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Let No One Rob you of the Government you need by Unproven Theories-Nevers Mumba



By Dr Nevers Sekwila Mumba, President

30 years ago, this Month, a Movement for Democracy was born. It was a people’s movement.

After 26 years of a UNIP led one party state, Zambians decided, in their numbers to change the shape and culture of Zambian politics.

The Movement for Multiparty Democracy, MMD started as a Pressure group in 1990 to fight for the re-introduction of a Multi-Party system of government. Dr Kenneth Kaunda then President of the Republic of Zambia refused to accept this option, but after pressure from the MMD, he relented and called for a referendum, supposedly to enable the Zambian people to decide the issue. MMD seized the opportunity to mount one of the most effective pro democracy campaigns ever seen anywhere in Africa. Before the referendum could be held, Dr Kaunda called it off and accepted MMD’s demand for Multiparty elections. The then article 4 of the Republican Constitution of Zambia was repealed allowing for the formation of other parties. Dr Kaunda signed the bill into law on 17th December, 1990.

This day remains etched on my mental mind because at 09:00hrs that day, Dr Kaunda had called for me to meet him at State House. I was a young Evangelist of only 30 years of age. I was conducting a Gospel Crusade in Woodlands stadium when I was summoned to State House. I had no idea what the urgent call was all about until I was ushered into the President’s office. It is then that Dr Kaunda mentioned that he was about to make a huge declaration that afternoon and needed God’s strength and guidance. We held hands and prayed for a prolonged period of time. Little did I know that after that prayer a new Party, MMD would be formed and that 22 years later, I would become its 4th President.

MMD became a political party on 21st December, 1990. The Registrar of Societies issued a registration certificate to MMD on 4th January, 1991.

The National Interim Committee (NIC) comprising Mr FJT Chiluba, Mr Arthur N Wina, Mr V J Mwaanga, Mr Kelly Walubita, Mr Levy Mwanawasa, Mr Ephraim C Chibwe, Mr Andrew Kashita and Mr Akashambatwa Mbikusita Lewanika decided to call a National Convention on 27th and 28th February, 1991 to elect a National Executive Committee in accordance with the Party Constitution which was prepared by the legal Committee and approved by the National Interim Committee.

30 years later, we gather here to honor and celebrate the many champions of Zambian democracy who have gifted us with the freedoms we now enjoy. We shall never forget your courage, your resilience and your determination to form the Movement for Multiparty Democracy. As a party, we have chosen to etch your names permanently on the history blocks of our changing nation. We salute the Unions, the Media, the University and college students, the marketeers, the Churches and the millions of Zambians for setting aside your individual comforts in order to create the movement we now call the MMD.


There are those who wish to diminish the significance of these sacrifices. There are those who wish to bury this history and pretend to forget that the MMD represents the aspirations of most Zambians. The party that represents freedom for all. Freedom of speech. Freedom of expression. Freedom of association and the Freedom of assembly. These are the godly values our founders suffered for. Today, we shall have the rare privilege of honoring a few of our founding fathers.


At 30 years, the MMD stands as a battle tested organization. It has seen both great days and terrible days. It has seen both good and bad leaders. It has brought both good and bad things. But MMD has been greatly applauded for the great things it has brought and has also equally been punished for the bad things. MMD was rewarded for bringing back multiparty democracy. It has been heralded for bringing a free market economy and a free media. MMD dismantled the troubling national debt of $7.5 billion. MMD sustained an average economic growth rate of 6%. MMD liberalized both politics and the economy.
But it has also been punished when in 2011 it was accused of corruption. Zambians decided to withdraw their trust in September 2011 and voted the MMD out of power.


It was at this point of weakness that the party started to look for a way to rebuild and survive. A National Convention was called in 2012 to choose new leadership which could bring hope to a dispirited and tired party. A leadership which could stand toe to toe with the new and vengeful ruling PF party whose priority was to dismantle the former ruling Party. The lot fell on the current New Hope Leadership led by myself whose responsibility is to assure all Zambians that this is a new MMD. We shall take all that was good about MMD and publicly abandon all that which the Zambian people detested about the MMD prior to 2011 General election.


To our membership nationwide, we wish to assure you that your party having survived one of the most punishing storms is back on its feet and it has come back with great determination to recapture its number one place in Zambian politics.
Some feared that the persecution, the assault and the destabilization we faced the past four years has taken away our chances of winning the next election. To the contrary, our pain, humiliation, tears were only meant to prepare us for the humongous work ahead of us. The work to bring a divided nation together. The work to restore the lost faith in government. The work to rebuild the broken economy. The work to bring back our lost Christian values and restore our nation to the true status of a Christian nation as declared by our founding President Dr FJT Chiluba.

