Saturday, October 5, 2024
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The Agriculture Sector Needs to be Revolutionalised-Margaret Mwanakatwe


Lusaka Central Member of Parliament Margaret Mwanakatwe says the agriculture sector needs to be revolutionalised in a bid to cushion hunger in the amidst the Covid-19 pandemic.

Ms. Mwanakatwe who is also former Finance Minister says the pandemic has caused negative impact on global economic sectors including agriculture.

She has since called for the empowerment of women and youths with agriculture skills for them to be self-sustainable.

Mrs. Mwanakatwe has also challenged Zambians to come up with lucrative business ideas that can be funded by government in a bid to strengthen the country’s economy.

She said this when addressing residents of Lusaka Central Constituency in Lusaka.

Meanwhile Mrs. Mwanakatwe assured the people in Lusaka’s Kabudula area in State Lodge, that she will help them to acquire title deeds for their land.

Youths conducting illegal Mining in Luanshya demand to be addressed by their MP

Roan Member of parliament Honourable Joseph Chishala yesterday afternoon was ambushed by Youths in his constituency doing some illegal mining at CNMC Luanshya Copper Mines.

The youths who requested the member of parliament to address them and listen to their cry’s expressed disappointment on the management of Luanshya Copper Mines.

Upon addressing them, Hon Joseph Chishala explained to the youths that last week on Monday, in the company of Luanshya member of parliament Hon Steven Chungu, he had visited the mine management and the mine promised that the youths will be allowed to do their mining provided they don’t bring in any machinery, until such a time that the mine start mining at Roan basin.

The youths who appealed to the Roan lawmaker maker that once the mine management removes them from the mine he must find them what to do because apparently mining is the only source of their income.

Hon Joseph Chishala told the youths that he is still trying to lobby from the government so that Luanshya Copper Mines can surrender the dumpsite to the youths.

Monze Engineered UPND Anarchy Calculated to Incite Ethnic Chaos by Provoking Presidential Convoy


By Bizwell Mutale

The reckless talk and provocative behaviour by Hon Jack Mwiimbu resulting in UPND cadres attempting to stone and embarrass the Head of State Excellency President Edgar Chagwa Lungu on his recent visit to Monze District was very irresponsible, shameful and extremely disgusting.


As a proud Tonga from Monze, I am with many other tribemates from Southern Province who are extremely disappointed by Hakainde Hichilema, Mwiimbu and UPND thuggery as it goes against the traditional values of Ba Tonga people who practise a culture of respect for elders and authority.

We shudder to think what would have happened had one from the hired mob threw a stone at the Presidential motorcade (like they did at BP filling Station in Monze last year) the State Security wings travelling with the Head of State’s convoy reacted with weaponry force to the menacing confrontation of Jack Mwiimbu’s led UPND cadres.


Zambians must be reminded that this is not happening for the first time. It is clear that the UPND leadership under HH have a very deliberate strategy calculated at inciting anarchy and igniting confusion by provoking the Presidential convoy and State Security whenever the Head of State goes on developmental tours in perceived UPND strongholds.

It is the same thing that HH did in Mongu where he attempted to compete with the Presidential convoy and it is also the same thing he repeated in Kaoma and then Sesheke when he turned a blind eye to his cadres who put big rocks and boulders to block the road the Presidential convoy was using, thereby endangering the life of the Head of State and putting the entire nation at great risk in the process.

The malicious irresponsibility of Hichilema, Mwiimbu and UPND is capable of plunging the whole nation into chaos. It must be condemned in the strongest terms.


HH’s lust for power at all costs is now a disgrace to Ba Tonga. He does not represent the nationalism of our forefathers such as Harry Mwaanga Nkumbula, Mainza Chona and Elijah Haatuakali Mudenda to name a few. The UPND leader and his party’s morally deficient character does not represent the spirit of Nationalism.

HH and Mwiimbu want to make it look as if all Southerners are UPND when in fact not. The truth is that UPND in Southern Province victimise and brutalise any southerner that is not UPND. It is even much worse how they mistreat non-Southerners affiliated to other political parties in the Province. It is shameful.

