline that is easier to comply with
  2. Removal of Regulatory Bottlenecks giving problems to startups such as decentralization of product testing from ZABS to private hospitals
  3. Raising of the Turnover Tax Threshold to K10 MILLION in annual revenue
  4. Allowing Young Entrepreneurs to access loans equivalent to 35 percent of their Personal cumulative NAPSA contribution from Private Banks with NAPSA Deposits as Guarantees
  5.  Incentives the Development of private industrial incubators and hubs that train people on Business Model Development, Value Models and Brand Models
  6. Introduce Seminars to young people on how to startup business in a lean fashion and fly in speakers and entrepreneurs from around the world to talk to them and teach them
  7.  Support for Business Mentorship program that incentivizes successful local entrepreneurs to mentor young entrepreneurs
  8. Turn PACRA into a CLOUD BUSINESS SYSTEMS HUB where people can access cheap-cloud bases interconnected business systems.
  9. Encourage the reading of Business Books by successful brands from around the world to help them understand and possibly get inspired.
  10. Encourage young people to start businesses and enterprises in areas they are passionate about.

In a talk about why government investment doomed Professor Burton Folsom of Hillside College stated the following-

”Sustainable Economic Growth Comes from entrepreneurs risking their own money and not from politicians risking Taxpayers money”
Watch the full Video on the PragerU Youtube Channel

KK pays tribute to Grey Zulu


First Republican President Kenneth Kaunda has hailed veteran politician Grey Zulu for his tremendous contribution to Zambia’s independence and the freedom of Zambia’s neighbours.

Dr. Kaunda said he worked closely with Mr. Zulu in the fight for Independence, which Zambia achieved in October 1964.

He said after Independence, Mr. Zulu performed various roles in building Zambia.

Dr Kaunda said he was privileged to ask the deceased to serve the country through various portfolios and that he worked hard to protect and defend Zambians.

He said Mr. Zulu’s contribution to global programmes is unmatched, as many things that he did are still changing peoples’ lives.

Dr. Kaunda said he is deeply saddened by the death of Mr. Zulu, whom he described as a true Comrade to many.

He said he feels bad, as both him and the deceased, who were born in 1924, worked very closely for many decades.

This is according to remarks by Dr. Kaunda, made available to ZNBC News this evening by his Special Assistant for Press and Public Relations, Sunday Musonda.

And others have described the veteran politician as a gallant man who served the country with love.

Mutapa: Larry Bwalya Needed a Change of Scene


Power Dynamos coach Perry Mutapa admits Larry Bwalya needed a change of scene after the influential midfielder left the Kitwe giants over the weekend to join Tanzanian champions Simba SC.

Bwalya left underachieving Power after five seasons with the six-time Zambian champions where he served diligently despite winning just one honour in the 2016 Charity Shield plus a third place league finish in 2015.

Zesco United and Nkana both came calling for the 25-year-old’s services during his years at Power but were rebuffed.

“It is a big step for the player, he was our best player this season, he is skillful, hardworking a dedicated, for him to go it means he was doing the right thing. He needed a change of environment,”Mutapa said.

At Simba, Bwalya will join compatriot Clatous Chama who has just completed his second season with the Dar-es-Salaam club.

Meanwhile,Bwalya’s departure could see prospect Fredrick Mulambia playing a bigger role as Power’s playmaker but he has some competition from Godfrey Ngwenya who has returned from a long term injury who could play a huge part in the coming season should he stay fit.

Construction works of the dual carriageway on the Great North Road in Mpika District to resume


Construction works of the dual carriageway on the Great North Road in Mpika District – Muchinga Province, which were suspended due to Total Filling station being an obstruction, will now resume.

This is after the demolition of the filling station which is set to be constructed at a designated place.
Mpika Central Member of Parliament who is also Works and Supply Minister, Sylvia Chalikosa disclosed this to Zambia News and Information Services -ZANIS- in an interview.

Ms. Chalikosa said removing the obstacle comes after a lot of interventions, adding that Total Filling station was given the required permit by the Energy Regulation Board, ERB for another spot to put up a filling station.

She explained that Mpika Town Council has since allocated land along the Great North Road for Total Management to put up another Filling station.

Meanwhile Mpika Town Council Secretary Christopher Chikwasha said the building plan for the re-allocation of the Filling Station has been approved.

