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Vice President Inonge Wina defends the High Nomination Fees for Elections


Vice President Inonge Wina says proposed nomination fees by the Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) for candidates contesting the 2021 general elections were made after consideration of a number of issues.

Mrs. Wina says one of the issues is the requirement to issue all presidential candidates a free voter’s register for all the streams whose cost is estimated at 610,000 Kwacha per presidential candidate.

She says before the meeting with various political parties, ECZ undertook a benchmarking exercise on other electoral bodies in Africa where it was discovered that the average nomination fee was 350,000 Kwacha.

Mrs. Wina says the highest Nomination fees were in the Democratic Republic of Congo which was pegged at 1.8 million hundred Kwacha equivalent.

She says it is for this reason that ECZ engaged stakeholders and political parties to make proposals for election nomination fees for the purpose of agreeing on the final figure.

Mrs. Wina said this today during the Vice President’s question time in Parliament in response to a question by Chimbamilonga Member of Parliament who wanted to find out why ECZ had proposed an increase in nomination fees.

Meanwhile, Mrs. Wina said Government had an administrative matter to deal with before it could resume the social cash transfer programme.

She said the Ministry of Community Development is being empowered to ensure the beneficiaries of social cash transfer start receiving it.

Mrs. Wina further said there are many social protection measures that Government is taking in order to bring the various sectors and players under one unit.

She said Smart Zambia is currently working with the Ministry of Community Development so that data base is established for recipients of social protection funds to avoid double payments.

And the Vice President urged opposition members of Parliament to participate in Bill 10 debates and not merely complain about contentious issues contained in the Public Order Act.

Mrs. Wina said there are many other contentious issues in the Constitution that need to be addressed so that the country’s governance can be put on the right track.

Constitutional Court dismisses Petition to have Bill 10 Withdrawn

The Constitutional Court has dismissed a petition by Law Association of Zambia -LAZ and Chapter One Foundation Limited to have the Constitution Amendment Bill number ten of 2019 withdrawn from Parliament.

The Court has ruled that the petition by LAZ and Chapter One Foundation lacked merit because they did not show how Justice Minister Given Lubinda breached constitutional procedure when presenting Bill 10 to Parliament.

This is according to a final majority judgement delivered by Constitutional Court Judge Enock Mulembe on behalf of five others.

Judge Mulembe said the Constitutional Court can not intervene in the matter as the arguments by LAZ and Chapter One do not show how the mandatory formalities as prescribed in Article 79 of the constitution, where offended by Bill 10.

He said the petitioners also rushed to seek the Constitutional Court’s intervention as they would have waited for the Bill to pass its third Reading.

In this matter, Chapter One Foundation Limited had petitioned the Constitutional Court for an order that Minister of Justice Given Lubinda withdraws Bill 10.

LAZ was seeking a declaration that government’s decision to amend the Constitution in the manner set in Bill Number 10 of 2019, is illegal because it contravenes several Articles of the constitution including 1, 8, 9, 61, and 79 among others.

Lungu loves to dine and wine with corrupt people — Mweetwa

UNITED Party for National Development (UPND) deputy Spokesperson, Cornelius Mweetwa says president Lungu’s statement on the presumption of innocence until proven guilty by the courts of law over Health Minister Chitalu Chilufya means he likes dinning and wining with corrupt individuals.

This was in response to Mr. Lungu’s statement that he would not interfere in the operations of the organs of the state such as the police, Drug Enforcement Commission (DEC) and the Anti Corruption Commission (ACC) after he disclosed that he would wait for corrupt laden Health Minister, Chitalu Chilufya to be cleared or convicted by the courts of law before he could fire or retire him.

Speaking at the party secretariat yesterday, Mweetwa, who is also Choma central constituency Member of Parliament stated that Lungu’s massaging of Ministers who have found themselves at the wrong side of the law meant he the president supported lawlessness and debauchery
from his appointees.

The Choma Central lawmaker added that the UPND was left with no option but to conclude that Mr Lungu enjoyed the company and friendship of corrupt people.

Mweetwa made it clear that the violation of Article 8 of the Zambian constitution was sending a message to ministers and other senior government officials that it didn’t matter whether someone was facing corruption allegations as long as they were free at the hands of Mr Lungu.

He wondered what precedence Mr Lungu was setting by allowing those facing corruption charges to continue occupying public office when his predecessor, the late Michael Chilufya Sata fired and suspended any minister accused of indulging in graft.