HH is not the messiah of Southern province or anyone else as he claims. He is infact a liability to Southern Province. Under his instructions, UPND Members of Parliament and councillors are shunning progressive engagements with key government officials including the Head of State, and frustrating government development efforts in Southern Province.


“Honourable” Jack Mwiimbu has been Member of Parliament for Monze for twenty years (2001) yet what can he point at?

Monze Constituency is not as developed as it should be. Why?
This not because of unwillingness on the part of successive governments under MMD and PF, but because of Mwiimbu’s unwillingness to work with respective governments of the day to bring development to the people of Monze. He appears to have a misplaced belief that only a “government under a Tonga party led by HH” should bring development to Monze and Southern Province.

In the meantime, Mwiimbu has been drawing a salary and sitting allowances from parliament plus gratuity from the National Assembly since 2001. He appears to have no problems with getting a salary and gratuity from government, but appears to have a big problem with meeting government officials seeking to take development to Monze. This is typical of UPND MP’s and councillors in Southern Province.

I appeal to my fellow Southerners in Monze and across Southern Province to open their eyes.

How can HH and UPND fix anything when he and his officials are either preoccupied with frustrating Government development projects everywhere in Southern Province or busy inciting civil unrest and destroying?

“Nkondo ngu kavwumbu”

Why needlessly risk ethnic bloodshed breaking out in Monze and spreading nationwide? Just to satisfy one man’s selfish ego?

“Simweenda aumineme ayebo ulaminama” (He who blindly associates with a wayward person, will himself become wayward.

The waywardness of one man, can never be bigger than the honour of entire Tonga speaking ethnic group of Southern Province.

Garry Nkombo warns Foreign Affairs Minister and Lusaka Province Minister, Stop destabilizing UPND

United Party for National Development (UPND) Elections Chairperson, Garry Nkombo, has warned Foreign Affairs Minister, Joseph Malanji and Lusaka Province Minister, Bowman Lusambo to accept Lufwanyama ward Councillor, Rogers Simwemba’s decision to rescind his earlier decision to resign from UPND and join PF, stating that the later should not be a victim of the usual, typical threats from the ruling elite as all that was given to him after he resigned from his post were now his property.

Mr Nkombo said that the Foreign Affairs Minister and his Kabushi counterpart had gone on a rampage to destabilise the UPND on the Copperbelt following failed endeavours to do the same in North-western, Western and Southern Provinces, respectively.

Mr Nkombo said the law provides for a 30-day period after resigning and that the Council Chairperson is within the law to receive the letter of the councillor who rescinded his decision.

He said it is unfortunate that the PF is on a trail to continue causing by-elections which began in north Western province, North-western, Lufwanyama and now going to Masaiti.

He said PF is buying the councillors using stolen money from the government, in order to show the country that it is a preferred party when in fact not.

“PF should stop playing games and began to do the right thing, Councillor Rodgers Simweemba who rescinded his decision is one of the six councillors paid to resign,” said Mr Nkombo

He said the people behind the resignation of the councillors are Kabushi MP Bowman Lusambo, Joe Malanji and Spuki Mukemwa.

He warned the PF not to begin calling the councillor who has rescind his decision to resign and that the money given to him is his and after all it was willingly given to him.

He said that UPND will not tolerate but take action should PF try to threaten the councillor.

One of the six United Party for National Development (UPND) councillors who were allegedly bought by the ruling Patriotic Front (PF) last week has rescinded his decision to re-join his party (UPND).

Earlier, Lufwanyama ward Councillor, Rogers Simwemba told journalists yesterday afternoon that he has rescinded his decision to re-join his party (UPND) and had opted to reclaim his seat after carefully reflecting and realising that the Patriotic Front was playing tricks

“PF forced me to resign, am a student of public health and they promised that they will give me a good job upon completion of my studies, I realised that they were lying and did not mean well,” said Cllr Simwemba.

