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Youth stimulus package coming, Siliya


Minister of Information and Broadcasting Services, Dora Siliya says Government is determined to come up with an immediate stimulus response to the challenges affecting the youth.

Ms. Siliya says Government is aware of the challenges that young people are facing.

She says the Coronavirus pandemic has also negatively affected most young people in business due to the recent global lock down experienced.

Ms. Siliya, who is Government Chief Spokesperson, says President Edgar Lungu and Government want to ensure that a response is found to addressing the social economic challenges affecting the youth.

The minister said this when she and her counterparts at Youth and Sport Emmanuel Mulenga, Livestock and Fisheries Nkandu Luo, Gender and Child Development Elizabeth Phiri, and Community Development Kampamba Mulenga held discussions on how to respond to the social economic challenges affecting the youth.

And Mr. Mulenga said young people have highlighted their interest in being part of the governance system which is provided for in the Constitution Amendment Bill number 10 of 2019.

He said through the interactions with youths, the Ministry has identified that the young people want to be actively included in the governance system.

Mr. Mulenga said this would be a mandate when Bill 10 goes through because every political party will be expected to have a certain proportion of youth representation in Parliament.

The minister further said there some politicians, who are against the Bill becuaes they want to continue serving their own interest of using the youths for political gain.

During the meeting, Community Development Minister Ms Mulenga said her ministry is carrying out viable programmes to support members of the public of which youths are expected to benefit.

She said the Ministry has also come up with an emergency social cash transfer being implemented with the Office of the Vice President through cooperating partners to help the vulnerable who have lost jobs during the Covid -19 period.

Ms Mulenga has since urged the youths to take advantage of the programs by engaging the ministry instead of turning to social media.

And Minister of Gender Elizabeth Phiri, who expressed disappointment at the approach taken by youths to protest in the bush, said the solutions are not in the streets but in dialogue with relevant ministries.

Ms Phiri said government ministries through their clusters are identifying youths that are ready to use their intellect to improve the economy and their livelihoods.

And Professor Luo said it is unfortunate that there is a lot of misinformation surrounding issues concerning the empowerment of young people .

She also called for a mindset change among young people to venture into activities that will multiply their investment instead of just demanding for empowerment that is monetary and contracts.

The livestock minister said the ministry has projects that dedicate 30 percent to youths, 50 percent to women and girls while 20 goes to other beneficiaries.

Face mask makers given ultimatum


The Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit-DMMU has given a four-day ultimatum to suppliers who have not delivered face masks to do so or risk having their contracts cancelled. DMMU National Coordinator Chanda Kabwe said government has contractual obligations it follows when awarding contracts with a specific timeline.

Mr Kabwe said out of the three million masks that DMMU was tasked to procure, 2.9m have been delivered and distributed to all parts of the country.He said the delays in the supply of the remaining masks is because of some companies that were awarded contracts but have not yet delivered the items to date.

He said government does not have time to start waiting for those who have failed to deliver because school going children especially in rural areas are in need of these masks.

Mr.Kabwe further said he is impressed with the number of youths who have since responded and participated in the supply of the re-usable masks.He said the move simply shows that youths are slowly taking up their role meant to improve their lives and also contribute participate in national affairs.He further disclosed that government has met its target of delivering COVID-19 prevention material to almost all the provinces.

Mr Kabwe said with the timely delivery of the materials by those contracted, all the schools will be able to receive the masks by next week.He also expressed concern on some social media fraudsters who have now started sending people text messages asking them to pay for contracts to supply face masks to DMMU.He said his office has since raised the concern with ZICTA and urged people to report any such incidents.

Ambassordor Anthony Mukwita advises Zambian youth regarding quinoa crop


Zambian youth must organise themselves into some form of agriculture cooperative’s and take advantage of the market base provided by German agro investor Amatheon, said Zambia´s Ambassador to Germany H.E Anthony Mukwita.

