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Number of people dying from the Coronavirus pandemic in Zambia could be higher than being reported


The number of people dying from the Coronavirus pandemic in Zambia could be higher than being reported by the Health Authorities, according to the United States Embassy in Zambia.

David Young, the USA Chargé d’Affaires, at the US Embassy in Lusaka says many deaths associated with the pandemic are being buried undetected especially in rural parts of the country.

Mr Young has said that due to limited capacity to test many people, those with underlying conditions that have died have not been tested leaving the numbers of people who have died from the pandemic low.

He has said that this is presenting a challenge to the Ministry of Health as they seek to keep people informed on the status of the pandemic.

Mr Young was addressing Zambian Journalists that underwent training on Coronavirus reporting sponsored by the US government.

He said using the Center for Diseases control and World Health Organisation Models, it is anticipated that Zambia could still have the pandemic by September 2020 and could infect up to 5 million people.

According to the Ministry of Health, only 11 people have died from the Coronavirus pandemic since the disease broke out in Zambia on 18th March 2020.

All the 11 people who have died from the pandemic had underlying condition such cardiac problems, HIV/AIDS, while others had respiratory problems.

The total number of COVID-19 cases country wide to date is 1,382 out of the 45,248 conducted so far as announced by Health Minister Chitalu Chilufya recently.

Monze/Gwembe Small Scale Livestock Farmers To Receive 29 Drinking Troughs For Their Animals


Monze District Commissioner Cyprian Hamayanga has thanked the African Development Bank (ADB) and Government for coming to the aide of small scale livestock farmers by funding the building of water troughs for animals in Monze and Gwembe Districts under the Strengthening Climate Resilience in the Kafue Sub-basin (SCRiKA) empowerment Project.

And Gwembe District Commissioner Justus Phiri has called for timely implementation of the empowerment project so as to reduce the challenges faced by animals which are forced to move long distances in search of water during the dry season.

Gwembe District which initially was not part of the SCRiKA projects was recently included in this new section as a way of alleviating water challenges for animals in the District.

Speaking during a procurement consultative meeting held at Monze Council Chamber and attended by officials from Choma and Gwembe Mr Hamayanga thanked ADB for the gesture aimed at helping small scale livestock farmers in the two Districts.

He said the 29 (17 for Monze and 12 for Gwembe) drinking troughs will go a long way in solving the water problems for animals in the two Districts adding that all stakeholders should take keen interest in ensuring that the contractors do the right thing and avoid shoddy works.

Meanwhile Gwembe DC Justus Phiri said the projects are very essential to the two Districts adding that the experience of his District has been very sad as people are forced to share the same water sources with animals especially during the dry season.

He said Southern Province is generally a dry province and that it is worse with his District which is in the Valley.

Mr Phiri has since asked for timely implementation and handover of the projects so that both people and animals can start benefiting from them.

The meeting was attended by the two Council Secretaries, Benson Bweenje for Monze Town Council who is going to procure on behalf his counterpart from Gwembe Namukolo Kalufyanya, Monze District Administrative Officer Goretti Bbalo and implementation teams from the two Districts.

Left-Right Benson Bweenje, Namukolo Kalufyanya, Justus Phiri and Cyprian Hamayanga.
Left-Right Benson Bweenje, Namukolo Kalufyanya, Justus Phiri and Cyprian Hamayanga.
Group picture of the two teams and officials from Choma
Group picture of the two teams and officials from Choma

Minister Chalikosa commends National Dev. Planning for renovating 56-year-old offices


Minister of Works and Supply Hon. Sylvia Bambala Chalikosa on Thursday toured the newly renovated 56-year-old office blocks housing the Ministry of National Development Planning, an initiative aimed at saving government funds and maintaining old infrastructure.

In a joint statement released to the media by Mr. Chibaula D. Silwamba, Spokesperson for Ministry of National Development Planning and Mr. Ndubi Mvula, for the Ministry of Works and supply, Hon. Chalikosa said infrastructure maintenance is integral to development.

“We are happy about this project at the Ministry of National Development Planning as it is a clear demonstration on how maintenance and rehabilitation of infrastructure can give anew leaf of life to a property. Congratulations Honourable Minister, permanent secretaries and your Staff for this achievement,” Hon. Chalikosa said. “However this should not be the end of it, we need to maintain this achievement by having a clear maintenance plan for the institution where you indicate the different types of maintenance which should be undertaken, among which are routine, periodic and merger maintenance.”
She said maintenance ensures that the infrastructure remains in good condition and conducive to the users thereby maintaining good service delivery.

