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Revenue Collection from Toll Gates drop by 20%


The National Road Fund Agency (NRFA) has recorded a 20 percent drop in revenue collections from its toll gates following the outbreak of corona virus.

NRFA Director Wallace Mumba says the agency has so far collected 7-hundred and 77 million Kwacha in toll fees from 35 tolling stations countrywide.

Mr. Mumba says this is down from the targeted 9-hundred and 52 million Kwacha in revenue collections by end of July.

He has attributed the drop-in road tolling fees to the drop-in economic activities and traffic flows.

Mr Mumba is hopeful that the situation can improve under the new normal.

He was speaking when Finance Minister Bwalya Ng’andu inspected operations at the Chilonga toll plaza in Mpika yesterday with Muchinga provincial Minister Malozo Sichone.

Mr. Mumba informed the ministers that Chilonga toll plaza has collected 5-million-kwacha toll fees as of December last year to date.

He noted that NRFA is pursuing an SI where it will realign the payment of toll fees by foreign truck drivers which once enforced will increase revenue collection.

Mr Mumba says there has been some form of unfair payment of toll fees by Zambian truck drivers into Congo DRC compared to what foreign truckers pay in Zambia.

And Dr. Ng’andu appreciated the investment that went into putting up the Chilonga class B toll plaza.

He is impressed that within a short space of time, the tolling station has collected 5 million kwacha, almost the amount of investment that went into putting up the facility.

Dr Ng’andu urged NRFA to continue working with smart Zambia in a bid to automate their revenue collection process.

Higher Education Minister Challenges Youths to come up with Entrepreneurship Ideas


Higher Education Minister Brian Mushimba has challenged youths in Kabwata to come up with entrepreneurship ideas that will contribute positively to the country’s economic growth.

Dr. Mushimba says Government alone cannot manage to employ every Zambian but can assist youths to create employment for others.

He said this in a speech read on his behalf by Director of Planning, Success Mubanga during the official opening of the Kabwata Skills Center.

Meanwhile, Japanese Ambassador to Zambia Ryuta Mizuuchi said Japan will continue working with Zambia to steer economic growth.

Mr. Mizuuchi has also advised the beneficiaries to secure the premises and utilise it to its full capacity.

And Lusaka Mayor Miles Sampa has pledged 50 thousand Kwacha towards activities at the newly opened center.

Mr. Sampa has further pledged to plant 1 hundred trees within the premises to make the environment green and clean.

And a group of Japanese companies working in Zambia donated 92 computers to help the learners with information and communication technology skills

Only a limited number of Youth to Attend President Lungu’s Launch Event-Siliya


Chief Government Spokesperson Dora Siliya has said that only a limited number of youths have been invited to attend the launch of another Youth Empowerment Programme at the venue to ensure strict adherence to the public health guidelines on Covid-19.

Ms Siliya said that the rest of the youths will have to follow the proceedings live on television, Facebook and other media platforms.

She has stressed that the decision to broadcast the event live is deliberate in order to accommodate the youths and the general members of the public to follow the pronouncements the President will make.

He said the launch demonstrates the priority that the Government has placed on youths as co-drivers of the country’s social and economic agenda.

Lately, there has been criticism of political leaders holding events that attract large gathering and disregard COVID-19 Guidelines

Today, President Edgar Lungu is expected to launch the national youth empowerment programme in Ndola on the Copperbelt.

Copperbelt Province Minister Japhen Mwakalombe said that the head of state is expected to arrive in Ndola at 08:00 hours and attend the installation of Father Benjamin Phiri as Bishop of Ndola Diocese at the Cathedral of Christ the King Church.

Mr. Mwakalombe said that President Lungu will in the afternoon launch the national youth empowerment programme which will be held at Levy Mwanawasa stadium.

Mr. Mwakalombe said on Sunday, President Lungu will attend a church service at Christ the King Cathedral before departure for Lusaka.

Commerce Trade and Industry Ministry to Develop Standard to Guide Sectors during the COVID-19


The Ministry of Commerce Trade and Industry is in the process of developing Standard Operating Procedures for selected sectors that will act as a guide to the private sector during the COVID 10 pandemic.

Ministry spokesperson Godfridah Chanda says the main objective of the development of Standard Operating Procedures is to provide guidelines for the management of businesses to ensure the health and safety of employees and customers.

Mrs Chanda says the guidelines are being developed with support from the United Nations Development Programme.

