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Now UPND Catholic Parliamentarians back Catholic Bishops on Bill 10

UNITED PARTY FOR NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT Members of the Association of Catholic Parliamentarians have supported the Zambia Conference of Catholic Bishops (ZCCB) on calls for the withdrawal of Constitutional Amendment Bill number 10 of 2019.

Representing the UPND Members of the Association of Catholic Parliamentarians, Kabompo member of Parliament Ambrose Lufuma has further disagreed with association Chairperson Professor Nkandu Luo’s insinuations that all Members of the Association are in support of controversial Bill number 10.

Mr. Lufuma told a Media briefing this morning that only PF Members of Parliament in the Association are in support of Bill number 10 and opposed to the ZCCB Communique which has demanded for the immediate withdraw of the Amendments.

He says all UPND MPs in the Association are in full support of the communique and demand by the Catholic Bishops to have the bill number 10 immediately withdrawn.

He said it is now evident that the ruling Patriotic Front is aiming at hijacking the constitutional amendment process for political expediency aimed at perpetuating their rule against all odds and opposition.

He has maintained that Bill number 10 is manipulative and attempts at deceiving the people of Zambia and creating a dictatorship under the guise of constitutional reform.

Mr. Lufuma has since appealed to Zambians to heed to the advice given by the Zambia Conference of Catholic Bishops and other Church Mother Bodies in rejecting the bill.

UPND President Hakainde Hichilema on Thursday said Bill 10 aims at creating a dictatorship citing the planned repealing of Articles 52(4) and 60(4) of the Republican constitution as one such avenue that should not be tolerated.

Nigerian High Commission to Zambia assures PF it will address Seer 1 Concerns

The Nigerian High Commission to Zambia says it is doing everything to ensure that Andrew Ejimadu’s attacks on President Edgar Lungu and Government come to an end.

This follows a Petition by Patriotic Front -PF – National Youth Chairman Kelvin Sampa and 10 other Provincial Youth Chairpersons to the Nigerian High Commission over Ejimadu popularly known as prophet Seer One.

In a letter dated June 15, 2020 to Mr Sampa and signed on behalf of the High Commissioner by Abbas Abdullahi, the High Commission acknowledged receipt of the letter written against Mr. Ejimadu.

The High Commission has also assured the PF Kasama Central Member of Parliament that all the concerns have been noted.

Ruling Patriotic Front youths wrote to the Nigerian government over alleged defamatory remarks by Andrew Elimadu popularly known as Seer 1.

In a letter of protest to the Nigerian Embassy which was signed by all provincial party chaipersons, PF youth chairperson Kelvin Sampa stated that Seer 1 has been running a sustained hate and propaganda campaign against President Lungu and his government.

He has called on the Nigerian government to act on the matter.

“It is my singular honor to write to you, your Excellency. Kindly accept my utmost regards and consideration. Your excellency, I write to protest in the strongest terms the sustained unwarranted inflammatory, malicious, slanderous and criminally defamatory attacks by the said Mr Andrew Elimadu populary known as Prophet Seer 1 against His Excellency President Edgar Chagwa Lungu, President of the Republic of Zambia and his government,” Mr Sampa stated.

“Mr Ejimadu, the founder of Christ Freedom Ministries, once lived in Lusaka, Zambia and was arrested and deported in 2016 for allegedly raping a teenage girl among other numerous allegations against him. For months on end, Mr Elimadu has been running a sustained hate and propaganda campaign via social media and Television platforms against President Lungu and his government. He has been using these platforms to maliciously and criminally defame and malign President Lungu and his senior government officials.”

Bill 10 will fix succession wrangles in chiefdoms-President Lungu

President Edgar Lungu says it is good that almost all traditional leaders agree that the Constitution Amendment Bill Number 10 of 2019 will help to resolve the succession wrangles in chiefdoms.

President Lungu says the current situation makes it hard for Chiefdoms to avoid succession wrangles. He says with the proposal in bill ten there is hope that the succession wrangles will be addressed.

President Lungu says as things stand anyone can stand and claim to be a Chief without fear of any authority. President Lungu said this when he met traditional leaders in Senga Hill District.