Hon. Chalikosa said a delay in maintenance and repair of infrastructure increases the maintenance costs and shortens service life.”

The minister noted that Zambia inheriting infrastructure built by the colonial regime and has also over decades massively invested in construction of infrastructure, but there had been insignificant maintenance.

“The inadequate, untimely, and uncoordinated maintenance of buildings, roads, rail, aviation and maritime infrastructure among has resulted in such infrastructure not fully functional nor productive leading to disruption of provision of service,” the Minister said.

Hon. Chalikosa explained that between 2014 and 2018, the Government spent in excess of K 9 billion on construction and only K319 million was spent on maintenance, which accounts for 3.1 per cent of total expenditure.

Hon. Chalikosa said: “Under the leadership of His Excellency the President Dr. Edgar Chagwa Lungu, we have made strides to correct this situation. In this regard among the strides being made are: (i) Development of an Asset Management Policy which includes maintenance. This policy is expected to be tabled soon before Cabinet. This will provide a framework on how public infrastructure or assets will be managed and maintained; (ii) Development of conceptual framework on the establishment of a maintenance fund; (iii) Development of a fixed asset register. This will inform us on all the government assets. The assets will be subsequently valued for us to appreciate the net value of our country. This will also provide a platform for us to leverage this value in international engagements.”

Hon. Chalikosa said the Ministry of National Development Planning has a role to play in overall development of the country, including the appreciation and development of maintenance infrastructure.

The renovated office blocks were built during the pre-independence era in April 1964. The building used to house the Central Statistical Office (CSO – now Zambia Statistics Agency) before it was handover to the Ministry of National Development Planning in November 2017, and underwent renovation from 2018 through 2019.

Ministry of National Development Planning Permanent Secretary in charge of Development Planning and Administration Mr. Chola Chabala said the renovation had greatly enhance staff morale due to the improved work environment.

“Upon taking occupancy of the renovated buildings, we now have minimal challenges with office accommodation,” said Chabala, who was franked by his co-permanent secretary in charge of Development Cooperation, Monitoring and Evaluation Mr. Danies Chisenda, as well as Ministry of Works and Supply Permanent Secretary Ms. Agnes Musunga.

Minister of Works and Supply Hon. Sylvia Bambala Chalikosa
Minister of Works and Supply Hon. Sylvia Bambala Chalikosa

How Bill 10 could worsen Zambian economy and impact you


By Kalima Nkonde

I consider this article as the most important Op-Ed I have written on Lusaka Times as it could influence the direction that our country takes for the better if my advice,like that of others on the issue of withdrawing Bill 10, is taken. I have been prompted by the Minister of Justice, Mr. Given Lubinda’s challenge to people who want Bill 10 to be withdrawn to come up with reasons why the bill should be withdrawn.

“Can you show me what they (Catholic Bishops) said is the reason for me to withdraw. Those who are saying ‘withdraw’ must show us the reasons why we must withdraw.” Mr. Lubinda told Grevazio Zulu in a ZNBC Sunday interview.
I have taken up the Minister’s challenge and will come up with economic reasons why it should be withdrawn because it is not in the best interests of ordinary Zambians. I also appeal to Members of Parliament to carefully read this article before they cast the most consequential vote in their lives.

Although the Minister has said that those opposing the Bill have not come up with reasons, from the little that I have read thus far, there have been political and legal reasons suggested by various players. The main arguments against the bill have focused on its threat to Zambian democracy, the flawed process followed, the likelihood of compromising the electoral system and generally, its divisiveness.

One of the architects of Africa’s best crafted constitution (in my view) – the Kenyan Constitution- Zambian Professor Muna Ndulo, a leading Constitutional law expert , is critical of Bill 10 and has described it as too broad, manipulative and overreaching.

“Bill 10 is manipulative and attempts to deceive the people of Zambia and create a dictatorship under the guise of constitutional reform. Bill 10 is designed to remove parliamentary oversight over the presidency and thereby install a constitutional dictatorship. It attempts to manipulate the electoral system to ensure that the ruling party remains in power in perpetuity,” Professor Ndulo, observed.

The Constitution amendment bill has also been opposed by the civil society and law fraternity. There has been a cross section of independent voices in Zambia including the following: Zambia Conference of Catholic Bishops (ZCCB), the Council of Churches in Zambia (CCZ) which is the umbrella organisation for mainstream Protestant Churches, the Law Association of Zambia and many others, for a variety of reasons.