CiSCA appalled by President Lungu’s rubbishing of the Anti-Corruption Commission


The Civil Society Constitution Agenda (CiSCA) has said that it is appalled at President Lungu’s utterances rubbishing a constitutionally established body, the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC), accusing it of a political ploy fighting for regime change.

In a statement released to the media by Vice Chairperson Judith Mulenga, CiSCA said that President Lungu should not hold Zambia at ransom for fear of losing power.

The statement further said that if President Lungu believes strongly and suspects bias on the part of the Anti-Corruption Commission, CiSCA holds the view that a marketplace does not constitute the right place and audience for his evaluation of the Commission, adding that Corruption thrives in a society of instant gratification in which hard work and thriftiness is frowned upon.

Below is the full statement

CiSCA Statement on President Lungu’s Rubbishing of the Constitutionally Established ACC

Lusaka, 17 August 2020: The Civil Society Constitution Agenda (CiSCA) is appalled at President Lungu’s utterances rubbishing a constitutionally established body, the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC), accusing it of a political ploy fighting for regime change.

Lungu should not hold Zambia at ransom for fear of losing power. He does not own this country. He was given its stewardship by us through our Constitution and he will leave power through the same Constitution. He cannot start dismantling the ACC or other constitutional institutions in order not to engender regime change. Regime change in a democracy is inevitable.

Therefore, since article 4 part 3 of the Constitution establishes our nation as a multi-party democracy regime change is our constant and anyone who gets into power should be ready to leave. There is no other pinnacle to go to, but out, after getting into power. The President further swore to defend the Constitution and yet he is disparaging the same Constitution he swore to defend.

The ACC is constitutionally established by Article 235 under Investigative Commissions which includes the Drug Enforcement Commission and the Anti Financial and Economic Crimes Commission. Traditionally, in any institution including non-state institutions, the individuals that have opportunities to be corrupt and that are indeed corrupt are the ones with power and politicians everywhere have power and logically the investigative wings’ lenses are and should be focused on politicians. Only last week, one of Lungu’s favourite Ministers Bowman Lusambo bragged about 2 million Kwacha being shopping money when teachers who retire upon reaching retirement age get an average of K400,000. Where is the service record of Tasila Lungu, Bowman Lusambo and the other corrupt politicians to have a paper trail of their earnings?

We are still mindful that President Lungu has never explained to us Zambians how his net worth jumped from K2 million in 2015 to K23 million in 2016. These are historical facts that will not be wiped away or glossed over. The President is very slick but not that thorough. He says different things to different audiences but on the same issue. We know the audience he said this to, the marketeers at Chifubu Market who had just received a new market so they were very receptive to viewing the President and his ministers as ‘victims’. If the President believes strongly and suspects bias on the part of the Anti-Corruption Commission, as CiSCA we contend that a marketplace does not constitute the right place and audience for his evaluation of the Commission. Corruption thrives in a society of instant gratification in which hard work and thriftiness is frowned upon. Hence, we have someone coming from being a mere overall-wearing violent die-hard cadre to a wealthy minister.
From the way the President has been speaking for corruption first encouraging ‘ukulya mwibala’, then labelling the Financial Intelligence Centre (FIC) Report as ‘mfwiti, mfwiti’, and now vilifying the ACC, it is clear that President Lungu has probably given up on leaving a clean legacy in Zambia. He has clearly thrown caution to the wind, but he should not dismantle our country. Leaving power is normal and one can either make it a noble exit or be taken out kicking, punching and screaming. Otherwise the time to leave will come.

Earlier this year, on Friday 6th March 2020 during his address to Parliament on progress made in the application of the national values and principles as provided for in Article 8 of the Constitution, the President said, and we quote, “My government remains committed to the fight against corruption. With regard to prosecutions, the Anti-Corruption Commission secured 17 convictions and recorded 7 acquittals during the period under review. I urge individuals, the public sector as well as non – state actors to continue partnering with government in the fight against corruption. We must all hate corruption in order to fight and eradicate it because corruption is number one enemy in sustainable development and good governance. Remember corruption is a two-way vice that requires concerted effort to curb. Join my government in fighting corruption: join us in developing Zambia, without leaving anyone behind”/. Five months later he changes his tune and becomes the defense lawyer of politicians suspected of corruption instead of waiting for the law to take its course. Why is President Lungu consistently changing his stance on national issues depending on where and with who he is with? What are we Zambians supposed to infer from his contradictions, all documented? Is this why in his ‘do or die’ Bill 10 they have elected to delete Article 10 clause 4 which read together with Article 16 on protection of property and which provides for pursuit of proceeds of a crime at international level using customary international law? By deleting this clause Bill 10 seeks to quietly allow illicit financial flows from Zambia to outside the country which successive governments cannot constitutionally pursue and retrieve as Bill 10 now suggests that what should remain on our Constitution is, ‘Subject to Article 16, the Government shall not compulsorily acquire an investment.’ That is all!

