Monday, October 7, 2024
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FAZ To Handle Its Own Covid-19 Testing Process


FAZ will handle its own Covd-19 testing and monitoring next season after facing huge challenges since the July 18 restart that led to the reduction of the season from 34 to 27 weeks on August 9.

Testing and monitoring was the sole baby of government health management teams that saw massive delays that led to complaints and frustrations from teams over the pre-match verification process.

FAZ President Andrew Kamanga said Football House now has ten weeks to put in place the structure before the 2020/2021season kickoff on October 17.

“So going forward we hope that all the members are going to respect the health protocols because it is very clear that this Covid- 19 is not going anyway any time soon,” Kamanga said.

“If we don’t start, the league clubs are likely to have a lot of financial challenges because they have to meet the players’ salaries and of course the window for the 2020/2021 season registration has now been opened too.

“So these were some of the factors that caused us to make that decision that we should restart the league in October; now others will argue that we were only remaining with seven games and we could have played those games within a month plus five week.

“Yes, we could have done that but the challenge still is as long as we do not have a guarantee that the testing and the results will be there on time, the problems we have witnessed in the last three weeks will still continue.

“We have taken a view that lets give this process a longer period of ten weeks, and in the ten weeks, they are things we are going to do as FAZ and they are things we expect the clubs to do so that come the restart of the league in October, we are all on the same page and manage this situation seamlessly.

“For instance, on our end as FAZ, we are going to invest in the testing equipment and we are going to invest in the reagents and then through the Zambia Medical Association, whom we have already engaged, we hope that they will be able to carry out those tests in consultation with the FAZ Medical Committee so that if we have total control of the testing and results, then we shouldn’t have these problems that we have witnessed in the last three-four weeks.”

Covid-19 cases in North-Western and Copperbelt Provinces increase


Health Minister Chitalu Chilufya has said that there is a spike in Covid-19 cases in North-Western and Copperbelt Provinces where Ndola and Solwezi have recorded double figures of infections in the past two days, with Ndola recording 5 COVID-19 related Brought in Dead (BID) cases.

Speaking during the COVID-19 routine update, Health Minister Dr Chitalu Chilufya called for the need to double the intervention efforts.

The MInister further said that most deaths are among the elderly and those with underlying conditions such as diabetes and pneumonia.

Dr. Chilufya also indicated that the country has in the last 24 hours recorded 226 new cases of COVID-19.

79 patients are currently admitted to Levy Mwanawasa Isolation Centre with 32 on oxygen support.

He said 229 people have been discharged, bringing the total number of recoveries to 7,233.

Dr. Chilufya added that Government will not segregate or look at the status when attending to COVID-19 patients adding that all of them will be treated equally.

The Minister was responding to journalists who wanted to know if the Levy Mwanawasa facility had VIP patients who were being treated differently from others.

Dr. Chilufya emphasised the importance of public health measures and the need for people to stay away from congregate activities such as funerals.

Access to reliable communication key in Covid-19 fight-Kafwaya


Government says access to reliable communication services is critical in the fight against Covid-19.
Transport and Communications Minister Mutotwe Kafwaya said access to Information and Communications Technology has become even more important as citizens need reliable information on what is happening in the fight against Covid-19.

Mr Kafwaya said Zambia is facing Covid-19 challenges like many other countries and adapting to the new normal requires that people are given credible information on how to avoid spreading the virus.
He said through the use of ICTs, citizens are encouraged to reach out through the emergency Help Line to get support on Covid-19.

Mr Kafwaya was speaking on Tuesday when he commissioned the Ndoka communications tower at Ndoka Primary School in Kalabo district.

He added that the launch of Ndoka site demonstrates government’s resolve to take communication services to all parts of Zambia.

Mr. Kafwaya said from the 1, 009 towers to be constructed across the country under Phase II of the Communications Tower Project, a total of 717 towers are operational and the remaining ones will be completed by December this year.

“Today we are witnesses to the fulfilment of a promise to connect all parts of Kalabo. GRZ is walking the talk in the development of ICT infrastructure. My Ministry is committed to the provision of affordable and reliable communication services across the country in a manner that leaves no one behind,” Mr Kafwaya said.

