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Former Defence Minister Richwell Siamunene condemns the behavior of the UPND in Monze


Former Defence Minister Richwell Siamunene has condemned the behavior of the UPND in Monze during President Edgar Lungu’s visit stating that it has the potential to bring chaos in the country.

Mr. Siamunene says President Lungu has visited almost all the districts in Southern Province without any incidents and wondered why the people of Monze want to dent the image of the region.

He told ZNBC news in a walk-in interview that the behavior of UPND cadres in Monze must be condemned in the strongest terms because it does not represent the aspirations of the loving and peaceful people of Southern Province.

Mr. Siamunene said the UPND cadres in Monze only succeeded in de-campaigning their own leader and questioned how the opposition party will campaign if people in PF strongholds also retaliate.

He said Zambians must appreciate that there can only be one President at any given time and that the Presidency deserves respect from all Zambians.

Mr. Siamunene said President LUNGU has the right to visit any district in the country to monitor and deliver development without any disturbance.

Some UPND cadres in Monze yesterday lined up on the streets waving UPND symbols and chanting UPND slogans as the presidential motorcade was passing

Personalization of Zambian Politics


I thought there was polarisation in Zambian Politics but have come to realize it is more of personalization.

Polarisation would be about strongly held political/economic positions on how our country should be governed. Whereas it is true governance is all about leadership we seem to be promoting the leader at the expense of political and economic issues.

Some people have suggested our democracy is now at great risk.Anything good that happens is because the “wise leadership”,”watchful eye” of the leader and all failures are blamed on “global pandemics,climate change” or act of God.

Criticism is tantamount to treason,sedition or unpatriotism. State institutions appear paralysed and are often reminded not to be “adventurous” or “irresponsible” by taking decisions that may not be politically correct.There is “constitutional engineering to remove or circumvent term limits and undermine institutions”(Paul Ndilho-Nov 2018).

As President Obama said in his farewell speech to the AU in Addis Ababa in July 2015,“Africa does not need strong men,it needs strong institutions”.Some say we need both,but this is story for another day.A strong leader does not have to be a dictator!

By Concerned Zambian

Defend Paramount Chief Chitimukulu from politically charged individuals-Kelvin Sampa

KASAMA CENTRAL Member of Parliament Hon Kelvin Sampa has urged Bembas to defend Paramount Chief Chitimukulu from politically-charged individuals who have developed a tendency of insulting him on social media whenever he speaks out on national issues.

Honorable Sampa, who is also PF National Youth Chairperson, says Bembas should not allow selfish politicians to drag Mwine Lubemba into politics for exercising his democratic right to guide his people on political issues and comment on matters of national interest.

He said Bembas cannot afford to continue keeping quiet at a time like this when politically-charged people have taken pleasure in insulting the traditional leader on social media and other media platforms to please their paymasters and preferred political leaders.

He said the Mwine Lubemba has a democratic right to guide his people through the media and other platforms as well as comment on various matters of national interest.

Sampa said Paramount Chief Chitimukulu is a repository of wisdom and an essential traditional figure with vast knowledge on Zambian politics and the economy.

He said it is unacceptable for some politicians and their supporters to expect everyone to support their antagonistic style of politics.

“l am appealing to all the Bembas to defend His Royal Highness, the Paramount Chief Chitimukulu from politicians and individuals who are fond of insulting him on social media whenever he speaks out on social media.

“Let us (Bembas) pay attention whenever Mwine Lubemba speaks. I am a proud Bemba who cannot allow anyone to demean the Mwine Lubemba in the name of politics,” said Hon Sampa on Kasama Radio yesterday.

Recently, some politically-charged regime change campaigners have accused Paramount Chief Chitimukulu of being a PF sympathizer for speaking against the abuse of freedom of expression and stating that it is unfair to blame President Lungu for all the social and economic challenges the country is grappling with.

Meanwhile, Sampa is saddened by the prevailing situation at Kasama Municipal Council where some Councillors are fighting Town Clerk Zakeyo Mbao.

He said Mr. Mbao should be left to do his tedious job by individuals who are good at frustrating hard-working civil servants in the district by facilitating their removal.

Southern Province Chiefs differ on Bill 10

Senior Chief Mukuni of the Leya people of Kazungula, Livingstone and Zimba Districts and all the Bene Mukuni says Chieftainess Sekute has no mandate to speak on behalf of Chiefs in the Province.

