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Repeal of the Public Order Act is Not dependant on the passage of Bill 10-Chipenzi


GEARS Initiative Zambia Executive Director McDonald Chipenzi says it is a lie, cheat and deceit for anyone to purport that the repeal of the Public Order Act is dependant on the passage of Bill 10.

Mr Chipenzi says the Public Order Act is an operationalisation of Articles 20 and 21 of the Constitution in the Bill of Rights which talks about the freedom of expression, assembly and association.

He says the Constitution Amendment Bill number 10 does not amend the Bill of Rights but other sections of the Constitution.

He said to amend the Bill of Rights, the country must go to a referendum to alter or amend and or change the constitution.

Mr Chipenzi says Bill 10 does not touch on these two articles but other parts adding that there is no relationship between Bill 10 and the repeal and replacement of the of Public Order Act.

He says the relationship is very remote and does not exist at all therefore, associating the Act to Bill 10 is deceitful, insincerity, dishonest and fake.

Mr Chipenzi said the reason the government is delaying the repeal is limited political will and also to use it to hoodwink citizens in supporting the bogus Bill 10.

We will be making legitimate demands for reforms at the Electoral Commission of Zambia-Msoni

All Peoples Congress Leader Nason Msoni says his party will be making legitimate demands for reforms at the Electoral Commission of Zambia going into 2021 general elections.

Mr Msoni says the starting point of holding any credible free and fair election lies in the changing of the current composition at the Electoral commission of Zambia.

Mr Msoni says the current composition at ECZ is skewed to advantage one political party and their potentially illegitimate candidate.

He says the era of electoral theft, deception and cheating is over.

Mr Msoni says it would clearly amount to dangerous political miscalculation to think and imagine that political stakeholders would sleepwalk into a rigged electoral process without prior demands for reforms at the commission.

“Arguably we have reasons to believe that this commission is definitely up to no good, going by the apparent lack of consultation with other stakeholders”, said Mr Msoni.

He added that there is too much at stake for the Country to leave in the hands of those who seek to champion for personal gain and gratification.

Mr Msoni believes that this shouldn’t be done at the expense of the welfare of the Zambian people.

Bill 10 Debate: Court to Nullify Its Own Orders


By Sakwiba Sikota

Courts sometimes overturn their judgements. I suppose this is the reason that Honorables Jack Mwiimbu and Cornelius Mweetwa have vowed that following the meeting of the Standing Orders Committee that they will take the decision to the Courts if Bill Ten is re-tabled in this Parliamentary sitting.

I imagine that the two Members of Parliament had an exchange along the following lines and Cornelius is only publicly vowing to go to Court on the insistence of his superior.

After the deferment of Bill Ten was not objected to following the Standing Orders meeting extending the life of Bill Ten, Cornelius excitedly asked Jack, “Boss what was the Standing Orders meeting you had before today’s sitting about?”

Jack revealed, “They said that they wanted to extend the life of Bill 10.”

Cornelius pressed on, ” What do you mean extend its life?”

Jack proffered, “There is a provision in the Parliamentary handbook which says that Bills should be completed within six months.”

Cornelius inquired, “But Senior Counsel, who made the Order to begin with?”

Jack with a hint of irritation retorted, “Young man you are also a lawyer, obviously it is the Standing Orders Committee as their function is to examine matters pertaining to the variation of parliamentary procedure, customs and traditions.”

Wide eyed Cornelius asked, “Are you sure Parliament can Constitutionally make its own procedure?”

Rolling his eyes back Jack tutored Cornelius, “Have you not read Article 77 of the Constitution?”

Embarrassed Cornelius answered, “of course I have read it…… but please remind me, …… what does it says?”

looking at Cornelius incredulously, Jack stated, ” I know Article 77. (1) off by heart and any lawyer worth his salt should also memories it. Article 77 (1) of the Constitution says, ‘Subject to this Article and Article 78, the National Assembly shall regulate its own procedure and make Standing Orders for the conduct of its business.’. Everybody knows this!”

To make sure he understood Cornelius asked, “So, if it wants, the National Assembly can use Article 77 in regulating its procedures to suspend anything in the Parliamentary Handbook or any Standing Order?”

Shaking his head Jack answered exasperatedly “Yeees.”

Enlightened Cornelius mused, “Just like we often do when we say we are suspending Standing Orders?”

Jack with a triumphal sense answered sarcastically, “Riiight!”

