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Local Government Minister Not Happy with Local Councils

Local Government Minister CHARLES BANDA has taken a swipe at councils that have failed to deliver despite the government releasing 582 million Kwacha equalization fund.

Dr. BANDA notes that each of the 116 councils in the country has been receiving a monthly allocation of K97 million equalization fund since January but that some have failed to complete infrastructural projects and deliver other services in their districts.

Speaking at a media briefing in Lusaka, Dr. BANDA said the government expects councils to put the money to good use by improving service delivery and making progress on projects being undertaken.

He stated that the equalization fund is NOT meant for salaries and urged all councils to ensure prudent utilization of the funds.

And Dr. BANDA has announced that the government has NO immediate plans to increase monthly equalization fund allocation for Chipata city council which has been upgraded from a municipality due to budgetary constraints.

Dr. BANDA said the government is aware of the challenges local authorities are facing but that it cannot commit to increasing the fund due to budget restriction and other economic factors resulting from the coronavirus pandemic.

NAQEZ strongly doubts the possibility of reopening schools for non examination classes this year.

With a crisis of desks in most schools in the Country, National Action for Quality Education in Zambia says it strongly doubts the possibility of reopening schools for non examination classes this year.

NAQEZ Executive Director Aaron Chansa says their current assessment is that very few schools in Zambia would be in a position to accommodate more learners apart from examination classes.

Mr Chansa said this is simply because most schools, especially those in rural areas, have a critical shortage of desks.

He has noted that in some cases , pupils are even sitting on the floor whilst learning.

Mr Chansa said available statistics indicate that the Ministry of General Education will need more than 1.3 million desks to remedy this crisis.

He said that until this number of desks is afforded, learners in non examination classes may not open in 2020.

Mr Chansa has therefore demand that the Ministry of Finance releases money in order for the Ministry of General Education to buy desks.

He said this is an urgent matter needing very serious National attention.

Mr Chansa said current pictures of Zambian learners sitting on the floor are giving the education system a very ugly image,and must be dealt with immediately.

Calls for the Government to subject Bill 10 to a referendum are baseless-Makebi Zulu

Lawyer Makebi Zulu says calls by Constitutional Lawyer John Sangwa for the government to subject Bill 10 to a referendum are baseless.

Mr Zulu says only part 3 of the Zambian Constitution can be subjected to a referendum and not the entire Republican Constitution.

He says Parliament can amend any part of the constitution except for part 3 which is the Bill of Rights which can be amended through a referendum.

Mr Zulu who is Eastern Province Minister is saddened that Lawyers like Mr Sangwa have taken a lead in misleading the masses over Bill 10.

The Malambo PF Law Maker has challenged Mr Sangwa and those opposed to Bill 10 to state which clauses they are opposed to instead of opposing the whole document.

He says it is regrettable that the street debates about Bill 10 have also been adopted by learned people who are supposed to provide guidance to the people.

Meanwhile, Mr Zulu has also challenged Mr Sangwa to bring forward his petition against President Edgar Lungu’s candidature in next year’s elections.

He said the insistence by Mr Sangwa that President Lungu is not eligible to stand next year raises a lot of questions than answers because the constitutional court has already ruled in the matter.

Constitutional lawyer John Sangwa has challenged the PF government to subject the constitution Amendment Bill number 10 of 2019 to a referendum to ascertain its popularity among Zambians.

How Government can reform Youth empowerment programmes to create jobs this time around


By Mwansa P. Chalwe snr

The government’s youth empowerment initiatives have not worked and will continued not working in future unless a reset button is pressed, and a number of reforms are undertaken. The initiatives’ impact on job creation and poverty alleviation so far have been negligible.

The current perception in Zambia among the majority of the youth is that the government is not doing enough to empower them with jobs or through entrepreneurship promotion. However, the reality is that there are so many Youth empowerment programmes that the government has put in place but most youths are not aware of them or not benefiting from them for various reasons. President Lungu in his last address to the nation appealed to the Youth to make use of the programmes.

“ I implore the Zambian youth to take keen interest in participating and profiting from different empowerment initiatives my government is putting in place, instead of protesting in the bush and taking pride in how many views of their protests where seen on social media,” The President said while addressing the nation on a Covid-19 measures and economic issues.