Chief Mukuni has rubbished the assertions reported by several news media including the National Broadcaster ZNBC two days ago in which it was stated that ‘Chieftainess’ Sekute spoke on behalf of Southern Province traditional leaders, on matters pertaining to the moribund Bill 10.

He said the individual in question is not a Chieftainess but a Princess who is standing in for her father Chief Sekute, who is recuperating from an illness.

Further, Chief Mukuni said it is therefore against royal protocols to purport to speak on behalf of reigning Chiefs and their subjects when one is not enthroned as a Chief and when the Chief of the affected Chiefdom is alive.

He said to that effect, what was reported that Princess Sekute speaks on behalf of the Chiefs in Southern Province that their Royal Highnessess support the passing of the controversial Bill 10 into law is not only false but lacks merit and facts.

“I was in the meeting in which the Republican President His Excellency Dr Edgar Chagwa Lungu addressed Southern Province Royal Highnesses on several matters relating to national affairs, and nowhere in the discussion was it resolved that Bill 10 should be supported or consented by the Chiefs in the Pronvice”, he said.

Chief Mukuni said in order to set the record straight and clear the names of the Chiefs that attended the meeting, the Princess should name the Royal Highnesses who chose her to speak on their behalf in support of Bill 10, whose shelf life as a mischievous tool to cure Zambia’s constitutional ills has since expired.

“As far as we are concerned as Chiefs in Southern Province, Bill 10 is stillborn and buried and no amount of behind the scenes corrupt machinations will resurrect it from its tomb”, he said.

Chief Mukuni said the people of Zambia were not consulted on the enactment of this Bill whose treacherous agenda is to perpetuate dictatorship and the abuse of public affairs.

He said all citizens must continue to stand firm and alert against the monstrous Bill 10 which has been time barred similar to the UPND Presidential petition whose 14 day period elapsed.

“Let the blind application of the law be fairly implemented on both PF and UPND without discrimination.What is good for the goat must be good for the dog”, chief Mukuni added.

Ward by elections being induced by the PF are a drain not only on the national coffers


UPND Secretary General Stephen Katuka says the ward by elections being induced by the PF are a drain not only on the national coffers but political parties as well.

Mr Katuka says the monthly ward by elections are not pleasing to opposition political parties.

He is saddened that Zambia is now holding by elections every month caused by PF appetite to deceive Zambians that they are still popular.

Mr Katuka has challenged the PF to stop buying UPND Councilors in order to stop causing the by elections.

He said the country only has a few months to go before the general elections and the PF can afford to wait until then to prove their popularity.

Mr Katuka said Zambians are tired of the by elections which are contributing to the high poverty levels in the country.

He challenged President Edgar Lungu to show social shame and stop the by elections which if allowed to continue will deplete the national coffers.

Mr Katuka said the money being spent on by elections should have been channelled to other sectors such as education, health and water and sanitation.

Meanwhile, UPND Lufwanyama Ward Councillor Rodgers Simwemba who recently resigned to join the Patriotic Front has rescinded his decision.

Mr Simwemba announced at a media briefing that he has handed a letter to the Council Chairperson for Lufwanyama indicating his decision.

The UPND Councilor has confirmed he was promised a job in the health sector upon completion of his Clinical medicine course by the PF to resign his position.

Mr Simwemba said he decided to rescind his decision because he does not want to be in the opposition together with the PF next year as he knows that PF are headed for a loss next year.

He said the PF are promising a luxurious life for those that will accept to resign which is hard for most councillors
to resist.

And UPND Chairperson for Elections Gary Nkombo says the UPND now has evidence to prove that the ruling party is inducing opposition councillors to resign in order to cause by elections.

Mr Nkombo said Foreign Affairs Minister Joseph Malanji, Lusaka Province Minister Bowman Lusambo and Zambia DNA spokesperson Spuki Mulemwa who is being used by the Vice President Inonge Wina have all gone on rampage inducing UPND Councilors to resign.

He said from North Western and Western Provinces, the trio has now shifted to the Lamba Land on the Copperbelt with five Councilors having resigned so far.

Mr Nkombo has commended Mr Simwemba for rescinding his decision and has warned the PF never to threaten him for anything.

He said the UPND will not condone any form of intimidation on the Coincilor who has a democratic right to belong to a party of his choice.