She explained that the Zambian Government has put up measures to combat the spread of the disease and emphasizes on the need to keep the wheels of the economy running so as to continue providing the necessary services to the citizens.

“It is for this reason that the Ministry of Commerce, Trade and Industry (MCTI) in collaboration with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) launched the Business Survey Report following the rapid survey on the impact of COVID-19 on Zambian Enterprises”, she said.

Mrs Chanda said one of the policy recommendations in the Report was the need to develop Standard Operating Procedures for each Sector to enable the private sector to continue with their operations and at the same time preserve the health and safety of workers and customers in the context of Covid-19.

Jean Kapata appalled by People in Ndola building Houses in Graveyards


Minister of Lands and Natural Resources Jean Kapata has described as a taboo the move by some unscrupulous people in Ndola to build houses in graveyards.

Ms. Kapata said this today when she called on Copperbelt Minister Japhen Mwakalombe in Ndola.

ZANIS reports that Ms. Kapata has since directed the Copperbelt provincial administration to ensure what she termed as ‘ thugs’ hiding in the name of the party are arrested and charged.

And Mr. Mwakalombe assured the Minister that the province will be on top of things in ensuring that illegalities in land allocation is not entertained.

Mr. Mwakalombe said people should learn to follow the law.

Kawama and Mitengo cemeteries in Ndola have been invaded by unscrupulous people who have built houses in spaces reserved for burying the dead.

Chamanga Questions Newcomers Zeal For The Big Stage


Former Zambia striker James Chamanga has charged that the current crop of players lack the ambition to play for top teams in Europe.

Red Arrows striker Chamanga, who was the top scorer in the just ended FAZ Super Division season with 16 goals, said Zambian players need to work hard to excel.

The 2012 Africa Cup winner is not pleased with the fewer number of Zambian players in Europe.

“The number talks by itself; we have got only two players in Europe that are performing right now Patson Daka and Enock Mwepu,” said Chamanga aged 40.

“And from the Under-20 players that we had, a very big crop of numbers that we had but most of them would like to divert to Israel or South Africa. We are not seeing them in the major leagues, you can see from the numbers,” he said.

Chamanga also bemoaned the unconvincing performances of Chipolopolo players saying they need to do more.

“Even from the qualifiers that we have been playing, our young ones right now when they wear the green jersey I don’t think they have got that heart. They need to do more. I think the heart is not there for them to carry that flag,” said Chamanga.

“It looks so easy, you know people are dropped, they lose games but they still smile, they don’t have the hunger to carry the flag higher.”

Chamanga added:”I know we are still building, they say but how long are we going to be building? We go to Algeria and lose 5-0.”

Chamanga’s 20 year career has taken him to South Africa and China where he made his name at Dalian Shide and Liaoning.

East DC Condemned for Stopping a Recorded UPND Paid Program on PASME FM Radio in Petauke


Media bodies in Zambia have condemned Petauke District Commissioner Velenasi Moyo for illegally ordering the closure of privately owned PASME radio station.

Mr. Moyo in the Company of Police Officers is reported to have pounced on the radio station last evening and stopped a paid for recorded UPND program claiming the radio station needed to acquire a permit from the Police.

The Zambia Institute of Independent Media Alliance has challenged the Zambia police service to arrest the District Commissioner, labeling him a traceable perpetrator of media attacks.

ZIIMA President Jajah Coulibaly says it is sad that in this time and era, officers from the police service who were used to close down PASME FM in Petauke district Eastern province at the orders of a civil servant do not even understand the law but ignorantly act on political instructions.

Mr. Coulibaly said ZIIMA is shocked that civil servants under the current leadership go unpunished despite committing crimes, the latest ones being the Petauke and Mwinilunga DC who also blocked well-wishers from donating.

He has reminded President Edgar Lungu that the continued uncouth behavior of his appointees will not stop until he cracks a whip, failure to do so will cement people’s view that they have his blessings.

Mr. Coulibaly has further challenged the police command who have been making blanket statements on unprofessional cops to discipline the two officers who were used to close down a media house that was airing a paid for a radio program.

He said media houses are operating under harsh economic conditions with the coming of Covid-19 and blocking a source of income for the radio station is totally shameful and evil.

Mr. Coulibally has urged the radio station to take up this matter and exhaust all legal avenues to send a clear message to would-be perpetrators.

