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Zambia National Farmers Union Rejects the K110 Maize Buying Price Offered by the Food Reserve Agency


The Zambia National Farmers Union has rejected the K110 maize buying price offered by the Food Reserve Agency for a 50kg bag of maize for this year’s crop marketing season.

This follows consultations the Union had with its members which took into consideration the economic downturn and rising cost of production and cost of doing business.

ZNFU Media and Public Relations Manager Calvin Kaleyi has observed that there were major increases in the cost of fertilizer, seed, chemicals, transport, electricity, and labour among others since the last farming season which raised the cost of production.

Mr Kaleyi says these have not been factored in before arriving at the FRA floor price as the K110 is what was offered last season.

He said ZNFU is mindful that of the 3.3 million metric tonnes announced by the government, 1.3 million metric tonnes were grown by farmers that are not under the Farmer Input Support Programme, and with such a price offer, these farmers will be rendered bankrupt.

Mr. Kaleyi has implored the FRA to always state which stakeholders they consulted over the pricing, as they stated that they consulted widely which the ZNFU was not a party to.

He said the ZNFU foresees history repeating itself in that next year there will be a decline in maize production.

Mr. Kaleyi says it is obvious that the FRA and the Ministry of Agriculture do not learn lessons from the past and is appealing to all farmers to remain united as they engage government over this depressing price.

The Genesis of CEC


The four major copper mines on the Copperbelt-Roan Antelope, Rhokana, Mufulira and Nchanga had individual coal fired power stations using coal from Wankie. Later, the four mines decided to have their individual coal fired power stations interconnected with an installed capacity of 165 MW through transmission lines and the Rhodesia Congo Border Power Company was born, which was owned equally by Anglo American Corporation and by Rhodesia (it became Roan after independence) Selection Trust.

Between 1956 and the early 1960s the shortfall in electricity demand was imported from the Belgian Congo through the construction of the then longest 220 kV transmission line in Southern Africa, a distance of 321 miles from the source at the Le Marinel Power Station, on the Lualaba River, the Southern part of the Congo to Kitwe, Northern Rhodesia, where it was connected to the Rhodesia Congo Border Power Company line. The USA Government loaned $22.4 million to the Rhodesia Congo Border Power Corporation for the construction of the line. The Queen Mother commissioned the Kariba Dam in 1960 and her visit was extended to Mufulira where she also commissioned the Mufulira West Shaft which was constructed with labour from Swaziland or Lesotho and the workers used to wear blankets and were, therefore, known as “bakabulangeti”.

I remember as an eleven year-old in 1960 lining the road leading to Mufulira West waving a miniature union jack to welcome the Queen Mother and at the end we were given ice creams, my first taste of ice cream. The Rhodesia Congo Border Power Company abandoned its thermal power plants and stopped importing power from the Belgian Congo after the Queen Mother commissioned the Kariba Hydropower project and started buying power from CAPCO, Central African Power Corporation.

In 1964, it became known as the Copperbelt Power Company (CPC) and with the ‘Zambianization’ drive of the 1980s, CPC became part of the mining conglomerate, Zambia Consolidated Copper Mines (ZCCM), as the Power Division in 1982. The Copperbelt Energy Company (CEC), was the Power Division of ZCCM. It was sold separately from the mines, ZCCM, which were also privatized.

Cinergy Global Power of the United States of America and National Grid of the United Kingdom, jointly acquired a controlling stake of 77% in the Company; making it Sub-Saharan Africa’s first electric utility privatization. Subsequently, in 2006, the two investors sold of their shares.

The company purchases electricity from ZESCO and retails it to copper mining companies. In 2003, revision of the Electricity Act, Cap 433 allowed the participation of private companies, which have subsequently begun selling electricity to ZESCO, generated by their own small power stations.

Since the government of the day, MMD to be specific, did not sell ZESCO , it would have been logical to align the Power Division of ZCCM to ZESCO but apparently the people responsible for privatization, perhaps HH, decided to sell it separately. Because HH was responsible for privatization and hence the birth of CEC this is why some people suspect CEC to be funding UPND and that is why the PF has told ZESCO not to renew the bulk supply agreement.