Mr Nkombo has also warned UPND Councilors on the Copperbelt and Central Province not to entertain any thought of resigning to join the PF in order to prevent by elections.

President Lungu directs Minister Vincent Mwale to quickly complete Police Housing in three districts in Southern Province


President Edgar Lungu has directed the Housing and Infrastructure Development Minister Vincent Mwale to quickly complete the construction of Houses and police stations in three districts of Southern Province.

The three districts are Chikankata, Choma and Kazungula.

President Lungu says he wants the police officers to start using the facilities that are under construction.

He says Government will ensure equitable distribution of development despite the limited resources

The head of state said this when he commissioned Zambia Police Houses in Mazabuka

And Home Affairs Minister Stephen Kampyongo thanked the people of Mazabuka for turning out in numbers to witness the commissioning of the houses.

Mr. Kampyongo said despite the Covid-19 challenges, people came out in numbers to support President Lungu during the commissioning of the houses.

Speaking at the same function, Inspector General of police Kakoma Kanganja said Government’s support to the Zambia police has improved operational capacity and boosted the morale of the officers.

Zambia is food secure, says the Food Reserve Agency

The Food Reserve Agency (FRA) says Zambia is food secure. FRA Executive Director Chola Kafwabulula says the country has had approximately 60 thousand metric tonnes of maize before the maize purchasing season that began on June 29, 2020.

Mr. Kafwabulula has also told ZNBC news in Lusaka that government will in the next few days release another one billion Kwacha for the current maize purchasing season.

Two point two billion kwacha has been budgeted for maize purchase this season.

Government has already released one billion Kwacha for the exercise, resulting into prompt payment of farmers.

Mr. Kafwabulula says farmers who supplied maize to the FRA few days ago have already received their payments.

Meanwhile the Zambia National Farmers Union -ZNFU has praised the FRA following its decision to pay maize suppliers promptly.

ZNFU Spokesperson Calvin Kaleyi says the move will empower farmers with capital for the next production activities.

And Lusaka’s Twikatane Farm Products Managing Director Rudolf Faerber has also welcomed the decision by FRA to effect prompt payments to maize suppliers.

Disrespecting the President in UPND Strongholds:PF warns of same treatment to UPND Leaders


By Alex Simuwelu

Our people in PF strongholds have followed very closely how three (3) Monze based UPND Members of Parliament led by Mr. Jack Mwimbu and their Ward Councillors disrespected the President of the Republic of Zambia, His Excellency President Edgar Chagwa Lungu by refusing to meet him on his recent visit to Southern Province.

We have also noted that UPND in the area went out of their way to try and frustrate the Government’s development agenda for Southern Province when Mwiimbu and company engaged in disrespectful inflammatory talk and a general rubble rousing.

We wish to courteously advise UPND and its leader Mr. Hichilema that they should expect to reap a bumper harvest from PF strongholds of the inflammatory seed they sowed in Monze. They should expect to receive a taste of their own medicine – with an extra dosage.


We are also keen to know what the newly formed “Civil Society Organisation” OCIDA has to say about UPND MP’s and Councillors disrespectful attitude towards the Head of State. Does their silence on the matter mean approval?

What do senior citizens Mama Lily Monze, Ompie Nkumbula-Liebenthal, have to say about Monze based MP’s mobilizing cadres and disrespecting the Head of State?

Is this kind of behaviour approved of by former Secretaries to the Cabinet Sketchley Sacchika and Leslie Mbula?

Does Archbishop Emeritus Telesphore Mpundu endorse such waywardness? Perhaps he will look the other way and try to put a spin to it?

What about TIZ, Action Aid and related Civil Society organisations?

Is disrespect of the institution of the Presidency “activism”
Their silence is deafening.

Perhaps they will they only suddenly find their voices when we return UPND the favour in our strongholds?


In a related development, our people in PF strongholds have watched with disappointment a viral video of a Siavonga UPND official who was filmed inciting people to beat public officers (including police officers) that will be conducting National Registration Card (NRC) mobile registration in the area.
Again why have OCIDA and other related “Civil Society” organisations have been mute on this matter?

I want to emphasize that PF strongholds are solidly behind His Excellency President Edgar Chagwa Lungu; we will photocopy the Monze formula and energetically use it against their retrogressive Opposition leader Hakainde Hichilema.

The people and grassroots in Patriotic Front Strongholds are solidly behind the Government of His Excellency President Edgar Chagwa Lungu and his candidature for 2021.