And MISA Zambia Chairperson Helen Mwale says her Organisation has received with great disappointment the reports that PASME FM in Petauke District has been closed by order of the District Commissioner in Petauke for airing a radio programme featuring an opposition political party leader.

Ms. Mwale says the report indicates that the Petauke District Commissioner, Ms. Velenasi Moyo went to PASME FM yesterday evening and stopped the broadcast of a paid-for recorded radio programme featuring the United Party for National Development.

She said the District Commissioner cited the lack of a police permit from the station before featuring any opposition political party on radio and later called officers from the Zambia Police Service to close the station until further notice.

Ms. Mwale said MISA Zambia finds this senseless act by the District Commissioner not only primitive but an assault and an affront to democracy and the right to citizens to fully express themselves through their freedom of expression and hinders the ability of citizens to freely access information without intimidation whatsoever. The role of the media remains to educate, inform as well as to entertain and it should be given sufficient leverage to do so.

She has reminded the District commissioner that the Independent Broadcasting Authority is the only institution that is mandated by law to regulate media stations as outlined in the IBA Act following the abrogation of laid down procedures and code of ethics. The IBA also has a complaints channel and procedure that the District Commissioner should follow if at all she strongly feels that the station erred in any way.

Zambia Medical Association to launch own investigation into UTH incident of man ranting at Doctors


The Zambia Medical Association has launched its own investigation into a video circulating online purportedly showing a patient disparaging Medical Officers at the University Teaching Hospitals, Casualty, and Emergency Area.

Association General Secretary Dr. Masiku Phiri has however commended his members for the exceptional professionalism exhibited in the face of immeasurable provocation as shown in the same video.

“Yours is a calling and ethical vocation, but you are human too and we know to what extent you went to hold your ground”, said Dr Phiri.

“At a time whereas a profession we are deep in the mud fighting the COVID-19 pandemic, at a time where over 40 Medical Doctors have contracted COVID-19 in the line of duty and are currently under quarantine, at a time where doctors are battling depression and mental illness because of what they have witnessed at the battlefront in the war against corona virus, at a time where healthcare workers have been working tirelessly since the outbreak began in March without any incentive or compensation, the last thing we would expect is verbal abuse at the hands of a state agent”, he said.

Dr Phiri said while negotiations continue in the background to find amicable ways of motivating frontline workers, who at this stage of the pandemic means all Healthcare workers, the government is reminded that patience is not in perpetuity.

He has however reassured the victims that should the alleged offender be found wanting, the Association will use all of its available resources to make an example out of him by exhausting all legal channels, with the Association bearing all costs.

“Additionally, we are aware that there was the presence of Police Officers at the scene with multiple witnesses and so are hopeful that a criminal case has been opened against the aggressor”, he added.

Dr Phiri said the Association will keep the membership and the public abreast with developments on this matter.

Stop Attacks on Archbishop Telesphore Mpundu, Bill 10 Advocates told


The Civil Society Constitution Agenda (CiSCA) has cautioned the youth calling themselves Bill 10 Advocates to stop harassing Archbishop Telesphore Mpundu or any other citizen opposed to Bill 10.

In a statement released to the media by Judith Mulenga, organization Vice-Chairperson, CiSCA said that the attacks on Archibishop is a clear hindrance and interference of the exercise of his right to his opinions and expression and a gross violation of the Constitution which guarantees the Archbishop justiciable civil and political rights, including the right to his opinions without interference.

Below is the full statement

CiSCA Statement on the Bill 10 Advocates’ Attacks on Archbishop Telesphore Mpundu

Lusaka, 14 August 2020: The Civil Society Constitution Agenda (CiSCA) cautions the youths calling themselves Bill 10 Advocates to stop harassing Archbishop Telesphore Mpundu or any other citizen opposed to Bill 10.

During the launch of their translated Bill 10 into 7 local languages, the Bill 10 Youth Advocates singled out Archbishop Mpundu as a target of their diatribe. This is clear hindrance and interference of Archbishop Mpundu’s exercise of his right to his opinions and expression and a gross violation of the Constitution which guarantees the Archbishop justiciable civil and political rights, including the right to his opinions without interference.

Article 20 of our Bill of Rights bestows on Archbishop Mpundu, and every Zambian citizen, the right to full enjoyment of the fundamental right to freedom of expression without any hindrance or interference from anyone, be they pro or anti Bill 10 individuals or groups.