As soon as Jack gave this answer something he could not quite lay his finger on was tingling at the back of his brain and left him unsettled.

As a light bulb started to flicker in Cornelius’ head he asked, “so you participated in the meeting called to extend the life of Bill Ten?”

An irritated Jack blurted back, “YES I PARTICIPATED! SO WHAT !!?”

Cornelius seized on the opportunity to roll back his eyes as Jack had done to him earlier and disdainfully said, “By participating you waived your right to object to the jurisdiction of the Standing Orders Committee on the matter. I just hope you did not vote.”

With lessening confidence Jack volunteered, ” I voted against but the majority agreed and voted for. What was I to do?”

Cornelius staring disbelievingly at Jack exclaimed, “You should have used the UPND final solution!”

A very unsure Jack asked, “What? What ….. what do you mean our ‘final Solution’ ?”

Mimicking the irritated tone Jack had used on him Cornelius retorted back, “Our leaders have given standing instructions that if it looks like a democratic vote will go against us we must not participate but we should use the Final Solution and walk out! Now what shall we do?”

Tentatively Jack said without much conviction, “Inspite of our having unanimously agreed to have the Bill Ten second reading debate deferred when the matter came before the entire House, we can take the matter to Court. Even if we do not win the case we would have tied up the matter in Court hopefully until the next election.”

Cornelius asked, “And what will we be asking the Court to say?”

You could almost hear his brain ticking as Jack took a few seconds putting together the question they would ask the court to resolve and finally offered, “We would ask them to rule that it is unreasonable for any body to suspend any Order or Rule on the basis that the Covid 19 has brought about an unforeseen disruption to the normal way of doing things.”

With renewed confidence Jack excitedly added, “We would ask the Court to censure the Speaker and Standing Orders Committee and declare that anybody suspending Orders or Rules on the basis of Covid 19 is not only wrong but is also extremely unreasonable, ignorant, ridiculous, absurd, irrational, irresponsible and even perverse!”

Cornelius with a very condescending tone responded, “Under Article 18 of the Constitution of Zambia which deals with the Protection of the Law in sub Articles (10) and (11) provides that Court proceedings will be open to the public. It also says that those facing criminal charges must be brought before court every fourteen days if they are in custody and all judgements and Rulings must be delivered in open Court.”

Jack clearly perplexed responded, “Of course I know what the Constitution says. What is the relevance of that?”

Cornelius with a genuine sense of disbelief slowly and deliberately informed Jack, “The Courts have since March this year released several memorandum on precautionary measures on the Corona Virus suspending some of the provisions in Article 18 including not allowing the public to attend Court hearings!”

Jack in an unsure tone ventured, “We don’t need our cadres to come and hear the case and so it’s okay even though the Courts have made those new regulations. What’s your problem?”

Even as Jack asked this he got a sense of an unsettling premonition overcoming him.

Cornelius with a look of extreme frustration and horror exclaimed, “If you take the extension of Bill Ten debate to Court and ask the questions you mentioned for the Court to declare that anybody suspending Orders or Rules on the basis of Covid 19 is not only wrong but is also extremely unreasonable, ignorant, ridiculous, absurd, irrational, irresponsible and even perverse , you will in effect task the Court to nullify its own Orders!”

Government releases K30 million for retirees


The Government has released K30 million in an on-going commitment to dismantle domestic arrears for ex-employees of TAZARA, ZAMTEL, and former Railway Systems of Zambia.

The Treasury said that the funds will help to facilitate the settlement of terminal benefits to the eligible ex-employees, some of whom were represented by legal firms and the Ministry of Finance hopes that in processing the payments, eligible beneficiaries such as orphans, widows, and other vulnerable persons, will be accorded special consideration.

the funds were transferred to ZSIC Life Limited, National Pension Scheme Authority (NAPSA), Mak Partners, and L.M. Matibini & Company, as follows; ZSIC Life Limited TAZARA K 7,000,000.00, ZSIC Life Limited ZAMTEL K7,000,000.00, National Pension Scheme Authority TAZARA K7,000,000.00, L. M. Matibini & Company ZAMTEL K 5,403,858.25 and Mak Partners RAILWAY SYSTEMS K3,596,141.75, bringing the total to K30,000,000.00

The Ministry of Finance also said that it is cognizant of the tight liquidity conditions that continue to impact on businesses and households in the country, but faced with reduced tax, and non-tax revenue inflows due to factors such as the Covid-19 induced economic slowdown, and that under such a difficult scenario, the Government remains committed to dismantling of arrears, prudent utilisation of resources, and implementation of fiscal consolidation measures.

