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It’s Bill 10 that seeks to dethrone Chitimukulu and not HH – Chief Mukuni


Senior Chief Mukuni has said it is with great reluctance that he has decided to make a statement regarding the claims by His Majesty Paramount Chief Chitimukulu of the Bemba people that UPND President Hakainde Hichilema harbours intentions to dethrone him.

Senior Chief Mukuni said the Chitimukulu appears to overwhelmingly depend on mere hearsay to find Mr Hichilema guilty by association, which by the law of natural justice is unjust and unacceptable and draws a dangerous precedent for future discourses. He said what endangers the Chitimukulu is Bill 10 which advocated to remove traditional chiefs from their thrones at the behest of the Republican President.Senior Chief Mukuni said to his knowledge Mr Hichilema vehemently opposed this Bill while the Republican President supports its enactment into law. He then asked who between the two is a danger to His Majesty’s rule in an unlikely event that the evil Bill is made into law? Furthermore, Senior Chief Mukuni said the apparent characterization of late Presidents Fredrick Chiluba and Michael Sata in His Majesty’s statement, as outsiders of the Bemba Kingdom is succinctly clear and categorical and brings to the fore the level of divisiveness the Chitimukulu’s debate brings to the unitary nature of the Zambian statehood.

Senior Chief Mukuni said he found it remarkable that His Majesty believes that the Tongas would want to fight the Bembas when the one who wields the political power is not Bemba but an Easterner, who is currently being challenged by the provisions of constitutional democracy that allows for elections by political parties every five years.

Below is the Full Press statement from Senior Chief Mukuni of the Leya people

I have agonizingly followed the debate by His Majesty Paramount Chief Chitimukulu of the Bemba people, in which he makes startling claims that UPND President Hakainde Hichilema harbours intentions of wanting to dethrone him. I wish to state from the outset that I am making my statement reluctantly and with a heavy heart for various reasons, one of which is on the basis of the mutual respect and solidarity that the institution of traditional leadership invests on itself in Zambia.

The solemn culture of royal etiquette by its nature normally prohibits public debate between Chief and Chief and naturally and more critically between Chief and subjects. But the circumstances in which the accusations are being made can longer be termed as ordinary. It therefore calls for any peace loving Zambian, royalty or ordinary citizen to correct the adverse climate that could degenerate into unnecessary misunderstandings, that have the potential to endanger national security, if left unchecked.

I therefore find the effort to drag Mr Hakainde Hichilema and Hon Milupi into the Bemba royal family in – fighting by His Majesty the Mwine Lubemba unfortunate, unfair, unnecessary,overbearing and without a solid, sound basis and legal or moral justification. The evidence available and very much in the public domain is that Mr Hichilema has never exulted in the dethroning of His Majesty, but, contrary has on various occasions commiserated with him with unwavering support.

The perception that is being lavishly portrayed on media that ‘the Chitimukulu responds to Mr Hichilema’, is grossly misleading, because a response can only be sought for and originated by an exhibition of specific and viable evidence which in this case is lacking. The Chitimukulu appears to overwhelmingly depend on mere hearsay to find Mr Hichilema guilty by association, which by the law of natural justice is unjust and unacceptable and draws a dangerous precedent for future discourses.

In as far as I am concerned, what endangers His Majesty’s throne is Bill 10 which he tragically appears to be a proponent of. The monstrous Bill 10 advocates to remove traditional Chiefs from their thrones at the behest of the Republican President. When I last checked, Mr Hichilema vehemently opposed this Bill while the Republican President supports its enactment into law. Who between the two is a danger to His Majesty’s rule in an unlikely event that the evil Bill is made into law? It’s definitely not Mr Hichilema.

Further, let me state that I find a lot of inconsistencies in the Mwine Lubemba’s statement. Among many is His Majesty’s assertions that ‘the Bemba had no problem voting for other tribes, like they did for Kenneth Kaunda, Frederick Chiluba, Levy Mwanawasa, Rupiah Banda and Michael Sata’.

The apparent characterization of late Presidents Fredrick Chiluba and Michael Sata in His Majesty’s statement, as outsiders of the Bemba Kingdom is succinctly clear and categorical, but also brings to the fore the level of divisiveness the Chitimukulu’s debate brings to the unitary nature of the Zambian statehood, which by our constitution is blind to ethnicity and other artificial boundaries.

Would it therefore be far fetched to view the above argument as arising from the fact the Tongas overwhelmingly voted for President Chiluba in 1991 and 1996, that he therefore can’t make the Bemba qualification coupled with his Luapula origins? Was President Sata not Bemba enough because he originated from Mpika, and because he ordered his then Home Affairs Minister, Mr Edgar Chagwa Lungu to deploy a battalion of Police Commandos to prevent His Majesty from ascending to the throne?