Although government has a myriad of programmes for the youth, they are going about it the wrong way in their implementation thus leading to them having negligible impact.When one analyses how the government has reacted to the youth protests, it appears that they do not seem to be aware why these empowerment initiatives are not working as they just keep doing the same things- throwing money at the problem.

To recap, according to publically available information, there are over six major youth empowerment initiatives that are currently in place and in progress. These programmes are: Youth Development fund, Women empowerment fund under Development Bank of Zambia, Skills and entrepreneurship project through the creation of industrial parks under African development Bank, The $29million Zambia aquaculture enterprise development project under African development fund, Cassava Value Chain Programme under the Citizen Economic Empowerment Commission (CEEC), Aquaculture Value Chain Initiative under CEEC. There must be other empowerment initiatives in various ministries which are not publicized.

Recently, the President announced another programme of K30 million as the Artists empowerment Scheme. And on Sunday the 28 June, 2020, Minister of Youth, Sport and Child development, Emmanuel Mulenga in an interview also announced that government will be launching another empowerment scheme for the general youth population who are not artists, and a consortium of Ministers were to meet at Mulungushi Conference Centre on 2 July, 2020 to hammer out an empowerment scheme.
In the light of all the above empowerment programmes, and the ones planned for the future, I thought it wise to advice government to make changes on how these programmes are designed and implemented. In the absence of these proposed reforms and others, there is nothing that will change. There will be no firms or jobs created and funds will just go into a bottomless pit like in the past.

Politicization of empowerment and Corruption

The first major problem that has contributed to the failure of youth empowerment programmes achieving their objectives is the fact they are highly politicized. Deserving youths are not having access to these initiatives. The various administrations under the MMD and PF have abused the programmes for political purposes and the Zambia Institute for Policy analysis study of the Youth Development Fund alludes to this.
”The involvement of politicians in the disbursement of funds has negatively influenced the public perception of the Fund and its potential as a youth economic empowerment vehicle. This is because the Fund is highly linked to the political structures, which make youths think the funds are a political reward or benefit, and this perception could have significantly affected repayments”. ZIPAR study observed.

They are also allegations of corruption in the award of empowerment funds. One of the Youth, Mirriam Ngoyi among those who met Minister Dora Siliya, complained about the rampant corruption in Zambia. “Corruption is too much. I think there is need to work on corruption,” She said

The first reform, therefore, should be to stop using the empowerment programmes as political tools of rewarding supporters of the ruling Party so that the awards are made on merit. The reality is that if the programmes are available to all the youth, the Party in empower can in fact increase its support base and there will be no protests of unfairness in sharing the cake. In order to achieve this reform, there is need to outsource the programmes to independent private sector players.
Marketing communications

The other major reform that is needed is the overall of the marketing communications of the initiatives. The majority of youth do not know about the existence of the empowerment programmes and they lack information on how to access such programmes. There is no aggressive promotion of these initiatives at the moment. It appears only the privileged and selected few know about them and where to go.

In the business world, if you have a product or a service, marketing communication is an absolute necessity. This entails adopting the means of conveying messages about your product or services to your customers with intention to persuade them to purchase. The second reform that is required, therefore, is the provision of a substantial budget in these youth empowerment programmes for continuous promotion including highlighting the success stories of beneficiaries. The current casual appeals to youth to take advantage of the initiatives are clearly not having any impact.

Money is no panacea for empowerment

The current approach appears to be premised on the flawed assumption that money is the panacea to youth empowerment and is the only impediment to solving youth problems. And as such, once funds were provided, Youth were going to set up businesses and create jobs. But any knowledgeable person in the empowerment eco system knows that money is only a part of the solution. Youth empowerment programmes should be designed in such way that other resources like business development services, practical youth entrepreneurship training, information dissemination, market and supply chain linkages, mentoring and coaching are incorporated. The non-monetary empowerment of information and knowledge alluded to through a mobile app below is likely to have more impact than merely dishing out money .In their recent meeting with Minister of Information and Broadcasting, Ms. Dora Siliya, one of the youth by the name of Mulenga Mwaba pointed out the same as quoted by one of the papers.

“Give us projects. Don’t give us money. All we need are projects, through projects, then we can develop,” he said.

