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SADC at 40; A Youth’s Reflection


By Stephen Nyoni

The concept and definition of youth in SADC has evolved over the past 40 years. From it being the representation of vibrant military men who were willing to lay their lives for the achievement of liberation, to a period in the mid-90s when youth became synonymous with political cadres chanting names of the leadership as the new democratic dispensation came ashore. Eventually, the youth came to be known for their careless assumption of entrepreneurial ideas in the earliest days of the 21st Century. But what does it mean today?

As the days go by, it gets even much harder to come up with a solid definition of today’s SADC youth especially because of the variety of composition of characters and strengths and especially the absence of a single voice of reason. The youth today have been confronted with the complexity of whether to exercise vibrancy as a response to unmet commitments or restraint in the name of future prospects.

We have seen in the most recent times how young people took to the streets in South Africa to demand that their access to education be made affordable through the #FeesMustFall movement. Many young people called on their governments to take action against institutions and demanded the revision of tuition fees. With time, these calls were met with a positive response being the reduction of fees and suspension of any upward adjustment plans. But this came at a cost for a great number of young people who found themselves at the forefront of these protests. Many, such as Kanya Cekeshe (sentenced to five years in prison for public violence and malicious damage to property) or Mcebo Dlamini who received a Seven year suspended sentence but lost the ability to ever practice Law, a program he was studying; have had to bear the brunt of leading the demands of young people in SADC.

Other examples can be found in Namibia through the Affirmative Repositioning (AR) Movement which was essentially an offshoot of the ruling South West Africa People’s Organisation (SWAPO); the leaders of the AR were all former members and even executives of the Youth League of SWAPO. They came out to demand for equal access to and allocation of land to young Namibians who often found themselves at the bottom of the receiving table after old folks and senior party members.

Initially, these calls were ignored with a harsh tone but with time it became inevitable that these young people were there to stay. The amount of support that the AR received in the months that followed was unprecedented in the young single party dominated democracy. Especially that it came from “their own children”. It is prudent to note that the impact that the AR had, though seemingly changing in focus with time, was remarkable in the quest for youths to demand opportunities for themselves and their often similarly disadvantaged folk, the women.

There are many other examples of young people that have decided to demand for change by facing the authorities head-on. Most of them have found themselves on the wrong side of the law with very little help, support or sympathy other than a few social media hashtags which in fact contradict with the completely empty court seats. For most the illusion of support has come only as far as the keyboard with no monetary or economic support of any kind.

The other major challenge has been on the obscurity of activism by politically motivated individuals. Time and time again we have had situations where young people who are genuinely motivated to ask for change in certain elements of the system find that the movement is hijacked by a few who seem to have more social media following but are in fact led by completely different motives. This is largely why the problems of young people in SADC continue to be propagated year after year. In Zimbabwe for example, even after the successful movement that led to the overthrow of the Mugabe regime, it only became clear to some that some of those who were in the forefront had their own intentions. Now, years after the momentous event – a new government in power; again young people find themselves demanding for the same things that they not so long ago called for. Where is the initial leadership of the movement? It is rough I tell you.

Meanwhile, on the other end of the spectrum – in this same SADC, some young people have taken serious strides and made steps in the political arena that have inspired even the most critical of onlookers. The Bogolo Kenewendo’s of Botswana who rose to fame after being appointed Minister at just 30 years. She remains an inspiration for so many young people in the region of the possibilities that can be achieved through the right channels. Most recently, Emma Theofelus (who I must mention I shared podiums with while I saved as the President of the Association of Zambian Students in Namibia) was appointed Deputy Minister at the age of 23. These are few among the many that have ended up as Members of Parliament, Councillors; leaders in their various spaces of influence; young people, that are constantly rising to the occasion not to throw stones, but to, through democratic processes demonstrate their potential and who are daily being identified to showcase the same.