He also said that the people of Lufwanyama have lost hope in the PF because they are suffering and struggling to live a descent life.

Mr Simwemba claimed that there were no political benefits on joining a political party that had lost its political glory, late alone lost touch with the grassroots.

Asked why he opted to rescind his earlier decision, Cllr Simwemba, who claimed to have been lured into joining the ruling party after he was promised a job upon completion of his Medical Clinical studies at one of the prestigious colleges on the Copperbelt stated that he could not continue hanging onto a political party without a future and hope for the people of Zambia.

And welcoming back Mr Mweemba to the Party, UPND Secretary General, Stephen Katuka expressed worry at the PF’s desperation to hold onto power at all costs including the “wanton” creation of endless by elections that he said were a drain on the country’s economy.

And Lufwanyama Councillor Chairperson, Chiyuka Moses acknowledged having received the letter from Rodgers Simweemba who rescinded his decision to resign.

He described Councillor Simweemba as a hard-working person who contributes positively in the Council.

“I knew that he was cheated and corrupted by the Patriotic Front and that he was not going to remain in PF because he cannot fit in as they have no principles and they care less about the community which is not the case with UPND.” Said Mr Chiyuka.

Leadership cults in Africa and Zambia in particular


Former Zairean President Marshal Mobutu Sese Seko Kuku Ngbendu Wa Za Banga once told a Western journalist that they should never expect their kind of democracy to apply to Africa. In his words, ‘We are Bantu, we are not Europeans.’ Like his neighbour to the north, Jean-Bédel Bokassa who crowned himself emperor (ruler of kings), Mobutu was also emperor too. He never officially crowned himself, but was all that but in name.

To the East, the lovable Mwalimu Julius Kambarage Nyerere abolished chiefdoms altogether and banished his royal friend who won British support for Nyerere and helped bring fellow chiefs into TANU party. In Zambia, Dr Kenneth Kaunda was quick to emasculate the 1964 Barotseland Agreement within 4 years of independence. Granted he maintained chiefdoms as they were before independence but, the Presidency took pre-eminence. It is probable that KK would have gone the Nyerere way had he not had roots in the land of the Maravi.

Colonialism fractured the institutions of governance in Africa. We were loyal to royalty until the Colonisers came. We became subjects of other powers across the oceans. After independence, our ‘elected’ leaders were simply substituted into the royal rulers they replaced. It is now more than 50 years after independence and most Africans treat their Presidents as kings or chiefs. It is unheard of for people in older republics to prostrate themselves before an elected representative as we do in Africa.

Mobutu in Zaire did exactly what king Leopold had done. He acquired Zaire as his personal property and treated its central bank as his own private bank. Mobutu’s plunder of his country’s wealth was unprecedented. He got away with it for years because of his friendship with the United States and the CIA. The western media were culled into a paralysed silence.

In Zambia, Frederick Chiluba in his own small way, imitated his relative by using a State account to deposit his money, money which was also dubiously acquired. When insulted by citizens, Chiluba replied, ‘A king doesn’t insult his subjects.’ With this, he put himself into the shoes of a king. This is where we are. We have not mastered the art of democracy. We are Bantu, as Mobutu said. We bow in servile fearfulness before the Excellency. To us Africans, he is the same as His Majesty. It is said that kings have a divine right to rule and so we have applied this to our elected representatives. It is not the ballot box that decides who rules, it is God. If there is rigging, we blasphemously attribute the result to God.

I have made generalisations here, but I will end with two examples that do not fit the mould- South Africa and Botswana. South Africa had a long transition from colonialism to majority rule. Can you imagine if we had a man as gigantic as Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela as our President. We would never have allowed him to step down after only one term. We would flay our backs and offer our skins for him to walk on where there is no tarmac. But, that did not happen in South Africa. Revered, yes he was, but they treated him as a mere man, and upon his insistence too, notwithstanding.

