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Sunday Chanda backs President Lungu’s stance on Dr Chitalu Chilufya

Patriotic Front (PF) Media Director Sunday Chanda has backed President Edgar Lungu’s stance not to interfere with the justice system and uphold the right of any person to be presumed innocent until proved guilty by the due process of the law.

Mr Chanda says President Lungu as a lawyer and leader, who respects human rights in the country, is saying the fight against Corruption is crucial and must be energized but that it must be done within the confines of the law.

He says the Head of State is saying the fight against corruption must be fought within the provisions of the law, without political considerations because they only create political witchhunts.

Mr. Chanda says President Lungu has placed on record that any senior government official can be investigated, arrested but must be done without any prejudice and upholding Article 18 -two that states that everybody is innocent until proven guilty.

He has told ZNBC News in an interview that the country is moving away from a regime where senior government officials or those that are connected to the corridors of power are shielded from facing the due process of the law.

Mr. Chanda said President Lungu reserves the right to fire or suspend any official under investigation when they try to temper with investigations.

He said in the past there have been, individuals that had been accused and suffered so much damage by the so called court of public opinion and in the end, got acquitted.

Mr. Chanda said it is unfortunate that sometimes those that are supposed to uphold and promote human rights are not rising to defend the right of accused persons.

Kansanshi Mine Appoints Anthony Mukutuma as First Zambia to to Head the Mine


Kansanshi Mine in Solwezi North Western Province has for the first time appointed a Zambian as the Mine’s General Manager.

Anthony Mukutuma takes over as the Kansanshi Mine General Manager from David De Vries.

And Government has hailed First Quantum Minerals – FQM which runs Kansanshi mine for appointing a Zambian to the position of General Manager for the first time in its 14 years of operations in the country.

North Western Province Minister Nathaniel Mubukwanu says this is a sign that major industries can be managed without expatriates .

Speaking when he met with management from Kansanshi Mine in his office in Solwezi, Mr. Mubukwanu said the government will continue supporting operations at the mine.

Meanwhile, FQM Country Manager Kingsley Chinkuli said the number of expatriates at Kanshanshi Mine is reducing as Zambians are being elevated to decision making positions.

And Mr. Mukutuma said he will ensure that the mine remains viable.

He said he will work towards ensuring production at the mine is increased and has called for political support from government.

Zambia Debt Crisis and its Implications on the Economy


By Hakainde Hichilema UPND President

The combined effects of poor economic management, corruption, prolonged power cuts and the COVID-19 pandemic have caused a severe deterioration in economic outcomes in the first half of 2020.

Shortfalls in tax revenue collections, intensification of corruption and heightened debt vulnerabilities continue to narrow the fiscal space to grow the economy and provide jobs, especially for our energetic youth.

At the current pace, Zambia risks reaching a precarious point at which a disorderly fiscal adjustment becomes inevitable.

To avoid a prolonged and painful recovery that this situation would entail, Zambia must not waste any more time in using the narrow window of opportunity that remains.

As stakeholders in the Zambian economy, our offer for free advice to the PF administration on debt and other economic management issues still stands. Our free consultation will save critical resources.

Since 2012, our advice on debt management has been as follows:

(a) Stop the careless, unplanned and excessive borrowing;
(b) Strengthen the legal and regulatory framework for debt procurement and management;
(c) prepare a robust plan for the repayment of the enormous debt, including the establishment of an adequately funded sovereign wealth fund.

Failure to heed our advice has brought us to this point – an unsustainable debt path that casts a shadow on the economic prospects for our children.

We know we were right. Our first 10-year Eurobond was issued with a 5.625 percent yield in 2012, and nine years later, the yield has increased to over 50 percent. This means that our Eurobond is of junk status, reflecting a heightened risk of default. Enlisting the services of debt advisors is further confirmation of the dire situation we are in.

Our current advice to the PF Administration as the country seeks to restructure our debt, is that a successful restructuring that provides enough debt relief relies on taking immediate measures to restore debt sustainability and restore stability in the economy.

In this regard, our high-level advice is that with immediate effect, strengthen oversight and the overall framework for debt procurement, monitoring and reporting. Proposed changes in the Bill 10 will only weaken the oversight role of Parliament, further undermining this effort.

Procurement of non-concessional debt must stop. The PF Administration must end the situation where their alleged ‘moratorium on new borrowings’, has seen some Ministers commit the country to new loans. For now, we will not comment on the role of the Minister of Finance in debt procurement, as the issue is in court.