He said government is putting in place a regulatory framework that will safeguard the infrastructure being put up adding that government has prioritized the construction of communication towers across the country because of their value to national development.

“My sincere hope that this infrastructure will be safeguarded and that it will contribute to the social and economic development of Kalabo district,” he said.

Speaking earlier, Zamtel Head of Corporate Affairs and Government Relations Reuben Kamanga said Zamtel has been ranked as the best network in terms of quality of Service by the Zambia Information and Communications Technology Authority (ZICTA).

Zamtel Head of Corporate Affairs and Government Relations Reuben Kamanga delivers his speech during the launch of the Ndoka communications tower in Kalabo
Zamtel Head of Corporate Affairs and Government Relations Reuben Kamanga delivers his speech during the launch of the Ndoka communications tower in Kalabo

Mr. Kamanga said this is contained in the ZICTA’s latest report on Quality of Service (QoS) for Mobile Network Operators.

He said the telecommunication company had worked hard to improve the quality of service to its customers.
Mr. Kamanga said Zamtel was now the network with the largest footprint in the country as it continues to roll out more networks.

“So far 717 new sites have been rolled out in different parts of the country and the remaining sites are planned for completion before end of this year,” he said.

Mr Kamanga said in Kalabo district, Zamtel has added four new sites bringing the total sites in Western Province to 74 while an additional 48 sites will be added across the province before end of the year.
He said Zamtel recognizes that western Province has potential to grow in many sectors of the economy.
He said the construction of towers will help farmers and the business community to expand their portfolios.
“Zamtel has noted massive potential that Western Province has especially in the area of Rice production, tourism and fishing. The coming of infrastructure such as communication towers will help realise this potential,” Mr Kamanga said.

He also said farmers would be able to communicate with buyers of fish in larger markets such as Lusaka.
“Farmers can now receive payments for produce via Zamtel Kwacha which is convenient and secure payment option and helps reduce cash handling risks.

“This infrastructure will help create new business opportunities for the people of Ndoka and surrounding areas,” Mr Kamanga said.

And Kalabo District Commissioner Fridah Luhila said the seven towers installed in Kalabo had revolutionised communication for the people of Kalabo. Mrs. Luhila said government institutions were now able to communicate programmes easily through the use mobile phones.

“The towers have brought businesses to youths in Kalabo and was helping curb crime as the Neighbourhood Watch Groups are able to communicate easily,” she said.

Kalabo district has 83,000 people mostly living in rural parts of the district.

Transport and Communications Minister Mutotye Kafwaya inspects the newly launched communication tower at Ndoka Primary School in Kalabo
Transport and Communications Minister Mutotye Kafwaya inspects the newly launched communication tower at Ndoka Primary School in Kalabo

Government releases the total allocated Constituency Funds as budgeted in the 2020


The government has released the total allocated Constituency Development Fund as budgeted in the 2020 National budget.

Local Government Minister Charles Banda says the CDF budgetary allocation for 2020 is K249,600,000.

Dr Banda says this amount is meant for distribution to all the 156 Constituencies and each of the 156 Constituencies will receive a total of K1.6 million.

He said in 2018, K209,337,616 was released from the Treasury and the Ministry in turn disbursed the funds to 132 constituencies because the allocation was not adequate to cater for all the 156 Constituencies.

Dr Banda said the 24 constituencies not funded from the 2018 CDF were constituencies that had Members of Parliament who were Cabinet Ministers.

He said in 2019, given the country’s financial constraints, the Ministry of Finance released a total of K29,962,384 which was in turn disbursed to the remaining constituencies that never received the CDF in 2018.

Dr Banda said this being an inclusive Government premised on delivering development to every corner of Zambia, the Government has shown this commitment by releasing the whole amount as budgeted for to ensure that no constituency is left behind in terms of development.

He said the Members of Parliament now have an onerous task to ensure that the implementation of the earmarked projects commences as soon as the funds are in the accounts.

Dr Banda has directed all the councils that have not yet submitted the 2020 CDF projects for approval to do so immediately.