The President further asked traditional leaders to work with the government in taking development to their people.

President Lungu said it is sad that some Chiefs want facilities such as hospitals and schools to be built closer to their palaces and not in central places where everyone can access them.

And, speaking at the same meeting, Chief Mphande of the Mambwe people urged government to ensure that the Constitution Amendment Bill number ten of 2019 is enacted into law.

Dr. Mphande, who is a Former lecturer at UNZA, said the current constitution has contributed to wrangles in Chiefdom.

He said government need to get involved in the recognition of Chiefs like it was in the past.

The Chief also urged government to work on the roads in the area.

He said his people watch what is happening in the country and are greatful for the massive infrastructure development that is going on.

And, speaking on behalf of village headmen George Mandona urged Members of Parliament to support Bill ten.

He said those opposed to Bill ten are not aware of the problems which the current constitution has created in villages.

Headman Mandona said people in most Mambwe and Lungu Chiefdoms do not know which Chief to follow as a result of the wrangles.

Mr. Mandona said this during a meeting where President Lungu met village headmen.

During this meeting, President Lungu urged PF structures to work with traditional leaders.

He said Chiefs and village headmen should be respected.

Socialist Party’s Manifesto Promises to Bring Revolutionary Change


The presidential candidate of the Socialist Party (SP), Fred M’membe, released the party’s manifesto for the August 2021 elections at a press conference on June 18, Wednesday. “This is a manifesto for revolutionary change.. a manifesto that will release the power of ordinary people to transform this country,” said M’membe in his opening remarks.

The manifesto sets out the Socialist Party’s vision for transforming Zambia through universal education and healthcare, along with the promotion of cooperative farming that ensures the rights of peasants and workers in a socially planned economy. The party also expressed its resolve to reverse the deindustrialization process undergone since the neoliberal reforms introduced in 1991.

Vowing to eradicate illiteracy in 10 years, the manifesto promises free and compulsory education to all Zambians up to grade 12. The party has organized several literacy campaigns in the capital Lusaka since its formation in 2018.

“There will be no fees; uniforms, books, pens, pencils and school meals will be provided,” the manifesto states, and that “The Socialist government will provide state-of-the-art 21st-century education. Computers, science laboratories, and quality teaching aids will pave a way for a science-based curriculum.”

Towards this end, if elected, the socialist government will allot 25% of the budgetary allocation to education.

Another 20% will be allotted to healthcare. The 2019 Global Health Security Index, published by the John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, ranks Zambia’s healthcare system at 152nd among the 195 countries included.

Apart from promoting and expanding the pharmaceutical industry, the party has also promised investment to “expand primary healthcare to include social care and mental health.”

Highlighting the need for reducing “the rates of undiagnosed and late-diagnosed HIV, ending the stigma of HIV in society, and promoting the increased availability of testing and treatment”, the manifesto promises to “expand sexual health services”.

Water supply, sanitation, and housing

As per the party, the expansion of healthcare alone cannot effectively improve the health of the masses. Millions of Zambians dwell in slums in and around the cities, lacking running water and sanitation facilities.

“The main causes of Zambia’s morbidity and mortality rates are water-related diseases; enteric fevers, dysentery, typhoid, cholera, amoebic infections, schistosomiasis, and many others,” the manifesto notes, adding that “Due to the poor state of water and sanitation, urban areas are prone to water-borne diseases that break out almost every year.”

The lack of access to an adequate supply of clean water also imposes a disproportionate burden on women, who generally perform the task of fetching water from the limited sources available. Women are forced to spend a substantial portion of each day walking for kilometers and waiting in queues to draw water from common wells, many of which are dug next to latrine pits.

The manifesto thus promises “special attention” to the “safety and quality” of water, and expanding accessibility by providing multiple supply points across the country, so that “(n)o Zambian will have to walk more than 20 minutes to fetch water.”

Pointing out that access to sanitation has actually reduced in proportion to the population, the party blamed neoliberal policies for creating a situation where “nearly half of the population has no access at all.” The Socialist Party has also expressed its commitment to providing “100% sanitation coverage”.