It is 40 years since the regional Bloc of SADC was formed, an optimum time to reflect on the progress we have made as a people. 40 years means that none of the people in the demographic of Youths where present or born at the time it was formed. The earliest came years after and it has taken even more years before today’s youth would effectively participate. These issues must be taken into consideration, that SADCs current crop of youths have no first-hand experience with issues of political liberation of states or forming democracies. The efforts of a previous generation have ensured that today’s youth deal with a whole different world all together. It should not be taken however, that this generation is free of struggle. They too are bound by struggles of their times. Sadly, the times and leadership also appear to be a big part of these struggles. That most of the demands should be around service delivery should concern the leadership of today. That calls remain consistent over the past few years being the provision of employment, affordable education and healthcare, equalising the fields that give access to opportunities and building secure and peaceful societies with a guarantee for both freedoms of expression and after expression; essentially, economic liberation.

I have committed myself to participate in the development of the African continent. The progress of SADC is key for this to be achieved. But this must be a possibility even if I am just a young geek with an interest in social development policies. My endorsement of one or the others candidature should not be ideally the onus upon which I access the keys to employment, good healthcare or expression of my ideals.

I am proud to be an African Youth; even more proud that I come from the most peaceful region of the continent, SADC. I am proud to celebrate 40 years of the existence of this amazing organisation that was born out of the aspirations of young people like myself. I look forward to many more years of progress and sustainable development as we celebrate “SADC; 40 years building Peace and Security and promoting development and resilience in the face of global challenges”.

Allouta Continua

The Author can be reached at revsnyoni [AT} gmail [DOT] com on ~@Rev_Nyoni

Maize Pricing War: Angry Farmers Union lashes out at Millers Association President


The Zambia National Farmers’ Union (ZNFU) has lashed out at Millers Association of
Zambia (MAZ) president Andrew Chintala in the escalation of a price war for the Maize price announced by the Food and Reserver Agency.

In a statement released to the media, ZNFU said that the MAZ president was better of shutting his mouth on matters of Agriculture that he did not understand, saying that ZNUF will not allow farmers to be taken advantage of.

Mr Chintala had reacted to a statement by ZNFU where the union said it was investigating reports that millers had been told not to buy maize from farmers at a price higher than the K110 per 50kg which Food Reserve Agency was offering.

Below is the full ZNUF’s statement

12th August, 2020


The Zambia National Farmers’ Union (ZNFU) is extremely disappointed with the Millers Association of Zambia (MAZ) president and his surrogates for exhibiting high levels of ignorance on agriculture matters to the public.

The MAZ president is better off shutting up than talk about things that he does not understand. We warned the MAZ president two (2) years ago to stop exposing his ignorance on issues of agriculture, but he does not learn lessons.

Our statement which reads in part clearly states that and we quote; “ZNFU is also INVESTIGATING reports where millers have been instructed not to buy maize at a price beyond what the Food Reserve

Agency [FRA] is offering of K110 for 50kg bag of maize at FARM GATE …” We did not talk about INTO-MILL prices.

Why is the MAZ president jumpy, when we have clearly stated that we are INVESTIGATING REPORTS? Why is he afraid that we investigate these reports?

To investigate means to probe, study, scrutinize, or examine, just to lecture him on this term.  For the record, we have been receiving reports from our District Farmers’ Associations (DFAs) around the country, which we are further INVESTIGATING, or STUDYING the matter. What is wrong with us INVESTIGATING these reports?

Why should the MAZ president and his surrogates talk about targets when MAZ has not been mandated by Government to meet any targets?

Why speak on behalf of Government and the FRA when he is neither the spokesperson for Government nor the FRA, nor is he an agent of Government?

We do understand that his ignorance is perpetuated by his surrogates for personal gain. The Union will from now on expose the MAZ president in every way possible.

The MAZ president’s statement is malicious and should be dismissed with the contempt it deserves as he is meddling in issues that affect farmer growth and national food security. He clearly does not support the plight or cause of farmers but that of his and his surrogates’.

We shall not allow our farmers to be taken advantage of by individuals that barely have the knowledge of agriculture. The Union will always stand for the truth and nothing but the truth.

Zambia to participate in COVID-19 Vaccine Trials


The Ministry of Health has disclosed that Zambia will take part in COVID-19 Vaccine trials.

Speaking today at the COVID-19 daily briefing, Director of Infectious Diseases Professor Lloyd Mulenga said that the Zambia was ready for vaccine trials as it has the capacity to monitor the safety and efficacy of any vaccine, adding that the country had the numbers and institutions to carry out the trials.

