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PF Government Accused of Holding on to 2019 FIC Report to Hide Criminal Activities


By: Anthony Bwalya – UPND Member

As the 2021 general election draws near, there is panic, while frantic efforts are being made by the PF regime to silence the 2019 Financial Intelligence Center Report to protect active criminal elements within government.

While the 2018 FIC report revealed that over $600m was stolen by PF politicians through a combination of fraud, money laundering, corruption and pure theft; leaked data now suggests that the plunder in the 2019 report has spiked to $1.4bn.

This rapid rise has been precipitated by mass corruption in the health sector, as well as infrastructure projects which have since stalled.

Zambians may also recall, that in 2018, there was a terrorism financing linked transaction which was flagged on Zambian soil; except the individuals involved are now said to be close associates and sponsors of the party in power and this is precisely why this dirty transaction was never investigated.

The regime is also rumoured to have extracted $650m in an upfront payment for the surrender of gold rights to foreigners in strategic places around the country using a paltry $2.5m payment as a Joint Venture facade.

This is why the regime has been reluctant to recall the JV to pave way for a wholely Zambian controlled precious metals Enterprise.

Recently, the health Minister has been in and out of Anti Corruption Commission offices for questioning on charges of criminal possession, the latest being a $5m paid out as a front in the irregular award of a contract to a non existent company.

But the truth is, this money did not go anywhere except into the pockets of high ranking government officials as there was never a company to pay and no kits were ever to be supplied.

The latest scam being the over $400m COVID19 bond scam. No one in the world will issue debt money to the regime, especially not via capital market operations. This is why the regime were kin to run down the monetary policy supervisory powers of the Bank of Zambia using Bill 10, so that they can be in charge of printing money. The continued delay of Bill 10 means they are running out of time to print this money, purely intended to go to fantom suppliers and party operatives.

The strategy for the regime is to cause the non publication of the 2019 FIC to cover their criminal activities, while the best case scenario is a watered down report which is may be expected to cover the tracks of grave criminal activities of high ranking government officials.

We need to be careful.

Transparency International Zambia Welcomes the Arrest of Dr Chilufya

Transparency International Zambia has welcomed the decision by the Anti-Corruption Commission to arrest Minister of Health Dr. Chitalu Chilufya.

TIZ President Reuben Lifuka says it is his Organisation’s hope that the necessary groundwork has been done and there is a good basis to pursue this course of action.

Mr Lifuka says Dr Chilufya now has an opportunity to mount his defence before the courts of law and seek to clear his name.

He said this decision, like many others in the past, should be in the furtherance of the ideals of entrenching transparency and
accountability in the discharge of public service.

Mr Lifuka says TIZ will continue to prod the ACC to continue to discharge its duties without fear or favour and to focus only on serving national interests and nothing else.

He has called on President Edgar Lungu to consider relieving the Minister of Health of his duties and allow him first and foremost, focus on his defence and secondly, to insulate his own government from unfortunate distractions which this case may present if the said Minister remains in his office.

Mr Lifuka said he does not agree that President Lungu should limit himself to doing only what is legally provided for when making such a decision, but he should also do what is morally right.

He said President Lungu as to strike a balance and ensure that the ACC does its job as independently as possible, while protecting the presumption of innocence of Hon Chilufya.

Mr Lifuka said asking his Minister to step aside, is not to prejudge him, it is to protect the integrity of the investigative process.

He said TIZ will follow this case with keen interest and expressed hope that the ACC will be allowed to prosecute this case to its full conclusion.

PF want to sneak in amendments in Bill 10 that will facilitate their winning of the presidential and general elections next year


By Charles Kakoma,UPND Spokesperson.

The current constitutional mess was created by the ruling Patriotic Front government. Many of the provisions they are trying to pass through Bill 10 are already taken care of in the current Constitution as amended in 2016. When signing into law the Constitutional Amendment Bill of 2016, President Edgar Lungu was so excited about what he considered to be good clauses in the constitution that he boasted that he could sign it with his eyes closed.

In the words of former president of Zambia, Dr Kenneth Kaunda, it’s ” ifwakuyifwayila”. KK used to advise some people to keep away from certain dangers but they couldn’t listen to him. When they burnt their fingers, they run back to him crying. He told them that ” Ifwakuyifwayila” , meaning they asked for it. It is similar to a situation where someone goes to provoke some wasps or bees. If they get beaten by the bees or wasps, who is to blame?