Ambassador Mukwita said the time is ripe now because Amatheon is buying a ´new crop´ in the country called quinoa pronounced as keenwah pegged at a price better than maize or other traditional crops Zambia farms.

The senior diplomat who has had various engagements with Amatheon CEO and founder Carl Bruhn said Zambia youth and indeed anyone willing to ´get their hands dirty´ productively could make a decent living growing and selling the cash crop to Bruhn´s outfit at Amatheon.

The facts on the ground are that, the crop is compatible to Zambia´s good climate and rich soils and fetches more money than corn or maize does and Bruhn’s team is willing to buy it at about K720 ($40) per 50kg bag compared to a measly K110 a 50kg bag of maize fetches.

“I have no doubt that if a group of Zambian youths organised themselves into a corporative cluster with an investment plan, they would access money to grow quinoa and make lots of money because Amatheon has not put a cap to how much of the crop they can buy for export purposes,” said Ambassador Mukwita.

H.E Mukwita who is scheduled to meet the Amatheon boss Bruhn soon said agriculture, as Zambia and the world gets out of the COVID cloud, could be a positive game changer instead of holding political revolts online.

“Our diligent Zambian youth could turn tables around and show that they have the ability to do the right thing,” Ambassador Mukwita said.

He said, “I have no doubt that the President H.E Edgar Lungu would find ways or money to support the first batch of youths that stand and say they are willing to get into this agriculture venture and many others no doubt at all.”

In May, Ambassador Mukwita and Amatheon´ s Bruhn started the first discussions on quinoa which is just one of the many projects Bruhn is involved in Zambia after investing millions of euros in the country.

Carl Bruhn employs about 650 Zambians directly that pay taxes and more than 2000 out growers.

He is the single largest individual German investor in Zambia and has a close work relationship with the embassy of Zambia in Berlin said Ambassador Mukwita.

This is according to a statement issued by Kellys Kaunda, the First Secretary for Press and Public Relations at the embassy of Zambian in Germany.

Pilato denies courting controversy


Creative. Controversial. Captivating. Pilato tells Kennedy Gondwe that he cannot be held responsible for people’s assumptions about his music

Bill 10 is toxic-Musa Mwenye

Former Attorney General Musa Mwenye has charged that Bill 10 is toxic and should be withdrawn from Parliament.

Mr. Mwenye said Bill 10 was born out of a controversial non-inclusive process and continues to be a source of contention, intrigue, and division.

“If indeed this Bill is being enacted for the benefit of all the people of Zambia, why is there such a determination to pass it notwithstanding the concerns of civil society, the church and other citizens and important stakeholders?” he asked.

“Why is it so urgent to pass this Bill with little or no consultation?”

“Economists tell us that we may be headed towards negative economic growth as a country. The COVID 19 pandemic is still causing health and economic havoc, and poverty and unemployment are rising. We have increasing levels of corruption and a lack of serious political will to fight corruption coupled with wastefulness in the use of national resources.”

“We are faced with persistent abuse of our nationals by some foreign investors, and we are yet to establish the truth around the gassing of our citizens and the instant justice mobs that resulted from that.”

He added, “Needless to say, the mysterious owner of the 48 properties is yet to be identified and located and the circumstances under which an owner of such a large portfolio of properties can just disappear into thin air have not been established.”

“On the back of these and other pressing national issues, how is enacting a controversial Bill that has unpopular and undemocratic provisions a priority?”

“How will this Bill resolve youth unemployment, poverty, corruption, and wasteful spending of national resources.”

Mr. Mwenye who also served as Solicitor General during the Sata administration said he has looked at Bill 10 and that he cannot see any provisions that are progressive enough to warrant the urgent amendment of the constitution.

“Will the passing of the Bill enhance our democracy or lead to the improved living standards of our people. The Bill is neither urgent nor beneficial.”

“In fact, the environment surrounding the enactment of this bill is now toxic and the Honourable Minister of Justice will do well to withdraw Bill 10 to enable full and effective consultations.”