“For vaccine trials, we are ready, we have institutions in the country which can enroll both in the public sector,” Prof Mulenga said

Prof Mulenga further disclosed that public hospitals, public research institutions, and private research Institutions have enough people to meet the target of thousands of people required for phase three vaccine trials.

“When you talk of the phase three you are talking of thousands, we are not shy of those numbers and also we have enough capacity to monitor the safety of these vaccines besides the efficacy,” Prof Mulenga said.

Prof Mulenga said that it was important for Zambia to look at the COVID-19 Trial Vaccines as opportunities to know if Zambia’s population can be protected as well from the vaccine under trial.

“I think it’s important for the country to look at all these as opportunities, if there is a vaccine which meets the safety standards and also opportunities for the countries to participate, it’s good for us to know if our populations are going to be protected by this vaccine as well.”

He said achieving vaccination of 70 to 71 percent of the population is what would guarantee community protection from COVID-19 by creating what he described as the herd immunity, where there will only be a few that would be able to get the disease.

Prof Mulenga said currently, no COVID-19 vaccine had been approved by the World Health Organisation.

Meanwhile, speaking earlier at the same briefing, the Minister of Health Dr. Chitalu Chilufya has announced that Zambia recorded a suspected COVID-19 death of a 66-year-old male who presented hypertension and succumbed to the condition before results were released.

He said the results will be availed to the public in due course. Dr. Chilufya has however indicated that 162 new cases have been recorded out of 1017 tests conducted bringing the cumulative number of cases to 8663 countrywide.

He said frontline health workers continue to be at risk and four of them have been found positive out of the tests conducted.

He said 83 patients have been admitted to the Levy Mwanawasa COVID-19 center 32 of whom require oxygen support 5 are in critical condition and admitted in the intensive care unit while 33 patients are admitted in various health facilities countrywide.

Cumulatively the number of deaths stands at 246, 7 401 recoveries.

Dr. Chilufya has since called on Zambians to reduce community spread by adhering to the COVID-19 guidelines.

“We have been talking about interventions that we need to conduct and these interventions have been masking up, watching the distance, watching crowding places, staying home and washing your hands and ensuring that you seek medical attention early if you are symptomatic,” he emphasized.

Arrests, Fines for Covid-19 Offenders Unfair-UPND


By Patrick Mucheleka

The revelation by the Zambia National Health Institute (ZNHI)director, Victor Mukonka that people flouting COVID-19 regulations will be penalized either through fines or jail sentences makes sad reading.

We feel such pronouncements and threats on Zambians is unwelcome especially that when we told the Government to take remedial measures aimed at preventing the further spread of the disease in late March, our calls fell on deaf ears. Instead of threatening the general public, Dr Mukonka should target the Patriotic Front officials who think that they are above the law.

It is very unfair for Mr Mukonka to start issuing misguided and misplaced threats on the general public when the people in the forefront violating COVID-19 measures such as social distancing, facemasking, sanitizing and handwashing are well-known people like PF Deputy Secretary General Mumbi Phiri who mockingly announced to the nation that while President Hakainde Hichilema was “busy enjoying his mansion”, the PF were busy campaigning for the 2021 tripartite elections.

If the ZPHI has no idea how and where to start effecting arrests on those contravening provisions of Statutory Instrument (SI) 22, they need look no further than State House and a number of senior PF officials who are in the front seat of disregarding COVID measures.

However, we are not surprised that the PF-led Government is in panic mode to try and arrest the upsurge of the pandemic owing to international pressure on how COVID donations have been utilized.

Before the government can think of arresting members of the general public who do not wear masks without government providing free masks.
We wish to warn Mr Mukonka not to be used as a rubber stamp by the PF to effect arrests and impose fines on innocent citizens who have not been given any facemasks as they cannot afford to purchase them owing to high poverty levels in the country.

If the ZPHI has enough resources to effect arrests on poor, defenceless citizens, we feel the Institute would do well to channel those resources on the purchase of face masks, hand sanitizers and hand washing paste for the masses.

We wish to call on the Police Command to say no to orders from the PF to effect arrests on unsuspecting citizens.

The Author is UPND Deputy Secretary General of Politics

The $449 million Kafulafuta Dam Project on the Copperbelt 9 months ahead of schedule


Construction of the multi-million-dollar Kafulafuta Dam on the Copperbelt has advanced, with the contractor nine months ahead of completion schedule.