“The K30 million facility for the youth empowerment scheme announced by President EDGAR CHAGWA LUNGU on Thursday, coupled with among other facilities – the K10 billion medium term financing facility being managed by the Bank of Zambia, the K1 billion recently released for crop purchases by the Food Reserve Agency – and the US$29 million for implementation of the aquaculture seed fund under the Zambia Aquaculture Enterprise Development Project aimed at enhancing fish production for more than 3,000 entrepreneurs, are instances that demonstrate the Government’s commitment to mitigation of liquidity constraints in society, ” read the statement.

Billboard Written in Bemba in Solwezi Sparks Outrage from Locals


There was outrage in Solwezi, North-Western Province when a Government and Unicef sponsored billboard put up with the local language part on it written in Bemba.

The Billboard had the famous Bemba expression, “imiti ikula e mpanga”,  to mean the future below to the young,   and “Ndangala, Ndasambilila Ndakula” to mean I play, I learn and I thrive.

Local people felt that the local language on the billboard should have been written in any of the common indigenous languages like  Kaonde, Luvale, or Lunda.

Local authorities have since moved in and the billboard has been replaced with the one with writings in Kaonde, with “bichi bikoma yo ntanda” and “Nkaya, Nfunda, Nkomenako” respectively

Lately, billboards have become the center of contestation with calls by many stakeholders complaining about the many billboards written in Chinese across the country.

In May the Opposition New Hope Movement for Multi-party Democracy (MMD) President Dr. Nevers Mumba called for the removal of all notices written in Chinese from all public places and replace them with English.

Billboard Now written in Kaonde

President Lungu Congratulates Newly Elected Malawian President


President Edgar Lungu has congratulated newly elected Malawian President, Dr. Lazarus Chakwera. In his letter to his new counterpart, President Lungu says; “Your election is an affirmation of the trust and confidence that the people of Malawi have in your leadership qualities, which ushers in a wave of democratic change that the people of Malawi have been advocating for.”

According to a statement released to the media by State House, President Lungu added, “Zambia and Malawi share strong brotherly bonds of friendship based on mutual respect. I, therefore, wish to take this opportunity to reaffirm my country’s commitment to maintaining strong bilateral relations that our two countries have continued to enjoy, for the mutual benefit of our two peoples.”

President Lungu looks forward to working closely with Dr Chakwera and wished him good health and prosperity for the people of the Republic of Malawi.

Last night, Malawi’s electoral commission has declared opposition alliance leader Lazarus Chakwera the winner of the country’s presidential election rerun.

The announcement late on Saturday came four days after Malawians returned to the polls almost five months after the constitutional court annulled the results of a May 2019 vote over irregularities.

Chakwera, 65, secured the required majority, with 58.57 percent of Tuesday’s vote, the electoral commission said, beating the incumbent Peter Mutharika. Chakwera won election to a five-year term as president of the nation of 18 million people.

Archbishop of Canterbury says portrayal of Jesus as White should be reconsidered


London (CNN) Justin Welby, the Archbishop of Canterbury and head of the Church of England, has said the church should reconsider its portrayal of Jesus as a White man.

Speaking to the BBC Today Programme, Welby was asked whether the way the western church “portrays Jesus” needed to be “thought about again” and “re-imagined” in light of recent Black Lives Matter protests following the death of George Floyd.

“Yes, of course it does,” he said, adding that Jesus was portrayed differently in countries around the world. He was regularly in touch with Anglican Church leaders from around the world, he said, who did not portray Jesus as White.

“You go into their churches and you don’t see a White Jesus — you see a Black Jesus, or Chinese Jesus, or a Middle Eastern Jesus — which is of course the most accurate.

“You see a Fijian Jesus — you see Jesus portrayed in as many ways as there are cultures, languages and understandings.”
Welby added that the representations of Jesus were not, however, “who we worship” but rather served as a “reminder of the universality of the God who became fully human.”

Addressing calls for monuments with links to the UK’s imperialist history and slave trade to be removed, he said statues in Canterbury Cathedral would be put under review.

“We’re going to be looking very carefully, and putting them in context and seeing if they all should be there,” he said.

