Monday, October 7, 2024
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The negative socio-economic impact of COVID-19 has not spared the leather industry in Zambia,


The negative socio-economic impact of COVID-19 has not spared the leather industry in Zambia, says Zamleather General Manager Richard Franklin.

He said the industry is feeling the pinch of this pandemic as it has disrupted the way business is done.

Mr Franklin noted that the leather and shoe business heavily relies on movement of people, but COVID-19 has confined people indoors.

“Our industry is generally supported by people moving from point A to B. The more people move, the higher the need for new shoes. However, the virus has confined people to their homes, for quite some time, before the new normal. This, in turn, affects sales due to low demand,” he explained.

Mr Franklin cited Kaleza, a football boot produced by Zamleather, as one of the footwears that had been severely hit by the COVID-19 pandemic, while the suspension of school classes had impacted sales of its famous Zamshu school shoes.

“We significantly reduced production, or supply, of the famous boot for champions – Kaleza boot – on the market after we noticed a reduction in demand for the boot. This followed the closure of the football season by government in March this year to prevent the spread of COVID-19,” he said.

Mr Franklin was, however, optimistic that the company would increase production of the boot for champions as the football season in Zambia was expected to resume this month under the new normal.

The Zamleather general manager noted that the Zambeef tannery and shoe division managed to stay afloat during the COVID-19 pandemic by adhering to preventive measures set by government and heath institutions such as the World health Organisation.

“We are living in the new normal at our factory. All our staff are masked up, they wash hands frequently, and when you visit our factory, you’ll surely have your hands sanitised right at the entrance as well as your temperature taken. We have taken the fight against this disease very seriously” he said.

Mr Franklin observed that COVID-19 did not severely impact on the company’s safety shoe collection.

“Although it has not been easy being productive under the new normal, our safety shoes have performed fairly well, since most factories and security companies in the country have been operational; therefore, demand for the shoes has been intact,” he said.

2020 ABSA Cup Cancelled


The 2020 ABSA Cup has been cancelled due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

This seasons ABSA Cup has been postponed twice so far after initially being put on hold last March and was later due to be played at the start of the 2020/2021season in September after the Charity Shield.
Sponsors ABSA Bank said the competition will now be played when conditions improve later in 2021.

“After taking into account the prevalence of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have come to an amicable decision with the Football Association of Zambia that the cancellation of the tournament based on the current health concerns would be in the best interest of all stakeholders, particularly the players and team officials. As sponsors of the Absa Cup, we remain committed to sponsoring this tournament in line with our obligation to be a ‘Force for Good’ in the communities we operate in. We are fully committed in supporting the growth of Zambian football and the talent that we have among the youth in line with the Bank’s purpose of bringing possibilities to life,” ABSA stated.

And FAZ General Secretary Adrian Kashala said they were looking forward to the successful staging of the ABSA Cup next year following a challenging 2020 due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

The quarterfinal draws for this year’s tournament saw defending champions Zesco United drawn in a Ndola derby against Forest Rangers.

Napsa Stars were due to face Kabwe Warriors in a Midlands derby.

Green Eagles were drawn against sister club Young Green Eagles while Nkana were set for a Kitwe derby last eight showdown against Kitwe United.

Anti-Corruption Commission in Mongu arrest former Senanga Subordinate Court Magistrate


The Anti-Corruption Commission in Mongu has arrested former Senanga Subordinate Court Magistrate Chama Mutambalilo for corrupt practices involving over K1000.

Mr. Chama Mutambalilo aged 50, of Kamwala South in Lusaka was charged with one count of Obtaining Money by False Pretences contrary to Section 309 of the Penal Code CAP 87 of the Laws of Zambia.

Particulars of the offence being that the accused on dates unknown but between 1st October 2016 and 31st July 2016 whilst working as a Magistrate at Senanga Subordinate Court in Senanga District of the Western Province did by false pretences obtain K1, 200 from known persons purporting that the said money was required as logistical support for him to undertake a Court scene visit when in fact not.

Mutambalilo has since been released on Bond and will appear in court soon.

This is according to a statement issued to the media by ACC Public Relations Manager Timothy Moono.

Home Affairs Warning to Stakeholders Monitoring NRC Registrations is Appalling


By Guess Nyirenda (Mr.) Executive Director

Operation Young Vote (OYV) is not only appalled and dismayed but also very concerned and displeased at the stance the Ministry of Home Affairs has taken to stop members of the public either individually or collectively in groups or organization from monitoring the implementation of the 2020 Mobile issuance of the National Registration Cards (NRCs) by the Government.

