Thursday, October 3, 2024
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Government is determined to Increase the Stake of Shareholding in Mines


Mines Minister Richard Musukwa says Government through ZCCM-IH is working towards increasing its stake of shareholding in mining firms.

And Mr. Musukwa has challenged emerald mining firms in Lufwanyama to invest in infrastructure development so that locals benefit from its mineral wealth.

The Minister was speaking when Kagem Limited donated medical supplies and oxygen ventilators to Nkana Health Center, at a cost of 1-Million Kwacha.

He said authorities want to see ZCCM-IH and Industrial Development Corporation-IDC play a major role in mining operations for citizens to derive maximum benefits.

Mr. Musukwa said Government will continue to create an enabling environment for both small and large scale mine operations to enable indigenous Zambians fully exploit the country’s wealth.

And Copperbelt Province Permanent Secretary Bright Nundwe said Government continues to embrace new investments in the sector.

And Chief Nkana of Lufwanyama District assured authorities that traditional leaders are actively supplementing Government efforts in the fight against COVID-19.

Meanwhile Lufwanyama Member of Parliament Leonard Fungulwe hailed Government for embarking on the upgrading of feeder roads in his area.

Zambia Police Impounds Passenger Bus with bags of alluvial gold


Police in Solwezi District have impounded another passenger bus owned by Likili Bus company after finding 30 Kilogram bags of alluvial gold on board.

This is Barely 24 hours after seizing another consignment of 30 kilograms of alluvial gold on a passenger bus from Chavuma District.

Northwestern province Commissioner of Police, Elias Chushi who confirmed the incidence to ZANIS said one suspect identified as Oscar Mulenga aged 57 of house number E259, Wusakile township in Kitwe has been arrested in connection with the consignment.

Mr. Chushi said the bus was intercepted around 16:00 hours at Kapijimpanga police check point on the Solwezi-Chingola road.

This is the second incident to have happened in a space of five hours after another 30kgs of Alluvial gold was intercepted on an LG traveler’s passenger bus at the same check point around 11 hours, yesterday.

Mr. Chushi said two people identified as Edan Sangwena aged 67 of senior Chief Kanongesha’s chiefdom and Jasper Muyinda aged 54 of Chief Chibwika’s chiefdom both from Mwinilunga district have been picked up to assist with investigations.

Erring civil servants should be fired and not transferred to rural areas-President Lungu


President Edgar Lungu has said that erring civil servants should be fired and not transferred to rural areas. President Lungu said that the sending of erring civil servants to rural areas as punishment is bad for national development, adding that the Secretary to the Cabinet already knows the position of the government on the matter.

The President was responding to Chief Kaputa who appealed to him to stop the provincial administration from sending lazy civil servants to Kaputa.

Chief Kaputa complained that some civil servants only drink beer in the District at the expense of delivering service to the people.

The traditional leader said he wants active civil servants who will help to transform the District.

This was when the Head of state paid a courtesy call on him at his palace in Kaputa district.

President Lungu further informed the chief that he will engage the Industrial Development Corporation (IDC) to see what plans it has for Kaputa.

He said there is a need to invest in the processing of Cassava as this will create employment for many.

Chief Kaputa also asked the Government to conduct feasibility studies on the establishment of a solar energy plant.

The CEC—ZESCO Saga: Another view


By X.J. Mpenda

I wouldn’t call myself an energy expert but I have keenly followed the happenings in the sector over the past few months, reading and digesting a lot of things being written and said about the sector. I have also been attentively listening to what is not being said.

Now that my curiosity is piqued, I read the 6 June statement by ZESCO Limited’s Director of Strategy and Corporate Services, Patrick Mwila, titled “ZESCO SECURES BINDING AGREEMENT FOR POWER SUPPLY TO KONKOLA COPPER MINES PLC (“KCM”)” with interest.

It’s one thing to present a story as you see or know it and quite another to present a story with the intention to sway opinion in a particular direction. The latter usually requires the storyteller to be economical with the truth or even to tell a few lies. I found Mwila’s statement to lean towards the latter.

An enquiring mind such as mine had a few questions and wished that I had an opportunity to ask them verbally in person so I did the next best thing – asking them in writing.