Under my watch, we shall not disappoint or fail our founding fathers. Both those in the grave and those still with us. We shall turn our past battles into victory for all Zambians. This is not the first setback our party has faced in its 30 year journey. Shortly after announcing the first cabinet, in 1991, some of the original members who felt that they deserved better agitated for the establishment of a new party called National Party. Many Zambians believed this break away would end the MMD journey, but our party membership fought and overcame the temporal setback. In 2001, an agitation by some to give our first President a third term threatened the very existence of the MMD. The result was a fragmentation of our party into three parties, the FDD, and HERITAGE Party. This was considered the last nail in the existence of our party by many, but the national membership rallied together again and pulled the party out of danger and managed to win the following election under the late Levy Patrick Mwanawasa.

In 2014 following the death of President Michael Sata, our party’s democratic credentials were once again tested. We called on the highest courts of the land, we met in many places as different groups and in the end, the party was divided into three. Some supported the ruling Patriotic Front while a number of our MPs opted to support the UPND. The core membership as in previous times again stood firm to defend the existence of the party. Then came a more vicious test in 2016. It was like none other in the past. A convention was simulated and purported to have been held. This one went to the core of our credentials as a democratic party. It was very confusing as it easily convinced some unsuspecting members. But with a vow never to disappoint the sacrifices of our founding leaders, we led a determined fight to defend and protect the party. We were thrown in jail, stoned, the secretariat taken and verbally abused. My guidance to the party was not to use any violence to protect the truth but rather to test the justice system of our country. During the three year legal battle our opponents made more than 23 applications and appeals and we won all the twenty three including the final judgement on November 5th 2019. We wish to pledge to our membership and to the legacy of our founding fathers that with the same determination and fight that we have exhibited in the past four years, we shall fight to rescue our nation from the deeming light of the Patriotic Front. We have done it before and we shall do it again.


From our inception in 1990 as a party, the church has supported our values for freedom and the rule of law. The church was vocal against any injustices they observed during our rule. The church was the moral compass of the nation.

Today our nation is lost at sea. Our title of Christian nation has been rendered almost of no value. The country is broke and broken. Witchcraft has found its abode in the corridors of power. The anger of the Lord looms over our nation. Freedom has been taken away from the citizens. But more worrying is the silence of the corporate voice of the church. Our prayer as the New Hope Movement for Multiparty Democracy is that, “Let God arise and His enemies be scattered.” We have chosen to partner with the Church to bring back Zambia on the road to prosperity and Godliness. May the Church not become the enablers of evil but the watchmen on the wall of justice and morality. We pledge to the founding President Dr FJT Chiluba to uphold the declaration of Zambia as a Christian nation.


As we approach the 2021 general election, the New Hope MMD has as a matter of policy decided to make our women folk the engine for political and social change. Our 55 member National Executive committee has finally reached the 50% threshold for women. This is the reflection which we shall see in the distribution of leadership positions when we form government next year. We are not aware of any party in the nation with similar demographics. We call all women with a passion to create a better Zambia to make the New Hope MMD as a party of choice if you wish to stand for any elective office next year.


Without a courageous cadre of youths, no society can experience real change. Today, our young people remain cheated without a future. Our generation in our selfishness has not planned for the future of our young people. With certificates, diplomas and degrees in their hands, they have no where to go. They remain chained to their parents or other people’s homes with no income and worse still no dignity. While we are living in our future today, no future is being created for our young people. The PF government continues to use the youth as bulldozers to clear political paths for a privileged few. They are used to wield pangas to instill fear in the opponents of those in power. Government has continued to abuse the fortunes which must be preserved for future generations. I wish to apologize on behalf of my generation to our youth in the nation for consuming your future through unrestrained corruption and selfishness.

It appears that those with power to prepare and preserve your future are determined to squander it. They are not willing to give it to you. Our call to you is that you come and get your future. You must get it by force as the Bible says. New Hope MMD is leading the way to create an opportunity for any youth who wishes to participate in governance to come and take advantage of the youth policy of our party which has reserved 50% of all elective positions in next year’s election for the youth. To demonstrate our commitment, the party recently elected the first youth as Deputy National Secretary, Gregory Mofu. We shall keep our word. The MMD shall uphold the original dream of our founding fathers in this regard.


Multiparty Democracy is also a representative form of government. The New Hope MMD is resolved to fully incorporate persons with disabilities into all structures of the party with an affirmative policy. We have encouraged persons with disabilities to aspire for positions at the National Executive Committee level by participating in our forthcoming National Convention. We shall have as many ministers from persons with disabilities as qualify to play those roles. There shall be no discrimination in the coming New Hope Government.