As a patriotic Zambian, having read both the original and re- gazetted bills, I would like to make my humble contribution to the debate mainly from the economic and risk management angles. I will demonstrate why the bill is such a flawed, indefensible and a poorly timed piece of proposed legislation, given the economic problems that Zambia is facing today. I hope Justice Minister, Mr. Given Lubinda, PF MPs and the current administration will seriously reflect on the issues raised in this article as Bill 10 is a double edged sword.

May I from the outset state my caveat regarding my views on the constitution. I intend to be objective. I am not writing to criticize the ruling PF government at all. I am criticizing the contents of the document and its consequences .In other words, I am indifferent as to who is in power now but rather concerned about who may be in power sometime in the future under the new Constitution.

It should be borne in mind that the constitution is a national document and that it should stand the test of time. The motive for amendments should never be short sighted or driven by winning the next election or to serve the interests of a certain section of community but the entire society. In addition, only the most naive will say for certain who will be in power next year or in future? The world including politics are very unpredictable. Who knew about Covid-19 and its impact a year ago?

The issue is that, if bad amendments are made, they may be abused by whoever is in power sometime in the future. In my view, and from the risk management point of view, all parties involved in the debate should operate and consider the worst case scenario. As a democracy, we should assume and imagine the possibility of electing an incompetent, reckless, irresponsible and narcissistic President sometime in the future. And the question we should ask ourselves is: what is the likelihood that he or she is going to abuse a weak constitution which has no proper checks and balances? The answer is certainly yes. It is on this premise of the risk of some of the clauses that Bill 10 proposes being abused for political gain by such a President being almost guaranteed, that I am opposing Bill 10 in its current form and why it should be withdrawn

I have noticed that nobody has argued for or against the bill from the economic angle. In the light of the dire economic situation that we are facing, in my view, the economy should be a top priority in whatever we are embarking on, because it affects all the 17 million Zambians. I am opposing Bill 10 from the economic point of view.

In summary, Bill 10, both in its original and revised form, has two major flaws, if one was to look at it purely from the economic point of view. The first flaw is that the Bill promotes big government. It encourages reckless, excessive and non-value adding government expenditure. And secondly, the Bill encourages excessive borrowing – though not expressly but impliedly. The two weaknesses are the major causes of the current economic problems and the Bill proposes doing the same thing but expecting a different result! I will explain how the bill does this in its proposals.

Excessive government expenditure

In regard to big government, there about five (5) proposals that in effect increases government expenditure exponentially. First, Bill 10 proposes that Deputy ministers be reintroduced. It is not rocket science that government expenditure will go up by the employment of Deputy Ministers through the payment of salaries and other benefits and the exponential growth of the per diem payments. Deputy Ministers have not missed at all since 2016.

There is also the proposal which deals with the creation of Parliament. The composition of parliament will be determined by the Party with the majority in Parliament. The proposal does not specify the limit on the numbers of members of parliament. This in effect means the number of seats of members of parliament will be unlimited. This means that any ruling Party in the future may decide to increase seats from the current 156 to say 500, for example. This will inevitably result in increased costs which the tax payers will be required to fund.

The current constitution provides that parliament will dissolve itself 90 days before the general election and the Constitution Court ruling even confirmed that even Cabinet Ministers are supposed to vacate their seats. Bill 10 proposes to change this and wants ministers to remain in office until the date of the next election. The economic implication is that Ministers will be misusing government resources to campaign and expenditure in any election year will sky rocket. Who will pay for this? You, the voter will in form of increased taxes including the unemployed and villagers through VAT.

There is also a provision in Bill 10 that gives the President the unrestricted power by parliament to create provinces and districts. It can easily be abused by any President for political purposes without regard to the economic consequences. This sub division of provinces like pieces of land will require duplicated infrastructure and more jobs for the boys and result in higher recurrent and capital expenditure.

The other major provision that will result in increased government expenditure relates to Bill 10 proposal to expand the Cabinet by including Provincial Ministers and government Chief Whip. Zambia will end up a cabinet larger than rich countries like the USA, Nigeria, and South Africa etc. The bloated Cabinet apart from the fact that it will be inefficient, as you cannot have meaningful discussions in a Board Meeting of over 50 people, will result in more money being spent.

I would challenge Justice Minister Mr. Given Lubinda to give the nation the rationale for the above proposals and their economic benefits to the country and to the man on the street apart from promoting political patronage. It very curious that at the time that Zambia is supposed to be implementing austerity measures and working towards debt sustainability, the government is pushing for the passage of Bill 10 which is encouraging more expenditure through big government and unfettered excessive borrowing.

The increased expenditure outlined above will have to be financed from somewhere. What are the most likely sources of revenue for Bill 10’s proposed expenditure generating amendments? Taxation and borrowing.