In Botswana, the first President abdicated the throne and refused to be king nor be treated as one. Sir Seretse Goitsebeng Maphiri Khama was just President and nothing more. In free and fair elections, he was re elected three times as he led his desert country to prosperity year on year. At one time, even feeding Zambia with beef! The onus to prevent CULT STATUS lies heavily on the man who is in charge. Julius Caesar in William Shakespeare’s tragedy by the same title says, ‘These couchings and these lowly courtesies might fire the blood of ordinary men and turn preordinance and first decree into the law of children.’ Indeed, ordinary men get excited by the flatteries and kneeling of people before them so that they abrogate the laws of democracy as a result. Let every man never forget that he is a mere mortal. The apostle Paul asks, ‘Who then is Paul… but a servant’ (1 Corinthians 3:5).

UPND Chairman for Labour Gabriel Namulambe Resigns over the Party’s stance on Bill 10


UPND Chairman for Labour Gabriel Namulambe has resigned from his position and party.

Speaking at a media briefing in Luanshya, Mr Namulambe said he has no reason not to support Bill 10 which the UPND is rejecting.

He said said he could not apologise to the UPND for supporting Bill 10 as demanded by the party hence his decision to resign.

Mr Namulambe said Bill 10 has very progressive clasues that needs to be supported.

He said Members of Parliament have a constitutional mandate to put the interest of the people first than a political party.

“Since they have told me to apologise for the statement I made on Bill 10, I have opted to remain with the Zambian people who are in support of Bill 10. I have read the Bill, it is unfortunate that some MPs walk out without debating the Bill,” Mr. Namulambe said.

Mr Namulambe, who is also former Mpongwe Member of Parliament and Foreign Affairs Deputy Minister, said Bill 10 is a progressive law and his support for it is in national interest.

He said he has refused to apologise to the UPND for supporting the Bill and he opts to go it alone in politics.

He said Bill 10 has many good clauses which include the recognition of Chiefs and delimitation of large constituencies.

He has praised the government for being transparent in the way it has handled Bill 10.

Mr. Namulambe has urged opposition Members of Parliament to stop walking out of Parliament when the Bill is being discussed because they need to put across their arguments.

As former Member of Parliament for Mpongwe, Mr Namulambe said he wants to see Bill 10 pass because it will ensure that the rural constituencies on the Copperbelt such as Mpongwe, Lufwanyama and Masaiti are realigned to create more constituencies.

He said when Copperbelt rural gets more constituencies, the development will be enhanced as Constituency Development Fund will be increased in areas where there was only one constituency.

And Mr. Namulambe said he does not believe in the alliances which have never worked.

“If they are copying from Malawi and think they can win here in Zambia with this selfishness we wish them well.”

Kamanga Reveals Financial Success at FAZ

Andrew Kamanga says he can proudly state that FAZ is in a better financial situation during his four years at the helm.

Kamanga admitted that has not been easy but a financially solid FAZ was one of a number of successes at FAZ to build on after some setbacks in his initial term.

“When it comes to the FAZ debts, if you recall, we had a problem with ZRA, they actually seized our accounts and again through the help of the minister of sport that was resolved. We also have some dues with NAPSA and these are statutory obligations which go back to a longer period,” Kamanga said.

“Even with government itself, we are indebted because we have dues which accumulated for the use of the two stadia, Levy and Heroes Stadiums.

“But what I must say here is that since our executive came into office, we have religiously paid for the use of the stadiums. So the debts that are sitting there were accumulated from the past commitments.”

Kamanga added that FAZ will continue working towards achieving total financial transparency.

“We have also had to make sure our accounts are reflective of the actual finances. For instance we never used to accrue the dues for the employees so we used to declare profits in the past then if you look at our financials, last year we had a deficit of K17 million and we had to write off debts from the members because these were not collectible,”Kamanga said.

“We have had to clean up the finances. Of course others will say that this FAZ is now showing deficit, yes it is showing deficit correctly and the reflection that is there. In 2018 we had a deficit of K20 million, 2019 it has been reduced further to about K1.7 million.