Apart from water-borne diseases, a further toll is placed on the health of the masses, especially in slums and villages, because a “great majority of our people cannot afford concrete floors…. A mud floor is an incubator for breeding germs.”

The conditions in the slums – where entire families, often more than one, share small single-room shacks with no privacy for young adults – also affect mental and sexual health, the manifesto notes.

These problems will only worsen in coming years in the absence of a course correction due to the unprecedented rate of growth of urban population, which is, “(f)or the first time in our history.. higher than that of the rural population.”

Addressing these issues is not possible within a capitalist system, the party argues. “The Socialist Party in government will restructure town and country planning to favour construction of houses for the masses,” the manifesto states, to alleviate the problems of slums.

The party has also promised to undertake the construction of 50,000 low-cost houses each year, upon election.

Where is the money?

The small wealthy elite class in the country which benefits from the neoliberal exploitation “will tell you we are dreaming.. They will tell you it can’t be done. They will ask where will the money for all this come from,” M’membe said in his address at the manifesto-launch.

The government representing this elite class is spending billions on “presidential jets and other luxuries”, including allowances, foreign trips, etc.

Questions regarding such expenditures are rarely raised, “because they are benefiting from this spending,” M’membe said. He added that though the program envisioned in the socialist manifesto requires large finances, “money is not the starting point” and can be found if Zambians take on the collective responsibility to ensure access to education, healthcare and other basic necessities for all. “The Socialist government will do what the individual households do when money is needed, when money is short: remove unnecessary expenditures,” he said.

The trimming of unnecessary expenditure in a socialist government will begin with those elected to its highest bodies. Additionally, a large portion of the wealth owed to workers, including by the National Pension Scheme Authority (NAPSA) and other pension funds, is “sitting in banks and being misused to build shopping malls and other symbols of wealth of little or no benefit to the workers,” as per the party.

It has been suggested that “Instead of leaving it up to individual profit-seeking capitalists and their agents in government to decide how this money ought to be invested, the working class should decide on a democratic basis where and how the wealth generated by them is invested.”

Transforming agriculture

Zambia being primarily an agriculture-dependent country, the Socialist Party has prioritized protecting peasant agriculture against the assaults of agribusiness. This is to be achieved by promoting collective farms that are democratically controlled by farmers and agricultural laborers.

The introduction of technology and mechanization can increase productivity and reduce the physical labor required to run these agricultural collectives without leaving a large number of rural laborers dispossessed of their livelihoods. This is unlike in the case of corporate farming pursued profit.

On the urban economy front, the party has committed itself to reversing the process of de-industrialization undergone since the introduction of neoliberalism in 1991. The removal of import restrictions and minimization of subsidies supporting local manufacturing has destroyed industrial production in many cities, while supermarkets are flooded with imported goods.

Production of public goods through public enterprises, in which trade unions will have a strong influence, forms the backbone of the Socialist Party’s vision for the industrial transformation of Zambia.

All workers are guaranteed equal rights “regardless of their employment status”, and for “trade unions a right to access workplaces, so union representatives can speak to members and potential members” has been promised. The party has also committed to the use of legislative powers to further promote unionization of workers and to “enforce all workers’ rights to trade union representation at work.”

The party’s government will also provide workers with disabilities “incapacity benefits, with payments varying according to the severity of the disability or illness.” Also, “skills training.. and affirmative programs” will be made available for disabled workers.

The party intends to institute a “gender pay auditing” system to ensure that employers do not discriminate against women at the workplace and in the hiring process, in order to avoid having to pay for maternity leave, etc.

50% of the cabinet will be constituted of women ministers and equal representation at the highest levels of the government will be sought to effectively conduct gender auditing and combat the rampant sexual and domestic abuse in the country.

The Socialist Party is also among the few in the country which has laid stress on ensuring prisoners’ rights, and the need to reform the military apparatus by reversing the increasing focus on maintaining order and authority.

Instead, the party seeks to invest in better training and equipping the army to effectively contribute to the peacekeeping missions of the UN and the African Union, without taking the high number of casualties they are currently suffering.

Instead of serving as a market where arms-exporters can dump weapons, the party intends to transform the Zambian defense industry, promoting within its job creation and growth.