Increased Taxation, cost of living and cost doing business

There shouldn’t be an argument that all of the Bill 10 proposed amendments mentioned above will result in higher government expenditure with little or negligible tangible value addition to the ordinary Zambian. It also follows that the major source of government revenue is taxation. It is only the most naïve will argue that no additional taxes will be required to finance the proposed changes. Bill 10 will no doubt require all households and business to pay more taxes thereby lead to higher cost of living and cost of doing business. This is simple economics and common sense. There should not be any partisan argument on this.

Excess borrowing

If taxes are insufficient, there will need to borrow to supplement the expenditure. The second major economic flaw of Bill 10 apart from the big government issues above, relates to easier debt contraction. Although the re-gazetted Bill 10 has removed the clause in the original bill which authorized the Executive wing of government led by the President to have unfettered freedom to borrow. The risk of excessive borrowing still exists. This is so because the clause dealing with the power of the President and the ruling Party to determine the number of members of Parliament effectively means Parliament will always be majority led by the ruling Party.

The proposed amendment in Bill 10 for Parliament to create itself is a backdoor creation of a de facto one Party State. Parliament will always be a rubber stamp. The Cabinet will be able to borrow freely without the EFFECTIVE oversight by Parliament. Parliamentary Democracies are based on independent checks and balances between the three wings of government- Parliament, Judiciary and Executive. As things stand, the Zambian Presidency is so powerful that there are very few checks and balances. As we all know, crucial economic decisions are not made at the Ministry of Finance but at State house and so the passage of Bill 10 will result in more power for the Presidency. It is an open question that whoever takes that office will do as he or she pleases with economic policy.


I would recommend that as Zambians, we press a re-set button and have a sober debate on the constitution. The debate on the constitution should never be approached in a partisan way. In my view, the constitution and its debate is supposed to be political Party neutral as it supposed to benefit all citizens regardless of Political Party affiliation. The Constitution is not a document of a particular party but for the nation as a whole and it should be able to stand the test of time. It should not be divisive. The amendments should not be based on benefiting a particular administration as elections and change of governments are unpredictable.

It is clear from purely economic arguments that the proposed amendments contained in Bill 10 do not serve the best interests of the majority Zambians. Bill 10 is not in an ordinary Zambian’s interest as it is likely to result in runaway government expenditure and excessive borrowing. It follows that the current problems that we are facing of high taxes, high inflation, depreciating kwacha will get worse as excessive expenditure and government borrowings are the major causes of our economic problems.

May I appeal to Members of Parliament to ask themselves the following questions before they support or vote for the bill. Is the bill 10 going to reduce the cost of living for ordinary Zambians? Is the potential excessive public borrowings to finance big government in the best interests of the economy and country? Are the potential taxes that will be required to finance the proposed big-government going to benefit ordinary Zambians?

For PF members and members of Parliament, they should ask themselves as to whether Bill 10 will save their best interests, if any of the Opposition parties took over power sometime in the future? PF members should remember this English saying “BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU WISH FOR” (For those who are not familiar with its meaning google it).

It is my humble view that Bill 10 should not be a priority given the problems we are facing. It will not put food on the Zambians’ table. I am wondering why the hurry and the desperation to pass the Bill by the ruling party and their supporters. The timing of the Bill is wrong. Firstly, at the moment the priority should be the economy, the creation of jobs for the Youth and uniting the country. Secondly, the PF administration mandate’s mandate is finishing next year and it is better for them to wait for a fresh mandate in 2021 and introduce a well thought out and more inclusive Bill.

In summary, Bill 10 will take more money from Zambians pockets and put it in any future ruling Party’s politicians and their supporters’ pockets.

We have not bought Lumwana Mines-NAPSA


NAPSA has denied media reports that it has agreed to buy 100 percent shares in Lumwana Copper Mine for a total consideration of US $895 million in cash.

In a statement NAPSA Acting Director General Ronnie Kamanga said NAPSA has not entered into any such transaction nor been involved in any such discussions.

“We would like to urge members of the public to ignore the said press release and treat it with the contempt it deserves,” the acting director general wrote, adding that the pension fund would seek to ensure the perpetrators were prosecuted.

The news story claimed that Barrick Gold Corporation has agreed to sell its 100 percent interest in Lumwana to Metalinvest Capital Corporation (Metalinvest) and NAPSA for a total consideration of US $895 million in cash.

The press release dated June 15 quoted Barrick president and chief executive officer, Mark Bristow saying the sale of its interest in Barrick Lumwana Copper Mine represents the third step in their plan to realize in excess of US $1.5 billion from the disposal of non-core assets by the end of this year.