“So going forward we are very confident that we will clear as many debts and we are not contracting many debts. Our finances even for those who are aspiring to come into FAZ I think they will come in with their heads high as they will find an institution which is easy to run, the days of bailiffs are almost over so financial discipline, I think we have achieved that.

“We have operated on the premise of being transparent, we are accountable and all the finances are open. We do send our financials to the members in good time. Since we took office we have had these accounts sent to the members 21 days before the meetings.

“And I’m happy to report that even in the last AGM, we had Power Dynamos who had raised a number of issues and those were answered by the AGM. We also had a change of auditors because we had the same auditors for a long time. So we want to make sure that through the independent audit and compliance committee who I must thank they have done a fantastic job.”

Zambia Center for Inter-Party Dialogue condemns UPND Cadres’s conduct in Monze

The Zambia Center for Inter-Party Dialogue has condemned the political intolerance exhibited by the UPND members and supporters in Monze during the tour of President Edgar Lungu.

ZCID Board Chairperson Jackson Silavwe says no part of this blessed country should be sacred to only one political party.

Mr. Silavwe said Zambia is not for political parties but for all Zambians.

He said the Zambian people have time and again frowned upon such kind of politics saying Zambia is bigger than any political party.

Mr. Silavwe has equally condemned the reactions from some PF leaders, members, and supporters that have threatened to reciprocate the Monze intolerance to Mr. Hakainde Hichilema and the UPND members in their perceived strongholds.

He said such acts of reiteration are a danger to the peace of Zambia and has urged the PF rank and file to exercise maximum restraint.

Mr. Silavwe said PF must be a custodian of Zambia’s peace especially being a ruling party and yielding state power.

He said the PF should take the high road and instead of anger, PF should show love, instead of intolerance, show democracy, instead of politics of regionalism and show National unity.

Mr. Silavwe has urged both the PF and UPND to deescalate this political intolerant with immediate effect and find progressive ways of resolving their long-held differences through honest engagement.

Lusambo Vows to Avenge President Lungu’s Treatment by UPND Cadres in Monze


Lusaka Province Minister and ruling Patriotic Front (PF) Copperbelt Province Mobilisation Chairperson Bowman Lusambo has said that PF members on the Copperbelt will make it impossible for the opposition United Party for National Development (UPND) to conduct any business in the province.

Reacting to the alleged harassment that President Lungu was subjected to when he went to Monze, Mr Lusambo said that the UPND leadership has drawn a line and they have clearly chosen their path.

Mr Lusambo said that PF will simply reciprocate the treatment they are subjecting their leader to and carry it out to good measure on the Copperbelt.

And Chilubi Member of Parliament Mulenga Fube has urged the opposition UPND to engage in civilised politics. Mr. Fube said that the unruly conduct of UPND cadres when President Edgar Lungu visited Monze on Saturday must be condemned.

The Chilubi lawmaker said that as Head of State, President Lungu should not be ridiculed as he visits any part of the country on the trajectory of spearheading developmental activities.

Mr Fube’s remarks come in the wake of the hostile treatment of President Lungu by some UPND youths in Monze last Saturday, adding that such conduct if allowed to continue can cause anarchy and disrupt the peace that the country has enjoyed over the years.

And Vision Ambassadors have described as barbaric the behaviour of UPND cadres in Monze. National Coordinator Misheck Kombe said that such an attitude is intolerable in a democratic dispensation.

Mr. Kombe also said that President Edgar Lungu deserves to freely visit any part of the country as he is a Republican President

Below is the full statement Bowman Lusambo’s full statement

Lusaka Province Minister Bowman Lusambo with President Lungu
Lusaka Province Minister Bowman Lusambo with President Lungu


By Bowman Chilosha Lusambo

As we celebrate our Heroes and Unity holidays, it is important that we recognize our national heroes, those that have gone before us and those that are still living.

One of our nation’s true heroes living with us today is our Republican President His Excellency President Edgar Chagwa Lungu. He is a true hero because he was dully elected by majority Zambians to preside over national affairs and in doing so, he has been a source of inspiration to millions of our citizens.