TO ALL ZAMBIANS- Let no one rob you of the government you need by unproven theories that seem to suggest that a former ruling party cannot be voted back into power. Last month Malawi proved this theory to be impotent when they elected the Malawi Congress Party back in office after being in opposition for twenty six years. Zambians and Africans in general are no longer concerned about the name of a political party but the content and the character of the people who run that party.

Martin Luther King Jnr said, “ I have a dream that my four little Children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.” I wish to add that, “I have a dream that Zambians shall not judge true leadership by the name of a political party but by the morality and integrity of its leaders.”

Let no one rob you of the leader you need by unproven theories that seem to suggest that a Pastor cannot become a President. Again, it has taken Malawi to teach Zambia, a Christian nation that it is possible. Malawi becomes the first country on the continent to elect a Pentecostal Pastor as President, Rev Dr Lazarous Chakwera. The best president is the one elected on merit and not on prejudice.

Zambia needs a revamped MMD to come back and renew the dreams and aspirations of all Zambians.

Zambia needs a leadership of morality and integrity to take it beyond 2021.

May the spirit and courage of our founding fathers carry us to victory next year. Happy 30th Anniversary to all members of the MMD, past and present.
May God bless our great party and may God bless the Republic of Zambia.

I thank you.

30 Jul 2020

Government Releases Funds to pay Suppliers of Face Masks in Five Provinces


The government has released funds to pay suppliers of washable face masks in five Provinces.

Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit National Coordinator Chanda Kabwe says this follows the completion of verification of suppliers’ details and quantities supplied in the five Provinces namely; Western, Luapula, Northern, Muchinga, and Eastern.

Mr. Kabwe has explained that the Government has released about K1. 3 million for Western, Luapula K369, 000, Northern K1. 5 million, Muchinga K590, 000 while Eastern Province has received K1. 5 million.

Speaking to journalists in Lusaka, Mr. Kabwe further disclosed that Government has released K1. 6 million to the Ministry of Youth and Sport for various activities including payment to youth groups that supplied masks and for the welfare of the street kids.

He said Government has also released K600, 000 to all the three market associations that had been engaged to supply masks.

The National Coordinator also said Government has released K800, 000 to pay all-women cooperatives within and outside Lusaka.

He added that the Government has further released funds to three youth groups that had been engaged to supply masks in Lusaka and Eastern Province.

Mr. Kabwe said Government has also released K200, 000 to the Ministry of Defense through Mulungushi Textiles to pay traders who had supplied masks and another K200, 000 to Correctional services to pay the traders.

He explained that the payments released so far are part of phase 1 and that phase 2 will include Copperbelt, North-Western, Southern, Central, and Lusaka Provinces.

Mr. Kabwe said suppliers who will not be paid in phase 1 should exercise patience as phase 2 suppliers will receive their payments soon.

FAZ league to abruptly close next week


The Football Association of Zambia (FAZ) has decided to bring the 2019/2020 season to an early closure following an Executive Committee meeting held on Thursday afternoon.

The decision to close the league has been necessitated by the concerns that the Association has received from various stakeholders especially Government through the Ministry of Health particularly from Zambia National Public Health Institute.

The recent surge in numbers of the covid-19 occurrences has put a strain on the health system across the board.

FAZ has been monitoring the situation and also constantly engaging the authorities on the possibilities as the numbers continue to surge.

One of the major challenges has been the long delays in securing test appointments and results by most of the clubs in the league after being tested which meant that certain matches could not be played due to the inability of clubs to produce results when called upon to do so.

Regrettably with the surge in numbers it has meant that the flow of results has been slower.

Unfortunately despite signing up to observe the guidelines provided by the Ministry of Health, the compliance levels by most of the clubs have also not been satisfactory. The ZNPHI noted some lapses that they brought to our attention and the clubs affected.

Among the breaches noted by ZNPHI from our clubs were failure to manage the isolation of players and officials who tested positive, unrestricted access to camping sites, failure to observe social distancing and lack of sanitizers and disinfectants at designated places.

“Arising from the following challenges and in view of the high incidents of new covid-19 cases the FAZ executive has been left with no choice but to bring the league to an early closure,” reads part of the resolutions availed by General Secretary Adrian Kashala.

FAZ has since provided a roadmap on the completion of the current league and the resumption of the 2020/2021 season.

The current league will be concluded on August 6, 2020 after all the teams have played their Week 27 round of matches.

Accordingly, champions will be declared for both the FAZ MTN Super Division and FAZ Eden University National Division One.

FAZ will ensure that all outstanding issues around fixtures are cleared to avoid controversy.

The lower leagues and women leagues will also be allowed to wind down their season by playing an equal number of games.

FAZ will provide the roadmap in due course.