The dam, once completed, will improve access to clean water in five districts and benefit about one million people.

Project Manager Paul Billima says the dam, which was to be completed in December next year, will instead be ready by January 2021.

Mr. Billima disclosed the development when Water Development, Sanitation and Environmental Protection Minister Jonas Chanda and other senior government officials toured the modern water facility in Masaiti District this morning.

And Dr. Chanda said about one million US dollars is being spent to improve access to clean water on the Copperbelt Province alone.

He said this is in line with the vision 2030, which aims to ensure universal access to clean water supply.
Earlier, Copperbelt Province Minister Japhen Mwakalombe noted that once completed, the project will reduce chances of outbreaks of waterborne diseases.

President Lungu to launch a multi-million youth empowerment fund in Kitwe this Weekend


President Edgar Lungu is this Saturday expected to launch a multi-million youth empowerment fund in Kitwe, on the Copperbelt.

Sport, Youth and Child Development Minister Emmanuel Mulenga disclosed the development at a media briefing jointly addressed with Chief Government spokesperson Dora Siliya in Lusaka today.

Mr. Mulenga said it is President Lungu’s desire to ensure that young people are self-reliant so that they can significantly contribute to the economic development of the country.

He said Government will continue to create a conducive environment for young people with business ideas to pursue their dreams.

Mr. Mulenga said this is important because most young people with brilliant business ideas are being inhibited by the high cost of financing.

He said unlike other empowerment funds which are tied to specific sector, the yet to be launched fund will accommodate proposals from all sectors.

“We have left the issue of sectors to the young people themselves because in the past we have been seen to be imposing business ideas on them. This time we want young people to indicate to the Ministry what business they can do because they live in communities and understand the needs of the communities,” he said.

He said his ministry will encourage young people to look at goods and services that are in short supply on the market so they can derive maximum profits from their businesses.

And Mr. Mulenga said the fund will be co-managed by his ministry and the Citizens Economic Empowerment Commission (CEEC).

He said this is important to ensure that the processes of accessing the funds are shortened so that young people can quickly get into their business.

Mr. Mulenga said it is the desire of Government that the whole process is shortened to a minimum period of three weeks.

He said Government will negotiate with various prices for goods and services being produced by young people to help them stabilize and build capacity for them to pay back.

And Chief Government Spokesperson Dora Siliya has appealed to young people across the country to take advantage of the various empowerment initiatives Government has continued to put in place to achieve their business dreams.

Ms. Siliya said while Government has continued to take positive steps to empower young people, it is important for those with business ideas to rise to the occasion and seize the opportunity and participate in the economic development of the country.

“You do not have to wait. Follow the opportunity. It is your time and so rise to the occasion,” she advised young people.

She appealed to the youth to make themselves available by taking a chance at the opportunities the presidential youth empowerment fund will present.

Veterinary Officer who captured a stray Lion Promoted after news got to President Lungu


The Veterinary Officer who recently tranquilized a Lioness that had escaped from Munda Wanga Sanctuary and Botanical Gardens has been promoted to Senior Veterinary Officer.

Tourism and Arts Minister Ronald Chitotela says President Edgar Lungu called for the immediate promotion of Innocent Ng’ombwa.

Mr. Chitotela says the President has described the act by Dr. Ng’ombwa as brave because he sacrificed his time and put his life on the line to rescue the people of Chilanga from the lioness.

He said this when he visited Munda Wanga Botanical gardens this morning. The Minister commended Dr. Ng’ombwa for his selfless service to duty.

Early this week, the Department of Wildlife and National Parks captured the Lioness that strayed out of the Munda Wanga Sanctuary and Botanic Garden into the residential area in Chilanga

The wild animal strayed into the residential area and was spotted prowling in one residential yard around 21 hours on Sunday. Ministry of Tourism Public Relations Officer, Sakabilo Kalembwe who confirmed that the Lioness has been re-captured and that a brick wall will be erected at a point where the animal is believed to have escaped from.

And Chilanga District Commissioner, Richard Ndazye has called for calm among the residents, residing near the Munda Wanga Gardens.

Meanwhile, Department of National Parks and Wildlife Director Chuma Simukonda said strict measures have been put in place to ensure such a situation does not recur. Mr. Simukonda said the dens have been reinforced.