“Constitutions should be born out of consensus and wide consultations and should never be forced upon the citizens,” he said.

Zambia to issue K8bn COVID bonds for economic stimulus


Government plans to issue a K8 billion Covid bond whose proceeds would go towards paying suppliers, retirees and contractors.

At yesterday’s cabinet meeting held at Mulungushi International Conference Centre, Cabinet approved in principle the establishment of a K8 billion economic stimulus package that will be financed through the issuance of the COVID-19 Bond.

Cabinet sources say the allocation will go towards payment to retirees, contractors and suppliers.

Cabinet resolved that it is necessary to provide an economic stimulus through the issuance of the COVID-19 Bond in order to improve the liquidity levels in the economy that have reduced due to the Coronavirus pandemic.

COVID bond will be additional intervention from the April central bank stimulus package and May benchmark interest rate cut to boost growth.

Malawi: MEC play down claims linking Zambia officials to rig Malawi Poll

The Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) has downplayed claims by opposition Tonse Alliance during the final campaign rally on Saturday that three top Zambian nationals have come in the country to allegedly rig the fresh presidential elections in favour of incumbent Peter Mutharika due on Tuesday.

UTM Party secretary-general Patricia Kaliati made the claims in a televised rally in Blantye that former Minister of Finance, Dr. Katele Kalumba, former intelligence chief Xavier Chungu and former State House Special Assistant for Politics, Kaizer Zulu entered the country through Mzimba at Jenda border with Zambia.

She called on the Zambian High Commission in Malawi to ensure that three Zambians leave the country.

This was corroborated by Malawi Congress Party (MCP) secretary Elsenhower Mkaka at another televised rally in Lilongwe.

MCP and UTM are in electoral alliance under the banner of Tonse.

When the matter was put to MEC chairperson Dr Chifundo Kachale at a news briefing in Blantyre on Sunday, he said “I will not be competent to comment on the allegations.”

He added: “If that information has been shared with the people who can take action, am sure appropriate actions will be taken. But it will be very ill advised for me to begin to comment on statement made on a campaign platform it will drag us nowhere.”

During the news briefing, Justice Kachale, a judge of the High Court, reiterated that the commission will remain impartial and that people should desist from implicating the commission in unfounded allegations.

He said those who do so will be dealt with accordingly.

Malawi goes to the polls on Tuesday in a historic presidential re-run after a court overturned last year’s elections and ordered a fresh vote.

Although there are three candidates, Tuesday’s election is practically a two-horse race between President Peter Mutharika and his main rival Lazarus Chakwera of MCP.

Peter Kuwani of the Mbakuwani Movement for Development (MMD), is the other candidate on the voting register.

Nyasa Times

Earthquake shakes Kariba

The Zimbabwe Meteorological Services Department (MSD) has confirmed that a moderate earthquake measuring 3.9 in magnitude was experienced in Kariba, on Saturday and no injuries were recorded.

A seismologist at the Bulawayo MSD, Mr Kwangwari Marimira, said most of the earth tremors which occur in the mid-Zambezi basin under which Lake Kariba falls, are called reservoir-induced earthquakes.

“An earthquake of magnitude 3,9 was experienced in Kariba on the 1st of June 2019 at 10:28 UTC and the local time was 12:28PM. The reports that we obtained from our personnel at Kariba Meteorological Office indicate that there were no casualties or injuries that were recorded. This was a moderate earthquake,” he said.

The earth tremor was felt in Kariba and surrounding areas.

“The epicentre of the earthquake was determined to be about: Longitude 16,770S and latitude 28,633E. The personnel at our Kariba Meteorological Office confirmed the shaking in Kariba as well as surrounding areas,” he said.

The quake has been attributed to the upward or downward variation in water levels in Lake Kariba with the Zambezi River Authority recording a steady rise in water levels over the last two months.