Mweetwa stated that the utterances were a breach of his inaugural speech and promise that he was not going to betray the confidence of the Zambian people when he blatantly chose to embrace those who were facing corruption charges.

The Choma central lawmaker alleged that Lungu’s tolerance towards Dr Chilufya wouldn’t have been tolerated if the person involved in the corruption scandal was a headmaster, a teacher, a police officer, a nurse or a director or any ordinary employee.

Mr Mweetwa charged that failure by Mr Lungu to allow for the
expediency prosecution of Dr Chilufya amounted to allowing corruption to flourish under his watch in the country.

UPND accuse PF of traversing the Country to look for UPND Councillors to Buy

The UPND on the Copperbelt says it is aware that the PF mob that traverses the Republic to look for UPND Councillors to buy, is currently in the province with a mission to buy its Lambaland Councillors.

UPND Copperbelt Province Chairman Elias Matambo says the PF mob is offering huge sums of money to buy off local government elected representatives in order to create an impression that UPND is in a crisis.

Mr Matambo said this is aimed at cause expensive and unnecessary by elections, that they will heavily rig in order to massage an ego that their popularity on the Copperbelt is surging.

He said nothing can be further from the truth.

Mr Matambo says the Lambaland is a UPND stronghold with four constituencies namely, Mpongwe, Masaiti, Lufwanyama and Kafulafuta and have a total of 51 Councillors in the entire Copperbelt.

“The PF are aware of our strength on the Copperbelt Rural, and are therefore intent on destabilizing our structures with stolen money from civil servants’ unremitted dues to various banks, which they are converting for these corrupt expedition”, he said.

Mr Matambo said the UPND mission in Lambaland and the rest of the Copperbelt is clear, solid, complete and compelling and that is to liberate Zambia from the injustices, corruption, mediocrity and incompetence of the PF administration.

He said Lambaland is therefore not for sale to the highest bidder and UPND Councillors there must choose patriotism above self interest and PF patronage that only seeks temporary economic relief.

“Like our Malawian brothers and sisters, let us resist temptation and look at the bigger picture of social and economic justice and emancipation of our people, from the shackles of the PF corruption, tribalism, violence and incompetence”, he has advised.

Mr Matambo said this is not the time to surrender conscience and sell their birthright and democratic values to the plunderers and thieves of the economic and mineral wealth which they have sold to foreigners for a song.

He urged UPND Councilors to refuse and reject to be part of this filthy legacy, for the sake of their children and future generations.

“Zambia is our heritage and we have nowhere else to go but Zambia. We must therefore protect our great nation by ensuring that the PF’s corrupt machinations are halted because it’s darkest before dawn and our final victory beckons”, he added in a statement.



By Nchinde Mampuulwa

The much-demonized Bulk Supply Agreement (BSA) between ZESCO Limited and Copperbelt Energy Corporation came to a-not-so-surprising end on the last day of March. Not surprising to many that had followed the unfolding of events. Zesco and government alike, from the highest office, had on many occasions spoken about how they wouldn’t renew that agreement many months before a feeble attempt to negotiate was made. This isn’t new and is not the focus of my reflection today.

What’s new is that for the first time that I’ve ever heard, Zesco early last week came out with numbers of the loss incurred under that accursed contract and that is commendable because for the longest time, Zesco and government have spoken about how the BSA disadvantaged Zambians but have never explained the rationale nor quantified anything. But now a Zambian taxpayer can better see how they could have been better off without that agreement.

A lot of figures were given by Zesco’s Patrick Mwila – $10 million, $12 million, $67 million, $120 million, $200 million and I’ve even read $500 million somewhere. All very confusing because while this is commendable, without context and any backing of rational analysis, documents, assumptions or reports that can be independently verified, they are just numbers being thrown in the air to achieve a certain purpose. However, let us discuss each of the amounts mentioned by Mwila but with a focus on the rationale in order to better be informed of his reasoning. This will help us to either agree or disagree with the thought process and, therefore, the conclusion.

Let’s attempt to discuss the reasons advanced for each of the amounts starting with $120 million which Mwila alluded to as the loss attributed to the tariff at which Zesco buys its 420MW from Independent Power Producers (IPPs) Maamba and Itezhi-Tezhi compared to the price at which power is sold to CEC. So Mwila is telling us that Zesco commits to buy power from these IPPs, all of which it sells to CEC and not any other customer in Zambia so that the entire loss is attributed to the expired contract between the parties.