To illustrate what we are talking about, let us examine some contentious issues in the original Bill 10 . The current constitution did away with deputy ministers. The PF government went to resurrect the dead issue of deputy ministers and put it in Bill 10. After the people have rejected the provision of deputy ministers in the constitution, the PF and its government are now calling for help from the opposition to amend Bill 10 to remove the provision of deputy ministers!.

The second example is that the current constitution already provides for parliamentary oversight over the contraction of debt by the government. The PF went ahead to try to remove this provision from the constitution. After the people rejected the proposed amendment, the PF and it’s government are running back to the opposition for help to remove the amendment from Bill 10.

The third example is that the current constitution already provides for retirees to remain on the payroll until their benefits are fully paid. The PF Government proceeded to remove this provision from the constitution but after it backfired, they now want help from the opposition to amend Bill 10 to restore the right of workers to remain on the payroll until their benefits are fully paid.

There are so many clauses that Bill 10 sought to amend which in the first place were unnecessary amendments to the current constitution.
Instead of straggling to pass Bill 10 to restore the constitution to its current status, the simple solution is to WITHDRAW BILL 10 to enable the status quo to continue. What is difficult about withdrawing Bill 10?

WE note with sadness the Patriotic Front government efforts to continue pushing for the passing in parliament of the rejected Bill 10.

The PF and its government are trying to deceive the citizenry that they have listened to their objections to the bill and are ready to make amendments when infact not.

Through the regazetted Bill 10 of 12th June, 2020, they have through flattery only amended a few items out of about 69 in the proposed bill simply to disguise and render their rejected obnoxious plan to alter and adulterate our constitution acceptable by the masses.

The current attempt to gazette new amendments to Bill 10 are illegal. The Standing Orders of Parliament only provide for amendments to be made to a Bill after Second Reading of the Bill. After Second Reading, the bill goes to Committee Stage where amendments can be made. In the case of Bill 10, the Second Reading Stage has not been done and it would be unlawful to amend the bill before it is debated and passed by at least two thirds of the Members of Parliament. The only other circumstance where amendments can be made before Second Reading is BY LEAVE OF THE HOUSE. There is no record of the House having sat to grant Minister of Justice Given Lubinda leave to publish any amendments to Bill 10.

As UPND, we believe that withdrawing is the answer if truly this government means well on this Bill 10.

The PF’s desperation to have Bill 10 enacted into law is clear for all to see. They have marshalled characters of all hues and shades to go around the country to preach Bill 10, ignoring the Ministry of Health Coronavirus guidelines. It is now clear that Bill 10 is do-or-die affair for them. Their political survival is hinged on Parliament passing it. They want to sneak in amendments that will facilitate their winning of the presidential and general elections next year.

The PF is the worst thing that ever happened to this country. They have literally brought the country down. They have made Zambians destitute. There is no reason why any person would want to vote PF. They know this very well. They know they have short-changed the people of Zambia and they know they cannot win a clean election. They have done nothing for this country except to plunge it in a mountain of debt and to ransack its coffers to fill their pockets.

The only reason the PF leaders want to retain power through Bill 10 is to protect what they have stolen from the people of Zambia. This is why they don’t care how they retain power. They want to ensure they remain in power via the backdoor.

We know that Zambians have rejected PF, we urge them to reject Bill 10 and to condemn the PF’s schemes to force it down the throats of Zambians. If Zambians allow Bill 10 to pass, they will be selling their birthright.

The PF has spent billions of kwacha to ensure this Bill passes. What good Constitution is made through corruption? Bill 10 is a poisoned chalice. There is nothing good that will come from its enactment.

We advise the PF for once to stop taking Zambians for fools. Let them quit their endless political scheming. We urge them to focus on correcting their mistakes. Let them fight corruption. Let them use the zeal and energy they are applying on Bill 10 to find the owners of the 48 mysterious houses and bring them to justice, let them explain why they sold our gold to foreigners even before the sector was formalised, let them tell us how we bought old-model fire trucks at $1 million each, let them tell us how we ended up buying ambulances worth US$50,000 at US$288,000. Zambians have not forgotten how they were gassed right in their homes and the PF government is now quiet. They don’t want to say anything about gassing. Zambians want those culprits brought to justice. They want to know who gassed them. All they know is that this is a government of gassing. The energy being wasted on Bill 10 should be used to find the gassers.

We would like to tell the PF that Bill 10 will not go anywhere. This time the people of Zambia have refused to be taken for fools and to endorse a regime that is only interested in their personal welfare at the expense of the whole country.

Drama characterises Bill 10 day in Parliament as PF and UPND outclasses each other


Drama characterised Parliament as PF and UPND outclassed each other on Wednesday afternoon over matters of Bill 10.