As of June 18, 2020 water levels had risen to 481,22m (40,97 percent of usable storage for power generation) compared to 479,63 (29,12 percent) on the same day in 2019.

“The determined earthquake parameters show that the earthquake occurred at Latitude -16.678S and Longitude 28.581E.The epicentre is in Kariba Dam and it was widely felt in Kariba urban,” said a report from MET Department.

Several people confirmed feeling the ground shaking and rattling of utensils in the house.

MSD said further investigation to determine the intensity of the earthquake and areas it affected were underway.

The epicentre of the earthquake has been determined to be in Kariba Dam.

“No reports of damage were received however more inquiries would be made to determine its intensity in the locality and to determine the exact areas it was felt,” reads a statement from MSD.

Since the filling of the lake in 1963, seismic activity has been recorded.

This is also compounded by the lake falling in the Mid-Zambezi basin.

According to a ZRA report, lake levels are rising steadily as inflows continue.

“The Lake level has continued rising steadily, closing the period under review at 481.22m (40.97% usable storage) on 18th June 2020. Last year on the same date, the Lake level was at 479.63m (29.12% usable storage),” reads the report.

U.S. Farming Body and Zambian Firm Partner Aim to Boost Crop Yields


An American non-profit organisation has launched a $40 million joint venture with one of Zambia’s top farm suppliers to boost crop yields and food security as farmers struggle to access finance amid the COVID-19 pandemic, the local company said on Sunday.

The chairman of African Green Resources (AGR), Zuneid Yousuf, said the private sector deal with U.S-based African Fertiliser and Agribusiness Partnership (AFAP) included a scheme supporting 250,000 mainly subsistence farmers to double their maize yields and help feed around 10 million people in Zambia and the southern African region.

“AFAP’s role is not only sourcing fertiliser guarantees and credit lines, but to also act as an adviser for downstream activities like value addition,” Yousuf told Reuters in his Lusaka offices.

Credit packages for seed, fertiliser and training will be provided to the farmers, while plans are also being made to use soya beans and maize to produce animal stock feed, among other products, Yousuf said.

In the 2018/2019 crop season, Zambia’s national average yield rate for maize was 2.52 tonnes per hectare, far below Egypt at 8 tonnes and South Africa at 4 tonnes.

Zambia’s 2019/2020 season maize production is projected to increase to over 3.3 million tonnes from around 2 million tonnes in the previous season but is still below potential, Yousuf said.

The southern African nation is rebuilding an agriculture sector hit hard by a recent drought, with small-scale subsistence farmers who produce over 90% of Zambia’s maize, losing access to markets and seeing a dip in productivity as they battle the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak.

Zambia has reported 1,416 confirmed coronavirus cases and 11 deaths.


Don’t Be Like Kambwili or Nevers Who Play To The Gallery–President Lungu

President Edgar Lungu has described opposition NDC leader and MMD president Nevers Mumba as politicians who are mostly preoccupied with playing to the gallery.

President Lungu took a swipe at the two opposition leaders while addressing scores of party officials in Luwingu District.

“Don’t be like Chishimba Kambwili or Nevers Mumba, in the morning they send me text messages, in the afternoon they are insulting before cameras and in the evening they are apologizing for the insults during the day.

“I can only speak for my brother ‘ba Kambwili’ because I know him and I have worked with him. That’s how he is.

“But for Nevers Mumba I don’t know him that well. I don’t know him, I don’t even recognize him and his group as MMD. It’s like he has not learnt anything from his problems in the MMD. Can he be serious with what he wants, he said.

The President said this in response to PF members who complained to him about certain intraparty issues they had raised with him.

He admonished the party members to be patient and wait to see how their President is moving.

“Ba Luwingu, I know and I have heard the issues you have been raising. I have not forgotten. Things of course may delay but I don’t forget. I am moving and will soon deliver on those issues. I read all the messages I receive. But don’t be like Kambwili’ and Nevers Mumba…You write text messages so kindly wait for responses or action. I am on top of things…, he said.

