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Ponga: Pre-1990 Players Were Better Developed

Football consultant and columnist Ponga Liwewe says the quality of players over the last thirty years cannot march the standard set pre-1990.

Observations have been made over the last couple of decades about the lack of depth in quality of players especially in the attack and goalkeeping departments.

Ponga said the pre-90’s era  benefitted  from learning  the fundamentals  in organized  junior community and later reserve league structures that were phased during the denationalization period thirty years ago.
But he added that the biggest gains made since then have been off the field in the commercial and management side of the game.

“If you talk about football on the field, I would have a slightly different opinion. In the 70’s and 80’s, obviously the game has come in a long way since then in terms of fitness etc. But I would say we had a product at that time that could draw thousands of people into the stadium based on the quality of the football,” Ponga told SUN FM.

“But that should also come with the qualification that we didn’t have televised football from Europe to the extent we have today, we had a highlights package (of English football) every Friday and probably in the whole year, the only live game you would watch was the FA Cup final.

“So very much football was rooted in the local product but we had players who had gone through proper development in that era and by proper development I meant from primary school level, starting in the communities where 8-9 year old kids played in structures where you train and played league games.

“But all that happened to fall away at the start of the 90’s with the liberalization of Zambian companies. Those that took over state-owned companies thought running social amenities or running sport weren’t really a priority so we lost something in that window.

“I would say therefore we do not have the quality players we had in the past in terms of the ability to play on the field. We do have players who are good but I would say that players of the earlier era having worked or developed in a structure gave us much more than what we are able to see in the players of today.”


Zambian Parliament to Resume its Sittings Today

The 4th session of the 12th National Assembly which was abruptly adjourned sine die due to the outbreak of the COVID-19 will resume today.

Clerk of the National Assembly, Mrs Cecilia Mbewe said, in an issued a statement that the Fourth Session of the Twelfth National Assembly, which adjourned Sine die on 18th March, 2020 was due to resume on Tuesday, 9th June, 2020 at 1430 Hours.

Mrs. Mbewe further said, in view of the public health crisis caused by the Coronavirus (COVID-19), the suspension of admittance of visitors to the National Assembly of Zambia Public Galleries will remain in force until further notice. 

“This is a precautionary measure aimed at contributing to the national and global efforts to contain the spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19),” she said.

During the meeting, several new measures in view of Coronavirus are expected to be introduced.

Constitution Amendment Bill number 10 of 2019 came up at the second reading stage at the time of adjournment is expected to continue at the same stage and is likely to be at the centre of the proceeding this stint.

All Members of Parliament receive about K1,500 per sitting.

FRA advised to revise the Maize Price Offer of K110


Sub-chief Munyambala of the Kaonde speaking people in Mufumbwe district has expressed concern over the K110 price by which the Food Reserve Agency (FRA) will be buying a 50 kilogram bag of maize.

Sub-chief Munyambala told ZANIS in an interview yesterday that the K110 crop price for the 2020 marketing season is little compared to the cost the farmers put into their production activities.

The traditional leader appealed to the government to consider increasing the price to at least K130 per 50 kilogram bag of maize.

He explained that this would enable farmers to realize some reasonable benefits from their hard work which would eventually result in poverty reduction at household level.

Meanwhile, sub-chief Munyambala has appealed to the government to work on the access roads in his chiefdom if his subjects are to see meanful development in the area.

He said a good road network will, among other things, enable private buyers who might be interested in buying maize from his people have easy access to his area thereby giving farmers a choice of where to sell their produce.

The traditional leader explained that it is not every farmer who might sell their produce to FRA hence it is important for government to create an enabling environment through a good road network in the area.

He said his subjects have potential of becoming commercial farmers but the poor road network has always made it difficult to the marketplace.

Besides the K110 for 50 kilogramme bag of maize, FRA has fixed the price of a 50 kilogramme bag of soya beans at K150 and paddy rice at K70 for a 40 kilogramme bag.