One would ask why all the expensive power was solely attributed to CEC even though that power came on stream very recently in comparison to when Zesco got into contract with CEC? What about the rest of the customers Zesco supplies – the mines, commercial entities, farmers and residential consumers? What is the portion of the loss attributed to the rest of the customers?

Interestingly, in May 2019, Zesco/Ministry of Energy announced that the power company was seeking to commence re-negotiations of its power purchase agreements (PPAs) with both Maamba and Itezhi-Tezhi aimed at reducing the tariff. Keep in mind that these are PPAs approved by the Energy Regulation Board (ERB) in 2011.

Does that mean the tariffs agreed with the IPPs were too high and needed to be reduced to make them competitive yet these are the same high tariff being applied to CEC and on which the purported loss is computed? And does it mean that the tariff stated in the ZESCO-KCM power supply term sheet of $39/kW per month eliminates the loss to zero or is it that ZESCO will no longer sign contracts with any consumers at lower than the price electricity is being procured at from IPPs? The reasoning and assumptions cannot be correct and can’t be ascribed to the $120 million loss.

Turning to the $12 million Mwila says Zesco lost for using the CEC network to supply the rest of the customers in the Copperbelt, one wonders how this can be a loss. Is their position that the cost of operating the CEC network is zero, in which case Zesco would incur no cost to operate or reinvest in the network if they owned it themselves? It would be enlightening to hear an explanation from them on why they consider this a loss. Unless Mwila is telling us that Zesco transmits power from Kariba to Lusaka, for example, at zero cost using their network. This can be likened to someone paying for bus fare to deliver his goods for sale from Lusaka to Kitwe but considers the cost of the bus ticket as a loss and accuses the bus operator of causing him the loss. That cannot be commercially rational.
The next interesting one is the $10million which Zesco was ordered to pay for breaching a contract. Any commercial entity appreciates that contracts should be respected and that there are consequences when one applies jungle law as a basis for their operations.

Zesco admit to have gone against the provisions of the contract. As expected, they went before arbitration and lost yet they classify that as a loss. Typically, in any enterprise where responsibility and accountability are core values, a lapse of this nature where a senior manager even brags about breaching a contract should attract ramifications; but rather it seems that instead of being reprimanded for breaching a contract and not protecting shareholder value, the people in charge have found a reason to blame the wronged party as a justification for their misconduct. It appears that it’s easier for some people to blame their neighbours for their failures.

We now come to the alleged $67million loss arising from metering and Mwila’s claim that CEC does not allow Zesco access to its meters, hence, the loss. The Zesco supply point is where the Zesco network interfaces with the CEC network and those meters are owned by Zesco. How, then, can Zesco not have access to their own meters?

One can only speculate that what Mwila wanted was for CEC to allow Zesco to meter individual components of CEC customers’ equipment. Putting it simply, it’s like Zesco demanding to meter each item in a household from the fridge, stove, deep freezer and geyser rather than place the meter at the Distribution Box as is normally done.

Having analysed, even at this basic level, the rationale of what Mwila claimed, my suspicion is that Zesco felt the pressure of adding more sting to their bite to make their story believable but rather than provide the evidence that people can interrogate, they pick out huge numbers that are certain to turn the sentimental mind aghast, and that may work where the audience does not ask questions.

There is still quite a lot to be dissected in the statements and claims being put out and it would serve the public well to analyse more of the detail including both the CEC and ZESCO financial statements which should help provide more information.

Sean Tembo Supports Single Opposition Candidate, but it should not be HH or Kambwili


The Patriots for Economic Progress says it has noted with keen interest recent calls by leaders of the opposition UPND and NDC about the need for the opposition to field a single presidential candidate in the upcoming general elections next year.

Party President Sean Tembo says his party fully agrees with such a view, as they have always done.

Mr. Tembo says filing a single opposition candidate is the most sure way of removing President Lungu and his Patriotic Front party from office.

He, however, said that a change of Government by itself, just for the sake of changing Government, will not result in any positive change in the lives of the Zambian people as was the case in 2011 when Zambians replaced the MMD Government with the current PF Government which has proved to be even more disastrous.

“In other words, it is possible to vote out a bad government and replace it with a worse government, if the change of government is the only objective. What would improve the lives of the Zambian people is to remove the current PF Government and replace it with a better Government”, he said.

Mr Tembo said his party was founded on the basis that the Zambian people deserve a good government which will help this nation to convert its immense potential into actual wealth.