He concluded by saying that President Michael Sata taught his followers that politics is not what you hear and see during the day.

“We were taught from the best, ‘ba Shikulu ba Sata’ taught us that what you see and hear from politicians during the day may not be the same things they say and do when it’s dark. Real politics is played when no one is watching. So some of these you see attacking us, they are merely playing before cameras, he joked.

President Edgar Lungu has been in Northern province on a three-day working visit which ends on Monday the 22nd of June 2020.

Cabinet Approves the engagement of Lazard Frères of France as Financial Advisors


Cabinet has approved the engagement of Lazard Frères of France as financial advisors and Messrs White and Case of the United States of America as legal advisors Zambia in order to help with the management of the accumulated external debt that stands at over $11 billion dollars.

According to the statement released to the media by the President’s Special Assistant for Press and public relations, Isaac Chipampe, the Government needs the services of experts to engage creditors to implement measures to restore debt sustainability.

The Statement further said that the engagement of creditors that are owed money by Government is an essential strategy to address the country’s prevailing debt sustainability and fiscal challenges, especially in view of the negative impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic which has further constrained the Treasury’s resources envelope.

At the same meeting, which made a number of decisions, Cabinet also approved in principle the establishment of a K8 billion economic stimulus package that will be financed through the issuance of the COVID-19 Bond and its allocation will go towards the needy areas including payment to retirees, contractors and suppliers.

Below is the full statement



His Excellency the President Dr. Edgar Chagwa Lungu called for the 16th Cabinet Meeting with the view for the highest policy making body, the Cabinet, to continue to provide policy guidance with regard to the running of the affairs of Government and the need to serve the people of Zambia and ultimately, improve their standard of living.

The following were the decisions made:

1. Provision of Economic Stimulus through Issuance of COVID-19 Bond.

Cabinet approved in principle the establishment of a K8 billion economic stimulus package that will be financed through the issuance of the COVID-19 Bond and its allocation will go towards the needy areas including payment to retirees, contractors and suppliers.

Cabinet resolved that it is necessary to provide an economic stimulus through the issuance of the COVID-19 Bond in order to improve the liquidity levels in the economy that have reduced due to the Coronavirus pandemic.

2. Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Zambia and the Government of the Republic of Mauritius for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with Respect to Taxes on Income.

Cabinet also approved the termination of the Avoidance of Double Taxation Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Zambia and the Government of the Republic of Mauritius and initiate negotiations of a new Agreement which will introduce shared taxing rights and anti-abuse clauses.

Cabinet resolved to terminate the Agreement which came into force on 15th June, 2012 as the Agreement deals with income from a number of specific sources, such as business income, dividends, interest and royalties. It gives exclusive taxation in the country of residence of the receipt of the income. As such, Zambia does not retain taxing rights to tax dividends, interest and royalties arising in Zambia and payable to residents of Mauritius.

3. International Monetary Fund Programme Mission 22nd June to 1st July, 2020.

Cabinet also deliberated on the International Monetary Fund virtual meetings with Government from 22nd June to 1st July, 2020 to commence Programme discussions. Cabinet allowed the Minister of Finance to go ahead and hold policy discussions with the IMF because Cabinet is of the view that, in line with its governing laws, the IMF provides policy advice, technical and financial assistance to member countries and that it was necessary for Government to continue such discussions with the IMF.

Cabinet is further of the view that it remains focused to continue with its fiscal structural reforms in order to strengthen the Public Financial Management Framework aimed at restoring budget credibility, improving the efficiency of public expenditures and supporting private sector led growth even under the COVID-19 environment which has exacerbated economic challenges the world-over.

4. Engagement of Financial and Legal Advisers in Relation to Government’s Debt Liability Management Exercise.

Cabinet also deliberated on the engagement of Lazard Frères of France as financial advisors and Messrs White and Case of the United States of America as legal advisors to the Republic of Zambia in relation to the liability management of its debt portfolio.