If indeed the two late Presidents are inconsequentially non Bemba, how does His Majesty then reconcile his usual claims that 21% of Zambians are Bembas if Luapula and Muchinga Provinces appear to be excluded as he seems to suggest.These questions and many more are not intended to embarrass His Majesty, but they underscore the reason why ethnic gerrymandering by traditional leadership can be a source of division and a danger to national security.

I also take keen interest on the unwarranted claims and sustained effort by a group of Bemba royal highnesses over the perennial false and politically charged claims that Bembas were attacked and their property vandalised in Namwala post 2016 elections, and that the Tongas remained mute over the matter. How could there have been a response over a matter that never took place, against the backdrop of a massive propaganda campaign sponsored by the state and a political party to falsify an impression that it happened?

The lightening speed with which ‘relief’ supplies and the erection of temporary shelter was carried out by the state and surrogate NGOs, testified to the highest desperation in which an institution was attempting to drive a false and malicious agenda against the Tonga people, for political gain and to bring them into disrepute but most tragically, to promote a possible atmosphere for genocide.

To that effect, I communicated to His Majesty Chitimukulu, of my personal offer to meet the costs of the Lubemba Chiefs to travel to Southern Province on a fact finding mission inorder to verify for themselves, that this was a heavily sponsored and politicized agenda by a political party. The offer to clear the air as expected was declined and graciously splashed across government controlled media and the ‘Mast Newspaper’.

Finally, I wish to state that I find it remarkable that His Majesty believes that the Tongas would want to fight the Bembas when the one who wields the political power is not Bemba but an Easterner, who is currently being challenged by the provisions of constitutional democracy that allows for elections by political parties every five years.

There’s absolutely nothing that the Tongas would want to wrestle from their Bemba brothers and sisters with whom they have long historical cooperation with, since pre independence times. His Royal Highness must not rewrite history and attempt to conceal the fraternal and cordial relationship between these two tribes who additionally, according to some credible statistics are involved in more inter marriages between them, than any other ethnic group in the country. Tongas and Bembas have unequivocal and solid historical symbiotic relationships which unfortunately is in danger of being distorted by power politics.

Let the Mwine Lubemba retreat into his respectable and majestic domain and unite the Zambian people than separate them, because the consequences of setting tribe and against tribe has telling ramifications that have caused wars in nations like Nigeria in the Biafran question, and the Rwandan genocide, which the latter country has incidentally made claims that appear to accuse our President’s involvement in its internal affairs. It’s incumbent upon all of us as traditional leaders to unite the country because our subjects belong to a spectrum of political affiliations.

God bless the Republic,

Senior Chief Mukuni of the Leya people of Kazungula, Livingstone and Zimba Districts and all the Bene Mukuni

On skeletons in Chitimululu’s closet: Kalulu Tapusuka Mipya Ibili – Part IV


By Dr. Henry Kanyanta Sosala

‘’Kalulu tapusuka mipya ibili,’’ is a Chibemba proverb which can literally be translated as: ‘’The hare does not escape the burning plains twice.’’ The actual lesson is that no one should take his lucky for guaranteed or push one’s lucky star too far.

Politics is said to be a dirty game because of how it is played. A lot of scheming, deceit and intrigues are employed to attain desired goals. Some even involve in character assassination as in the case at hand.

In the first place, it was just too much of a coincidence that the serious false allegations you are about to read by Mainda Simataa were brought up after the joint statement of condemning me by the leaders of the Opposition Alliance. And in Chibemba we say:’’Ubushiku bwaluba umukote ne cimbwi canye mfwi. Kanshi abantu bonse kuti batila cimbwi eulile shikulu bantu.’’ And according to Dr. Lumbwe’s translation this means: ‘’The day the old person goes missing, the hyena has grey hair in its dung. And the people would automatically conclude that the hyena has eaten the missing old man.’’ And therefore three leaders i.e., Messrs. Hichilema, Milupi and Lukuku are automatically involved.

Here is what Mainda Simataa wrote: THE SKELETONS IN CHITIMUKULU’S CLOSET:………. Then BOOM! I remembered the story of how boxes of ‘ENGRAVED FORM’ – codename for Bank of Zambia (BOZ) CASH IN TRANSIT went missing under the chiefs watch when we worked as an accountant at Zambia Airways. He reportedly served jail time, and may be those traumatic years in isolation are coming back to affect his mind.