Importantly, the PF government must commit itself to transparency and full disclosure of all contracts that have been signed. Transparency and accountability, which are the hallmarks of good governance, will build confidence among our creditors, especially in the G20 Debt Service Suspension Initiative (DSSI) to which Zambia has sought participation. Regarding the DSSI, we further implore the PF Administration to adhere to the requirement to direct financial resources toward mitigating the health, economic and social impact of the COVID-19 crisis, and call for strong safeguards to protect public resources against theft.

We also take this opportunity to implore Zambia’s creditors, official and private, to provide relief to the country through this initiative. It will not only bring some relief to the multitude of Zambians struggling to cope under these challenging economic times but also improve the country’s repayment capacity.

Of great concern to us is that government expenditure continues to rise in the context of significant revenue shortfalls yet without major changes to the National Budget. The government recently announced that while revenues have fallen by K20.8 billion, expenditures have risen by K20.0 billion, including an increase in debt service by K8.7 billion. Current measures to address this shortfall do not go far enough.

We implore the PF Administration to revise the 2020 Budget and undertake necessary reforms to make a real impact on lowering runaway expenditure. Of note is the need to eliminate all inefficiencies in the Farmer Input Support Programme (FSIP) to reduce its fiscal burden of this initiative, while improving the targeting of poor farmers. We also highlight the inefficiencies in the operations of ZESCO that tend to shift losses towards the taxpayer.

We therefore encourage the government to keenly look into this and other areas where savings can be made.

Lastly, subscribe to an IMF staff monitored program, commit to undertaking both structural and quantitative benchmarks.

In rebuilding the economy, we are happy to engage fully and continue to provide the advice we have been giving you for the last nine years. We have one Zambia and no other country to run to.

President Lungu expected in Southern Province for a two day working visit

President Edgar Lungu is tomorrow expected in Southern Province for a two day working visit.

President Lungu is expected to arrive in Livingstone in the morning and will immediately proceed for a ground breaking ceremony for the construction of a four star Mosi-0-Tunya Livingstone resort hotel and conference facility.

Southern Province Minister Edify Hamukale has confirmed the Presidential visit in Choma today.

Dr. Hamukale explained that the project is an outcome of the 2019 Southern Province tourism and investment exposition.

And President Lungu will on Saturday travel to Monze to commission new housing units for the Zambia Correctional Service.

The President will later in the afternoon be in Mazabuka to commission another set of housing units for Zambia Police Service.

And the Patriotic Front -PF-Southern Province Chairman Lawrence Evans says the party in the province is excited that President, Edgar Lungu is once again expected to undertake a working visit to the province.

Mr. Evans says the President’s visit to Southern Province is a continuation of his developmental agenda for the province.

He has urged everyone to accord the President a warm welcome as he visits Southern Province on his unprecedented development drive, which has seen him either commissioning a secondary school, district hospital among others which has never been seen in the country’s history.

Mr. Evans has told ZNBC News that the PF is also happy to note that the President is also scheduled to meet with traditional leaders in the three districts.

He said this is because traditional leaders are partners in development and President Lungu has continued to accord the traditional leaders the respect befitting their status and has been appealing to them to continue giving counsel to politicians.

Mr. Evans said the engagement is timely especially coming a few days after the Southern Province council of Chiefs made a passionate appeal to Members of Parliament to fully support the Constitution amendment bill number 10 of 2019.

President Lungu was in Southern province in May during which he opened the Victoria Falls to the public, which was closed due to the outbreak of the Coviod-19.

This is according to a statement issued to ZNBC News by PF Southern Province Information and Publicity Secretary, Trymore Mwenda.

Zambia Police Arrest Man for Defaming Minister of Housing and Infrastructure Development

Police in Lusaka have arrested Maxson Nkhoma of Kapata Compound in Chipata, Eastern Province, for alleged defamation against Minister of Housing and Infrastructure Development, Vincent Mwale.

Police Spokesperson Esther Katongo says Mr Nkhoma, aged 33, is alleged to have published defamatory remarks on social media against Mr Mwale.

Ms Katongo says Mr Nkhoma has been charged with two counts of Criminal Libel contrary to section 391 chapter 87 of the Laws of Zambia.

Meanwhile, Police in Siavonga have also arrested a former UPND Youth District Chairman John Simweemba, 40, of Kaleya Compound for proposing violence.

Ms Katongo said Mr Simweemba, acting with four other people, allegedly organized an illegal public meeting where he was inciting people to be beating public officers.

She said he was referring to officers who will be conducting mobile issuance of National Registration Cards, including Police officers.

Ms Katongo said this allegedly happened on June 28, between 14 and 16 hours at Sianyolo Primary school grounds in Siavonga.

She said Simweemba is currently detained in Police Custody and is likely to be jointly charged with four others with unlawful assembly as they did not notify the Police to have a public meeting.