And Dr. Ng’ombwa has thanked President Lungu and the ministry for his promotion.

Munda Wanga Manager Wilfred Moonga said management is working at renovating and restocking Munda Wanga by bringing more animals, both domestic and wild.

The Stray Lioness that had escaped from Munda Wanga Sanctuary and Botanical Gardens
The Strai

Chief Chitimukulu wants People in Bembaland educated on livestock production


Paramount Chief Chitimukulu of the Bemba people has called on the Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock to ensure extension officers become mobile and educate people on livestock production.

Paramount Chief Chitimukulu says people in Bemba land have now started keeping goats and cattle but they lack knowledge on how to take care of the animals.

Speaking when Malole Member of Parliament Christopher Yaluma paid a courtesy call on him at his Palace in Mungwi District this morning, the traditional leader complained that extension officers no longer move around farms to educate livestock farmers.

He urged authorities to compel the officers to impart knowledge on livestock production to people in Northern Province.

Paramount Chief Chitimukulu joked that Bembas no longer eat cattle like they did in the 1960s, but now want to keep them for business.

And Mr. Yaluma announced that the Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock is in the process of giving about 15 cattle to Paramount Chief Chitimukulu and several Sub Chiefs for animal production.

Mr. Yaluma, who is also Commerce Minister, said the cattle will be handed over soon so that Chiefdoms can start rearing for business.

He later donated 16 bicycles and several bags of mealie meal to Bashilubemba, the advisors to the Paramount Chief.

Farmers Must not be forced to sell their Maize to FRA-UPND


By Levy Ngoma
United Party for National Development-UPND-wishes to condemn in no uncertain terms Government’s continued insistence that farmers must sell their maize to the Food Reserve Agency-FRA, a sing-song that has no value to farmers in the country.

It is absurd and a fallacy on the part of the Government to force farmers to sell their maize to the FRA when the prices of seed, fertilizer and other farming inputs have remained high and unsustainable.

What makes this scenario even more painful is that the PF, has through a number of milling companies, entered into an agreement to supply them with cheap, subsidized maize in order to mop up maize from unsuspecting farmers so that they could hit the 1 million metric tonnes target.

Much as the UPND doesn’t support the rampant swindling nature of most briefcase buyers and millers, we feel it is unjustifiable for the FRA to continue driving the Government’s political agenda of targeting the purchase of 1 million metric tonnes of maize during the 2020 maize marketing season.

The FRA must be reminded that their inability to pay farmers for the maize supplied to it by farmers over successive seasons coupled with their unattractive maize price to the farmers now at K110 per 50kgs is killing farmers.

Therefore, we wish to appeal to the FRA to swiftly and expeditiously settle the arrears that the Agency owes to farmers which is in excess of K97 million before it could even think of subjecting farmers to a more harsh lifestyle.

Already, we have tens of thousands of small scale farmers’ survival prospects during the 2020/2021 farming season bleak owing to the havoc that heavy rainfall and drought wreaked during the 2019/2020 farming season.

We are surprised that Government is interfering in the maize market when the Ministry of Agriculture has, through Mr Michael Katambo insisted that Zambia has recorded a bumper harvest for the 2019/2020 farming season.

The Author is the Opposition UPND Chairperson for Agriculture Committee

ZRST cautions against using the Makeni Flyover Bridge for walking and running


The Zambia Road Safety Trust (ZRST), the Nation’s leading NGO for Road Safety, welcomes the opening of the Makeni Flyover Bridge, but caution pedestrians against using it as a footpath.

The Makeni Flyover Bridge was commissioned on Monday, 3rd of August 2020 by the republican President Edgar Lungu. Ever since ZRST has received disturbing reports with photos and videos of repeated dangerous risk behaviours involving pedestrians walking and running on the bridge.

ZRST Chairman, Daniel Mwamba said:

“Every life matters, we want to advise all pedestrians to stick to a footpath under the bridge. It makes sense that people need some time to adjust to the new world of flyovers, but using the flyover bridge as a footpath that is dedicated to the motorist is a near-death sentence for anyone”.