The people and grassroots in Patriotic Front Strongholds are against the backward retrogressive Monze formula of Jack Mwimbu, Hakainde Hichilema and his regional party.

Let them come; they will enthusiastically be served with a taste of their own medicine.

The Author is the Provincial Chairman Patriotic Front Muchinga Province and a Member of the Central Committee

UPND MPs are violating the powers and privileges act of parliament by walking out of the house

Former UPND Security Adviser Benjamin Kasabi Chipango says UPND Members of Parliament are violating the powers and privileges act of parliament by walking out of the house instead of debating issues and duly represent their constituencies.

Mr Chipango who served under the UPND as an MP for two terms,was district governor as well as member of the central committee says UPND MPs have now become dictators because their decisions are not in consultation with the people they represent in their various constituencies.

He notes that MPs should not be ruled or dictated to by their party leadership but should represent the peoples views in parliament by debating important issues without any due influence.

Mr Chipango defected yesterday and was recieved together with over 850 other members in Kabompo district in North Western Province by the PF deputy Secretary General Madam Mumbi Phiri.

Mr Chipango cited lack of unity, patriotism,love and integrity as his reason for leaving the party saying there is too much dictatorship.

“A Member of parliament is not supposed to be ruled by the party up to the desk of the speaker” he said adding that MPs should instead table the views of those they represent as opposed to walking out but regretted that MPs are doing things as dictators without consulting people who put them into office.

Mr Chipango said MPs should exercise free and mandatory democratic right and should not go against the spirit of unity,independence and integrity

President Edgar Lungu’s announcement that Government will soon start constructing houses for teachers welcomed

The National Action for Quality Education (NAQEZ) has welcomed the announcement by President Edgar Lungu, that Government will soon start constructing houses for teachers.

In a statement NAQEZ executive director Aaron Chansa said the announcement is good news and has come at a time when teachers are going through very hard times in terms of pathetic accommodation, static salaries,no salary scale upgrades, poor infrastructure and a very demotivating promotion system.

He said this scenario is an assault on efforts for quality education delivery in schools.

“Previously, NAQEZ was at pains as to why Government was only building beautiful houses for defense forces without considering those who produce everyone, the teachers.We are happy that this unfair practice will be history,if this plan will indeed be actualized,” Mr.Chansa said.

Mr. Chansa said today many teachers, especially in rural areas,stay in grass thatched houses adding that this is bad and cannot continue to be the norm as a country.

“As we thank our President for this exciting development,we plead with the Presidential aide for projects implementation to closely work with the Ministry of General Education in order for this initiative to quickly take off. As an organization,we shall take alot of interest in this matter so that teachers in the country can benefit,”said Mr.Chansa.

Kamanga Speaks on Looming FIFA Ban

FAZ president Andrew Kamanga says the onus is on those that took Football House to the courts of law for the looming FIFA ban to be avoided.

FIFA has in a letter dated June 30,advised all parties to ensure the injunction that halted the FAZ elections be withdrawn from courts.

A non FAZ councillor Damiano Mutale filed an injunction halting the provincial FAZ elections after questioning the processes’ legality that had been completed in six out of the ten province and would have culminated in the FAZ presidential elections on March 30.

“”We have 10 days to normalise and be compliant. In the last 3 and half months we have been in breach of FIFA statutes by having these matters in court. If we don’t have this case out of court in the next 10 days we are going to be sanctioned so hopefully we won’t get past the 10 days and normalise then we can have elections,” Kamanga said.

The situation has just three working days after the Heroes and Unity Holiday to be normalised when business resumes on July 7.

“It’s not for me to be confident. We have rules that govern football we just been reminded that if not normalised we shall get FIFA ban. Unfortunately if that happens its everyone that’s going to suffer so you should be asking those that have taken FAZ to court they only have six days,” Kamanga said.

National Indaba on street kids inevitable


Part 1

This country started experiencing a surge in the influx of street kids early 1990s just after the Movement for Multiparty Democracy (MMD) dislodged the post-independence ruling party, United National Independence Party (UNIP) from power in a scintillating battle that would leave the founding father of the nation Dr. Kenneth D. Kaunda stunned!

Following mounting pressure from the Bretton Woods institutions, former trade unionist turned politician Frederick Chiluba would embark on an ambitious structural adjustment programme (SAP) to resuscitate the ailing economy. This would see a number of state owned enterprises and the mines switch to private hands whilst those with a less impressive balance sheet simply folded up.