“It is the cry of the large citizenry that development should be hastened in all areas without leaving anyone behind. There is no reason to retain the funds in the Constituency Bank Accounts when there are many development challenges that need to be urgently addressed”, he added.

He has reiterated his Ministry’s commitment to ensure that the CDF allocated is used for the intended purpose in a transparent and accountable manner in accordance with the CDF Act No.11 of 2018, which prescribes the funding, management and accountability of the Fund.

Zambia Police Service Should strictly adhere to their own Standard Operating Procedures-HRC


The Human Rights Commission is calling on the Zambia Police Service to strictly adhere to their own Standard Operating Procedures during the enforcement of Public Health Regulations and the Presidential Guidelines on the COVID-19 pandemic.

Human Rights Commission spokssperson Mwelwa Muleya says the resolution by Cabinet on Monday 10th August 2020 to deploy police officers to enforce public health regulations and guidelines on COVID-19 is a welcome move because it is in line with Zambia’s multi-sectorial response to the coronavirus called Zambia COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Programme.

Mr Muleya says officers however have an obligation to strictly adhere to the recently developed SOPs for the Zambia Police Service which stipulates the guidelines on how they should execute their duties as they contribute to the achievement of the objectives of the Zambia COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Programme.

He says all law enforcement officers are in particular required to respect the rights and dignity of all persons.

Mr. Muleya says this means that officers should never resort to acts of torture and other forms of cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment or punishment of individuals not adhering to the regulations and guidelines.

“Officers must also respect the fundamental human rights principle of equality and non-discrimination during the enforcement of the public health regulations and guidelines”, he said.

Mr. Muleya said Members of the public must know and respect the fact that during this period of public health global pandemic, law enforcement officers have legitimate powers to, among other measures, enforce restrictions on movements, public gatherings prohibition or restriction on trade or vending and to stop any other illegal activities that may undermine the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.

He has reiterated the fact that COVID-19 pandemic is real and is ravaging lives therefore, there is a need for reinforced response against its spread by combining public awareness and enforcement mechanisms in order to save lives.

“To this end, the Commission is calling upon the Government to decentralize COVID-19 pandemic fund to District councils, District Health Offices and Police Stations to scale up public awareness on, and adherences to public health regulations and guidelines”, said Mr Muleya.

He has commended the Zambia Police Service for being pro-active by developing SOPs for its officers with financial and technical support from the United Nations Development Programme and also technical support from the Human Rights Commission.

However, Mr Muleya said the Commission is concerned that the capacity building of officers and the distribution of the SOPs to officers countrywide may be overtaken by the deployment of officers in the field and this may result in violation of human rights due to lack of standardised procedures and practices among the officers.

He has further called on the Zambia Police Service Command to accelerate capacity building of officers and dissemination of the SOPs in order to achieve the noble objective of standardising procedures and practices among all officers during the enforcement of regulations and guidelines on COVID 19 pandemic.

UPND and its leadership have no vision for Zambia and resembles PF in every aspect


Patriots for Economic Progress Leader Sean Tembo is happy with the accelerated rate at which the Zambian people have embraced his party as an alternative Government in waiting that can deliver on the economic, social and governance aspirations of citizens.

Mr Tembo says as, on Monday, 10th August 2020, the total paid-up membership of the Patriots for Economic Progress crossed the 600,000 mark.

He says for a political party that has been in existence for barely four years, this is no mean achievement.

Mr Tembo says Given the PeP exponential growth in the past few years, coupled with the visionary leadership of the PeP National Organizing Committee and the increasing appetite of the Zambian people to elect into office fresh blood that is devoid of recycled politicians that generally characterize Zambia’s political landscape, the political future of the Patriots for Economic Progress is bright.

He said given all the variables, he believes that it is in order to now declare the Patriots for Economic Progress as Zambia’s Third Political Force.

“Suffice to mention that it is not our desire to remain third-ranked for long. In the one year from now to Election Day, we shall be making a very spirited attempt to emerge victorious in the general elections, and to obtain the mandate of the Zambian people to preside over the affairs of this Republic”, he said.