By disparaging the ACC Act Number 3 of 2012, Lungu is going against the very spirit of his beloved Bill 10 which he claims will provide empowerment to youths, women and persons with disabilities based on a vague constitutional provision that speaks to future unknown subsidiary legislations and yet he is disparaging current and known subsidiary legislation? Bill 10 is proposing in Article 47 (2) that elections to the national assembly shall be conducted under a mixed member electoral system as prescribed. As prescribed meaning subsidiary acts of parliament. Lastly, who employs the Director General of the Commission? Who nominates the Commissioners? Who ratifies the Commissioners if not the majority PF MPs in Parliament? It is therefore clear that the ACC dragnet is going after politically connected individuals who are scared cows in the eyes of the President.

CiSCA Vice Chairperson
Judith Mulenga

Census preparations on-going but delayed


The Ministry of National Development Planning wishes to inform members of the public and various stakeholders that the Zambia Statistics Agency (ZamStats) is in the final stage of concluding the mapping data collection in the last remaining provinces, namely Central, Muchinga, Northern and Southern, as part of the activities preceding the main Census 2020.

Minister of National Development Planning Hon. Alexander Chiteme, MP, has however clarified that these pre-census activities started a bit late and had to be delayed partly because of the gassing incidents that affected some parts of the country and the breakout of the novel corona virus (COVID-19) pandemic. This meant that a number of planned activities had to be postponed or delayed and these have affected the start of the main 2020 Census.

“The Government of the Republic of Zambia is committed to ensure that we conduct a successful census that conforms to international standards and which will inform our country’s development trajectory among many other undertakings that depend on statistics, is unwavering,” Hon. Chiteme assured. “However, it is also true the that current environment heavily impacted by the novel corona virus COVID-19 pandemic has raised a fundamental question on whether or not it would be safer to conduct the 2020 Census in such atmosphere. It is important for the public and the various stakeholders to understand that the safety of the staff that will be involved in the 2020 Census of population and housing is made paramount and above everything else.”

The recent upsurge in COVID-19 cases in the country raises concerns with regard to the safety of staff, including enumerators. In this regard the Ministry of National Development Planning, as the parent ministry of the Zambia Statistics Agency, is enhancing its engagement with the relevant authorities including the Ministry of Health for guidance on how best to proceed with the 2020 Census. The general public will be kept informed on the outcomes of the consultations in due course.

This is according to a media statement issued in Lusaka today by Ministry of National Development Planning spokesperson Mr. Chibaula Silwamba.

Steve Nyirenda takes fight for NAREP presidency to court

Expelled NAREP President Stephen Nyirenda has sued his Vice Charles Maboshe and six others over his expulsion.

Mr. Nyirenda is contesting his expulsion from NAREP in the Lusaka High court seeking a declaration that he was duly elected as the party’s President.

He is asking the court to declare his expulsion null and void.

Mr. Nyirenda who is a prominent Lusaka businessman also wants an order of interim injunction restraining the defendants, or their agents from interfering with the Party’s administration and governance.

Among the other parties sued alongside with Mr. Maboshe are NAREP Secretary General Ezra Ngulube and party Spokesperson Frank Sichone.

A NAREP NEC meeting that took place on Saturday expelled Mr. Nyirenda from the party and dissolved all changes he had made.

NAREP Spokesperson Frank Sichone announced that Mr. Maboshe was taking over as party President while appealing to founding President Elias Chipimo to get back to the party.

However Mr. Nyirenda charged that the expulsion was illegal because the Chairman was not available to convene the NEC meeting.

Mr. Nyirenda and others in a statement of claim filed in court argued that the NAREP constitution has no provision for the removal of a sitting president through a vote of no confidence than what is indicated under Article 37 of the party constitution.