1. Artificial imbalances arising from a commercially disadvantageous contract: the said contract was in place for 23 years. I wonder what these disadvantages were and more importantly, why would ZESCO wait 23 years to right a commercial imbalance which caused them to lose, ultimately, taxpayer kwachas. Every good contract has dispute resolution and termination provisions. Why didn’t ZESCO invoke those provisions to get out of a bad contract? ZESCO themselves have told us that the BSA was amended at least once; surely it could have been amended to remove anything that was as onerous as they want us to believe. I wouldn’t want to be so disrespectful as to suggest that a company as big as ZESCO with access to distinguished legal minds could have failed to achieve that.

2. The lucrative Copperbelt mining market could only be supplied by CEC: CEC was locked in a 23-year contract to buy all its power to supply the mining market from ZESCO. This means that ZESCO has been the sole supplier of electricity to the Copperbelt mining market for 23 years albeit through CEC because it [CEC] owns the infrastructure which connects the power network on the Copperbelt to the mining companies. All the mines in North-Western province are supplied directly by ZESCO. It’s very hard to see, therefore, how that between these two companies, it is ZESCO crying foul, especially when you appreciate that CEC keeps not more that 20% of the value of every unit charged.

3. Government’s new policy framework supports an open Electricity Supply Industry intended to encourage participation in generation, transmission and distribution: surprising that these words came from ZESCO. Of all the existing participants in the electricity industry, it is only ZESCO that is fully integrated and provides generation, transmission and distribution services. ZESCO keeps resisting unbundling, which would truly encourage participation. It is ironic that they can talk about encouraging participation while at the same time they are strangulating existing participation.

4. New entrants will be free to negotiate with owners of infrastructure on commercial terms for the use of infrastructure: it’s funny that CEC, an existing infrastructure owner, was not accorded the right to “negotiate for the wheeling (or transportation) of their power with owners of infrastructure on commercial terms across all transmission and distribution lines as long as capacity is available”. Mwila’s own words convict him or is this a privilege reserved for “new entrants” in the electricity trade? When CEC’s transmission and distribution lines were declared Common Carrier, it (CEC) was given neither chance nor time to negotiate commercial terms with ZESCO for the use of its infrastructure. Does ZESCO see this bright future as being attainable to those yet to enter the market but not those existing in it already?

5. The “common carrier” declaration typically unlocks resources and avoids “hoarding” of transmission capacity: this would make sense if the transmission and distribution infrastructure of every power company in the country owning such was made common carrier, of which the most extensive network belongs to ZESCO. As it is, the unlocking Mwila talks about affects the infrastructure of one private sector company, leaving thousands of ZESCO transmission and distribution lines wholly untouched. The playing field has not been levelled because the declaration is not reciprocal. CEC cannot use the ZESCO infrastructure to move its power because the infrastructure is not common carrier.

6. ZESCO continues to make power available to CEC despite CEC owing ZESCO millions of dollars in unpaid arrears under the expired Bulk Supply Agreement: I’d imagine that Mwila expected some commendation for this “benevolent” act from ZESCO but we know this is not some altruistic action from them but rather because they need CEC’s infrastructure to supply their customers on the Copperbelt, mining and otherwise. As for the money owing, again we know that arises from one non-paying customer. ZESCO should tell us if CEC owes them for any other customer than KCM but rather than work together with CEC to collect that money, they sign on the erring customer!

7. Entering into a long-term agreement with KCM: I left this for last because I find it the most bizarre that a company wailing about making losses has entered into a contract with a customer who has badly defaulted on payments to its last service provider. Just how does ZESCO explain the sensibility of this? They’ve taken CEC to court over money owed to them because of acustomer that has not been paying but happily take on that same customer and describe it as a “landmark agreement”. Really? Will KCM pay for power or is this the whole plan that because they are not interested in paying for a critical input such as electricity, take them under the wings of a state entity because they too are, for the present, essentially a state entity. ZESCO won’t attempt to enforce payment and it will be the other users of electricity – households and businesses – who will foot the bill for the power being consumed by KCM.
This statement sounds to me like an indictment on the government and ZESCO. A plan hatched to grossly disadvantage a company that for whatever reasons they would rather see doing badly.