He is said to have said that while this iconic Copper mine has been a valuable contributor to Barrick over the years, the asset does not fit with their strategy of operating mines that they owned.

“The sale of our interest in Barrick Lumwana Copper Mine represents the third step in our plan to realize in excess of US $1.5 billion from the disposal of non-core assets by the end of this year.

“While this iconic copper mine has been a valuable contributor to Barrick over the years, the asset does not fit with our strategy of operating mines that we own. The sale allows us to further focus our portfolio on core operations,” Mr. Bristow said.

The story further claimed that Mr Bristow expressed pleasure to have achieved a successful outcome following a competitive sale process and that he was confident that Metalinvest and NAPSA would be an excellent partners at Lumwana Mine going forward.

Metalinvest Capital Corporation is a federal corporation registered in the province of British Columbia, Canada and operates as a private equity firm focusing in mining sector.

Metalinvest founded and led by Mohamed Matongo since 2010, is a private equity firm that has successfully financed and concluded multi- billion dollar mergers and acquisition transactions mostly in Africa.

Credit Suisse Securities (Canada), Inc. is said to have been acting as financial adviser to Barrick. Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP and Herbert Smith Freehills LLP are acting as legal counsel to Barrick.

And Barrick Gold says it has alerted authorities after what it says was a fake news release claiming it has sold Lumwana mine.

Metalinvest also said it has no knowledge of the deal and is launching its own investigation, founder and director Mohamed Matongo said in an email to Reuters.

“It has come as a great surprise to me that my company name is being mentioned in a transaction that we have no knowledge about,” he said.

Barrick was last year seeking buyers for its Lumwana copper mine, but in February Chief Executive Mark Bristow told Reuters he would not necessarily sell it, and might instead look for a partner in Zambia or a deal with a copper processor.

Barrick Gold said yesterday that there is “absolutely no truth” in a news release circulated on social media in Zambia claiming the gold miner sold its Lumwana copper mine.

“We don’t know who’s behind this and we have alerted the relevant securities regulators and law enforcement authorities,” a Barrick spokeswoman told Reuters in a statement.

Government’s decision to operationalize and to re-open schools gets support from EU


The European Union says it stands in solidarity with the government’s decision to come back gradually to the new normal to operationalize and to re-open schools.

European Union and Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) Ambassador to Zambia Jacek Jokowsky says the union has projected its focus on supporting the activities that government is implementing to curtail the spread of Covid-19 pandemic.

Ambassador Jokowsky was speaking when he handed over the donation of 5,400 reusable face masks to Bauleni Secondary school in Lusaka today.

Mr. Jokowsky explained that the unavoidable closure of schools provided limited access to education to over four million (4 million) school going children in Zambia.

“We stand in solidarity with the government’s decision to come back gradually to the new normal and reopen the schools. At the same time we realize the importance of preventive and health measures that have to be put in place,

“With the unavoidable closure of schools, over 4 million Zambian children especially those living in remote and rural areas have had limited access to education regardless of all the efforts put in place to ensure learning continuity,” he said.

He underscored that the European Union was donating the Five Thousand Four Hundred (5400) face masks to Bauleni Secondary school with a notion of assuring children’s safe return to schools and to continue their education.

Mr. Jokowsky pointed out that the EU was also making a donation of Four Thousand Five Hundred (4500) reusable face masks to Grade 7 pupils and school staff in three districts of North-Western province of Zambezi, Ikelenge and Mushindamo Districts, respectively.

“We are handing over 4,500 masks for Grade 7 pupils and school staff in three districts of the North Western Province, notably: Zambezi, Ikelenge and Mushindamo.

“ Children from those areas have been identified by the Ministry of education to be among the most in need,” stressed Ambassador Jokowsky.

And Ministry of Health Director of Health and Promotions Able Kabalo hailed the EU for complimenting government’s efforts in curbing the spread of Covid-19.

Dr Kabalo explained that with One Thousand Four Hundred (1400) cases recorded and Eleven Deaths of Covid-19, government continue to collaborate with stakeholders in fighting the pandemic.

He affirmed that measures are in place that will guide learners in all the schools on how to prevent the spread of coronavirus.

Meanwhile, Both Ministry of Education Director of Health and Nutrition Malalu Machengwa and Bauleni Secondary School Head teacher Wambingi Sikubele expressed optimism that the donation of reusable face masks was the step in the right direction towards Covid-19 fight.