He said this commitment to give the Zambian people a good government is so strong in his party, that they are always willing to sacrifice political ambitions to instead support a presidential candidate from another political party, provided they are confident that such a candidate has potential to give the Zambian people a better government than the current PF Government.

Mr Tembo said this was the same principle on the basis of which his Party decided to join the Opposition Alliance, about 2 years ago.

“However, over the years and through close interaction with our fellow opposition leaders, we have come to the realization that none of our opposition peers actually posses the capacity nor appetite to form a better government that would uplift the wellbeing of the Zambian people. It is our considered view that none of our current opposition peers understand how to formulate and implement government policy, hence their failure to develop any Alternative National Budget or Alternative National Development Plan for the past two decades”, he added.

Mr Tembo said t it is folly for any citizen of Zambia to believe that a person whom, only a few months ago, as Minister of Information and Broadcasting, was harassing and closing down media houses, will tomorrow protect media freedom if made President.

Equally, Mr Tembo said it is folly for any citizen of Zambia to believe that a person whose close advisor and senior party official is a well-documented violent thug such as Tekere Banda, can bring about an end to political violence if elected as President tomorrow.

He added that equally, it is folly for any Zambian to believe that a person who has consistently failed to develop a coherent Alternative National Budget, despite severally attempting to do so, can tomorrow competently preside over the social-economic development of this country, if elected as Republican President.

“Additionally, it is folly for the Zambian people to believe that a political party that has consistently failed to sustainably manage City, Municipal and District Councils in their respective strongholds, can tomorrow suddenly develop competence to sustainably manage this nation”, he said.

Mr Tembo on the basis of the above, the Patriots for Economic Progress will always stand ready to support the idea of a single opposition candidate in the upcoming 2021 general election, provided we are confident that such a candidate has a demonstrable vision and competence to form a better government which would uplift the social-economic welfare of the Zambian people.

He said currently his party does not see any such candidate among opposition peers and on that basis that they do not intend to be complicit in ushering into office an experimental government that is likely to add to the tragedy of leadership deficit that this country has been bedeviled with already.

Mopani denies Owing Kitwe City Council K58 million


Mopani Mines has accused Kitwe City Council of increasing rates by 600% outside the binding agreement.

On Wednesday, Kitwe City Council bailiffs pounced on Mopani Copper Mines in an attempt to collect various properties after the mining company refused to pay the K58 million owed to the local authority under the new valuation roll as approved by the rating tribunal.

But in a statement, Mopani also refuted reports that it owes Kitwe City Council a staggering K58 million in Property rates.

The mining giant alleges that it entered into a 5-year agreement with Kitwe City Council in 2015 to pay K8 million a year and that the agreement remains valid until end of 2020.

“Earlier this year the Council without prior consultation, increased the rates to K58 million (+600 percent) contrary to the provisions of the Agreement, and rejected Mopani’s offer to pay the undisputed amount of K8 million while negotiations were ongoing.“

Mopani Copper Mines PLC has since disputed the rates in the High Court, which granted a Stay of Execution against the award of the new rates.

“Mopani remains a long standing partner to Kitwe City Council. The act of sending bailiffs to collect a disputed debt, which is still before the Court of law is concerning. Mopani has since made the full payment for the undisputed K8 million and remains hopeful of a swift conclusion to the matter,” read part of the statement.

But Kitwe City Council says it dismayed by Mopani’s statement claiming that it has increased the rate by 600%.

In clarifying the matter, the council has indicated that the agreement Mopani is alluding to in its statement was tied to the life of the 2014 Valuation Roll which expired in 2019.

It said the preparation of the valuation roll is governed by the Rating Act No. 21 of 2018 and the process is very consultative as observed from the timeline of events which occurred during the review of the 2014 valuation roll.

The statement indicates that, on the 11th October 2019, the Council passed a resolution to propose the rate levy from K0.016 or 1.6 ngwee in the 2014 valuation roll to K0.0165 or 1.65 ngwee under the 2019 valuation roll giving the difference of K0.0005 representing an increment of 3%.

“The Council resolution on K0.0165 rate levy was published in the gazette on 14th October 2019 and in the print media on 16th October 2019 to invite the leaseholders to inspect the valuation roll which inspections ended on the 11th November 2019,” says the statement.

The Council has revealed that Mopani lodged an objection to the effect that the levy of K0.0165 was too high but did not dispute the value of properties on the roll.