UPND Responds to Antonio Mwanza’s attack on HH

The United Party for National Development (UPND) has responded to the ruling Patriotic Front (PF) Deputy Media Director Antonio Mwanza on his remarks where he urged UPND President Hakainde Hichima to stop advertising what he called ignorance when HH made an allegation that gazetting bill 10 was illegal.

In a statement, UPND said that Antonio needs to instead be worried that the basic needs basket as reported by JCTR, indicate that the minimum monthly food basket for a family of 5 people has increased from K5,395 in January 2019 to K7,410 in January 2020 yet the majority of Zambians don’t earn that kind of money and that these are the things you should be looking at not HH.

Below is the full statement

Antonio hands-off HH

We have ignored your hate speech on President HH for too long thinking you will look back at your life and come to terms with reality that the man you are paid to despise played a role of a father in your life when he provided your educational needs.

We are not like you, so we will not proceed to say what happened later because at least he provided what you needed most without looking at you as someone’s child but as his son.

And today you want to refer to him as an ignorant person who seems not to understand the monkey tricks your government is playing to try and convince the people of Zambia so that they swallow the poisonous BILL 10 pill.

You are the last person to say anything malicious to President HH because of the love he showed you when no one looked at you because you were a nobody. But HH as a bally picked you and took you in his hands as a son needing a father but true to the definition of a spoiled ungrateful child, you turn around to say nasty things for wanting to dine with corrupt thieves and destroyers of our democracy.

Why not help your already stressed President fight corruption in his government which include the theft of life-saving drugs. His term of office is nearing its end but meanwhile the Zambian youth is still waiting for the 500,000 and one million jobs promised to them by Mr.Edgar Lungu. That is the man in desperate need of your attention by helping him respond to the needs of the youths in this country.

Antonio leave HH alone and help President Lungu deal with the country his government has plunged into being the fifth hungriest nation on the face of the earth. Those are the issues you are supposed to be looking at instead of wasting time to please your masters.

Antonio IMF won’t bail out Zambia because its debt is unsustainable following Zambia’s US$11 billion debt, 27% Chinese loan obligations, and another estimated US$3 billion owed to some foreign markers in euro bond among others, all these are problems you need to help your President deal with but because you are a spoiled child, your eyes are on HH who has nothing to do with your party’s appetite for borrowing.

Antonio you need to be worried that the basic needs basket as reported by JCTR, indicate that the minimum monthly food basket for a family of 5 people has increased from K5,395 in January 2019 to K7,410 in January 2020 yet majority of Zambians don’t earn that kind of money. These are the things you should be looking at not HH.

Zambians need your government to release reports of the serial killings, burning of markets and gassing which led to loss of innocent lives and not talking about HH. It won’t help your government in anyway because Zambians need answers before elections in 2021. Eyes off HH because your President needs you to help him have those issues resolved because voters are hurting.

Am sure the youths expected you to say something that was going to ease the pressure your government is undergoing because of the suffering they are undergoing.

Meanwhile to the people of Zambia thank you so much for your support, surely you will lead a different and better life under President Hakainde Hichilema because he loves you and has a vision of building a better life for all Zambians across the country.

There is nothing to debate PF government has failed and they should go.

Today’s Message: It Shall Not Prosper

Today’s Scripture

“…No weapon turned against you will succeed. You will silence every voice raised up to accuse you. These benefits are enjoyed by the servants of the LORD…”
(Isaiah 54:17, NLT)

It Shall Not Prosper

Today’s Scripture doesn’t say that we won’t have difficulties. That’s not reality. It says, “The problem may form, people may talk, you may get a negative medical report, but you can stay in peace, knowing it’s not going to prosper against you.” Because you’re God’s child, because you’re in the secret place of the Most High, God has a hedge of protection, mercy, and favor around you that the enemy cannot cross. No person, no sickness, no trouble, and no force of darkness can stop God’s plan for your life.

When you face these challenges and you’re tempted to worry, tell yourself: “This problem may have formed, they may be trying to make me look bad, but I’m not worried. This medical report may not look good, but I have a promise from Almighty God that it is not going to prosper. He has me in the palms of His hands. I’m staying in peace. God and I are a majority.”