Bank of Zambia asked to change the K10 billion stimulus package to a grant


Northwestern Chamber of Commerce, Trade and industry (NWCCI) has appealed to the Bank of Zambia to change the 10 billion stimulus package to a grant.

Stressing the importance of the grant and not a loan, NWCCI President Mukumbi Kafuta said it is difficult for businesses to benefit from the package because they might face challenges in repaying the loan.

Mr Kafuta said business owners are facing challenges to project how the business will thrive through this period making borrowing risky.

“ Most business owners already have loans and are having challenges to pay back making them more vulnerable though this Coronavirus period, “ he said.

The , NWCCI President told Zanis in an interview that the stimulus package is a good idea but it needs to be redone to ensure business benefit fully.

Mr Kafuta suggested that the Bank of Zambia must also ease the conditions to access the money by financial service providers as they are too rigorous.

He said these concerns are not only by business owners in the province but the Nation at large.

Mr Kafuta said they have since made submissions to the Ministry of Finance to ensure all businesses are sustained through this hard time because businesses are the engine of financial and development in the country.

Following the devastating impact of COVID-19 on the nation’s economy, government announced that it had released K 10 billion package for Small and Medium Enterprises ( SMEs) to access for their respective businesses.

President Lungu, said recently during his National address on COVID that the Ministry of Finance to simplify the modalities on how companies can access the ten billion Kwacha stimulus package which has been provided by the government.

President Lungu said the modalities should be communicated to businesses that have been affected by the pandemic.

President Lungu expected in Northern Province for a 3-day working Visit


PRESIDENT EDGAR Chagwa Lungu is tomorrow, Friday, June 19, expected in Northern Province for a three day working visit under the new normal.

Provincial Minister Hon Chungu Bwalya says the Head of State is scheduled to land at Mbala’s Samora Machel Airbase at around 09:00hours.

Speaking when he addressed the media at his Office, Thursday, Minister Bwalya disclosed that President Lungu is expected to visit Senga, Mbala, Kaputa and Luwingu districts to inspect some ongoing developmental projects as well commission works to upgrade some roads.

He named some of the projects which the President will inspect as the Mporokoso – Kaputa Road, Zombe Livestock Quarantine and Check Point Centre, the Kaputa Water Reticulation Project among others.

The Provincial Minister added that President Lungu will also officially flag-off works for the Luwingu – Nsombo – Chaba Road and Mbala – Kasesha Border Road.

Minister Bwalya has since urged people in the region to strictly observe health measures instituted by government on COVID-19 as they receive the Head of State. President Lungu is scheduled to leave Northern Province on Sunday.

Lwandamina Wary of Two Week Full Training For League Restart

Defending FAZ Super Division champions Zesco United coach George Lwandamina says the two-week full-team training window before the projected July season restart is inadequate.

The league has been in recess since the height of the Covid-19 pandemic in early March that has seen clubs surpass their traditional off-season break inactivity.

Clubs have also been restricted to individual training during the current Covid-19 lockdown.

“The average will determine how much time we will need to bring back our players to optimal (levels). I’m sure two weeks won’t be enough considering the of suspension,” Lwandamina told the Zambia Daily Mail.

“We will wait and see the after-effects and this will be a test to us. This has never happened before and people are assuming that all the teams were breaking the law by training.

“In my honest opinion, people should base their decision on the assumption that all the teams haven’t been training for the past three months, which is more than the official off-season break.

“So even the law-abiding teams should be considered, and if anything they were just following the presidential order by not training. Therefore, two weeks is not enough for such teams.”

With nine games left, Zesco are currently fifth on 42, Nkana sit at number four on 43 points; Green Eagles have 44 points while Napsa Stars are one point behind leaders Forest on 45 points.


EAZ defends ZESCO’s Move on CEC deal


The Economic Association of Zambia (EAZ) has defended the move by ZESCO to terminate the Bulk Supply Agreement with Copperbelt Energy Corporation , CEC.

Copperbelt EAZ Chairperson, Matthews Muyembe, who is also EAZ Chairperson for Energy says ZESCO has incurred huge loses in excess of half a billion dollars due to the Bulk Supply Agreement with CEC.

According to a statement issued told ZNBC News, Mr Muyembe said the Agreement was unfair to ZESCO by providing power supply exclusivity on the Copperbelt to CEC which neglected investment in infrastructure.

He said a result of this exclusivity, ZESCO constructed a new substation at its own cost to supply the Chambeshi Economic zone,but was later fined and had to pay 10 million Dollars to CEC because ZESCO had stepped on its turf.