CiSCA further reminds the clearly ignorant Bill 10 Youth Advocates that the Bill of Rights under which fundamental rights sit has not been tampered with by the manipulative PF government and these rights are as intact as they were in 1996. How then do they justify pushing for the so- called improvement of the Constitution while violating its core content?

In singling out the Archbishop, the Bill 10 Advocates further violated Article 11 sub section (b) which is designed to ensure that only limitations prejudicial to the rights and freedoms of others or public interest are allowed. In speaking out against Bill 10, Archbishop Mpundu did not in any way prejudice the Bill 10 Advocates’ freedom of expression and neither did State Counsel John Sangwa. Therefore, in their pathetic clueless efforts to limit the freedom of expression of Archbishop Mpundu and those opposed to their views they are in direct violation of the Bill of Rights and our Constitution. How then can such ‘advocates’ lay any claim to furthering the tenets of democracy as per their leader, Prince Ndoyi’s assertion? The usual hypocrisy of pro Bill 10 voices was embarrassingly manifest in Ndoyi’s assertions. In one breath he advises Sangwa to seek audience with his area MP because Bill 10 is now under the MPs’ purview but in the same breath he himself is speaking on Bill 10 when he nor any of his cohorts are MPs! What lack of depth is that?

Why can’t the Bill 10 Advocates let the translated Bill 10 speak for them? In the same way they are expressing themselves through their translated copies and other platforms, the Bill 10 Advocates must respect other citizens’ right to express themselves against Bill 10.

It is ignorance of the highest order to equate Bill 10 to a youth empowerment document. We challenge Ndoyi to unequivocally point to youth empowerment provisions in Bill 10. We know there are none! We advise Ndoyi and his cohort to just enjoy the change from the translation and printing costs. The real focused youths in Zambia require real empowerment. They require support to develop the necessary knowledge and skills for today’s labour market. They require job opportunities and they require that they be part of the decision making in public structures and processes.

Judith Mulenga
CiSCA Vice Chairperson

Finance Minister calls for Routine Maintenance of Roads


Finance Minister Bwalya Ng’andu has called on the Road Development Agency -RDA and National Road Fund Agency -NRFA- to adopt a culture of carrying out routine maintenance of roads.

Dr. Ng’andu says RDA and NRFA should not wait for roads to deteriorate before moving in to repair the damages.

He says government can save more money on road repairs once maintenance works are done on time.

Dr. Ng’andu was speaking during inspection of Chinsali-Nakonde road rehabilitation works on the Great North Road in Muchinga province.

He was accompanied by officials from RDA and NRFA, provincial Minister Malozo Sichone and Chinsali Member of Parliament Kalalwe Mukosa.

And NRFA Director Wallace Mumba said the agency will change its approach towards road maintenance by ensuring that once a road is rehabilitated, maintenance works immediately start.

Meanwhile, RDA Acting Director, George Manyele said works on the 2-hundred and 10-kilometer road from Chinsali, Isoka to Nakonde on the Great North have progressed.

Mr. Manyele said the scope of works involve widening the road from 6-point 5 meters to eleven meters.

While in Muchinga Province, Dr. Ng’andu also inspected infrastructure projects that have stalled.

The Shut Down of the Evelyn Hone Startup Winery is Nothing but Systemic Racism


By Munyumba Mutwale

To Quote 2004 lucid version of Kanye West:

“Racism Still Alive They Just Be Concealing It”

Now let me show you how.

CLEVERLY disguised as Consumer protection, Business regulations, especially in food processing, have actually served as the best tool of systematic economic exclusion of young blacks by creating entry point standard above the means and capacity of most young black people. The Regulators are now serving as plantation police to keep the black masses out of the economy to ensure that freedom of blacks is limited to politics and to a large degree does not support the economic freedom of young black Zambians.

Black startups are the only ones that must start in a mostly scaled-down version with cheap tools of production and makeshift space because black access to financial markets is limited and really excluded. The regulations work by creating costs beyond the means of most young black entrepreneurs and to create long processes that burn through starting cash of any young black startup thus crippling the black startup.

The much-publicized shutdown of the Evelyn Hone Winery yesterday, as mundane as it is, is a prime example of how real modern-day systematic racism works in Zambia to ensure the economic exclusion of Black Zambians [especially Young Black Zambians] form key industries especially Young Black Zambians who suffer from Economic insecurity the most.