Depoliticise The Gold Mining Sector


By Webby Banda CTPD-Senior Researcher (Extractives)

The first step in crafting a formidable Gold game plan should be to depoliticize the sub-sector. It is important to stress that any plan that is going to be advanced will depend on the current political climate. Political involvement at any level of the value chain will overshadow any strategy to transform Gold into a strategic mineral. Gold being strategic should induce macroeconomic stability and alleviate poverty levels. Therefore, there is need for Government to exhibit selflessness in the management process.

The government will need to nature transparency and accountability. Once this is achieved, the Zambian citizens will have confidence in the implemented management systems subsequently granting the government the social license to operate.

The Centre for Trade Policy and Development (CTPD) wishes to note that Gold has the potential to spark conflict if not properly managed. Therefore, it is important that Government cautiously manages this resource to prevent civil strife.

CTPD thinks that Government needs to seriously scrutinize foreign applications of mining and exploration licenses to ensure that the proceeds from gold are not fueling conflict in other nations.

Once a national gold plan is formulated, there will be a need for the Government to disclose it to host communities before they can advance any exploration and mining activities in these areas. Failure to do so will result in these community members feeling left out in the exploitation process of this strategic mineral.

The Centre also thinks that the basic idea behind Gold exploitation should not only be centered on channeling this resource to the Bank of Zambia to prop up the national reserves, but it must alleviate poverty levels through the vehicle of artisanal and small-scale mining

The concept of poverty alienation in communities hosting Gold must be centered on the following:

  1. Creation of employment at all levels of the value chain;
  2. Creation of hospitals and schools; and
  3. Creation of linkages to other business sectors.

CTPD has just finalized a study on Gold mining and will be churning out some recommendations to Government that will potentially transform the sector in a tool that will promote macroeconomic stability and alleviate poverty levels. The Centre is willing to support the Government in developing a formidable game plan for Gold mining.

Court of Appeal Takes Strong Exception to the Commentaries on Vedanta vs ZCCM-IH


The Judiciary has observed with concern the running commentaries that have been made on a matter that is sub judice.

Chief Registrar of the Judiciary and Director of Court Operations Charles Kafunda says running commentaries have been made on the case of Vedanta Resources Holdings Limited versus Zambia Consolidated Copper Mines Investment Holdings and Konkola Copper Mines appeal number 181/2019, an interlocutory appeal before the Court of Appeal.

Mr. Kafunda says the commentaries made, tend to undermine the authority of the Court as they express a conclusive view.

He said the Court of Appeal has therefore taken a strong exception to the commentaries.

Mr. Kafunda has reminded Members of the public that discussion of a matter that is sub-judice may amount to contempt of court.

He has warned that should the discussion on the matter at hand continue, contempt proceedings may be invoked against those discussing the matter.

We will continue identifying hard working civil servants and reward them with promotion to senior positions-Lungu


President Edgar Lungu says his government will continue identifying hard working civil servants and reward them with promotion to senior positions.

The President says there is no better way of motivating officers in the government other than promoting them from among their own rank and file.

Speaking during the swearing ceremony of newly appointed Eastern Province Permanent Secretary Veronica Mwiche, President Lungu however emphasized that the appointment of Civil Servants to senior government positions is carefully scrutinized and on merit.

The Head of State advised Mrs Mwiche not to disappoint him or the people of Zambia who have placed their confidence in her.

President Lungu also urged Mrs Mwiche that as she take up the new position she should take advantage of her 28 years of experience in government where she has specialized in strategic planning, policy formulation, organizational design and systems, to help turn around the social and economic fortunes of eastern province.

He expressed confidence that with this vast institutional memory both in the government and donor agencies, Mrs Mwiche will focus on efficiently re-organising the provincial administration in the eastern province.

President Lungu further urged the new Permanent Secretary not to lose sight of the country’s aspirations of the seventh national development plan as it is a blueprint for the country’s development agenda.