Mr Tembo says the Patriots for Economic Progress are not in an Alliance with any political party, and the possibility of any Alliance with any political party between now and the Election Day in 2021 is totally out of question.

He says any other political party and their respective leaders shall be considered as their political opponents and they will be treated as such.

Mr Tembo says the theme of the PeP message to the Zambian people will be threefold ahead of 2021 firstly, how the ruling PF and its Government have failed to run the affairs of this nation and need to be replaced.

He said secondly, how the main opposition UPND and its leadership have no vision for this country and resemble the ruling PF in every aspect except the fact that they are not in power and thirdly, why the Patriots for Economic Progress and it’s leadership are the most suitable grouping to be next accorded the opportunity of running the affairs of this beautiful nation and to turn around this country’s economic fortunes as well as restore the rule of law.

Mr Tembo says his party saw it necessary to state its position as above so that there is no doubt in the minds of political opponents as well as the Zambian people in terms of where they stand and what their campaign message themes will be, going forward.

Kampyongo calls on all MPS from the North to rise and Defend Chief Chitimukulu from politically charged individuals


SHIWAN’GANDU Constituency Member of Parliament Hon Stephen Kampyongo has vowed to defend and protect Paramount Chief Chitimukulu Kanyanta Manga Sosala from politically charged individuals attacking him.

Speaking when he paid a courtesy call on the traditional leader at his residence in Kasama District of Northern Province, Hon Kampyongo said he would not sit idle and allow uncultured politicians to go on attacking the Chief with impunity.

“Mutuka mfumu tatuka imo, atuka shonse” [One who insults a chief, insults not one but all chiefs] Hon. Kampyongo said.

Hon Kampyongo said that it is morally incorrect for any politician or ordinary citizen to begin to abuse the traditional leaders in the country regardless of the regions they hail from.

Hon Kampyongo who is also Home Affairs Minister assured Paramount Chief Chitimukulu of President Edgar Lungu’s undisputed support to himself and other traditional leaders who have so far come under attack by some immoral politicians.

He also called on all elected members of parliament who hail from the Northern Region to rise and defend the traditional leader.

The Home Affairs Minister is in Northern Province to check on the mobile National Registration exercise which was launched last week.

Kamala Harris spent time in Zambia as a Child


US Senator for California Kamala Harris who has been chosen by Joe Biden as his Democratic vice-presidential candidate lived in Lusaka, Zambia at some point in her early life.

She is a daughter of an Indian-born mother and a Jamaican-born father.

Her mother, Shyamala Gopalan separated with her father, Donald Harris when Kamala Harris was five.

Raised primarily by her Hindu single mother, a cancer researcher and a civil rights activist, Kamala and her sister Maya, spent time in Zambia in the late 1960s.

Her grandfather, PV Gopalan, was a senior diplomat in the Indian government who lived in Zambia after it gained independence.

According to the Los Angelos Times, Kamala was five years when she lived in Zambia.
The Indian government had dispatched P.V. Gopalan to help Zambia manage an influx of refugees from Rhodesia — the former name of Zimbabwe — which had just declared independence from Britain.
It was the capstone of a four-decade career that began when Gopalan joined government service fresh out of college in the 1930s, in the final years of British rule in India.

It was also the start of a relationship that would define Harris’ life. Until his death in 1998, Gopalan remained from thousands of miles away a pen pal and guiding influence — accomplished, civic-minded, doting, playful — who helped kindle Harris’ interest in public service.

“My grandfather was really one of my favorite people in my world,” Harris, said in a recent interview.

She was 19, the eldest of their four children, and had never set foot outside India.
Her parents dug into Gopalan’s retirement savings to pay her tuition and living costs for the first year.

A few years later, Shyamala and Donald brought their daughters to Zambia. Kamala would have been 4 or 5 years old; Maya, two years younger, was still sleeping in a crib.

The young Kamala was oblivious to the intrigue swirling around her, with Gopalan’s government-issued car whisking him to meetings with Zambian officials and diplomats dropping by for visits.

What she remembers is the soil of Lusaka, rich with copper, which glowed a fiery red.