In its concluding paragraphs, the manifesto affirms: “We will fight for peace and stand against neo-colonialism. We firmly believe that the real and basic interests of the struggling people of the world are the same, and hence, we stand for proletarian internationalism and will support the causes of progressive popular movements wherever they emerge. International solidarity is in the best interest of our own struggle.”

You Can download the Full Manifestor here

Full Manifesto of the Socialist Party 2021-2026

Treasury releases K1 billion for crop purchases


Secretary to the Treasury Fredson Yamba has today announced the release of a cumulative K1 billion to ensure active participation of the Food Reserve Agency in the 2020 crop marketing season and facilitate attainment of national strategic food reserve requirements.

FRA is expected to disburse the K1 billion funding to farmer paying financial institutions in various districts so that farmers who meet the necessary documentation and scrutiny requirements for the delivered crops, receive payments, accordingly.

During the 2019/20 agricultural season, Zambia experienced a favourable rain pattern to the delight of rain dependent small-scale farmers. Despite the floods and sporadic fall army worm outbreaks in certain areas of Central, Eastern, Luapula, Northern and Southern Provinces, the country has recorded a total production of 3,387,469 metric tonnes of maize in the 2019/2020 season from 2,004,389 metric tonnes in the 2018/2019 season.

This represents a production increase of 69%.

These figures were recently announced by the Minister of Agriculture Micheal Katambo.

At the beginning of May 2020, the FRA had carry-over reserves standing at gross physical stocks of 82,982.02 metric tonnes of non-GMO white maize, 73 metric tonnes of soya beans and 3.64 metric tonnes of paddy rice – for consumption, relief, and emergency purposes.

To assess the strategic grain reserve situation, President Edgar Lungu visited Food Reserve Agency depots in Lusaka, on 29th April 2020.

He then declared the immediate need for FRA to purchase 1,000,000 metric tonnes of maize to replenish the current strategic grain reserves.

“This funding is a response to the guidance of the President and the crop purchase strategies of the Ministry of Agriculture through FRA,” Mr. Yamba has said.

As Treasury, added Mr. Yamba, “we join His Excellency the President in expressing sincere gratitude to our hardworking farmers for increasing crop production in the 2019/2020 season. For us, this is an important indication that the country will have sufficient stocks of food until the next harvest in 2021. We also join the Ministry of Agriculture in urging our small-scale farmers to reserve enough grains to see them through to the next harvest. Unless households are food secure, national food security will be compromised. This is why small-scale farmers should properly apportion their harvest between consumption and sell, where possible.”

Nkana Boss Kabila Steps Down

Everisto Kabila has stepped down as Nkana president after five years at the helm of the record 12-time Zambian champions.

Kabila has been Nkana supremo since 2015 in which period he oversaw the development of the clubs’ youth academy that has so far produced three junior Zambia internationals namely Moses Nyondo, Justin Mwanza and Patrick Gondwe.

“Mopani Copper Mines PLC Acting Chief Executive Officer, Charles Sakanya, confirmed Kabila’s resignation and announced that Joseph Silwamba, the Vice President of Nkana FC, will take over as President from July 1, 2020,” a statement from Nkana’s principle sponsors Mopani Copper Mines stated.
“…and during his tenure, Nkana FC finished second in the 2018 Super League season and went on to reach the Quarter Finals of the CAF Confederation Cup.

“Nkana also won the 2018 Barclays Cup (now renamed ABSA Cup) and the Zoom Ndhlovu Charity Shield for two years on the bounce (2018 and 2019).”

The new boss, Silwamba, is not new to Nkana and has been part of the clubs executive committee since 2012.

He previously served in other sporting capacities as Diggers Rugby club chairperson between 2004 and 2008 and was Zambia Rugby Union vice president in 2012.

Silwamba was later elected to the National Sports Council of Zambia Board where he served from 2013 to 2017.

Meanwhile, Kabila leaves Nkana in the midst of the three-month Covid-19 lockdown at number four on 43 points one point ahead of fifth placed and defending champions Zesco United on the FAZ Super Division log.