“Thereafter, the Mine and the Local Authority held meetings to narrow the differences in opinion where it was agreed that parties proceed to seek the Valuation Tribunal decision on the rate levy proposed by the council. However, the Valuation Tribunal after hearing both parties, agreed with the Kitwe City Council accordingly. Consequently, the 2019 Valuation Roll came into effect on 1st January 2020.”

“Upon service of the bill, the mine sued the council and obtained a conditional stay of execution which elapsed by the date of execution” says the statement.

Kitwe City council has confirmed that, part payment of K8 million has been paid and the mine has committed in writing to resolve the remaining balance of K21,241,913.51 within five days from 1st July 2020 which is the date of the commitment letter.

This payment is for the period 1st January to 1st July 2020. The Council is hopeful that the mine will honor its commitment within 5 days as promised.

Kitwe City Council has further urged companies and residents to settle bills on time as the local authority requires resources in order to provide the much needed services.

MMD Youths launch Operation KU SEKWILA 2021

Opposition New Hope Movement for Multiparty Democracy (MMD) Youths Yesterday launched the Operation KU SEKWILA 2021.

Speaking yesterday at the MMD Secretariat, MMD Vice Youth Chairperson Mr. Joshua Mulenga said that bad weeds have taken over the Governance of Zambia.

“We the Youths of the New Hope MMD are shocked with how bad Weeds such as Corruption, Unemployment, theft, mismanagement of the Economy, Poor Currency just to mention a few have outgrown in the field of Governance of our beloved Country Zambia. These weeds have hampered the growth of Zambia”, Mr. Mulenga lamented.

Mr. Mulenga said that MMD Youths had decided to launch Operation KU SEKWILA 2021 to Save Zambia.

“When we left Government in 2011, Zambia’s Economy was a rising star, the Dollar was less than k4, Mealie Meal was less than K30, the Unemployment rate was low just to mention a few. Now the situation is quite the Opposite, The Kwacha is dancing to the dollar, Mealie Meal which is a staple food is now a delicacy for the rich. It is because of these bad weeds that We the Youths in the New Hope MMD have decided to launch the Operation KU SEKWILA 2021 to make sure that Zambia is Saved next year”, Mr. Mulenga said.

Mr. Mulenga urged the Youths to rally behind the New Hope MMD and Dr. Nevers SEKWILA Mumba because all the bad weeds will be weeded out next year.

“We would like to take this opportunity to call upon all the Youths especially Us the Disgulted Youths to rally behind the New Hope MMD and Dr. Nevers SEKWILA Mumba. The MMD has a track record of Sekwilaing the Weeds during the time We were in Power and We can and We will SEKWILA these Weeds once we bounce back in power next year”, Mr. Mulenga said.

President Lungu drops four South DC’s


President Edgar Lungu has appointed four new District Commissioners in Southern Province.

The new DCs include Brenda Mwenda for Kalomo, Timothy Siakiziba for Gwembe, Kanji Musokotwane for Kazungula, Ephraim Mwanjabantu for Siavonga and Munachongo Muleya for Monze.

Siavonga’s Lovemore Kanyama, Cosmas Chiiba for Kalomo and Gwembe’s Justus Phiri have since been benched.

Provincial Permanent Secretary, Mwangala Liomba has confirmed the appointments in an interview and adding that Pascalina Musokotwane moves to Livingstone from Kazungula.

Meanwhile, President Edgar Lungu is today expected in Southern Province for a two day working visit.

President Lungu is expected to arrive in Livingstone in the morning and will immediately proceed for a ground breaking ceremony for the construction of a four star Mosi-0-Tunya Livingstone resort hotel and conference facility.

Dr. Hamukale explained that the project is an outcome of the 2019 Southern Province tourism and investment exposition.

And President Lungu will on Saturday travel to Monze to commission new housing units for the Zambia Correctional Service.

President Lungu will later in the afternoon be in Mazabuka to commission another set of housing units for Zambia Police Service.

UPND goes to court over Bill 10

Leader of the opposition Jack Mwiimbu has commenced judicial review proceedings before the Lusaka High Court over the Speaker’s decision to allow debate on the Constitution Amendment Bill Number 10 of 2019.

Mr. Mwiimbu wants the Court to halt the debate in Parliament over the bill saying the bill’s life elapsed on June 2, 2020.

Lawyer representing Mr. Mwiimbu, Mulambo Haimbe confirmed the development in an interview.

The UPND this week maintained that Parliament should not make a mistake of retabling Bill 10 of 2019 as the party will be left with no choice but to seek legal redress through the courts of law.