The short story is that on dates unknown, but certainly before many of us were born, a certain airport fork-lift driver accidentally pierced a carton box marked ‘ENGRAVED FORM’, and was astonished to see money coming out, and he quickly reported to the boss, chief.It’s said Chief and his few friends decided to pounce on some of the boxes. BOZ security quickly discovered the scam and traced it back to Chief. President Kaunda was alerted about the young crown prince’s mischief, and immediately ordered that the culprits be arrested and brought to book. State lawyers however reported back that they couldn’t secure a solid conviction because the prosecution could not prove to the court that ‘ENGRAVED FORM’ was missing, and that it was actually money, and therefore state property. However, President Kaunda couldn’t let a legal technicality get in the way of Justice. He confiscated all the houses chief had bought in Chelstone, and Chief was sent to jail. But Kaunda was kind enough to spare the prince from hard labour, and arranged long-distance studies for him were he eventually became a prison graduate in philosophy from an Australian University .Question is what moral right does chief have to lecture youths when he has passed secrets he hides? We want answers. SO WISE CHIEF, TELL US ABOUT ‘ENGRAVED FORM’

I can honestly confess that I was confused when a friend sent the story to my e-mail. Indeed, I had many years heard that money in transit had been stolen at the Lusaka International Airport after I had left the airline. And incidentally I have never been trained in accounts but was trained by then Central African Airways in the airline’s management and operations and have never been to Australia to study prison philosophy. I was at a total loss because I had left Zambia Airways in 1968 and I was being accused about something that might have happened 52 years earlier (i.e., 1968-2020). Where would my starting point of defence be? When I tried to figure out where to start, I realized that most of my then former colleagues who could vouch for my innocence that I had actually left employment at the time of the thievery were dead and definitely my conspirator was among the four living former workmates. In fact, I was very sure that my Judas Escariot was among the living four because the author used the term ‘’engraved form’’ which was a secret code used by CAA airlines to conceal the real contents of any parcels which contained money on cargo manifests and only the senior staff knew of it and such parcels were normally sent by what was called the ‘’hand of the pilot.’’

And humanly speaking I was pinned down and there was totally no way out and I believe my conspirator was celebrating and no wonder he even taunted me in big letters: ‘’SO WISE CHIEF, TELL US ABOUT ENGRAVED FORM.’’ And I agree with most of the people who think that such an individual who can tell such blatant lies with a seared conscience must be an initiated Freemason and Satanist and a member of the Grand Lodge of Zambia which is the Masons Temple in Lusaka’s Cha Cha Cha Road.

And as usual what actually the group of satanists had not taken into account in their equation to damage my reputation was the presence of the Living and Almighty God in the universe. It is said that God’s Word is absolute truth and triumphs over every issue of life. It holds the solution to every problem. And being a staunch Catholic, I strongly believe and I have proved far beyond any doubt that the Rosary is a tremendous and powerful weapon against Satan. And there are ‘’Fifteen Promises of the Blessed Virgin Mary to Christians Who Recite the Rosary.’’ And Promise number 11 states: ‘’You shall obtain all you ask of me by the recitation of the rosary.’’

And therefore having prayed on the rosary about my predicament, I travelled to Lusaka and on Monday, 13th July 2020, I walked into the National Achieves library without any idea of what I was going to do in there! But in an instant, I requested for copies of the Times of Zambia from January to December 1969.

And after about five hours of perusal and when I was just about to give up just then, I came upon the Times of Zambia of 6th September 1969 where it was reported that Barclays Bank was offering a reward of K5,000 to any information leading to the arrest of a person who stole two parcels containing K53,000 which was in transit. The money was sent from Barclays Bank Livingstone branch to the head office in Lusaka.
Then BOOM and my eyes almost propped out of my sockets, Times of Zambia of 8th November 1969 came out with the headline: GOOD-TIME THIEF WHOPED UP ON K53,000. …….’’The man was jailed for 5 years for stealing two parcels containing K53,000, and he gave himself away by throwing a series of wild parties and gave out money to those who attended. He is Anaiya Zulu, the 29-year-old Zambia Airways porter who stole the parcels while off-loading a plane at Lusaka International Airport. The money had been sent from Barclays Bank in Livingstone and was destined for main branch in Lusaka. Zulu admitted that he was the airport thief and told the detectives that he had a lot of experience handling parcels. In a house search police recovered more than K19,000 and more money was found at his home village in Ketete district in Eastern Province. Property worth hundreds of kwacha was also seized. Police are still investigating the whereabouts of the remaining cash.’’
There the truth lay bare before me and then suddenly hot teas ran down my cheeks upon realizing the magnitude of hatred these people have in store for me and I profusely thanked the Lord.