Nkana are also a point behind third placed Green Eagles have 44 points while Napsa Stars are second on 45 points, a point behind leaders Forest Rangers.

President Lungu Explains Delays in Constructing Mini-Hospitals


President Edgar Lungu says works to construct the 108 mini-hospitals in some selected districts, have delayed because the two contractors building the facilities are still working in other parts of the country.

President Lungu says government has had to wait for the same contractors to work on all the mini- hospitals because they are the best so far.

The President says areas that have been promised the mini hospitals should exercise patience as the contractors will soon move to their areas.

President Lungu said this when he inspected Senga Hill District Hospital in Northern Province.

The President disclosed that Senga Hill will soon have two mini hospitals once the contractor is done with works in Kasama.

President Lungu also instructed that the two hospitals to be built should include houses for medical personnel.

He said this will help to motivate health workers.

And Health Minister Chitalu Chilufya assured President Lungu that the contractor will move on site in Senga Hill in the next two months.

Dr Chilufya said his ministry will also increase capacity of Senga Hill District hospital to enable it handle serious cases.

He also said the two new mini-hospitals will come with modern equipment.

Dr Chilufya further disclosed that works on the mini hospitals in most parts of the country have been completed.

Don’t use Social Media to Disrespect and Insult Political Leaders- Sumaili

National Guidance and Religious Affairs Minister Godfridah Sumaili has advised youths to use correct channels to engage their political leaders and not abuse social media to disrespect and insult them.

Reverend Sumaili says government has an open door policy and working with the youth is among the priorities as youths are the future leaders of the country.

She says the youths should never resort to protests or demonstrations to air grievances, but must embrace dialogue.

Reverend Sumaili has also appealed to politicians who may be using the youth to insult leaders to stop misleading the youths, but guide them correctly.

She says all Zambians have a responsibility to protect the country’s peace.

Speaking during a media briefing in Lusaka today, the minister expressed gratitude to all Zambians for their contribution to peace and unity.

Reverend Sumaili said according to the 14th Global Peace Index – GPI, Zambia has been ranked as the 4th most peaceful nation in Africa because Zambians embrace one another through co-existence, patriotism and sustainable development.

She has further reminded Zambians not to abuse the country’s peace through hate speech, lawlessness and abuse of social media.

Reverend Sumaili said government remains democratic and thrives on the tolerance of diverse views and opinions of leaders and citizens for continued good governance.

Government officials’ threats and malice to curtail citizens using social media platforms raises concern


The Working Group on Cyber Laws and Digital Security in Zambia is concerned with government officials’ threats and malice to curtail citizens using social media platforms to exercise their freedom of expression.

The Group comprising PANOS Institute Southern Africa, Bloggers of Zambia, MISA Zambia and the Zambia Council for Social Development has said that the right to free expression is guaranteed under Article 20 of the 2016 amended Constitution.

Speaking on behalf of the Group Nervious Siantombo, the PANOS Institute Programmes Manager said this right is enshrined in regional and international human rights instruments such as the African Charter on Human and People’s Rights to which Zambia is a signatory.

Mr Siantombo said in addition to this, Zambia has ratified and is party to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, among other international instruments.

He said Article 19 of the ICCPR guarantees the right to freedom of expression and provides that “Everyone shall have the right to freedom of expression which shall include freedom to seek, receive and impart information and ideas of all kinds, regardless of frontiers either orally, in writing or in print, in form of art, or through any other media of his choice.”

“Domestically, our Zambian Constitution protects the rights to freedom of expression under Article 20 which states that “Except with his own consent, no person shall be hindered in the enjoyment of his freedom of expression, that is to say, freedom to hold opinions without interference, freedom to receives and information without interference, freedom to impart and communicate ideas and information without interference, whether the communication be to the public generally or to any person or class of persons, and freedom from interference with his correspondence”, he said

Mr Siantombo said contrary to allegations by some government officials who have spoken against citizens’ use of online platforms to raise issues of public interest, citizens harnessing social media to engage their democratically elected leaders is not abuse of the digital platforms.

He said in a democratic country like Zambia, citizens have the right to hold leaders to account on the manner they are managing the affairs of the country, through means or channels of their choice, including online or social media.