A Prayer for Today

Father, thank You that I have Your promise that nothing that forms against me is going to prosper. I declare that because I am Your child, there is a hedge of protection, mercy, and favor around me that the enemy cannot cross. I’m staying in peace. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Mbala Chamber of Commerce Hails President Lungu for Spearheading Key Developmental Projects


The Mbala Chamber of Commerce has hailed President Edgar Lungu for spearheading developmental projects that are key to the country’s economic growth.

Chamber District President Mengo Siame cited the flagging off of works to upgrade the Mbala – Zombe boarder road, which leads to Tanzania’s Rukwa Region, as one of the developments that will boost economic activities.

Mr. Siame added that increased cross boarder trade between Zambia and neighboring Tanzania will also contribute favorably to the country’s Gross Domestic Product.

And residents of Mbala are elated with President Lungu’s visit to the district and the province at large, saying the move will help the Head of State to appreciate challenges and find solutions.

One of the residents, Annie Chanda said the Head of State should be commended for making efforts to improve the welfare of the common Zambian.

Another resident Felix Mulwanda expressed confidence that challenges affecting the local people will receive due attention.

The President is in Northern Province on a three day working visit.

Stephen Kampyongo warns people planning to cause confusion in Zambia to stop


MINISTER of Home Affairs Hon Stephen Kampyongo has warned people allegedly planning to cause confusion in the country to stop as the Law enforcement agencies stand ready to defend and protect the country from law breakers.

He says government is aware of their plans in the name of exercising freedom of speech.

“Government is aware of a conspiracy by some unpatriotic Zambians wanting to protest against the state claiming deterioration of freedom of expression in the country when in fact not and we want to warn them against breaking the law in whatever they intend to do which is not supported by law” Hon Kampyongo said.

He says the names people are conspiring to commit crime and the Zambia Police in conjunction with all security wings are monitoring the events and will ensure the law is enforced on anyone wishing to break it.

The minister was speaking when he commissioned and officially handed over 207 police housing units and 20 units for the Immigration department on the Copperbelt.

The housing units are in Chililabobwe,Kitwe,Kafulafuta,Masaiti and Kalulushi districts.

And inspector general of Police Kakoma Kanganja says his command will not tolerate any group or individuals who want to conduct protests in the name of freedom of speech and expression.

Individuals and groupings that intend to protests against government have being warned by government authorities.

Remain United, We have a Huge Task of Delivering President HH into Statehouse UPND Appeals to Members

United Party for National Development Chairperson for Southern Province, Billard Makwembo, has appealed to party members across Southern Province to remain united during the period of intraparty elections as the party prepare for the 2021 general elections.

In a statement released to members, Mr. Makwembo appealed to members to remain united under the vision of the party’s founding fathers led by Anderson Mazoka and now carried on by President Hakainde Hichilema in what he described as true brotherhood and harmony because they have a huge task of delivering President HH into the Statehouse.

Mr. Makwembo also urged all members vying for position to not buy votes as it had come to his attention that some people aspiring for positions at various levels of the party have been going round enticing electoral colleges with huge sums of money in exchange for votes contrary to the provisions of the party and the spirit of democracy.

Below is the full statement

 UPND South Provincial Chairperson Billard Makwembo
Monze (20.06.2020)

As Southern Province UPND Chairperson, allow me to appeal to all members across the province to ensure that laid down procedures and processes during this period of intraparty elections are followed as we prepare for the 2021 general elections.

It has come to the attention of the party that some people aspiring for positions at various levels of the party have been going round enticing electoral colleges with huge sums of money in exchange for votes contrary to the provisions of the party and the spirit of democracy. This trend unfortunately does not reflect the free will spirit that binds us together under the umbrella of loyalty, patriotism and commitment to party values.

Allow me to advice and urge all competitors to avoid using inducements but allow people choose their leadership that will assist President Hakainde Hichilema marshal enough support to form the next government under the spirit of free will in line with democratic tenets.

My appeal to everyone with the little resources to spare is to urge them channel such resources towards party mobilization, NRC as well as Voters registration which needs to be done in earnest for the benefit of all.

The general membership is therefore advised to remain above board in avoiding differences during this period that would lead to unnecessary divisions to the joy of potential infiltrators that would cause divisions from within.