Private sector partnership and participation

The fourth reform is the involvement of the Private sector. It is crystal clear that one of the major reasons why youth empowerment programmes fail is the fact that the Private sector are not involved by government in the design of the programme, its implementation and its monitoring. There is need for the Ministry of Youth, Sport and Child Development to involve the private sector by tapping into the private sector expertise and possibly out sourcing some of the services as well as entering into some form of Public Private Partnerships (PPP).The line Ministry can still be able to be in charge of the overall management of the programme. The African development Bank research does speak to this issue as far as youth entrepreneurship and job creation is concerned.

Digital approach to Youth empowerment

The fifth reform is to adopt and incorporate the digital approach in solving youth empowerment in order to have the widest reach. The recent virtual protest by some of the youth demonstrated the power of ICT to achieve objectives quickly as there were able to reach about half a million within hours and counting. Whether dismissed or not, the approach had better impact than the physical protest they originally intended. The government should also be innovative in this regard.

The author of this article with his daughter developed and launched an App for Youth employment creation this year that can be accessed on The Zambian government can consider this powerful tool to fast track youth employment creation as it can reach millions of youth across the length and breadth of the country because of its use of mobile technology.

The App (YECA) speaks to the dire need for information and knowledge by the youth which was confirmed by Sera Kunda in the Youth meeting that Minister of Information and Broadcasting, Ms Siliya, held with the Youth. Kunda stated that the lack of an information platform to educate youths on procedures involved in starting a business is one of the major barriers for the youth. The Organisation of Economic Development and Cooperation (OECD)’s research does support her assertion as it also concluded that lack of information and knowledge prevents 40% of Youth who would have otherwise chosen to go into business from doing so.

It is hoped that the issues that have been raised in this article can be followed up by government especially the Ministry of Youth, Sport and Child Development as they grapple with the issue of coming up with effective youth empowerment tools as directed by the President. The Author of this article is also available for further insights in how the youth unemployment problem can be solved in Zambia. It is not an insurmountable problem but the key is consultations and dialogue including with people that have the knowledge and expertise.

The Author is a former financial specialist advisor to the USAID funded Botswana Private Enterprise Development Project (BPED), an entrepreneur and founder of Prosper Knowledge Solutions. He has a passion for solving the Youth unemployment problem using his vast hands on international experience. (Send comments and suggestions on this article to: [email protected] or to pmchalwe AT gmail DOT com)

Kicking PF out of government is the surest way of restoring the freedoms and liberties that Zambians have-HH


UPND Leader Hakainde Hichilema has promised that the class divide currently being witnessed in Zambia will be no more under his government.

Mr Hichilema says all citizens regardless of religious, political, ethnic or racial affiliation will be allowed to enjoy the inherent human rights without any intimidation as is currently the case under the PF regime.

Mr Hichilema has noted with regret that citizens today cannot assemble freely because they don’t belong to the ruling Patriotic Front.

He added that it is regrettable that people today cannot freely speak if they do not belong to the ruling party or certain groupings in society.

Mr. Hichilema said all the freedoms that have been curtailed by the PF regime including freedom of movement for people with divergent views will be restored under his regime.

“All this shall soon be a thing of the past. We shall all be identified by one common denominator, Zambian!”, said the opposition Leader.

Mr. Hichilema added that kicking the PF out of government is the surest way of restoring the freedoms and liberties that Zambians have.

Yes, I own 251 hectares in Masaiti and I am not giving it up for anyone-Kelvin Sampa

Ruling PF Chairman for Youths Kelvin Sampa has admitted that he owns 252 hectares of land in Masaiti which is under dispute.

Senior Chief Mushili of the Lamba speaking people of Masaiti has accused Mr Sampa of forcefully grabbing traditional land from him.

Through his Spokesman and Trustee Toby Mulekelwa, the Chief said the land Mr Sampa is occupying is a special piece of traditional land which hosts some traditional artifacts including the Chief’s final resting place.

The Chief told Journalists at his palace over the weekend that efforts to chase Mr Sampa off the land have been resisted.

He said the PF Youth Chairman always boasts that he is connected and that he cannot be removed from the land.

The Chief said the traditional leadership have offered Mr Sampa an alternative piece of land and within the Chiefdom but that he has declined the offer.

When reached for a comment, Mr Sampa admitted to owning over 250 hectares in Masaiti.

He however maintains that he bought the land legitimately and that he has Title Deeds to prove that.

Mr Sampa he has asked the Chief to remove “whatever” is hidden the land but to no avail.

“I have the Title to that land and I am not going anywhere. I have told those people to remove whatever is buried there so that I can start developing my land but they have been refusing,” he said.