M’membe’s Socialist Party receives kudos for appointment


The Young African Leaders Initiative (YALI) has hailed the appointment of Rehoboth Kafwabulula, a 21-year-old youth, as Socialist Party spokesperson.

YALI President Andrew Ntewewe who affirmed his organisation’s belief that political parties must show a genuine commitment to bringing the youth to the decision-making table said the Socialist Party appear to be leading the way.

“Our country’s national development trajectory is dependent on bringing the youth, women and persons with disabilities to the decision-making table rather than using them as a springboard to achieve one’s political ambition,” he said

Meanwhile, Mr Ntewewe has said opposition United Party for National Development (UPND) is an organisation that stands in the way for the youth to have fair and guaranteed representation in Parliament in 2021 through its its opposition to a mixed member representation system.

“The capitalist-gatekeepers and MPs in the UPND will not relent but fight a system that should ordinarily make youth representation a reality through enactment of the proposed Article 47(2),” said Ntewewe.

Mr Ntewewe said the proposed Article 47(2) facilitates the changing of an electoral system to one that promotes fair representation and equitable treatment of each gender as required by Article 45(1)(c)(d) of the Constitution.

“We know, however, that unlike parties that are socialists in nature, capitalism is not about fairness. For UPND, only those leaders with capital to fund their campaigns will dominate are preferred as best representatives of the people in the National Assembly,” charged Ntewewe.

The proposed amendments to the Constitution of Zambia proposes to introduce a mixed member electoral system meant to provide for safer seats for youths in the National Assembly, including those from UPND.

Mr Ntewewe said the Zambian youth has spoken, loud and clear, that time has come for them to be represented in law-making processes and decision-making on the affairs of their country.

“Our hope is that parties such as the Patriotic Front (PF) and Socialist Party will participate and adopt more youths in the forthcoming 11 ward by-elections and 2021 general election,” said Ntewewe.

He said the Zambian youth must not be surprised that UPND does not support the changing of Zambia’s electoral system to one that would support a mixed-member representation in Parliament.

The organisation has since encouraged Rehoboth to exert her influence and become good champions of youth leadership and representation stating that youth deserve a place on decision-making platforms.

Working with the dead

Ever wondered what it feels like to work with dead bodies on a daily basis? Kennedy Gondwe has been speaking to a man who does just that – and makes a living from death.

Micho Congratulates Patson and Mwepu

Chipolopolo coach Milutin ‘Micho’ Sredojevic has congratulated Patson Daka and Enock Mwepu for winning the Austrian league title with RB Salzburg.

Salzburg clinched their seventh consecutive league crown with two games to spare over the weekend with Patsons’ 24 goals playing a huge part in the cause.

“We want to congratulate our players Patson Daka and Enock Mwepu for winning the Austrian championship. We need an injection of motivation for all of us because we need a winning mentality,” Micho said.

“Those are two flag bearers that are supposed to take Zambian football where it is supposed to.”

And Micho added that he is pleased to see some of his European-based players also getting some game time since the restart of their respective leagues in June.

“I am happy to see other players like Evans Kangwa, Kings Kangwa and Lameck Banda are playing in Russia. We are always happy whenever our players are getting minutes and getting that competitive advantage,” Micho added.

Why you are as healthy as your internal age


How Healthy Living Can Reduce Internal Age and Disease Risk

Why improving your Internal age really matters

Heart attacks, strokes and sudden deaths are becoming increasingly common in Zambia and other developing countries. In fact, one of the most disturbing trends is that these devastating conditions are occurring more frequently in younger individuals than one would typically see elsewhere. Heart attacks and strokes can be quite disabling if not fatal and can adversely affect individuals who are in the prime of their most productive years.

Risk factors for heart attack, sudden death and stroke

Two impressive large clinical studies were conducted across all the 5 continents, the INTERHEART and INTERSTROKE  studies demonstrated that the in over 90 percent of all the cases of heart attacks and strokes, 9 risk factors were mostly responsible for these unfortunate events. These risk factors include high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, sedentary lifestyle, high cholesterol, smoking, poor diet choices (lack of fruits and vegetables), excessive alcohol consumption and stress. Further there is also a very close link between all these risk factors and early memory loss dementia and early cognitive decline)

The good news however, is that all these risk factors are modifiable i.e. can be reduced or avoided through adoption of lifestyle changes and or aggressive treatment with medications.