Mr Siantombo added that intimidating or attempting to silence citizens who use online platforms to speak out goes against the democratic principles on which our nation stands, as it stifles the online civic space, and infringes on citizens’ right to freedom of expression, peaceful assembly and association online.

He said in view of the efforts to discredit social media, stakeholders who perceive the proposed cyber laws are meant to stifle online rights and freedoms may have reason to have the fears about pending internet regulations and social media tariff.

Mr Siantombo said instead of instilling fear in the citizens who are expressing their views and opinions on governance matters using online platforms, the government must work with stakeholders to guarantee and protect citizens’ online rights and freedoms. The government and all of us must encourage the use of technology to enhance our growing democracy.

It is an abomination for PF MPs to criticise the Catholic Bishops in Public-Kambwili


NDC Leader Chishimba Kambwili has lashed out at the Patriotic Front Members of Parliament for denouncing the position of the Catholic Church on the Constitution Amendment Bill number 10 of 2019.

Mr Kambwili says it is shameful that some PF MPs under the auspices of the Association of Catholic Parliamentarians could come out strong condemning the Church’s position on the matter.

He said what the PF MPs did is an abomination to the Catholic faith as they should have engaged them privately.

“You are lucky we the Catholics are not like other Churches, you should have been excommunicated for castigating the Pastoral Letter”, said Mr Kambwili.

He has advised the PF MPs to apologise to the Bishops and the Catholic faith for castigating the Pastoral letter.

Speaking at a media briefing held at UPND Leader Hakainde Hichilema’s residence, Mr Kambwili said the opposition Alliance does not support Bill 10 describing it as poisonous.

He has warned Zambians against supporting Bill 10 which he said the PF has not taken time to educate them about the content.

Mr Kambwili said Zambia will be destroyed if Bill 10 is passed into law.

And UPND Leader Hakainde Hichilema says the content and process of coming up with Bill 10 is wrong and is meant to hoodwink the people of Zambia.

Mr Hichilema said the PF is used to using deception to find its way through a lot of issues including important issues such as constitution review Commission.

He said PF surrogates have betrayed Zambians for 30 pieces of Silver and will never be trusted by any well meaning Zambians.

Mr Hichilema said the Catholic Church, progressive Civil Society, Right thinking political parties and the Law Association of Zambia were not involved and has wondered how the PF claims that all Zambians participated in the process.

He added that the regazetting of Bill 10 was a ploy to cheat Zambians that there was cheat Zambians that there was a consultative process to amend the document when in fact not.

Mr Hichilema said the regazetting of Bill 10 is illegal and should not be supported as it is against the laws of Zambia.

UPND should brace itself for more defections-GBM

Patriotic Front Deputy National mobilization chairperson Geoffrey Bwalya Mwamba says the UPND should brace for more defections of its members to the ruling party due to lack of a clear vision.

He notes that people have now realised that PF is the party of choice and has a clear developmental agenda for the country compared to the UPND which clearly lacks new strategies to drive the party forward.

“People are fatigued, leaders in the UPND are fatigued because they have realized that Hakainde Hichilema’s leadership has no strategies and it is not taking them anywhere” Mr Mwamba has observed.

He said in an interview that time has therefore come for all to rally behind president Edgar Lungu in order to take the country’s development forward.

Mr Mwamba has further extended an invitation to all those that left the party like him to come back and help mobilize and strengthen the party.

“Even those that left like me should come back, even Mr Chishimba Kambwili should come back, those are people that fought the party and I sympathise with them for distancing themselves from the PF” he said.

We have no time to enter into an alliance with a sinking titanic, MMD Youths tell Mumbi Phiri

Opposition New Hope Movement for Multi-party Democracy (MMD) Youths have told off Patriotic Front Deputy Secretary General Mumbi Phiri that their party doesn’t indeed to enter into an alliance with a party that has nothing to offer the people of Zambia. But a party that has more questions of wrong doing to answer.

In yesterday’s edition of the Daily Nation Newspaper, Patriotic Front Deputy Secretary General Mumbi Phiri alleged that her party is in a working alliance with the Opposition MMD. She further alleged that the are still factions in the MMD and the hope of the PF is for these factions to sit down and reconcile.