The Association also notes that ZESCO has spent in excess of 100 million dollars in rehabilitating and expanding the Distribution Network on the Copperbelt for retail customers that was left in a dilapidated state from the year 2000, the cost which should
ave been borne by CEC.

He said ZESCO had to pay CEC close to 12 million dollars annually, to transmit it’s own power meant for supply to Copperbelt retail consumers sitting behind the CEC owned infrastructure.

The Economics Association of Zambia further argues that CEC was not transparent on metering as they failed to provide access to its meters or metering data to show the true peak consumption by the mines.

Mr Muyembe said this meant that ZESCO was losing revenue on unaccounted for power ranging from 50 to 100MW monthly, which is equivalent to approximately 67.2 million dollars annually.

He further said ZESCO was at the same time importing power at a higher rate from other utilities in the region and selling the same to CEC at a lower rate resulting to a loss of about 120 million dollars annually.

Mr Muyembe said BSA was, therefore, unsustainable and impacted negatively on retail consumers and on the future of ZESCO as power producer.

Respect, Appreciate Dr. Chiluba’s Legacy – Nakacinda


Dr. Frederick Chiluba’s legacy has continued not being appreciated and recognised in a befitting manner, which stands as a sad thing for Zambia, Raphael Nakacinda has lamented.

Mr. Nakacinda says it is unfortunate that the Former President died a sad man due to the tag of corruption on him despite being cleared by the Courts.

The Member of Parliament says Dr. Chiluba was cleared of all charges leveled against him but sadly the tag that “he was a corrupt man” still remains in some people’s minds thereby making the Former President not appreciated.

He calls on Zambians to look at the great things the second Republican President did for this country than focus on corruption that never existed and cleared off him by the Courts.

Mr. Nakacinda adds that the restoration of Dr. Chiluba’s immunity should have meant that all the respect, decorum and appreciation should have been given back and shown to him by Zambians.

“We Have now degenerated to levels where we never celebrate each other’s success. We actually look forward to destroying each other than we desire to celebrate each other’s success. If there is any success that is witnessed, everybody will gang up to destroy that legacy.”

He notes that it is unnecessary for Zambians to keep wishing and wanting others ill when they do remarkable things in life.

“We don’t celebrate the political success of individuals. All that is fought because we have a precedent set in the second Republican President such that with all that he has achieved, his legacy has continued to be taken in the mud. And I think that must be corrected for the purposes of curing posterity,” he advises.

He says if this kind of attitude is not corrected by Zambians, the country will continue with acts of vengeance, retribution and other ills.

And Mr. Nakacinda says as a leader in the MMD, the party that was first run by Dr. Chiluba, he has a lot of lessons to draw from the former Head of State and discipline is among them.

“When I personally look at the legacy that the Second President left, I see Democracy, I see Rule of Law, I see the liberlisation of the economy, I see drastic changes and I see multiparty coming to play. So, I have learnt a lot from Dr. Chiluba and I wish all of us can embrace that,” he says.

Meanwhile, former Vice President Enock Kavindele, also wonders why the late President is not respected as natural justice demands.

He has since urged Zambians to reflect on the life of the Former President and accord him what he deserves and not insults, name calling or looking down on him.

And Bishop Joshua Banda during his sermon praised the former Head of State for looking up to God Declaring Zambia a Christian Nation.

Among those that attended the late Dr. Chiluba’s Memorial were Former Ministers Lameck Mangani, Dr. Peter Machungwa, Felxi Mutati and Dr. Chiluba’s Press Aide Richard Sakala.

Others are Former Spy Chief Saviour Chungu, Aaron Chungu And Minister Nixon Chilanga.The family was represented by Darlignton Chiluba.

By Arthur Davies Sikopo

China to cancel debt for African countries hit by COVID-19


Chinese President Xi Jinping has said that China will cancel debts for African states worst hit by the coronavirus pandemic.

Speaking at the Extraordinary China-Africa Summit on Solidarity against COVID-19 in Beijing, 17 June 2020, the Chinese President said the sudden onslaught of COVID-19 had taken a heavy toll on countries around the world and has pledged his country’s total commitment to ending the pandemic.

Jinping said the Chinese people had put up a fierce fight and made enormous sacrifice to bring the situation in China and Africa under control.

“First, we must stay committed to fighting COVID-19 together. China will continue to do whatever it can to support Africa’s response to COVID-19,” he said.

Jinping said that China will lose no time in following through on the measures announced at the opening of the World Health Assembly, but would continue to help African countries by providing supplies, sending expert teams, and facilitating Africa’s procurement of medical supplies in China.