CEC owns and operates an electricity transmission network in the Copperbelt area with 246 km of 220kV power lines and 678 km of 66kV lines. The company purchases electricity from ZESCO, the national power utility, and sells this across its transmission network to 8 Zambian mining customers with a combined demand of 520MW. In 2014 CEC supplied 4,208GWh of electricity to its customers which was 29% of Zambia’s total generation of 14,453GWh. CEC also operates 6 gas turbine generators at Luano, Maclaren, Kankoyo and Bancroft for emergency power supply to its mine customers with a total installed capacity of 80MW. It is not clear to me whether ZESCO has its own transmission lines to the mines. CEC also owns the Zambian portion of the Zambia – DRC 220kV interconnector line which has a capacity of 250MW and supplies electricity to mining customers in the Katanga Province. The company is developing the 40MW Kabompo Gorge hydropower project on the Kabompo river in the North-Western Province of Zambia.

Author Ronald Lwamba Former Senior Manager, Civil Engineering, ZESCO

Attempt to restrict Power to the Mine by CEC is an Act of Lawlessness-KCM


Konkola Copper Mines says it views the recent attempt by the Copperbelt Energy Corporation to restrict power supply to the company as an act of lawlessness and in contempt of a Court Order obtained from the Kitwe High Court.

KCM General Manager Corporate Affairs Shapi Shachinda says whilst the agreement between CEC and KCM has expired, the power that KCM is receiving does not belong to CEC for CEC to interfere with.

Mr Shachinda said the debt owed by KCM to the CEC, is a direct consequence of the insufficient investment by Vedanta into the company which created a situation where the costs have remained at a higher level compared with the company’s revenue.

He says the attempts to restrict power at KCM by CEC are not new as they in 2014 restricted power to KCM for two weeks.

Mr Shachinda said a company is only placed in Provisional liquidation if it is unable to pay debts as and when they fall due.

He said the placing of KCM in provisional liquidation is a step in resolving the problems at KCM.

Mr Shachinda said ultimately, the solution lies in selling the company to an investor with sufficient capital to operate the company.

In the last 20 years, Konkola Copper Mines had a Power Supply Agreement with the CEC, which was underpinned on the Bulk Supply Agreement between Zesco Limited, and the CEC.

“Our agreement with the CEC expired on 31 March 2020, but was extended by mutual agreement between the two companies to 31 May 2020. KCM extended the agreement to the end of May to allow CEC to agree on a new Bulk Supply Agreement with Zesco or any other Power Producer. To date CEC has failed to agree with any producer for a Bulk Supply Agreement”, said Mr Shachinda.

He said this state of affairs left KCM with no other choice but to enter into an agreement directly with Zesco, leading to the signing of a Term Sheet Agreement by the two parties.

Mr Shachinda has explained that decision by KCM to enter into an agreement with Zesco makes for commercial efficacy on account that the power sourced from Zesco shall be cheaper than CEC’s power.

President Lungu accused of ripping both the party and Republican constitutions for his selfish motives

Some Concerned Patriotic Front members have accused President Edgar Lungu of ripping both the party and Republican constitutions for his selfish motives.

In reference to President Lungu’s decision to appoint more of his stooges to the Central Committee and his attempts to change the Republican Constitution through Bill 10, some PF members across the country have vowed to fight to protect both the party and the republican constitutions.

Mwembe Chileshe, a known member of the ruling party from its formation in Luapula Province says it is saddening and disappointing to see how President Lungu has continued running the party without following the the PF constitution.

Mr Chileshe said appointing members of the central committee when the constitution doesn’t give him such powers is unacceptable.

He has bemoaned that it is unexpected that President Lungu being a lawyer, would fail to understand and respect the constitutions of both the party he leads as well as the Republican.

Mr Chileshe says the PF grassroots strongman also pointed to the on-going attempts by President Lungu to change the Republican Constitution through the infamous bill 10 which, if passed, would legitimise his nomination as presidential candidate in 2021.