But New Hope MMD Lusaka Province Youth Chairperson Mr. Friday Chipasha said that there are no factions in the MMD as they died with their sponsors on the 5th of November, 2019. The imaginary factions that are there are only in bamayo ba Mumbi’s head.

“We as the New Hope MMD Youths are shocked with the sentiments coming in from PF Deputy S.G Mrs. Mumbi Phiri where she among others alleged that there are factions in our party. In the first place, it is open gossip that those sponsored factions she is alleging died on the 5th of November, 2019 when the Courts ruled that MMD only has one leadership, which is led by Dr. Nevers Sekwila Mumba. The alleged leader of the sponsored faction Hon. Felix Mutati conceded defeat and accepted the ruling. So we are quite shocked that She is the only person in the country that isn’t updated with current affairs. Maybe that is the reason President Lungu revoked her Nomination to Parliament”, Mr. Chipasha said.

Mr. Chipasha further said that his Party has never been in any alliance with the PF.

“Secondly, we would like to set the record straight that we as the MMD have never been in any alliance with the PF whatsoever. The Invisible alliance that her Party had with expelled members like Mutati never existed at law because the November 5 Judgement clearly stipulated that What those rebels did was null and void and never happened. So we would like to school Ba Mumbi that, that alliance she is talking about never existed at law nor signed for, Mr. Chipasha said.

Mr. Chipasha then said that his party cannot enter into an alliance with the Patriotic Front because the PF have nothing to offer the People of Zambia.

“Lastly but not the least, what does Bamayo ba Mumbi know about MMD and how our leaders are elected in between conventions for her to question the status of our able National Secretary? We ask her to concentrate her energies on her party which has a million problems. We would like to emphasize to the PF, that We as the MMD have no intentions what so ever of entering into an alliance with the PF because they have failed and have nothing to offer the people of Zambia. No sane political party would like to align itself with the PF when everyone knows kuyabebele. OUR ALLIANCE IS WITH THE PEOPLE OF ZAMBIA. IT IS IN FACT THE PF THAT HAS FACTIONS and we would like to advise them to resolve all the divisions in their party with the KBF faction, CK faction and Kalaba faction. It is the PF that need to reconcile with all these people including Dr Scott”, Mr Chipashya concluded.

Zambia Medicines Regulatory Authority Names Fake Sanitisers and Disinfectants


The Zambia Medicines Regulatory Authority has recalled Out of Specification Alcohol-Based Hand Sanitisers and Disinfectants that do not conform to recommended specifications.

The recall has been necessitated by the results of analysis and testing of sampled Alcohol-Based Hand Sanitisers and disinfectants undertaken at the Zambia Bureau of Standards Laboratory which reviewed that the underlisted products do not provide the required protection or safety.

ZAMRA Senior Public Relations Officer Christabel Iliamupu says the Authority, therefore, wishes to notify all healthcare professionals, health facilities, pharmaceutical outlets, business entities and the general public to avoid purchasing or using the underlisted products.

Additionally, Mrs Illiamupu has urged Manufacturers of Alcohol-Based Hand Sanitisers to ensure that Hand Sanitisers are manufactured using the recommended product formulations.

She said that this is important in safeguarding Public Health by ensuring effective prevention and mitigation of COVID-19.

Mrs Illiamupu said the Authority remains resolute in undertaking continuous surveillance of medicines and allied substances made available to the Zambian population so as to ensure consistent conformity to the set standards of quality, safety and efficacy throughout the supply chain.

Among the recalled products are 10 Wonders Hand Sanitiser manufactured by Ashtons Pharmaceuticals Limited of Lusaka all batch numbers which have very low alcohol content (25%) and unsatisfactory bacterial efficacy.

Avacare Instant Hand Sanitiser manufactured by Augusta Limited of Lusaka all recalled for wrong active ingredient (Methanol).

Bickmac Disinfectant 20 liters manufactured by Bickmac Enterprises Limited, Lusaka with Extremely low alcohol content (0.5%).

Glitzcare Hand Sanitiser manufactured by anyati Zambia Limited, Lusaka with very low alcohol content (46%), unsatisfactory bacterial efficacy.