Government working hard in inculcating positive cultural values in its citizens-Sumaili

Minister of National Guidance and Religious affairs Hon. Rev. Mrs Godfridah Sumaili says government is working hard in inculcating positive cultural values in its citizens.

Speaking this morning during the launch of the National Guidance and Religious Affairs policy, implementation plan and service delivery charter Rev. Sumaili said government is working hard in ensuring that its people uphold good national values and positive cultures such as respect, hard-work, honesty, good neighbourliness, teamwork and patriotism, as a way of developing the country.

Rev. Sumaili said Zambians should refrain from copying negative cultures that are contrary to the national traditions and religious cultures.
She said the culture of insults and disrespect should be condemned by all well-meaning Zambians.

The Minister noted that the policy seeks to transform people’s mindsets, attitudes and behaviours in order to enhance socio-economic development and reverse the social ills affecting the country.

She added that the policy will further guide the nation in the inculcation and application of the country’s shared values drawn from the constitution, the vision 2030 and the seventh national development plan, under the strategic area “creating a conducive government environment for a diversified and inclusive economy”.

Rev. Sumaili said the policy will among other things address several key challenges that negatively affect the achievement of Zambia’s developmental objectives, as enshrined in the seventh national development plan (7NDP).

Meanwhile Rev. Sumaili explained that the client service delivery charter was developed to outline the principles and ethics that will guide the ministry in the execution of its mandate efficiently.

She added that the charter was developed in the context of government’s strategy for enhancing the quality of service delivery in government institutions.
The Minister further thanked all stakeholders that took part during the consultative process and have continued to offer support to the ministry.

Minister of National Guidance and Religious affairs Hon. Rev. Mrs Godfridah Sumaili
Minister of National Guidance and Religious affairs Hon. Rev. Mrs Godfridah Sumaili
Minister of National Guidance and Religious affairs Hon. Rev. Mrs Godfridah Sumaili with her Permanent Secretary  during the launch of the National Guidance and Religious Affairs policy,
Minister of National Guidance and Religious affairs Hon. Rev. Mrs Godfridah Sumaili with her Permanent Secretary during the launch of the National Guidance and Religious Affairs policy,
PS Rev. Howard Sikwela  during the launch of the National Guidance and Religious Affairs policy,
PS Rev. Howard Sikwela during the launch of the National Guidance and Religious Affairs policy,

Zanaco’s Backlog Headlines League Restart

Zanaco are likely to headline the restart of the 2019/2020 season on July 18 due to their heavy backlog.

The seven-time champions are languishing in 10th place with a four-match backlog that came about due to their recent success in the 2019/2020 CAF Confederation Cup where they made their debut quarterfinal qualification.

“Zambia Premier League interim manager Brian Mulenga told the gathering that fixtures will be tailored in such a way that teams with games in hand will kick-start the resumption,” FAZ stated after the June 30 consultative meeting with Midlands clubs in Lusaka over the resumption of the league in mid-July.

“Mulenga said that the structure was meant to ensure that teams like Zanaco caught up with the rest of teams.”

Three of those fixtures are against teams currently in the FAZ Super Division top four.

Zanaco’s first game, should the natural law of order prevail, will be a delayed Week 19 away date in Choma against third placed Green Eagles before hosting Nkwazi in a Lusaka derby in Week 20.

Zanaco are then likely to camp for a week away for Copperbelt doubleheader against fourth placed Nkana in Kitwe before making the short drive to Ndola to face the current leaders Forest Rangers to complete their catch-up programme.

The Sunset side is sixteen points behind Forest on 35 points from 21 and24 games played respectively.

The top four is a tightly packed affair with Napsa Stars on 45 points, Eagles on 44 points, Nkana on 43 while defending champions are fifth on 42 points.

Insulting the President or Dora Siliya does not benefit anyone, Information Minister tells the Youths


Minister of Information Hon Dora Siliya has continued to hold youth engagement meetings with youths assuring them that the government is in total support of freedoms of expression to create a discourse with them in order to understand their challenges and seek solutions.

Ms. Siliya during a meeting with various youths at her office Tuesday morning, said youths are an integral part of the government’s agenda to develop the country as they constitute the majority of the population.