Cabinet, has as one of its priorities, implementation of measures to restore debt sustainability in order to effectively implement the measures and that in order to do this, Government needed the services of experts to engage creditors.

The engagement of creditors that are owed money by Government is an essential strategy to address the country’s prevailing debt sustainability and fiscal challenges, especially in view of the negative impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic which has further constrained the Treasury’s resources envelope.

Cabinet is of the view that, to ensure successful negotiations with creditors, it is necessary that Government engages the services of reputable financial and legal advisory firms with experience in providing advisory services in relation to the liability management of debt portfolios including options for debt cancellation, refinancing, re-scoping and postponement of some of the projects.

Lazard has also provided advisory services to some countries in Europe, Latin America and a number of African countries and private sector entities.

5. Agriculture: Food Security Situation for the 2020/2021 Agricultural Marketing Season.

Cabinet also discussed the issue of food security situation of the Nation and the actions required to ensure that the food security situation is guaranteed.

It was noted during the Meeting that a total of 3,387,469 metric tonnes of maize grain is expected to be produced and is projected to be harvested in the country and with carryover stocks of 179,247 metric tonnes, the total available stocks of maize will amount to 3,566,716 metric tonnes.

The Food Reserve Agency (FRA) is expected to buy 1,000,000 metric tonnes of white maize for the National Strategic Food Reserves as directed by His Excellency the President.




22ND JUNE, 2020

Mines Minister urges Youth to take advantage and invest in Mineral Resources


Mines Minister Richard Musukwa has called on the young people to take advantage of the Kalumbila Multipurpose Cooperative Society Ltd and invest in Mineral Resources in order to reduce Youth Unemployment and provide livelihoods to local people in the country.

Mr Musukwa says Youths must consider having Hundred Percent (100%) shares in Mines so that the Mining Sector can start being dominated by local people.

The Minister has further encouraged Youths to participate in legal exploitation of Minerals in order to create Jobs , Empowerment and Contribute to the country’s GDP which will lead to a favorable GNP as the profits will remain in Zambia.

The Minister said, “if we have Mines owned by Zambians it means that the proceeds in terms of the Sales and operations will be fully zambian and will not be externalized and will be a plus to us” , He said such ventures when embarked upon will be supported.

He said mining remains Zambia’s comparative advantage in terms of its Economic Tragectory and we need to ensure that this resource is vested in the hands of Zambian Nationals using Legally Approved means not illegal means.

Hon Musukwa further said the Processes of License acquisition are streamlined, Open and Transparent and that Youths are encouraged to participate in Mining however only through Legal exploitation the mineral resources as this will lead to job creation, Empowerment and a significant contribution to the National Treasury.

Meanwhile, the Kalumbila Cooperative Society Chairman General, Mr Kennedy Mambwe has disclosed that the Cooperative will empower Students, Civil servants, Musicians and every Zambian.And Mr Mambwe has stated that women will be able to able to participate in mining through buying of Shares.

Mr Mambwe has disclosed that H.E the President of the Republic of Zambia has agreed to giving a mine to the musicians, civil servants and Students . He has further stated that disbursement of forms is starting this week around the Civil service so that civil servants can come on board to buy shares.

Zambian Youth Outsmart Police


While Police officers were watching the situation in the Central Business District in Lusaka, some youths went ahead with their protests against the injustices and failure by the Government to attend to their needs. Earlier, Zambia Police Spokesperson Esther Katongo said no youth has been given a permit to protest over anything today.However, the Zambia police were outsmarted as a small group of protesters live streamed their protest in the bush, attracting over 90 000 views.

From being told: the youth who want to protest, need to get permission to protest from the very people they want to protest against.
To being told: the police in full riot gear are assiduously looking for the peaceful protestors,protesting at an unknown location.