As OYV we find the pronouncement and threats misplaced in that the exercise is not an ordinary undertaking but an extraordinary one whose many purpose is related to the forth coming voter registration exercise by the Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) and the 2021 National Elections. This sudden apprehension by Government on citizens monitoring on how a service is being provided to members of the general public leaves a lot to be desired. This is very unusual especially that this is not the first time Zambia is conducting the Mobile Issuance of NRCs in relation to the electoral process.

The skepticism perception Government is trying to employ to the point of seemingly being scared of its own shadow must not be allowed anywhere near the process as it is a recipe for mistrust and loss of confidence by the citizens in such undertakings of paramount significance in the nation.

OYV is of the conviction that Zambia having ratified and being a state party to many sub-regional, regional, and international protocols and conventions that espouse transparency and accountability, robust and comprehensive citizens and stakeholders’ participation coupled with the aspirations of national plans such as the 7th National Development Plan (7NDP) and other policies of leaving NO ONE behind, its failure to understand and appreciate the goal and objectives of the exercise at hand specifically and the mandate of the Ministry generally.

OYV would therefore like to challenge Government in general and the Ministry of Home Affairs particularly to own up and walk the path of transparency and accountability by allowing members of the general public and Civil Society Organisations to monitor the Mobile NRC Issuance implementation if indeed this exercise is to yield fruits that favour Zambia and Zambians.

For and on Behalf of Operation Young Vote (OYV)

Walter Bwalya Hopes Nkana Don’t Get Docked Points Over Pay Dispute


Congolese striker Walter Bwalya says he doesn’t wish to see his old club Nkana docked three points for delaying to pay the reported $32,000 owed to him in salary and sign-on fee arrears.

Nkana, who are in the race to win the 2019/20 Super Division title, delayed to pay the first installment on June 16 as prescribed by the FAZ player status committee.

In a phone interview, El Gouna striker Bwalya said the issue of whether or not Nkana should be docked points was beyond him.

“I want to clarify; it is not me to request that Nkana be docked points. I don’t even have powers to stop the ruling that came out,” Bwalya said.

“I am sure Nkana will do their best to pay me. My wish is not to deduct Nkana points so that they fail to get the championship. My wish is for them to finish paying me and to get the championship, it will be good for them,” the ex-Nkana captain said.

“In case they fail to pay the judges have the power to make those sanctions but it is not about me,” Bwalya said.

Second placed Nkana have 47 points, one behind leaders Napsa Star who will face Forest Rangers in their final match.

Nkana are almost guaranteed to finish on 50 points with reports that their last opponents Nakambala Leopards have forfeited their remaining league games due to Covid-19 concerns.

I’ll ensure that Zambians have universal access to water and sanitation services-New Minister


Water Development, Sanitation and Environmental Protection Minister, Jonas Chanda says he will ensure that Zambians have universal access to water and sanitation services.

Dr. Chanda says he will also prioritized water and environmental management as contained in the Seventh National Development Plan (7NDP) and the Vision 2030.

The Minister said this in Lusaka during the handover ceremony with the outgoing Minister of Water Development, Sanitation and Environmental Protection, Dr. Dennis Wanchinga.

Dr. Chanda has since thanked President Edgar Lungu for the confidence shown by appointing him to a Ministry which is core to national development.

And speaking earlier, Dr. Wanchinga says President Edgar Lungu has keen interest in projects the Ministry is implementing.

Dr. Wanchinga cited the Kafulafuta Water Supply System Project and the Kafue Bulk Water Project among other projects.

President Edgar Lungu recently directed Dr Chanda to improve access to water and sanitation by the Zambian people.

The President expressed confidence that Dr Chanda understands the PFs agenda on water development as evidenced by the passion he has shown to deliver development to the people of Bwana Mkubwa Constituency in Ndola.

According to the 2018 Zambia Demographic and Health Survey, 64 per cent of the population use basic drinking water services of which 87 percent are in urban areas and 49 per cent in rural areas.

33 percent of Zambia’s population use a basic sanitation service of which 41 percent in urban areas, 28 percent in rural areas.