As predicted by skeptics; things would somehow go haywire! A good number of people in the city lost employment in the process, dispatching many of them to the grave prematurely, due to depression. Robbed of sole bread winners in the family, many households in urban set ups would be struck with severe hunger and poverty. In the fullness of time, children from such dwellings would start flocking to central business districts for survival.

As a stroke of misfortune would have it though, a new pandemic would equally be wreaking havoc in communities. As scientists and researchers raced against time to find a cure, many more people of productive age would succumb to HIV/AIDS leaving scores of children behind as double or single orphans.

Faced with uncertainty as to whence their next meal would come from, a second wave of street kids would hit the streets! Hundreds of these fatherless kids stormed the streets and positioned themselves in strategic places where some good Samaritans would feel pity and splurge some loose coins on them.

In what may be perceived as ambivalence about what to do with the army of children teeming up on the streets or simply lack of a master plan to unravel the conundrum, the Chiluba administration watched from the terraces as the figures blossomed!

A flicker of hope would only be ignited once Chiluba reluctantly passes on the baton to Levy Mwanawasa after a botched third term attempt. Mwanawasa would immediately introduce a robust street kids’ rehabilitation programme under the auspices of the Zambia National Service (ZNS). But lo and behold……he would pass on before the initiative could even take root and start bearing fruits.

Part 2

When Mwanawasa’s vice president Rupiah Bwezani Banda finally takes over as President after fending-off stiff competition from Hakainde Hichilema of opposition United Party for National Development (UPND), many street kids’ practitioners like the writer have hope the new President would continue on the trajectory of rehabilitating street kids and probably inject some improvements in the programme; particularly the manner ZNS officers treated the street kids.

Upon receiving disturbing reports that some kids were running away from ZNS due to abuse and ill-treatment at the hands of instructors, (flogged out bed at 5 AM to go jogging, being screamed at incessantly and severely punished etc.) we wrote President Banda proposing that government should consider calling for a national indaba on street kids. It was envisaged that the indaba would come up with a coherent policy on street kids to provide answers to the question of street kids once and for all. But to our utter shock and dismay, we got an absolutely outlandish response from the Ministry of social welfare and development.

“Thank you very much for your proposal for government to call for a national indaba on street kids. If your organization is in a position to sponsor the same, we are more than happy to collaborate with you,” the letter read in part.

We didn’t know what to make of the letter. Anyway…..this was hardly surprising coming from the administration of a leader who was always being bashed and lampooned in the media for his penchant for globetrotting while the economy was slipping in comatose, earning himself the moniker “Vasco Da Banda!”

To date, the plight of street kids remains unchanged if not worse! Recently, those in government panicked when young people took to social media complaining about rampant corruption in government, lack of employment opportunities and the shrinking democracy, among others.

We wish to remind those in authority that street kids actually pose a far greater risk to national stability than those youth activists, combined. What we are sitting on is a volcano! As street kids continue enduring pain and suffering on the streets while society looks the other way, they are gradually getting embittered and tempered, systematically. And as age starts catching up with them, they’d surely start organizing themselves into gangs……this is when the volcano is going to erupt! And when this happens, they’re going to reign terror never witnessed before in the nation as they go on rampage unleashing a spate of a myriad of violent crimes.

On the Copperbelt we had or still have remnants of gangs such as Tokotas, Mbwambwambwas, Sons of the devil, Malinsos, where do you think members of such groups came from? What about those that constantly harass the traveling public at intercity bus terminals what does their conduct and behaviour speak of?

Would we rather fold our arms and wait for things to completely spiral out of control?

We’re privy to the fact that government can’t address the problem of street kids alone. We would therefore like to reiterate our appeal to government to consider calling for a national indaba on street kids. This should of course be preceded by district indabas that would finally culminate into a national one.

Part 3

The following is a suggestion of would be participants coupled with the respective roles and responsibilities, moving forward: the church, donor community, Zambia National Service, Zambia Police, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Community Development, the media fraternity, senior citizens, corporate world, civil society and all the registered political parties.