But why? It’s a spiritual battle to try and destroy my scarlet thread or star. Every human being carries a scarlet thread or star at birth which signifies destiny. However, the scarlet thread or star bestowed upon individuals greatly differ depending upon destiny. For example, in the book of Matthew 2:2 it is stated, ‘’….Where is He that is born King of the Jews? For we have seen His star in the east and we have come to worship him.’’ In some cases, the star is a symbol of power and authority! It is a symbol of honour, dignity and greatness.

Every battle of life is tied to one’s destiny and to every destiny there is a scarlet thread which one’s enemies want to cut; burn; control or dim it’s shining! And I have for many years kept wondering what sort of star that I carry and for which people are after. I have people who in their fertile evil imaginations created terrible lies about me in order to destroy my integrity; created situations where friends suddenly become antagonistic against me; situations where I am rescued from danger at the last minute. For instance, I was at one time fast asleep at Lusaka’s Chrismar Hotel, when my brother Colonel Chanda Sosala came to wake up and urgently asked me to dress up in a woman’s clothing because he had just received an urgent call from a senior diplomat at the Zambian embassy in London that I should quickly move out of the hotel, otherwise something bad was going to happen to me.

My worry is that there is somewhere in the Constitution an article which I cannot now recall where it is stated that one can raise issues or complaints which can if proved valid can disqualify a person from standing for elections. But this would I am sure prove fatal to many innocent people if you can deduce from my above predicament. It was the same for President Lungu, some evil went to Eastern Province trying to prove that he was a Malawian. Then they later came up with a story that he was a ‘’duplicate Edgar Lungu.’’
And as I indicated in PART III, the problem arises in many people mainly from lack of self-contentment and self-confidence since they see more in me than in themselves which translates into uncontrollable envy. I have, however, made it a habit to daily read Psalm 91. I have now for many years kept the words of British Prime Minister, Sir Winston Churchill: ‘‘You will never reach your destination if you stop and throw stones at every dog that barks.’’

Chitimukulu will be a Guest of Honour at HH’s inauguration as Zambian President in 2021-Garry Nkombo

United Party for National Development UPND Mazabuka Central MP, Garry Nkombo says the Chitimukulu will be an honoured guest at Hakainde Hichilema’s inauguration as Zambian President in 2021.

Addressing a press briefing at the UPND secretariat yesterday morning, Hon Nkombo noted that it was unfortunate for the PF to start accusing the UPND of planning to dethrone Paramount Chief Chitimukulu of the Bemba speaking people saying the party neither had the power nor the machinery to do so.

Nkombo recalls how he, together with late Kalomo MP Request Muntanga and UPND deputy secretary general for administration Patrick Mucheleka stood up to defend his right to the Mwine Lubemba throne when late President Michael Chilufya Sata sent 500 police officers to guard the Royal Palace to prevent him from becoming the Chitimukulu shortly after assuming office in 2011.

He also stated that as a party that holds the role of traditional leadership and the guidance it brings to the peoples of Zambia in high esteem, the party had resolved to stay away from meddling in traditional affairs because it does not have the roots to determine who should ascend to a particular throne of a particular traditional establishment.

Hon Nkombo also reminded His Royal Highness of the meeting that he (Nkombo) had with him at which the former assured the Chitimukulu of the UPND’s support for traditional leadership in the country as well as its resolve not to meddle into affairs of traditional leaders in the country.

He has since called on Zambians to ignore assertions from certain sections of society, particularly from the PF and its surrogate political parties that the UPND had hatched a plot to dethrone and degazette him one on office.

There would be chaos in the Zambia if UPND was given even one hour to govern

Government Chief Whip Brain Mundubile has charged that the opposition United Party for National Development (UPND) must demonstrate and display character to show that the party is ready rule Zambia.

Hon Mundubile says there would be chaos in the country if UPND was given even one hour to govern.

“Where would be the governance of this country if UPND was given even one hour to rule this country, a party that is relying on calamity such as deaths, COVID 19, and adverse climate change, to make political capital,” he questioned.

Speaking on ZNBC’s Real issues programme, Hon. Mundubile who is also Mporokoso Central lawmaker, said irresponsible conduct in the opposition party leadership has led to total break down of control and management in the party because leaders lack leadership qualities and advised Zambians to closely scrutinise such leadership as we go into the 2021 general elections.

He said the Monze experience where Republican President Edgar Lungu was disrespected and the Mufulira scuffles perpetuated by UPND cadres were some of the unfortunate events that were supposed to be condemned by the opposition party leaders including HH.

He regretted that HH himself sided with the cadres instead of distancing his party and condemning the acts and offering an apology.