Furthermore, the executive has decided that the 2020/2021 season will commence on October 17, 2020.

The ABSA Cup will be played as a precursor to the 2020/2021 Season after the Charity Shield.

Prior to the resumption of training for the 2020/2021 season clubs should observe all health protocols during training.

Testing will be conducted at regular intervals in order for FAZ and Ministry of Health and Ministry of Sport to monitor COVID-19 infection levels amongst players and officials.

FAZ wishes to thank everyone who has supported its efforts to resume the league especially the patron His Excellency Edgar Chagwa Lungu.

“We will continue adhering to the health guidelines as we conclude the current season and commence the next one. We are alive to the fact that we have to live with the reality of the covid-19 under the New Normal,” Kashala says.

This is according to a statement issued by FAZ Communications Manager Sydney Mungala.

Zambians bans foreign tourists as Covid-19 numbers swell


The Zambian Government has suspended the issuance of all tourist visas until further notice.

This is according to a notice issued by the US Embassy and posted on its website.

Travelers arriving in Zambia without a visitor visa with plans to apply for a visitor visa upon arrival for non-essential purposes will not be permitted entry despite Zambian borders being officially open.

Entrance to Zambia through non-tourist visas or permits is subject to approval from the Ministry of Health following a health screening at the port of entry.

All travelers coming into Zambia will be required to provide a negative COVID-19 PCR test result.

The test should have been conducted within the previous 14 days prior of arrival to Zambia.

The notice says Travelers who do not meet this requirement will not be allowed into Zambia.

The Zambian Government is enforcing a mandatory 14-day quarantine, testing, and regular monitoring at the residence or preferred place of stay for persons entering Zambia.

Persons arriving are no longer required to quarantine at a government-designated facility but must communicate to the Ministry of Health officials where they intend to reside and provide accurate contact information for regular follow-ups.

This includes those entering Zambia at Kenneth Kaunda International Airport (KKIA) as well as land borders.

It said Symptomatic individuals will be tested for COVID-19 at the airport and required to enter isolation protocol at a Zambian government facility.

International commercial flight options currently exist in Zambia with Ethiopian Airlines and U.S. citizens who wish to return to the United States are advised to make commercial arrangements on Ethiopian Airlines as soon as possible.

The U.S. government is not arranging repatriation flights out of Zambia and that routine passport services are currently suspended.

Claims that former Education Minister had died is a sign of decayed media ethics among some institutions

Information and Broadcasting Services Permanent Secretary Amos Malupenga has threatened to revoke broadcasting licenses for media institutions misinforming the public.

Mr. Malupenga said that his Ministry will not allow unprofessional conduct among the media institutions causing alarm among members of society.

Mr. Malupenga said that the broadcast by Spring TV on Wednesday claiming that former General Education Minister David Mabumba had died is a sign that media ethics among some institutions have decayed.

Speaking in Solwezi when he paid a courtesy call on his North Western Province counterpart Willies Mangimela, Mr. Malupenga challenged media associations to condemn unprofessional conduct among media institutions.

Earlier, LUAPULA Province Minister Nixon Chilangwa announced that he had visited David Mabumba, a day after being removed from position as Minister of General Education following a shameful episode.

Mr Chilangwa that Former Luapula MPs today visited Hon David Mabumba at his home and he was doing fine and that none of the hospital, suicide allegations ever happened.”

“I have equally spoken to him today to just encourage him and that in all things we should thank and praise God
This what we should be doing for each other,” sai Mr.Chilangwa.

PF Wins Majority of Ward Seats

The Patriotic Front has won the majority of the ward by elections that were held yesterday making further inroads in the opposition strongholds.

From the results seen so far, the ruling party has won about 8 of the by elections majority of them in UPND strongholds.

The PF has won the Imusho by election in Sesheke with 388 votes beating UPND who polled 384 votes.

In Silumbu ward in also in Sesheke, the PF polled 362 votes followed by UPND with 267 votes while UPPZ was third with 10 votes.

The PF also scooped the Chibale Ward in Serenje with 572 votes beating UPND who had 433 votes while in Lubofu Ward in Kasempa PF scored 305 votes beating UPND who got 204 votes.

The ruling party were also victorious in Litoya Ward in Kabompo getting 68 votes with UPND getting 47 votes.

In Katete Ward in Chienge where NDC claimed massive vote buying, PF won the election with 1,178 votes followed by UPND with 686 votes while NDC came out third with 153 votes.

In Mongu, the PF beat the UPND with 873 votes against 633 to win the election also winning Nangweshi Ward with 967 votes against UPNDs 469 votes.

However, the UPND also retained a number of seats beating the PF in Munyambala ward in Mufumbwe with 339 votes against PFs 292 votes.