The party has further revealed that the Patriotic Front’s interest in Bill 10 lies in the repealing of Article 52 (4) of the current Republican constitution as amended in 2016 which empowers citizens to challenge the nomination of a presidential candidate.

At a media briefing this week, UPND deputy national spokesperson Cornelius Mweetwa says by his own confession, Chief Government parliamentary whip Brian Mundubile agreed that Bill 10 lapsed on June 4th,2020 in accordance with procedures and practice of parliament on the lifespan of Bills.

Mr. Mweetwa said the fact that the Bill died twenty days before the Standing Orders Committee decided to defer it to another day is indisputable while what is in dispute is whether the Standing Orders Committee has the jurisdiction to defer a dead Bill to another day.

“What is in dispute is the question on whether the parliamentary Standing Orders Committee operated within its ambits to extend the life of a bill whose life expired 20 days before. What is a fact is that the committee can only give life to a Bill which still has life left in it. This is the position of the UPND legally and procedurally. There is no law which allows the Standing Orders Committee to resurrect any dead Bill”, he said.

Mr. Mweetwa added that the UPND would have no option but to seek legal action and seek interpretation on the provisions of the law surrounding the issue should the PF and Parliament opt to bring the bill back on the order paper as announced by Justice Minister Given Lubinda on the floor of the House.

The UPND Deputy National Spokesman further revealed that the PF interest on Bill 10 is to tamper with Article 52 which provided for challenging the nomination of a presidential candidate by a citizen.

“The PF is scared that President Edgar Lungu’s candidature is likely to be challenged using Article 52(4) of the current constitution hence wanting to repeal the said article using section 12 of Bill 10. The issues in bill10 such as the return of deputy ministers, coalition government, dissolution of parliament were not part of the original plan. These were deliberately introduced to create a ploy to cause confusion. The PF should deal with issues that affect the governance of this country and not those that are political in nature. The PF should not attempt to remove the rights of the people in the constitution to challenge any illegalities” he said.

El Mukuka, HVMZA and Marocco bring the latin flair to winter with the massive collab track ‘Dame’

Dame” is a fun, cheeky and light-hearted track about romance and was created in a late-night studio session in Berlin 3 years ago, but was put on the back burner shortly after. El Mukuka had just travelled to Spain right before the song concept was born and was inspired to create a piece of music that fused flamenco with deep house and a spice of Afro-house too. The team also incorporated a fun Latin guitar riff that brings out a sexy summer vibe. The song, like most of Mukuka’s music, is a cultural melting pot.

In 2019 during a studio session in Zambia, El Mukuka played the track to Marocco and she fell in love with it. “We did some additional writing and decided to have the song in both English and Spanish. At almost the exact same time I was introduced to the music of the Belgium-based DJ/Producer HVMZA. I started to play a lot of his music in my sets and we connected on social media where we began to discuss music and collaborating. I played him “Dame” and we instantly clicked. As we were developing the production, I started to test the song out on tour during most of my key sunset parties in Zambia, Uganda and South Africa at Ultra Music Festival right before the Covid-19 pandemic hit Africa. The response was great, everywhere!” explains Mukuka on how the collab came about.

With most of the world under lockdown due to the pandemic, an upbeat song like ‘Dame’ is the perfect cure for the lockdown blues.

Mukuka also has a special message to the fans during this pandemic: “I hope this song will be a contrast to the hardships most of us are facing during these unprecedented times. Stay strong and healthy so that we can party again soon! Much love!”


Kambwili calls for the Fielding of One Opposition Presidential Candidate for 2021 Elections

National Democratic Congress Leader Chishimba Kambwili has called on all genuine opposition parties in Zambia to unite and field only one candidate in next year’s presidential elections.

Featuring on Radio Phoenix, Mr. Kambwili stated that leaders of opposition parties should do away with their egos and do that which the people of Zambia are demanding, which is unity of purpose, similar to what was done in Malawi.

Mr Kambwili stated that opposition leaders should be ready to set aside personal ambitions for the good of the country and the desires of the people of Zambia should come above self interest.

He has since disclosed that the Opposition Alliance partners including NDC, UPND, RPP, and ADD are already in discussions with a view to developing a framework for a united opposition in support of only one Presidential candidate.

Mr Kambwili added that he is fully committed to this proposition for the purpose of liberating the people of Zambia from the corrupt PF government.

Several stakeholders have urged the opposition in Zambia to Unite if they are serious about removing the PF from power next year.

History Dr Euston Chiputa says continued fragmentation of the opposition gives the PF an upper hand in next year’s polls.