Internal versus chronological age and the risk of cardiovascular events

Advancing age has for the longest time been closely linked to cardiovascular events (heart attacks, strokes, sudden death and memory loss). Recently, however, the scientific community has started to focus more attention on internal age as a more powerful predictor of the risk of suffering a heart attack, stroke or dying suddenly. While chronological age refers to the time that has passed since birth, internal age, on the other hand refers to how well the organs are functioning. Normally, chronological age equates to the internal age. It is well established that People who live the longest (centenarians and supercentenarians) have lower internal ages compared to their chronological ages.

Reducing internal age and risk of events

Chronological age cannot be reversed and has nothing to do with our adopted lifestyle choices. On the other hand, internal age is intricately connected to our lifestyle choices (physical activity, stress, sleep habits, smoking etc.) as well as with biological genes and acquired medical conditions (obesity, diabetes, cholesterol, high blood pressure etc). Lowering one’s internal age through adoption of healthy lifestyles along with aggressive management of medical conditions such as high blood pressure, cholesterol and diabetes can lead to improved quality of lives and longevity.

By Sula Mazimba MD, MPH




Here are selected briefs from mid-week action by our foreign-based players.


Midfielder Clatous Chama scored retaining league champions Simba SC’s second goal in the 57th minute of their Dar-es-Salaam derby triumph over Azam FC to reach the Azam Sports Federation Cup semifinals to eliminate the holders.


Striker Evans Kangwa started but was substituted in the 57th minute while his brother and midfielder Klings Kangwa came on three minutes earlier in 11th placed Arsenal Tula’s 3-1 home loss to Akhmat Grozny who are just below them at number 13.
Midfielder Lameck Banda was on the bench for Tula who suffered their third straight defeat since the league restart on June 20.

Striker Edward Chilufya started for 6th positioned Djurgardens in their 1-0 away loss at number two side Malmo but was substituted in the 33rd minute due to injury.


Striker Patson Daka played the full 90 minutes for retaining Austrian champions RB Salzburg in their 5-1 home victory against Sturm Graz but was not on target.
Midfielder Enock Mwepu was an unused substitute.

UPND Objects to the Proposals Presented by ECZ on the 2021 Elections

The United Party for National Development (UPND) has expressed concern over a number of proposals by the Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) ahead of the 2021 General Elections.

In his letter to ECZ Chief Electoral Officer, Patrick Nshindano, UPND Secretary General, Stephen Katuka cited the high nomination fees, 30 days voter registration period, the voters register, printing of ballots in the United Arab Emirates and the lack of sponsored stakeholder monitors as well as prisoner voting as some of the concerns that need urgent redress.

Mr Katuka said the proposals if implemented will not only disfranchise eligible voters, but also serve as a systematic barrier which has the potential to pose a serious indictment on holding free, fair and credible elections.

“We reject the Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) position to hold a 30 days voter registration as doing so will disfranchise many eligible citizens. Our view is that voter registration is supposed to be a continuous process. We reject the proposed nomination fees for the 2021 General Elections in that, in a democracy like ours, all citizens have the right to participate in the elections without systematic barriers like hiking of nominations fees,” the letter read in part.

Mr Katuka further added that the party was not in support of the suggestion by ECZ not to sponsor stakeholders intending to monitor the printing of ballot papers for the 2021 General Elections in Dubai while allowing prisoners to vote posses a serious threat to national democracy.

“We reject an overhaul and complete deletion of the current voters register as the current electoral code provides for continuous registration of voters. We reject the idea to extend voting to prisons as doing so will disadvantage opposition political parties given the security nature of prisons,” the letter further read.

The ECZ has since the disputed 2016 General Election come under fire from political players and stakeholders for its perceived connivance with the ruling PF ahead of what most commentators term a two-horse race between UPND and PF.

HH and his team storm National Registration office to demand Answers for the “Selective Issuance of NRCs”


The United Party for National Development (UPND) Leader Haikainde Hichilema yesterday stormed the National Registration office to seek answers on why there is a selective issuance of National Registration Cards (NRCs).

According to Mr. Hichilema, all the senior officers went into hiding for fear of being fired by what he described as the corrupt PF especially, if they attended to his team to provide answers they were seeking.

The UPND leader accused the department of National Registration of issuing NRCs in perceived ruling Patriotic Front(PF) strongholds while ignoring the UPND strongholds.

“The department of National Registration has of late been issuing NRCs in perceived PF strongholds while people in other parts of the country who also need the same document are not being accorded a chance to do so,”, he said adding that his party knows this is a PF scheme of wanting to disfranchise many Zambians but UPND will allow this to happen.

“We, therefore, immediately call on the PF to stop this scheme of selectively issuing NRCs but to those being issued with the document, we appeal to you to use the same in kicking out the PF,” he said.