The UPND were also victorious in Kabompo ward were they got 1, 256 votes against PFs 596 votes. In Chikenge ward, the UPND got 315 votes while PF lost with 223 votes.

The opposition were further victorious in Limulunga scoring 1,263 votes against UPNDs 1, 014 votes.

In Chavuma Central, the UPND won with 893 votes against PFs 776 votes.

We will Find Serious Local Investors for Mulungushi Textile-HH

The UPND says it will once in Government find serious local investors and possibly partner with foreign plus government injection for Mulungushi Textile and others like it in order to revive them.

UPND Leader Hakainde Hichilema says his Government will create cotton outgrower schemes among the farming community especially for youth and women to supply Mulungushi Textile and others like it.

He said by doing so, his government will encourage Mulungushi Textile and others like it to manufacture a lot of fabric and in turn create employment opportunities for the Zambian people.

Mr Hichilema said colleges and trade schools will be encouraged to train more people in the tailoring industry and support more youths youth and women to set up tailoring workshops and buy the fabric from Mulungushi Textile and others like it.

He has emphasised that uniforms and other linen, for example, security wings, hospital and clinics bedding curtains and many such should be bought by government institutions from these workshops so they can expand more.

He said the UPND in Government will further review the tax regime for imported fabric so as to protect the local industry.

Mr Hichilema says this is just one example of how one sector can create jobs and opportunities for the youth and women.

He said Mulungushi Textile industry in Kabwe and others like it in other parts of the country are key to UPND planned economic recovery that will create jobs after 2021 elections.

The COVID-19 Economic Stimulus Development Grant is Fraudulent-Ministry of Finance


The Ministry of Finance has cautioned the public to be wary of unscrupulous individuals that have embarked on a scheme to defraud unsuspecting members of the public by purporting to be managing Covid-19 stimulus grants.

Secretary to the Treasury Fredson Yamba says the Ministry is aware of the Fake email addresses and illegal internet platforms being used in the scheme.

Mr. Yamba said that the government has not set up an Economic Stimulus Development Grant resulting from an agreement between the International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Bank, Global Entrepreneurship Facility and Zambia.

He says the so-called Winnie Chilanga whose name appears on the fake application form does not represent the Ministry of Finance in any capacity.

The secretary to the treasury says the pubic should be aware that there is NO part of the Ministry which is referred to as the Secretariat Grants Department as she or he wants people to believe.

Mr. Yamba says the procedure for accessing funds from public institutions is clear and can be found on official Government platforms.

He says Government maintains an open-door policy for its citizens and partners but does not in any way offer unsolicited grants as portrayed by the scammers.

Mr. Yamba said that the only Covid-19 related official facilities for access by the business community and citizens is the 10 billion kwacha Medium-Term Financing Facility from the Bank of Zambia and accessible through Commercial Banks.

The other facility is the 8-billion kwacha Covid-19 bond of which 4-hundred and 70 million kwacha is for the youth empowerment scheme and 30 million for artists.

The Ministry of Finance has written to the Cybercrime Units of the Zambia Police Service, Drug Enforcement Commission, and ZICTA, to help trace the criminals that are circulating the fraudulent grant offers and to identify the source of the emails.

Bank of Zambia Disburses over One billion Kwacha to Financial Service Providers


The Bank of Zambia (BoZ) has so far disbursed over One billion kwacha to Financial Service Providers ( from the Targeted Medium-Term Refinancing Facility of the 10 billion kwacha stimulus package.

This is according to the refinancing facility report availed to ZANIS by BoZ Acting Director for Communications, Nkatya Kabwe.

Mr. Kabwe said the Central Bank approved about 4-billion Kwacha from the applications received, with a total of over 3-point 2 billion to seven commercial banks and 7-hundred and 91 million to nine non-banks.

He stated that this is from 24 applications made by Eleven banks and 13 non-banks who had applied for 4-point 9 billion kwacha.

And in the category of priority sectors identified in the Seventh National Development Plan which include agriculture, manufacturing, tourism and energy sectors and non-priority sectors, Mr Kabwe disclosed that BoZ approved over 4 billion kwacha.

Mr. Kabwe indicated that the disbursed advances are set to benefit about 10 000 customers.

In April, this year, government through the BoZ established a ‘targeted medium-term refinancing facility’ to enable Financial Service Providers to support businesses and households that have been impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic.

The main aim of the Facility is to strengthen and enhance financial sector resilience, particularly in the wake of the outbreak of COVID-19 and its potentially devastating impact on the domestic economy.