It is therefore regrettable that the opposition UPND elected to disrespect the Head of State by portraying behavior that is uncalled for when he visited Monze and other districts in Southern Province.

Our colleagues in the UPND ought to reliase that President Edgar Chagwa Lungu is a President for all Zambians and holds the highest public office in the land and he deserves respect

By behaving in that uncouth manner, the UPND leadership has drawn a line and they have clearly chosen their path.

As Copperbelt Province Mobilisation Chairperson, I wish to announce that our members on the Copperbelt will make it impossible for the UPND to conduct any business in the province. We will simply reciprocate the treatment they are subjecting our leader to and carry it out to good measure on the Copperbelt.

So congratulations Jack Mwiimbu, congratulations Hakainde Hichilema and congratulations the UPND. You have just drawn your own lines!

2021 Elections May be Devoid of Integrity and Credibility going by the behaviour of the Electoral Commission of Zambia

Zitukule Consortium is concerned that the 2021 general elections may be devoid of electoral integrity and credibility going by the behaviour of the Electoral Commission of Zambia and some stakeholders.

Earlier this year, the ECZ unilaterally decided to cancel the practice of independent observation of the printing of ballot papers for the 2021 general elections by political parties and civil society.

Organisation Executive Director Nicholas Phiri says while the Commission argued that it was unable to meet the cost for supporting an observation mission, the practice remains a vital and integral ingredient for confidence building in the electoral management process in Zambia, where the integrity of the electoral body is questionable.

Mr Phiri says several stakeholders have requested the ECZ to reconsider its stance on this matter, however, Interestingly, ECZ has stuck its own wisdom.

He has questioned in whose interest the ECZ working and whether the Commission considered the cost of civil strife resulting from disputed election results.

Secondly, Mr Phiri said the ECZ has also maintained, against stakeholder’s advice, that voter registration will be for 30 days only when the previous voter register had more than 6.7 million voters.

He said the ECZ is reportedly targeting to capture 9 million new voters for the 2021 voter register, all this in 30days which translates into 300,000 voters in 8 hours per day or 37 500 voters per hour or 625 voters per minute, assuming that there is no breakdown in the registration system at any given point in the said 30 days.

“Is this a joke or comedy? ECZ must be clear on this matter. Are they talking about a new voter roll or its an upgrade of the exiting voter role in which case the Commission would be looking for about 3 million new voters or less?
Thirdly, the continued unguarded pronouncements from government officials including Ministers and the Head of State creates doubt about the credibility of our electoral and governance systems”, said Mr Phiri.

He has noted that Minister of Defense Mr. Davis Chama suggests that invoking constitutional provision as provided in article 52 to challenge the eligibility of President Lungu would result into civil unrest and has questioned how a lawful act can precipitate an unlawful act.

“What message is minister Mwila giving to the men and women in uniform under his charge? In the same vain, its not long ago when the President stated in no uncertain terms that he would not give up power even if citizens voted him out of office. Isn’t this treasonous and therefore unlawful? Is the system daring or testing citizens tolerance levels? Are these statements coincidental and from without?”, he added.

Mr Phiri said in view of the foregoing, his Organisation hold the view that the 2021 elections may not be credible, a situation which is likely to be met with fierce resistance and pushback from stakeholders and citizens.

He has called on the Electoral commission of Zambia, government and all stakeholders to draw lessons from a poorly managed 2016 general election as well as the developing electoral trends in the region and across the globe to craft a credible electoral system for ourselves.

Citizens are Entitled to Express Public Displeasure With the President


By: Anthony Bwalya – UPND Member

As part of his ongoing countrywide political campaigns, paying zero regards to public health regulations in view of COVID19, President Edgar Lungu was recently in Monze of Southern Province where he was commissioning houses for prison service officers I believe.

The people of Monze, within their constitutional rights, made it known to him that they disapprove of his leadership and that of the Patriotic Front (PF), they booed him and chanted UPND slogans. No-one stopped the President from entering Monze or Southern Province, nor did anyone interfere with his campaigns.