UPND was babbling with confidence the Bill was going nowhere and walked out of the house and drove to their secretariat to celebrate the failure of Bill 10 before the PF could make their move which seemingly outclassed them.

According to the MPs who walked out of Parliament, Bill 10 has lapsed as a Bill can only stay in Parliament for six months.

According to Leader of Opposition and Monze Central Member of Parliament Jack Mwiimbu, parliamentary procedure stipulates that the Constitution Amendment Bill number 10 lapsed on 4th June 2020.

Mr Mwimbu said this is six months after the Bill had been reinstated on the order paper by Minister of Justice Given Lubinda.

He has vowed that opposition MPs together with their supporters will do everything possible to prevent further debates on Bill 10.

Mr Mwimbu has warned the PF not to continue their underhand methods to present the Bill in Parliament.

However, as the UPND MPs were busy addressing Journalists, Minister of Justice Given Lubinda applied for leave before the Speaker Dr Patrick Matibini to grant him leave to defer debate on Bill 10.

This came as few minutes after debates on the controversial Bill 10 were introduced on the floor of the house.

Zambia’s bondholders form group for debt talks


Ten of Zambia’s international bondholders have formed a creditor group ahead of what is expected to be a complex restructuring of its debts, they said on Tuesday.

Zambia owes money to four main types of creditor.

It has $3 billion of Eurobonds outstanding and owes $2 billion to commercial banks, $2 billion to the IMF and World Bank and a further $3 billion to China.

The new bondholder committee did not name any of its 10 members but said they were all based in the United States or Europe and in aggregate hold approximately 35% of the total amount of Zambia’s outstanding Eurodollar bonds.

“The Committee has organised to engage with Zambia with regard to its present situation, to facilitate communication among creditors, and to pursue any appropriate actions,” the group said in a statement from advisors Newstate Partners.

It added that it was “in close contact” with other bondholders representing an additional 30% of Zambia’s outstanding Eurobonds and that many of the holders were also significant investors in the Zambian domestic government bond market.

Zambia’s government appointed debt specialists Lazard in May to advise on a foreign-currency debt restructuring.

The government has said that debt totalled $11.3 billion as of the end of 2018.

World Bank data estimates it added up to 45% of Zambia’s gross domestic product (GDP) last year, while its total debt stock was the equivalent to 89% of GDP.

Zambia was earlier this year listed among countries eligible for relief under the G20 Debt Service Suspension Initiative, which aims to help nations respond to COVID-19 health challenges and economic shocks.

This month it asked the Paris Club of creditor nations to let it suspend principal and interest payments on all its ‘official sector’ debt from May until the end of December.

Malawi has given us a Good Signal-Chitika

Opposition New Hope Movement for Multiparty Democracy (MMD) National Secretary Hon. Elizabeth Chitika has said that Malawi has given a good signal of how the Zambian elections will be next year.

Hon. Chitika who was today’s guest on the People’s Debate on Pan African Radio said that Raphael Nakachinda expulsion from the MMD is final.

“Last Saturday, the New Hope MMD National Executive Committee (NEC) resolved to expel Hon. Raphael Nakachinda, who from 2016 was a suspended member of the Party. After We expelled him, We saw him on TV misleading himself that the National Executive Committee of the Party had no authority to expel him and that we had since 2016 expelled him over 10 times. I would like to put it on record that he had never been expelled up until now. Secondly, the Party Constition empowers the National Executive Committee (NEC) of the Party to expel erring members like Nakachinda”, Hon. Chitika said.

Hon. Chitika then said that the MMD was not in any alliance with any party.

“Over 2 weeks ago, PF Deputy Secretary General Hon. Mumbi Phiri said that we were in an alliance with her party. I would like to say it again that We are neither in an alliance with the PF nor the UPND. They only people we shall enter into an alliance with are the people of Zambia”, Hon. Chitika further said.

Hon. Chitika further said that Malawi has given a good signal that a Pastor leading a former Ruling Party can bounce back in power.

“Zambia and Malawi behave like twins. We both got independence in 1964. We both reintroduced Democracy in the 1990s. A Pastor leading a former Ruling Party by the name of Rev. Lazarus Chakera is currently leading and I can safely say that the Rev is the President elect. This is a signal of what will happen next year here in Zambia”, Hon. Chitika said

COVID-19 pandemic has had a positive impact in the retail payment system, Mobile Wallets use Surge-Bank of Zambia Governor


The Bank of Zambia (BoZ) has noticed that if there is one area where COVID-19 pandemic has had a positive impact is in the retail payment system.

BoZ Governor Dr. Denny Kalyalya says in the market, the Central Bank has seen the values processed through the mobile channel peaking at K7.80 billion in April 2020.