“Bill 10 would block any individual who may wish to petition President Lungu’s ineligible nomination to stand in the 2021 Presidential election. It’s for this particular reason that President Lungu is spending huge sums of taxpayers’ money to ensure that Bill 10 goes through and be enacted as law”, he said.

Mr Chileshe says another prominent founding member and financier of President Lungu’s campaign in both 2015 and 2016 challenged PF members across the country to ask the President to tell the party membership at large which provision in the party constitution he was using to appoint members of the central committee.

He said the PF constitution states that members of the central committee shall be elected by the general conference every five(5) years.

President Lungu recently appointed his Minister of Defence Davis Chama and Kanyama Member of Parliament Elizabeth Phiri as Members of Central Committee, against the law of the party.

KBF Calls for Calm Among His Supporters Countrywide And Within PF


The ruling Patriotic Front(PF) 2021 Presidential aspirant Kelvin Fube Bwalya popularly known as KBF has called for calm among his supporters countrywide and within the PF following his purported expulsion from the ruling party by the Central Committee.

He has assured his supporters that he is still the game changer and remains alive.

Mr. Fube has confirmed that his office at KBF and Partners along Bwinjimfumu road in Lusaka on 3rd June was served with a letter purporting to have expelled him from the party dated 6th June 2019.

He said having lost his sister Patricia Bwalya last week who was put to rest over the weekend, he will not react now to the purported expulsion because he is still mourning.

Mr. Bwalya said he will not dignify such actions because he is still mourning hence he will react when time is right.

Mr. Fube said the fact that the letter has been served will not necessitate a reaction from him.

On 3rd June 2020, PF Deputy Secretary General Mumbi Phiri delivered a letter of expulsion to Mr. Fube informing him of his expulsion from the PF.

In a letter addressed to Mr. Bwalya signed by party Secretary-General, Davis Mwila, and made available to the media, Mr. Fube has been ordered to hand over all party property, if any, in his possession to the party secretariat.

Mr. Bwalya’s expulsion follows a central committee meeting held yesterday, 2nd June 2020 after recommendations from the Lusaka Province Executive Committee for him to be expelled.

Governement Releases K 6.73 Billion For Developmental, Public Service Delivery For May


The government says it has released K6.73 billion for the month of May to finance developmental and other public service delivery programs in the country.

Ministry of Finance Secretary to the Treasury, Fredson Yamba disclosed that debt service and dismantling of arrears received the highest lump sum of K2.86 billion while infrastructure programs and rural electrification received the least amount of over K311 million.

“Of this amount, K604.92 million went towards transfers, subsidies, and social benefits, K311.13 million was channeled to infrastructure programs and rural electrification, while other developmental projects, programs, and general operations received K677.39 million in total.

“ The Government also spent K2.86 billion on debt service and dismantling of arrears. Further, a sum of K2.28 billion went towards the public service wage bill. A sum of K223.15 million from cooperating partners went towards supporting developmental programs in various sectors,” Mr. Yamba revealed.

In a statement by Ministry of Finance Public Relations Manager Chileshe Kandeta, Mr. Yamba indicated that the release of funds to recipient Ministries, Provinces, and Agencies came against a backdrop of competing demands and constrained revenue inflows caused by the outbreak of the Coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19), among other challenges such as climate change.

He has therefore assured that prudent utilization of resources will be closely monitored and evaluated by the Ministry of Finance and the Office of the Auditor-General through tightened controls in the application and management of public resources while scrutinizing the implementation of austerity measures so as to meet fiscal consolidation targets.

“The worldwide economic downturn triggered on the domestic front by severe drought in the 2018/2019 farming season, floods in the 2019/2020 season and the ravaging effects of the on-going COVID-19 pandemic, have been the biggest disrupters to the livelihoods of citizens, the well-being of the local production chain, and the performance of domestic revenue sources. Resources are now scarce.

“ Nevertheless, our resolve to ensure that Ministries Provinces and Agencies continue to prudently utilize resources has been strengthened by the instruction of His Excellency the President of the Republic of Zambia Dr. Edgar Lungu that the Ministry of Finance and the Office of the Auditor-General should further tighten controls in the application and management of public resources,” he pointed out.