Further, the survey shows that 10 percent of the population practices open defecation of them 1 percent in urban areas, 16 percent in rural areas while 24 percent of the population has access to basic hygiene services, i.e. a handwashing facility with soap and water of which 36 percent is in urban and 15 percent rural areas.

Demanding for accreditation to monitor the issuance of NRCs exercise is courting suspicions


GEARS Initiative Zambia says it is taken aback, dismayed by and disagrees with the position taken by the Ministry of Home Affairs to stop organisations and individuals interested in monitoring the issuance of National Registration Cards in Zambia to do so.

Organisation Executive Director McDonald Chipenzi says organisations or citizens do not need accreditation to monitor or conduct sensitisation programmes on the issuance of NRCs going on around the country as this is their civic duty, right and responsibility.

Mr Chipenzi says instead, the Ministry should have been happy and encouraging those organisations, institutions and individuals intending to do so at their own cost to proceed to enhance credibility, transparency and accountability in the process.

He says demanding for accreditation to monitor the execrise is courting suspicions and is asking stakeholders not to also participate in the community awareness raising on the need for those eligible to turn out in numbers to obtain the NRCs since these stakeholders will not be accredited.

Mr Chipenzi has reminded the Ministry that citizens have a constitutional right, duty and responsibility to hold any public institutions including the Ministry of Home Affairs accountable.

“This is meant to foster high-level transparency and accountability in the process since it is part of public service delivery chain system”, he said.

Mr Chipenzi says this issuance of NRCs exercise is not an ordinary exercise but one done for the purpose of facilitating for the registration of voters for the 2021 Elections.

He said there is no need for any organisation to be accredited to monitor any public service delivery process and therefore no point for the Ministry to stop anyone from monitoring the exercise.

“In any case, the political parties, both the ruling and opposition, are key stakeholders and beneficiaries to this exercise, especially that, this time, NRC issuance exercise is meant to accord citizens especially the youths to register as voters”, he added.

Mr Chipenzi says he finds such utterance and directive to stop interested organisations to monitor the exercise not only surprising, scary but against the established norm and past practices.

“This is not the first time when such an exercise has happened ahead of a major election and in all past exercises, stakeholders were allowed to monitor the exercise at their own cost. What is so special with this year’s exercise for the Ministry to attempt to stop stakeholders from monitoring the exercise? What does it want to do with exercise? Weren’t internal validation mechanisms there in the past when stakeholders were allowed to monitor the exercise?”, he said.

Mr Chipenzi has called on the Ministry to seriously reflect on its statement before it jeopardizes the good intention of the exercise and stakeholders cooperation in the process.

He said with persistent allegations of the exercise having the potential to capture foreigners especially in border areas, stopping stakeholders from monitoring the exercise will heighten the allegations against the Ministry of trying to issue such documents to foreigners.

Mr Chipenzi however said that GEARS Initiative appreciates the decision by the Ministry to allow those without birth certificates and underfive cards to participate in this exercise as long as they prove that they are eligible.

He said his Organisation further agrees with the Ministry that those who want to oversee the exercise should not use intimidation or harass the issuing officers as that is interfering with the process but instead bring any observable inadequacies to relevant authorities.

NDCC recommends prudent expenditure, more focus on PPP, enhanced COVID fight


The National Development Coordinating Committee (NDCC) has recommended that the Government should focus more on Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) to ameliorate the funding problem, and work closely with the private sector and development cooperating partners, among other remedial measures in the face of the negative impact of COVID-19.

The National Development Coordinating Committee (NDCC), in its resolutions at the conclusion of the recently held virtual meeting, noted the challenges the country was facing and came up with various solutions.

“The Acting Chair of the NDCC, Minister of Finance, Dr. Bwalya Ngandu, MP, indicated that we are living in unprecedented times, with the COVID-19 pandemic ravaging the country through health shocks, domestic economic restrictions and lockdowns, revenue losses, increased spending, reduced exports, capital flow reversals and lower commodity prices,” the NDCC recommended. “Given the unfavourable short- to medium-term macroeconomic and fiscal outlook, Ministries, Provinces and Spending. Agencies (MPSAs) are likely to face more funding challenges, especially across non-constitutional and statutory budgetary lines.”

The Committee noted that the implementation of the Seventh National Development Plan (7NDP) and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are consequently going to be affected, with funding to most programmes having drastically reduced.