Allow me to thank our members at ward, district and Constituencies for holding free and fair Elections. My appeal is remain united because we have a huge task of delivering President HH into statehouse.

Let us remain united under the vision of our founding fathers led by Anderson Mazoka and now carried on by President Hakainde Hichilema in true brotherhood and harmony.

Despite the many challenges, trials and tribulations, we have stood strong and come out victorious. These intraparty elections should leave us more united and focused on the duty ahead.


Emulate President Lungu’s humility, patience and endurance-Mumbi Phiri

Patriotic Front Deputy Secretary-General Hon Mumbi Phiri has called on PF members in Central Province and elsewhere to emulate President Edgar Lungu’s humility, patience, and endurance in order to grow and strengthen the party.

Ms. Phiri says President Edgar Lungu’s loyalty and patience to the party has made him who he is today after rising steadily through the ranks despite various setbacks.

Speaking Saturday morning in Kabwe, Central Province when she met all the PF structures in the province, Ms. Phiri preached unity and reconciliation and urged party members to be loyal, patient, and disciplined if the party is to remain united and ready for the 2021 general elections.

“President Edgar Lungu was supposed to be our candidate in 2006 but was told at the last minute that he would not be adopted but he never left the party or complained but remained loyal and rose through the ranks and served in various high ranking positions and became the head of state” Ms. Phiri recalled and urged members not lose patience but continue working for the good and progression of the party.

She counseled party members to embrace each other and avoid working in isolation and emphasized that “failure of one is the failure of all”.

Ms. Phiri also called for an end the tendency to label some party members as not being founders of the party saying everyone is equally important and that politics is all about numbers.

Ms. Phiri said the PF is committed to upholding the provisions of the party constitution and cautioned against complacency amongst party members adding that no position or hierarchy in the party will guarantee adoption in the absence of unity and hard work.

And speaking earlier, Patriotic Front Central Province Chairperson Hon Chanda Mutale assured Ms. Phiri that the structures in the province are intact but reiterated the need for all structures to work together to strengthen the party.

He asked Ms. Phiri to convey the assurance to the head of state that Central Province has endorsed him as their 2021 Presidential candidate and stands ready to rally behind him.

Traditional leaders in Senga Hill and Mpulungu districts render support to President Lungu on Bill 10


We are in full support of the progressive constitution amendment bill 10 of 2019, the traditional leaders in Senga Hill and Mpulungu districts have said.

Speaking when they met President Edgar Lungu yesterday in Senga Hill District, over 80 village headmen and head women collectively said they were in support of bill 10.

Headmen representative, George Mandona urged members of Parliament to support bill 10 regardless of their political affiliation.

“As village headmen, all of us (80), we are in full support of bill 10,” he said.

The Village headman said the country could only progress if all MPs put aside political affiliations and focus on the importance of the bill.

Headman Mandona said those that were against the bill were not aware of the challenges the current constitution had created in the traditional affairs when succession wrangles erupt.

And speaking when President Lungu met traditional leaders in Mpulungu, Chief Chitimbwa said they were in support of bill 10.

Chief Chitimbwa who spoke on behalf of the other two chiefs namely Chinakila and Chikopeka also assured the President of their support in 2021.

“As Chiefs of Mpulungu, we support bill 10. We also assure you of victory in 2021 elections here because of your good works and leadership,” Chief Chitimbwa said.

He said the bill should be supported by all well-meaning traditional leaders as it would enhance development.

Meanwhile, Chief Chitimbwa appealed to the President for construction of the mordern hospital in Mpulungu.

He also asked the President to consider increasing the salaries of Chiefs.

In response, President Lungu said government was alive to the challenges people in the area were faced with and would do everything possible to address them.

President Lungu said his government recognized the importance of modern health facilities in rural areas.

On the salary increment of Chiefs, President Lungu said he had heard but would not make a promise.

The President also expressed happiness that traditional leaders were appreciating bill 10.

Is it Bally will fix it, or Bally will fix us?

“The slogan Bally will fix it,” suggests HH and UPND will change Zambia’s sociopolitical and economic culture. But this assumption ignores the historical basis of our political and economic systems.