“The question [about whether they should all be there] arises, of course it does, and we’ve seen that all over the world.”

The movement to take down and deface controversial statues has gained traction in the UK, as well as Europe and the US but has divided public opinion — with critics slamming it as “mob rule” while others applaud it as a way of addressing “systematic racism.”


Black Lives Matter protests not about racism but implanting microchips- Pastor Chris Oyakhilome


Pastor Chris Oyakhilome of Christ Embassy Church has come out with a shocking allegation regarding the current protests which have rocked the world in the aftermath of the killing of George Floyd by police officers in USA.

Oyakhilome, who was in the news recently for falsely claiming the installation of 5G technology was connected to the coronavirus outbreak, stated that the ‘Black Lives Matter’ protests in USA were not about racism but a subtle ploy to implant “microchips” into citizens as a means of controlling them.

“It’s not about the guy that died; it’s not about ‘Black Lives Matter’,” Oyakhilome said in a program broadcast on LoveWorld titled ‘Global Day Of Prayer’.

“It’s part of the game. They want to come in with the alternative method for security – total control with microchips. That’s what it’s about,” he claimed, adding that police would be ‘disbanded’ and everyone would be forced to have a ‘microchip’ implanted into them.

“Look at the people rampaging on the streets – they are not black people… It is not about racism,” he asserted without any corroborating evidence.

Oyakhilome made several other disturbing allegations, insisting that the guidelines given by the government to reopen the church were not guided by science but rather an attack on the church.

“Wearing facemasks is dangerous for your health. How can we know this and prescribe it? I have told you of the dangers of social distancing. It’s inhuman… There is no science behind it,” he stated in the broadcast.

Oyakhilome described the ‘lockdown’ as illegal and said it was actually citizens getting ‘locked up’.

“The lockdown was wrong and, in most instances, illegal,” he continued. “The truth of the matter is around the world, we were imprisoned… It was house imprisonment.”

Pastor Chris further insisted that ‘virtual prayer’ could not replace physical laying on of hands, reiterating his recent statement that pastors should not be restricted from ‘laying hands’ on congregants when services resume.

“This fraud must be judged by God,” the controversial pastor continued, claiming that many pastors were actually getting paid to advocate for the closure of churches to the governments.

“Go ahead. Build the concentration camps and call them isolation centres. Pay for them or get paid – because now you have a contract,” he said, warning that no Christian pastor should “profit” from the situation.

Pastor Chris further insisted that ‘virtual prayer’ could not replace physical laying on of hands, reiterating his recent statement that pastors should not be restricted from ‘laying hands’ on congregants when services resume.

Oyakhilome’s rhetoric in the aftermath of the coronavirus outbreak has become increasingly divisive and erratic, with many labelling him a ‘conspiracy theorist’.

The broadcast in which he made the allegations on Friday 26th June 2020 has since been removed from Oyakhilome’s YouTube channel although other versions of it can still be viewed online.

Parliament should not make a mistake of retabling the dead constitutional amendment Bill 10


The UNITED PARTY FOR NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT has maintained that parliament should not make a mistake of retabling the dead constitutional amendment Bill 10 of 2019 as the party will be left with no choice but to seek legal redress through the courts of law.

The party has further revealed that the Patriotic Front’s interest in Bill 10 lies in the repealing of Article 52 (4) of the current Republican constitution as amended in 2016 which empowers citizens to challenge the nomination of a presidential candidate.

Addressing the media this morning at the Party secretariat, UPND deputy national spokesperson Cornelius Mweetwa says by his own confession, Chief Government parliamentary whip Brian Mundubile yesterday agreed that Bill 10 elapsed on June 4th,2020 in accordance with procedures and practice of parliament on the lifespan of Bills.

Mr. Mweetwa said the fact that the Bill died twenty days before the Standing Orders Committee decided to defer it to another day is indisputable while what is in dispute is whether the Standing Orders Committee has the jurisdiction to defer a dead Bill to another day.

“What is in dispute is the question on whether the parliamentary Standing Orders Committee operated within its ambits to extend the life of a bill whose life expired 20 days before. What is a fact is that the committee can only give life to a Bill which still has life left in it. This is the position of the UPND legally and procedurally. There is no law which allows the Standing Orders Committee to resurrect any dead Bill”, he said.