Flost Antiseptic Hand Gel 110ml manufactured by Pharmex Zambia Limited, Lusaka, with very low alcohol content (52%), unsatisfactory bacterial efficacy.

Classic Match Waterless Hand Sanitiser 100ml manufactured by Classic Cosmetics, South Africa with Low alcohol content (56%)

Classic Match Waterless Hand Sanitiser 50ml Classic Cosmetics, South Africa with low alcohol content (50%)

SoClean Sanitiser Germ Killer SoChem Enterprise Limited, Lusaka with very low alcohol content (4.9%), unsatisfactory bacterial efficacy.

SoClean Anti-bacterial Hand Sanitiser SoChem Enterprise Limited, Lusaka all with very low alcohol content (14%), unsatisfactory bacterial efficacy 3X Plus Liquid Sanitiser not stated S01very low alcohol content (26%), unsatisfactory bacterial efficacy.

Vintage Instant Hand Sanitiser 50ml Not stated All Very low alcohol content (10%), unsatisfactory bacterial efficacy

Plus Hand Sanitiser 750ml Plus Santiago Enterprise Limited, Lusaka with very low alcohol content (14%), unsatisfactory bacterial efficacy

Sterilix Hand Sanitiser International Drug Company Limited, Lusaka C-133-20 & C-24-20 Wrong active ingredient (Clear Spirit).

Zambians do not want this Bill 10 and have given up-Nevers Mumba


New Hope MMD President Nevers Mumba says many Zambians are surprised with the determination shown by the Patriotic Front government to pass the Constitution Amendment Bill number 10 of 2019 in parliament.

Dr Mumba says many Zambians do not have hope that the PF government will withdraw the Bill from Parliament despite the many calls from stakeholders to do so.

He said most people have resigned to the possibility of the PF ability to listen to them on the matter.

Dr Mumba said Zambians have now known that when it truly matters the most, the PF does not stand on the side of the people.

He said Zambians do not want this Bill and have given up because they believe that the PF will do what they want to and not what the people want.

Dr Mumba said the Bill has become impotent and if it goes to Parliament it will be a loss to the people as it will do so at the expense of peace and democracy.

He has said that the Bill instead of achieving peace for the Zambian people, it has become a possible weapon for destruction of democracy post 2021 general elections.

Dr Mumba said the reason why the PF are pushing the Bill is to showcase to the people that they have power.

He said the Bill is a dangerously divisive document that is not worth keeping in Parliament and has since urged President Lungu to withdraw the Bill from Parliament.

Dr Mumba said if God wants the PF to win the 2021 General elections, they will win even without Bill 10 but for now it should be withdrawn because their chances of winning are slim.

Simataa Backs Nkole For FAZ Top Post

Football administrator Simataa Simataa has backed the candidature of FAZ presidential aspirant Joseph Nkole.

Nkole, 67 the former Referees Association of Zambia President and FAZ executive committee member is challenging incumbent Andrew Kamanga and former vice President Emmanuel Munaile.

Simataa, the former FAZ boss, has since been co-opted into the Nkole campaign team that is currently canvassing for votes on the Copperbelt and North Western provinces.

In an interview in Ndola, Simataa said Nkole is the suitable candidate for the FAZ top job.

“I have worked with Joseph Nkole before. When I was chairman of the Football Association of Zambia he was RAZ President and we worked very well,” Simataa said.

“When I left FAZ, I was General Secretary of ZAFCA (Zambia Football Coaches Association) under the chairmanship of Mr Patrick Kangwa, we worked well with Joseph Nkole, so I know him,” he said.

Simataa said Nkole has the potential to rebrand Zambian football and end the infighting witnessed in the recent past.

“He is very unique from other candidates. I think I like the summary of it all. One, he is neutral. It is about time politics came out of football and these divisive teams,” he said.

“Two, he is experienced in football and not only that he is got a profession elsewhere,” he added.

During the last FAZ elections held in 2016, Simataa supported Kamanga who went on to win the contest after beating the then incumbent Kalusha Bwalya.

Simataa has now fallen out with Kamanga.