Our political foundation is undemocratic–save the songs of respect for human rights when one is in opposition. In our past 56 years of independence, we have developed amnesia to our politicians’ promises of respect for human rights, freedoms of expression, and accountability once in power.

We may respect the founding president Kenneth Kaunda, but he ruled with an iron fist. He criticized colonial rule for political assassinations and imprisonment of those who questioned it. Kaunda’s promise of freedom in independent Zambia remained a dream for masses. In reality, those who sought to dethrone him from the helm of power rotted in jails, lost their jobs and in most cases died mysteriously.

Kaunda employed colonial-like intimidations of political opponents and the public at large. I lived through his leadership–his OPs were deadly. But he did not end there. He changed the constitution many times to keep himself in power. He undemocratically declared Zambia a one party state and arrested those who challenged him. As we shouted then, “Kumulu ni Lesa, Panshi ni Kaunda!” ( In heaven the ruler is God, on earth the ruler is Kaunda!) Machiavelli advice to the Prince was lived out under the Kaunda regime–even his childhood friend Simon Kapwepwe was not spared. Kaunda was omnipotent Prince. He ruled as a god.

Then came the reign of FTJ. To some extent Kunda’s silencing of political opponents made Chiluba. Who did not shout “The Hour has come?” Even religious leaders were carried by the Movement for Multiparty Democracy. Like Kaunda, Chiluba presented himself as a Democrat who will ensure the freedoms once denied under the colonial and the Kaunda regime. Once in power, however, Chiluba ruled as a corrupt devil on the one hand, and a bible yielding born again Christian on the contrary. Many Pentecostal pastors even wanted him ordained–didn’t he declare Zambia a Christian nation to be ruled by biblical principles? Chiluba was not only corrupt, he arrested and tortured political opponents among them President Kaunda and Dean Namulya Mung’omba. Moreover, Chiluba did not only rob the nation of millions of dollars, but also endorsed extreme torture of citizens. Under his leadership the University of Zambia students were maimed and forced to sleep in sewage overflows. He also changed the constitution to stop Kaunda from challenging him. But then came his unsuccessful bid for the third term. Those who watched and supported his diabolical leadership like Edith Nawakwi, Michael Sata and Godfrey Miyanda became the victims of the very devil they created. To the disappointment of MMD cadres like Michael Sata, Chiluba reversed cause on the third term bid and handpicked Levy Mwanawasa as his successor. This forced Sata to form his Patriotic Front. Like Chiluba and Kaunda before him, Mwanawasa started his own constitutional review. Sadly he did not live to see it. It failed in parliament under Rupiah Banda.

Our problem is not the party in power, but the colonial foundation on which our polity is based

As opposition leader, Sata promised Zambians a people driven constitution. Sadly it turned out to be the PF document. Despite many protests, the PF driven constitution became the law of the land. Due to the cut and paste nature of the PF driven constitution, the Lungu administration called for Bill 10–the bill that will strengthen the Christian nation “identity” among many things. Due to the biting economic mess, many Zambians want change.

The Bally phenomenon has potential to send many PF cadres to prison. Not so fast. HH and HIS UPND won’t be different from other regimes. Our problem is not the party in power, but the colonial foundation on which our polity is based; the president is the almighty Prince. Should HH win the 2021 elections by divine intervention, he will start his own constitutional review process to protect his own interests as he has done in his party. In short, he will add to the list of despots who have ruled Zambia.

Who does not like power? Ask Kaunda and Banda. If you can communicate with the dead, ask Chiluba, Mwanawasa and Sata. We may shout “Bally will fix it” to mean “Bally will fix us.”

I pray for the best, but it will take a miracle for anyone to sacrifice unlimited powers!

By Rev. Kapya Kaoma

It’s disappointing , People Opposing Bill 10 have No Fixed Position, but just Move with the Wind-Sikota


Renowned Constitutional Lawyer, Sakwiba Sikota, has said that it is disappointing that those opposing the enactment of Constitutional Amendment Bill number 10 of 2019, do not seem to have a fixed position on why they are against the Bill.

Speaking in an interview with ZNBC, Mr. Sikota said that the stance of some named institutions towards the Bill seems to move with the wind and is not tied to any concrete reason.

Mr. Sikota said that the initial opposition of the Bill by some entities was about the content which the stakeholders felt did not represent the views of the people.