Though regulations are often advertised as public/consumer safety tools for the protection of the consumer, what they are in fact are the latest method of systematically excluding and oppressing black people from attaining economic independence and thus leaving them at the mercy of the state, worldwide and especially in Zambia.

In 2018 survey of Manufacturing companies it was found that, while Whites in Zambian and Asians [Majority Indians] in Zambia jointly only make less than 1% of the national population, they own at least 75% of domestic Manufacturing Companies and at least 88% of the 25 Alcoholic Beverage brewing companies in Zambia thus leaving the 99% to fight for a tiny minority stake in the manufacturing industry of Zambia.

How did we get to a point where less than 1% dominates local industries? It’s not done by accident this has been done methodically by a Tripartite Alliance between Government Regulators, Non-Black Business Owners, and Multinationals and Mostly Non-Black Owned financial institutions who all benefit from the poverty of Black people and mostly the Poverty of Young Black Zambians and are effectively incentivized to keep the young black masses poor, excluded and unemployed.

The first thing you need to remember is that of the population of young Zambians, between the ages of 20 – 40, 92% of them are not employed and are forced to survive on handouts or informal and unstable income for a living. This is in comparison with 40% – 50% of Zambians ages 40 and above are full time employed.

So the first blow against the young black Zambian is that of financial exclusions because of mostly unstable income and thusly poor land and homeownership rates Black Zambians for the most part and Young Black Zambians especially cannot access financial facilities especially with the Zambian government crowding them out with their excessive lending. So no income and no access to loans you have a large population of 5 million youths with no ability to accumulate starting capital or loan starting capital.

The only option to ascertain economic freedom is to enter industries with scaled-down, manual versions of production because they cannot afford Factory equipment from China and India which will cost them at least USD5,000 TO USD10,000 just for basic equipment and minimum packing quantities. Now the most extensive method used is Regulations. Regulations such as the Public Safety Act and the Food and Liquor Act which were being used only came into effect in 2011 with less extensive and more loose versions of those acts before.

Most of the 88% Indian-owned and white-owned companies in the alcoholic beverage brewing industry were allowed to start their operations under more relaxed terms allowing them to grow their business with less burdensome startup costs. Once they were established they then had the government proceed to set-up regulations to now act as a barrier to entry against the black masses who would be interested in entering.

The exclusion is not just the financial costs, with such regulations, the Lusaka City Council, Weights and Measures, and Bureau of Standards will basically slow-walk the process so much that most young entrepreneurs will literally run out of cash flow before they get their approval. Regulators are not there to protect the public, they are there to stop blacks from getting rich by starting small and growing. They force a business to start at the established phase. The reality is the best form of consumer protection is perfect competition and that is done through deregulation.

The system is designed to kill off the blacks [especially Young Blacks] and leave the door only for Rich Whites and Rich Indians who either have family savings from the years of business and access to cheaper capital for them since they are the only ones with the assets to back loans and the long-running business relationships with the banks. For the banks, it keeps credit processing cheap and profitable because they are dealing with a few large clients which require less credit screening for much larger loans.

Why does the business community want to keep young blacks financially excluded, very simple cheap labour? If blacks are fighting for a few jobs and cant start business you end up with what we call a slack labour market where there multiples of job seekers for every vacancy.

Any job openly advertised in Zambia receives hundreds of applications giving the employers the power to negotiate salaries down and keep them down threatening employees with an easy replacement should they fight the employer. This system has allowed Indian and White-owned businesses to operate at substantial profit margins while getting the most and even more out of labour.

How does the government benefit from this, the actual benefit in 2 ways? The first is more obvious young unemployed people means an excess supply of political cadres who can do their political bidding at very cheap rates and thus keep them in power. If young people want access to any form for empowerment their only option is the ruling party and thus Cadres system is kept alive. Secondly The government benefits from easy management of voters who don’t question most of the Laws passed.

The 1800s Civil rights activist Booker T Washington stated that if you want black people to cautiously and responsibly exercise their voting rights then make them rich and that is because a rich or middle-class voter, votes concerned about the impact of laws and not the intent of laws. They care about tax impacts, regulations, codes, fees and all sorts of Government revenue mechanism. So if you as the government want to increase your power without any questions asked, keep the black masses poor.