The church

In Biblical times, a man who was lame from birth was being taken to the temple gate called Beautiful, where he was laid every day to ask for alms from those going into the temple courts (Acts 3:2). The church must be encouraged to consider ‘opening their doors’ to potential street kids in the community. Once they start conducting literacy lessons and providing snacks to potential street kids in their vicinity, they may resist the temptation of walking to town to ask for alms. We have several churches in our communities, imagine the impact this would have in addressing the problem of street kids.

Senior citizens

Long ago, we used to have a stronger family extended system, but nowadays it’s one couple for their immediate family, and God for the rest of the family. Senior citizens must lead the way in helping the nation reclaim its rich traditional values and culture.

Zambia National Service (ZNS)

In the past street kids have been taken to ZNS training facilities for rehabilitation although many of them have ended up running away due to the ‘military way’ of handling them. If ZNS is to continue being involved in the rehabilitation of street kids, the approach has to be adjusted to a more humane way.

Ministry of education

Some children have ended up on the streets after dropping-out of schools, colleges or universities due to failure to meet certain requirements. Learning institutions must come up with a deliberate policy to allocate a certain percentage of enrolments to orphans and vulnerable children.

Corporate sector

Most of the few street kids that have undergone training have been denied employment due to stigma or lack of work experience. It’s high time we started engaging the corporate world to offer the street kids apprenticeship or even employment.


It’s understandable that newspapers have to carry sensational headlines mainly of political nature to sale their newspapers but wait a minute………the media also has inalienable duty to educate and inform the nation about the plight of street kids, accurately without fear or favour.

Opposition political parties

A party in power may not have all the solutions to the problem of street kids; opposition political parties may be sitting on those answers. It may be wise to offer them a platform to demonstrate their ideas. Who knows, UNIP may just have the solutions that have eluded us thus far.

Ministry of community development & social welfare

Most countries are discarding the ‘institutionalized’ way of looking after orphans and vulnerable children and gravitating towards foster care. Children are better off in a family set up. The department of social welfare must therefore initiate a campaign to encourage those with the capacity to consider foster care. We don’t have to be a country in the western world to consider this programme, this has successfully been implemented in South Africa and it’s being practiced in a small country such as Lesotho.

Ministry of Home Affairs

Whenever street kids commit misdemeanors, police have a tendency to detain them in the same cells as hardcore criminals. This way, can they easily get indoctrinated and look forward to joining bandits once they are released from custody. Special cells ought to be created to cater for young offenders.

Equally, those that are handed custodial sentences by the courts mustn’t be mixed with other convicts as they are likely to come under negative influence and graduate into hardcore criminals themselves.

Ministry of Justice

Those tasked with the responsibility of dispensing justice in our country shouldn’t just be quick to send street kids to jail whenever they are brought before them. There may be a history of extenuating factors that forced them to commit such crimes. Judges should therefore be expected to exercise utmost lenience and tolerance.


A number of non-governmental organizations across the nation have been running homes and orphanages for ages. The nation deserves to hear their stories – what have been their successes and failures? What challenges have they faced along the way? How could things may have been done better?

Donor community

Lusaka based NGOs are able to easily access funding from donors for street kids related porgrammes due to easy accessibility. Street kids are not found in Lusaka alone! They are likely to be found in all of our major cities and towns. Donors should therefore be encouraged to start taking a keen interest in projects outside the capital city.

By Prince B.M. Kaping’a

Street kids advocate

China will consider cancelling interests on Zambia’s debt, says Chinese Ambassador


Chinese Ambassador to Zambia Li Jie says China will consider cancelling interests on Zambia’s debt to that country that was supposed to mature by the end of 2020.

Mr. Li says China will also extend the debt repayment period for Zambia.

He says this is to allow Zambia recover from the current economic challenges which have been caused by the Covid 19 pandemic.

Mr. LI said this when President Edgar Lungu commissioned houses for Police offices in Mazabuka.

He also said Zambia will be one of the first Countries to benefit from the Covid-19 vaccine once it is found by China.

And speaking at the same function President Lungu urged youths and the people of Southern Province to uphold peace.

President Lungu said people should not listen to those who are asking them to engage in acts of violence.

He said those involved will face the full wrath of the law as their actions will also deter development in the area.

The Head of State said police officers will remain vigilant and deal with troublemakers.

Meanwhile, Hundreds of Mazabuka residents thronged the streets to catch a glimpse of President Lungu.

The residents cheered the head of state motorcade as it passed through the central business district to go where he was launching the housing project for police officers.