“The Mid-term Review has recommended that government should focus more on Public Private Partnerships to ameliorate the funding problem. The Ministry of Finance to heighten the processes relating to the operationalization of the Public Private Partnerships as one of the financing modalities; All MPSAs to devise innovative ways of achieving more with less,” the NDCC recommended. As part of the effort to contribute to economic recovery and sustainable growth, the Ministries of Finance, National Development Planning and Commerce, Trade and Industry should work with the African Development Bank to identify areas which can enhance private sector participation; while the government is implementing measures to improve the business environment, it is necessary for private sector to step up and take up a more active role in the economic affairs of the country.”

The NDCC further recommended that the private sector should be encouraged and supported to be more aggressive and take advantage of cheaper sources of financing which are offered or leveraged by multilateral institutions such as the African Development Bank, as opposed to more expensive private sources.

The NDCC noted that it was also undeniable that implementing all 7NDP priorities in 2021 under the prevailing fiscal landscape was a huge challenge.

The Committee recalled its approval of the proposal by the Ministry of National Development Planning to rescope the Implementation Plan of the 7NDP to focus our attention on safeguarding key priorities to cushion the impact of slow growth and COVID-19 pandemic on the poorest and most vulnerable.

“The way forward is that the Ministry of National Development Planning, working with all Cluster Advisory Groups and MPSAs, should finalise the rescoping exercise through a consultative process in readiness for the 2021 Budget. The Ministry of Finance should provide Cluster Ceilings in earnest to assist the CAGs finalise the budget estimates for 2021,” the NDCC recommended.

On the COVID-19 pandemic in Zambia, the NDCC resolutions noted that the Ministry of Health had reported to the meeting the changes in the epidemiology of COVID-19 infections in the recent past, with increases in the number of positive cases, generalised outbreak with increased geographical spread, increased severity of illness among positive cases and increasing risk of dying.

The Committee noted, based on the report from the Ministry of Health, that Zambia was likely to have more COVID-19 cases and deaths on account of high levels of non-compliance to public health and social measures.

“Way forward is that the Ministry of Health in consultation with Ministries of Finance, and Transport and Communications, Commerce, Trade and Industry should heighten COVID-19 interventions by mobilising resources to support response, ramp up screening at all border points and designate specific places for cross-border tracks to park to prevent the spread of COVID-19,” the NDCC stated. “All MPSAs should take it upon themselves to start distributing sensitization messages/materials on the impact of COVID 19 to support Ministry of Health.”

The Committee noted that the Government had received tremendous support from our cooperating partners over the years, and more recently during this difficult time of tremendous economic challenges caused by external shocks such as the COVID-19 pandemic and climate change.

The Committee stated that the Government will continue to collaborate with the Cooperating Partners and civil society organizations in many areas, including in areas which they have traditionally supported and in emerging ones such as the COVID-19 response and climate change.

On 2021 electoral preparation, the NDCC noted that the Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) had committed to conduct voter registration up to November, which will be in the rainy season and that it will incorporate COVID-19 management content in the electoral process. The Committee noted that this would include introduction of the Online Pre-Registration Service to reduce the interaction between the applicant and the registration officer.

“The Electoral Commission of Zambia should ensure that logistics are in place to reach the remotest parts of the country before the rainy season starts. ECZ should ensure all requisite materials are in the country in good time, in view of the widespread and global lockdowns and restrictions which have affected movements of goods and persons,” the NDCC recommended

This is according to a media statement issued by Ministry of National Development Planning spokesperson Chibaula Silwamba.

MMD requested to participate in the upcoming Mwansbombwe by Election

The Opposition New Hope Movement for Multi-party Democracy (MMD) in Luapula Province have thanked Party President Dr. Nevers Mumba for honoring Dr. Frederick Titus Jacob Chiluba and have petitioned the Party to participate in the Mwansbombwe by-election.

Last Thursday, during the 30 years celebrations of the MMD, the New Hope MMD Party President Dr. Nevers Mumba honored Dr. Frederick Chiluba as a Champion of Democracy.

New Hope MMD Luapula Provincial Chairperson Mr. Jackson Mwewa, in a statement circulated this morning said that the MMD in the Province was intact and fully behind the leadership of Dr. Nevers Mumba.

“We would like to inform the Nation that the New Hope Movement for Multi-party Democracy (MMD) in Luapula Province is intact and we are fully behind the leadership of Party President Dr. Nevers Sekwila Mumba. We would like to urge the public to ignore reports that some of our members have joined a party led by an expelled disgruntled individual”, Mr. Mwewa said.