DEC and BoZ Should Issue a Comprehensive Report on two banned Financial institutions in Southern Province


THE United Party For National Development(UPND) has called on the Drug Enforcement Commission (DEC) and the Bank of Zambia (BoZ) to issue a comprehensive statement on their findings with regards to the operations of two banned financial institutions in the Southern Province, Comsave and ONO

Speaking shortly after a meeting with DEC Commissioner, Alita Mbahwe this morning, Mazabuka Central lawmaker Gary Nkombo expressed optimism that the Commission and the Central Bank would soon issue a quick, forensic report on how far they have gone with ensuring that the deposits from the people who transacted with the two institutions are secured.

Mr. Nkombo said it was saddening to note that a huge number of unsuspecting citizens from the Southern Province are on the verge of losing millions of savings following the closure of the two financial institutions on suspicions of money laundering activities but remained optimistic that the two-state institutions will resolve the matter without negatively affecting the depositors.

Mr. Nkombo expressed gratitude at the assurances from DEC that the institution would ensure that investigations over the matter are expedited, noting that unsuspecting depositors had suffered huge losses arising from their dealings with the two institutions.

He has since called on the victims of the financial scandal to exercise patience and accord DEC an opportunity to conclude its investigations without hindrance.

NDCC Approves Rescoped Programmes in 7NDP amid COVID-19


The National Development Coordinating Committee (NDCC), a grouping of Government and multi-sectoral stakeholders, has supported the re-scoping of the implementation plan of the Seventh National Development Plan (7NDP) in the face of the negative impact of COVID-19 and other factors.

Officiating at the virtual meeting of Permanent Secretaries and other governmental officials, Development Cooperating Partners, Civil Society Organisations, Private Sector and captains of industry, academia and other stakeholders that form the NDCC yesterday, Minister of Finance Hon. Dr. Bwalya Ng’andu said the negative impact of COVID-19 had filtered through the economy by way of health shocks, domestic economic restrictions and lockdowns, revenue losses, increased spending, reduced exports, capital flow reversals and lower commodity prices.

“Ppreliminary estimates indicate that the pandemic has affected the 2020 budget in the following ways: revenue loss of more than K17 billion; government spending increase of more than K9 billion; and a financing gap of almost K27 billion,” Hon. Ng’andu said. “These developments have severely affected the implementation of the 7NDP and Sustainable Development Goals, as funding to most programmes has drastically reduced.”

The Minister said the Government and other stakeholders would need to be innovative to achieve more with less.
“I call upon you to candidly bring out key issues and provide workable solutions as to how to effectively and successfully implement the 7NDP in view of the emerging issues of COVID-19. One of the common cries is always insufficient funding. This is an inescapable reality as funds will [not] always be enough, hence the need to reduce costs and do much with the available means,” said Hon. Ng’andu.

In a presentation titled: Rescoping of 7NDP, Ministry of National Development Planning Permanent Secretary (Development Planning and Administration) Mr. Chola Chabala said the rescoping of the 7NDP is intended to prioritise programmes that will be included in the 2021 budget for implementation during the remainder of the Plan period 2021.

He said the Government decided to rescope the implementation plan of the 7NDP, by reducing the number of development programmes and milestones that should be undertaken in the remaining one year of the 2017-2021 lifespan of the Plan.
The Permanent Secretary said this was necessitated by the slowdown of the economy, which has threatened growth, jobs, incomes and tax revenues; fiscal vulnerabilities due to rising public debt and diminishing discretionary component of budget low funding; COVID-19pandemic and unintended consequences of mitigating measures and restrictions aggravated growth and funding prospects. He further explained that the 2021 General elections and conducting census and housing are likely to exert more fiscal pressure on the economy. He said as a result, the discretionary budget is likely to further shrink.

“The rescoping of the 7NDP prioritises programmes under economic diversification and job creation, poverty and vulnerability reduction, reducing developmental inequalities and enhancing human development pillars the programmes to be prioritised are those contributing to food security, social protection and climate change mitigation,” the Permanent Secretary said.

Mr. Chabala explained that the strategies economic diversification and job creation pillar would be to improve production and productivity; enhance agriculture value chains; promote diversification within the agricultural sector, and promote small scale agriculture through programmes focusing on irrigation development; agriculture input supply management as well as crop, forestry, fisheries and livestock product diversification. Other strategies, would be extension service delivery enhancement; resettlement scheme development; agri-business development services provision; crop, forestry, fisheries and livestock product diversification; farmers’ organisations development; enhancing technology development; including agro and forestry based processing and manufacturing promotion.

He said with those strategies it was anticipated that positive output would be attained through land under irrigation increased; input supply management systems diversified and improved; plant varieties, livestock breeds and forest varieties protected; early warning systems and platforms integrated; and agriculture extension service coverage improved.