The Bank of Zambia Governor said this during the launch of the Zambia Digital Economy Diagnostic Report at Mulungushi International Conference Center in Lusaka.

“The usage of digital channels for the delivery of payment and financial services has grown considerably. The majority of commercial banks have developed and deployed mobile applications that their customers use to access financial services. Similarly, 2 e-money issuers are capitalising on smart and ordinary mobile phones to offer financial services. The number of active mobile money wallets has increased over time. As at end-2016, a total of 6, 513, 725 mobile wallets were registered and of these, 521,098 were actively transacting (meaning on average a transaction being conducted in 90 days), representing 8% of the total registered wallets,” he said.

“As at end 2019, 14, 270, 705 mobile money wallets were registered and 4,852,040 were actively transacting, representing 34% of the total registered mobile money wallets. On the whole, digital financial services have recorded significant growth, with mobile money payments posting an annual average growth of 126% in value from K2.07 billion processed in 2015 to K49.45 billion processed in 2019. Transactions through Point of Sale machines increased from K3.04 billion in 2015 to K20.09 billion in 2019. This represents a leap of 560% in values of transaction over a four-year period.”

Dr. Kalyalya said the performance of other electronic payment streams, such as, the Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) equally recorded remarkable growth, posting annual average growth of 35% in value from K21.83 billion processed in 2015 to K67.81 billion processed in 2019.

He further noted that from these statistics, it can clearly be demonstrated that there is great potential in Zambia to have more people financially included through digital channels and ultimately in the digital economy.

Dr. Kalyalya also said in order to realize the full potential of digital financial services and increased financial inclusion, it is imperative for stakeholders to continue working together to overcome emerging challenges, notably, cybersecurity risk, identity theft, and the financial and technology literacy gap.

“We therefore need to institute stringent measures to safeguard the digital space, protect customer identity, and implement fully the National Strategy on Financial Education 2019-2025. As I conclude, I want to urge all stakeholders to focus on harnessing the potential of financial inclusion through scaling up the uptake of ICT. This offers immense opportunities for providing essential financial services to our people. God bless us all,” said the BoZ Governor.

Shepherd Bushiri’s Church donates to Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit


South African based Prophet Shepherd Bushiri’s Church, the Enlightened Christian Gathering has donated food and other items to the Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit to help fight COVID-19 in Zambia.

The donated items are 150 by 25 kilogram bags of mealie meal and 100 by 3.5 kilogram packets of washing soap all worth K50, 000 which comes in the wake of the COVID-19 crisis which has affected mostly the vulnerable people in Zambia.

ECG Church in Zambia National Pastor Adamson Nkhoma said it is the Church’s responsibility to work with the Government of the day by being partners and an answer to the various needs of the people.

Pastor Nkhoma said the church recently made a donation in Chirundu of 500 by 25 kg bags of mealie meal valued at about K90 000 when there was a call from the local government there.

He said the Church is also taking care of orphans, widows and vulnerable people who are members of the church in all their 53 branches across the country.

Pastor Nkhoma said his church has also made donations through the beacon of Hope department to correction facilities like Mwembeshi.

He called on the government to therefore look at the church not only as a prayer partner but also as a partner in development.

Receiving the donation, DMMU National Coordinator Chanda Kabwe thanked the Church for the gesture which he said would go a long way in supporting the affected people.

Mr Kabwe also called on young people to be innovative and design programs that will help fight climate change in the country.

It’s clear, all transmission and distribution lines Zambia are declared as Common Carrier-Nkhuwa


Energy Minister Mathew Nkhuwa says the recent regulatory and statutory changes in the energy sector make it clear that all transmission and distribution lines in the country irrespective of ownership are declared as Common Carrier to facilitate a move towards a competitive market.

Mr Nkhuwa said the Government is also aware of recent developments that may have been misconstrued or caused uncertainty among private players in the Electricity Supply Industry notably the recent deal for 600 Mega-watts of Solar-PV signed between ZESCO Limited and Power China.

He has stressed that this development should not be misinterpreted as Zambia remains very much open to Private Projects.

In a statement, Mr Nkhuwa said studies undertaken so far indicate that the current grid infrastructure is capable of absorbing in excess of 1000 Mega watts of power from intermittent energy sources by 2025 and substantially more, going forward.

He said the Ministry of Energy together with all concerned Private Players and Cooperating Partners will continue to support implementation of various initiatives in the Power Sector that promote participation of the Private Sector and ensure the smooth implementation of on-going programs such as the Global Energy Transfer Feed in Tariff Program and the Intermediary Power Off-taker Concept as approved by Cabinet.