Kamala Harris, back row at left, in an undated family photo. (Courtesy of Sharada Balachandran Orihuela)
P.V. Gopalan, Kamala Harris’ grandfather, seen in India in an undated family photograph
P.V. Gopalan, Kamala Harris’ grandfather, seen in India in an undated family photograph

Bengali reported from New Delhi and Mason from Los Angeles.

PF is working to have UPND disqualified for 2021 Elections using Zambia Police-Kakoma


United Party for National Development(UPND) has accused the ruling Patriotic Front of instructing Zambia Police not to allow UPND to hold meetings, despite the people submitting notification to the police, with the aim of disqualifying the party in 2021 for not holding internal elections.

In a statement to the media, UPND Spokesperson, Charles Kakoma said that UPND has been notifying the police to hold its meetings for the purpose of holding internal elections, but police have been refusing because they have “instructions from above” not to allow UPND to hold meetings.

Mr. Kakoma said that this instruction from above is unlawful and it offends the provisions of the Republican Constitution.

Mr. Kakoma said that UPND has had so many cases where police have not only denied its members their right to assemble, but also abused police powers to arrest innocent members of the party.

Mr Kakoma said that, recently, police on the Copperbelt arrested UPND Chairman for Research and Policy Dr Choolwe Beyani and several others for holding intra-party elections.

Mr. Kakoma further alleged that the implications of this action is to stop the UPND from holding internal elections so that, come 2021, the party will not qualify to participate in the presidential and general elections.

Below is the full media statement


Holding Meetings in the Bush

A strange phenomenon is developing in Zambia where people have resorted to holding meetings in the bush to run away from a repressive regime. Examples abound. Recently, youth in Lusaka decided to hold their gathering in the bush after police refused to allow them to hold their protest even after following the laid down procedure under the Public Order Act.

The United Party for National Development ( UPND) has also been a victim of police infringement on the rights of its members to freely assemble and carry out political activities.

One of these political activities is the holding of elections within the party. The Constitution of Zambia demands that for a political party to participate in the presidential and general election, it must first hold internal democratic elections within its party.

In order to fulfill the requirements of the Republican Constitution, the UPND has been trying to hold intraparty elections at ward, constituency, and district levels to usher in democratically elected representatives of the members at the lower organs of the party. After holding these lower organ elections, the party will proceed to hold elections at the provincial and national levels.

It is interesting to note that the ruling Patriotic Front is also in the process of holding its intra-party elections. PF Secretary General Davies Mwila recently told a press briefing that his party will go ahead to hold elections in six remaining provinces despite the prevailing COVID 19 situation.

This revelation by the PF Secretary General confirms two things. One is that the PF has been holding infra-party elections without interruption from the police. Two is that the PF will proceed with the internal elections with or without Corona Virus.

PF holding internal meetings with Party Members
PF holding internal meetings with Party Members

The UPND been notifying the police to hold its meetings for the purpose of holding internal elections but police have been refusing because they have “instructions from above” not to allow UPND to hold meetings. This instruction from above is unlawful. It offends the provisions of the Republican Constitution.

The UPND has had so many cases where police have not only denied its members their right to assemble but. also abused police powers to arrest innocent members of the party. Recently, police on the Copperbelt arrested UPND Chairman for Research and Policy Dr Choolwe Beyani and several others for holding intra- party elections. The implications of this action is to stop the UPND from holding internal elections so that come 2021, the party will not qualify to participate in the presidential and general elections. As a party, we are seeing through this scheme by the PF and its government.

We will not allow that to happen.

We have had many cases where our members have been forced to hold their meetings in the bush to hide from the police. In places like Eastern Province, our members have been told that they cannot hold meetings because it is a PF bedroom.

Our members have devised strategies to beat the PF regime in their so-called bedroom.

But why should Zambians be subjected to holding meetings in the bush to run away from the police more than half a century after gaining independence in 1964? Our fathers , mothers and forefathers and foremothers fought for independence from colonial rulers because they wanted freedom of assembly, freedom of association, freedom of speech and many other rights and freedoms. By today, these rights and freedoms should have been A GIVEN. Why should we be fighting for rights and freedoms which we already won from the colonial rulers?