Mr. Yamba indicated that the measures will advance the country’s developmental programs while positively influencing the well-being of all Zambians through sustained resource supply to various social sector programs.

He added that with the reduction of revenue inflows, his Ministry has embarked on a process of reviewing the 2020 budget to adjust planned expenditure in line with the revised revenue projections stating that social spending will be a priority.

He has thanked cooperating partners for continuing to stand with the country during the difficult period for the world’s health and economic sectors, assuring exchange of information on policy choices that are being pursued in dealing with fiscal challenges, public debt, and other macro-economic issues key to the country’s economic stabilization and recovery beyond the Covid-19 era.

Mr. Yamba appealed to the development partners to continue with their support especially with programs targeted at health, education, social security, youth and women empowerment, and private sector development and growth.

Given Lubinda Says Government Owes Retires K 508 million, To Start Paying On Monday

The government will start the disbursement of funds to retired Government employees on Monday, June 8, 2020. Justice Minister Given Lubinda has said that the Government owes about K508m to the verified number of 12,458 retirees.

Speaking during a press briefing held in Lusaka today, Mr.Lubinda said the process of verifying the payment schedule for the beneficiaries dates as far back as 2019 and has dragged due to unsuccessful verification.

He explained that some of the schedules submitted contained duplication of names and the Government had to be extra cautious to avoid double payments to the retirees.

And speaking to journalists after the briefing, one of the beneficiaries, ETHEL ZEKO, who will receive the money on behalf of her late mother expressed gratitude to President EDGAR LUNGU for looking into the plight of the retirees.

Mine suppliers and contractors appeals to CEC to engage KCM over the owed $ 140 million


The Mine suppliers and contractors Association of Zambia has appealed to Copperbelt Energy Corporation (CEC) to support and engage Konkola copper mines (KCM) in private over the 140 million US dollars the later allegedly owes the power utility.

Association president Augustine Mubanga says the deteriorating relationship between KCM and CEC if left unchecked can have far-reaching devastating effects on the economy and sustainability of the mine.

Mr. Mubanga in a statement to ZNBC news in Kitwe says KCM just like other mining companies are passing through a difficult time that requires everyone’s support, especially in the wake of the COVID-19 outbreak which has punched holes in the production benchmarks.

He said Both Konkola Copper Mines and Copperbelt Energy Corporation are strategic Assets of the nations and therefore their actions have far-reaching consequences on the economy and the people of Zambia.

Mr. Mubanga urged CEC and all players in the Power sector to accept the government’s move to liberalize the energy industry.

Jean Kapata Warns Chiefs against allocation land without following correct Procedure


Ephraim Chiluba-Lands and natural resources minister JEAN KAPATA has cautioned traditional leaders to desist from allocating land without following the correct procedure.

Speaking when she addressed indunas and headmen in Chibombo central province the minister said traditional leaders are not allowed to exceed a specific limit in the allocation of land just like the mimister of land, and that anything above 1 thousand hecters can only be concerted to by the head of state.

She said land issues are very sensitive and that is why both investors and traditional leaders must seek guidance from the ministry of lands before large pieces of land can be allocated.

The minister regretted saying Zambia is not for sale and that investors must respect the indigenous land owners who are Zambians as they bring their investments.

This comes after some villagers complained that a foreign investor has displaced some local people claiming that they are occupying the land illegally.

In 2017 an Indian investor bought 6 thousand hecters of land from some indunas and later sold it to a Chinese company chenguang biotech zambia.

Meanwhile MRS. KAPATA who visited the land in question found the Chinese company who have used a small part of the land to grow Marigold and paprika while the other part of the land is still being cleared.

The minister who was accompanied by central province minister SYDNEY MUSHANGA and other government officials said officers will immediately commence investigations before the final decision can be made.

And Chief LITETA of the Lenje sparking people who was also present during the deliberations expressed disappointment in the head men and women who aquired money from investors at the expense of poor local people.

Chief LITETA said he is dissapointed that some head men have continued allocating land illegally even after their record books were ceaized, taking away powers to allocate land.

He challenged the indunas to tell the minister of lands the truth if the matter has to be resolved amicably.