Further, Mr Nkhuwa said it should be noted that the Ministry of Energy will continue to embrace other new and innovative approaches aimed at developing the power sector.

He has reiterated Government’s open-door policy and commitment towards promotion of private sector participation in the development of a robust, diversified and secure power se in Zambia.

Health Minister Chitalu Chilufya arrested for Suspected Corruption


The Anti-Corruption Commission has arrested Minister of Health Dr Chitalu Chilufya.

Dr Chilufya, 47, of House number 4, Robert Kennedy Close, Off Brentwood Avenue, in Lusaka, was arrested today and charged with four counts of possession of property reasonably suspected of being proceeds of crime contrary to section 71 sub section 1 of the Forfeiture of Proceeds of Crime Act No. 19 of 2010.

The arrest follows investigations the Commission has been conducting against the Minister in relation to the above allegations.

Dr Chilufya has since been released on bond in his own recognizance and is expected to appear before the Lusaka Magistrate’s Court on 9th July 2020.

ACC Corporate Affairs Officer Jonathan Siame confirmed the development at a media briefing.

I’m Not a Politician, I am a Revolutionary, Fred M’membe reflects on the Past


By Chambwa Moonga

SOCIALIST Party president Dr Fred M’membe says there appears to be no limit to what the current leaders of Zambia can do.

And Dr M’membe said as for the Socialist Party, “We are not coming to maintain the system that is there which has exploited our people for over 400 years. Our strategic objective is not to win an election [but] to change society.”

He explains that, it’s a mistake to think that one person can make a king stressing that, “the only people who can make kings are the masses themselves”.

Dr M’membe says the situation today is grave, compared to the way it was under the five Republican presidents up to Michael Sata’s tenure.

Dr M’membe, an accomplished journalist, featured on Diamond TV’s COSTA programme on Sunday night.

He explained that the political environment the media was currently operating under was much more difficult than the one The Post (in liquidation) operated under.

“I don’t know how I would fare under the conditions you are operating under. Yes, I was arrested a number of times. But the environment was still much better; it was still much better and much easier than the environment you are in,” Dr M’membe, the former editor-in-chief of The Post, said. “Today, [when] they (the government) don’t want you, they will just close you. They will not arrest you and take you to prison; they will just close your station, your newspaper.”

He said it was difficult to close a newspaper in the past.

“There was restraint. Those who exercise power had restraint. There was a limit to what Dr [Kenneth] Kaunda could do, there was a limit to what Mr [Frederick] Chiluba, there was a limit to what Mr [Levy] Mwanawasa could do, there was a limit to what Mr [Rupiah] Banda could do and there was a limit to what Mr [Michael] Sata could do,” he highlighted. “[But] there appears to be no limit to what the current leaders of our country can do.”

Asked how he felt that The Post was no more, Dr M’membe said, “for a revolutionary, setbacks are there in life.”

“That (closure of The Post) was a setback. I cannot talk about it much because the matter is still in court, in the Court of Appeal,” he said.

“So, I’ll be cited for contempt and I don’t want to do that – I’m a lawyer. Well, it’s sad. But the sad part of it is not necessarily me but the many people who benefited from The Post who are suffering. And also it was delivering a service to the society.”

Post Newspapers Limited was closed by the PF government, using the Zambia Revenue Authority (ZRA), over a tax dispute, on June 21, 2016.

Asked if The Post was a business or a political machinery to bring change from a one party state to achieving multiparty democracy, Dr M’membe said, “it was a political project and it died politically.

“But to survive it had to be commercially viable because there was nobody who was going to fund every edition of The Post,” Dr M’membe said. “So, we had to make it viable, but it was a political project – it was not a business, per se. But we had to adopt a business approach to survive.”

On whether he regretted ‘the path he took,’ with The Post, Dr M’membe said: “I have no regrets.”

“It’s the price we have to pay for liberties. A better society does not just come like that. People have to pay the price!” he noted.

Asked if he agreed that in the past he was an influential kingmaker, credited with helping people to assume the Republican presidency, Dr M’membe answered in the negative.

“I come from many royal families in this country but I’m not a king. I come from the Bemba Royal Family but I’m not Chitimukulu. So I’m not a king. I was simply doing a job and every job that I do I try to put in the best that I can and I put in the best that I could that time,” he said.

“I’m not a kingmaker. The only people who can make kings are the masses themselves – no individual makes a king. It’s a mistake to think that one person can make a king.”

Dr M’membe, on whether or not he abused a media platform in The Post to fight personal battles, said the newspaper had a mission statement.