“Political leadership is not about money or speaking the loudest while celebrating misfortune hoping that people would rise against the government and all this is a clear show of failure and lack of a vision to rule the country”, Hon. Mundubile said.

He cited the disrespectful conduct against Vice President Inonge Wina and the Speaker of the National Assembly by a learned Lawyer Cornelius Mwiitwa whom he said was expected to show remorse and apologise adding that the party has no plans even to come up with a shadow cabinet and Manifesto but had chosen violence as the only way to get around without considering the plight the Zambian people.

“President Edgar Chagwa Lungu has always emphasised that as a nation, we needed an environment where everyone co -existed, but regretted that Zambians were going into the 2021 elections with the UPND kind of leadership which wanted the people to engage in violence so that at the end of the day, they would find some excuses,” he added.

Hon. Mundubile who is also PF Chairman for legal said UPND was so self centred that it believed “its either HH or no one else.

On the Constitution Amendment Bill number 10 of 2019, Hon. Mundubile said UPND was fighting the Bill and yet there were 2 other Bills such as the Public Order Act and the Electoral Process Act which also needed to be enacted within the process of enacting Bill 10.

LCC demolishes structure, buries foundations on road reserves in Materio Ward 28


The Lusaka City Council (LCC) has demolished one structure believed to be a car wash which was erected on a road reserve in Matero Ward 28.

And the Council has buried two illegal foundations that were dug on road reserves to construct bases in readiness of placing a container and a wall-fence.

LCC says the structure and foundations were inimical to the existing plans of the area and that they were on a road reserve area.

This follows numerous complaints that were made by Emmasdale residents about people trying to put up structures on areas which are meant to be road reserves.

Speaking during the exercise, LCC Town Clerk, Alex Mwansa said the local authority took action to demonstrate to Lusaka residents that the Council is responsive to people’s complaints.

“We received complaints from residents that there has been tempering of access roads and placing of containers in unsuitable places hence the operation,” he said.

Mr. Mwansa said LCC is alert and will stop all constructions that do not conform to the main plan of the city.

Mr Mwansa gave an example that recently, the Council stopped the illegal construction of 10 shops along Lilayi Road.

“As Council, we should just have to be alert as people are persistent in tendering applications for extensions and make sure that we are thorough prior to issuing a permit,” he said.

The Town Clerk stated that the LCC will not let anyone to disturb the plan for Emmasdale and the city at large.

During the same operation, one road which was blocked with stones by some developer was cleared to pave way for the smooth flow of traffic.

Lusaka City Council demolishing illegal structures in Matero
Lusaka City Council demolishing illegal structures in Matero
Lusaka City Council demolishing illegal structures in Matero

Keembe MP Princess Kasune tests positive for Covid-19, blames the surge in cases to poor leadership


Opposition Keembe UPND Member of Parliament Princess Kasuse has announced that she has tested positive for Covid-19.

Mrs Kasuse revealed that she found out about her positive status on Saturday morning.

“Just this morning l tested Positive for Covid-19. On the same day l was dancing for being a grandmother for the first time and bags packed ready to see my grandson, same day l went for Covid-19 Test at UTH, Thursday 23 July, 2020 although had no symptoms. This morning July 25 the Covid-19 test has come out Positive. I am officially under Quarantine,” she disclosed.

Mrs Kasuse has since blamed the Zambian government for exhibiting poor leadership over the Covid-19 pandemic.

“As the MP for Keembe Constituency, l was one of those raising the concern at Parliament and in our Health Committee on why our Parliament continued mixing. Leadership crisis in Zambia. We relaxed our rules too early in Zambia, my very point of order at Parliament,” she said.

“Now Covid-19 is moving rapidly and so many lives at stake. One feels for the health workers and teachers, not forgetting our children who have gone back to school, Lord protect them. Please Stay Home Mask up, avoid crowds even church or funerals stay home and let’s keep washing our hands. Covid-19 is Real!”

Princess Kasuse at undergoing Covid-19 swabbing at UTH

Dabid Chilufya Set For Indeni Debut

Coach Dabid Chilufya starts his reign at ambitious FAZ National Division 1 side Indeni with a home match against Mpulungu Harbour on Sunday in Ndeke, Ndola.

Chilufya, the former Zanaco deputy coach, replaced Matthews Ndhlovu at Indeni during the Covid-19 induced break in May.

Indeni are placed fourth on the table with 46 points, two below leaders Kitwe United, after 24 matches played.

“The Oil Men” are chasing their first return to the FAZ Super Division since 2014.

Elsewhere in National Division 1, promotion contenders Prison Leopards are out seeking to reclaim top spot as they tackle Kafue Celtic away on Saturday afternoon.