Meanwhile central province minister SYDNEY MUSHANGA thanked MRS. KAPATA for taking interest in the matter, saying he is confident that her office will ensure that the matter will be handled with the expertise and urgency it requires.

MIles Sampa Asks: How can I Implement the realisation of finances for LCC if I can’t visit Factories, Restaurants and Barbershops?


By Miles Bwalya Sampa,



I generally refer to the Mayors prior to 2016 as the Chikwelete Mayors. Robert Chikwelete was the LCC Mayor in 2011 when we assumed power with PF from the almighty MMD. I thought he was theatrical and more so that he was fighting to be the Lusaka District PF Chairman but he found himself in a ‘wrong’ campaign camp and was recognised as such at one public event in Chawama by the late President Michael C. Sata but then rebuked against the position at the next Lusaka public event next day or two.

I still visually see him sweating at the event-lol. That’s why you see me wash my hands out of all party political positions as I remain the Mayor of Lusaka.Chikwelete, Mposha, Nawa, Chilato, Mulenga Sata, Daniel Chisenga etc were all under the old Constitution and very ceremonial in nature.

They waited for state functions to arrive with a gong or chain around their necks, sit, listen to the speech by the guest of honour, eat and then drive back in the K1 flagged car to Civic centre office. After collecting their seating allowances, they would not even bother to check what the Town Clerk or LCC Directors have been upto or indeed whether they showed up for work or not. These Mayors were elected as Councillors in one of the 33 Wards of Lusaka and then picked as a Mayor by the other 32 Councilors in a round table ‘mock’ ballot.

By default of design, the Chikwelete Mayors reporting lines were lopsided. These Mayors used to report directly to LCC Management who would also report and salute on a daily basis to LCC Markets and Bus stops Managers.

Post 2016 and in the current Zambian Constitution, Mayors are elected directly by the People of Lusaka from all the 7 Constituencies namely Matero, Mandevu, kabwata,Lusaka Central, Kanyama, Chawama and Munali. The Roles of Mayors are also enshrined inside the Constitution.

Thus far Lusaka City Council has only had two elected Mayors in the history of Zambia. These are the late His Worship Wilson Kalumba (MHSRIEP) and the incumbent Miles Bwalya Sampa.

Reporting lines since and now should be and is Market & Bus stop managers to LCC Management and to the Mayor’s office. These turn of constitutional events in reporting lines at LCC remains a challenge evidently given a majority are still in denial and resisting the inevitable constitutional requirement. Ever wondered why to just fire one indisciplined market manager is near impossible and can even bring to a halt entire day operations at the Ministry of Local Government just to listen and attend the cries of one market manager out of about 50 in the City just to baby his or her ‘resistance to change’ in constitutional reporting lines changes at LCC.

According to the 2016 amended Constitutional of Zambian Article 154 (1), the Functions of a Mayor are;



FUNSO or KWESHON from me the underwriter:

  1. Under (ii), how can I IMPLEMENT realisation of finances for LCC if I can’t visit source of LCC funds like Factories, Restaurants and Barbershops?
  2. Under (v), how can I IMPLEMENT a ROBUST PEFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM if LCC MANAGEMNENT is told and believes that they don’t report to me? Apparently they report directly to the Local Government Ministry and the Local Government Commission.
  3. Under (vi), How can I ENGAGE and PARTICIPATE with CITIZENS if a former Minister of mine issued a circular last year to gag my office and the same circular re-issued this week?

So how will I interact with City residents under (iv) above if I can’t speak on behalf of LCC?

The wise (so they think) from the East have a saying; KUFUNSA SIKULAKWA.

Tafunsa pela.

Mayor of Lusaka,
Thursday 4th June 2020.

AFCONS Infrastructure Limited to plant 2211 trees along all the roads under their project

AFCONS Infrastructure Limited, a company contracted by the Government of the Republic of Zambia through the Ministry of Local Government for the construction and upgrading of various roads and junctions in Lusaka will plant 2211 trees along all the roads under the project.