He said his government is in a hurry to deliver quality services across all sectors to the people of Zambia in line with the seventh national development plan.

President Lungu says he therefore, expect her to work hard and contribute to this realization.

Until her appointment, Mrs Mwiche served in the position of director planning and information in the ministry of Lands and Natural Resources.

She is a seasoned Civil Servant having worked for 28 years with her first appointment in 1992 being that of organisation design and systems officer in the management development division at cabinet office.

President Lungu said her hard work and commitment to duty earned her the position of director in the same department in 2002.

12 UPND Officials in Kitwe Detained by Police for illegal Gathering

12 officials from the United Party for National Development (UPND) in Kitwe have been detained by Police in connection with illegal gathering.

Five officials led by UPND Kitwe District Vice Chairman Chrispin Chomba were picked up at Bulangililo Market on Saturday as they were distributing free face masks to traders.

They are detained at Riverside Police Station.

Mr Chomba is aspiring to contest the Kwacha Parliamentary seat next year.

Seven others officials were picked up at a private home in Chamboli and are detained at Wusakile Police Station.

The officials were yet to be charged by news time.

Meanwhile, the arrests have angered Kitwe District Chairman Elvis Nkandu.

“if really donating face masks is a crime then I dont know where this country is heading to. What type of leadership is this? I want to condemn the arrest of our members in Kitwe,” Mr Nkandu said.

“We are aware that on the same day Patriotic Front officials and members were also meeting and distributing mealie meal and no one was arrested,” he said.

3 COVID-19 Deaths Reported as Ministers Dora Siliya and Chitalu Chilufya Now Test Negative for COVID-19


Three deaths related to the COVID-19 pandemic have been recorded in Zambia in the last seven days bringing the total number of deaths to 10.

Ministry of Health Permanent Secretary for Administration Kakulubelwa Mulalelo has also announced that a total of 111 new cases were recorded in the last seven days.

Ms. Mulalelo said this is from the 8, 805 tests that were conducted countrywide.

She said the 111 cases include 33 community screening, eight contacts to know positives, 27 through Community Health screening, 14 health care workers, and 29 truck drivers.

Ms. Mulalelo added that the three deaths are all from the Copperbelt involving a 47-year-old truck driver who had a respiratory problem, a 75-year-old pneumonia patient admitted to Ndola Teaching Hospital and a 40-year-old man with a history of HIV infection with poor adherence to treatment.

Addressing the nation on the COVID-19 pandemic, Ms. Mulalelo also announced that Health Minister Dr Chitalu Chilufya and Information Minister Dora Siliya have been discharged from isolation after testing COVID-19 negative on two successive tests

She said a total of 112 patients were discharged in the last seven days

BFlow explains his State House reconciliatory meeting with Bowman as Youths Express Outrage


Some Youths have taken to social media condemning musician Brian Bwembya popularly known as B-Flow after pictures emerged he and Lusaka Province Minister Bowman Lusambo had a meeting at State House today.

B-Flow had emerged a hero among many Zambians especially the youths after he refused to apologize to President Edgar Lungu as demanded by Mr Lusambo for allegedly insulting President Edgar Lungu.

However, pictures have emerged showing B-Flow and Lusambo having a good time at State House after the two allegedly reconciled over their misunderstandings.

According to reports from State House, the Zambian musician and Mr Lusambo reconciled few hours after the Minister denied live on Hot FM having talked about B-Flow in his counsel to Gospel musician Kings Malembe.

But on social media, Zambians have expressed their anger saying the issues raised by B-Flow among them unemployment, gold mining, poor government and abuse of human rights were not about him and Mr Lusambo but represented the majority of youths.

They have wondered why Mr Lusambo has not reconciled with the youths for calling them disgruntled and only called B-Flow.

Others have vowed to teach both B-Flow and Mr Lusambo a lesson by voting the PF out of Government next year while others have described B-Flow as a traitor who in his wisdom went to State House to be silenced.