Recent road quarterly traffic data published by the Zambia Police has shown some reduction in the number of road accidents and deaths on our roads during Covid19 pandemic, but the burden of road traffic fatalities and injuries still remains high, especially for pedestrians and cyclist. Over fifty per cent of traffic fatalities involve pedestrians and cyclists. Therefore, drastic action is needed to put measures in place to save lives.

Road safety is a shared responsibility, and individual road users have to take responsibility for their behaviour. Drivers must give way to pedestrians crossing the street. They must exercise due care when approaching pedestrian crossings, slow down and be alert to pedestrian movement.

For over the past 5 years, the ZRST has worked closely with the government, corporate world and others to help implement evidence-based solutions. Together we continue to promote the use of car seat-belts, campaign against speeding and drunk driving, redesign school streets to make them safer, and advocate for safer pedestrian and cycle paths.

Through a three-pronged approach of education, engagement and enforcement, we want to continue to support the government to create a culture where safe road use is an instinctive and personal responsibility.

It is important that we all take decisive steps against irresponsible behaviour that puts others at risk. This will be ZRST ongoing effort, and we will need the support of all road users to achieve safer roads.

Road traffic crashes are not “accidents”. They are completely preventable.

PF is printing money-Musokotwane


UPND chairman for economics and finance Situmbeko Musokotwane has claimed that says the PF government is printing money, a situation he has described as disastrous to the economy.

Featuring on Millenium Radio’s “Interview program,” Dr Musokotwane disclosed that the current balance sheet at the Bank of Zambia (BOZ) indicated that the central bank was loaning out money to government which in itself is equivalent to printing money.

The former finance minister (MMD government) said the current PF government had spent all the money from tax payers and that the only option they had was to borrow money from BOZ, a situation he said was equivalent putting more fuel to fire or salt to an open wound.

‘’The exchange rate under such circumstances is likely to go up because now even to pay external debt, the central bank will be loaning government which is a wrong way to do things,’’ he said.

Dr. Musokotwane explained that the mining sector needed to be handled with care as it was the biggest tax payer, employer and forex earner which was benefitting the country.

‘’The PF always want to spend money without understanding production, this is why the mining sector is still facing challenges, in 2010 and 2011 our copper production was more than 2 million metric tons per year but currently we (Zambia) are below 800, 000 metric tons,’’ he said.

Further, he stated that there was need to seriously come up with a good 2021 budget unlike the current one that was 50 percent spent on salaries, 40 percent paying back debt and that other important projects in the country had 10 percent share.

‘’As UPND, we will ensure there is a budget that will allow us to hire 40, 000 youths that have graduated from universities, a budget that will allow us to do many things unlike the current one which is just a budget of salaries and allowances,’’ he said.

‘’We need to engage the creditors, those that gave us the money so that the period in which we pay back can be strengthened and give us time to breath,’’ he added.

He said the UPND will be aggressive towards creditors and negotiate debts the country owes as it was the only way Zambians lives can be improved.

Government commissions new Pumping unit on the Tazama oil pipe line


The government has commissioned a 5.2 million U.S dollar Pumping unit on the Tazama oil pipe line. Tazama Pipelines Limited has spent 37 million US dollars to replace old pumps at seven stations along the Tazama pipeline, which runs from Dar-es-Salaam to Ndola.

Energy Minister Matthew Nkhuwa and Finance Minister Bwalya Ng’andu commissioned the last new unit, installed at Kalonje in Lavushi-Manda district

Speaking after commissioning the pumping station, Mr Nkhuwa said the Kalonje pumping facility is an economic infrastructure that government cannot afford to neglect.

He said that is why the Ministry of Energy found it fit to invite Dr Ng’andu to appreciate how the 25 million U.S dollar loan his ministry gave TAZAMA has been utilised.

Mr Nkhuwa said TAZAMA pipe lines limited has been operating on second hand engines since it was commissioned in 1968.

And Finance Minister Bwalya Ng’andu said he is impressed with the investment that TAZAMA has put in place.

Dr. Ng’andu noted that while the amount of money that has gone towards a replacement of pump engines is huge, the development speaks volumes as it is a good example of using resources prudently.

And TAZAMA Pipelines Limited Director Operations and Engineering Deodatus Zegge said the status of the engines had deteriorated thereby becoming a cost to repair.