About 10 youths among them entrepreneurs, graduate students, and business persons presented their suggestions, arguments as well as proposals on how government can improve their welfare with some urging their fellow youths to understand various procedures for them to fully participate and engage government on matters that concern them.

In response, Ms Siliya expressed happiness with the level of zeal and determination from the youths and said all their proposals have been taken note of and assured of appropriate action and responses to all the concerns raised.

“Some of your arguments you have brought here are very unbelievable, I would love to open the internet and find out that this is the discourse young people are engaging in and bringing suggestions on what government should do instead of insulting the President or Dora Siliya because that does not benefit anyone,” Ms. Siliya said.

She said President Edgar Lungu is very alive to various proposals coming from the youths and disclosed that an inter Ministerial meeting will soon be held to see how various linkages concerning youth empowerment can be integrated into various ministries.

She noted all the recommendations such as creating financial assistance, entrepreneurship linkages among government and the private sector, safeguarding local jobs among others adding that all recommendations will be put into consideration to ensure that youths are assisted in every way possible.

Ms. Siliya reiterated the need for youths to also be positive and take advantage of various opportunities and challenges facing them and look at them as “the glass being half full as opposed to half-empty”

2021 AFCON and 2020 CHAN Dates Moved

CAF has moved the 2021 AFCON to another twelve months to January 2022.

The CAF executive committee decision comes in the wake of the backlog of 2021 qualifiers following the cancellation of match days 3, 4 and 5 over the last three months due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Zambia were due to play Botswana at home on March 26 and away on March 28 and host Algeria on June but that fell through due to the pandemic.

With four games left to play, Chipolopolo are bottom of Group H on zero points, six behind leaders Algeria while Zimbabwe have 4 points and Botswana are third with 2 points.

“After consultation with stakeholders and taking into consideration the current global situation, the tournament has been rescheduled for January 2022. The date for the final tournament and the remaining matches of the qualifiers will be communicated in due course,” CAF said in a statement.

Cameroon are the hosts of the next edition of the AFCON.

Meanwhile, the CHAN 2021 finals that were supposed to be also staged in Cameroon last April will now be played in January 2021.

Zambia, who qualified for 2020 CHAN, are in Group D alongside Guinea, Tanzania and Namibia.

But CAF has not given an update on the commencement of this October’s 2022 FIFA World Cup group qualifiers.

Zambia are in Group B with Tunisia, Mauritania and Equatorial Guinea in a battle that will see the group winner advance to the final knockout qualifying stage.

However, the 2020 Women’s AFCON has been cancelled but CAF confirmed that the inaugural club competition of the CAF Women’s Champions League has been approved.

And CAF’s junior football committee will convene to draft the 2021 U17 and U20 AFCON qualifiers.

Kambwili calls on All Opposition Parties to Unite to Eject President Lungu and PF

Opposition National Democratic Congress Leader Chishimba Kambwili has said that a united front is required to eject president Lungu from Office.

In a congratulatory statement to the Malawian opposition alliance’s victory, Dr. Kambwili said an untied resistance team is needed to eject president Lungu and his PF from office.

THE NDC leader appealed to all opposition political parties to learn from Malawi that unity of purpose bears results.

“I appeal to all the opposition political parties in Zambia to learn from Malawi’s case that unity of purpose bears results, and if you are disintegrated you will not achieve anything. This is why, we in the NDC and UPND have been serious about our alliance,”

PF to donate received COVID-19 Materials to Churches around the country

The Ruling Patriotic Front party says it will start distributing all COVID-19 materials it has received from its well-wishers to various schools and hospitals run by the churches in various provinces next week.

Party Secretary-General Hon. Davies Mwila said these have been identified as the needy areas requiring urgent attention.

Leading the Multi-sectorial approach on COVID-19 in Zambia, President Edgar Lungu has adhered to the World Health Organization’s guidance on the possible prevalence of the pandemic especially in the cold season and has been strategic unlocking sectors of the economy under the new normal.

And Hon. Davies Mwila said the party has targeted the most vulnerable areas where its donations from several well-wishers will be channeled.

“One of the beneficiaries will be Chilonga Mission in Mpika another one in Kasama, Mbebeshi in Mwansabombwe, St. Pauls in Nchelenge, Chikankata, St. Marys in Lufwanyama and also there is a school and a hospital in Mansa” he said.

Hon. Mwila was speaking when he received COVID-19 materials from the Communist Party of China to the Patriotic front at the Chinese embassy on Tuesday.