Mr. Mwewa then thanked Party President Dr. Nevers Mumba for honoring Dr. Frederick Chiluba.

“Secondly, we the MMD in Luapula are extremely delighted over the decision by our Party President Dr. Nevers Mumba to honor the First MMD President Dr. Frederick Chiluba. Dr. Chiluba who is a son of the Soil in Luapula. Our late President Chiluba did alot for the people of Zambia. This decision to honor him is long awaited and the MMD in Luapula Province are extremely happy over this decision and we would like to thank Dr. Mumba and the MMD”, Mr. Mwewa said.

Mr. Mwewa then said that the People of Luapula Province miss MMD and pleaded with the Party to allow them field a candidate in Mwansbombwe by election.

“The people of Luapula miss the MMD. According to them, life whilst we we’re in power was affordable. Everyday we keep receiving goodwill messages from all the districts in the Province. We have received a petition from the people of Mwansbombwe pleading for us to participate in the upcoming by election following the demise of the late Member of Parliament Hon. Rodgers Mwewa. We have since forwarded that petition to National Secretary Hon. Elizabeth Chitika. By participating in the Mwansbombwe by-election, we shall be honoring the legacy of President Chiluba”, Mr Mwelwa said.

Lake Kariba level 16% higher than during same period In 2019-ZRA


The Zambezi River Authority (ZRA) says the Lake Kariba water level is decreasing steadily and is at 481.07m (39.84% usable storage) as at 30th July 2020.

On the same date in 2019, the Lake level was at 478.87m (23.61% usable storage).

Usable storage, or live water, is the water available for electricity generation purposes. ZRA said in a statement:

The Kariba Lake is designed to operate between levels 475.50m and 488.50m (with 0.70m freeboard) for hydropower generation.

The Lake level has been decreasing steadily closing the period under review [17-30 July 2020] at 481.07m (39.84% usable storage) on 30th July 2020.

Last year on the same date, the Lake level was at 478.87m (23.61% usable storage).
Kariba Lake level is critical in the availability of electricity for Zimbabwe and Zambia since the two countries depend on Kariba Hydro Power plant for power.

ZRA allocates water equally to the two countries, which is reviewed from time to time, depending on the availability of water.

Speaking to The Herald in August last year, when Zimbabwe was experiencing debilitating power cuts due to dwindling water levels at Kariba, ZRA chief executive officer Engineer Munyaradzi Munodawafa said, “If we have good rains upstream of the Zambezi and its tributaries, then we start seeing the water rising from May. If we have sufficient water that leads to water filling in the lake, which means it will be enough for power generation at full capacity for the Kariba South and North power stations.”

However, if water levels are too high to threaten the integrity of the dam wall, then we release water through the floodgates to manage water levels.

Ten PF MPs get K20 000 each to empower the vulnerable in their constituencies


Ten PF Members of Parliament have received Empowerment funds of 20 thousand Kwacha each to empower the vulnerable in their constituencies, regardless of political affiliation.

PF National Women Chairperson Jean Kapata says the party has used Two Hundred Thousand kwacha from what was raised during a fundraising event.

The Members of Parliament who have received the empowerment funds have pledged to support ongoing programs in sectors such as Agriculture.

Mpika Central Member of Parliament Sylvia Chalikosa says she has Agriculture projects run by Youths, women and other groups which need funding.

Kanyama Member of Parliament Elizabeth Phiri who is also the Gender Minister explained that she will put Marketers in groups to benefit from the funds because most of them have been affected by COVID 19.

And Kalulushi Member of Parliament Kampamba Mulenga who is also Community Development Minister says the funds will go towards various projects of empowerment that are been worked on in the constituency.

Meanwhile, Nyimba Member of Parliament Olipa Phiri says she is grateful that the people of Nyimba will be empowerment through the fund from the party.

Bill 10 Advocates in North Western Province say they are being threatened

Bill 10 Advocate member Prince Ndoyi has expressed disappointment with the opposition in the North-Western province for issuing threats to the team.

Mr. Ndoyi has charged that despite the threats, the team will continue with the program.

But when contacted North-western Province Police Commissioner Elias Chushi said the police have not received any report of threats on Bill 10 Advocates.

Mr. Chushi said police will launch investigations into the matter when it is officially reported.