In case, the PF and its government have forgotten, suppressing people’s rights and freedoms is not a guarantee to continued stay in power. The white colonial rulers had the army, police, messengers and other instruments of power but failed to suppress the Africans whose only weapon was the mouth and brain. Using their brains, the oppressed people also resorted to holding meetings in the bush. Sometimes, the female organizers would gather women at a well or water drawing point and tell them how they were going to fight the colonial rulers. If the colonial police or messenger appeared on the scene , they would all pretend to be busy drawing water. There was no case to answer. In some cases, the freedom fighters would gather in the bush, at someone’s field carrying hoes pretending to be tilling the land in case the authorities found them . History is repeating itself. We are back to a situation where people are going back in the bush to hold meetings.

In urban areas, people will devise methods of meeting to beat the regime. Some are meeting in buses, churches, workshops and other allowed places to discuss their plight and find a way forward.
It is shameful and embarrassing for the government to be seen to be oppressing its citizens in such a manner in this time and era. Pictures and videos have gone viral on social media about oppressed Zambians holding meetings in the bush. What image does it show to the world about the state of democracy in Zambia? The country has become a dictatorship similar to or worse than colonial rule. The solution is very simple: restore people’s rights and freedoms. You can suppress the people once, but you cannot suppress them forever.

PF holding internal meetings with Party Members
PF holding internal meetings with Party Members

President Lungu has delivered beyond expectations, he deserves a second term


By Marvin Chanda Mberi

Each day that we close, draws us closer to the 2021 elections which to the best of our ability, is the appointed time to renew President Edgar Lungu’s second term mandate.

We are confident, if not overzealous of the pending victory because we are convinced that our flag bearer and Presidential candidate Edgar Chagwa Lungu has not and will never betray the fiduciary obligation that was irrevocably entrusted in his able hands.

Contrary to the unfounded and imaginatively concocted accusations by our adversaries, we are mere participants in the elections.

We are wrestling against invisible aliens who have used the named opposition party and its leader.

The Zambian people reserves their exclusive ownership of the entire electoral process and we shall endeavour to be on the side of the people.

We are so far satisfied with the conduct of preliminary processes leading to elections as they have been conducted in an inclusive manner. Every stakeholder has been given a very fair chance to have their grievances heard including bringing frivolous suits before the courts.

We will endeavour to win their trust and the socioeconomic programs reflects the will of the people. This is why the PF is the only political party in Zambia that has constituted a Technical Committee of the various intellectual powerhouse who commands respect amongst a pool of their respective professional peers to review its manifesto.

The PF appreciates the evolution that has taken place hence the aspirations expressed in the manifesto yet to be unveiled shall always correspond with time.

We can only wish that we will be held accountable on the social contract we made in 2016. This is the basis upon which we assumed state power.

Zambians should resist any temptation of falling for plagiarized speeches of our opponents to substitute the tangible results the PF has scored.

Our opponents only habour ill will against us for they know we are a stumbling block to the ascending to corridors by the life President. They keep threatening us with unknown consequences because they know that we are enlightening Zambians that President Lungu is unmatched in his quest to selflessly serve Zambians.

We are not responsible for the consistent failure of the named opposition figure. We are mere messengers of the silent voices of Zambians who overwhelmingly voted for President Lungu.

As we wage the protracted political battle to move around the countryside to market our brand in President Lungu, we are determined to take an issued based approach.

We have facts on our side that the PF has delivered to the expectations of the Zambian people. We are determined to mount a realistic approach to national issues.

Our desire is to prolong the resolve for the democratic rule in line with the founding values which made Zambia to earn the enviable reputation in the estimation of various political followers.

We will therefore relentlessly stand with the Zambian people and use every medium available to respectfully seek the consent of the people.

President Lungu has faithfully delivered beyond the expectations therefore should be rewarded further term.

President Lungu understands that every promise he made was a debt which can only be delivered with service to the people. The party manifesto as supplemented by other literature has been documents of reference are all times.