However, Bflow issued the statement below to explain his position

Lusaka Province Minister Bowman Lusambo and Bflow with the Presidential Press Aide Mr Isaac Chipampe and the Political Advisor Mr Chris Zumani Zimba
Lusaka Province Minister Bowman Lusambo and Bflow with the Presidential Press Aide Mr Isaac Chipampe and the Political Advisor Mr Chris Zumani Zimba


8th June, 2020


My fellow disgruntled youths,

I’m greatly humbled and inspired by the support and counsel that I have received and continue to receive from my fellow youths during the recent and ongoing discussions on important national matters. I’m also grateful to the many senior citizens that have offered guidance and support towards the critical issues that we have been raising as youths.

From time immemorial, youths have played a vital role in the development of Zambia including the attainment of Independence, contribution to the national GDP as key players in the formal and informal sector and more.

Our ongoing discussions on important national matters have created an atmosphere of openness and wider youth engagement in national development issues. If properly managed, this atmosphere can stir our country towards national prosperity. This goes to show the positive side of social media. In this regard, we must continue enjoying and exercising our freedom of expression. However, if not properly managed, this new atmosphere also has the potential to instigate chaos in our great nation. I have noted some of the contributions to our discussions and I must state that a few have high propensity to cause unnecessary confusion. Obviously, there are some people with other agendas that may want to take advantage of our progressive debate thereby sidetracking us from our critical national development concerns such as ill treatment of Zambian workers by some foreign investors, youth unemployment, corruption, freedom of expression, gold mining etc. Therefore, we must not lose focus on the important issues we have raised and we should continue raising them using all platforms available to us.

I strongly believe that our efforts in trying to get the government leadership to listen and act on our concerns are not in vain.

Today State House invited me for a meeting with the Presidential Press Aide Mr Isaac Chipampe and the Political Advisor Mr Chris Zumani Zimba in order for them to get a clear picture of the issues that youths like myself are raising. I clearly made my submissions without fear or favor and they were well noted. After we concluded our meeting, the President’s Political Advisor invited Lusaka Provincial Minister Hon Bowman Lusambo who was also at State House for another meeting in order for me to express my concerns to him regarding his recent remarks which were injurious to me. It was cordial and of mutual respect, a platform at which I was assured of government’s respect for our freedom of expression.

This is as it should be and we remain resolute to continue to monitor this positive window of commitment to the development process.

In conclusion, I am delighted to know that I have contributed to the enhancement of youth engagement and participation in raising concerns and positive views on development issues. I will continue to use my platforms to speak for the voiceless in a respectful and non-partisan way and I hope that the government will also engage with us in a respectful manner.

May the good Lord bless the disgruntled youths of mother Zambia.

Brian Bwembya A.K.A B’Flow

It’s unfortunate that Africa has Neglected Intra-Travel for a long time-Chitotela


Chairperson for the United Nations World Tourism Organisation Regional Commission for Africa Ronald Chitotela has called on the tourism sector leaders on the continent to appreciate the importance of intra-Africa travel.

Speaking when he addressed the 63rd UNWTO Regional Commission for Africa Virtual Meeting this morning, Mr Chitotela said it is unfortunate that Africa has neglected intra-travel for a long time.

Mr Chitotela said he believes that the only way Africa’s tourism industry will be sustainable is when the continent changes its marketing strategies and approaches by focusing the tourism promotional and marketing efforts on intra-Africa travel.

He said African Tourism will only be sustainable once the continent overcomes the challenges that are currently hindering many Africans from travelling within the continent, with travellers finding it easier and more cost effective to travel abroad than within the continent.

And UNWTO Secretary General Ambassador Zurab Pololikashvili said there is need for Africa to do more to mitigate the impact of the Covid-19 as the continent starts to re-open the boarders for international travellers.

He said normal international travels are expected to resume in the month of September 2020 and that there is need for the continent to work on infrastructure for restart of the opening of the airwaves.