As part of the construction project, the contractor has resumed construction works on Road Nos. 26 Great East from Kabwe Roundabout to Palm Drive, 28 Independence from Kafue to High Court and 34 Haile Selassie.

Lusaka City Council Public Relations Manager George Sichimba said that the works commenced on 3rd June, 2020 and estimated to be completed on 31st December, 2020.

Mr. Sichimba said that Independence Avenue and Great East Roads will be expanded into six lanes while Haile Selassie road will be expanded into a dual carriageway.
“Due to this massive expansion, LCC anticipates that a number of trees along the three roads will be uprooted,” he added.

“However, LCC wishes to assure members of the public that the contract has a component of re-planting trees embedded in it and a total of 2211 trees with be planted covering all the affected roads under the project”.

Mr. Sichimba stated that Planting of trees along the roads that have been completed will commence in the next two weeks while planting of trees along the above stated roads will be done soon after construction works.

He further stated that Planting of trees will be done with the guidance from LCC.

The PR Manager said that the Council is well aware that some residents, especially those who have lived in Lusaka for a long time, are emotionally attached to the trees along the roads of Lusaka and they are likely to be emotionally affected.

He advised that existing street lights will equally be affected but new ones will be installed as part of the contract.

The Local Authority has further called for understanding from members of public as the project is very important.

Operation Young Vote Says Expulsion of KBF from PF is ill-timed and Suicidal


Operation Young Vote has said that the expulsion of Presidential Aspirant Kelvin Bwalya Fube (KBF) from the Patriotic Front (PF) by the Central Committee has vindicated those that say PF isn’t receptive to divergent views let alone those that are brave to lay bare and express their Presidential ambitions.

In a statement released to the media, OYV said that ridding itself of rooted and focused leaders, with a following like KBF, when there are deep cracks in the party, and only slightly over 400 days before the Presidential and General elections in 2021, is not only ill-timed and suicidal, but also nailing the part to the cross of defeat.


Below is the full statement


Not only has the expulsion, of Presidential Aspirant Kelvin Bwalya Fube (KBF) from the Patriotic Front (PF) by the Central Committee, vindicated those that say PF isn’t receptive to divergent views let alone those that are brave to lay bare and express their Presidential ambitions.

Why is it that whenever someone expresses interest to exercise their right to offer themselves for leadership especially at the level of challenging the incumbent they suddenly become ‘sinners’, unpatriotic and bad persons inimical to the ideals and objectives of the party. People’s suspension that the PF leadership is only interested in bootlickers and praise singers and not credible persons that can diligently serve and save the party and the nation is becoming crystal clear, consolidated and confirmed by such acts like that of expelling KBF.

The PF leadership should have found a better way of resolving the conflict brought about as a result of KBF’s interest to offer himself for party presidency challenging the status quo. Dialogue and negotiations between and among the conflicting and interested parties through the give and take doctrine would have yielded far much better and uniting result both in the immediate and in the near future. What PF should know that power or money win never win them an election. It is the people that win elections because power to decide so lies with the people. Ridding itself of rooted and focused leaders with a following like KBF when there are deep cracks in the party and only slightly over 400 days before the Presidential and General elections in 2021 is not only ill-timed and suicidal but also nailing the part to the cross of defeat.

On the other hand, the behavior of the PF leaders both in the party and Government is so vexing and appalling towards citizens in the country. How does one explain the ill-treated Zambians subjected day in day in their own country at the hands of foreigners and yet the leaders they elect to protect them said with ba mwaisa. Shame! If the PF thinks it can sacrifice the Zambians in this fashion and expect to win the elections next year they must rethink this strategy and attitude. How does one explain the utterances of Mr. Bowman Lusambo towards citizens who are merely exercising their Constitutional right to express themselves?

OYV would like to remind the Minister Lusambo and the PF that they DO NOT OWN Zambia, neither do they own anyone in Zambia. It must dawn in them as individuals and collectively that it is just but a privilege bestowed on them by God through the same Zambians to merely preside over the affairs and resources of the country which will one day be taken away. Mr. Bowman Lusambo and all the PF leaders including those in the opposition must realise that they are servants and NOT Bosses.