In sum, we cheerfully welcome this count down to the 12th August, 2021, a day the confirmation of a renewed era under the PF regime will be renewed

President Lungu expected to Open Parliament on Friday


President EDGAR LUNGU is expected to officially open the Fifth session of the Twelfth National Assembly on Friday, September 11, 2020.

Clerk of the National Assembly, CECILIA MBEWE, said this in a statement issued in Lusaka.

The Fourth Session of the Twelfth National Assembly, adjourned Sine die on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, due to the outbreak of COVID-19 in the country and resumed sitting on Tuesday, June 9, 2020.

Parliament further adjourned its sittings last month on July 21, 2020, after some Members of Parliament and other support staff tested positive for COVID-19.

Private Schools’s Move to Open Schools to Non Exam Classes is unacceptable-Health Minister


The government is unhappy that some private institutions of learning have opened their schools to non-examination classes against the Presidential directive.

Health Minister Chitalu Chilufya says the act to disobey presidential directives is unacceptable.
Dr. Chilufya says President Edgar Lungu only directed the reopening for examination classes and that non-examination classes are not supposed to open.

Speaking during the routine update in Lusaka yesterday, Dr. Chilufya said 65 new cases of Covid-19 have been recorded in the last 24 hours out of 362 tests conducted.

He said one suspected Covid-19 related death of a 65-year-old female has been recorded.

Dr. Chilufya said the victim was hypertensive and had suffered a stroke.

He said very ill patients continue being seen in health facilities and have urged the public to report suspected cases of Covid-19 as early as possible.

He said 202 patients have been discharged, bringing the total number of recoveries to 7,004.

And Ministry of Health Director Infectious Diseases Lloyd Mulenga said it has been observed that some Covid-19 survivors are experiencing fatigue and shortness of breath.

Prof. Mulenga said the survivors should keep in touch with medical professionals so that they undergo rehabilitation and are helped to fully recover.

Meanwhile, Informal Sector Community Response Team Coordinator Pascal Chikumbi said the organization will work with law enforcers to ensure compliance to health measures.

Mr. Chikumbi appealed to people in buses and markets to adhere to presidential directives.

President Lungu Mourns the late OP Director


President Edgar Lungu has called on Zambians to emulate the commitment and hard work demonstrated by the late Director-General in the Office of the President – Special Division, Samuel Nkhoma.

President Lungu was speaking during the requiem Church Service for Mr. Nkhoma at the Anglican Cathedral of the Holy Cross in Lusaka.

The President who grieved the loss of one of the topmost officer stating that it was a sad moment not only for the family but the people of Zambia as a whole.

The Head of State described the late Mr. Nkhoma as an experienced man who exhibited knowledge and skill in service delivery.

President Lungu disclosed that the deceased had an industrious career in the public service as he joined the Office of the President – Special division in 1985 rising through the ranks to the position of Director General – Special Division until his demise on Friday, August 7, 2020.

And the widow Jane Nkhoma in a speech read on her behalf by Maureen Ngoma said the late was a determined father, husband, and grandfather who put the needs of others before his.

Meanwhile, a family representative, David Phiri expressed gratitude to President Lungu for entrusting the late Mr. Nkhoma with a topmost position.

The late Mr. Nkhoma died after a respiratory failure on Friday, August 7, 2020, and has since been put to rest at Leopards Hill Memorial Park in Lusaka.

Zamhemp to ensure that Cannabis farmers are paid handsomely and timely-Sinkamba


The Zambian Hemp Growers and Industries Association (Zamhemp) has unpacked the association’s hemp buying and selling strategy for its members when hemp cultivation, processing, and export commences soon.

In its strategy published on its website, Zamhemp says it has designated one of its corporate member the Copperbelt Commodity Exchange (COMEX) to be the premium commodity-trading platform for buying and selling hemp from its members across the country.

According to the Zamhemp strategy, COMEX will work with the Government delegated agency for hemp to secure supply of raw hemp material for hemp industries affiliated to the association. Through commodity trading, COMEX will help to create liquidity in the national hemp business to ensure that farmers are paid for their produce handsomely and timely. The association also says that COMEX will trade on the international hemp market, and through it, local investors, small and big, could invest in speculative and other markets in the global hemp business.