Dr Chiputa is urging the opposition to unite and their counterparts in Malawi who have united for the purposes of removing the ruling party and ushering in a government that is interested in the wellbeing of the people.

Konkola Copper Mines detects impending caving in of the Ground at the Nchanga Open Pit

Konkola Copper Mines has predicted an impending slough (Caving in of ground) after its geo-technical assessments detected some slope instability at the Nchanga Open Pit Cut 2 in Chingola.

KCM Chief Executive Officer Christopher Sheppard says the anticipated slough is manifesting through a series of multiple tension cracks, which have continued opening up almost parallel to the strike of the open pit east perimeter road in a South East–North West direction.

Mr Sheppard said when he addressed the media in Chingola that preliminary indications have shown that the slough will be confined to a stretch of approximately 350 metres and the estimated volume of the area that would be involved in the failure is 8 million cubic metres.

He said the real time slope stability monitoring radar station is currently tracking the increasing movement of the slope inside the open pit and current predictions are that the open pit slope will fail anytime between today, 2 July and Tuesday 7 July, 2020.

He said, “I should hasten to mention that as a responsible management, we have already implemented a number of measures to avert a significant impact of the predicted slough on people, essentially communities around the mining area and our employees. I must state in no uncertain terms that our priority is to ensure the safety of people first, and also make sure that KCM, public and private property are safe-guarded.”

Mr Sheppard said the mine has demarcated a hazard exclusion zone, which is 90 metres thick to provide for an acceptable factor of safety.

He said the exclusion zone in which the slope failure will take place is thus at least 60 metres away from the nearby communities of Nchanga North (Buyantanshi Township and in particular Buntungwa Ward).

“All the structures within Nchanga North are situated on competent, stable basement rock which will not be effected by the sloughing of the open pit slope,” he added.

The CEO noted that KCM is currently rerouting power lines and water pipes, which carry water from Kafue Pump Station to the Nchanga Smelter and Mulonga Water and Sanitation Company on a stretch of approximately 650 metres and hoped works would be completed in the shortest possible time to avoid major disruptions to power and water supply.

Mr Sheppard said in order to prevent inadvertent entry of nearby residents into the hazardous exclusion zone, members of the Zambia Police and KCM Security have been deployed full time to the perimeter of the exclusion zone.

He said the mine has been engaging various stakeholders including the Central and Local Government authorities, civic and community leaders in sensitising people to find common solutions together.

It’s morally wrong for a Cabinet Minister to remain in office while facing corruption investigations


Action Aid Zambia says it is morally wrong for a Cabinet Minister to remain in office while facing corruption investigations or any other
allegations of corruption in nature.

Action Aid Zambia Country Director Nalucha Ziba says while the principle of ‘innocence until proven guilty’ is legally recognized, failure to do so has the potential to promote compromise in leadership.

With direct reference to Health Minister Dr Chitalu Chilufya who President Edgar Lungu says is innocent until proven guilty by the courts of law, Ms Ziba says regardless of the absence of a legal provision that allows the President to remove a Cabinet Minister on allegation of corruption, he can still act on moral grounds to demonstrate that he upholds national values.

Below is a full statement…

Explicitly, there is no provision that allows the President to suspend a Cabinet Minister from office on the grounds of an enquiry pending on the said Cabinet Minister. We cannot, however, depart from our determination as a people of the Republic of Zambia to ensure that our values concerning family, morality, patriotism and justice are maintained and that all functions of the State are carried out in our common interest.

This commitment is enshrined in our Constitution.

Part II of the constitution on National Values, Principles and Economic policies clearly outlines the principles of morality and ethics, good governance, and integrity.

These values are enshrined in our constitution which the President is obliged to report to the National Assembly once every year on the progress being made in applying the values and principles.

Based on the above, the President as an appointing authority and one who has sworn to protect the constitution including commitment to uphold morality should be able to demonstrate this by relieving the Cabinet Minister of his duties to enable an impartial process to take place. Similarly, it is a moral duty and responsibility of any Cabinet Minister being investigated to step aside to allow investigations to run without undue influence.

While the principle of ‘innocence until proven guilty’ is legally recognized, it is morally wrong for a minister to remain in office while facing corruption investigations or any other
allegations of this nature, as it has the potential to promote compromise in leadership. The fact that the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) is dealing with a high-ranking official of government; who exerts so much power and authority, there is a high likelihood of intimidation and interference; either direct or implied.