No crime was committed.

But the lack of both political and intellectual education, the blatant disregard for common sense, as well as a total show of constitutional and civic ignorance, has sent the PF into panic mode and scrambling for a matching response, to the extent that they are now threatening the UPND President Mr. Hakainde Hichilema with violence should he enter their perceived “strongholds.”

Notably, the Kabushi Member of Parliament and Lusaka Minister has issued a misguided threat against Mr. Hichilema and the UPND, against our mobilization efforts on the Copperbelt.

Let is be known to the PF and Mr. Lusambo, that the people of the Copperbelt do not take instructions from political parties, let alone from cadres who should be counting their lucky stars that they even enjoy the privilege to occupy positions of elected power.

The people of the Copperbelt Province are driven by common sense and are known to defy political hooliganism and thuggery at its peak. The people of the Copperbelt Province defied the vigilante of KK and UNIP, defied FTJ and his 3rd term bid, defied RB, and his big-spending MMD to which Lusambo was part and parcel.

The PF and Mr. Lusambo will be foolish to think that the people of the Copperbelt Province will forget their suffering and trade their future for a corrupt regime like the PF.

The people of Copperbelt are hurting due to government corruption which has cost them jobs, healthcare and education.

We have lost businesses and incomes due to the failure by the PF to sort out the country’s energy crisis. The PF keep giving electricity for FREE to a KCM which is now funding PF party activities through over priced supply contracts given to PF cadres while Zambians are subsidizing KCM energy consumption by up to 20%.

The people of the Copperbelt are hungry and struggling to put food on the table for their families because of the high price of Mealie meal.

Mr. Lusambo and the PF want the people of the Copperbelt to celebrate this nonsense and play to the political gallery by fighting HH and the UPND.

If Mr. Lusambo wants to pay and parade PF cadres on the streets of the Copperbelt and celebrate poverty, corruption, joblessness; he is free to do so. But he must never make the mistake of thinking that Zambians will stand and watch while political bafoonery becomes the order of the day in our country.

The collective patience of the Zambian people is at a tipping point.

Do not test us.

Iconic Miseshi Stadium Facing Extinction

Uncertainty has surrounded the future of Kitwe’s Miseshi Stadium located in Mindolo as the private owner seeks to sell the land housing the sports infrastructure.

Miseshi Stadium was owned by ZCCM before a private buyer took over during privatization in the 1990s.

It was once the home of defunct Mindolo United – a club that groomed past stars Peter Kaumba, Brighton Sinyangwe and John Kalusa among others.

Presently, FAZ Copperbelt Division 1 side Miseshi Blue Stars are using the stadium as squatters.

Plans to sell the stadium have raised eyebrows as some local people fear the new owners may have other plans not related to football – a development that can end the story of Miseshi Stadium as a sports arena.

“Why do they want to sell the stadium? As the people of Mindolo, Miseshi and Chachacha we will not allow the sale of this community stadium. We are ready to die over this stadium,” Bernard Mwila, a Mindolo resident, said.

“This stadium through Miseshi Blue Stars has produced Nkana player Kelvin Mubanga – a local icon for the youths of Miseshi, Mindolo and Chachacha. Let the council find alternative land for this private owner,” Mwila said.

Area councilor Douglas Moyo said he has engaged Kitwe City Council and the owner over the matter.

“This facility benefits the community. If you go there in the morning you will find people jogging so it will be very bad to see this stadium go easily like that,” Moyo said.

“As area councilor, with the FAZ Copperbelt Chairman Patrick Njovu, we went to the office of the Kitwe Mayor with the owner of the stadium to see how the stadium can continue benefiting the people. After the meeting it’s been resolved that the Government should buy the facility from the private owner,” the Miseshi Ward Councilor said.

Meanwhile, the stadium in question is currently in a poor state like most of the former ZCCM infrastructure on the Copperbelt.

Zambian Judge reappointed to serve on the UN Criminal Tribunals

A Zambian Judge has been reappointed to serve on the United Nations International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals for a term of two years beginning July 1st, 2020 to June 30th, 2022.