The UPND leader said that he had evidence of crowds of people at Lupiya village in Chiengi Constituency, Luapula Province, being given NRCs while the same was not being done in Southern, North-Western, and Western Provinces and called for the process to be done in a uniform manner across all provinces.

HH and his team arrive at the National Registration office
HH and his team arrive at the National Registration office
HH and his team at the National Registration office
HH and his team at the National Registration office

Youth Indaba set for today at Mulungushi International Conference

The government will today hold a Youth Forum at Mulungushi International Conference Centre in Lusaka aimed at coming up with a road map on how to address challenges facing the Youth across the country.

Information and Broadcasting Services Permanent Secretary AMOS MALUPENGA has disclosed to ZNBC News in an interview that the Forum will be carried live on ZNBC Television .

Mr. MALUPENGA explained that only One hundred youths will attend the forum because of Covid-19 but stated that Six Million have been targeted across the country.

He further explained that Minister of Information and Broadcasting Minister DORA SILIYA will chair the meeting which will be attended by various ministries.

Mr. MALUPENGA said among the ministries will be that of Livestock and Fisheries to talk about how Youths can access aquaculture empowerment.

He said others will be the Ministry of Youths, Community Development, Agriculture among others.

Mr. MALUPENGA pointed out that Government has had a good response from the meetings that the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting Services together with other Ministers have had with the Youths.

Chicago’s Reloaded at East Park Mall will remain closed

The Lusaka City Council Liquor Licensing Committee has resolved that Chicago’s Reloaded at East Park Mall will remain closed pending determination of the matter by the Council.

This follows a routine inspection that revealed that the restaurant disregarded warnings and guidelines given to them by the local authority on 4th June, 2020.

LCC Liquor Licensing Committee Chairperson Councillor Jonas Phiri disclosed that the committee has given Chicago’s 30 days in which to exculpate themselves and show cause why Council should not revoke their licence.

Mr. Phiri said this after the special Liquor Licensing Committee sitting which was held in the Council Chamber.

Meanwhile, Mr Phiri said the committee has given Granddaddy’s a final warning for obstructing authorized officers from entering their premises while MS Liquor and Drill Beat Liquor Wholesale have been warned for going against provisions of the Liquor Licensing Act by operating like a bar.

He said the findings at Chicago’s Reloaded, Granddaddy’s, MS Liquor and Drill Beat Liquor Wholesale contravenes the provisions of the Liquor License Act No. 20 of 2011, and Statutory Instrument Number 21 and 22 of 2020 of Public Health Act Cap 295 of the Laws of Zambia.

The Committee Chairperson added that when it comes to following the President’s directive, his committee is not going to side with anyone regardless of their nationality or race but will strictly enforce the law.

Mr Phiri charged that all bars should remain closed until the president directs otherwise.

He said Council officers shall continue to monitor compliance on all premises that have been given permits to operate.

EAZ officially launches Zambia Citizen Entrepreneurs Development Programme


The Economic Association of Zambia (EAZ) has officially launched a programme called ‘Zambia Citizen Entrepreneurs Development Programme’ aimed at enhancing wealth creation through the promotion of entrepreneurship.

EAZ president Dr. Lubinda Haabazoka told journalists in Lusaka on Wednesday that the initiative was born out of consultations with various government departments at the highest level.

Dr. Haabazoka said the consultations were also made with the private sector and the response is very overwhelming.

He said the initiative brings together the public and private sector in supporting business creation through the provision of funds, business skills, capacity building, input support on commercial terms and provision of market for goods produced.

“This initiative is designed especially for women and youth groups and takes advantage of the President’s directive to enhance local participation in the retail sector. We call upon all stakeholders including various funders to come on board to realise this grandiose project. The Project will be private sector led,” he said.

“Citizens wishing to participate can contact the Economics Association of Zambia. We shall soon be giving further guidance on the implementation on modalities with regards to participation in this guide. We would like to thank government and the private sector for the positive feedback over this initiative.”

Dr. Haabazoka stated that the project focuses on key sectors such as agri-business, mining and Urban Development Modules.

The EAZ President said the association will not tolerate any politics when implementing this programme as it is aimed at helping the people of Zambia.

“This initiative is commercial in nature and open to all Zambians regardless of tribe, race, political affiliation or religious affiliation. The Association will not tolerate the politicizing of this initiative. The programme will be implemented by the private sector with the support of state and nonstate actors,” he added.

He further stated that this is a baby of the Economic Summit that was held in 2018.

And Mahogany Air Chief Executive Officer Jim Belemu said the country needs home grown solutions to deal with some of the challenges faced by the people.

He said such an initiative is good as it is aimed at changing the face of the country.