The State Counsel said that he is however surprised that even when the Parliamentary Select Committee came up with recommendations attending to the concerns raised by stakeholders, some entities still decided to change their stance.

Mr. Sikota said that it appears that some people just want to find something to oppose even though the process has attempted to deal with some of the major concerns raised.

Mr. Sikota said that true democrats, realize that the process of enacting a Bill entails hanging on and debating one’s point of view and NOT boycotting when confronted with contrary suggestions.

Mr. Sikota said that young people and women should support the Bill-10 because of the mixed-member representation clause which seeks to create more space for them in the governance system of the country, adding that another key provision in the Bill that will enhance governance is the proposal to increase the number of days to hear a presidential petition from 14 to 30 days and that this will give more time to Presidential petitioners to argue their case.

Meanwhile, Kabushi Member of Parliament Bowman Lusambo has urged the Patriotic Front – PF in North Western Province to sensitise members on the importance of supporting constitution amendment Bill number 10. Mr. Lusambo said that opposition members of Parliament are peddling lies using Bill 10 and misleading the public on the contents of the Bill.

He has challenged the Provincial Administration to sensitise members of society on the contents of Bill 10 and not to allow opposition political parties to use it as a campaign strategy.

Speaking when he met with the North Western Province PF party officials in Solwezi, Mr. Lusambo also urged the young people to utilise social media productively. He said insulting the Head of State on social media will not be condoned by the Patriotic Front and urged young people to desist from the act.

North Western Province PF acting Chairperson Koshita Shengamo said the visit by the MP is a sign that the party is strong and United.

LaLiga Returns With Spike in Viewership

The thirst for football saw LaLiga record a 48 per cent jump in viewership when it resumed live matches last weekend after the three-month league lockdown due tothe Covid-19 pandemic.

LaLiga Managing Director in South Africa, Marcos Pelegrin, disclosed that the appetite for Spanish football after the long pause was quite evident in Africa when round 28 matches were played from June 11-14.

“LaLiga Santander increased its international viewing figures by more than 48% on the first match day (Matchday 28) following the restart of the league on June 11 compared to the average for the first 27 matchdays prior to the forced suspension of the Spanish league due to the COVID-19 pandemic,” Pelegrin said.

“According to international consultants Nielsen Sports, and based on the preliminary official viewing figures and estimates by the firm, international audiences during live games on Matchday 28 registered exponential growth.

“In some regions of the world, extremely sharp increases in the viewing figures were achieved on the first day following the restart. For example, in Africa there was a rise of over 73%, and in countries such as South Africa the increase amounted to more than 210%.

“These figures demonstrate that Africa’s love for the Spanish league has seen an upward trajectory, with one of the reasons being the high number of African stars – 48 in total – currently plying their trade in the both LaLiga Santander and LaLiga SmartBank, together with LaLiga’s ever growing presence on Africa’s soil.”

All remaining matches since the restart are being played behind closed doors under strict Covid-19 health guidelines until LaLiga concludes on July 19.

Kabila: It Was a Great Journey at Nkana

Outgoing Nkana president Everisto Kabila has described his five-year reign at with the Kitwe giants as a great journey.

Kabila stepped down as president of the record 12-timeZambian champions on June 19.

He has been replaced by Nkana vice president Joe Silwamba, who will take charge starting July, 1, 2020.

“It’s been a great journey since 2014. The journey hasn’t been so easy but we soldiered on and scored many successes together,” Kabila said in his statement to the club and fans.

Under Kabila, Nkana finished second in 2018 and won the Barclays Cup and Charity Shield that same season and retained the latter in 2019.

Nkana also qualified for the 2019 CAF Confederation Cup quarterfinals for the first time.

The side is currently fourth on the log on 43 points, three points behind leaders Forest Rangers with nine games left to played in the midst of the three-month long Coronavirus lockdown.

“I admit that there were areas we didn’t do well and requires improvements,” Kabila added.

“The club is so demanding and requires commitment and great focus and I have no doubt that our current Nkana FC executive, secretariat, technical bench, players and soccer fans at large will solider on and make this wonderful club a success.

“Challenges are everywhere and are part of life in any great organization am 100 percent confident that we will rise above them.”