United Nations Secretary General António Guterres has reappointed Judge Prisca Matimba Nyambe to the International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals also known as the

Judge Matimba Nyambe, an Advocate of the High Court and Supreme Court of Zambia is among the 25 high profile jurists on the International Residual Mechanism Criminal Tribunals judicial roster that includes Judge Carmel Agius from Malta who is the President of the Mechanism.

She was first elected to serve on the International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunal in 2011 after serving as General Counsel to the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR) from 2002 to 2006.

The UN Secretary General, Mr Guterres announced in a letter to the General Assembly that he had reappointed Judge Matimba Nyambe who is among the six (6) female jurists from the 25 members who have been appointed to serve on the global criminal Court.

The International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals, also referred to as the Mechanism, is an international court which was established by the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) in 2010.

It was formed with the mandate to perform the remaining functions of the International Criminal
Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia and the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda.

The two criminal Courts were established for the purpose to investigate and prosecute
individuals responsible for war crimes and crimes against humanity.

This is according to a statement issued by Wallen Simwaka, the First Secretary Press Permanent Mission of the Republic of Zambia to the United Nations.

Appointment of Dr Samuel Muzele Maimbo as a Director in the World Bank Group elates the Government


The appointment of Dr Samuel Muzele Maimbo as a Director in the World Bank Group has elated the Zambian Government, Finance Minister Bwalya Ng’andu has said.

Dr Maimbo, a Zambian national, assumed duties as Director in charge of International Development Assistance mobilisation, and International Bank for Reconstruction and Development Corporate Finance, on 1st July 2020.

A University of Zambia graduate and a former Bank of Zambia employee, Dr Maimbo joined the World Bank Group in 2001 as a young professional and rose through the ranks until his most recent assignment as Senior Advisor to the World Bank Managing Director and Chief Financial Officer.

In the new position, Dr Maimbo will be expected to: implement the IDA policy framework with particular attention to supporting countries responses to Covid-19; oversee the continued implementation of IDA’s hybrid financial model and assuring overall integrity of IDA finances; and, maintain IBRD financial sustainability and capacity, with particular attention to policies affecting its capital adequacy, income generating capacity, and balance sheet management.

Dr Ng’andu says the meritorious appointment of Dr Maimbo demonstrates the confidence that the World Bank Group has in his talents, capacity, and competency to deliver results. “He is a symbol of inspiration for many young professionals in Zambia, who need to know that with career focus and hard work, internationally competitive professional development is attainable.”

The Minister of Finance has wished Dr MAIMBO well in his challenging portfolio of planning, mobilizing, and ensuring the financial sustainability of the International Development Assistance and international Bank for Reconstruction and Development.

Zambia is currently implementing over twenty-five (25) projects financed by the World Bank Group through grants and loans valued at over USD1.1 billion. The projects are in agriculture, energy, infrastructure, trade development, and water and sanitation sectors. Others are in health, education, and climate resilience.

This is according to a statement issued by Ministry of Finance spokesperson Chileshe Kandeta.

Lusaka bars warned for breaking the Anti-Covid -19 restrictions

Close to 50 bars in Lusaka have been warned for breaking the Anti-Covid -19 restrictions.

The bars have been conducting business in disregard of the Presidential decree that they should remain shut until the Covid-19 situation improves.

Among the 50 bars that have received a warning is Cappello Pub and Grill at Lewanika Mall in Woodlands whose license has been confiscated.

Cappello Pub and Grill management has also been summoned by the local authority for exculpation.

This follows night operations conducted during the long weekend by the State and Council Police.

And Lusaka City Council Public Relations Manager George Sichimba says restaurants and liquor stores were also found abrogating the Covid 19 measures.

Mr. SICHIMBA says authorities have observed that most liquor stores have taken advantage of the holiday to turn their premises into drinking spots.

He has warned that the local Authority working with the state Police will ensure the anti Covid-19 measures are followed during the long weekend through intensified patrols.