Now in order to not make it overtly racist, they try to make sure that, the city council officials that are sent are black, even though the greatest beneficiaries are white and Indians. Secondly, they have kept a few industries for black people, clothing stitching at the market, joinery and wood processing, while keeping blacks out of the major high-profit industries, similar to how they have kept black people at peasant farming [survivng on FISP never getting off it], Kantemba owners, Cab-drivers and bus drivers, Garbage handlers rather than Minners.

All this is successfully done through a string of regulations that make it so expensive and so difficult for black Zambians to start businesses in good industries and making them scraping for very few low paying jobs.

56 years ago you were given political independence, with no intention to ever give you economic independence because everyone knew that a country of middle-class black Zambians would be difficult to control and profit off of.

Systematic racism is not Street names and white oppressors its making sure that systems of laws and regulations are applied to blacks to make it impossible for black Zambians and especially young black Zambians to be anything but slaves and victims living off handouts from the state.

Here is the sad reality, there were some young black kids who saw a nation that wasn’t going to hire them so they innovated with the little they and what did we do … instead of applauding them, we punished them. There was no difference between how these men started and how Max Hyndrieche started Chibuku production in the 1950s. It’s just that in the 1950s white governments didn’t actively work to shut down their entrepreneurs.


The Author is a Financial Economist with over 10 years of experience in the Zambian Financial and Capital Markets in and with companies and institutions such as the Lusaka Securities Exchange, Securities and Exchange Commission, Aon Zambia and many other participants. He is also a freelance economic journalist from Lusaka who writes about currency, commodities, macroeconomic policy and markets from the Global and Domestic Perspectives.


He can be found on Twitter  @MutwaleM

HH urges Zambia’s rural Population to Join the Bally Rural Movement


UPND Leader Hakainde Hichilema has reiterated his call on Zambians to acquire National Registration Cards that will help in liberating the nation from PF in 2021.

Mr Hichilema who is in Central Province as part of his party’s rural development agenda has encouraged all citizens to get NRCs and voters cards as time for Hope and Help is here.

He says every Zambian must get involved and be part of the great vision to get it solved and resolve all the challenges created by the PF government.

Mr Hichilema has reiterated that Zambia deserved better and he is inspired to win next year’s elections by the sufferings Zambians have been subjected to by the PF.

And Mr Hichilema took time to distribute face masks to the people he interacted with.

He reiterated his call on Zambians to adhere to the set COVID-19 guidelines to prevent the spread of the pandemic.

Mr Hichilema said wearing of face masks, sanitizing and social distancing are key to curbing the further spread of the COVID-19 pandemic among Zambians.

He urged the rural population to join what he termed the Bally rural movement as 2021 fast approaches.

Industrialisation remains at the core of the SADC integration agenda


Foreign Affairs Minister Joseph Malanji on 13th August 2020 led the Zambian delegation to the SADC Council of Ministers, hosted virtually by the Republic of Mozambique.

Mr Malanji was accompanied by the Minister of Health, Dr. Chitalu Chilufya, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Permanent Secretary for International Relations and Cooperation, Ambassador Chalwe Lombe, Ministry of Health, Permanent Secretary for Technical Services Dr. Kennedy Malama, Ministry of National Development Planning Permanent Secretary for Development Cooperation, Monitoring and Evaluation Danies Chisenda, Ministry of Commerce, Trade and Industry Permanent Secretary, Mushuma Mulenga, and other senior Government officials.

During the opening ceremony, outgoing Council Chair Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Tanzania Professor Palamagamba John Kabudi noted the smooth flow of trade in the region following the development of SADC Guidelines on Harmonisation and Facilitation of Cross Border Transport Operations during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Professor Kabudi stated that during Tanzania’s tenure as Chair, the post-2020 agenda was finalized, culminating in the draft SADC Vision 2050 and Regional Indicative Strategic Development Plan (RISDP) 2020-30 blueprints that are all in line with the continental developmental Agenda 2063.

He noted that industrialisation remains at the core of the SADC integration agenda premised on the SADC Industrialisation Strategy and Roadmap 2015-2063.

Professor Kabudi stated that the current Covid-19 crisis provided SADC with an opportunity to advance industrialization, economic diversification and intra-regional trade as new economies and industries emerge.

The Minister called for greater integration and creation of enabling environments that nurture and promote business development.

Incoming Chair of Council, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation of Mozambique Veronica Dlhovo, noted the positive strides made by SADC through regional integration programmes and the development of the post-2020 development agenda.

She expressed concern over the acts of terrorism and violence currently affecting the region and called for concerted efforts in addressing challenges to ensure regional security and sustainable development.