Part VII of our 2016 Constitution under Executive functions section 92, subsection 1, states ‘The President shall perform, with dignity, leadership and integrity, the acts that are necessary and expedient for, or reasonably incidental to, the exercise of the executive authority. Although not explicit, this is sufficient ground for the President to demonstrate the much-preached zero tolerance to corruption, and the need to uphold integrity in the office of the President and government.

Failure to exercise these powers from a moral standpoint raises a great deal of suspicion, and you cannot blame citizens when they insinuate conspiracy within senior leadership.

These are defining times, in our opinion, where the Head of State has an opportunity to walk the talk by upholding moral standards.

The President needs to demonstrate his principles on the call for every Zambian to uphold the National values particularly paying attention to key issues such as Integrity,
Transparency and Accountability which are key among government officials who occupy public office as they need to demonstrate principles to the general public that they are managing the public resources in a prudent manner.

It’s against this background that regardless of the absence of legal provision that allows the President to remove a Cabinet Minister on allegation of corruption.

It is our considered view that based on the moral grounds, The President can still act in order to demonstrate that he upholds the National values.

Nalucha Nganga Ziba
Country Director,
ActionAid Zambia

Free Lead Screening and Treatment for Children Impacted by Lead Poisoning in Kabwe Begins


The Zambia Mining and Environmental Remediation and Improvement Project has commenced free Lead screening and treatment for children impacted by Lead in Kabwe.

ZMERIP National Project Coordinator, Gideon Ndalama explained that the Project is using the door to door approach to recruit children for testing and treatment due to the Covid19 restrictions.

Mr Ndalama said the screening programme started with children initially identified by the Copperbelt Environmental Project, an earlier World Bank funded project and Kabwe Mine Pollution Amelioration Initiative (KAMPAI) project funded by JICA before it was scaled up.

He said since the commencement of the programme in April, 2020, over 4258 children below 14 years old have been screened for high blood lead levels, of which 659 have been put on Chelation treatment representing 15.5% of the total number of children screened.

Mr Ndalama said ZMERIP is aiming to test atleast 10,000 children and treat 4,000 by 2022.

He said the response from the community is overwhelming and expressed optimism that despite the slow start due to a number of challenges, the Project will meet the targeted numbers for testing and treatment.

According to the health facilities, an average of 30 children per day are being screened for elevated Blood Lead Levels (BLL).
Mr Ndalama said working in partnership with local leaders and Community health volunteers, the community is being sensitised on how to prevent exposure to lead. “As a Project we hope to see a change in attitudes towards Lead exposure especially after children have undergone treatment.”

Lab technician analysing blood samples for lead poisoning
Lab technician analysing blood samples for lead poisoning

ZMERIP Medical Officer Tiza Mufune said children with elevated blood Lead levels above 45 micrograms per decilitre are being put on Chelation treatment for 19 days after which they are retested to ensure they are responding to treatment and that Lead levels are reduced.

He said the Project with support from Ministry of Health has continued providing health education on Lead to caregivers and parents of the children during the focused group meetings in the community and during their visit to health facilities.

Medical research has shown that Lead exposure at any level could be harmful to people especially children.

Dr Mufune said the programme of screening and treatment of children allows the community to know the wellbeing of their children and how they can prevent high Lead exposure at community level. Apart from blood lead screening, the children have their nutritional status and general well being assessed.

And speaking in an interview, Elizabeth Tembo, a resident of Makululu Zone B in Kabwe commended Government for supporting the Lead testing and treatment programme.

Mrs Tembo who is also a community health volunteer said Lead testing is important because it keeps the community informed about the status of childrens’ health.

“We are happy that the children are receiving the free health services. The community has waited for this opportunity for a long time,” Mrs Tembo said.

Mrs Tembo said, “I have two grandchildren with high Lead levels and I am confident that with the treatment the levels will reduce in their bodies.”

Mrs Tembo has encouraged parents from the affected communities of Makululu, Chowa, Kasanda and Katondo to work with the Project and ensure children benefit from the programme.

Government through the Project has procured state of the art Lead analysers and test kits. The Project has also procured drugs for $2.5 million dollars under a framework contract with UNICEF to support the health interventions.
The equipment has been installed at health facilities in Kasanda, Makuklulu, Chowa and Katondo, the lead hot spot areas which are serving as centres for Lead screening and treatment.

ZMERIP, in partnership with Kabwe Municipal Council, will be undertaking environmental remediation of households and selected public places in affected townships to reduce Lead levels in the soil.