Mr. Zegge said the replacement of the main engines will now improve operational performance; reduce on costs of repair and maintenance.

Earlier the Ministers made a stopover at Mulilima pigging station, in Serenje, a facility used to clean the inside of the pipeline.

During the tour TAZAMA pipelines, Limited Managing Director Davison Thawethe Informed the Ministers that TAZAMA has been carrying out routine maintenance of the facility.

He said the intelligent pigging to detect any damage to the pipeline costs TAZAMA over 2 million U.S dollar every five years

Government appreciates the support it continues to receive from the people od Western Province-Kafwaya


Transport and Communications Minister Hon Mutotwe Kafwaya has described his tour of Western Province as ‘successful’ saying the government appreciates the support it continues to receive from the people.

Hon Kafwaya has been in the province to launch various government projects aimed at transforming the area.

Speaking when he concluded his tour of duty by featuring on Oblate Radio Liseli Special Programme on Wednesday evening, Hon Kafwaya said the government will continue to take development to all parts of the country.

“You may wish to know Namakau (moderator) that on Monday I launched a modern computer laboratory at Sefula School for the Visually Impaired here in Mongu. This lab also has a state of the art Braille printer which will help our learners to advance in their education. The lab was set up by my ministry through Zambia Information and Communications Technology Authority (ZICTA),” he said.

“His Excellency President Dr. Edgar Chagwa Lungu believes in not leaving anyone behind when it comes to national development and this government wants to include everyone. It must interest you to note that after I launched the lab, we asked a visually impaired person to type something on the computer and print it out in braille, thereafter we called a pupil who was outside and asked her to read what was printed. And it was amazing and quite moving that she read exactly what was printed out in braille. This is the development the people want.”

He said he also took time to launch another lab at Mandanga Secondary School in Mongu which was also set up by the government aimed at promoting ICT in the country.

The Minister stated that he furthermore launched a communication tower at Ndoka School in Kalomo which is a seventh tower in Kalomo District constructed by the PF Government.

“President Lungu is on record that this government wants to prioritize the construction of communication towers as this has several benefits and help us to develop our country. Western Province alone has about 74 towers and about 48 more are still under construction. This province is connected to the rest of the country and the world at large,” he added.

“I also took time to pay a courtesy call on the Barotse Royal Establishment. And Hon Ngambela and I spoke at length to discuss development in the province. And I must state here that government appreciates the support we receive from the BRE.”

He informed the listeners that he ended his tour by interacting with the public service drivers at Limulunga Bus Station and encouraged them to promote road safety in the region amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.

He said he was in the company of Road Transport and Safety Agency (RTSA) Chief Executive Officer Gladwell Banda who also encouraged the drivers against pirating and ensure that they have the full disks in their vehicles in order to avoid penalties.

“I was on oxygen support for three days because I had COVID-19. And I would not want anyone to go through what I went through. Let’s not relax on the guidelines provided by authorities as this will help us to overcome this pandemic,” he stated.

Pardon Keith Mukata and Reconcile Zambians, YALI urges Lungu


The Young African Leaders Initiative – YALI – has asked President Edgar Lungu to consider extending his prerogative mercy to incarcerated Chilanga lawmaker, Keith Mukata, exiled activist Gregory Chifire, among other imprisoned persons for pardon during the National Day of Prayer and Reconciliation.

In a message to mark the 4 years after the 2016 General Elections, YALI Governance Advisor and Legal Advisor Isaac Mwanza has called on leaders and the general citizenry to reconcile, forgive one another and support Government in developing the nation and conducting peaceful 2021 elections.

“We want to earnestly ask President Lungu to lead efforts in reconciling Zambians as the country prepares for general election, exactly one year from now,” said Mr. Mwanza.

Mr. Mwanza said although the last 4 years have witnessed hardwork from President Lungu’s administration in delivering development, the nation has continued to see divisions with some people harbouring pain and hatred against each other.

“What is happening is very unhealthy for a Christian and peace-loving nation. What is more sad is that the clergy who are supposed to be messengers of forgiveness and reconciliation are in the forefront perpetrating divisions among political sides. The President must thus take the responsibility upon his shoulder to do the tasks Bishops and other members of the clergy should have been doing in reconciling the Nation,” he said.