Prison were relegated to second position on Thursday by Kitwe United, who edged National Assembly 1-0 in Lusaka, to open a one point lead at the top.

Chingalika have 48 points from 24 matches played.

Victory over Celtic will push Prison back to the top for at least 24 hours before Kitwe faces Zesco Shockers on Sunday away in Mongu.

Third placed Young Green Eagles will be visited by Zesco Malaiti Rangers.

Young Eagles sits on 47 points while Malaiti Rangers are 13th on the table with 24 points from 24 matches played.

FAZ National Division 1 –Week 25


Zambeef F.C – MUZA

Kafue Celtic – Prison Leopards

Police College -Nchanga Rangers


ZESCO Shockers – Kitwe United

Gomes – Sinazongwe United

Chindwin Sentries – Mumbwa Medics

Young Green Eagles – ZESCO Malaiti Rangers

Indeni – Mpulungu Harbour

National Assembly – Chambishi

Zanaco Coach Braces for Reunion Date Against Nkwazi

Zanaco coach Chris Kaunda faces his former charges Nkwazi this Sunday in a Lusaka home derby at Sunset Stadium.

Kaunda was sacked by Nkwazi earlier this season following a nine-match poor start to the campaign in which period he managed only one win and four draws.

“It will be very tough, I know Nkwazi, I know the players very well, it will be tough,” Kaunda said.

Furthermore, Zanaco head into the match under difficult circumstances.

Five players will miss the game after testing positive before last Wednesday’s away game against Nkana.

Zanaco went on to lose that match 3-0 that saw them stay put at number 10 and remain eleven points behind leaders Nkana who replaced Forest at the summit on goal difference.

“The preparations are going well, it (the situation) has also given room to those that haven’t been playing including the junior players that we registered from junior Zanaco to play,” Kaunda said.

Zanaco know they must fashion out a point tomorrow after losing the first of four rescheduled matches in their catch-up race before the rest of the pack restarts the season on August 1.

But the other against Forest was postponed again due to the latter’s reportedly 28 Covid-19 cases prior to the July 18 date in Ndola.

A result is critical against Nkwazi that Zanaco will follow-up with a huge battle at third placed Green Eagles on July 29 in Choma.

Zambian Breweries decision to increase the quantity of cassava purchased from small scale farmers applauded


Luapula Province Minister Nickson Chilangwa is happy with the decision by Zambian Breweries to increase the quantity of cassava to be purchased from small scale farmers in the province .

Mr. Chilangwa has also thanked Zambian Breweries for its target to purchase three thousand one hundred and fifty tonnes of cassava from last year’s three thousand tonnes.

He says Zambian Breweries and its partners such as Musika have made the cassava sub-sector as a key economic unit worth more investment in Luapula Province.

Mr. Chilangwa noted that the launch of the cassava purchasing season is another milestone in the cassava value chain.

Mr. Chilangwa said this in a speech read on his behalf by Luapula Province Assistant Secretary Charles Daka during the launch of the 2020 cassava harvest season at Mansa’s Farm Institute.

Meanwhile, Mansa Mayor Emmanuel Chungu urged farmers to venture into cassava growing because it is less costly as compared to other crops such as maize.

And Luapula Province Investments Coordinator Joseph Maopu has urged youths in Luapula Province to take advantage of the economic opportunities offered by the cassava value chain to improve their livelihoods.

COVID-19 is real, please adhere to government guidelines-Zambia’s High Commissioner to UK


LONDON, Saturday, 25th July 2020- Zambian’s High Commissioner to the United Kingdom, Lt. Gen. Paul Mihova (Rtd) has appealed to Zambians in the diaspora to raise awareness back home in Zambia on the seriousness of the COVID-19 pandemic to help dispel the notion that the pandemic is a hoax.

Addressing Zambians during a Zoom virtual meeting that was organized by Zambians Together in partnership with the Zambian High Commission and the Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources on the theme “buying Land in Zambia”, High Commissioner Mihova made a passionate appeal for Zambians both home and abroad to heed to government advice and guidelines designed to curb the impact and spread of the Covid-19.

According to a statement released to the media by Mrs. Abigail Chaponda, First Secretary for Press and Public Relations at the Zambia High Commission in the United Kingdom, the High Commissioner said Zambians in the United Kingdom have witnessed how the Coronavirus has claimed lives and left devasting scars on families and friends.

“Let me make an earnest appeal to the diaspora to raise awareness back home on COVID-19 to help overcome the notion of obtaining in some quarters which are frustrating government efforts by saying that COVID-19 is a hoax. Some sections of the diaspora have seen how devastating COVID-19 has affected the communities we are living in, who then is better placed than you who are out there to raise awareness so that the efforts that our government is putting in place are adhered to,” he said.