Ambassador Zurab said has suffered a decrease in travellers from 60 percent to 80 percent and that more than 2 million jobs have been lost world over.

Meanwhile, Commissioner for Infrastructure and Energy at the African Union Commission Dr. AmaniAbou-Zeid said the Covid-19 pandemic has brought about challenges in the aviation sector and interruption of marine corridors.

She said this has led to negative effects on both household and national economies and the sooner the tourism sector rebounds the better.

The meeting was scheduled to take place in March in Seychelles in the historical and botanical city of Victoria on Mahé Island, in April but could not take place due Covid-19 travel restrictions.

Mahé Island is renowned of one of Africa’s best white-sand beaches,endemic palms and orchids, as well as giant tortoises and fruit bats. today, the city of victoria has emerged as one of Africa’s important cities on our continent home to a vibrant, friendly and hospitable people with a rich cultural heritage.

This is according to a statement issued by Ministry of Tourism and Arts spokesperson Sakabilo Kalembwe.

Tourism and Arts Minister, Hon. Ronald Chitotela chairing the 63rd Virtual Commission meeting for Africa
Tourism and Arts Minister, Hon. Ronald Chitotela chairing the 63rd Virtual Commission meeting for Africa

HH Encourages Musicians to Continue Speaking out on the Many Injustices


UPND Leader Hakainde Hichilema has encouraged musicians to continue speaking out on the many injustices Zambians have suffered under the PF regime.

Mr Hichilema says the UPND endorses the actions of musicians who have chosen to speak out on behalf of majority poor Zambians.

Speaking at his residence, Mr Hichilema says by accepting to be silenced by those in Authority musicians will be endorsing brutality and dictatorship.

Mr Hichilema added that keeping quiet will mean that musicians are endorsing a regime that has denied Zambians basic necessities such as food, jobs, education, health and business opportunities.

He said choosing to be silence will be directly agreeing with what the PF government is doing to the people of Zambia and their future.

Mr Hichilema says the UPND is not only supporting the musicians but is with them and will provide the necessary support needed to push their agenda.

And National Democratic Congress Leader Chishimba Kambwili has commended musicians who refused to attend a meeting called by Tourism and Arts Minister Ronald Chitotela recently.

Mr Kambwili has also urged the musicians to be wary of their colleagues who organised the meeting calling them traitors.

He said some musicians are organizing such meetings with the government because they want their colleagues to be silenced like themselves.

Mr Kambwili has encouraged musicians to continue speaking out on PF failures saying Zambians deserve better.

HH takes a Knee in Honour of victims of Injustice
HH takes a Knee in Honour of victims of Injustice

MONDAY PRO’S HIT LIST: Patson Keeps Salzburg On Track For Seventh Heaven

Here are briefs of our European based players performances in action at their respective leagues this past weekend.

Midfielder Lubambo Musonda was an unused substitute on Sunday in 4th placed Slask Wroclaw’s 2-1 away loss at second from bottom Arka Gdynia.
The Polish top-flight resumed last week for the first time since early March due to the Coronavirus pandemic.

RB Salzburg are hurtling closer to their seventh successive league crown on Sunday following a 6-0 away win over Hartberg and need just five wins from their last eight games to retain their crown.

Patson Daka scored a hat-trick to record sixth goals against Hartberg this season and also took his total tally for this term to 21 goals in the golden boot race.

Enock Mwepu contributed an assist after earlier scoring one in the 7th minute, in between Patson’s first two goals in the 4th and 11th minutes.

Mwepu played the full 90 minutes while Patson was substituted in the 61st minute.



By Field Ruwe EdD


Come on now Zambians, are we that ignorant, stupid, foolish, gullible, brainless, naïve, primitive we can’t see the consequences of the “wonderful Chinese gifts” in roads, airports, bridges, and buildings, and the biggest bribery of the century? The forced humiliating apology by Lusaka Mayor Miles Sampa for raiding a Chinese restaurant and Chinese barber shop to curb racial discrimination is clear testament that Edgar Lungu has sold Zambia to the Chinese for a pound of flesh, and that Zambia is at the cusp of making history as the first African state to be colonized by China.