He said this was also in response to the Presidential directive on enhancing food security and strengthening social protection systems to safeguard people’s livelihoods to circumvent the adverse effects of climate change.

“We expect to enhance Anti-Microbial Resistance (AMR) surveillance system; agro and forestry based processing and manufacturing capacity strengthened; access to agri-business development services by small and medium scale increased; entrepreneurial capacity of small scale farmers organisations developed and security of tenure for resettlement scheme settlers strengthened,” Mr. Chabala said. “Under poverty and vulnerability reduction our strategies would be strengthening coordination of social protection systems; improve coverage and targeting of social protection and climate change and disaster risk reduction through integrated social protection; basic social protection; farmer input support program; and pension reforms; and climate change adaptation.”

He said the anticipated outputs would include integrated basic social protection framework implemented, access of poor and vulnerable households to basic social protection services increased, improved access to diverse and quality agricultural input for vulnerable but viable small holder farmers and improved surveillance systems for climate related risks.

“Under reducing developmental inequalities pillar our strategies would be to promote integrated rural development and reduced gender inequality through the progrmmes including rural urban linkages promotion, promoting gender equity and equality, pro-poor taxes enhancement,” Mr. Chabala explained. “We expect improved gender responsiveness in planning, budgeting and implementation; and improved policies for income redistribution to vulnerable groups, women, youth and person with disabilities.”

The Permanent Secretary said under the pillar on enhancing human development, the strategy is to enhance food security and nutrition through supplementary and school feeding enhancement, maternal child health care and family planning promotion as well as nutritious foods and household food security promotion.

“The outputs will ensure an integrated school feeding programme rolled out, women’s maternal and neonatal health knowledge and practices enhanced; and diversity in local food production,” said Mr. Chabala. The participants agreed to the proposed re-scoping.

And Cooperating Partners Group Chair and Irish Ambassador to Zambia Seamus O’Grady said Zambia has faced enormous challenges over the past year, including the drought of 2018/19, economic downturn that has weakened the country’s ability to cope especially in the areas of social spending, as well as the COVID-19 pandemic.

“In the wake of the recent IMF virtual mission, resolving the public debt issue remains a crucial priority as that is key to GRZ delivering on its ambition for growth and development and is key to government taking its discussions with the IMF further,” Ambassador O’Grady said. “Cooperating Partners are supporting an emergency procurement of essential drug kits for districts together with the Ministry of Health. Prioritising the expenditure on medicines is central to Zambian citizens having confidence in their health services. We look forward to continuing to work closely with the Government to support poverty reduction in Zambia and implementation of the 7NDP.”

Deputy Secretary to the Cabinet (Administration), Mr. Patrick Kangwa, chairing the NDCC of on behalf of the Secretary to the Cabinet, expressed optimism that the two-day meeting will realise the set objectives and add value to national development agenda.

Zanaco Get Walkover Win From Forest Rangers Game

Zanaco have been handed a win over Forest Rangers after their July 18 game at Levy Mwanawasa Sadium in Ndola was called off at the last minute by the hosts.

Forest pulled out of their July 18 home fixture on the morning of the match date citing a reportedly 28 Covid-19 cases in their camp.

This is after Zanaco had travelled as scheduled for the match on July 17 only to be informed at the eleventh hour of the news.

“The Disciplinary Committee have considered all the written evidence adduced by both parties before it, was satisfied beyond reasonable doubt that your claim (Zanaco) for three points for this match had merit and therefore in accordance with Article 109 and 77 of the Disciplinary Code ruled as follows; your club be awarded three points with a 3-0 score line,” The FAZ Disciplinary Committee stated in its report.

Zanaco are now sixth from seventh on 42 points on the FAZ Super Division table, four points behind leaders Nkana and second placed Forest who are tied on 46 points from 25 matches played with nine left before the 2019/2020 season is concluded.

Forest have been given 14 dates in which to file their appeal against the verdict.

But the FAZ Disciplinary Committee threw out Zanaco’s case against Nkana in a match they lost 3-0 away in Kitwe on July 22.

Zanaco were forced to withdraw five players from the team after Covid-19 tests arrived just minutes before kickoff.

“FAZ has however thrown the Zanaco case over their 3-0 loss to Nkana Football Club where the bankers claimed that the match was played under protest. The Disciplinary Committee ruled that neither the Referees’ nor Match Commissioner’s report recorded any incidences warranting disciplinary action. All parties have been notified of their right to appeal within 14 days,” FAZ spokesperson Sydney Mungala said.

FAZ Confirms League To Continue But Two Games Postponed

FAZ has postponed the Super Division match between Power Dynamos and Forest Rangers which was supposed to be played on Sunday in Kitwe.

Second placed Forest reportedly have 28 Covid19 positive cases in their camp.