The High Commissioner also said that the UK government has been able to contain the mortality rate because people followed government regulations.

He further applauded the work and contributions made by front line staff in the fight against the pandemic, “Let me take this opportunity to thank all the frontline heroes who go out every day to work and come back thinking they have been exposed to the virus but still wake up the next day and go in for work knowing that their lives are at risk, but because of the dedication and commitment to duty, they still go in to save lives. Please let us follow what the government is saying so that we can help protect our Doctors and Nurses in our hospitals. If COVID-19 has taught us anything, it is the fact that, only through global solidarity will countries and the world effectively defeat covid-19,” he said.

Zambians Together is a collaborative initiative working closely together with the Zambia High Commission and various Zambian Community Associations and Networks across the United Kingdom (England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland) and the Republic of Ireland. Zambians Together is a non-profit organization setup as a response to the Covid-19 pandemic to help provide a one stop shop for the UK and Ireland Zambian community to communicate, collaborate, donate, raise awareness and unite with the purpose of providing the help and support that the Zambian community requires during the Covid-19 pandemic and to continue with the initiative post Covid-19.

Zambia records the country’s highest COVID-19 Cases in a Single Day since the Outbreak


Zambia has recorded 472 new COVID -19 cases, the highest in a single day since the outbreak of the disease in March this year, from a 1 851 tests conducted in the last 24 hours.

Health Minister Chitalu Chilufya said 3 more community deaths have been recorded bringing the number to 139, and that 15 people are on Oxygen in health facilities, and that one is critical.

Dr. Chilufya said that President Edgar Lungu is concerned and has called for the adherence to public health guidelines for the country to curb the spread of the disease, adding that Covid-19 is real hence the need for aggressive community action.

Dr. Chilufya said that in the coming week, the country will see enhanced community activities aimed at combing the communities for positives and isolate them in homes or in designated places.

Speaking during the daily update, Dr. Chilufya said that the impact on the COVID -19 on all the sectors has been serious and there is a need to deal with COVID -19.

Dr. Chilufya also called on the partners and stakeholders to ensure they translate their pledges into tangible support such as financing adequately key interventions like testing, case management to stem COVID -19, and called on Zambians to heighten community hygiene and be responsible and stop the spread of COVID -19.

Dr Chilufya said that in the coming week, the country will heighten community engagements and activities with key stakeholders such Church Mother bodies, Management of Markets to help fight the Coronavirus.

And Dr. Chilufya said Lusaka is the epicenter of the Coronavirus, while the Copperbelt has become a hotspot for the virus.

The country NOW has a total of 4 328 cases.

I’ve Been Taking ARVs Since I Was 2


Muluba Habanyama writes…

I’m Muluba. I was born with HIV and have been taking medications since the age of 2. These medications keep me healthy. They hold my immune system together.

They keep my HIV viral load undectable which makes me untransmittable. This means that I cannot sexually transmit the virus to anyone.

Managing HIV is just like managing any other condition. But it gets so much stigma. I remember the first time I was called “dirty and un-clean”. I am not disgusting. I am a beautiful smart black woman living with HIV. Please treat me as such.

Credit: Muluba P. Habanyama
Credit: Muluba P. Habanyama

Source: Ministry of Health

It will be unlawful for Given Lubinda to Re-Introduce Bill 10 in Parliament-CiSCA

The Civil Society Constitution Agenda (CiSCA) has said that it will be unlawful for Justice Minister Given Lubinda to re-introduce Bill 10 during the next Parliamentary session.

Reacting to media reports that the Justice Minister intend to re-introduce Bill 10, CiSCA said that the act of re-introducing an expired Bill is contrary to Parliamentary Regulations, adding that Mr. Lubinda is pushing Bill 10 in his own personal interest.

Mr. Lubinda is quoted as saying that whether Bill 10 opposers like it or not, it will be deliberated upon once Parliament sittings resume and those who are jubilating that Bill 10 has died following the adjournment of Parliament are celebrating a fluke.

Below is the full statement by CiSCA

CiSCA Statement on Justice Minister Given Lubinda’s Plans to Reintroduce Bill 10 in Next Parliamentary Session

Lusaka, 24 July 2020: The Civil Society Constitution Agenda (CiSCA) calls on Justice Minister Given Lubinda to just come out and confirm what we all know: that the Patriotic Front, as usual, are determined and will do everything to abuse their power and use unlawful means to reintroduce Bill 10 during the next Parliamentary session.