Mr. Mweetwa added that the UPND would have no option but to seek legal action and seek interpretation on the provisions of the law surrounding the issue should the PF and Parliament opt to bring the bill back on the order paper as announced by Justice Minister Given Lubinda on the floor of the house.

He said the party was consoled at the fact that it had a legal avenue as well as the numbers necessary to block any further transactions of the dead Bill adding that the bill could only be brought as a fresh constitutional Bill six months after its lapse.

The UPND agreed with the Speaker of the National Assembly that there is something wrong with Bill 10 which is it’s rejection and added that it is wrong to use an Act of God as an excuse for the committee not sitting to defer the bill within its lifespan.

Mr. Mweetwa who is also Choma Central MP accused the PF of having concentrated on looking for members of parliament to garner enough numbers for them to realise that the bill was lapsing.

“Not all is however lost for the PF as there is time to present a new bill to Parliament under a different name and had the opportunity to consult with stakeholders and masses. That can only be after six months and maybe only maybe can we support the amendments”, he said.

The UPND deputy National spokesperson further revealed that the PF interest on Bill 10 is to tamper with Article 52 which provided for challenging the nomination of a presidential candidate by a citizen.

“The PF is scared that President Edgar Lungu’s candidature is likely to be challenged using Article 52(4) of the current constitution hence wanting to repeal the said article using section 12 of Bill 10.The issues in bill10 such as the return of deputy ministers, coalition government, dissolution of parliament were not part of the original plan. These were deliberately introduced to create a ploy to cause confusion. The PF should deal with issues that affect the governance of this country and not those that are political in nature. The PF should not attempt to remove the rights of the people in the constitution to challenge any illegalities” he said.

He said the UPND and it’s members of parliament as well as some independent parliamentarians had seen through the PF lies and machinations which they shall not allow as they are deceptive and aimed at sustaining their stay in power.

Release the 2019/2020 FIC Report, Demands UPND

UPND Deputy Spokesperson Cornelius Mweetwa has demanded for an explanation on why government has abstained to release the Financial Intelligence Centre Report which every year is released in May.

Mr Mweetwa suspects that the delay in releasing the FIC report is the creation of the ruling PF that the document can be tampered with.

He said the PF is dam scared with the FIC reports because it not only tells all the ills of top government offices but also names and shames corrupt officials.

He warned that the PF should not be tempted to alter the function of FIC as doing so is tantamount to violating the constitution from which it was born.

He demanded that the government should with immediate release the FIC report for 2019 failure to which the UPND will be force to speculate that the government is trying to doctor.

Today’s Message: When God is Silent

Today’s Scripture

“…For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow…”
(James 1:3, NLT)

When God is Silent

Sometimes when we’re being tested by discouragement, it seems God is silent. We pray and don’t hear anything. We read the Scripture and still come away feeling as though God is a million miles away. It’s easy to think something must be wrong. But remember, this is a test. You have to pass the test of being faithful where you are. Keep stretching, praying, and believing. The next step is coming—an increased step, a favor step, a healing step, a breakthrough step.

When God is silent, don’t assume He’s left you or is mad at you. He is right there with you during the test. His silence is a sign that He has great confidence in you and He has prepared you, and now He is watching to see if you have learned. He knows you will come through the test victoriously or He would not have permitted you to be tested. Keep being your best with what you have.

A Prayer for Today

Father, thank You for the good plan You have for my life. Even when I don’t understand things, I choose to put my hope and trust in You. Help me to live in Your joy and pass the discouragement test when You seem to be silent. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Miles Sampa swings into Action and Closes Bars

Lusaka Mayor His Worship Miles Sampa, last night swung into action with his team and closed various bars masquerading as restaurants and bars that have opened illegally.

Those affected included Granddaddy Pub&Grill in Salama Park, and Chicago Reloaded Restaurant at East Park Mall.

Last week, in his COVID-19 address, President Edgar Lungu wondered how bars were opened against government directives and despite the risk of coronavirus infections.

“It has come to my attention that some bar and night club business owners have resumed operations despite government’s directive to remain closed. This cavalier attitude by some businessmen and women should not be condoned,” the Mayor said

Malawi opposition leader Lazarus Chakwera wins Presidential Vote Re-Run

Malawi’s electoral commission has declared opposition alliance leader Lazarus Chakwera the winner of the country’s presidential election rerun.

The announcement late on Saturday came four days after Malawians returned to the polls almost five months after the constitutional court annulled the results of a May 2019 vote over irregularities.