Please don’t stop here. If you love Zambia pull a little patriotism from the chamber of your heart and read this article in its entirety. Don’t ignore it because it is written by me, a person you suspect to be partisan. Sometimes there is a particularly concerned person in the crowd who screams “what is wrong with us!” That’s me. There is nothing I am more anxious than my country of birth and for that I shall not sit idle and watch it taken away from me.

First and foremost, I tip my hat to Mayor Miles Sampa. His courageous raids on the racist Chinese settlers warmed my heart. I shall forever hold this young politician in high esteem. Without any hesitation, he shared his deep-seated hatred for racism, and tried openly to cut off its ugly head before it gives life to Chinese terrorization of Zambians.

Miles Sampa talking to the owners Angels Barbershop at Arcades Shopping Mall
Miles Sampa talking to the owners Angels Barbershop at Arcades Shopping Mall

Since 1964, Zambians have never experienced racial discrimination of this kind. Edgar Lungu was 5 years old when Dr. Kenneth Kaunda spearheaded a disobedient campaign called cha-cha-cha that forced Zambians to throw stones, block roads and set fire to buildings. Why? Because white settlers denied Africans the same liberties and equalities. They called us apes, baboons, dogs, and kaffirs. We were not allowed in white-owned shops. We had to stand at the window to buy what we wanted. To fight such dehumanization meant to die for country. Today, the Zambian eagle flies over graves littered by gallant men and women.

Fifty-six years later, we have found ourselves targets of acts of hate and racism due to irrational and inept lustful leadership tolerated by 17 million people who seem to have accepted their fate. Seventeen million people, free born, free bred, yet oblivious of what surrounds them. Seventeen million people who share sovereignty and dominion among themselves, but have failed to rise to the level of stateliness. Seventeen million people, who out of sheer laziness, naivety, gullibility are gladly preparing themselves for the new republic of Chambia led by the Chinese, a people who call us heu gui (black devils).


In 2007, Guy Scott in an interview with The Guardian said: “We’ve had bad people before. The whites were bad, the Indians were worse, but the Chinese are worst of all.” Indeed, when it comes to Africans, the Chinese, young and old, are the most heartless. Their racist sentiments are more prevalent, unashamedly inhuman, and matter-of-factly expressed both overtly and covertly.

Many Chinese say we are misfit off-springs; that we stink—watch Chinese’s body language in the presence of black Zambians—pinching or rubbing of nose or avoiding to sit next to you on public transport. They say we are disease carriers, AIDS, and now their very own Corona virus. They say we are half human; that we have a low IQ, and therefore unintelligent regardless of academic status. Some use the word slave to describe our relationship with them. In sum, Chinese settlers see us as a docile people. It is with this in mind they are fast creating a master race in Zambia.

Hold on. I need to pause and take a deep breath because this stuff is painful to write, I tell you. Just now I feel like yelling; “Lungu, what’s wrong with you?” But this may be judged in appropriate. Yet when I am watching him lose his grip on our motherland, such are the only words at the tip of my tongue. I wish I could be allowed to express my freedom of speech in more ways than one, I would say much more about this reckless man who has led us to the cusp of losing not only our human dignity, but our country.


The Chinese general and military strategist Sun Tzu once said: “When the leader is morally weak and discipline not strict, when his instructions and guidance are not enlightened, when there are no consistent rules, neighboring rulers will take advantage of this.” In light of this, Chinese President Xi Jinping put Edgar Lungu at the top of his Sino-imperialism agenda. Xi Jinping and his “Beijing Boys” at the Ministry of State Security (MSS) have found Lungu the most gullible of all African leaders. According to Africa Confidential newsletter and other principal investigating outlets, Lungu is among the most beneficiaries of the “no strings attached loans” and the hard to trace Chinese bribes.