Bill 10 Advocates have been in the Province for the last one-week sensitizing people on the contents of Constitution Amendment Bill number 10 of 2019.

So far, the team has sensitized people in 10 of the 11 districts and are currently in Chavuma.

If the State is not ready for prosecution, dismiss the case, Dr Chilufya’s Lawyers tell the court


Health Minister Chitalu Chilufya has requested the Lusaka Magistrates Court to dismiss his matter if the state is not ready for prosecution.

Dr Chilufya’s lawyers Tutwa Ngulube, Jonas Zimba and Francis Daka made the request after the state asked for an adjournment yesterday as they were not ready to proceed with the trial.

State Prosecutor Daniel Ngwira of the Anti -Corruption Commission (ACC) asked for an adjournment stating that he had already served the defence team with a notice.

However, defense lawyer Tutwa Ngulube interjected the application. Mr. Ngulube said the accused must be discharged if the state is not ready to prosecute, the matter.

This is in a matter where Dr Chilufya is charged with four counts of corrupt practices where has pleaded not guilty to four counts of possession of property suspected to be proceeds of crime involving US$252,000 and K3,270,000 which he allegedly used to purchase shares and properties in Zambia and Dubai.

In count one, it is alleged that Dr Chilufya on a date unknown but between December 1, 2016 and December 31, 2017 at Lusaka, possessed US$200,000 which was used to purchase 6,000 shares in Samfya Marines and Tourism Service Limited from Den Daas Investment Zambia Limited, property suspected to be proceeds of crime.

Count two alleges that Dr Chilufya on a date unknown but between January 1, 2017 and December 31, 2017 at Lusaka possessed K270,000 cash which was used to purchase 2,000 shares in Samfya Marines and and Tourism Services Limited from Leo Jonas Ngosa Investment Limited, property suspected of being proceeds of crime.

It is alleged in count three that Dr Chilufya on an unknown date but between January 1, 2018 and December 30, 2019 possessed K3,000,000 which was used to purchase Lot No. 365/366 also known as Spark Guest House situated in the Mansa district of Luapula Property, property reasonably suspected to be proceeds of crime.

In the fourth and last count, allegations are that Dr Chilufya on a date unknown but between January 1, 2017 and December 32, 2017 at Lusaka possessed US$52,000 which was used to purchase a passenger boat also known as Transport 32 from Smart Own FZE of Dubai in the United Arab Emirates, property reasonably suspected to be proceeds of crime.

Police in Lusaka officially charge Howard Situmba for masquerading as a Lawyer


Police in Lusaka has officially charged and arrested Howard Situmba of Lusaka for masquerading as a lawyer in the case bordering on contentions over the Ultimate Insurance ownership.

Mr. Situmba has been charged with the offence of pretending to be a Legal practitioner.

Mr. Situmba has been jointly charged with Charles Siamutwa, a lawyer of Messrs Charles Siamutwa Legal Practitioners for the offence of Giving False Information to a Public Officer.

Police spokesperson Esther Katongo has confirmed this to ZNBC News in Lusaka today.

It is alleged that in 2019, Mr. Howard Situmba and Mr. Charles Siamutwa willfully pretended to be qualified to act as an Advocate of Messrs Imasiku and Company during the execution of a “Consent Judgement on the contention over the ownership of Ultimate Insurance Company.

The said “Consent Judgement” was prepared by Charles Siamutwa and filed in the High Court.

This was done without the knowledge of Lusaka Businessman Chanda Katotobwe, a plaintiff who claims to be the rightful owner of Ultimate Insurance.

The suspects have since been released on police Bond awaiting to appear in court.

On the other hand three Marshlands Consortium Limited directors are already facing charges of forgery and uttering false documents over the ownership of Ultimate Insurance Company and appearing before the Magistrate Court.

Integrity Committees are aimed at fostering a corrupt-free environment in the public service


The government has dispelled reports that Integrity Committees that have been formed in government departments and other line agencies are for witch-hunting.

Ministry of Information and Broadcasting Services Permanent Secretary Amos Malupenga says Integrity Committees are government programs aimed at fostering a corrupt-free environment in the public service.

Mr Malupenga clarified that the committees are not extensions of the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) but mechanisms to promote proactive, preventive and pre-emptive interventions that promote integrity for effective delivery of services to the people.

The Permanent Secretary was speaking today, when he officiated at an Integrity Committee Workshop for the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting Service attended by officers from the ACC in Lusaka.