“This means that several different types of local traders will be active in the hemp commodity market in Zambia,” says Zamhemp President and CEO Peter Sinkamba,

“This includes traders who will be dealing in raw materials used at the beginning of the production chain. For example, some traders will specialize in hemp cultivation and others in trading for extraction of hemp oil. Others will solely deal in hemp trading for processing in hemp construction blocks; others will specialize in hemp trading for oil used for medicinal and other pharmaceutical applications; others will specialize in hemp trading for cosmetics production, etc. So we have created space for everyone in the value chain,” he added.

The association says COMEX will on one hand operate independently, trading on major exchanges such as the New York Mercantile Exchange, and on the other hand others work for other international large hemp commodity producers.

“As a commodity trader working for local and international manufacturers or producers, COMEX will strive to secure the best prices on purchases while simultaneously supplying competitive bids to customers. In addition, COMEX will work as a broker working for brokerage firms helping in creating a deep and liquid international commodities market,” Mr. Sinkamba said.

“Furthermore, COMEX will in some instances act as speculators and attempt to make profits on small movements in commodity prices through forward and futures contracts,” he said.

“So right from cultivation through to export of hemp, we have gotten all systems figured out. We are good to go when time to get going comes pretty soon,” Mr. Sinkamba quipped.

On Monday this week, Government announced that Cabinet approved in principle the introduction of bills in parliament to enhance the existing legislation so that cannabis and hemp can be be cultivated, processed, and exported for medicinal, economic and industrial purposed. Mr. Sinkamba registered Zamhemp in June this year to work as a platform for members interested in hemp business value-chain. The Association plans to embark on hemp cultivation by October this year, if the laws are enacted by then.

MMD to participate in Mwansabombwe and Lukashya by-elections


The opposition New Hope Movement for Multi-party Democracy (MMD) will participate in the forthcoming two parliamentary by elections.

The New Hope MMD Provincial structures in both Luapula and Northern Province had petitioned the National Secretary Hon. Elizabeth Chitika to allow the Party to participate in both by elections.

In announcing the decision New Hope MMD National Secretary Hon. Chitika said that the MMD will now participate in all elections including the 2021 General elections.

“We as the New Hope MMD did receive petitions from our Luapula and Northern structures for us to participate in the Mwansabombwe and Lukashya by-elections. I would love to inform you all that we as a party have resolved to not only participate in these maiden by elections but all elections that will follow after including next year elections. The rebels who had hijacked our party from 2016 up to last year failed to participate in any elections including that of Market Chairperson”, Hon. Chitika mocked. This is our grand entry in a bid to reclaim our political space and we shall come out victorious.

Hon. Chitika continued by saying that the Victories in the two by elections will mark the beginning of the return of the MMD in power.

“We have done our homework and I can assure you that the only thing that will come out of Mwansbombwe and Lukashya is victory from the New Hope MMD. It will mark the first step towards us bouncing back to power next year”, Hon. Chitika vowed.

And speaking from Mansa, New Hope MMD Luapula Provincial Mr. Jackson Mwewa said they will deliver Victory in Mwansabombwe in memory of FTJ Chiluba.

“We as New Hope MMD Luapula are extremely excited over our party’s decision to allow us to participate in the Mwansbombwe by-election. The party should expect nothing less than a win. And We are already dedicating that looming Win to Our Late President FTJ Chiluba, who our party honored two weeks ago”, Mr. Mwewa said.

And speaking from Kasama, New Hope MMD Northern Province Chief Mr. Vincent Chibeka said that Lukashya is a done deal.

“Lukashya has always been an MMD strong hold. Because of the sponsored revolt by the rebels, We failed to participate in a number of elections in 2016 including Lukashya. That is why an independent Won. But we are happy that the party has given us a green light. The results will be a signal of how MMD will bounce back next year under Dr. Nevers Mumba”, Mr. Chibeka vowed.

And a check in the local newspapers found an advert by the New Hope MMD National Secretary Hon. Chitika inviting MMD members to apply to stand on the MMD ticket.