“It states clearly what it was there about and we stuck to that. We had an editorial team. It was not one person doing what they wanted to do,” Dr M’membe said. “I had a life before The Post. I joined revolutionary struggles when I was 18 at the University of Zambia…”

He reiterated that The Post was a political project to bring about political changes in Zambia and the commitment was to creating the democratic space that was needed at that time.

“I was not against Dr Kaunda [but] I was against the one party state. If you read our manifesto, we still state clearly that the one party state, save for their moments in life, is a recipe for tyranny. We know from the Soviet experience, also from the African experience what the one party state can do, by one party calling itself the vanguard of this or that,” he explained. “We know the tragedy of that. So we don’t believe in the one party state and we had to work to dismantle the one party state.”

He clarified that it was not The Post that brought down Dr Kaunda.

“No! It’s a mistake to think a newspaper can change a government. A newspaper cannot change a government. A radio station cannot change a government. It’s only the masses of the people that can bring out the political changes,” Dr M’membe said. “You (the media) communicate the ideas of the people. The media, like anybody else who is a political participant, can set the agenda for public discourse and participate in that discourse, disseminate ideas. The media’s role is to disseminate ideas.”

He said the success of The Post was that it was able to set the agenda.

“On its own, The Post could have not done what it did. So, if we were against corruption, we were not the only ones. If we were the only ones, we could have not done much. You can’t do much alone,” Dr M’membe said.

He also asserted that The Post never got any favours from government, under any regime.

“The Post made money from the readers and advertisers. The books are there,” he said.

On President Lungu, Dr M’membe said he (the President, as a lawyer) never defended The Post, “never defended me.”

“He was a friend; he used to come when I’m arrested,” Dr M’membe recalled.

Asked if they were still friends, Dr M’membe responded that: “I haven’t seen President Lungu since he became President. I have not met him.”

“So, I don’t have a relationship with him that is close. He is President – of course, his status has changed. He is not the Lungu I knew. He is President Lungu now,” Dr M’membe said.

“So his status has changed and his friends have changed.”

On debt, he said money lenders cannot be amenable to debt reliefs when dealing with a reckless and light-fingered leadership.

He asks how Zambia found itself in the current huge foreign debt, considering that such was written off under the auspices of president Levy Mwanawasa.

Dr M’membe, an economist, was answering a question on whether or not Zambia was in danger to China and the Western World where debt is concerned.

“How did we get ourselves into this debt? This debt was written off under president Mwanawasa. We started clear! President Rupiah Banda left the balance sheet a bit better. He didn’t get into debt. We have just gotten into this debt very quickly. How did we get into it?” Dr M’membe asked.

“When we were voicing against this over-borrowing, what was the response of our leaders? They said they will continue borrowing, no matter what we say. Are they saying the same thing today? No!”

He indicated that whoever takes over government next year would have to deal with the ballooned debt.

“Look, this is a country; it’s not a company. Nobody will come and liquidate Zambia and share its assets. Nobody will put this country into liquidation. When you owe people and you can’t pay, you have difficulties paying, you talk to them,” he said, stressing that one should never run away from their creditors. “Don’t let a person you owe money pursue you – pursue the person you owe money. If you owe somebody money, you should be knocking on their door every day to tell them your problems [about paying back]. Eventually, they will understand.”

Dr M’membe said one had to re-negotiate the terms of debt and seek write-offs.

“But also that will depend on what you are doing and what type of a person you are. What leadership do you have in your country for the people who have lent you money to listen to you? You’ll need a leadership that is doing something positive to be able to re-negotiate your debts, to re-schedule your debts,” he said. “You’ll need a credible leadership. If it’s a reckless leadership that even if they (lenders) re-schedule, they write-off, you are going to steal money, are they going to give you? They won’t give you the debt reliefs you may seek. If you show signs of credibility, they will talk to you [and] some of the debts can be written off, some of the debts can be re-scheduled.”

Dr M’membe also said he would, as a national leader, rather not pay the debts “than have my people die for want of medicines…”

“If people die, what’s the use of paying the debts? Also this debt, how did it arise? Yes, there was reckless borrowing on our part. But also there was reckless lending on the other side. There is a due diligence you do!” Dr M’membe said. “So, it’s not only our leaders who were reckless in borrowing [but] the lenders were also reckless and they have to take some responsibility for that as well.”

On the same programme, Dr M’membe explained that he was not a politician but a revolutionary.

He said the difference was that a politician sought a political career.