OYV is therefore demanding sanity in the manner those in Government/the Duty Bearers are treating the Zambians who are the Bosses/Rights Holders who must not be subjected to slavery conditions in their own motherland. Mr. Lusambo must remember where he is coming from and if he is honest with himself – He must apologies for threating innocent Zambians and not pushing them into apologizing. No one has been in leadership forever. Your being there must tell you that there was someone before you and certainly there is someone coming after you. Zambians may seem to be silent today – but when they decide to break the silence, it is very devastating on those that think they can abuse them. This is friendly and free advise we are offering – You do no need to pay us the infamous $ 5 million.

For and on Behalf of Operation Young Vote (OYV)

Guess Nyirenda (Mr.)
Executive Director

Micho Open To Mbesuma Return

Chipolopolo coach Micho has announced that veteran striker Collins Mbesuma is in contention for national team selection.

Mbesuma, who currently plays for South African second tier club University of Pretoria, recently disclosed that he is open to a Chipolopolo return.

Speaking during the launch of the Mbesuma Soccer Academy in Luanshya on Wednesday, Micho said Mbesuma could be recalled if he his performance satisfies national team selectors.

“His skill is strong and he is doing very well presently at Pretoria University. Looking at everything I could just say he is still in contention for the national team in a way,” he said.

“Everything need to be on merit and deserved, not gifted or awarded. Any player that satisfies the criteria and standards that we are setting will be taken into consideration,” Micho said.

The 36-year-old 2012 AFCON winner last featured for Zambia in 2017 during the reign of Wedson Nyirenda where he scored two goals in the 2018 FIFA World Cup qualifiers.

FAZ Hopes To Restart League in July

Football House is expecting the halted 2019/20 season to resume by latest mid July.

FAZ vice President Rix Mweemba said the association is about to submit a proposal to the Government on how football can resume amid the coronavirus pandemic.

Mweemba revealed that some of the proposed measures include playing several matches at centralized venues and disinfecting facilities.

“We have put together a document which the FAZ executive has to look at. The document will go through the Ministry of Sports for onward transmission to the Ministry of Health,” he told journalists in Luanshya on the sidelines of the Collins Mbesuma Academy launch.

“If the worst comes to the worst come mid July we should be starting the league. There will be two weeks of training before we say game on,” Mweemba said.

Meanwhile, Minister of Sports Emmanuel Mulenga said the Ministry of Health will have the final say on the pending resumption of football.

“It is Ministry of Health to advise that yes they (FAZ) can go ahead,” Mulenga said.

Dr Chilufya must step down to pave way for investigations-UPND

The United Party for National Development (UPND) is baffled at the magnitude of sarcasm from State House that “there is no law compelling Lungu to fire a corruption accused minister” as reported in today’s edition of News Diggers! Newspaper.

While we appreciate that everyone is innocent until proven guilty by the courts of law, we are of the strong view that allowing Dr Chitalu Chilufya to continue holding on to his ministerial portfolio while he facing a myriad of corruption investigations levelled against him is immoral and defies logic.

The reason why influential people under investigations are supposed to leave office is to create an enabling environment for investigations to take place. Some people wield a lot of power and influence which can be used to interfere with witnesses or instil fear in investigation officers.

We feel that allowing Dr Chilufya to continue in his portfolio will make it difficult for the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) to efficiently and effectively carry out investigations owing to the fact that a sitting minister wields so much power and for an investigations officer, who is a public officer, from the Commission to proceed to investigate his or her political boss would amount to burning their fingers.

Already, we have seen how invisible hands from the powers that be have tried to interfere in interrogations against Dr Chilufya, the latest being a month ago when sources at ACC revealed that there was high level interference in corruption investigations against Dr Chilufya (Mast dated 23rd May, 2020).

We feel that Mr Lungu is setting a very bad precedence by shielding people accused of corruption such as Dr Chilufya who command a lot of influence as a minister, as the move hampers the country’s strides in the fight against corruption.

Therefore, owing to the gravity of the allegations being levelled against Dr Chilufya at hand, the UPND would like to call on him to step aside in order to allow for investigations to be concluded after which he can be reappointed.