And SADC Executive Secretary Dr. Stergomena Tax noted the milestones recorded by SADC such as the signing of the Protocol on Industry and the commissioning of 3,595 megawatts of electricity by countries in the region, a boost to the power pool.

Dr. Tax commended Member States for the difficult decisions and rigorous measures put in place to mitigate the spread of Covid-19, reduce human suffering and minimize damage to SADC economies.

She hailed countries in the region that continued to uphold SADC democratic principles through peaceful and successful elections and peaceful transfer of power.

Dr. Tax informed the meeting that SADC had developed the SADC Vision 2050 and the Regional Indicative Strategic Development Plan (2020-2030) that will define the post-2020 agenda anchored on industrial development and market integration; infrastructure development in support of regional integration; and social and human capital development.

The Council of Ministers paid glowing tribute to Mzee Benjamin Mkapa, former President of Tanzania and former SADC Chairperson (from 2003 to 2004), who passed away on 23rd July, 2020.

The Council of Ministers virtual meeting is being held in preparation for the 40th Ordinary Summit of Heads of State and Government which is scheduled for Monday, 17th August, 2020.

The Summit will be held virtually under the theme “SADC: 40 Years Building Peace and Security and Promoting Development and Resilience in the Face of Global Challenges”.

The regional body is also commemorating 40 years of its existence since its founding in Lusaka on 1st April, 1980. This anniversary is being celebrated under the theme “40 Years of Promoting Peace, Regional Integration and Sustainable Development”.

SADC is guided by its vision of “A reputable, efficient and responsive enabler of Regional Integration and Sustainable Development”.

This is according to a statement issued by Ministry of Foreign Affairs Public Relations Officer Chansa Kabwela.

Lupiya Calls For Amendment of Zambia Athletics Electoral Rules


Veteran athletics coach Charles Lupiya is proposing that the Zambia Athletics Association (ZAA) introduces term limits for the president and executive committee members.

Lupiya, who identified and groomed former World champion Samuel Matete in the early 1980s, said ZAA needs constitutional reforms.

The ZAA life member said Zambia is never short of people to run the athletics governing body currently led by long serving President Elias Mpondela.

“We need to change the constitution so that other people can come in to run ZAA. If somebody has stayed for too long they become complacent and feel they are the alpha and omega,” said Lupiya from his Kitwe base.

“Like in any other organisation or in politics, two terms is enough. If someone serves for two terms they must step down and allow others to do it,” he said.

Meanwhile, Lupiya has asked Minister of Sports Emmanuel Mulenga to ensure that the ZAA constitution is followed ahead of the pending 2020 elective annual general meeting.

He said Mulenga should intervene in ZAA wrangles with the same zeal he demonstrates on FAZ matters.

“We are waiting for Minister Mulenga to do something about what is happening in ZAA. It looks like ZAA is above the National Sports Council and the Minister of Sports. Even an inquiry in the operations of ZAA is needed to establish what is going on,” Lupiya said.

Lusaka City Council Shut down a Startup Wine Factory at Evelyn Hone College


Lusaka City Council has closed an illegal wine Factory at Evelyn Hone College. This follows a complaint from the institution administration after it noticed a fermentation smell coming from the school canteen.

Acting on the tip, a team of LCC Public health inspectors moved to the scene and found a wine Factory running and all process involved in the making and packaging of the product was been done in one place.

Workers at the factory manually packaged the wine into bottles without any protective equipment and no measures were in place to allow for safe food handling.

The factory was making wines labeled Zikomo, Chibe Pakapaka, Natotela, Zambezi, Sansamukeni and Banana Wine.

At the time of Inspection, the owner of the factory was unable to produce any permits that allows them to manufacture and distribute the wine.

This is contrary to Liquor Licensing Act No 20 of 2011, Public Health Act Cap 295 and Food, Drug Safety Act No. 7 of 2019 of the Laws of Zambia.

LCC has since Seized on Premise all goods that were in the factory until investigations are concluded.

Thus, members of the public should be on the lookout for these products that look as innocent soft drinks but have unknown alcohol/chemical contents in them.

The local authority is, therefore, advising all institutions to take keen interest in reporting all suspicious business activities/premises to the relevant authorities.

The LCC wishes to warn all persons involved in illegal brewing and distribution of uncertified wines to stop operations before they are visited by the local authority.