He said China would start ahead of schedule the construction of the Africa CDC headquarters this year and would work with Africa to fully deliver the health care initiative adopted at the FOCAC Beijing Summit, as well as speed up the construction of China-Africa Friendship Hospitals and the cooperation between paired-up Chinese and African hospitals.

“In the face of COVID-19, China and Africa have offered mutual support and fought shoulder to shoulder with each other,” he said.

Jinping said that COVID-19 was still affecting many parts of the world and that both China and Africa face the formidable task of combating the virus while stabilizing the economy and protecting people’s livelihoods.

“We must mobilize necessary resources, stick together in collaboration, and do whatever it takes to protect people’s lives and minimize the fallout of COVID-19,” he said.

Jinping further said that within the FOCAC framework, China will cancel the debt of relevant African countries in the form of interest – free government loans that are due to mature by the end of 2020.

“For those African countries that are hardest hit by the coronavirus and are under heavy financial stress, China will work with the global community to give them greater support, by such means as further extending the period of debt suspension, to help them tide over the current difficulty.

We encourage Chinese financial institutions to respond to the G20’s Debt Service Suspension Initiative (DSSI) and to hold friendly consultations with African countries according to market principles to work out arrangements for commercial loans with sovereign guarantees,” Jinping said.

“China will work with other members of the G20 to implement the DSSI and, on that basis, urge the G20 to extend debt service suspension still further for concerned, including those in Africa,” he said.

Meanwhile, Jinping said that in the face of COVID-19, China and Africa had enhanced solidarity and strengthened friendship and mutual trust.

He pledge that once the development and deployment of COVID-19 vaccine is completed in China, African states will be among the first to benefit.

Jinping also said China shall always remember the invaluable support Africa gave the Chinese at the height of battle with the coronavirus.

“In return, when Africa was struck by the virus, China was the first to rush in with assistance and has since stood firm with the African people,” Jinping said.

“I am convinced that humanity will ultimately defeat the virus, and that the Chinese and African people are poised to embrace better days ahead,” added Jinping.

The summit was attended by South African President Cyril Ramaphosa, Macky Sall the president of Senegal, Moussa Faki Mahamat Chairperson of the African Union Commission and Antonio Guterres the Secretary General of the United Nations.

Others were Tedros Adhanom Ghebreheyesus, Director General of the World Health Organization, Heads of States while other world leaders followed the proceedings via video link.

Constitution Amendment Bill Number 10 of 2019 is a progressive document-Kabimba

Rainbow Party leader, Wynter Kabimba says the Constitution Amendment Bill Number 10 of 2019 is a progressive document that proposes to address contentious issues in the current Constitution.

Mr Kabimba says one of the issues it proposes to amend is the period in which the courts can hear a presidential petition.

He told Hot FM today that Bill Ten proposes that the period be extended from the current 14 to 30 days.

Mr Kabimba has also opposed the proposed upward adjustment of election nomination fees by the Electoral Commission of Zambia , ECZ.

He said the ECZ will be disenfranchising citizens and endangering Zambia’s democracy.

Police arrest Photographer Tukuta for allegedly insulting Siliya, Kingsley and Amos Chanda


Police in Lusaka have arrested Chella Tukuta for Criminal Libel.

This is in connection with some derogatory remarks alleged to have been produced and posted on social media by the accused person against Minister of Information and Broadcasting Services Dora Siliya, Zambia Revenue Authority Commissioner General(ZRA), Kingsley Chanda, Northern Province Permanent Secretary, Charles Sipanje and Former Special Assistant to the President for Press and Public Relations, Amos Chanda.

Police Spokesperson Esther Katongo said Chella is in police custody yet to be charged with four counts of Criminal Libel.

Ms Katongo said Chella is also expected to face more charges on the Copperbelt.

Mid-Week Pro’s Hit List

Here are selected briefs of European –based Chipolopolo players who were in mid-week action.


Forward Edward Chilufya and midfielder Emmanuel Banda were not part of the Djurgradens’ 2-1 home loss to Orebro on Wednesday evening.
Djurgardens drop from second to sixth on the log after losing their first game of the season from two rounds played on 3 points.
Chilufya played in the opening season 2-0 away win over Sirius last Saturday while Banda was not selected for that trip.


RB Salzburg’s lead has been cut from seven points to five points after drawing 0-0 on Wednesday away to fourth placed Wolfsberger AC at the midway point of the championship round.
Midfielder Enock Mwepu and striker Patson Daka started from the bench before coming on in the 71st and 46th minutes respectively.
Salzburg and Wolfsberger complete their doubleheader date this Sunday in the final countdown of the five matches left.