“[But] I’m not seeking a political career; I’m seeking revolutionary change in this country. We are not here to maintain the status quo, it’s not business as usual,” he said. “If we win next year’s elections, this country within a very short time will not be the same. We are not coming to maintain the system that is there which has exploited our people for over 400 years. Our strategic objective is not to win an election [but] to change society.”

Asked by programme host Costa Mwansa if Zambia now needed another Post Newspapers to stop Bill 10, like the newspaper ‘stopped Frederick Chiluba’s third term in 2001’, Dr M’membe said, “It was not The Post that stopped Mr Chiluba from getting a third term”.

“There were many people who were involved; the Law Association of Zambia, NGOCC, the civil society, in general, the Church mother bodies. Society rose! Even members of Chiluba’s own cabinet refused. Many of them resigned en masse – including the vice-president General [Christon] Tembo,” Dr M’membe recalled. “Zambia now needs a society that should stop what is not desirable. It needs you, me and many others.”

Asked for the SP’s position on Bill 10, he said: “it’s unacceptable!”

“Any constitutional process should be a product of maximum consensus. You need maximum consensus on constitutions,” said Dr M’membe.

“It’s not just about having a majority in Parliament. No! It’s an abuse of that majority, if you want to go that way. It’s not a party document but a national document.”

Speaker of the National Assembly disagrees with the Constitutional Court

Speaker of the National Assembly Dr Patrick Matibini says he reserves powers to interpret the constitution within the confine of the operations of the legislature.

Dr Matibini has disagreed with the Constitutional Court ruling that he has no jurisdiction to interpret the constitution.

According to the National Broadcaster ZNBC, Dr Matibini cited various cases such as Geoffrey Mwamba versus the Attorney General and Ben Tetamashimba versus the Attorney General where the courts did not interfere with the decisions of the Speakers of the National Assembly to declare the parliamentary seats vacant.

However, on the premise of the case involving former Roan Member of Parliament Chishimba Kambwili versus the Attorney General, the Constitutional Court ruled that the Speaker of the National Assembly has no powers to interpret the constitution.

In this case, Mr Kambwili who is now National Democratic Congress Leader was challenging the decision of the Speaker of the National Assembly to declare his Roan Parliamentary Seat under the PF vacant.

Meanwhile, Dr Matibini has pronounced himself on the Constitutional Court judgment in Mr Kambwili’s case as part of his eminent ruling on a point of order concerning constitution amendment Bill number 10 of 2019. The ruling is expected to be rendered today.

The anticipated ruling comes on the backdrop of a point of order raised by Mazabuka Member of Parliament Gary Nkombo who wanted to know whether it was in Order to debate the Bill when there was a Court petition over it.

The Constitutional Court ruled in March 2020 that Speaker of the National Assembly Dr Patrick Matibini exceeded his powers when in his ruling declaring Chishimba Kambwili’s Roan seat vacant, he proceeded to interpret statutes in order to “cure” the lacuna he identified in Article 72 of the Constitution as amended.

The court noted that the function of interpreting the law and the Constitution was vested in the Judiciary.

This came to light when the Court threw out a matter in which Mr Kambwili, who is former Roan PF member of parliament, was challenging Dr Matibini’s decision to declare his seat vacant for allegedly floor crossing.

New Hope MMD using my name to seek media attention-Nakacinda

Nominated Member of Parliament Raphael Nakacinda has accused the New Hope MMD of using his name to seek media attention.

Mr Nakacinda who has been expelled by the party has wondered how many times he will be expelled by the party officials as they have been expelling him since 2016.

He has said that expelling him from the party is a sheer waste of time because he does not recognise the Nevers Mumba led leadership.

Mr Nakacinda said whatever actions they are taking are illegal because their mandate ended in 2016.

The opposition Movement for Multiparty Democracy expelled Mr Nakacinda for what they termed as arrogance, insubordination and disregard for the party leadership.

Mr Nakacinda who was a suspended member of the MMD from 2016 was expelled after the Party’s National Executive Committee sitting in Lusaka on the 20th of June, 2020 unanimously voted to expel him from the party.

According to the expulsion letter, MMD National Secretary Elizabeth Chitika informed him that he had been given time to appear before the Party’s disciplinary committee and he has refused to come through.

Peter Sinkamba Officially Registers the Zambian Hemp Growers & Industries Association


Opposition Green Party President Peter Sinkamba has registered an association called Zambian Hemp Growers & Industries Association (Zam Hemp) with PACRA, with the principal business activity to promote the cultivation, production, manufacturing, distribution, and coordination of hemp business in Zambia as well as protecting and upholding rights and interests of its members.