This can only be compared to how Teenagers outsmarted the Trump campaign this weekend by booking tickets for Trump’s Tulsa rally and not showing up leading to a stadium with a lot of empty seats.

Streaming live from unknown locations in the bush, youths led by Human rights defender Pilato and social commentator and justice advocate Brian Bwembya popularly known as B-Flow went ahead with their protests.Other young people carried out lone protests as dissatisfaction with the government grows.

The Youths who sang the National anthem at the beginning and the end of their protests were seen carrying placards written; “Laws over politics, do not break my bones and Gold and Mukula for Zambians”, among others.

The youths said they will protest on 22nd day of every month in the bushes to express their displeasure over the many injustices happening in the nation.

Others in attendance to support the youths were Laura Miti, Mubita Nawa and Maiko Zulu.

B’Flow twitted “One day the people will ask “Why were the police on the streets if Lusaka with guns on the 22nd June,2020?” Then the story will be told about how the young people of the country mobilised the police to march on their behalf.



Here are selected briefs of Chipolopolo stars performances abroad this past weekend.


The Russia league resumed this past weekend since March due to the Covid-19 pandemic lockdown.
Attacker Lameck Banda came on in the 73rd minute but was not on target for hosts Arsenal Tula in their 3-2 home loss to 6th positioned and 2016/17 champions Spartak Moscow on Saturday.
Banda, though, was on hand with a stoppage time assist to give Tula a dignified finish.
Compatriot and midfielder Klings Kangwa was an unused substitute while his brother Evans did not make the lineup for 9th placed Tula.

Midfielder Lubambo Musonda played the full 90 minutes for 4th placed Slask Wroclaw in Sunday’s 2-0 away loss to leaders Leiga Warszawa in the first round of the championship playoff stage of the season as the latter battle to reclaim their crown after finishing second last term.


Djurgardens IF suffered their second successive league loss of the season after three rounds of games played when they lost 3-0 way at leaders Norrkoping.
Midfielder Edward Chilfuya started for Djurgardens, who tumbled from 2nd to 12th after the weekend defeat, before he was substituted in the 55th minute while Emmanuel Banda has yet to make selection this season.


Defending champions RB Salzburg failed to break the deadlock in their doubleheader date against 4th placed Wolfsberger AC following a 2-2 home draw on Sunday after finishing 0-0 away in the first leg on Wednesday at the halfway point of the championship playoff.
Midfielder Enock Mwepu played the full 90 minutes and scored the second goal for the league leaders in the 71st minute while striker Patson Daka was not on target but started and completed the match.

Silwamba Reveals His Prime Target at Nkana

Newly appointed Nkana President Joseph Silwamba has set winning an unprecedented 13th league title as his target during his mandate at the helm of the record Zambian league champions.

Silwamba will take over the Nkana seat on July 1, 2020 from Everisto Kabila who is stepping down after five seasons at the helm.

However, the last five seasons have only seen Nkana finish second in 2018, winning their debut Barclays Cup that same season and also making their maiden qualification to the CAF Confederation Cup quarterfinals in 2019.

Nkana also won back-to-back Samuel “Zoom” Ndhlovu Charity Shield’s in 2018 and 2019.

But Nkana’s last league win came in 2012 under Kabila’s predecessor John Chiwele.

“From 2012 we have not won the league and the whole Nkana family has been singing and chanting the 13 the title so the 13 the title is actual a top priority,” Silwamba said, who have been part of the Nkana executive since 2012.

“I will push for that, I was part of the 2013 title, remember it took time before we won the 12 the title under Mr. John Chiwele so we can add the 13 the title because it has been almost six years since Nkana won the league.”

Meanwhile, Nkana are in the midst of the three-month Covid-19 lockdown at number four on 43 points one point ahead of fifth placed and defending champions Zesco United on the FAZ Super Division log.

Nkana are also a point behind third placed Green Eagles have 44 points while Napsa Stars are second on 45 points, one point behind leaders Forest Rangers.