He has on behalf of President Lungu and the party’s Central Committee thanked the CPC Secretary General Xi- Jingping a demonstration of the warm relationship between the two entities.

Meanwhile, the CPC representative who is also the Chinese Ambassador to Zambia Li Jie said the donation was to help Zambia cope with the COVID-19 situation, considering the fact that PF offered solidarity to China when the pandemic was on its peak.

If John Sangwa wants to Petition President Lungu’s eligibility for 2021 Elections, he should do it now


Patrotic Front Eastern Province Minister Hon Makebi Zulu has challenged constitutional lawyer John Sangwa to bring forward his presidential petition regarding President Edgar Lungu’s eligibility which he claims is ready.

Mr Zulu,a lawyer who is also PF Malambo Member of parliament says the presidential petition claim is a non issue which has already been settled and does not deserve any attention to even be discussed.

Reacting to Mr Sangwa’s petition issue during Hot Fm’s breakfast show, Hon Zulu said Mr Sangwa’s petition should be brought forward and will be responded to.

“Mr Sangwa represented LAZ in that case and the judgment was very clear.He says he has this petition on his laptop,let him bring it, will respond to it and we will make sure he pays costs personally” Mr Zulu said.

He said Mr Sangwa is trying to be oblivious on a matter that was already settled but urged him to continue talking if his interest is to remain relevant on the political field.

And Hon Zulu has described Mr Sangwa’s suggestion to prove Bill 10 popularity by subjecting it to a referendum as laughable.

He said Mr Sangwa should instead talk about the benefits of the bill such as creating certainty on the issue of mixed-member representation, recognition of chiefs, promoting women representation in parliament among other issues rather than issuing misleading statements on the matter.

Mr Zulu also dispelled assertions that Bill 10 has lapsed saying non of the standing orders suggests otherwise adding that the bill is still alive and active as he expressed confidence that it will succeed and will help in improving the country’s legal system.

Various teacher Unions welcome debt swap proposal


Various teacher Unions have welcomed the proposal by the Public Service Commission that government considers introducing a debt swap policy to lift some civil servants out of indebt.

National Union for Private and Public Educator’s (NUPPEZ) National Secretary Nelson Mwale says teachers are as some of the civil servants who are highly indebted.

Mr Mwale has told ZNBC News that some civil servants are highly indebted which has adversely affected their work.

And Mr Mwale said the Union has also applauded government for the K30 million Youth Fund that has been approved for youths across the country.

And Professional Teachers Union of Zambia (PROTUZ) General Secretary Kangwa Musenge said the move has been appreciated.

Mr Musenge said once the indebtedness is cleared this will motivate teachers.

He said the Public Service Commission must ensure that the pronouncement must be implemented as soon as possible.

Meanwhile, Basic Teachers Union of Zambia (BETUZ) Spokesperson Kabika Kakunta said there is need to conduct an audit to see which teachers are owed and the level of their indebtedness.

Mr Kankunta said the majority of teachers are owed and that the debt swap will benefit their member.

Home Affairs Challenged to issue a forensic report on who was behind a spate of Market Fires in 2017


UPND Media Director, Ruth Dante has called on the Ministry of Home Affairs to issue a forensic report on who was behind the spate of fires that swept through a number of markets in 2017.

In an exclusive interview this morning, Ms Dante said that it was surprising that the Ministry of Home Affairs and the Zambia Police had opted to withhold the report on who was behind the gutting of Lusaka City market, Comes market, Munyaule market and Chisokone market on the Copper Belt despite strong pronouncements from the PF that the culprits were members of the opposition.

She stated that the UPND had not forgotten the excitement exhibited by the Republican Vice President, Inonge Mutukwa Wina who rushed to the media to accusingly condemn the UPND as the party behind the acts of arson.

She said that the UPND would continue demanding for answers on the people behind the fires especially that most victims of the fire lost their lively hood during the inferno and were struggling to make ends meet.

She wondered why the PF made the fire victims register for compensation for the loss of their merchandise but that the PF suspiciously went mute over the issue after allegedly raising funds on the pretext that the money would be channelled to them.

She has since called on the Government, through the Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit (DMMU) to furnish the nation on how much was raised towards the reconstruction of City Market and how the money had been utilized.

“We will keep on reminding you over the report and the compensation for the marketeers who lost their property and capital.” said Ms Dante