Mr. Mwanza has chastised Zambians in the Diaspora to stop talking ill about their country and Government but offer themselves to help in the healing process than create further divisions.

“The ‘Facebook and Hashtag Revolution’ by our brothers and sisters in the Diaspora, in which they spend countless hours and efforts insulting or disrespecting leaders in Government is not helping to build the country we all love. These energies can better be spent in helping the nation to prepare for 2021 elections and manage the post-election period,” he said.

He said Zambians can only do this noble act when they put political differences, hurt and pains aside and begin working together to firstly, conduct peaceful elections in 2021 and secondly, becoming a resource for developing Zambia.

“In this vein, we kindly implore His Excellency the President to utilise the forthcoming Day of National Prayer in October, 2020 to extend forgiveness by extending the prerogative of mercy in pardoning persons like former Chilanga Member of Parliament Keith Mukata and self-exiled activist Gregory Chifire, both of whom were convicted by the Courts for different offenses. These men and other prisoners whom President Lungu has used his Christian heart to continue pardoning deserve a second chance to contribute to this country.”

Mr Mwanza has since called on Zambians from all walks in life to take the first steps by reaching out to those whom they could have offended to make peace and seek forgiveness but also allow the spirit of reconciliation to lead our lives and the life of the Nation.

K 30 Million Presidential Youth Empowerment Fund Scheme Launched


President Edgar Lungu has said that the PF government attaches great importance to the role that Artists play in the economic development of the country.

Speaking during the launch of the Youth Empowerment Scheme Targeting Artists and the Presidential Choral and Arts Festival at Government Complex in Lusaka today, President Lungu said since the creation of the Ministry of Tourism and Arts, his government has demonstrated that artists are Key players in national development.

In a speech read on his behalf by Vice president Inonge Wina, President Lungu stated that he has noted with happiness that the country’s arts sector has been registering tremendous growth, which has attracted both local and foreign attention.

He further said that the PF government has further noted with happiness an increase in local content on television as well as an increase in attendance to Zambian concerts, festivals fairs, and exhibitions.
“All this is as a result of the enabling environment that my government, in collaboration with stakeholders has put in place,” President Lungu said.

And the head of state has stated that the two signature programs that his government has launched today will bring the country together and empower artists.

Some of the Youths and Artists that attended  the K 30 Million Presidential Youth Empowerment Fund Scheme  Launch
Some of the Youths and Artists that attended the K 30 Million Presidential Youth Empowerment Fund Scheme Launch

President Lungu also announced that government plans to indirectly reach at least 15, 000 artists across the country from the 10, 000 artists that the National Arts Council of Zambia is targeting to reach through the festival.

He explained that the Youth Empowerment Scheme Targeting Arts and the Presidential Choral and Arts Festival are the two interventions that have been structured to provide relief to a sector that has been negatively impacted by COVID 19.

President Lungu has since urged the National Arts Council to take a consultative approach and ensure that the scheme benefits as many artists as possible.

He has also urged artists that will access the funds to be accountable the funds and use them for the intended purpose.

“You have been asking for such an intervention from your government, this is not the time to be merry but to do the work that needs to be done,” President Lungu said.

The Vice President Inonge Wina and Senior Government officials at the launched of the K 30 Million Presidential Youth Empowerment Fund Scheme
The Vice President Inonge Wina and Senior Government officials at the launched of the K 30 Million Presidential Youth Empowerment Fund Scheme

And Speaking earlier, Tourism and Arts Minister Ronald Chitotela said the two programmes that have been launched are in response to the challenges that artists have been facing particularly in the wake of the covid-19 pandemic.

Mr Chitotela explained that performing artists have lost income opportunities , jobs and have struggled to earn a living as they can no longer host shows while craft artists cannot sell their work due to the reduced number of tourists.

He further stated that the approval of the K30 million Youth Empowerment Scheme targeting artists and the Presidential Choral and Arts festival was not a random act by the head of state but a strategic decision which was made in the winder context of the Seventh National development Plan to diversify the economy and expand job opportunities for youths.

The Vice President Inonge Wina and Senior Government officials at the launched of the K 30 Million Presidential Youth Empowerment Fund Scheme
The Vice President Inonge Wina and Senior Government officials at the launched of the K 30 Million Presidential Youth Empowerment Fund Scheme