When they first met, Xi Jinping saw in Lungu a visionless, gluttonous, and corrupt politician who fitted seamlessly in the Chinese’s corrupt “dollar diplomacy.” Chinese bribes paid to Lungu have resulted in the over-borrowing syndrome that has long been a disguising way of leaders amassing personal wealth while in office. Consequently, since Lungu assumed power, Zambia’s spiraling debt has reached close to $10 billion, up from $1.9 billion in 2011.

They say, he who tastes wealth is always in want. It would be folly to think Lungu has not made a fortune out of Chinese bribes. I, a citizen of Zambia, is calling upon international investigative wings to investigate Lungu’s mis-declaration of assets, bank accounts at home and abroad, and suspected substantial Chinese concessions. A declaration of Lungu’s assets and wealth will show and explain how under the guise of economic growth and poverty alleviation, China has immersed Zambia in irredeemable debts.

I strongly propose Scotland Yard use Lungu’s confidant Kaizar Zulu as a lead. I also make a citizen submission to the anti-corruption of Zambia to open a file on Zulu. Zulu in his recent comments in one of the media outlets wrote: “I have nothing against the UK. In fact I own some assets there and houses. However, I am stationed and will always be based in the country I love, Zambia.” The anti-corruption law specifies that a civil servant found indulging in bribery and other acts motivated by the objective of increasing personal wealth, was to be pronounced corrupt and prosecuted.


Lungu’s declaration of wealth and assets will help show how China broke Zambia’s spine, and why Lungu is now completely at the mercy of Xi Jinping. For Chinese President Xi Jinpin, a journey of a thousand miles that began with one step has brought him at Zambia’s doorstep. The Republic of Chambia is now a matter of formality.

In January this year, the Chinese government began the process of taking over Zambia. According to the business risk consultancy EXX Africa, Chinese firms are seeking management of Zambian mining assets as collateral for loan defaults. The Chinese government is seeking control of Glencore’s Zambia subsidiary Mopani, and First Quantum Minerals. Additionally, China intends to run Zambia National Broadcasting Corporation for propaganda purposes.

Chinese control of our media, mineral and other natural resources is the death of us. Lungu’s naivety, and the ability of the Chinese government to use Lungu for its own ends and create a master race in our God-given land is unconscionable. To think we are all like birds seated on a line laced with glue hopelessly waiting to be controlled by a people who harbor extreme hatred and racism for us, is heartbreaking. Our Zambian flag is despairingly flying. The words of our national anthem are meaningless. Can it then be stated here and now that we are bound by poverty, docility, despair, and death—that that’s how God meant it to be?

Where are all the freedom fighters? Most are departed. We cannot take away anything from them; from Dr. Kenneth Kaunda even. They did their part. All we can do is thank them. The onus is now on the new generation. Sampa, Shisuwa, and your peers are left to your devices. You shall NOT suffer due to the incompetence of one elected official. You all are in danger of being expunged by the Chinese. Their goodwill investment has resulted in an incalculable damage to your plight as humans and cast a shadow of doubt on your future.


There is a ray of hope though. I recently saw a poster of Mayor Sampa surrounded by some of the most forthright and opinionated young Zambians posed in vigilante spirit. Among them are the “Steve Bikos” of our time. They shall not be left with only a nod. They can see Zambia fast declining to pre-1964 times. They understand the motive and thinking of the Chinese and are prepared to mobilize themselves against imperialist forces. Their nationalism is the thing of the heart. They value who they are, they value who the other Zambian is. They refuse the Chinese as their superior, and accept him as their equal.

Fighting racism does not need a military uniform or an individual task. It’s a collective undertaking. Join Sampa, Sishuwa, and others young patriotic Zambians to fight for your motherland. The future of Zambia hangs upon your will and power to fight back. There’s no room for xenophobia in Zambia. There no room for violence. We are not like that. But if you see any signs of racism, confront it without any hesitation. Let the racist know this is your country. Defend it from every attempt of invasion, even if it means risking your life. You only have one country, inaction is at your own peril. Save Zambia or Perish!