A few days ago, Lubinda stated that Bill 10 will be re-tabled in Parliament during the next session. He also cast aspersions on lawmakers and other citizens who are against Bill 10.

As if his unlawful re-gazetting of an already gazetted Bill 10 in May this year was not enough, the Justice Minister wants to follow that up with another unlawful act of re-introducing an expired Bill contrary to Parliamentary Regulations. In preparing for his unlawful act he wants first to test waters by casting aspersions on the Leader of the Opposition in Parliament, a personable and credible lawmaker like Hon. Jack Mwimbu who commands more public respect than he does. From their viewpoints any reasonable person can see that Hon. Mwimbu is following and quoting the letter of the Standing Orders while Mr. Lubinda has lamentably failed to do so.

Mr. Lubinda describes those of us opposed to Bill 10 as desperately wanting to remain relevant is a classical example of projecting his own desperation to have Bill 10 enacted against the supremacy of the Zambian people’s will. We challenge Mr. Lubinda to state in whose interest he is still pushing the public rejected Bill 10. We want to ask Mr. Lubinda how in his frame of mind can claim that the many civil society organisations, political parties, traditional leaders, religious groupings, artistes, youths, lawyers, trade unions, eminent constitutional lawyers and professors at law can all be irrelevant in Zambia except him and other proponents of Bill 10. As a Justice Minister, it is shameful that Mr. Lubinda is in the forefront of driving a wedge among citizens instead of listening and bringing Zambians of divergent views together, building consensus, other than being the champion of driving a wedge among us.

We wonder how a serious lawmaker guided by Parliamentary rules and regulations can make an analogy of a baby crying while its caregiver is cooking and the caregiver stopping to attend to the baby to the circumstance of Bill 10’s journey. The two are totally incomparable.

If the PF government was serious about empowering women and youth as they want us to believe, the President would not have appointed another man, with all due respect, Mr. Masiye Wilfred Banda, as Ministry of Home Affairs Permanent Secretary, hardly a week after the burial of the late Dr Chileshe Mulenga. The President squandered a golden opportunity to demonstrate his political will on empowerment of women, youth and persons living with disabilities, and now they want to hide behind Bill 10. We are not naïve. In fact, Bill 10 does not even provide for appointment of women or provision of safe seats for women, youths, people living with disability and other marginalized groups. Bill 10 only mentions that the electoral system will be changed from a first past the post to mixed member representation, and the mixed member representation will be as prescribed in subsidiary legislation.

We contend that Mr. Lubinda is pushing Bill 10 in his own personal interest. As far as we are concerned, passing Bill 10 by any means necessary is the only helpline for Lubinda to remain relevant in Zambia beyond 2021. Everyone now knows that the only purpose of Bill 10 is to perpetuate the PF’s stay in power. It has nothing to do with advancing the interests of women, youths, persons with disability, or any other citizens.

Issued by:

Judith Mulenga

CiSCA Vice Chairperson

It’s absurd for UPND to Write to EU over the decision to allow Inmates to vote-Kampyongo


HOME Affairs Minister Hon Stephen Kampyongo has questioned the intelligence and seriousness of the United Party for National Development (UPND) Secretary General Steven Katuka and his party who claim to have written to the European Union and the Electoral Commission of Zambia over the decision to allow Inmates to vote.

Speaking at a media briefing held in Lusaka to give an update on the security situation in the country yesterday, Hon Kampyongo said that it was unfortunate that the entire Secretary-General of a political party can accuse the government of trying to rig elections by allowing inmates to vote.

Hon Kampyongo reiterated that the subject of allowing Inmates to vote was not a decision by the government but by civil society organizations such as PRISCA and others through a constitutional court ruling.

“You all do recall that in 2017, a Mr. Malembeka representing an organization called PRISCA went to the Constitutional Court where it was ruled that correctional service inmates be allowed to vote in future elections, it was not ourselves as the government that went to court and the UPND Secretary-General will do well to work with facts unlike concocting things for political expediency,” Hon Kampyongo said.

The Minister said the Opposition Party Secretary-General Steven Katuka is free to petition the Concourt against the ruling it passed in 2017 in Favor of Mr. Malembeka and his Organization.

“The naivety of the Secretary-General of the UPND is perturbing really that instead of going on the ground to mobilize votes for his party he has instead as usual opted to start crying like a small baby even to a point of going to write to the European Union which is well aware of the origin of this decision to allow inmates formerly known as prisoners to vote” Hon Kampyongo said.

He said it is now becoming absurd that the UPND should always rush to making accusations of vote-rigging even when a normal and routine exercise such as mobile voter registration is conducted.