And Home Affairs Minister Stephen Kampyongo said officers who maintain law and order deserve to be motivated.

Venture into business in order to secure a bright future, Former Finance Minister Tells Youths


Lusaka Central Member of Parliament Hon Margaret Mwanakatwe has encouraged youths in her constituency to venture into business in order to secure a bright future.

Hon Mwanakatwe says a lot of people are entering into business because they have seen the value of doing business rather than depending on white color jobs.

The Lawmaker said this when she met youths at Church of God, at a meeting organized by four churches from Bauleni.

About two hundred youths attended the meeting and engaged their MP on issues affecting them.

Pastor Mzyeche Kalombola from Central African Christian Church made a presentation on behalf of the youths that they want empowerment in sectors such as agriculture, transport, aquaculture and block making.

Hon Mwanakatwe promised to deliver these empowerments to the youths in Bauleni very soon.

“Are these the things I can fail to deliver to you? I will give you what you have requested me and very soon, and I repeat, very soon you will see these things delivered to you. Yesterday I was empowering women from State House area with chickens and feed, what can stop me from empowering you the energetic youths,” she stated.

“Let me encourage all of you gathered here that let’s try to do business. There is money in aquaculture, agriculture, livestock farming, the list is endless. All I can assure you is that I will be here to support you youths. All we need to do is to meet like this and discuss the way forward. So I promise to continue engaging you as we develop Bauleni together.”

Hon Mwanakatwe challenged the youths to be innovative and work hard for them to make it in life.

And Kalumbila Multipurpose Cooperative Society LTD Chairman General Kennedy Chilekwa Mambwe, who was backed by his Chief Executive Officer Collins Mthwalo Zulu, said the cooperative has a total of 24 mines and twelve farms specifically for youths.

He encouraged the youths to be innovative and work hard in order to partner with fellow youths in creating wealth.

Margaret Mwanakatwe addressing the Youths at the Youth Events in Her Constituency
Margaret Mwanakatwe addressing the Youths at the Youth Events in Her Constituency
Margaret Mwanakatwe addressing the Youths at the Youth Events in Her Constituency
Margaret Mwanakatwe addressing the Youths at the Youth Events in Her Constituency

Some of the Youths that Attended the Event
Some of the Youths that Attended the Event

Chilubi Town Council Commissions a 16 sitter boat worth K1.2 Million to easy transport problems

Chilubi Town Council has commissioned a 16 sitter boat worth K1.2 Million to lessen challenges of water transport on the island.

Speaking during the commissioning event at muchinshi Harbor, Chilubi District Commissioner Gilbert Mwila, who was the guest of honor, said the coming of this boat will cushion the challenges of water transport on the island.

He therefore appealed to the planning unit to quickly expedite the process of marking the land owned by the council, that is available for the construction of a proper modern harbor, which is one of the projects trallard is working on to ensure the safety of the boats.

And speaking during the same event Chilubi Council Chairperson Daniel Mwila stated that the boat is not to be accessed by only selected individuals but the entire Chilubi populace, and hence it should be taken care of and guarded jealously.

He added that with the boat in place they hope to see a decrease in the number of emergency cases to attend to due to limited and insufficient transportation.

And Chilubi Town Council Secretary Thinkwell Mwaba said with the coming of the boat they should be an improvement with the quality of work owing to time inspection and
supervision of projects in council, as they strive to provide the much needed services to the residents of chilubi.

He further disclosed the source of funding as the equalization fund that is sent to councils from central government.

Chilubi Town Council commissioning a 16 sitter boat worth K1.2 Million to lessen challenges of water transport on the island.
Chilubi Town Council commissioning a 16 sitter boat worth K1.2 Million to lessen challenges of water transport on the island.
Chilubi Town Council commissioning a 16 sitter boat worth K1.2 Million to lessen challenges of water transport on the island.
Chilubi Town Council commissioning a 16 sitter boat worth K1.2 Million to lessen challenges of water transport on the island.
Chilubi Town Council commissioning a 16 sitter boat worth K1.2 Million to lessen challenges of water transport on the island.
Chilubi Town Council commissioning a 16 sitter boat worth K1.2 Million to lessen challenges of water transport on the island.
The Commissioned 16 sitter boat worth K1.2 Million by Chilubi Town Council
Chilubi Town Council commissioning a 16 sitter boat worth K1.2 Million to lessen challenges of water transport on the island.