In a statement made available to the media, Mr Sinkamba said that Zam Hemp will seek to be the market leader for hemp industry news, events, markets, training & profiles of the entrepreneurs and businesses in the industry and be a strategic link between investors in hemp & cannabis related businesses which conform with and comply with the Zambian laws and policies.

The Statement concluded by urging people to take advantage of the opportunity and if they missed then their poverty will be self-inflicted and surely their choice

Below is the full statement


This notice serves to inform the nation that The Zambian Hemp Growers & Industries Association (Zam Hemp) has been registered with PACRA today the 23rd of June, 2020.

The principal business activity of the Association is promotion of cultivation, production, manufacturing, distribution and coordination of hemp business in Zambia. The Association is also aimed at protecting and upholding rights and interests of its members.

Zam Hemp will therefore be the digital leading organization for the promotion of cannabis & hemp industry in Zambia.

With a team of first movers & innovators in the growing hemp/cannabis industry globally, Zam Hemp seeks to be the market leader for hemp industry news, events, markets, training & profiles of the entrepreneurs and businesses in the industry.

Zam Hemp seeks to be a strategic link between investors in hemp & cannabis related businesses which conform with and comply with the Zambian laws and policies. The Association will therefore be a source for daily legal hemp and cannabis news, commentary, and industry information.

All persons who are interested to participate in the business of production, manufacturing, distribution (sales and marketing) of hemp products in Zambia, are invited to register as members. Youths and women are particularly encouraged to seize this grand opportunity and join as members.

There are seven categories of membership to the Association: Ordinary Member, Corporate Member, Associate Member, Fellow, Honorary Fellow and Member Emeritus.

1. Ordinary Member: A member is ordinarily an individual who is or has been actively engaged in hemp business with or without professional and/or academic qualifications to enable them to practice as a hemp grower, engineer, technician, instructor, process designer and/or researcher in an appropriate hemp field. Small-scale and peasant farmers are included in this category. A member has full voting rights.

2. Corporate Member: This membership is provided for companies and commercial farmers with access to our local and international community who provide comprehensive professional education opportunities on current agricultural issues, through knowledge sharing at our conferences, via our print and on-line media as well as personal contacts in national and regional work groups as well as the sector and expert work groups. Member has full voting rights.

3. Associate Member: An Associate Member includes an institution or individual that is actively engaged in the agriculture, engineering training or process design fields, and who have achieved or confer qualifications, may be admitted into the Association as a Member. Universities and colleges, including lecturers, master students and doctoral researchers (PhD students) are typically associate members. Member has full voting rights.

4. Group Membership: This is for groups of 5 or more named members that wish to apply for membership. It provides a discount on the individual membership fee for full members. Group members include cooperatives. Member has full voting rights.

5. Fellow: A Fellow is an individual recognized by the Association to have made a truly significant contribution to the Association and its aims and objectives. A Fellow must be nominated by other members. The process of becoming a Fellow is managed by the Fellowship Committee. The grade of Fellow is reserved for Full Members of the Association. Member has full voting rights.

6. Honorary Fellow: An Honorary Fellow is an individual recognized by the Association to have rendered outstanding services to the aims of the Association or to the community in general, with due regard being paid to the fact that this is the highest honour the Society can bestow. An Honorary Fellow is chosen by the Advisory Board and Board of Management. Paramount Chiefs, Senior Chiefs and senior headmen fall in this category. Member has no voting rights.

7. Member Emeritus: These are former holder of an office in the Association, having retired but allowed to retain their title as an honour. Emeritus Members are asked to pay the same fee as Associate Members. Member has full access and full voting rights.





For inquiries on membership fees and membership forms email: [email protected]. Or call 0968948064/0966440584.



I’ll never treat young people as enemies to be crushed when my party forms Government in 2021-HH


Opposition UPND leader Hakainde Hichilema has promised never to treat young as enemies to be crushed when his party forms Government in 2021.

Mr Hichilema says the UPND Government will treat young people as partners, worthy of its listening ear unlike what is happening under the PF regime.

He has said that youths have needs that require urgent attention from leaders and not to be hunted as dangerous criminals.

Mr Hichilema said all citizens have the right to voice out their concerns adding that youths need jobs and opportunities in business and leadership.

“We in UPND will have roles specifically reserved for youths that not only attend to their needs but enable them to excel beyond their own expectations”, he added.

Mr Hichilema said youths will be an integral part of his administration and will not suffocate their voices.

On Monday, young people streamed live, a protest held in the bush in Rufunsa District singing a liberation song and holding placards denouncing what they see as the government’s heavy-handedness.

Monday’s protest suggests a growing disaffection against the government, especially among the youth.