Author is a US-based Zambian multicultural scholar practitioner and author. He holds a Doctor of Education degree from Northeastern University, Boston Massachusetts, U.S.

Zambia Police Warns Youth Planning to Conduct an illegal protest today

Police in Lusaka will today be on high alert to thwart any protests allegedly organised by some political parties and Civil Society Organisations over the alleged threats on freedom of speech, expression and assembly in Zambia.

According to President Edgar Lungu, there is a scheme in Zambia by some Civil Society Organisations and Political parties and Civil society Organisations who have put money aside to fund students to protest and cause confusion in the country.

Whilst addressing PF members over the weekend in Chirundu, President Lungu warned that any such action will be met with equal force from the Police.

President Lungu said the protests are being organised to attract attention from partners such as the USA that there is no democracy in Zambia as the government is cramping down on people with divergent views.

The President warned warned that anyone that will be found breaking the law will be dealt with by the police in accordance with the law.
And the Inspector General of Police Kakoma Kanganja has warned of stern action against individuals that are planning to conduct an illegal protest.

Mr Kanganja has also confirmed having information of some people who have been paid by political players to cause confusion in the country.

Talking to ZNBC, Mr Kanganja said the Police will not allow anyone to destabilize the peace that the country enjoys.

The PF Government has come under intense criticism from stakeholders particularly youths for threatening Freedom of expression.

This was after Lusaka Province Minister Bowman Lusambo gave youths Chellah Tukuta, B-Flow and Kings Malembe Malembe an ultimatum to apologise for speaking out on issues affecting the nation.

Mr Lusambo accused the trio of insulting the presidency for speaking out on unemployment, lack of empowerment, gold mining and issues at Konkola Copper mines among other issues.

Only Kings Malembe Malembe has since apologised.

Meanwhile, PF Media Director Sunday Chanda has said that the Opposition leaders together with bedfellows in civil society are seeking to incite Zambian youths into placing their own lives and careers in danger.

Mr. Chanda said that if these people cared so much, they would have been the one on the streets protesting as opposed to putting the lives of other people’s children at risk.

Mr. Chanda said that President Edgar Lungu is not against freedom of expression but this should be done within the confinement of the law, adding that Freedom of expression comes with responsibilities, and those who exercise it should not defame others.

Mr. Chanda has since challenged Opposition leaders and their friends in civil society to stop inciting innocent young people and instead take it upon themselves to protest on the streets.

Preparations for the 2021 National Budget begins


The Ministry of Finance has started preparations for the 2021 National Budget. The Ministry has also started preparations for the 2021-2023 Medium Term Expenditure Framework.

The process is being done along side the current process of revising the 202 National Budget which has gravely been impacted by the effects of Covid-19 on the domestic and international economy.

Secretary to the Treasury Fredson Yamba has since called on the general public, companies and non-state actors to make proposals on tax and non-tax policies for possible inclusion in the 2021 National Budget.

Mr. Yamba says participation of the public an various stakeholders is in the spirit of ensuring that consultations on the 2021 national budget are broadened in line with the government’s policy of streamlining taxation .

The move is also aimed at creating an enabling environment for business and employment creation , wealth generation and a sustainable future for all.

Mr. Yamba encouraged citizens and other stakeholders to follow the guidelines when making their submissions.

Among the guidelines outlined include the pitfalls of the current tax and non-tax policy regime and explain how local businesses and other development affairs are negatively impacted among other issues.

Mr. Yamba says all submissions will be considered objectively and on merit.

A considerable consultation period ending on 31st July, 2020 has been set to ensure that all citizens, including the youth, women groups, the private sector, and all other stakeholders and interest groups participate in the formulation of the 2021 Budget.

This is according to a statement sent to ZNBC News by Ministry of Finance Spokesperson Chileshe Kandeta.