Chakwera, 65, secured the required majority, with 58.57 percent of Tuesday’s vote, the electoral commission said, beating the incumbent Peter Mutharika. Chakwera won election to a five-year term as president of the nation of 18 million people.

“My victory is a win for democracy and justice. My heart is bubbling with joy,” Chakwera said after his win, which sparked wild late-night celebrations on the streets of the capital Lilongwe, his stronghold.

In power since 2014, Mutharika was previously declared the winner of last year’s vote with 38.57 percent, ahead of Chakwera who got 35.41 percent and former Vice President Saulos Chillima, with 20.24 percent.

But Chakwera and now-running mate Chillima rejected the results of that election and petitioned the court to nullify the outcome and order a rerun.

February 3’s overturned result also forced a change in the electoral system, swapping a “first-past-the-post” system for a system in which the winner has to receive more than 50 percent of the vote.

Mutharika, 79, earlier on Saturday said there had been voting irregularities including violence and intimidation against his party’s election monitors, but the complaint was dismissed by the electoral commission. The opposition has denied the allegations.

Mr Mutharika said that while he found the election “unacceptable”, it was his “sincere hope that we should take this country forward instead of backwards”.

There were no independent reports of irregularities, and no international observer missions this time because of COVID-19. Local observers have said the poll was free and fair.

The opposition leader, a former cleric, heads up the opposition Malawi Congress Party (MCP). Born in Lilongwe to a subsistence farmer, the philosophy and theology graduate has pledged to raise the national minimum wage, among other reforms.

Mr Studied theology in Malawi, South Africa, and the USA. He a Pastor and lecturer, and worked at the Assemblies of God School of Theolog. He also authored several books on religion including Reach the Nations. He ran for president in 2014 and came second.

Police holding 3 suspects after man dies from beating at HH’s farm in Choma


Police in Choma are holding three male suspects for allegedly beating up a 57-year-old man to death who was found red-handed with a caucus  carcass at UPND Leader Hakainde Hichilema’s farm in Choma district.

Southern province police commissioner Diamond Likashi confirmed the development to ZANIS in Choma and identified the deceased as Russell Kanoma of Siatembo village.

Mr. Likashi says Mr. Kanoma was allegedly beaten to death by three male workers at Mr. Hichilema’s farm in Choma after they found him red-handed with a caucus and an axe.

He said police rushed the deceased to Choma general hospital where he was pronounced dead and his body has been deposited into the mortuary awaiting postmortem.

Mr. Likashi said despite libeled against the deceased, the law will take its course once the postmortem proves that the deceased died after succumbing to the beating.

Mike Munkombwe of ZANIS who visited the funeral house in harmony area of Choma found the devastated family members disturbed.

Elder brother to the deceased, Rodger Kanoma has since appealed to the Government to assist them to manage the funeral.

Ward by-election comes back to haunt ECZ

The Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) cannot be allowed to apply the Constitution with double-standards in breach of the Constitution, governance expert, Isaac Mwanza, has told the Constitutional Court.

In an Affidavit in reply to the Commission filed on Friday, Mr Mwanza submitted the Commission’s conduct of a by-election in Chilongozi Ward of Sinda District where United Party for National Development (UPND) Councillor resigned and later retracted his resignation would be a breach of the Constitution when ECZ has okayed retractions of resignations in other wards.

Mr. Mwanza is, among other things, seeking the Court to determine whether a by-election held for purposes of Articles Article 57, 157(2)(b) and 158 (1) after a councillor unilaterally rescinds his or her resignation within 30 days, would be valid for all intents.

In his affidavit in response to the ECZ, Mr Mwanza has stated that the ECZ has failed to respond on whether the Constitution provides for a councillor who resigns to unilaterally rescind their resignation.

“That as regards paragraph 6, the view expressed by the deponent remains subject to interpretation by the Honourable Court as Articles 157(2)(b) read together with 158(1)(a) of the Constitution do not expressly disclose the point at which a vacancy occurs,” stated Mwanza.

While agreeing that ECZ is not responsible for resignations of councillors, Mr Mwanza submitted the Commission conducted an election in Chilongozi Ward on the basis that the Constitution does not provide for withdrawal or retraction of a resignation as was guided.

If the Constitutional Court determines a councillor can resign and retract his resignation, the conduct of a by-election in Chilongozi Ward which was held by the UPND would be declared a nullity.