In a circular to clubs issued on Thursday, interim League Manager Brian Mulenga confirmed that Football House has also deferred another Week 26 match between Kansanshi Dynamos and Green Eagles which was to be played in Solwezi on Saturday.

Meanwhile, Mulenga said FAZ will not entertain requests from clubs to have their matches postponed unless they have less than 15 players available for selection.

“We have received several requests from clubs to suspend or postpone fixtures due to adverse Covid-19 results. We will only entertain these requests if a club has less than 15 players available from the registered pool of players available and decisions will be made on case by case basis on whether matches should be played or not,” Mulenga said.

“We are urging teams to retest players after 10 and 14 days respectively. Teams can only be quarantined and isolated in their entirety if ordered to do so by the Provincial Health Director as per SI 21 and 22 of 2020,” he stated.

The FAZ executive committee was scheduled to meet on Thursday to review the restart of the season.

Meanwhile, Lumwana Radiants have shifted their home venue from Lumwana Grounds to Solwezi’s Independence Stadium.

FAZ Super Division – Week 26

Napsa Stars – Buildcon


Lusaka Dynamos – Zesco United

Red Arrows – Nkana

Lumwana Radiants – Kabwe Warriors


Green Buffaloes – KYSA

Mufulira Wanderers – Nkwazi

Nakambala Leopards – Zanaco


Kansanshi Dynamos – Green Eagles

Power Dynamos – Forest Rangers

Depleted Napsa Stars Set For Friday League Restart

We are ready, Napsa Stars coach Mohamed Fathi declared on Thursday as they prepare to host Buildcon this Friday despite the 15 players under Covid-19 quarantine.

Napsa return to league action for the first time after the four-month Covid-19 lockdown on July 31 against 13th positioned Buildcon at Woodlands Stadium in Lusaka.

But the eve of the match has been overshadowed with 15 players testing positive although it is not known how many of them are fringe or first team players due to ethical reasons.

“We are ready for the game tomorrow and we are hoping to continue winning as we started before the lockdown,” Fathi said.

“We always have a second plan, we are not looking for any excuse but looking for a reason to fight and qualify for continental football.”

A top four finish for Napsa this season will see them qualify for continental football for the first time since 1993.

Meanwhile, Napsa’s depleted side heads into the game on the back of a three-match winning run that saw them beat 2019 league runners-up Green Eagles 2-1 away in their last game before the break on March 7 and defending champions Zesco United by the same margin at home in Lusaka on February 23.

Napsa, who beat Buildcon 1-0 away in the first leg on October 30, are currently third on the FAZ Super Division table on 45 points.

A fourth straight league victory this Friday will see Napsa take top spot for 24 hours on 47 points, one point more than leaders Nkana who visit 10th positioned Red Arrows in Lusaka this Saturday.

Zambia has recorded 306 new cases out of 1,243 tests conducted in the last 24 hours


Ministry Permanent Secretary for Technical Services Dr Kennedy Malama has disclosed that Zambia has recorded 306 new cases out of 1,243 tests conducted in the last 24 hours bringing the cumulative number of cases to 5,555.

Dr Malama explained that 253 cases were recorded in Lusaka, 19 in Nakonde, 17 in Kitwe, 3 in Mpika, 3 in Ndola, 2 in Chingola, 1 in Chinsali, 1 in Kalabo and 1 in Mongu.

Speaking when he gave the latest COVID-19 update today, Dr Malama disclosed that 3 deaths were recorded and brings the cumulative number of deaths associated with COVID-19 to149.

“We have registered another facility death in Levy Mwanawasa Isolation Centre. The cumulative number of deaths associated with COVID-19 now stands at 149. Following the re-classification of the deaths in which the virus has been detected, it has been determined that 41 are COVID deaths while 98 are COVID-19 associated deaths. Ten (10) deaths are yet to be classified. The COVID-19 associated deaths are those in whom COVID-19 was detected but is not the primary cause of death” he explained.

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Health has said that they are working around the clock to ensure there is timely release of COVID-19 test results.

Dr Malama has noted the public worry and concern on the delay to release the results saying Zambia like many other countries in the world is facing a global challenge in terms of testing capacity.

Dr Malama, therefore, called for support from all stakeholders such as the corporate institutions to hold hands with government in providing support with testing kits and reagents and further thanked all those supplementing government in the response thus far.

He said the government’s intention is to increase testing to unprecedented levels and ultimately reach 10,000 tests per day in order to enhance mass community screening.

“We are not happy with our current testing levels but once we work around all the issues, we will be able to do more testing and release the test results timely” he assured and said government has procured various testing reagents which have delayed due to logistical issues as a result of the pandemic.